Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1838: o(*'??)oForge Knight

Annie did not go directly to Stoneville City, because, although she had already obtained the guidance of the big tree guard and those soldiers, uncles, aunts or elder sisters, as a road idiot, she naturally went wrong again. .


( )

Annie, who was sitting on Tibbs' shoulders, looked around and found that there were no landmark buildings or mountains around to indicate the direction. She couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.



"you say…"


"Where are the storm level and the ruins of Nimgeforsi in front of the level they said, why didn't they see it?"


After walking out of the woods, I wandered around, and even teleported dozens of times in a short distance in the middle, but the result was: it is getting dark now, and Annie still hasn't found the two places she just mentioned.

(I'm sorry, dear little master, the little one is not very clear...)

(● ̄() ̄●)

(No way, some nasty little master prefers not to take the usual path, prefers not to follow the main road, and insists on wandering and teleporting. Now, Tibbers himself is lost! After all, it really does not care about this place. I’m not very familiar with them, and I don’t even know the characteristics of the two places just now, so ah, it’s really helpless.)





"It's all your fault, if it weren't for you, how could people come to such a messy place, you are really useless!"


Of course, Annie put the blame directly on a certain bear.

Anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne will definitely not make mistakes, only a certain bear Tibbers will always make mistakes, and now, of course, it's all the other party's fault if you get lost.

She said yes and no!


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers consciously did not refute, because he knew that refutation was useless, and he might have to be beaten, so he had better shut up?)



"Tibbers, people saw it, there seems to be some big building over there?"




"Let's go and see!"


After looking at it for a while, in addition to the surrounding flocks of wild sheep and those disgusting weird big bugs, Annie suddenly found something strange, and then hurriedly patted Tibbs on the head to urge write.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't hesitate, lifts his legs and walks in the direction indicated by some nasty little master. Anyway, it doesn't matter where he goes, and ah, so that he won't get lost again later. Being dumped for no reason, it has decided, from now on, without saying a word, it will go wherever the other party likes to go, it just listens to the order and will never interfere.)

"Let's go!"

*. (ˊωˋ*)*.

Annie ignored a certain bear's dissatisfaction and cheered loudly.

It didn't take long for one person and one bear to come to this huge place that Annie saw from a distance, and it looked like a square.



"What is this place for?"


Looking at everything in front of her, Annie blinked, feeling a little inexplicable.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't say a word, because of course it didn't know, anyway, it only knew that there seemed to be some kind of magic here, and whether it was magic or arcane, or arcane math or something, it wasn't a bear at all. what the uncle is good at.)



"It's not a park, let alone a city. Why build such a big square in a mountain like this?"


Looking at this flat, huge circular square built on a high mountain in front of her, looking at the thick bricks and strange carvings on the ground, Annie's doubts became even stronger.



"There seem to be words over there?"


Soon, Annie made some other discoveries, and then, of course, patted Tibbers on the head and motioned for the other party to look over.



Under Annie's instruction, a certain bear did not dare to neglect, and ran directly towards the shiny words on the ground.





"That's how it is!"


When I finished reading the magic words left by who I don't know who, and walked to the middle of this huge circular square, after walking to the entrance that looked like some kind of pattern, it was actually the entrance of a magic seal prison. , Anne finally knew where this place was.

It turned out that through the description of those words and the observation of this place, Annie discovered that this place, like this big square, seems to be a sealed prison called Storm Hill?

As for the storm level she originally wanted to go to, it must be not far from here.

After all, it is not difficult to guess through the text Annie, that storm level and the current storm hill sealed prison must be in the same area!

As for how far apart the two were, she didn't quite know.

So, Annie quickly came to a conclusion, that is: she didn't get lost at all, she just accidentally went astray a little bit?



"How can there be no one to guard such a large sealed prison?"


Looking left and right, Annie felt a little surprised when she found that it was quiet here, except for the wild goats and those disgusting big bugs in the distance.

She originally wanted to ask someone for directions or something, but now, seeing that such a big magic prison doesn't even have a jailer, so that she just wanted to ask someone for directions to no avail. .

"There's really no one..."


"okay then!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

After looking left and right, and then looking at the one in the middle of the square at the foot of Tibbers, what looked like some kind of pattern was actually the entrance to a magic prison, and Annie quickly came up with a solution.

