Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1864: ???(?)???~? is back

On the afternoon of the second day after leaving the Rhea Lucaria School of Magic, Annie returned to Stonewell City smoothly, and immediately changed her mind from the witch who single-mindedly wanted her to be the 'King of Eldon'. Serorina received several pieces of news that were said to be very important.

It turned out that during her absence, a terrible rebellion broke out in a broken place called Moen City on the south side of the Weeping Peninsula, and then the witch Serorina, in her Queen Anne name, let the big tree The guards and the two furnace knights led thousands of 'fire eye knights' to set off to suppress the rebellion, saying that they wanted to reclaim the Weeping Peninsula, which originally belonged to Stonewell City, and lay the foundation for the future invasion of the king's city. ?

Although Annie wanted to say, she didn't want to go to any royal city, and she really didn't want to be the king of Eldon, otherwise she wouldn't have come back from the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy.

But it didn't work!

Because, according to the time, those troops who swore to march in the name of Her Lady Queen Anne have probably reached the south of Lake Yalki, and maybe even crossed the sacrifice bridge, ready to carry out counter-insurgency work. , there is no way to stop it.

After all, the 'Fire Eye' army that everyone knows is a kind of life similar to a magical construct summoned by Annie using her soul, ashes and magma. They don't need too much logistics, and they don't even need to rest. Therefore, they It is completely possible to march day and night without sleep. Even if most of them have no horses, they are knights on foot, but their speed is not much slower than those of the cavalry.

But fortunately, Annie didn't necessarily mean to stop it, so after listening to it, she just let it go. As long as she didn't need to arrange or direct herself, then those guys can only let them toss about what they want to do. She doesn't care anyway.

Another thing is that after this period of recuperation, Stoneville City has been basically renovated, and the surrounding residents who fled due to the atrocities of 'Limb' Greck have also returned one after another. Nearly 10,000 people. Coupled with the chaos of the Weeping Peninsula, more people are gathering towards Stonewell City. I believe that in a short while, Stonewell City and the nearby Nimgford area will soon regain a certain popularity.

Of course, the good news is not without bad news...

For example, recently, I don't know what happened, from the Nymgef Wilderness, especially near the Islay Church, inexplicably, a lot of faders appeared. They are very active and do all kinds of evil! Burning, killing, looting, looting convoys, attacking villages, and unprovoked soldiers and people attacking the defense line are all easy, and the specific atrocities are simply too numerous and outrageous!

As a result, Serorina had to send a few homeless knights to lead a lot of 'Fire Eye' crossbowmen to lay an ambush on the front line of the Church of Islay, and successfully ambush and snipe in the past two days. After a lot of faders, they finally managed to suppress their arrogant and domineering offensive.


"It's what happened in Stoneville these days, Master Anne, do you have anything to add?"

After briefly reporting some important matters, Serorina looked at the thick stack of parchment in her hand, and then looked at a little girl king who had already started to owe. Hesitating, I don't know if I should report some other military and political affairs that are a bit large and complicated, but not so important.



"No! Not at all! Not at all!"


It's a pity that Annie didn't take that kind of trivial matter to heart, and after hearing this, she was shocked, and then hurriedly made a statement and interrupted some of the other party's words.

"Ah oh..."



??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"That kind of thing, you can decide for yourself, people are optimistic about you!"


After some sleepy yawns and stretches, Annie directly gave her final approval.

But in fact, it's not too important to see it or not. The most important thing is that she doesn't want to care about that kind of trivial matter, and she doesn't want to listen to it. If possible, the other party should never bother her with it. ,forever!



"The big dragon that people brought back this time, its name is 'Smalrag', although it is a bit stupid, but its strength should be okay, I will give it to you to raise it in the future!"


Then, Annie hurriedly said another thing that was more important in her opinion, and immediately abandoned the monarch's exclusive mount that had only been captured for a few days.

"If the faders you just mentioned will continue to emerge from the vicinity of the Islay Church, you can send it directly to patrol and stroll around there, to ensure that the faders will be burned quickly and ruthlessly!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

The faders or something, Annie has seen a lot lately.

For example, some guys in the round table hall, and in the Lyenia area, the masked uncle who cooks prawns next to the small swamp amber house, those guys are all faders!

