Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1841: -??(???) Stoneville City (2)

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It was getting dark, and the sky at the border became dizzy again, and the light was dim during the day, and even the golden tree, which could only be faintly seen at times, became brighter again.

Of course, that's not what happened to the golden tree, it's just that the time has entered the night, so the faint light emitted by the golden tree looks clearer and brighter without more light interference Just a little bit.


At this time, on the high wall at the main entrance of Stoneville Castle, a black figure wearing a cloak and a hood, looking slightly slender, seemed to be a woman was standing there silently. and motionless.

If Annie was here at this time, she would definitely find out that the mysterious person who seemed to be mysterious was not someone who transported her to the wilderness of Nimgford for no reason, and then caused her to lose her life again. It took a long time to return to the initiator of Stonewell City - Melina!


Melina was still standing motionless on the high wall of Stoneville Castle.

In fact, she has been here for a long time, should it start when night falls?

During this time, there were soldiers standing guard not far from her position, but she was not worried.

Because she cast some kind of hidden spell on herself, she didn't mind being discovered by the ordinary soldiers in the distance who were snoozing under the crenels of the high wall holding their weapons.

At this moment, she is silently staring at the ruins of the dilapidated city under the cliff and the mountain, and is staring at a yard.

Because, she saw that there was a faint white light shining at this time, which was essentially different from the firelight inside and outside the castle and the sentry at the entrance of the city.

She knows, it must be the lighting spell of that nasty little girl Annie. Now, the other party stopped in that yard, and it seems that tonight, the other party doesn't seem to plan to go directly to the Stonewell Castle where she is. coming.

Seeing this, she couldn't help frowning and pondering in her heart.


To be honest, Melina still doesn't understand the little girl's thoughts, and she doesn't know why the bad little girl can mix with the enemies of the two camps of Greck's tree guard and furnace knight. .

What's more, what she didn't understand was that the little girl obviously didn't like 'Limb' Greck, and she was very dissatisfied with the changes in the city, but why didn't she come to this castle for the first time and challenge that Demi god?


At this moment, Melina has too much incomprehension and too much doubt in her heart, but she has no good solution, she can only continue to stand on the high wall and observe from a distance. write.

After all, her guidance failed, and so did the white mask Fan Lei, so now she really has no more and better choices other than patient observation.


I don't know how long it took, but when she saw Gotok, the guard at the small gate outside the main entrance of Stonewell Castle, sneakily smearing the city down the cliff, her unsmiling and rigid face finally ended. There was a slight change.

"The gears will eventually turn in the predetermined direction..."

"I will wait and see..."

After saying this abruptly, Melina slowly lowered her head, and then, for some unknown reason, her figure gradually became transparent, and then disappeared quickly. I don't know where it went again.


"Is anyone in there?"

|?˙?˙) Hello?

At this time, Annie was holding a 'fluorescent flashing' white magic ball in her palm, and through its lighting, she came to the innermost hall of this big house with a courtyard and moved towards the same dilapidated and The dark house whispered such a sentence.

"People are coming in!"


After speaking, Annie stepped forward quickly and carelessly.

Of course, it is said to be a courtyard, but as long as you are not blind, you can see that this place has long been covered with the withered yellow trees, the dense weeds, all kinds of messy debris, some suspicious remains of animals and Thorns and other things were submerged.

Although it must have been a big yard of a rich family or a small noble family before, but now there is no one here. Anyway, Annie didn't see anyone when she walked in, and she also didn't get any. respond.





"here is……"


Just using the invisible mage's hand to gently push open the two rotten thick wooden doors and enter the hall, Annie saw the front at a glance, a line of white magic words still stubbornly flashing on the wall not far away. .



"that is……


Some curiously stepped forward, and began to try to identify the handwriting above that I don't know how long it has existed. Because the magic power has dissipated, it is almost unrecognizable:

'My beloved father...'

'We're leaving, sorry we can't wait any longer. ’

'Grek is crazy...'

