Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1874: ?*. ?(?)??*? Battle Ritual (four…



Above the Weeping Dunes, after a flurry of fights at the beginning and the painful price of several hapless 'heroes' being killed or knocked into the air, finally, those who were already capable and pretentious. The 'heroes' at the junction of various roads finally calmed down a little.

Afterwards, they started to keep a little safe distance from the star-shattering general Ratan, who was invincible in melee combat, and began to observe carefully.



At this time, the star-shattering general Ratan, who was like a beast, was not in a hurry to chase, he just roared in a low voice, holding the broken star sword, and the horse he rode was not as thick as his thigh. The thin horse looked around at the strange enemies that had surrounded him from all sides.

It's just that he doesn't seem to be afraid or hesitant. It's more likely that there are many enemies who suddenly appear, which makes him a little overwhelmed for a while, and he hasn't fought decently for a long time, so, He seems to be a little uncomfortable, not knowing which one he should destroy first?

But soon, Ratann didn't need to worry about it.


"Everyone pay attention to protection!"

"And cooperation!"

"There are so many of us, we will definitely be able to defeat him!"

Because ah, at this time, suddenly a fader jumped out and wanted to act as the commander of the team?

Immediately afterwards, I don't know what he did, but after slowly shaking a bell, he directly summoned a soul guard holding a shield and a spear, and let it stand in front of him, looking very cautiously?


After discovering the target he should attack and destroy first, Star Fragment General Ratan simply replaced the two Star Fragment Swords he was holding just now, and replaced the one he was carrying. The giant bow, and then directly draw the bow and take the arrow.

next second!


That giant arrow, which was more like a spear than an arrow, came in an instant with purple lightning and some kind of gravitational magic!

It first instantly pierced through the spirit body of the shield soldier summoned by the fader with his ashes with unparalleled power, and then continued to swiftly fly past the neck of the fader who was acting as a bird.


puff! !

Then, at the moment when the shield soldier's spirit body dissipated, the headless corpse of the unpredictable fader also flew out of scarlet blood, and threw himself upright on the weeping beach full of scarlet corruption. , and after a couple of twitches, it stopped moving.



"Everyone cooperate from far and near!"

"Go together!"

Seeing the tragic death of another companion, the 'heroes' who came to the festival were taken aback.

However, what the fader said before he died was not wrong, so they did not hesitate, cooperated with each other again, and rushed towards the broken star general Ratan who was pulling the bow again.

And those who didn't rush over, also used all kinds of pyroxene magic, meteorite, comet, meteor and other magic in the first time, as well as long-range means such as javelin, bow and arrow, crossbow, etc., still thinking about that General Broken Star, who was about to shoot arrows, blazed over.


Seeing that the enemy is far and near, and the closest one is about to get close, the beast who has already fallen into madness is not ambiguous. He ignores those long-range attacks, and first bursts into the sky with a large blast. The arrow, then, once again scatters a large number of giant arrows towards the fastest werewolf pulling the bow.


The 'Mr. Wolf' Blazer, who was approached by Annie, was obviously not an easy match. No, after seeing the dozen or so giant arrows shot in the face, he didn't even think about it, and instinctively stepped forward. Flutter, then easily dodged the terrifying attack.


"Cut him down!"

"Come on!"

"For glory!!"

Seeing that General Shattered Star was only going to attack the werewolf who was rushing the fastest, the first batch of warriors who had already rushed to the front, those faded ones, and the barbarian warriors cheered, and then all moved towards revealing their backs. The flawed Ratan waved the weapon in his hand, slashing or stabbing him.

"not good!"

"Fast back!!"

At this time, the werewolf Blazer, who had just rolled over and climbed up from the sand dune, seemed to have found something with just one glance.

Then, he didn't care about standing still, and hurriedly yelled at those rash guys.




Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

The next moment!

I don't know what happened, but a dense rain of arrows suddenly fell from the sky.