Then, she jumped off Tibbers' shoulders, and when she reached out, a certain bear turned into a small plush doll teddy bear, and she grabbed a bear claw and carried it upside down. in hand.

"It seems that I can only go to this prison to find the prisoner and ask for directions."


It doesn't matter if there are no jailers, at least there are prisoners?


After the decision was made, a certain miserable little girl began to look at the magic rune of the sealed prison under her feet, and quickly understood some of the simple access principles.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as she stretched out her hand, the circular pattern lit up under the activation of her magic power, indicating that the passage into the prison had been successfully opened by her.

(That... Dear little master, there must be some kind of monster sealed in this sealed prison. Are you sure you want to go in and ask for directions?)

(● ̄() ̄●)

(At this moment, Tibbers spoke up. Because it didn't think the guy sealed inside could speak. When it thought about it, maybe it was some kind of powerful monster that couldn't be easily destroyed, such as the disgusting monsters around him. Big bug?)

"Just look at it, if it doesn't work, come out again!"


Annie stuck her tongue out indifferently and said playfully, not taking Tibbs's advice to heart.

In fact, not to mention whether there might be some kind of powerful monster that cannot be easily destroyed, she is not afraid of some kind of devil, she just wants to go in and take a look!


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Obviously, Tibbers figured it out. Asking for directions or something is just a poor excuse. Right now, this poor little master of his family is just out of curiosity, so he has to go in and see. It's just rare.)

At this time, Annie activated that magic circle.

Then, the screen turns!

She and a certain bear discovered together that she was still standing in the middle of that huge square?

However, I don't know what's going on, but the surrounding sky has completely dimmed, and ah, around, that is, around this huge circular square, in a certain area around the stone floor tiles, there seems to be a certain area. An invisible wall like a barrier?


( ̄︶ ̄)

"People know!"


"turn out to be…"


"This prison is what it is, it is actually a prison of half planes?"


With just one glance, Annie understood what the sealed prison in Storm Hills was all about.

It is nothing more than the kind of using magic to open up a half-plane, and then stuffing some guys who don't understand magic and imprisoning here.

Like, a guy like Tibbers the idiot bear in her hand?

When she thought about it, if the bear was kept in such a place, unless the energy of the seal was exhausted and collapsed on its own, otherwise, a stupid guy like Tibbers, her little bear, would definitely not be able to get out. Did you go?





"There seems to be no one here..."


Then, after looking around for a while, Annie couldn't help but feel a little more puzzled and angry.

What she saw was that in this half-plane sealed prison, the surrounding area was flat, and except for herself, there was no sign of anyone or any monsters.

"Isn't it possible that this place is empty, or is the prisoner dead?"


Naturally, seeing that there were no prisoners, Annie began to speculate wildly.

She had seen outside just now that there were no jailers or soldiers on duty near here, and since there were no people inside or outside, it was probably because the prisoners here were dead or taken away?

And since the prison is empty, it is natural that no one is on duty.


ε=(ο`*))) alas

"I'm looking forward to a match!"


No way, since seeing that there are indeed no prisoners here, Annie had to give up, and planned to reactivate the formation and leave this empty place.







At this time, Annie seemed to have discovered something, and quickly turned around and looked at a faint blue place not far away.

"That is…"


"Ha! Is there really anyone?"


After the new discovery, Annie immediately cheered.

This is really a mountain and water, there is no way, there are dark flowers and bright flowers in another village, seeing that his judgment just now turned out to be wrong, and now, with a new discovery of Annie, naturally, she doesn't see any outside at all and moves towards the place she found. ran over.

It turns out that the sealed prison in Storm Hill actually has two levels of prohibition, and the place where she is now is probably where some of the original guards stayed, and the dark blue place in the distance is the prisoner. Where are you being held?

"Is anyone there?"


There seemed to be some movement in the place not far away, so without thinking about it, Annie ran directly towards the place that seemed to be able to hide people.



The moment she just approached, in that dark blue place, like a crack in the space, suddenly appeared a man wearing dark plate armor, holding a dark red sword and a ferocious bull horn round shield, with an axe on his head. The knight in the shape of a helmet, and the other party slashed her sword in the face.


