Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1836: ??(??'??)??? The little monk went down the mountain to Huazhai...





Feeling that the light seemed a bit harsh, Annie suddenly opened her eyes and slowly struggled to sit up from Tibbers' plush belly, rubbing her eyes.

That's right!

When chatting with that weird Miss Melina yesterday, she was sleepy while chatting, and then, regardless of what the other party thought, she directly enlarged her little bear Tibbers and threw it to the ground After using it as a mattress, without greeting the other party, he jumped up in front of the other party, and fell asleep on the bear's soft, warm and fluffy fur belly.

And when she slept, until now, a beam of sunlight from the roof slanted on her face.



"here is……"


However, when she raised her head to look at the roof above her, and then turned her head to look around, did Annie suddenly find in shock that she herself had appeared in an unfamiliar place?

Here, it seems that it is not at all the Monkey King Chapel from yesterday?



"Speak! What's the matter?"


Then, Little Annie, who found that she had changed place as soon as she woke up, jumped directly to the ground first, and then grabbed a certain bear and grabbed it in front of her and questioned loudly.

(Report, report! Dear little master, last night, after you fell asleep, the woman named Shina stared at you for a long time, and then, the other party didn't know what was going on, she suddenly cast a spell, You and Xiaodu were sent here together.)


(Of course Tibbers knew about this matter, so he didn't dare to hide it, and he just told everything he knew.)



"Is it like this?"


Blinking and knowing what was going on, Annie made an "oh" sound.



"Tibbers, she sent people here. You didn't stop her and let her do it like that?"


But soon, she reacted, and as if asking for guilt, she brought a certain bear to her again and glared at the other party's neck fiercely.

(But... At that time, master, you were pressing on Xiao's belly, and Xiao was really afraid to jump up and eat her... Besides, she was just teleporting, so after thinking about it at the time, it didn't seem like it was a big deal, You can still teleport back anytime anyway, so I didn't do it...)


(Tibbers isn't stupid, if he jumped up and disturbed the nasty little master in front of him, he must have been beaten up afterwards! And that's not doing anything, and then, and now Compared with being scolded, it can be judged by itself.)

"Is that so?"


After listening, Annie's hand on Tibbs' neck couldn't help loosening a little bit.

"All right!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"Then this time, people will forgive you generously first!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Frowning for a while, Annie also seemed to think that Tibbers did the right thing, because, in that case, was her sleep a little more important?

In fact, let alone the other party who randomly teleported himself to this unfamiliar place, even if the young lady burns or blows up this world, it seems that Queen Anne's sleep is more important than her?

"Let's go!"


"Let's go out and see now!"


So, after figuring out the reason, Annie let go of a certain bear, grabbed one of the other's bear legs, and jumped out directly.

(That... Dear little master, don't you need to teleport back?)


(Seeing that his nasty little master was walking out carelessly, Tibbs hurriedly asked. Because, in his opinion, it must be safe for that strange woman to send her little master here. What kind of good intentions, so, it thinks, it is better not to act according to the other party's arrangement?)

"do not want!"


"Anyway, this place is tattered, and this one is tattered. Since it's all the same, let's do it!"


The Monkey King's Chapel is so rotten, and there are still corpses, Annie doesn't want to go back!

Besides, she didn't have any specific purpose, and she never thought about where to go and what to do, so even if she was sent here by the other party, she didn't care, and she was not afraid of the other party's slander. idea.

(Okay, whatever you want...)

ε=('●))) alas

(Tibbers thinks that it seems to have been scolded for nothing? If I knew this was the case, it would have been better to jump up and eat the guy at the time, at least it wasn't a waste of a beating, right? But it's too late to regret it now, and , something like that it's used to.)

"Is it up there?"


Turning around, Annie saw a big iron door leading to the outside. Then, without thinking, she jumped over with her little bear and quickly opened the heavy steel door. door.




