Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1860: ?(??o??) The source of the problem

Although she has decided to defeat her opponent first and then think of a way, but for some reason, Annie did not use her full strength all at once, but just sat on the lake in the full moon dream to deal with the enemy and make peace. Fighting started.

As a result, Annie was able to see all kinds of bizarre magic used by the other party, which were somewhat different from what she had seen.

For example, in addition to the kind of big move that the other party used against her from the beginning, that is, the spells of soul torrent, full moon falling and starry sky, she also saw that the other party would throw that kind of spell. The staff makes it look like a chainsaw, making the staff rotate and cut the double attack magic of the material; there is also the kind of waving the staff, summoning a circle of dark blue arrows, like arcane missiles, but with penetrating power. But stronger ice crystal arrows; as well as a powerful dark green magic arrow that is suddenly launched after charging, the ice explosion technique that curls up and bursts with ice thorns, and the magic that uses a magic circle to summon various monsters to help fight, etc. Wait.


Although the opponent is very hardworking and strong, the fighting power is not sure how many times stronger than that of the demigod 'Limb' Greck in Stoneville City, but the opponent the opponent is facing is Annie, so , there is definitely no chance.

You know, Her Lady Queen Anne is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most, the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most is the most. The most powerful super arcane archmage!

Moreover, she has dabbled in various fields. Under the condition that she understands everything and can learn it instantly after reading it, the other party even pulls her into a dream, and then uses almost endless mana to follow her. There is absolutely no hope and advantage in combat.

Besides, this is not the first time she has dealt with enemies in her dreams. In the past, she has dealt with the kind of ancient gods who invaded her dreams twice and three times.

Therefore, after a fierce (guān) fight (mó), Annie finally knocked down her opponent with a shattering fire, and ended and shattered the dream incarnation as protection.



"What is that thing?"


After defeating and dispelling the incarnation of the snooping incarnation who did not know whose will was, Annie soon discovered that there were two strange things left in the dream.

"this is……"


"'Big Rune of the Unborn', what kind of **** is this, what's the use?"


Annie didn't care about that big rune.

Because, for similar things, such as the big rune of Greck, she has already obtained one, and it is nothing more than the fragments of the broken rings.

And it is said that as long as you collect enough runes, you can repair the ring of Eldon?

It's a pity that Annie didn't want to fix the ring of Eldon, and she didn't want to be the king of Eldon, and she was not a fader at all, so she didn't even think about it, just skipped it and looked at it. another one.



"Is this the memory of the Queen of the Full Moon?"




When she saw the second thing, Annie jumped up and cheered.

She is not uncommon about big runes or something, but she is very interested in that "full moon queen's memory"! Because, as long as she has that thing, she can easily know and understand what happened to that beautiful big sister and those little sisters.

And only if she knows the reason, can she decide whether to help, and whether to burn the two hooded uncles who are still waiting outside the main hall so far, and don't know what they are plotting. What.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"All right!"


"Now, let people take a look at this memory first!"


With that said, Annie was not in a hurry to leave the dream of the 'full moon', she picked up the 'memories of the queen of the full moon' directly in the dream of the queen of the full moon, and then she activated it directly and used the dream to put it back. It is truly displayed and restored.

The beginning and end of the matter, if you listen to others, it may be mixed with other people's private goods, such as one-sided emotions and personal likes and dislikes, etc., it is easy to be misled! However, if she watched the memory directly, it would be different, and she could naturally judge what was right and what was wrong.

Of course, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong in the end!

The important thing is: whoever Queen Anne thinks is right after reading it, then whoever is right, and whoever is wrong is also right! And if you think who is wrong, then the other party is wrong, even if they are right, they are wrong, it is so simple!



Following Annie's casting, as that memory was thrown into the sky of the dream, the 'Memory of the Queen of the Full Moon' was like a magic projector, directly in the starry sky of this dream, using the sky as a curtain, slowly moving ' What happened to the Queen of the Full Moon showed the pictures of those memories little by little.

It turns out, a long, long time ago, before the Shard War broke out...

That beautiful big sister Reinara, as a woman, became the hero and wise queen of the Kingdom of Kalia, also known as the Queen of the Full Moon!

At that time, she was still a pure white, noble and beautiful incarnation like the bright moon, and was widely loved and supported by the people of Kalia Kingdom.

At that time, her power was unquestionable, just like her beautiful appearance!

Her talent allowed her to easily acquire the ultimate pyroxene magic, but she was not corroded by the pyroxene. She also made her meet Huiyue's will across the stars and make a contract with the full moon. She also created the full moon magic and surpassed the master, thus Rule the entire academy and even the kingdom!

She is so powerful that not only can the kingdom of Kalia compete with the golden law and the golden tree of the King Rodel in its heyday, but it can also make the loss of the two ultimate pyroxene mages (Yazle and Luthert). ) remains strong and prosperous!

This shows how perfect and powerful she was at that time!



Of course, that is relative. In Anne's view, the other party is still a little worse than her omnipotent Queen Anne?


At a certain time before the Shard War, she met the nemesis of the hit, that is, the god-man who came to fight Kalia and tried to annex Kalia's kingdom - Radagan.

