Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1850: |????) Shu, people can borrow your land...

After walking around for a while, the picky Annie finally found a good place for camping and eating in this swamp when the little bears started to get impatient.

It was a small hill several meters above the swampy lake, which looked relatively dry and had a ready-made 'island' of large stone houses.

The most important thing is that Annie noticed from a distance that there seemed to be the smell of cooking smoke and some kind of fragrant food above, so, knowing that there might be someone above, she naturally looked for it from a distance.

And after observing furtively for a while, after crossing the wall of the house, he succeeded in finding a strange man with an iron mask, whose expression could not be clearly seen, was sitting cross-legged beside a cauldron and stuffing firewood into the stove, while the iron In the pot, there are many large lobsters.

Of course, although the number of large lobsters caught by the other party is large, it is only a large number. The large lobster of the other party and the 'big lobster' she caught before, whether in terms of size or weight, or deterrence In terms of strength, it is completely incomparable, and it is not an order of magnitude at all.



"What are you doing?"


She hid and looked at it for a while, and then Annie leaned over knowingly, and blinked her big blue eyes, looking expectantly and knowingly at the cooks in the pot that were already cooked. The lobster, which was fragrant and flushed red, seemed to be fully cooked asked.

Annie could see clearly. Although the big lobster the other party was cooking looked a little small, it smelled fragrant and seemed to be delicious too?


"who is it?!"

At the first hearing of the human voice, the eccentric man in the iron mask couldn't help being startled, and then, subconsciously, he reached out and touched the weapon he had put aside for the first time.



"……what do you want?"

However, after seeing Annie's appearance clearly and seeing that the person who came was just a seven- or eight-year-old girl who didn't seem to be threatening, he slowly relaxed and asked hesitantly.



"It's really delicious!!"


However, Annie didn't answer the other party's question. Instead, she stepped forward a few steps and stood on tiptoe, leaned over to the other party's cauldron, took a deep breath of the delicious aroma from the lobster, and sighed.

"Shi Mi..."


Then, Annie stared eagerly at the prawns in the other's pot, each of which probably weighed several kilograms or even ten kilograms, while gesturing to the other side with those cute little eyes.


"Why are you standing so close?"

However, the eccentric who wore an iron mask and couldn't see his expression or what he looked like didn't buy Annie's account, and directly ignored her cuteness and cuteness that normal people couldn't help but feel pity for. Da face.

"This is my shrimp!"

"Go away!"

"Stay away, be careful I kill you!"

Seeing that Annie actually got close to her food and was unwilling to leave, and even put on an expression of wanting to eat free food, the masked weirdo hurriedly shouted and threatened viciously.



"What is fierce? It's not uncommon for people!"

e=(?vev??))) Bah! !

No way, seeing that the other party was unwilling to share, even though Annie was a little dissatisfied, she didn't push it too hard, and she didn't even want to grab it directly. What, it wasn't that hard for her?



Annie didn't really want to eat each other's prawns, because ah, she just caught a super big prawn herself, and the other party's prawns were not as thick as her prawns, so she wouldn't be rude The other side's blanket!



"Shu Mi, is this your home?"


"And oh, these firewood... are also yours?"


After finishing the set, although the result was not satisfactory, Annie pointed directly to the dilapidated house on the hill and the neatly stacked firewood behind the other party.

That's her main purpose. As for the prawns in the other party's pot... Although it smells delicious and looks delicious, the other party doesn't want to give it to her in a hurry. Anyway, she's not very hungry now. Shouldn't it be difficult to wait for a while?

"Why are you asking this?"


"Stay away!"

"It's okay to tell you, although the house is my temporary residence, but now it's mine!"

"As for the firewood, of course, I cut it down and put it here in the past few days. What do you want?"

Although he was a little impatient, the eccentric man in the mask barely suppressed his irritability, and asked back with some dissatisfaction, wondering what the meaning of Annie's little girl who ran to him and asked those things.