Except for two of them who were more vigilant and rushed to the side in time following the werewolf Blazer's reminder, the remaining few who wanted to be greedy were instantly pierced by the terrifying rain of giant arrows that fell from the sky. , pinned to the sand dunes like a porcupine.


damn it!

Seeing that the Star Broken General Ratan was so difficult to deal with, and he just started fighting for a short while and eliminated several of his dozens of 'heroes', the werewolf Blazer decided not to let go.


So, he first let out a wolf howl, then waved the giant sword in his hand, which was specially designed for the Kalia royal family, and launched his exclusive combat skills, causing the sword to be surrounded by bursts of cold air, and he turned and moved forward sharply. He jumped over, and took advantage of the situation and stabbed the big sword in his hand towards the place where there was no armor on the neck of the broken star general Ratan!


Double blade!

Clang! !

Unfortunately, before the Werewolf Blazer's attack hit, and before the surrounding heroes who rushed forward at the same time could touch it, Ratan suddenly used the two broken star swords he had just replaced to make a spin. Three hundred and sixty degree whirlwind slash!

Bang! !

Terrible airflow, blade and sword energy flashed all around!



"Do not!!!"


Then, of course, under the power of the strongest demigod and the terrifying gravitational magic, the werewolf Blazer's combat skills had not yet been exerted, so he and the other people around were slashed and flew out. And suddenly flew out dozens of meters so far.

But fortunately, there are soft weeping sand dunes here, and Latan's blow was more or less blocked by everyone's weapons or shields, so the few people who flew out were only bloody. Chung, dizzy and suffered a lot of shocks and shocks, no one was unlucky enough to directly receive the lunch box.




However, even so, seeing that Ratan's blow was so fierce, it was only natural that those heroes who were running slower and were about to launch the second wave of attacks were so frightened that the rhythm slowed down. Keep up with the offensive of the werewolf Blazer and others just now.

"Don't be stunned!"

"Come on!!"

But fortunately, there are still clear-headed and fierce guys among the heroes, so, under the reminder of that person, those people quickly rushed forward.


It's still a little bit late!

Gu Di


I saw Rathan roared angrily.

Then, a cloud of purple electricity erupted, sending the second wave of enemies who wanted to besiege him flying!

Then, he made another overlord manoeuvre!

As a result, the heroes who arrived in the third wave were instantly smashed and flew out, and two or three were caught off guard and were directly smashed to pieces by the giant force, rolling down the sand dunes in the distance. Then it stopped moving.


"Fight him!"

"Everyone, come on!"

Seeing that the three waves of his own charge were all defeated, and seeing that the beast-like General Ratan actually changed his big bow and prepared to attack the most threatening pyroxene mages in the distance, the werewolf Blazegu He took the lead once again, leading the melee warriors who could still stand up to pounce again.

that's all……

The werewolf Blazer and those self-confessed brave 'heroes' fought fiercely with the star-shattering general Ratan, and after successfully preventing the opponent from shooting arrows, they had to grit their teeth and endure the terrible moves of the strongest demigod. counterattack.

Just like that, those 'heroes' learned the various moves of the strongest demigods, such as the purple lightning slash, the flying body smash, the double-knife slash, trample, the purple lightning bombardment, the purple lightning ball, the four kings, the red lion. Seven consecutive slashes, double swords and Chinese slashes, five consecutive windmill rotations, the Great Desolate Starfall, gravity meteorite bombardment, and the seven consecutive slashes of the Purple Electric Red Lion and so on, there are countless terrifying moves that cannot be prevented.

The fierce battle broke out...

However, the battle didn't last long. About ten minutes later, something that shocked everyone watching the battle on the city wall happened:

The dozens of 'heroes' from inside and outside the border who rushed down at the beginning, at this time, except for a few pyroxene mages who saw the situation bad and escaped successfully because they were far away, the rest Yes, they all fell on the ancient battlefield of the Weeping Dunes, which was scarlet and full of skeletons, weapons and corpses.