With the sound of metal rubbing, when she saw the endless wilderness outside, the dilapidated church in the far side of the wilderness, and the huge hideous castle looming over the high mountains on the horizon, Annie, who came out of the door, could not bear it. He exclaimed in surprise.

Of course, the huge golden tree that blocked the sun in the distance was definitely indispensable, and at this moment, its appearance and outline became clearer.

However, those things don't really matter!


( )

"Where should I go now?"


The important thing at the moment is: Annie herself seems to be a little tangled. She doesn't know where to go first. What's more, what she doesn't understand is that the young lady named Melina, why did the other party sneak up on her at night. Send it here yourself?

And there is...

There doesn't seem to be any danger here, and there is nothing to happen, no delicious food, and no fun, so she doesn't understand, what is the other party's intention to send her here?


"I see, a little girl..."


"Why did they bring the children too..."

At this time, not far away, next to a so-called 'blessing point', a wretched guy in a white mask first exclaimed and muttered a few words before beckoning to Annie.

"little girl!"

"Are you a fader?"

"come on……"

"I think we can talk?"

The other party didn't even think about the things that he and Annie were completely unfamiliar with.



Annie didn't speak, just looked at each other inexplicably, then blinked her beautiful big blue eyes, and just stood still, without any intention of being obedient and passing.


"It's pretty vigilant..."


"Little guy, I have no ill will towards you, I am Fan Lei with a white mask, I am..."

However, before the white-masked Fan Lei finished speaking, he was only shocked to see that a certain poor little girl did not intend to continue listening to his talk, but turned her head and went down the hillside carelessly. Jumping away?



"There is a powerful monster at the foot of the mountain. If you go on like this, he will definitely kill you!"


Seeing that the little girl was about to go down the mountain from the trail regardless, the white mask Fan Lei, after being shocked, of course hurriedly opened her mouth to stop it.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"There is no tiger that eats people at the foot of the mountain, and you are not a bald monk!"




First, she turned around and made a big face at the other party and made a witty one-liner.

Who is Her Lady Queen Anne, and how could she easily believe her words?

What's more, the other party looked very wretched, the clothes on her body were still dirty, and the rags wrapped around her body didn't know how long it had been since they were washed, so that she could smell the stinky smell from far away. Sour and sour smell!

Moreover, the dirty clothes on the other party's body, those trousers, front placket and gloves still have suspicious patches of dried brown blood, who would be like that in normal people?

A guy like that almost didn't have the words "I'm a bad guy" written on his head, so how could she talk to each other and believe them?

In fact, Annie did not set a fire to directly set the other party on fire, that would be a great mercy.

'The little monk went down the mountain to Huazhai, and the old monk has an explanation...'


'Why don't tigers eat people and look so cute? ’

Without waiting for the white mask Fan Lei to figure out what to say, as Annie went away and disappeared between the broken eaves and the broken walls, he heard the sweet and melodious child's voice singing from the far side of the hill. Some nice nursery rhyme he had never heard before.

And then……

When he came back to his senses, the little girl just now had disappeared and disappeared. Presumably, it was almost time to leave this hidden area where the 'sanctuary' was secretly protected by an enchantment.

"Forget it..."

"It's just a little girl anyway..."

Since the other party doesn't believe in him, it is not easy for White Mask Fan Lei to catch up. After all, there is indeed a terrible guy down there, and he himself does not dare to provoke the other party.

As for the little girl, it wasn't anything important or worth cultivating, so he quickly forgot about that little episode.


After ten minutes...

Jumping to the foot of the mountain, Annie was surprised to find that there were no powerful monsters or man-eating tigers at the foot of the mountain, but a tall and mighty man. A fierce knight, and the other party rushed over from a distance after seeing him, and had a faint intention of intercepting or attacking her?




(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Although she didn't know what the other party wanted to do, Annie thought about it, and then she just continued to walk forward, not taking the other party to heart at all.

blah blah blah! blah blah blah!

