Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1851: `?(?????)' touch your hands, good friends


(??~??) Chew!

In the end, even though a bad little girl said it was not uncommon, she still ate prawns cooked by someone else.

Moreover, it is still free to eat, plus the kind that is served in a pot!



And when Annie was nibbling on that big lobster, even if she took off the head, broke off part of the shell and all the tongs, there was still at least several kilograms of big lobster. When the sweet and glutinous shrimp was eaten, a young lady with a hood appeared beside her campfire out of thin air in bursts of magical shimmering light.



"So it's you, Miss Melina!"


Seeing that the person who came was the witch she met before who had teleported herself to Nimgford for no reason, Annie exclaimed at first, but she quickly calmed down and was not too excited.

Because, she no longer blames the other party for sending her away indiscriminately.

Anyway, that didn't cause any bad consequences, plus she ran back to Stonewell City and the Houwang Chapel by herself, so that matter was just revealed.

"Do you want to eat shrimp?"


"Look! There are still a lot of them in that cauldron over there. They were left by a kind uncle. He should not want them. If you want to eat them, you can go get them?"


Annie pointed to the cauldron not far from the bonfire, which had stopped burning. There was only a little ash in the stove, but it was still steaming.

"But if you want king prawns..."


"Then I guess we'll have to wait a little longer. That stupid guy from Tibbers doesn't seem to be very good at cooking. If you smell it, some of them seem to be burnt..."


Then, Annie looked to the other side.

On the high ground not far from the house, her little bear, Tibbs, was using two large trees that had been cut off in the middle as a support to roast the incomparably huge super giant that was 'sizzling' with shrimp oil. King Shrimp.

However, at this moment, in addition to being roasted red, some parts of the shell of the prawn were directly charred black. Judging from the charred aroma that wafted from time to time, some tender meat in the hard shell was , it must have been affected, maybe a large part of it has turned into coke, right?

Anyway, Annie herself doesn't have much hope now, but fortunately, the prawns left by the masked uncle just now are enough for her to eat! Therefore, she didn't want to care about what the king prawn would end up being tossed by Tibbers.



A certain bear Tibbers didn't pay any attention to the idea of ​​the nasty little master not far away and the witch who appeared beside his little master, and just played with his own cooking skills, although, it was not at all. No cooking skills?

"Do not……"

"No, I don't need to..."

Melina didn't accept Annie's kindness, and didn't look at the pot of prawns. She just slowly knelt down opposite Annie and said dumbly while looking at the bonfire.

As for the "no need" in her mouth, whether she doesn't want to eat or there is no need to eat, that's a matter of opinion.

"Don't eat?"


Annie put down the prawn that weighed at least several kilograms in her hand, then looked at Melina in surprise, then looked at the other's body, then nodded knowingly, and then shook her head again.

"Then do whatever you want!"



( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

In the end, Annie didn't force the other party, but just continued to bury her head and eat her own.

"……I am sorry."


"Actually, I've been watching you secretly."

Watching Annie eat for a while, then she turned her head blankly towards the giant bear not far away and the giant shrimp king that was being roasted on the fire. After a long time, Melina suddenly spoke up and said so. He said with such a cold apology.



"People have already known about it!"


"Observe and observe!"

( ̄︶ ̄)

"Anyway, you're not the kind of weird uncle, otherwise, maybe someone would have burned you already!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Annie continued to eat her own food, and did not take the little thing the other party said to heart.

In fact, she had already discovered that this young lady who transported herself from the Houwang Chapel to the Nimgford Wilderness for no reason had been spying on her secretly, whether it was in the woodland camp, the sealed prison, or the Stonewell City, she knew that the other party had been hiding and watching her from a distance.

But, as she just said, being followed and peeping from a distance by a beautiful witch like Melina, the nature of that kind of thing is actually not a big deal. She was to the extent that Her Lady Queen Anne would set it on fire.


Unexpectedly, Annie discovered herself long ago, which surprised Melina, and there was a hint of 'surprise' on her face.


"you do not mind?"

Then, Melina asked something strange.

Naturally, the expressionless expression on her face quickly returned, and the look of a living person that had just appeared with great difficulty disappeared again.



"Why do you mind?"


"Apart from sending people away for no reason, you don't seem to have done much bad things..."


Wiping her mouth at will, Annie lowered her head and continued to eat.

