Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1849: ?(???*)?Eat lobster! Eat prawns!

Annie didn't look for the Rhea Lucalia Magic Academy for the first time, because, as she was walking, she found a fun telescope in the swamp, and there was an eagle on it. decoration?

But when she came to study out of curiosity, she was stunned to discover that it turned out to be a device that could put the user's line of sight above 10,000 meters in the sky, and then condescendingly overlooked the surrounding terrain, identified the location and peeped. Some sort of constant enchant item for distant scenery?



After watching for a while, a certain bad little girl began to exclaim in surprise, forgetting her original purpose.

"Is this a telescope with constant Eagle Eyes?"


"It's really convenient!"


After looking away to look at a distant mountain hidden in the mist, Annie leaned up again, and began to turn the telescope, and began to look around in a circle.

"Seeing so far..."


"This junction is really big..."


"I don't know who put this kind of thing here, but it's really convenient. With it, those who travel abroad no longer have to worry about getting lost."


While watching, Annie sighed and gave a thumbs up to those who left this kind of thing here.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(However, Tibbers doesn’t think so! Because, its experience tells it that someone seems to be able to eagle eye, and even a variety of powerful spells, but someone still often gets lost , and for no reason at all!

Just like now, he clearly said that he was going to play in that academy, but in the end, after losing his way halfway, he simply ignored it and watched the scenery right here? )

"Really, the weather is not very good after all, it's foggy..."


Annie raised her head and looked at the golden tree in the sky that covered the stars and the sun, and she couldn't help frowning slightly.

The junction actually has the sun, but the golden tree shades the sky and steals the work of the sun shining and hot, and most of the time the crown of the tree covers the sky at the junction, and only occasionally can you see the one in the sky. A small sun, and at other times, only the huge golden tree is seen.

"I haven't seen the sun for a long time."

'ο'*))) alas

"It really gets in the way..."


So, for the first time, Annie had the urge to cut down that thing similar to the World Tree. After all, it really grew too big. If something goes wrong, for example, it can't be blessed now, then the world It's all messed up, and that's very bad.

If you cut it off, maybe there won't be so much trouble, right?


It is impossible to cut down such a big tree casually. After all, it is still a little too big. If it falls down, God knows what kind of terrible disaster it will cause!


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Seeing that his poor little master began to focus on other places again, Tibbers couldn't help but be speechless. It didn't understand, and it was clear from the beginning that he wanted to go to that magic academy. , but in the end, she studied the telescope halfway, and then she began to complain about the weather, and then, after a while, she began to blame the golden tree again. God knows where she wants to go or what to do next. Woolen cloth.)

"never mind!"


"Leave it alone, don't watch it!"


Finally, after tossing for a while, a certain poor little girl let go of the bronze-colored monocular adorned with eagles (birds), smacked her lips, and walked to the side with a bit of contentment.

As for what she said to ignore it, whether it was the telescope or the golden tree, it is not known for the time being.



"Then, where are you going next?"


After letting go of the telescope, looking at the foggy and white swamp lake area around, and then looking at the golden trees in the distance that are emitting a faint golden light, and the largest tree above the sky, Annie said. Started to hesitate and hesitate.



"Tibbers, you say, where should we go next?"


As a last resort, the undecided little Annie had to reluctantly ask her little bear. After all, the other party is her bear-headed military, and occasionally he can give her some bad ideas.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers chose to remain silent and did not answer. After all, the outline of the huge magic academy in the north is there, and anyone who is not blind can see it, and some bad guy just used a telescope to go there. I've seen it many times, but now it's good, but I still have the face to ask it?)





When she found out that a certain bear dared to be lazy, of course, Annie refused to obey, so she planned to give him a good look.



"Huh? There seems to be a cute little animal over there?"


Suddenly, Annie seemed to have discovered something, and then she couldn't care about anything else. She hurriedly glanced at the bird's-eye view telescope, snapped it over and pointed it in a certain direction.

And soon, she saw that in the lens of the telescope, in a certain direction ahead, in the swamp, there really was a guy as big as a small house, and the other party had many legs. , two big pliers and a hard shell, the back is still covered with moss, and at this time, the other party is wandering around there shaking his head, and at a glance, he knows that he is very healthy and strong?

Gu ten





"It seems that people accidentally discovered a wonderful good thing..."

(? ̄﹃ ̄?)


Looking at it, Annie's saliva could not help flowing from the corner of her mouth, and then she quickly knew what the right thing to do next.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't speak, and didn't really want to talk to someone who had promised to go to the Magic Academy, but now he's wandering around and has new plans.)

"Let's go!"


"It's been a long time since I had something delicious, Tibbers, let's go have a big meal!"


After finishing speaking, Annie cheered, then put down the telescope, and flashed forward with her bear cub, and disappeared instantly.


However, what Anne, who had just decided to do something more meaningful, did not know that not far from where she had just stayed, under a big tree beside a pavilion, there was a man wearing a cloak. The hooded lady is riding on the back of a 'cow', watching and watching her silently.