"If you're okay, get out of here!"

"I won't give you any shrimps, even though they're already cooked..."

"Go away, go away!"

The masked man waved away again, trying to get Annie to stay away from his cauldron.

"You can't afford it!"


In fact, if you have money, you can still exchange food from him, and it's not that he can't give up a few.


When he thinks about it, such a little girl must have no rune or valuable property, so don't think about buying and selling that kind of thing.


He didn't want to think too much about why such a little girl appeared here, why she came to such a dangerous place in the Lienia region by herself, and that kind of boring thing, because he was about to take care of himself. But come.



The guy in front of him has a very bad attitude and doesn't look like a good person? But fortunately, Annie didn't have a direct attack. After thinking about it, she continued to ask:



"People don't want to eat your little shrimp, they just caught a big shrimp!"


"So, people just want to ask you, can you take some firewood from your house and cook here?"


Annie gestured to the neatly placed dry wood behind the other party with her eyes, and continued to ask cutely.

That's right, she's here to borrow a place. After all, it's relatively dry and spacious here, and there are houses, and places like this are not easy to find in this swampy wetland.

Besides, after looking for the hot sauce for so long, she was also a little impatient, especially after smelling the fragrance of the other party's pot, she decided to cook it here, and then she was mad at this stingy strange uncle!

She just wanted to let the other party know that she didn't come to eat and drink, she just saw the fireworks here, and then came to have a look.


"You caught shrimp too?"


"This kind of shrimp is not easy to deal with, just you?"

"I do not believe!"

The iron-masked man was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Annie up and down again, and when he saw Annie's delicate skin and tender flesh and the power of her hands to restrain shrimp, he directly mocked with disdain.

He knew better than anyone the fighting power of those lobsters that survived in the swamps. Even the size of the lobsters in his pot had the power of a prairie wolf!

Especially when in the water, if you are not careful, you can be grabbed by the opponent's tongs and grab a large piece of meat, or be shot by the opponent's spit catapult to open a big hole in the stomach!

Right now, the few in his pot were the ones he had spent all day trying to get, and the little girl in front of him dared to say that she had caught it too. How could he possibly believe the words of the deceiver?

"it is true!"


"It's just..."


However, before Annie could finish her words, she was arrogantly interrupted by the other party.


"You think I'll believe it?"

The iron-headed masked man waved his hands fiercely, shouted arrogantly and unreasonably, and even tried to stand up and chase Annie away.



"Then, Milo, if someone really caught a big lobster, how about you lend your firewood and place to someone else?"


Such a big lobster definitely needs a lot of firewood to bake, and she is a little lazy, doesn't want to go to firewood, and she doesn't want to change places, so she can only be so angry and aggressive at the other party. on the road.

Although, she can also roast with magical flames, but then, when she eats it, there will be no original firework smell and taste.

Gu Xian



"If you really catch this kind of shrimp, let alone lend you firewood, even if you lend you this house, it's fine!"

The iron-masked man obviously didn't believe Annie's words, so he laughed out loud and mocked, and pretended to be bold, pointing to the dry and suitable place for the night he found and patted his chest to assure.



"That's great!"


Annie cheered first, and then she turned around quickly and waved vigorously to somewhere outside the corner of the room.



"Come on, drag that prawn to others!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Seeing that the negotiation was successful, Annie didn't want to stare for a moment, and urged the slow bear guy directly at her house.


"Is there anyone else?"

Seeing Annie's action, the iron-masked man exclaimed, then instantly became vigilant, and hurriedly looked at the place where the little girl beckoned.


"That is……"

Soon, he saw that in the distance, in the fog, a terrifying giant bear was grabbing two cable-like shrimp whiskers and dragging that huge, dragon-like terrifying shrimp. The dynasty walked over to him step by step.


"What, what?!"

So, of course, the iron-masked man was instantly frightened and jumped up in place.


