Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1839: ?(*???*)? Coercion

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I don't know how long it took, the knight who was slapped by a certain bear in the half-plane alien space inside the sealed prison of Storm Hills finally slowly woke up again.



The knight's fingers moved first, and then, as his body turned, he finally slowly opened his eyes.



Looking at his hands, the knight who slowly sat up felt a little unbelievable.


"not dead?"

Because, he clearly remembered that he seemed to have encountered a lackey sent by Malika before, and then she had a fierce fight with the other party. In the end, although he tried his best, he was still summoned by the other party's monster. The shot flew, but why now, not only is he not dead, but he still feels that he is not injured at all?

"This is…"


After a pause, after realizing that he was still in this lonely prison, he sighed, then didn't get up, just sat on the ground with his armor attached, and lowered his head.


He just sat silent and motionless.

As a powerful furnace knight, he has been imprisoned here for many years. Time has become meaningless to him, and he has long been accustomed to this way of sitting still to pass the time.

At the beginning, there were guards here. Later, he managed to kill them one by one, but it was useless. Even if he killed everyone, he still couldn't escape.

During this period, in these countless years, he has also prayed more than once, calling on the original golden sacred tree to obtain the power to break the seal.

But unfortunately, he failed...

I don't know if it was Marika's hands and feet, or if there was something wrong with the golden tree, for example, it was interfered by the evil beast of Eldon?

In short, all his countless years of prayers have brought him nothing but dead silence!

The ancient golden tree may have been changed by the alien beast and the Malika, and never dropped grace and blessings for them. If it wasn't for his holy imprint of the golden tree, he would still answer his prayers unswervingly. If so, presumably, now he has long since turned into a dead bone that cannot sleep forever.

However, that was of no use. Although that prayer gave him the power to maintain the cursed life and all aspects of the furnace, it was not enough to get him out of here.

next time…

If anyone else came here again, he felt that perhaps he would not act as recklessly as before, and would be cautious to test and seek a more secure way in order to get a chance to escape?

But it's too late to regret it now.

After all, he failed, so he will continue to be trapped in a prison, and continue to experience the bitterness and loneliness that belongs to him alone in those almost endless years.



"Uncle, are you sad enough?"



When the Furnace Knight was feeling sorry for himself, when he was silently sitting on the floor of the prison regretting and reminiscing about the past, something tapped the helmet on the back of his head, and then a little girl jumped up in front of him, Then, that cute pretty face curiously stretched out towards his helmet, and those big blue eyes that seemed to be able to talk were still blinking, like the stars of the ancient golden tree age.



Seeing this, the stunned Furnace Knight first jolted, and then he subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch his waist.


He only touched the empty scabbard, and his great sword was no longer there.

But never mind!

You must know that he is a powerful furnace knight, even if there are no weapons and shields around, but, dealing with a little girl so close to him, even if the other party can use that kind of weird magic, he is confident enough to subdue him other side.



Before he had time to put the idea into practice, the whole person froze again, and he no longer dared to make any extra moves.

Because, he saw that the giant bear that slapped him with a slap before came over and stood behind the little girl in front of him, with a ferocious expression and a big mouth full of fangs. And the dark red flames burning all over his body made a silent threat to him.


So, after weighing the pros and cons between the electric light and flint, he accepted his fate and gave up the idea of ​​​​counterattack. He continued to sit on the ground of the sealed prison and stared at him through the gap of his furnace axe helmet. The little girl of this 'Fake Xiongwei'.

"Looks like you're fully awake?"


"That's great!"


Annie, who saw that the other party was gradually relaxing and felt that she might no longer need to let the bear teach the other party how to behave, then quickly cheered. Then, she stood in front of the other party so pretty and continued to ask cutely:



"Who are you and why are you locked up here?"


Anne asked without mind at all.

Although, what she originally wanted to ask was the correct route to Stoneville City, but now, that question is not urgent. After all, she is more curious about this one now.