She found out that compared with Tibbs, the idiot bear in her family, the culinary skills of the runaway iron-headed uncle just now were obviously much better. The prawns cooked by the other party were delicious, fragrant, sweet and tender. , and the delicious juice of the shrimp meat is completely preserved, compared to what a bear is roasting, what are those things?



(Tibbers said that he can’t remember this pot, because, for grilling prawns or something, it was obviously ordered by some bad guy, whether there was a pot for him, so he didn’t care about the final product. What is it like!)



"What do you want to do when you observe people secretly?"


Compared with caring about the other party peeping at her or something, Annie is more concerned about this!

So, she hurriedly stopped the body of the shrimp that she had only eaten halfway, moved her **** instead, sat next to the other party with a little excitement, and asked curiously.


"I want to see if you really want to meet Ayrdon Circle..."

After hesitating for a while, the witch Melina simply spoke out the real thoughts in her heart.



"It's Eldon's ring again..."


Hearing this, Annie's original enthusiasm was instantly extinguished.

There is no doubt that, compared to the 'Elden's Ring' like that Rush, she obviously wants to eat the prawn in her hand well and look forward to a certain stupid bear not to bake so badly. Don't burn the whole king prawn, at least let her taste the tender meat inside the king prawn?

"and then?"


"What did you observe again?"


Annie suddenly felt a little strange about what she looked like in the eyes of others.

Although, she never cared about how others thought of herself, and never cared about what others thought, but anyway, it's time to eat, so it doesn't seem like there's anything to lose by listening to it occasionally?


"Seeing the determination that you're going to put in countless battles for this and move forward for it."

"From the beginning, Torrett chose you rightly."

Melina said quietly.

However, that kind of weird, like there is no emotion in the tone, it still makes people feel a little weird.





"I remember it, it's your cow..."


Annie was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly remembered that the 'Torret' in the other's mouth wasn't the cow he wanted to give her in the first place?

But, she, Queen Anne, didn't want to ride a bull, and she didn't want to bring a stupid stupid bull, so she decisively rejected the other party at that time.



"Are you mistaken, people don't seem to want to see that 'Ring of Eldon'..."


Yes, Annie didn't want to go to see that wreck!

Because the other party is not worthy!

And if you change it, what is the one ring, replace it into the other party to see her, this is omnipotent and the mosteroner and the mosteroner and the moster Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most If the most powerful Lady Queen Anne is the most powerful, then it's about the same?


"In no mood?"


"If you don't want to, why do you want to occupy Stoneville City, and also form the 'Fire Eye Knight' regiment, and open up the entire Nimgford area, and now come here exclusively?"

Gu Rong

Obviously, unlike Annie's statement, Melina didn't quite believe Annie's words that were "inappropriate".

She came to that conclusion after observation, and her conclusion was that the little girl in front of her was laying a solid foundation for becoming the King of Eldon!

The opponent first defeated the demigod 'Limb' Greck, captured the opponent's Great Rune, and then took advantage of the situation to occupy Stonewell City and is sending a large number of troops to pacify the Nimgford area, and now, in the Nimgford area At the same time of stability, he came to the Lyenia area alone and was ready to attack the Magic Academy.

The other party's actions and various signs have shown that the other party is definitely paving the way to become the king of Elden and to go to the king's city in the future. She, Melina, will definitely not be wrong!

And this is also the reason why she chose to show up today and talk to each other frankly.



"You mean Stonewell City and those 'Magma Casters'..."


"That was just an accident!"


Without thinking about it, Annie said with certainty, certainty and certainty.

"it is true!"


Afraid that the other party would not believe it, Annie gave a very clear answer with a small face, and then hurriedly explained.

"It's like this!"


Yes, that was indeed an accident!

When she went to Stoneville, she just wanted to find something delicious and fun!

The result can be...

There's nothing in that broken place?

Then, when she met the ugly 'extremity' Greck, she couldn't hold back her anger, so she summoned all the ashes and souls of those innocent people, and made them rudimentary bodies.

Later, it happened that they occupied the castle in the name of Her Lady Queen Anne and insisted that she be the king of Stoneville.

And then……

It's about that Miss Serorina.

It was also her own cheap hands. When she was full, she had nothing to do to revive the other party, and then the other party begged and cried, pestering her every day, insisting on making her the 'King of Eldon' who was a rude son. She was so annoyed that she had no choice but to pretend to agree, then left everything to the other party and then sneaked out alone.


