Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1873: ?*. ?(?)??*? Battle Ritual (Three…

Above the fortress of the Lion City, on the side of the city wall facing the beach, countless heroes and powerhouses who came to participate in the Ratan battle festival are ready.

At this moment, they were standing beside the city wall, silently staring at the bottom of the fort through the crenels, looking at the beach whose outline was unclear.

Because they know that their next battlefield is there.

And in the same way, the object of battle they are going to face, the legendary existence, the most powerful demigod in the Shattered War, General Ratan is also below.

‘Hoohoo~! ! ’


'Hoooooooo~! ! ! ’

Unexpectedly, under the sandy beach filled with scarlet corruption, there was a sudden burst of shrill roars that sounded very frightening, like beasts.



With that one blow, some so-called 'heroes' who lacked strength or courage were so frightened that Qi Qi's face instantly turned pale, and they involuntarily took a step back.


"Just now, what was that voice?"

"What a strong sense of oppression, it seems, that is the strongest demigod..."


"You said that was General Ratan?"


"No way?"

"Oh! Why not? Under that beach, except for General Ratan and his beloved horse, there is no other living thing."


"Then why did he make that horrible noise?"

"do not know……"

Afterwards, a few 'heroes' who seemed to be acquainted with each other, got together and began to discuss in a low voice, and from time to time they moved towards the bottom of the city wall, towards the mist-like scarlet aura of corruption shrouded in the air. Looking out at the sandy beach, as if wanting to see the scene below clearly.

But unfortunately, under that scarlet and corrupt aura, they couldn't see anything...


"He's right!"

"That voice just now..."

"It is indeed General Ratan!"

At this time, just when everyone was silent, curious, or suspicious, the knight Jellian, who wore a peaked hood and a mask of an old man with a beard, came over with a long straight sword in the shape of a snake.


"Before the battle begins, let me have one last word with you..."

"You must have heard it just now..."

"He, General Ratan, has indeed been in that state of hesitation—"

"Marinia's scarlet corruption not only eroded the general's body from the inside out, but also drove his sanity completely into madness..."

"at this time……"

"He's no longer like a man..."

"He is like the kind of beast that instinctively stores food, he gathers the corpses and piles them up into a hill, regardless of whether it is enemy or me..."

"Then, he stayed there and nibbled like a wild dog..."

"And then..."

"From time to time, like just now, I will cry out to the sky..."

While narrating slowly, the knight Jielian walked to the front of the city wall, and followed everyone, looking towards the sand dunes filled with red mist under the fortress, and sighed faintly.


After speaking, Jie Lian didn't speak for a long time, just stood quietly beside the city wall, not knowing what he was thinking.

I don't know how long it took...

Finally, he raised his head again, and looked firmly at the heroes waiting for him around him.

"Night has fallen!"

"The seal is loosening, and the stars are about to fill the sky..."

"Now is the time when General Ratann is the weakest, let's go, heroes!"

"The Red Lion City has played a sad song, go to fight, go to fight, go to give the most powerful demigod General Ratan an honorable death, go and get that big rune!"

Then, as he raised his arms and shouted, in front of the city wall, the originally closed gate was slowly pushed open by the soldiers of Red Lion City, and behind the gate, he went to the beach below the Red Lion City fortress, and headed to the beach. The Stairs Avenue of the Weeping Dunes.


"Set off!"

"For Big Rune!"

"For glory!"

"For General Ratan!"

"Come on!"

"I am the strongest warrior pot!!"



So, with the order of the knight Gerlain, and with the opening of the gate, the heroes who had already had enough food and drink and recharged their energy during the day, such as the warrior pot Alexander, a certain impatient hero A tall Mr. Wolf, an unnamed fader, an unnamed pyroxene female mage, a ghost warrior who doesn't know where he came from, etc... Countless heroes rushed forward one after another, heading towards The wide-open gate rushed and headed down the stairs, ready to launch the most ferocious attack on the lost general Ratan.