The Forge Knight didn't answer, just continued to stare at the little girl in front of him through his helmet.

for a long time…

Only then did he raise his eyes to look at the giant bear who was waiting behind him. He weighed it again in his heart, and glanced at the weapons and shields that had been thrown on the edge of the prison in the distance. Finally, he felt that he might not have a chance. He just closed his eyes and turned his head to look aside.



"Shu Mi, are you dumb?"


"Or are you deaf?"


clang! clang!

Of course, Annie, who was a little strange in her heart, asked again, and without noticing at all, she reached out and carefully tapped the opponent's helmet, causing it to make two crisp sounds.


!? (?''??)?


In the next second, Annie saw that the other party turned her head fiercely and gave her a fierce look, so frightened that she hurriedly jumped away, and then slowly turned back.

Obviously, the other party showed her with his actions and the fierce little eyes: he is neither deaf nor dumb, he just simply doesn't want to answer her question?

"do not want to talk?"




This time, Annie was a little dumbfounded.

Because the non-violent and uncooperative attitude of the other party really gave her some headaches, so she had to think of a more reliable way.



"Have it!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

Soon, just staring at the other party, and then looking at the empty sealed prison, Annie clapped her hands and thought of a perfect way to deal with the other party's attitude.



"Otherwise, Shu Mi! As long as you open your mouth to answer other people's questions, they will give you fruit to eat, how about it?"


With that said, Annie actually took out a small piece of fruit that looked like colorful jelly from her pocket, and ah, there was also a colorful, magical steam like a rainbow floating on it?

"Really! It's sweet and delicious!"


That's right, what Annie took out was the rainbow fruit!

It is extremely dense. It is said that a drop of juice can turn the water in a twenty-five-meter-long swimming pool into a rich and mellow juice!

And the price of one piece can make ordinary people have wealth that can't be enjoyed in a lifetime!

Of course, that's not the most important thing, the most important thing right now is: its unique scent makes nearby creatures reflexively dominated by the desire to 'eat', and no one can resist the urge to eat it, Not even Annie herself, let alone a certain knight who has been locked up in a place like this for an unknown length of time.

And it is definitely not without any reason why it was listed as a 'dessert' in the whole menu of life by an uncle Alu.

Annie picked all the rainbow fruits in her pocket at the beginning, each one was big, heavy and full, and the density was comparable to gold!

But now, she generously took out a small piece, that is, a lump about one centimeter cubed in size.

Annie believes that the other party must be unable to bear it. Rebecca is like this guy who has been locked here for a long time without eating good food?





Sure enough, not long after she took it out, Annie heard a slight gulping sound from inside the opponent's armor.

"Want to eat?"


"If you want to eat it, answer a few questions from others, it's yours!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"first question!"


"Shu Mi, who are you and why are you imprisoned here?"


First, shake the pulp of the rainbow fruit in front of the gap in the opponent's helmet to maximize its power, and then Annie asked in a relaxed manner.


Smelling the wonderful and sweet aroma, watching the rainbow formed by the evaporation of the juice, and watching the fresh and delicious flesh as crystal clear, the saliva of the furnace knight unconsciously flowed to the hidden helmet. on the neck.

At this moment, he only felt that his teeth were shaking a little...

If he could, he really wanted to jump on it recklessly, grab the food from the little girl's hand, stuff it into his mouth, and swallow it hard!

"How, do you want to talk?"


"As long as you answer other people's questions, they will give you food!"

?('?`?) is really delicious.

Annie began to flicker hard.

She doesn't believe that the other party can hold back, because she can't hold it anymore herself.


It's a pity that the stubborn furnace knight didn't speak in the end.


Immediately afterwards, he swallowed his saliva and gritted his teeth, resisting an impulse to turn his head to the other side,


!? (?''??)?

"Are you so stubborn again?"




Annie was obviously a little angry, so she took two steps back, akimbo, staring at each other viciously with round eyes.



The Furnace Knight snorted coldly and glared back in disdain.

"All right!"


"You forced others!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Annie threw the piece of pulp into her mouth under the envious and slightly dull eyes of the other party, and then prepared to use some kind of coercive method while chewing.




Then, without waiting for the knight to make more moves or precautions, Annie raised her hand, and a spell of magic fell into the helmet of the soft and hard guy.