'He's really crazy, he still wants to pick up our limbs...'

'I have decided to take my mother and everyone out of here tomorrow, leave this terrible city, and if you come back and see this message, please go to the place where you met your mother to find us...'

'I'll be there for a while. ’


'If you can come back?

Obviously, it is not difficult to judge from the magic text left behind that the original owner of the place has indeed left, and, judging from the brightness of these lines of magic text and the grass in the courtyard, it seems that the owner here has left. more than a year?

"It's a limb again..."


"Okay! It's decided. I'll take a rest here tonight, and I'll go to see that limb when I have time tomorrow."


Soon, Annie made a decision and added magic power to the few lines of writing on the wall, making them instantly bright again, as compensation for her resting here.



"so be it!"


Immediately afterwards, Annie didn't bother to run around anymore, and set up a bonfire in the living room that looked like the backyard of a certain noble's house. Then, zooming in on Tibbers and letting him sit aside, she felt relieved. He jumped up comfortably and lay down on the other party's large, warm bearskin sofa.


( ̄?? ̄?)


?~('ε') Comfortable!

He sighed contentedly, and felt that this place was very suitable for him, and he didn't need to worry about safety, and he didn't need to bother Annie who was a follower knight, so he took out his various delicacies and ate it.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!



Annie, who was eating the 'jewel meat' in her left hand and the whole sweet fruit in her right, suddenly spoke up.

"you say……"


"How can there be such a weird guy who likes to attach other people's bodies to himself, how can he become stronger like that?"


"Look, a good city has become like this..."


Originally, Annie thought that Stoneville City was a 'big' city, it would be very lively and fun, and there were many delicious things to eat, but...

There is nothing here, just a ruin, and a ruined castle that is barely preserved, but looks like it is also in disrepair?



(Tibbers said that it doesn't care about the ruins, whether it's a castle or a castle, it has nothing to do with it, Uncle Bear. What should I do, it doesn't have the slightest benefit from it anyway!)

"in this situation……"


"That uncle's family must be no longer in the city. It seems that there is no way to send him a letter!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

While sighing, Annie couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy in her heart.

Because ah, it's not that Her Lady Queen Anne did nothing or was lazy, but that the situation was really bad. Everyone here almost died or ran away. I really can't blame her for not being able to find anyone.



(Also sending a letter, Tibbers thinks that it is a big question whether the other party is alive or not. In his opinion, after so many years, the family member that the adjutant was looking for has probably died. Anyway, that's what he thought. .)



"this is delicious!"


However, Annie soon forgot the little unpleasantness just now and began to focus on the delicacies she brought out.

Anyway, when she goes to clean up that demigod tomorrow, that uncle and the others will no longer have to be afraid. At that time, if they want to come back and find someone, they can come back by themselves, and there is no need to be afraid at all!

Although Her Lady Queen Anne is not very good at helping to solve those small problems, she is very good at solving the root causes of those small problems, such as the 'joint' and 'joint' or something?


I don’t know how long it took, when Annie was still indulging in her delicious dinner alone, suddenly, a certain bear Tibbs, whom she regarded as a bearskin sofa, turned his head and looked at the door yard. in the direction full of weeds.





"Is it a mouse?"


Annie also heard the sound, but she didn't think much about it, thinking it was just a mouse or some other small animal.

"who is it?"


"Come out! People see you!"


But soon, Annie realized something was wrong and raised her brows coquettishly.

"If you don't come out again, they will burn you!!"


With that said, Annie grabbed a ball of fire and made a gesture to throw it at a rustling place outside the door.

"Don't, don't burn me..."


"I'm here to help you!"

Soon, a guy with pale hair and skin, and a very withered face, slowly emerged from the weeds like a dead man, and waved his hands incessantly, signaling Annie not to attack him.

"Help people?"


"just you?"


Annie was a little inexplicable, and was a little frightened directly.

