Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1872: ?*. ?(?)??*? Battle Ritual (2…


"You warriors who have come from all over the border, you are welcome!"


At this time, when Annie had just entered the festival scene and had not had time to see what delicious food was on the long tables or the shelves by the bonfire...




With the sound of louder and melodious lamentations, in front, on the towering city gate like a urn, appeared a peaked hood made of worn-out cloth pieces, and also wore a beard. The guy with the old man's mask, who couldn't see what he looked like, came out, and stood behind the arrow stack on the city wall and started to deliver his speech:

"I'm the knight Gerlain of the Red Lions!"

"Many of you may not know me, but it doesn't matter, but you have to know one thing, that is: I, Jie Lian, are posting hero posts and inviting you to come to the Red Lion City to participate in the battle festival , I beg you to give the great and strongest demigod Ratan to those who died honorably!"

Hearing the man at the top of the city say this, the people at the battle ceremony banquet below, those who came from inside and outside the border and claimed to be heroes or strong men, couldn't help but feel a little commotion, and they began to whisper in whispers. discussed.

Seeing the appearance of the guests, the guy at the top of the city who claimed to be Jie Lian didn't rush to speak, he just continued to stand like that, as if he was going to give enough time for the guests below to digest it.

for a long time.

When the guests who came to participate in the battle ceremony became quiet again and looked at him, he continued:

"Countless years ago..."

"I still remember that in the early days of the Fragment War, General Fragment Star led the Red Lion Legion and the coalition forces of various races to the royal city of Rodel. When they passed through the Lienia area, they happened to meet me."

"Then, General Ratan sent me an invitation..."

"And I am a knight, and my lifelong pursuit is to "die with honor" on the battlefield! "

"As we all know, the Fragment War was a war between demigods. At that time, I felt that if I could die in a war that was so grand and majestic that it could be recorded in the annals of history, I would be able to die properly. Fame?"

"So, I readily agreed and joined the coalition!"

Speaking of this, Jie Lian paused for a while, as if he was nostalgic about the scene at that time, of course, it may also be sentimental about the current affairs.

In short, he just stood silently behind the arrow stack at the city head, and he didn't know what he was thinking.




At the same time, at the battle ceremony banquet below, the audience also gave him enough respect, and no one was disturbed at this time.



So is Annie.

Because ah, she knew that the other party was telling a nice story, so she was quite fascinated by it, and she didn't want to interrupt the other party easily.

"We will arrive at the royal city soon!"

"Although the battle was very fierce, General Ratan still captured most of the area. Originally, we would soon be able to capture the headless city of dragons and see the ring of Eldon, we almost It worked."


"At that time, a group of night cavalrymen who came from nowhere suddenly broke into the battlefield, so we had to rush into the battle and face the enemy on our backs."

"Finally, in order to take care of the overall situation, General Ratan chose to retreat temporarily..."

"Ashamed to say!"

"That's when, after returning to Gailide, General Ratan and I made a pact together: say... in 'the time of our lives, let each other die in honor of each other'? "

"At that time, we always thought that it was just a joke to each other, shouldn't it be true?"

"As you all know, Star Broken General Ratan is the strongest demigod, and is powerful enough to seal the existence of the stars. He can't possibly need that kind of agreement!"

"Back then, if it wasn't for that despicable 'King of Bad Omen' Menggot who suddenly led his troops to sneak attack on our side, the royal city Rodel would have held high the banner of our king Ratan at this time!"

As he spoke, the knight Jellian sighed again and stopped.

He seems to be reminiscing about the past and regretting that the tragic Wangcheng battle ended in failure. Of course, there may be other things.

"However, those things don't matter anymore..."

"The important thing is that none of us thought that the promise that was like a child's play would come so quickly, so suddenly..."

"Shortly after withdrawing from the royal city..."

"A group of knights with a corrupt atmosphere boldly attacked the field of Galid, and its leader is the famous "Mikaela's Blade", the undefeated Valkyrie - Malenia! "

"No one knows why the Valkyrie Marenia led the Knights of the Rot to attack Galid, and no one knows why she came..."

"Some people say that she is looking for someone... and some people say that she is for the Great Rune of General Ratan?"

"Anyway, because of their arrival, the war broke out!"

"Galid Wilderness, once the most fertile area on the border, has gradually become devastated because of that terrible war..."