However, those who have faded are still relatively strong, and they are not at the same level as those who have just been teleported from outside the border and appeared in the wilderness near Islay Church. If Pai was only cured by her If the pyroxene-infected dragon Smarag goes, it is guaranteed that no one who has faded will dare to come to the Nimgef area to make trouble again.


Serorina felt a little surprised, and covered her mouth in astonishment.


"That's a big help, I'll go and order it later!"

However, she certainly has no objection to Stonewell's ability to add an extra dragon as a fighting force. After all, if there is really a dragon that can patrol the Nymgef Wilderness, it will help them stop the faders. Undoubtedly huge! Furthermore, if there is a dragon, then the battle strength of the master in front of her will be a little stronger, and it will be one step closer to becoming the king of Eldon.


"Master, how do you raise that dragon?"

Immediately afterwards, Serorina naturally asked about matters and precautions related to raising dragons. After all, they have never raised such a big guy.



"People don't even know!"


In this regard, Annie is a little troubled.

She also remembered it now, three or four days have passed since she caught the other party, but she seems to have never fed the big guy, and she really doesn't know what the other party likes to eat on weekdays.

"Perhaps he likes to eat prawns from the Lyenia region?"


That dragon was caught by Anne in the swamp lake area in the Lienia region, in the rubble in the south of the crystalline forest, and of course that place is rich in big crabs and prawns, so she took it for granted. They thought that the other party built their nests there because they liked to eat that kind of food.

"But ordinary meat, should it also eat?"


But soon, thinking of Annie, who seemed to be not very easy to deal with the prawns, he quickly changed his mind, so as to save the trouble of these stupid guys really looking for those prawn kings.


"I see, please rest assured, master, we will definitely raise that dragon!"

Nodding, Serorina said that she basically understood.

Although the dragon is a bit big, with the current strength of Stoneville City, it should not be a problem to feed the dragon, because there are many, many bugs and flocks on the high plains near Storm Hill. It is about to flood, and of course it can provide a lot of meat for Stonewell City.

"Are you all right?"


"If it's all right, do you want to go back to rest?"


After speaking, without waiting for the other party to say anything, Annie jumped off the throne and planned to turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

It's a pity that a certain stupid witch called to her with no wink.



"What's the matter, what's the matter with you?"


Annie was puzzled and a little impatient.

Because she thinks, just now she has clearly expressed her meaning, that is: no matter what happens, it is best not to bother her!

"Master, it's like this..."

"Two days ago, we caught a strange mage in Stonewell City, he said his name was Roger, and he also said that he had investigated some important information, which may be of great help for you to become the king of Eldon, Do you want to meet him?"

Serorina hurriedly said something that was very important to her, and reluctantly called out Annie who was about to turn around and leave.



"King Eldon?"


"not see!"


If it's something else, it's okay to say, but if it's about the 'King of Eldon' that Roushzi, then forget it, Annie doesn't want to waste her precious time.

She doesn't want to listen to some weird guy talking about those boring things now, she just wants to go back to sleep, and she will sleep until noon tomorrow... No, it's the afternoon kind!


"He said that he found some clues about the 'Night of the Black Knife', and also knew some truths about why the world has become what it is now!"

Finding that Annie didn't even care about such important matters, the witch Serorina had to hurriedly explain again.

"the truth?"


"real or fake?"


Of course, Annie already has a little understanding of the reason why the world has become the ghost it is now, especially after she went to the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy!

Therefore, when she heard that someone knew, she couldn't help being a little curious, and then she had to stop when she was about to leave.


Seeing Annie's action, Serorina thought she agreed, and then hurriedly waved.


A wizard wearing a bright wizard's robe and a wizard's hat walked to Anne's Stonewell throne hall under the guidance of two knights.


"I'm Roger the Magician."

"Nice to meet you, great King Stonewell, mighty Anne Hastur!"

Seeing Annie's curious and questioning eyes, the visitor hurriedly gave a proper salute.

He didn't dare to despise Annie just because he saw that she was a little girl. After all, he knew that the one standing in front of him was a powerful being who defeated the demigod 'Limb' Greck and replaced him, and at the same time he was a knight of countless knights. The co-owner, whether it is power or strength, is not something he can despise.



"You'd better say it directly, what do you know!"


Annie grew impatient.

