Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1862: |??ω?`) 1 flash 1 flash big eyes

After only staying at the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy for one night and one day, in the afternoon of the next day, Annie could not wait to leave Rhea Lucca regardless of the warm invitation and retention of the full moon queen Lena. Leah School of Magic.

Because ah, Annie has long seen that due to years of closure and management chaos, this magic academy is in a mess up to now, and now, that Aunt Reinara has just woken up, not only to take care of that one Da Dui's young lady also had to focus on rectifying the academy at the same time. She definitely didn't have much time to entertain her in a short period of time, so she thoughtfully offered to leave.

After all, Her Lady Queen Anne is a smart, cute, well-behaved and clever little girl, not a winless and disgusting stupid guy like Little Bear!




"Safe travels!"


"If you need any help from me, please feel free to send someone to send a letter here. Stonewell City is not far from here, just a few days' journey away."

"Or, can you use magic to communicate directly?"

"Even if you want to conquer the royal city Rodel, even if you want to be the king of Eldon, our Kalia royal family and the Magic Academy will definitely help!"

Seeing that Annie jumped onto the head of the giant dragon Smarag who was cured of the pyroxene infection, and slowly rose into the sky as the dragon flapped its wings, she came to the academy with some of her daughters. The Queen of the Full Moon, Reinara, who greeted the burnt-out South Gate, waved her hands to the sky, and explained loudly.

"Got it!"


"People don't want to be the king of Eldon!"


"Aunt Reinara, you should go back and think of names and change diapers for those young ladies. Remember to go to bed early at night!"


In the end, she waved her hand at Aunt Reinara, who had given birth to a lot of trouble, and made a joke. Without waiting for the other party to answer, Annie hurriedly motioned to the dragon under her feet to hurry up. fly away.

Because ah, she saw that after some of her "kindness" reminders, that Aunt Reinara's face turned black instantly.

Obviously, the other party must also know that Annie is not aimlessly or joking, the other party's sins, the pile of daughters is indeed a huge trouble!

In particular, they clearly have teenage bodies, but their intelligence is only two to three years old at most. It can even be said that they just got a new life yesterday, and today is the second day of their 'birth', including language and walking, etc. , where everything needs to be learned from scratch?

However, from Annie's point of view, it might be just a rush of fuss for a while, and it won't cause much trouble.

After all, that Aunt Reinara is an archmage who is more powerful than a demigod. She is also the queen of the Kalia royal family and the dean of the Rhea Lucalia Magic Academy. As long as she is willing, she will definitely be able to find many, many It's not a big problem if people come to help teach and take care of those young ladies.

As the dragon Smalag flew higher and farther, as the Rhea Lucaria School of Magic gradually disappeared into the misty enchantment and could no longer see that Aunt Reinara With those young ladies and the others, Annie began to hold her arms and frown her cute little brows in thought.



Now, Annie began to think about where she was going next.

So far, she only knows about the Lienya area and the Nimgford area and Stoneville city that she had occupied by accident before. Apart from that, she doesn't know much about this border area, so Ah, for a while, she really didn't know where to go to play.

Of course, she has heard about the golden tree in the royal city of Rodel many times. Aunt Reinara said it once, and she knows where it is. She just needs to fly towards the huge golden tree. , As long as you are not blind, you will definitely not get lost!

But now she doesn't want to go!

You know, Her Lady Queen Anne has said that she doesn't want to go to see that Ayrden Ring, and she doesn't want to be the Ayrden King of Rosh, so, ah, she must deliberately avoid that boring and sensitive place. Otherwise, if she accidentally knocks down that broken king city, will she be right or wrong? .



"You said, next, where are we going to play?"


Annie was a little confused and didn't know how to choose, so after thinking about it for a while, she could only ask her little bear to see if it could come up with a fun and bad idea.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(However, Tibbers didn't take care of his nasty little master... It knows that most of the time, its opinions don't work, and it may bear some kind of bad consequences, so , Love it, it won't make a sound anyway.)



Annie was a little angry, and was going to find an excuse to beat up her little bear to see if she could find some inspiration or something.

"never mind!"