Afterwards, the two who cherished each other didn't know each other, and after bathing themselves with star and teardrops to wash away the sinful memories of both parties, they both fell in love soon.


It is naturally a series of inappropriate memory family ethics dramas for children.


o('^') o Humph!

And naturally, Annie was not interested in the strange red-haired uncle, nor did she have a good impression of it, nor did she want to see the so-called 'God' Radagang who was a bisexual and had no shame or impatience with that beautiful big sister. Therefore, she simply skipped the memory for a long time and continued to look down.


New demigods are born, namely the Starbreaker Ratan, the Archon Raccad, and the Moon Princess Lanne, who were very active during and before the Shard War!

Originally, that Radagan seemed to have some kind of arrangement for the witch Lani, but unfortunately, the witch Lani was taught early on to be a pioneer with her own strong independent mind, and foresaw her own The Law of the Moon, is a little dismissive of Ladagan's expectations and arrangements?

No way, seeing expectations turned into disappointment, the red-haired Radagan had to continue to try, and let the strongest human female Leinara continue to give birth to new suitable demigods, but, after all, there is a limit to the human body. Although the full moon queen Reinara is perfect and powerful, after giving birth to three demigods, she is already exhausted and cannot continue to give birth to new children.

Gu Fei

Afterwards, Radagan left disappointed and returned to the golden tree in the royal city, and gave birth to two other demigods by himself and Malika, namely the twin sons of God and Man, Michaela and the goddess Marlene. Ni.

And because of Radagan's departure and betrayal, the full moon queen Reinara, who suffered a huge blow to her mind and body, naturally couldn't stand the stimulation and went crazy, and became obsessed with using the big rune to give birth to new ones. Life, that is, those weird ladies and sisters that Annie met before.

But unfortunately...

Those lives are incomplete and deformed. They are missing something very important, which is why they are so fragile, unable to walk upright, not to mention, they are quite short-lived, and they also have huge defects in spirit and soul. That was the main reason why Annie thought they were weird and insane before.

And the avatar and the will to spy that Annie defeated in this full moon dream just now seems to be one of the backhands that Reinara's daughter, Lani, left behind to protect her mother full moon?

In addition to leaving behind the powerful incarnation of magic, the other party also sealed the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, closed the door of the library, and so on.

"That's how it is!"


"People seem to understand!"


After reading and understanding everything, Annie clapped her hands, saying she had a basic understanding.

That kind of thing can be summed up in just a few words, that is: a bad guy, a bad guy and a scumbag (female?) called 'Radagang', who went to harm and deceive him for some messy purpose and reason. The beautiful eldest sister Reinara, in the end, was just like the one on TV, which made the eldest sister just broke down.


(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

It was just a thought, but Annie didn't do anything, her dream shattered instantly, and she returned to the academy hall.

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't help frowning when she saw the motionless little sister and the poor big sister lying on the ground.



"Tibbers, you said, what should we do next..."


However, although she figured out the root cause of the matter and obtained the 'full moon queen's memory' in her dream, she still had no idea how to do it.

(cold salad….)

(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn't want to answer, because it doesn't know what to do. If it can make the decision, it won't take care of the lives of those people, and it will even slap one by one, grab them all and throw them. I ate it like spicy strips in my mouth, and as long as I can't see it, there will be no problem!)

"All right!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"People have decided!"


After thinking about it, in the end, of course, Annie ignored her little bear Tibbers, but quickly thought of another good solution that could solve the problem in a simpler way.

To solve some of the more complicated parts of those problems, Annie must have no good solution, but if she just restores her sanity to the Queen of the Full Moon, and leaves it to the other party to mend the flaws of those young ladies and sisters. If there is a way, she can still do that kind of small thing, and she is willing to help that kind of trivial thing.

"Wake up from the end of the eternal night!"


Recover quickly!

So, a Restoration Charm was cast by Annie on the full moon queen Reinara who had fainted on the ground.

That's right!

Annie's plan is to restore the other party's sanity first. As for the rest, such as repairing those poor little sisters who are physically handicapped, short-lived and low-minded, they can only lie on the ground every day and can't even stand up. It is easy to operate after the big sister wakes up.



"That doesn't seem right!"


However, just after casting the spell, Annie patted her thigh as if she had thought of something important, and then exclaimed.

(Master, what is wrong?)


(Tibbers is a bit I don't know what the nasty little master of his family is suddenly so startled and troubled by.)

"Tibbers, look..."


"They are her daughters, she is their mother, and people call them little sister, but they call her big sister, isn't it a bit bad?"




(I didn't expect that a bad little master was actually entangled in such trivial matters, Tibbs resolutely chose to remain silent and did not plan to talk again.)



"It's better to call her auntie!"



"here is……?"

When Annie made an important decision, finally, the beautiful one who was knocked into a coma by her, and then repaired again... Aunt, finally slowly opened the pair at this time. Eyes like sapphire.



"Auntie, are you awake?"


Then, the first thing the other party saw was the one that Annie was approaching, which looked cute, a little baby fat, and had a pair of light dimples on both sides of the tender cheeks.


(?????)b ask for a monthly pass


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