She has a lot of things to do, she's in a hurry, and she has to think about what to eat before going to bed later, but she doesn't have time to talk too much with a strange guy here.



Although it was a little surprising that the little girl king in front of him was so impatient, the magician Roger didn't dare to ask more, and he didn't dare to neglect, and directly told everything he knew.

He has to say...

Because, he was caught when he sneaked into the castle, and he was still caught. At that time, if he hadn't had an idea, he said that he had come to investigate some clues related to Greck, and then he barely obtained those 'Fire Eye' knights and witches Serorina's trust, maybe he still doesn't know how he will be treated!

"Respected King Stonewell..."

"That's it, I found out the mastermind of the death curse ritual, that is, the mastermind of the 'Night of the Black Knife'!"

"She is..."

As he said that, while raising his head to look at the little girl standing in front of the Golden Throne, Roger excitedly explained some of the keys he knew.

"Princess of the Moon, Lani!!"

You know, he has been investigating for many years, and only learned from the traces that the 'Princess of the Moon' Lani, the one born of Ladagan and Lenala, is a brother and sister to Latan and Lakade The woman is probably the mastermind of 'Black Knife Night'!

Of course, since those are just some clues he got from many clues, he has not been completely sure, but, in his opinion, even if the other party is not the mastermind, at least the direct executor, there is nothing wrong!

Anyway, he knew that because of the 'ceremony', the body of the other party, that witch Lani, must have the same terrible curse marks left by the 'destined death' as ​​the dead 'Golden' Godwin, and as long as Finding the curse mark from the opponent's body, all his guesses can be fulfilled one by one.



However, the excited Roger Magician didn't finish his words, and didn't have time to say the reasons for his judgments, when Annie waved and interrupted.

"People think it's important information, but it's just this kind of thing?"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Tell you, people already know about this matter!"


"That night of black knives or something, that's really what Miss Lani did, they're pretty sure!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie didn't think there was anything unusual about that matter, so she gave her a positive answer directly, but she didn't explain that she had a fight with that Miss Lani, and then had a face-to-face conversation with the other party. matter.


"You, you already know?"

This time, it was Mage Roger's turn to be surprised.

It's just that he doesn't know why the little girl king in front of him can be so sure. You must know that those clues and information are things that he spent countless years, and even sneaked into the king's city many times to get it. Now the whole border area, know That thing is also very rare. He originally thought that saying that thing could be reused or valued, but now, the development of things and the way he imagined always seem to be a little bit different. gap?

"People know more than you think!"


Annie grimaced at each other playfully.

She had seen the memories of that Aunt Reinara, and of course she knew a lot!

"I met that puppet lady named Lani yesterday!"


For the puppet, for the young lady who dominated the 'Night of the Black Knife' but lost her body in the end, they can be said to know each other and have a little friendship, so if the If all the mage wants to talk about is trivial things about the other party, then it would be better for her not to waste time.

Besides, don't say that the other party may just know a little bit, even if the other party really knows, so what, is it possible that she will be expected to do something about it?



"If there is nothing to do, people are going to rest!"




With that said, Annie ignored the other party, and regardless of Serorina, who seemed to have something to report, she just carried her little bear and walked away.


(● ̄? ̄●)

Soon, in this throne room, only the witch Serorina and the mage Roger were left looking at each"

What is this all about?

As a last resort, the mage Roger, who didn't know what the little girl king meant or what he was going to do next, looked at the witch beside him in confusion.


"Master just came back from the Lienia area. Could it be that he really knew something in the Magic Academy?"

Serorina frowned and guessed, but she didn't know what a bad little girl did, so she sighed and turned to look at the mage.

"Feel sorry!"

"Mage Roger, since the master already knows about this, then I won't bother you!"


"Stonewell City needs to strengthen some enchantments recently, you shouldn't mind staying here for a while, right?"

After speaking, the witch Serorina raised her hand and made a gesture, and then the two 'Fire Eye' knights stepped forward very rudely, wrapped each other around and signaled that the other party could go with them.



"I can stay, but I want to make one thing clear: I really have no intention of being an enemy of you. When I sneaked into this city, its owner was still the demigod 'Limb' Greck!"

After speaking, the magician Roger was actually 'invited' out of the hall by the two, and hurriedly ended the meeting with the new King of Stonewell City.


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