The other party watched her cheering and left the bird's-eye mirror, and noticed that she appeared in a swamp area hundreds of meters away after a flash.


That's right, the person who hid in the darkness under the shade of a tree and kept peeping at Annie from a distance was undoubtedly the one who had been following Annie since the Houwang Chapel, and he didn't know what he wanted to do. The strange witch Melina!

"that is……"

At this time, Melina saw that a certain little girl was going in the direction of the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, but she didn't know why, the other party suddenly stopped while she was walking. After getting down, I started to study the bird's-eye mirror that provided passers-by to identify the direction. After finishing the incident, I took the initiative to run to a huge lobster?


"Toret, it seems that she accidentally got into big trouble..."

Yes, in Melina's view, the existence that the little girl took the initiative to find is a huge trouble!


"It should be alright, right?"

In this regard, Melina was so worried that Torret, who was originally motionless, shook his head with some empathy, and wanted to rush over to help regardless.

Of course, Melina knew what kind of existence that little girl was actively looking for trouble. It was the only existence in the wild in Lienia that was second only to the giant dragon—the giant shrimp king!

As long as people around here know that in this Lyenia area, the giant lobster king living in the swamps and wetlands is not easy to deal with. Speaking of which, its name has a 'dragon' in its name. Absolutely not without any reason!

If it’s that kind of small juvenile shrimp, it’s okay, it’s just some difficult food at most, but with a king shrimp as big as the little girl is provoking and teasing, Melina still can’t She didn't sweat for the other party, even though she already knew that the other party had powerful magic power, could summon a large number of ashes knights, and the strength surpassed the demigod 'Limb' Greck.

It not only has a hard and almost invulnerable shell, an infinitely powerful body, sharp pincers, and terrifying explosive power, but also spit out terrifyingly corrosive gastric juices. In this area, even giant dragons are reluctant to take it lightly. to provoke existence.

But now it's good, what's wrong with that little girl, but she just provokes such an existence?


However, when Melina hadn't finally decided what to do, she couldn't help but exclaimed softly, and a trace of surprise and astonishment flashed across her unwavering face. , she finally closed her mouth, stopped commenting, and stopped worrying.

It was not for anything else, but she saw:

The huge lobster king, the huge terrifying creature that wanted to capture the little girl and use it as food, was flashed by the little **** the back using a flash magic before it had time to hit, and then, The opponent's fist smashed somewhere behind its eyes.

Immediately after...

After the moss-covered red shrimp shell sank for a moment, its terrible shrimp claws and strong shrimp legs began to tremble and twitch uncontrollably, and even rolled in the swampy waters for a while. , but in the end, it fell softly into the swamp and didn't move.


Seeing the little girl cheering and starting to look at the king shrimp excitedly, watching the other person jumping and jumping on the crab shell, this time, Melina had nothing to say.

From the actions of the other party just now and the reaction of the king shrimp, it is not difficult for her to guess that the punch of the little girl just now must have completely destroyed the brain of the giant shrimp, and it only has a hard shell and The powerful beasts that even the giant dragons were unwilling to provoke were easily captured by the opponents like that.


"Is there a giant dragon hidden in her body?"

After waiting for a while, after seeing the little girl cheering, she summoned the other pet, the hideous plush giant bear, and mounted it on its shoulders, letting it drag the giant shrimp's whiskers slowly. After slowly walking towards the fog leading to the swamp, Melina sighed softly again.


"Can she really be King Eldon?"

"What do you think?"

Melina did not choose to catch up immediately, but remained in the shade of this big and continued to whisper something to the wildebeest Torret under her crotch.


Wildebeest Torret didn't answer, and couldn't answer, it just shook its head and shook its temples and tail, and didn't know what it was expressing.


"You think so too?"

As if hearing Torret's answer, Melina slowly lowered her head.

She remembered what the little girl had done in Nimgford, the other party defeated the demigod 'Limb' Greck not long ago and survived a big rune, and also remembered the powerful and powerful people summoned by the other party. The large number of 'Magma Casters', that is, those 'Fire Eye Knights', also remembered the fact that those knights are now rectifying the defense in Stoneville City and recruiting refugees to resume production.


"Maybe it's time for me to make a decision..."

In the end, Melina seemed to have made up her mind, and then she drove the wildebeest Torret, who had the same heart as her, to slowly step forward, using that kind of unhurried speed to move towards. He followed in the direction that a certain little girl dragged King Shrimp away.

"even though……"

"Doing that might be a departure from the golden law..."

With the last whispered sigh of the hooded witch Melina, and as the two left one after the other, the area soon returned to peace.

If someone uses the 'bird's eye lens' to look down from the sky at this time, they must be able to clearly see that in the shallow water of the swamp wetland, there are bursts of water, because some kind of huge heavy object is being dragged away. The muddy water traces left behind after a long time?


(?ω?) There is another one later, ask for a monthly pass

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