After seeing that it was indeed the terrifying swamp giant shrimp king, and seeing that the giant bear was staring at him with malicious dark red eyes and making silent threats, the masked man was so frightened that he could not speak. Somewhat unfavorable, and his feet trembled involuntarily.

"Then, is that the prawn you caught?"

You know, he came to the junction and stayed in this swamp for a long time. He was trapped by the enchantment of the college and could not go to the king city, but he knew the horror of the swamp shrimp king better than anyone else. of.

Such a king shrimp, but even the giant dragon is courteous three points, and he usually walks around from a distance when he sees it, and he doesn't dare to take a breath!

But now...

Such a terrible thing, was caught by such a little girl in front of him?



"They killed it with one punch!"


"How about it, Shu Mi, can you lend your firewood and place to others now?"


Annie still asked with a smile with her cute face and cute expression. Of course, in order to make her statement more credible, she also raised the shrimp that she had thrown before. The king gave the smashed tender a raw fist.



The iron-masked man swallowed hard and looked at the giant shrimp again.

Soon, he saw a detail, that is...

The skull of the giant shrimp is even harder than a plate helmet, and there is a fist mark that is deeply sunken in the hard shell that cannot even be cut by a sharp blade, axe or javelin!


After looking at the terrifying giant bear with terrifying fangs next to the giant shrimp, he finally realized what kind of terrifying existence he had encountered.



Thinking that the other party disagreed and wanted to repay the debt, Annie asked another question impatiently.


"Chai, firewood for you..."

"This house is yours too!!"


After speaking, the iron-masked man finally couldn't hold on anymore, first he took a few steps back in fear, then he let out a miserable howl, and then he turned his head and ran away, even the one he placed next to the iron pot. Weapons and other personal items are ignored.

Obviously, this masked man is not stupid!

When he found out that the little girl in front of him was the kind of existence he couldn't afford to offend, and he had a bad attitude before and felt that he would face huge risks if he stayed, he was still unable to resist the survival instinct of living things. Time avoided what he thought was a potentially huge source of danger.



"Shi Mi, your shrimp..."


Somewhat unexpectedly, Annie just had time to call the other party, but the other party had already fled into the mist and disappeared in the blink of an eye.



"Tibbers, that iron-headed millet, why does he feel a little weird?"


Annie was a little puzzled. She didn't know why the other party ran away, or why the other party didn't even want anything and food.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"never mind!"

e=('o'*))) alas

"Leave him alone, let's think about how to cook our own prawns!"


However, he was an unknown guy anyway, and the other party really lost the bet, and his previous attitude was very unfriendly, so Annie didn't get too entangled, and just forgot the other party's escape. .



"How to cook..."


Looking at the pile of firewood, then at the small pot and the few cooked 'small shrimp' in the pot, Annie couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Because the other party's small pot will definitely not be able to cook the big prawn she caught!



"If only Uncle Alu or Uncle Komatsu were here, they must know how to deal with it, right?"


While annoyed, Annie finally found out that the prawns were too big, and it seemed a little bit bad. At least, that kind of cauldron was not easy to find?

"do not care!"

(?3? people)



"Tibbers, bring all those firewoods here!"


"Also, go and break those two trees, make two big forks, and put them on the rack to bake!"


After thinking about it, Annie, who couldn't find such a big cauldron, gave up the idea of ​​steaming, and planned to make a big bonfire in this dry place without swamps and lakes, and then directly put the prawns on the shelf. Freshly baked on top!



After instructing Tibbs to work, Annie immediately came to the cauldron that was bubbling with steam, and there were several red-hot cauldrons inside.

That strange uncle didn't know why he ran away, and he doesn't know when he will come back, and if these prawns don't move here, they will definitely go bad!

"The prawn left by that strange uncle just now, should I eat it...or should I eat it..."


So, Annie thinks, if she helps that monstrosity get rid of them, the other party will definitely not mind, right?


(● ̄? ̄●)


(?▽?) Don't hide the monthly pass!


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