Before long, with the sound of the heavy hoofs getting closer, the knight approached and really stopped Annie in front of her.


"Stop here!"

While shouting loudly, that one may be at least two meters tall, wearing a golden full-body plate armor, holding a golden halberd and a huge round golden shield, riding a tall and equally draped horse under him. Like a gust of wind, the knight with the golden armored steed rushed to Annie's ten paces and stood still and shouted loudly.



"Who are you, uncle? What is this for?"


Looking at the aggressive look of the other party, Annie asked inexplicably while being vigilant, and subconsciously looked at the rotten ones lying on the ground around them, but most of them were only left. Broken corpse with bones.

Obviously, many people have died here, and looking at the extent of the corpses, they must have been killed by some kind of huge weapon?

So Annie couldn't help but glance at the oddly shaped golden spear in the hands of the uncle knight riding on the tall horse.

"Stop here!"

"I am the guardian of the big tree!"

"Ordered to kill the fader next time!"

The man spoke in a loud voice, and looked at Annie with his eyes hidden behind the thick golden armor, as if he wanted to judge and confirm her identity?


ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

Annie blinked and repeated the other party's words.

"Do not!"

"It's the big tree guard!"

"It is the guardian responsible for guarding the golden sacred tree and maintaining the golden law!"

Seeing that Little Annie misunderstood her meaning, the big tree guard waved the terrifying giant golden halberd in his hand, and then pointed to the huge golden halberd in the distance that anyone who was not blind could see. God tree and correct the way.



"It turned out to be the big tree guard uncle?"


Nodding, Annie said she could barely understand, after all, she wasn't stupid.





"Do people call you 'Uncle Guard' or 'Uncle Big Tree'?"


Immediately afterwards, after scratching her cheek, Annie asked in a tangled manner, and directly said the somewhat elusive things in her heart.


The big tree guard was stunned, and the air suddenly became quiet.


After a while, he was barely able to react.

"that's not important!"

"I ask you!"

"Are you a fader?!"

Without answering Annie's question, the other party waved the huge golden halberd in his hand again, let it pass through the air and made a terrifying 'humming' sound, and then continued to use that dull and terrifying sound. some innocent voice asked.

"The fader?"




Annie shook her head firmly.

Regarding that question, she said that the other party is not the first person to ask her, so she can tell the other party with great certainty that she is really not a fader.



Hearing Annie's answer and based on his own judgment, the tree guard couldn't help but hesitate.

He has seen countless discolored people here. There are maggot poor people who can't afford to wear a suit and want to ascend to the throne, lunatics who know how to predict the end of the world, and spies who don't know what church they are. There are shameless and despicable warriors from the reed land in foreign countries, and there are thieves who steal chickens and dogs. Of course, there are also stargazers who believe in outer gods and nomadic swordsmen, plus prisoners who have committed serious crimes, and those who are not in the mainstream. The knight and the delusional dragon slaying hero, etc...

And those people have tried to challenge him in various ways, such as waving that ridiculous weapon, harassing him day and night, hiding in the distance and shooting arrows, or climbing up a high wall like a fool Casting a spell on yourself?


Those guys who couldn't pee and take pictures by themselves fell under the golden halberd in his hand and became fertilizer in the surrounding land!

After all, he is a powerful knight who swore an oath under the golden tree. Although he doesn't know why he lost his blessing now, or why the world has become such a mess, it's not those crooked melons. can challenge.

And right now, the little girl who appeared in front of him, that smart, cute, and fair-haired little guy seemed to be a little bit different from the idiots he had met before who tried to get their hands on Ayrden's Ring. The same, it seems that it is not really like the fader, but like the kind of noble or descendant of gods before the ring of Eldon was broken?


"Really not the fader?"

After thinking for a while, and looking at the little girl up and down several times, although he had his own judgment in his heart, the big tree guard asked cautiously.



"People are not boring faders!!"

o(^')o Humph!

Yes, no, no, Annie doesn't pretend to be anyone, so she replies again and again.