At this time, he sighed in the bottom of his heart, and when he was considering whether to follow and participate in the battle, the knight Jielian turned his head and found in shock:

Not far from the side, on a crenel of the city wall of the fortress, a certain little girl was sitting on it at this time, and was swaying her tender white feet leisurely, still in her arms. Holding a big bag of weird food, watching the heroes rushing down, while eating the kind of food that exudes an alluring sweetness with relish, don't you want to follow?



Annie noticed a certain abnormal look around her, and then, seeing that the people below had not reached the dunes, and seeing that the two sides could not fight for the time being, she turned her head in doubt, and looked at the man beside her who claimed to be Jie Lian. And was staring at his guy.

"Grandpa, do you want to come over and eat something?"


"This is bb popcorn. It's from a good thing called the food world. It's very rare and delicious!"


Then, thinking that the other party was greedy, Annie naturally introduced the big bag of popcorn in her arms.

She still remembered that she grabbed the biggest and best bb popcorn corn from Uncle Alu at that time. It was as big as a building. It was said that a single popcorn popped from a corn was enough for one day. Thousands of people eat, so ah, she is very well stocked with food supplies, and now she is not stingy at all, and directly grabbed a hand towards the other party and gestured.


However, Jie Lian, who was wearing the mask of an old man with a beard, was waiting for General Ratan to be beaten to death by those outsiders. He was depressed and heavy, so why was he in the mood to eat delicious food?


"Aren't you going to go down to fight?"

So, taking a few steps forward silently, walking to the front and back of the little girl, he asked in a strange and dissatisfied way.

Now almost everyone has run away, but this little girl is the only one left. She is actually in the mood to sit there and watch the fun and eat with a smile on her face?

To be honest, either because the other party is just a little girl, or because the other party knows that the other party is the new king of Stonewell, or if the other party is said to be very powerful and has defeated the demigod Greck, a powerful existence, such as those Faded, if the other party dared to treat the sacred and solemn ceremony with such an attitude, he might have already slashed through it with a sword.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"Don't worry, let's watch them fight first, how fun would that be?"


"It's more fun to watch the fun now. People should wait. When they are almost finished, let's go down!"


Looking at the sand dunes below, and then at the masked grandfather next to him, who didn't know what expression he had, Annie didn't even think about it, she just said it carelessly and carelessly.


Watch, watch the fun?

Are you still playing?

Gu Pi

Hearing that the little girl in front of her was able to say such words, Jielian was like a bonfire that burst in his heart, so angry that he almost sprayed out a sip of old blood.


"If they beat General Ratan first later, you won't get the big rune if you go."

However, in the end, Jie Lian didn't show too much excitement, just took a deep breath, and then, after hesitating and thinking for a while, he managed to calm down and used the mask to appear a little bit The hoarse and dull words asked in a general manner.

As we all know, the little girl in front of me became the king of Stonewell City after defeating the demigod 'Limb' Greck. From that, we can know that the opponent's strength must be very strong, even if the demigod Greck is the weakest and The worst performance in the Shattered War, but that doesn't change the fact that the little girl in front of her has the power of a demigod.

So, if possible, of course Jie Lian wants to let the other party go down as early as possible and participate in the battle, and it is best to complete the ceremony tonight and send the honorable death to General Ratan.

"Big Rune?"


"If you can't get it, you can't get it. Everyone has two, so it's not uncommon for that thing!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~



"There are two big runes?"


"Where did the other one come from?"

Hearing such an explosive news, Jie Lian expressed his surprise and surprise.

Obviously, in the depths of the Red Lion City, he still lags behind some news. He just knows that the little girl in front of him defeated 'Limb' Greck. As for who the other party defeated and won the second place A big rune, then he really doesn't know.

"Why do people tell you?"


"Guess for yourself!"


Annie didn't say it directly, just made a face at the other party playfully.

After all, she didn't know, and was even more unfamiliar with, the strange man or the strange old man in front of her, who didn't know what she looked like, so she would definitely not easily tell each other about her and Aunt Reinara.