"Wherever the Legion of Corruption goes, the green mountains and waters are gone, the lakes are reduced to fetid swamps, the spores emitting the smell of scarlet corruption are everywhere, the mutant creatures become hideous and start to attack all the villages, towns and pedestrians. …”

"Seeing this, the wounded General Ratan couldn't bear the kind of poisoning this land and people suffered, so he resolutely mounted his beloved horse and went to meet the Valkyrie."

"That battle..."

"It's even more tragic than the battle of the royal city.

"In the end, the mighty Ratan gradually suppressed the mighty Malenia, and was about to win..."


"As a golden needle fell, a huge flower of corruption came on the way!"

"That was also the first bloom of scarlet corruption on the land of Galead, and it was also the culprit that caused the destruction of this land!"

"It is precisely because of that flower of corruption that General Ratan, who has not yet recovered from his injuries, has been severely injured again..."

"It was a war without a winner..."

"The Knights of Reverence and Corruption were almost wiped out, and the Valkyrie Marenia was also seriously injured and fell into a coma. She fled back to the holy tree in a panic. It is said that she has not woken up yet?"

"As for General Ratan..."

"As you all know, he is also deeply corrupt and poisonous, has no medicine to cure, and his mind is gradually eroded..."

Having said that, Jie Lian's tone gradually became a little bleak and low, and the head with the mask of the old man with the beard slowly drooped down.

"To this..."

"I have been searching for many years, and I have searched almost all over the junction..."

"Finally, I have to admit that the scarlet corruption, that vicious curse has no possibility of cure at all!"

"So, when I returned to the Red Lion City and saw General Ratan, who was completely insane, like a beast, I had to decide to fulfill the promise I made with him..."

"let him……"

"Death to fame!"

"I think he, who is belligerent and strong, is known as the strongest demigod, if he can die in the battle ceremony against the heroes of the borderlands and be remembered by all the heroes, then it should be regarded as a reputation. ?"

Having said that, Jillian stopped again.

He remembered the heart-wrenching scene he saw when he came back from searching for a solution: on the coast under the fortress, on that sandy beach, General Ratan was still in that state of confusion, the scarlet corruption of Malenia, the The vicious spore still eroded his body and drove his sanity further and further.

He is like a wild dog now, he will gather the bodies of the dead in battle, whether they are enemies or friends, they will devour them like a wild dog...

Of course, there is also the sad cry to the sky...

And all that is the main reason why Jie Lian decides to hold this battle ceremony and bring "honorous death" to Ratan!

At the same time, that is also their promise to each other!

"And now..."

"Heroes, you have seen that the stars are about to fill the sky, and the time of the festival is coming soon!"

"Now, please eat as much as you like, drink as much as you like, and cheer as much as you want!"


"On the beach below the Red Lion City, the most powerful demigod, General Ratan, is waiting for you there!"


"Get ready to fight!"

"Full of honor, go to defeat the powerful enemy, defeat the most powerful demigod, and get that big rune!!"


"It starts now!!!"

Finally, as the knight Jellian finally raised his arms and shouted, as the melodious grief sounded again, everyone present, whether it was soldiers or civilians, or those who came to participate in the ceremony, prepared to give Ratan the honor. The participants who died, or were about to die under the hands of the strongest demigod, stood up solemnly, or stood solemnly, or saluted, or cheered wildly to express their respect for the strongest demigod and their respect for the demigod. The longing for the festival.

Of course, except for a certain little girl...



Gu Qian



"Uncle Hu, are you really here too?"


At this time, Annie approached the warrior pot Alexander, and knocked on the other side's cylinder, interrupting the other side's cheers.

"Oh no!"

"It's Anne, I just heard them calling your name. It seems that they treat you differently!"

Seeing Annie greeting him, the warrior pot Alexander had to stop and said something sour.

When the little girl in front of her entered the arena, she had the secretary chanting, that kind of treatment, but none of the others present, and Alexander was also very jealous!

However, Alexander was relieved soon. After all, he also knew that the little girl Annie in front of him had defeated the powerful existence of the demigod Greek, who had ravaged the Nimgford area for many years, and was also the king of Stonewell, regardless of identity or strength. , that are all top-level, and now that the other party can come here in person, the organizer should give full respect and respect.