"Then let's go!"

"There seems to be a certain teleportation base for the fader rebels nearby, so I advise you to leave here quickly!"

"Maybe they will attack you..."

After nodding and finishing speaking, the big tree guard slowly put away his own huge weapon and hung it beside the saddle before he waved his hand to signal Annie to leave here quickly.

As for himself, he slowly turned his horse's head and was about to return to the small camp with only a few broken tents that he rushed out of.





"Uncle guard, do you know where this is? Also, where is the nearest city?"


Annie originally planned to leave by herself, but she suddenly remembered something, hurriedly ran after the other party, grabbed the other party's horse by the tail, and asked.


"Let go!"

"Watch out for it crushing you!!"

Seeing that the little girl was so daring, the big tree guard ruthlessly restrained the war horse to stop it and told it not to kick and kick, before turning his head and yelling at Annie angrily.

The horse under him is a war horse, and the war horses guarded by their big trees are not very different from ordinary war horses. They are not only stronger, stronger, and taller, but also more violent. No one but them can control them. But the little girl dared to run over and pull the horse's tail. If he didn't control it, the war horse would just kick it with its hooves, and the opponent would have to burst his brains and fall dead on the spot!

"It dares?!"


Annie was stunned for a while, and then she glared angrily at the big horse that seemed a little unconvinced.


The next second, the big tree guard was a little surprised:

His warhorse, which is usually not afraid of seeing a dragon, at this time, as if seeing something terrifying, he took a few steps back, so he had to squeeze the reins hard to control it. .



"You idiot!"

However, he didn't think too much about the sudden loss of control of the war horse, only after regaining control of his beloved horse, did he look at Annie impatiently:

"This is Nimgford!"


"Why do you ask the nearest city, where exactly are you from?"

It was difficult for him to completely appease his warhorse, and then the big tree guard turned his head and asked Annie, who was still standing behind his warhorse, in annoyance.

"They are from the continent of Elusaria!"


"When people ask about the city, of course they are looking for delicious and fun food!"


Annie blurted out her purpose without thinking.

"Alusaria Continent?"

After thinking about it for a while, I found that I didn't know it, and the person from the 'Alusalia Continent' seemed not to be within the range that I needed to intercept, so the big tree guard continued to speak loudly:


"It's over there!"

"See? Around the huge castle is the city!"

"Stonewell City!"

The tree guard didn't think much about it, but only after appeasing the warhorse did he stretch out his hand, and said towards the huge hideous castle on the mountain in the distance.

"Stonewell City?"

∑(△`)? !

It turned out that the castle on the top of the mountain on the horizon that she saw just now was a city, and Annie also discovered that before she was teleported, it seemed that it was there?


"Little guy, I advise you better not to go there!"

At this time, it was surprising that the big tree guard who was about to leave the horse turned around and persuaded Annie kindly.





"Uncle, why don't you want people to go there?"


Scratching her head, Annie, who didn't know why the other party said that, of course, broke the casserole and asked to the end, took two steps forward and asked cutely.


"The nobles there, and the demigods, they are almost crazy!"

"The people are also fleeing, dying to death, being cursed, and receiving..."


"You better get out of here!"

After finishing speaking, the big tree guard suddenly refused to go to talk more, but directly patted the horse's **** and slowly drove towards the camp of his own in front of him.

After all, he still has his own mission here, and although he doesn't know when this mission will come to an end, no matter what, he has no time to talk or manage more with a little girl!

That's all he can do. As for whether the other party listens or not, that's none of his business.

"Demi god?"




"Still crazy?"


"Hey! Uncle Big Tree! You wait for me first!!"




"Uncle Big Why wait for me!!"


It's okay if the other party doesn't say anything. It's half hidden, so Annie can't help but feel even more curious, so when she sees the other party leaving, she hurries after him, intending to continue to ask about the situation.


(● ̄ ̄●)


(^_)☆Remember the monthly pass


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