But well...

She suddenly remembered that right now, the big man who was wandering under the beach seemed to be Aunt Reinara's own son?

So, Annie was already thinking about it. After a while, what should she do?

Should you beat the other person first, or beat him first?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


Jie Lian stopped talking, and didn't want to guess.

After all, there are too many demigods or powerhouses with big runes in this junction, and it is said that there are all kinds of twisted and mutated runes, how does he know where the little guy in front of him got it from The second big rune?


"Since you already have two big runes, if you get General Ratan's big runes, you will have three runes!"

"By the time……"

"If you want to be the King of Eldon, it must be a lot easier?"

After being silent for a while, Jie Lian suddenly persuaded politely.

Thinking about it carefully, wasn't the Shard War of that year caused by the broken Eldon Circle and the demigods fighting each other for big runes?

And the same goes for those faders who are now active all over the border!

So, if the little girl in front of you is still pursuing the Ring of Eldon and wants to become the King of Eldon, then it's best to go down now and rush in front of the other heroes to defeat Ratan. General and get that big rune!

By then...

With three big runes and the entire Nimgford area, King Stonewell will definitely become the most popular candidate for the king of Eldon!

"don't want!"


"People don't want to be the king of Eldon!"


"People won't go down!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

In fact, Annie wouldn't tell the other party, she didn't think those big water tanks, faders, and Mr. Wolf would be the opponents of the big man who was wandering below, no matter if she didn't care about big runes, anyway , she just doesn't have to worry that the big rune will be taken away by those idiots.


This time, Jie Lian has no choice. He doesn't know what to say.



"Look, look, look!"


"They rushed over!"

(??~??) Chew~!

At this time, Annie suddenly stopped paying attention to that Jillian, but cheered excitedly and threw popcorn into her mouth with all her might.

Because ah, she saw it at this moment, the wonderful show has been staged, the group of people who just rushed down has reached the beach full of red mist, and began to spread out, to the wandering Star Broken General Rata En launched an attack.



Immediately afterwards, Annie's eyes widened, and the popcorn she was chewing in her mouth almost didn't come out.

"That idiot pot uncle was actually beaten up by the first one!"


"It's really stupid!"


Because Annie saw it, the battle had just begun, and the Warrior Pot, the Iron Fist Alexander, shouted loudly and rushed towards the Star Broken General Ratan.


The moment he approached, he was sturdyly stabbed by Ratan's sword!

The blow from the strongest demigod with gravity magic directly caused the body of Alexander's pot, known as the strongest warrior pot, to almost crack, and the softened contents in the pot, those corpses or something messed up The things naturally spilled all over the place.

Then, the unfortunate uncle of the pot withdrew from the battle, and could only roll aside embarrassedly and comically, and began to pick up the splashed contents miserably and stuff it into his own That This kind of scene made Annie couldn't bear to look directly.

"it is good!"




"Come on!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Then, Annie soon stopped going to see the stupid uncle pot, but continued to eat bb popcorn from the food world while excitedly waving her fists to cheer on those uncles and sisters who didn't know each other.



"I was hit..."

( ̄▽ ̄)”

"That uncle should be all right?"


Suddenly, Annie saw that in the fierce battle, an uncle of the fader sneakily hid in the distance and shot cold arrows, but who would have thought that although the big Ratan was crazy, but his fighting skills were still there, so the opponent raised his hand and said With a move like the shadow arrow, the dark blue and black attack immediately passed through the chest of the faded uncle, and then the wretched guy lay directly on the sand dune and did not move. , I don't know if he's dead or not.


At this time, Jie Lian was not in the mood to persuade the bad little girl next to him.

He just widened his eyes, leaned on the city wall, and watched nervously at the battle below, watching the battle between the heroes from all over the border against the strongest demigods, for fear of missing something.


?*. ?(ˊwˋ*)??*. Ask for a monthly pass

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