Although not all the people who fell were killed, except for a few who were lucky enough to be seriously injured and fell into a coma and did not die immediately, the rest were not killed by the mighty force of the strongest demigod on the spot. Broken, that is, the corpse was in a different place, or it was directly treated by the beast-like General Ratan as a fresh spicy stick, and put it into his mouth and ate it one by one.

'Hoooooooo~! ! ! ’

Then, I don't know if the fresh "spicy sticks" are not delicious, or if they are full?

Anyway, the beast-like general of the broken star, Ratan, started to howl loudly on the weeping sand dune filled with scarlet and corrupt fog, and the sound even penetrated to the fortress of the Red Lion City.



"Okay! Since they're all done fighting, and since they're full, let's help out a little by the way!"


Finally, it was rare that the beast-like general Ratan was also full of food, and was ready to search the battlefield and kill those guys who were not dead, such as someone who likes to eat grandma. 'Mr. Wolf' and another uncle who was still pulling the contents of the pot into the cracked cylinder body, Little Annie, who was full of food and drink and watched the excitement, clapped her hands contentedly, and from the arrow from the city wall Duo suddenly jumped up and stood up.


"it's useless……"

"forget it."

However, before Annie was ready to go down, the man beside her, who had been standing beside Annie silently and watched the entire battle silently, suddenly sighed.



"You talk nonsense, how can it be useless?"


Annie is a little strange, you know, she finally decided to go down to help, but this guy is so good, he actually attacked his enthusiasm?


"Dozens of heroes have fallen, and maybe less than ten survived. What's the use of you only going up alone now?"


"That's too late……"

After speaking, shaking his head, Jie Lian closed his eyes in despair.

It took him a few years to gather the powerhouses at the border, and now they are all lying on the Weeping Dunes...

Sure enough, even if their general Ratan was crazy, even if he turned into a beast, it was not something ordinary people could deal with.

And the little girl beside him who was said to have defeated the demigod Greck, although he didn't know what the opponent's strength was, but, no matter what, there was no room for him now.

If she could join the battlefield earlier, such as going down at the beginning, there might still be a little chance, but now, after all the heroes have fallen, she thinks about going down, even if the opponent has a transcendent demigod Greck The power of , but that will definitely not be the opponent of the most respected and strongest demigod, General Ratann below!

"It doesn't matter!"


"People are very confident!"


Annie said indifferently, and wiped her hands with the bear in her hand, doing the final preparations before the battle.


That may not be called fighting, at most, it can only be regarded as play?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Do not!"

"it's useless!"

"You better go back..."

"So many heroes have been defeated. If you go down, what's the use other than adding another bite of meat to General Ratan?"

With a wry smile, Jie Lian, who was wearing the mask of an old man with a beard, took a step back in and was about to leave this place and leave this failed ceremony site.



"Hey! Grandpa, we don't know if they are heroes, but they have a super powerful bear!"


After saying that, Annie winked playfully at the other party, and without waiting for the other party to say anything, she suddenly jumped for life and jumped from the high wall of the high fortress towards the Weeping Dune below the cliff!



Seeing this, Jie Lian hurried forward two steps to grab the front of the city wall.



Then, he only saw that the little girl Annie, the new king of Stonewell City, suddenly flashed after leaping more than ten meters from the city wall, and immediately disappeared without a trace.


"Do you really want a one-on-one duel with General Ratan?"

"Challenge the strongest demigod alone?"

"Is she crazy?"

To be honest, Jie Lian was reluctant to believe that there was a possibility of success in that kind of thing.


Perhaps he was trying to grab the last straw, or he was hoping for a miracle to happen, so he walked to the city wall again, and once again moved towards the scarlet corruption that permeated the bottom. of the cave dunes looking out.


( ̄0 ̄)? Remember the monthly pass?


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