!? ('')

Fortunately, Anne was quick-witted and narrowly avoided the opponent's sword.

"What are you doing?"


After dodging by a close call, seeing the attack of the opponent's sword cutting the ground into a big hole, Annie naturally akimbo and angrily shouted at the opponent and asked.

"To shut up!"

"Malika's lackey!"

"Come on!"

"In the name of the melting pot of life!"

"In the name of the King of Beginnings!"

However, the knight ignored Annie's scolding, but after scolding and shouting, he rushed towards Annie again.


ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

Annie said that she didn't understand what the other party meant at all, and she didn't seem to be Malika's lackey?


The other party learned the lesson just now. This time, instead of swinging a sword, he slammed Annie's head with a shield, and slammed it with that huge and hideous bull horn shield!




Anne easily flashed, and once again narrowly avoided.


ε=(ˇεˇ))) Bah!

"You can't fight!"


After dodging, Annie didn't bother to explain, but made a big grimace at the other party unceremoniously at all.

To be honest, if Anne didn't need to keep the other party to ask for directions, the two indiscriminate attacks on her by the other party would have been enough for Her Lady Queen Anne to set her on fire and burn her to ashes.


"Witness the power of the melting pot of life!"

Seeing that Annie is not an ordinary little girl, and she easily avoided her own attacks twice, and also used some kind of magic, the knight who thought that the other party must be a certain descendant of Malika, never again. Hesitating or daring to underestimate him, he directly roared and exploded all his aura, a pair of golden wings of light were born on his back, and then flew into the air.



"Can you still fly?"


Seeing the other party's slightly unexpected behavior, Annie couldn't help but be a little surprised, and at the same time subconsciously raised her head and looked into the sky.



In the next second, the opponent suddenly accelerated in flight, directly using the long sword as a spear, and stabbed towards her in an instant.





It's a pity that Annie is not easy to bully either. She just flashed again and easily avoided the opponent's assault.


"The Furnace Hundred Phases!"

Before Annie wanted to say something, suddenly, the guy who just threw himself up and roared again before landing.

Then, Annie was surprised to see a terrifyingly long and huge tail like a snake or a dragon growing out of the other's buttocks?

Then, of course, the tail was whistling, and it rolled and smashed towards Annie's head from a distance.

boom! !

At the same time as the dust splashes and the loud rumbling sound, the small half-plane sealed prison shook slightly.


However, the knight was quickly surprised to discover:

That little girl has nothing to do. At this time, around her petite body, there is a layer of light red shield?

And just now, his blow, although it shook the ground and even cracked the ground around the opponent's standing, but it didn't help to get a shred of it.


"Tips for carving insects!"

After discovering that the 'Dragon Tail' using the power of the melting pot of life could not defeat the enemy, the knight was not annoyed, he raised his long sword again and launched a charge.

Obviously, he seems to have a wealth of experience in dealing with mages or gods, and also knows that if the magical attack is invalid, it must be replaced by a physical attack?


( )

"catch him!"


However, Annie was not in the mood to play with the other party for too long, so when she saw the other party rushing up again, she also waved her hand and threw the bear in her hand towards the other party.


Facing the 'hidden weapon' thrown by Annie, the knight didn't panic at all, he raised the ferocious round shield in his hand and planned to shoot it away.



: !


The next second, what surprised him was:

That 'hidden weapon', UU Kanshu suddenly became taller and bigger than him, and then, with the opponent's huge claws waving, a terrifying force hit, he actually looked like Was it hit by an ancient giant dragon or giant, and was shot sideways by the opponent with a shield?

Bang! !

With a muffled sound on the half-plane space barrier of the sealed prison in Storm Hill, the knight tilted his head, his eyes darkened, and slowly slid down from above.


Then, it was the hideous bull-horned round shield, which flew to the side with a spinning bomb, and turned like a spinning top on the ground of the stone brick square for a while, and then made that 'banging' sound.

And its master, at this time, was still slumped beside the space barrier of that half-plane, motionless, and he didn't know if he was dead or not.


°(°°)°To ask for a monthly pass, to ask for a subscription version, it is so miserable that the subscription suddenly dropped...


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