She didn't understand a little, why this guy who looked like the dead man and was very wretched would dare to say such big things in front of her?


"it is me……"

"I am indeed here to help you sneak into Stonewell Castle and let you challenge the demigod 'Limb' Greck!"

"You are a powerful fader with a powerful furnace knight under your command. At dusk today, you attacked a team under Greck's team and intercepted the group of sacrifices. Am I right?"

Seeing that Annie had no intention of continuing to attack, the man heaved a sigh of relief, then stepped forward and walked into the house, while continuing to say:


"I'm Gotok, the gatekeeper of the castle, I heard about you..."


"I saw the light here when it was dark, which was unusual, and I thought you might be here, so I sneaked in to see."

"I think I should be able to help you as much as I can, especially before that guy in Greck didn't pay attention to you?"

Without any concealment, Gotok explained the reason why he was able to find this place and the purpose of his visit, lest the terrifying flame in the little girl's hand really hit him.

"As much as you can help?"


"What help?"


After looking at the wretched weirdo in front of her again, Annie thought for a while, and then reluctantly grabbed the ball of fire in her hand.

"Is such that……"

"I guess, you should be planning to go to the city tomorrow, right?"

"But I advise you best not to go in through the main entrance, and don't wait until tomorrow, as far as I know, your affairs have not been reported to Greck now, he knows nothing about it, this is a Great opportunity!"

Rubbing his hands, Gotok said flatteringly, and subconsciously looked up at the giant bear who was staring at him, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Why can't you go in through the front door?"


Scratching her head, Annie was noncommittal and asked again.


"If you enter the main entrance, there will be a large group of elite soldiers guarding the passages leading to Greck's residence, as well as a large number of strong crossbows and other equipment!"

"Many faders who didn't listen to my advice died..."

"However, those who are willing to follow my advice and sneak in from a cave have heard that they have made good progress. Although none of them have successfully defeated Greek, at least some of them have come out alive."

The gatekeeper Gotok, who had a strange thing on his neck, said with a proud face, and did not hesitate to say the fact that he was sparing no effort to help the fader to deal with his master, "Limb" Greek.



Annie didn't answer, she just frowned and pondered over the messy things the other party just said.


"How are you thinking?"

After waiting for a while, seeing that Anne still didn't answer, the gatekeeper Gotok became impatient. He hurriedly stepped forward again, stood by the fire, and then bent down and asked anxiously.



However, in Gotok's disappointed eyes, Anne refused his proposal without hesitation.

"First of all, they are not faders!"


"Secondly, the uncle knight you just mentioned, he is not his subordinate, and he is not familiar with him!"




Having said this, Annie paused for a moment.

"Why do people sneak into that Stonewell Castle at night?"


"People like to walk in through the front door in broad daylight!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!



Just as the gatekeeper Gotok was about to say something, he was interrupted by an outstretched hand from Annie.



"Shu Mi, people don't see you as a good person. You are actually uneasy and kind, and you want to take advantage of them, right?"


With that said, Annie resolutely stretched out her palm towards the pale-skinned, sparse-haired guy who was hunched over his waist, looking like a dead man.


Next! ! !

Without waiting for the other party to say anything, Annie sent an arcane attack and blasted it straight out...

"It's done!"


"Tibbers, let's sleep!"


After she was full of food and drink, and then sent the bad guy with bad intentions flying, to ensure that the other party would definitely not dare to fool her again, Annie threw herself into the arms of her little bear, Tibbers, and used her greasy and Fruity, sticky hands rubbed hard against each other's body.

Immediately afterwards, she changed positions with satisfaction, and curled up comfortably in her exclusive bearskin sofa.

As for the guy who was blown away by her just now...

Is the guy who didn't know what to do and dared to fool her at night, Queen Anne didn't sleep and ran to fight, is limping out of a run-down house and cursing her in the direction of the castle with resentment Go, she didn't take it too seriously.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


(?ω?) Is there a monthly pass?

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