"Look, it's very lively here, right?"

"Exactly as I expected, Battle Ritual, this is awesome!"

Immediately afterwards, the warrior pot Alexander didn't care why Annie came to beat him, and he began to say excitedly like that:

"I never imagined that I would be able to see a demigod, and he was the most powerful hero in the Shattered War..."

"I shudder at the thought of fighting against each other!"

"That is the existence worthy of my challenge. When the time comes, please be sure to testify to me by the side. I, "Tekken Alexander", will fight bravely and never back down! "

"I must be the strongest warrior pot!"

As he spoke, Alexander waved his funny long arms, and if it hadn't been night, if the battle part of the battle ritual hadn't started, he must have been the first to rush to the beach. .





"Uncle Hu, why don't people advise you not to participate?"


Annie didn't think the fighting power of this stupid big water tank that could be trapped in a pit in front of her, so she hesitated for a while, but persuaded her without any subtlety.


"Do not!"

"I am the strongest warrior pot!"

"I'm going to defeat General Broken Star, and then put his body in my tank to live up to my reputation as the strongest warrior pot!"

"You'll see."

Unfortunately, the warrior pot Alexander couldn't listen to Annie's advice, he said it directly and firmly, and then quickly turned his head and started to join other people, with those faders, pyroxene mages, all kinds of ghosts cheered.



"Then do whatever you want..."


Since the other party didn't listen to the persuasion, Annie couldn't say more, and instead continued to stroll around the cheering banquet scene.



Soon, Annie spotted a big guy who was different at a glance, and then, curious and had nothing to do, she moved towards the other side.



"Hello, Mr. Wolf, are you a big bad wolf?"


Annie ran to the tall werewolf in the venue, and after staring at each other for a while, she suddenly asked cutely.



"You can say yes!"

The werewolf in the armor and the gray-white fur coat first stared at the little girl in front of him who didn't know and dared to talk to him for a while, and then he nodded.

Because, strictly speaking, he is indeed a wolf himself, and the color of his hair is indeed gray, so it shouldn't be wrong for the little girl to say that he is a big bad wolf?



"Will you suddenly eat someone?"


While asking, Annie suddenly showed a slightly frightened expression, as if she was afraid that the other party would suddenly have a wolf-like haircut and then pounce on him.



"Why do you ask that?"

Werewolves are a little weird.

"Just say if you want it or not!"



"Do not!"

"I don't want to!"

The werewolf said that he had heard of the little girl in front of him. The other party was not just as simple as Stonewell's king. The other party also rode a dragon to the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, and finally saved the full moon queen Reinara. But knowing that the other party is powerful, where would they easily eat each other?

Although, the other party looks like the thin-skinned and tender meat seems to be delicious, but he definitely doesn't dare to eat it, and he doesn't even dare to think about it.

"But, it's said in the book that the big bad wolf always eats Little Red Riding Hood!"


"Don't you want to try it?"


Annie spoke plausibly, with a look of anticipation on her face.

Because ah, now she is wearing a red dress and has a little red riding hood, but she doesn't know where her grandmother's house is, and her mother Amoren hasn't told her, otherwise, she can suggest the other party to eat her first My grandmother's Although Tibbers also doesn't know who the shadow witch Amorim's mother is, or whether the other party exists, but Tibbers only knows that the werewolf in front of him, this The big bad wolf will definitely not be the opponent of the Shadow Witch's mother. If he really dares to go to the door, who will eat who will not be sure! )


Blazer suddenly stopped talking.

"Feel sorry!"

"I still have some things that I need to take a break for, so I'm disturbed."

Because, he suddenly sensed the dangerous aura, so, for the sake of his own wolf life, and the relationship between his master and the other party is not bad, so after thinking about it, he did not dare to continue talking, but apologized slightly. Then walked towards a lounge.

The evening ceremony is about to start, and he needs to recharge his energy now. Although they are a group of Rataen who have fallen into madness, but no matter what, he is the strongest demigod. He must recharge his energy and go all out. Just do it.



"Hey! Mr. Wolf, Uncle Wolf, we haven't finished talking yet!"


Annie wanted to ask something more, such as whether 'grandmother' was delicious, and whether the other party was afraid of hunters, but unfortunately, Mr. Wolf didn't give her any chance and just ran away.


(● ̄? ̄●)


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