"Since that Aunt Leinara said it just now, let's go back to Stonewell City for the time being!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

With that said, Annie didn't force her little bear to give her a bad idea, but stomped her foot and signaled the giant dragon Smalrag under her feet to fly in the direction of Stoneville City.

It suddenly occurred to her that it seemed a little bit bad for her to fly around with such a giant dragon now, not to mention anything else, just the size of the opponent and the huge deterrent power were a bit too ostentatious. Just like yesterday, when she just went to the magic academy, if she hadn't directly rode the dragon and forced her way in, presumably, she wouldn't have scared the stupid pyroxenite mages to do those crazy things to her regardless. attacked, right?

"Let's go!"


"Quick! Fly to the southeast to Stoneville City!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

After speaking, Annie made a decision in an instant, and was going to go back to Stoneville City first!

At that time, she will only catch the head under her feet for two days, but the freshness has passed, and she begins to feel that the big guy who is a little in the way will be handed over to the little sister Serorina and the others to support, and wait for her to get rid of this big guy. Pack your bags, ask someone about a fun new place, and go light.

At that time, she can go wherever she likes to go, wherever she wants to go!


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers suddenly felt a little unbalanced, and he couldn't figure it out. The poor little master of his family finally caught a giant dragon, but it has only been two days, so he was tired of playing again and was about to throw it away, and he bears. How many years has it been since the uncle was caught, except for the wind that he was released for a while due to some troubles a while ago, why did he throw himself away without seeing her?)

'Roar~! ’

Following Annie's order, the giant dragon Smalrag began to flap its wings desperately and flew faster and faster, first rising to a sufficient height, and then roaring in the direction of Stonewell City, like a giant The bombers generally glide away quickly.

"Uh huh..."


Soon, the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy only saw a faint outline hidden in the mist.

At the same time, the sky is getting darker...

However, Annie didn't mind, she just hummed her unknown song on Smalrag's head, thinking about whether to grab a couple of prawns and bring them back for everyone to try.

Of course, she would love to try it herself!

Because the one I caught last time didn't have a big enough pot to steam it, and it was scorched by Tibbers, the stupid bear, so she didn't eat any of it. She was still brooding.



(If it weren't for the fear of being angered by innocents, Tibbers really wanted to say: At that time, it was obviously a bad guy who was deceived by that Melina, and had to go to the Round Table Hall to watch the fun, and then put it I also grabbed it and the prawns were completely burnt, how can I blame it for that kind of thing?)


Not long after she flew out of the front town area of ​​the academy, Annie, who was over the area near the Great Lake Swamp Ruins, inadvertently found a broken house on the ground. Someone seemed to be flashing blue light towards her. Shimmer?



"Who is that?!"


Originally, Annie planned to go directly back to Stoneville City, and didn't want to pay attention to anything in the middle.


But why is the blue light spot on the ground still glistening, looking at it, it looks particularly dazzling on the dark lake?

In the end, Annie finally managed to attract the attention of the other party.



"Stupid dragon! Fly down and see who is navigating randomly over there?"

╭( ̄▽ ̄)╯

So stared at the blue light source that seemed to be deliberately illuminating myself in the sky for a while, and I didn't know what I saw. Driven by curiosity, Annie soon changed her mind again, and ordered the Smalrag under her feet to descend towards the location of the blue light source on the ground.

A few minutes later……

"Who's over there?"


Annie sneaked close to the ruins that shone blue light toward her in the sky before, and saw at a glance a young lady with a gray witch's pointed hat, a witch's velvet robe and the same gray and white dress, Zheng'an. Sitting quietly on top of a broken eaves.

"……first meet."

"Excuse me, can you come over and talk to me?"

At the same time that Annie saw each other, the eccentric young lady also saw Annie.


Du Fang raised his head and used the beautiful big blue eyes that were hidden under the brim of the wide witch's pointed hat, which looked like stars in the dark night, and looked at Annie with a hoarse voice. Opened the invitation.



"Miss, who are you?"


Seeing the other party waving at her for the first time, and then looking at the other party's appearance with four hands, Annie couldn't help but feel even more surprised, and walked slowly towards the other party in a mysterious way.


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