Seeing the little girl suddenly make a move, the Furnace Knight just wanted to defend, but the next second, his eyes froze, and then, various memories of the past began to emerge unconsciously.


Many years ago, in ancient times with vague memories, he was one of the knights who served the Primeval King Grafrey, and guarded their king and the ancient golden tree, the Forge of Life. Around, called the Furnace Knight!

They are all a group of powerful knights. They contain the initial golden tree, which is the mysterious power of the furnace of life. They can freely use the power of the furnace.

But later...

That woman, the Eternal Queen Malika!

The other party didn't know why, but for a wild man who appeared out of nowhere, he blatantly didn't remember his old feelings, not only took away their blessings, but also forcibly expelled their king who was fighting giants?

He, of course, is unwilling to succumb to the opponent and rise up to resist!

As a result, it was naturally defeated and sealed here, and I don't know how many years it has been...



"what have you done?!"

I don't know how long it took, the furnace knight finally came back to his senses, and he realized what Annie had done.

"That's how it is!"


Annie didn't answer the other party's question, but just nodded clearly, and understood some of the questions she was interested in.

"All right!"


"Shu Mi, thank you for your answer, they are leaving!"

?( ̄??)???

After knowing the other party's origin, knowing why the other party was imprisoned here, and at the same time knowing the specific location of Stonewell City, Annie naturally lost interest in the other party, and clapped her hands to leave here.



"Almost forgot!"


Just jumping on the shoulders of Bear Tibbs and sitting firmly, Annie, who was about to leave, seemed to suddenly remember something, and then turned around and waved at the other party.

The next moment!

The originally pitch-black sky and the barrier-like space seal around the prison disappeared instantly, replaced by the mountain wind blowing slowly and the shadow of the huge golden tree in the distant sky that directly covered the sky!

Naturally, the surrounding wilderness, various animals and insects, and even corpses, also appeared in front of the two of them in an instant.



"You just let me go?!"

He jumped up from the floor of the prison, and looked around for the first time, and then looked at the golden tree in the sky that had become dim for some reason. After a while, he finally realized what the little girl in front of him was doing. The Furnace Knight, who had done something, finally couldn't help but exclaimed in disbelief and asked.

He is a little confused...

The other party suddenly broke into the sealed prison, beat him violently, and then peeped at his memory with a strange spell, and then suddenly released himself, for what?



"Shu Mi, you can go now!"


"But it's been many years since you were imprisoned, you better be careful!"


After winking at the other party and making a face, Annie stopped talking and patted Tibbers' plush bear head, signaling the other party to move northwest.

She had already learned the location and the general terrain nearby from the other party's memory before, so even if it was night, even if the clouds and mist were now, she would definitely not get lost again.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Aren't you Malika's lackey?"

After standing in the mountain wind for a while, the furnace knight, who was still somewhat unbelievable, asked aloud again.

"You are the lackey!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah!

"People don't know that Malika!"


"never mind!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"People won't tell you!"


After finishing speaking, Annie patted her little bear on the head, then ignored the strange **** and walked away.


And behind her, the Furnace Knight, who was beaten by her for no reason, and then inexplicably freed, just stood there dumbfounded on the floor of the sealed prison in Storm Hill, not knowing what to do. She watched Annie and her little bear leave step by step.



"please wait!"

In the end, I don't know what the furnace knight thought, but he gritted his teeth, and after picking up his shield and weapon for the first time, he raised his legs and quickly chased in the direction Annie left. UU reading



"Shu Mi, what are you doing?"




"People tell you, it's useless for you to catch up. They don't know you well, so they will definitely not give you any more fruit to eat!"


"Go back quickly!"


"Where do you like to go, people don't care about you, what are you doing?!"


Soon, in the wilderness of Storm Hills, there were bursts of angry reprimands belonging to the little girl...



Then, the crisp sound of hitting the armor with a small stone sounded again. It seemed that some bad little girl was just not right, so she threw the stone directly in front of her, trying to drive someone away. Not ashamed guy?


?('ω')? Crab Crab Monthly Pass!

There's something going on these two days, one more...

??????: Ow!

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