The truth of the matter is like that, it will never be like what the other party just said, she doesn't want to fight and kill to be the king of Eldon!


After listening, Melina didn't answer, just looked at Annie blankly.


"You're not sincere enough..."

Before long, Merlin gave her judgment.

Obviously, she is more willing to believe what she sees and hears than Anne's "accidents".

Because what she saw and heard with her own eyes would not deceive her, and those things without exception pointed to the fact that the little girl in front of her was indeed someone who wanted to be and was ready to be the 'Elden' King's idea.



"People are very sincere!!"


"If someone just lied, let... let their little bear be burned to death?!"


Annie refuted it with some excitement, and at the end, she swore a rare swearing oath to point at a certain bear not far away.


ε=('?'●))) alas

(Hearing this, Tibbers turned his head slightly, glanced at his poor little master, and then shook his head and sighed. After all, as everyone knows, his uncle Tibbers has never been afraid of fire, Burning can't kill you, so the statement just now is definitely without any sincerity and credibility.)


Melina didn't speak again, and continued to stare at Annie so expressionlessly.



Seeing the other person's expression, and seeing the words "I don't believe" written on the other person's face, although Annie had the heart to explain it, she didn't know where to start.

"I won't tell you!"


After struggling for a while, Annie turned her face away.


"Annie, I see, you seem to have found your witch?"

"I'm very happy about that..."

"Although, for various reasons, I can't personally guide you, but there is one thing that I can still do."

There was silence for a while, and then, as if she had made up her mind, Melina suddenly spoke like that.



"Do what?"


Annie was a little baffled and didn't know what the other party wanted to express.


"Can take you to..."

"Round Table Hall!"

Melina didn't take it seriously, and said directly and loudly the place she had been thinking about for a long time.

"The Round Table Hall?"


"What kind of place is that, is it fun?"


Annie expressed a little bit of interest. After all, it was something that the other party came to her and said. Presumably, it must be very important or fun?

"Where is it, how do you see it."

"do you want to go?"

"If you want to go, give me your hand..."

For Annie's question, Melina didn't answer, she just stretched out her pale and scarred hand.



The big lobster that Annie had just handed to her mouth slowly put it down, then she thought for a while, then blinked again, looked at the hand of that Miss Melina and frowned carefully and thought.



"It seems that people are going to go to that magic school to play first..."


Annie hesitated and didn't reach out immediately.

Obviously, she knew that this strange Miss Melina in front of her probably wanted to teleport her to some strange place again?

Although she doesn't mind too much, and she's not afraid, but, she seems to have told a bald man before that she is going to play at the Magic Academy. Not so good?


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers thought that the wicked and heartless little master of his family had forgotten about the Magic Academy, but it turned out that she still remembered it, which is indeed quite rare...)

"The Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy is in the north, not far from here, but without the pyroxene key, you probably won't be able to get in..."

"So, do you want to go to the Round Table Hall first?"

Melina didn't flinch, she still held up her hand and waited patiently for Annie's choice.



Annie began to frown in consideration.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers is watching secretly, but, he thinks, the poor little master of his house should not agree, after all, the witch is not familiar with her, and she is not full now~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The lobster king can't eat it either, so he definitely won't go to some unfamiliar place with that witch.)

"okay then!"




However, Tibbers still underestimated the position of the poor little master of his family, and her position was obviously - no position!

Is this not?

In its stunned mouth, she just carelessly stretched out her small hand, which was full of greasy, and stained with a lot of shrimp residue, and directly held the big hand of that witch Melina, without thinking about it at all. Something important that she hasn't done yet?




The next second, in a flash of white light, Annie and the witch Melina disappeared without a trace.



Immediately afterwards, when Tibbers was considering whether to continue its barbecue, suddenly, it suddenly became smaller, and then was teleported away.

So, next to the hut, there were only the half-baked giant king prawn and the half-pot lobster that was half eaten.

And if a certain iron-masked man, that is, the fader who was scared away by Annie, dares to come back, he must be unbelievable about the unexpected gain?

Of course, if he came back later, he might have only harvested a huge charred king lobster...

After all, as Tibbers was also teleported away, the super prawn was no longer flipped, and it is still roasting on the fire. God knows what it will look like in the end?


(?°.°?) It is strictly forbidden to hide the monthly pass~


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