Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1871: ?*. ?(?)??*? Battle Ritual (One…

On the third day, Annie arrived at her destination 'smoothly'.

She did not follow Melina's instructions to return directly to the Water Calling Village and enter the Gayleid Fields through the Smoked Fire Church, nor did she directly attempt to go around the Gael Mine from the east of the Third Church of Malika. Instead, she directly used the The method of teleportation, after many attempts and positioning (random teleportation), finally successfully arrived at the southernmost part of the Galid Field, found the island, and arrived after passing through a bridge called 'Unbroken Bridge'. She found the Red Lion City she was looking for.

And when she arrives, the battle ceremony is said to be held at noon tomorrow, and now many people have arrived, she is almost the kind of late.

But it doesn't matter, she's here anyway, and she's not late, that's all.



"So this is the Spicy Red Lion City?"


"It looks a little more prosperous than that of Stonewell City..."


For the first time, Annie had a slightly different view of this borderland, and also, she had a little more affection for the Star Broken General Ratan.

Because, here, this Red Lion City is actually different from the dilapidated Stonewell City and the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy that she entered before. It seems that there is still a good order here, and the city and the city walls are relatively complete. There are still many normal people in the residential area, and countless soldiers of the Red Lion Legion are still guarding here.

If you don't look at the scarlet corruption and pollution that is everywhere in the Gayleid field, perhaps, this is really the most normal place in the entire border?

It's a pity that the prosperity of this Red Lion City is only the last stubbornness. Now, the entire Galead has been crumbling under the pollution of scarlet corruption and is on the verge of destruction. Without the support of the land and the people, how long can this place last? an unknown.

Anyway, when teleporting on the road many times, Annie had seen quite a few miserable scenes in the Galid area that were almost on the verge of destruction.

In the area of ​​Gayleid Wilderness, scarlet and corrupt spores are indeed scattered everywhere. Animals such as wild dogs and crows have also become monsters, devouring everyone who dares to come and go to the Gayleid area. Moreover, scarlet corruption It also turned the river into a swamp, withered trees and flowers, and made this piece of land die bit by bit. The tragic situation was no less than the pollution caused by the death plague of the undead natural disaster that Anne had ever seen.

The only difference between the two sides is probably the difference between spores and plague.


‘Um… woo…’

At this time, before Annie entered the city gate, she was the first to hear the melodious sound of lamentation and lamentation coming from the fortress castle.



Obviously, it must be the sad song played by the residents and soldiers of the Red Lion City for their beloved and respected and the strongest demigod 'General Broken Star' Rataen, and tomorrow, the so-called battle ceremony, will be The funeral of their strongest demigod, Ratan!

It is said that although Ratan, who was invaded by the scarlet corruption, still relied on his powerful strength and did not die, but over the years, his constantly eroded thoughts have made him more and more like a wild beast. It devours everything that has signs of life and the corpses of the dead, whether enemy's or one's own.

In view of the fact that years of efforts have determined that the scarlet corruption cannot be cured, so, in order to prevent the general Ratann, whom they respected, from turning into a sad beast, the Red Lion City finally decided to play the mourning and Hero posts are widely distributed, and the heroes and powerhouses of the entire border are called to participate in this feast of battle against the most powerful demigods in legends, and to send their General Ratan an honorary death and a grand funeral.

"Come on, Tibbers!"


After listening for a while, Annie pouted and put that insignificant thing behind her.

"Let's go join in the fun!"


Immediately afterwards, looking at the lively venue in front of her, Annie cheered and ran over to the place in front of the urn-like urn-like place that was used to hold festivals with her little bear.



Before Annie entered the main venue that seemed to be dedicated to holding ceremonies, and entered the barn city with all kinds of food, drink, and delicacies, unexpectedly, two of the Red Lion Legion guards guarding both sides of the gate suddenly used The halberds in their hands came across and barricaded Annie, denying her entry.



"Two uncles, what are you doing?"


Annie was a little puzzled.

Because, she saw that many strange guys who just entered, such as werewolves, faders, or pyroxene mages, etc., these two uncles didn't stop them. Why is it so rude and unreasonable?

"go back!"

"This is not a place for children like you to make trouble!"

The soldier of the Red Lion Legion did not give Annie a good look, and glared at Annie with his fierce eyes hidden behind the helmet, and shouted with gritted teeth.

Because, behind them, the battle ceremony that is about to be held is a ceremony that will bring the honorable death of their most beloved general, Ratan. It is a very serious and sad thing. Only the strong and heroes who are willing to fight their generals to the death can enter.

They can no matter who the person is, whether the other party is human or not, and no matter what profession the other party is, even if the other party is the kind of annoying fader, but as long as they claim to be powerful or look at the powerful guy, they All of them will allow the other party to enter, but that will definitely not include this little girl who seems to be helpless!

They will not easily allow a child to run into the solemn ceremony scene to make trouble, and they will not let the other party appear in front of their beloved General Ratan!



"Who is going to make trouble, they are here to participate in the festival!"


Annie said angrily, and was about to stretch out her hand to push away the other party's halberd.

"Back off!"

"Only the strong and heroes from all over the border can enter here!"

"Go back quickly!"

Although the review mechanism of this festival is not very perfect, and they will not seriously review the qualifications or strength of each visitor, no matter how you look at it, the little girl with thin skin and tender meat in front of her will definitely not be People they think are eligible to go in.



"People are strong!"


Annie began to argue with reason, and glared angrily at the bad guy who stopped and reprimanded her!

Although, she came to participate in this festival with the idea of ​​playing, making trouble, or joining in the fun, but, in fact, her Lady Queen Anne is indeed a strong person, and ah, she is still the kind of person who can easily The kind that cleans up everyone inside!

"I'll say it again!"

"leave here!"




It's a pity that the soldier of the Red Lion Legion didn't buy it, so he reprimanded and drove Annie fiercely once again.


!? (?''??)?



Annie was mad, so she was going to give the other party a good look.

"All right."

Fortunately, at this time, without waiting for the irritable gatekeeper who had spoken badly to Annie to forcefully drive him away, the soldier standing on the other side, who was also blocking the halberd, spoke up:

"What do you compare to a child?"



"It's easy for you to get in. Prove it to us. What skills do you have?"

"If not, then get out!"

He first persuaded his companion, then looked at Annie, and then asked impatiently in that hoarse voice.





Annie began to think.

After all, she has a lot of skills, she can do anything, so to prove that she is qualified to go in, she really has to think about it.

"Proof is proof, don't you regret it?"


Rolling her eyes, Annie quickly thought of an excellent way to not only prove her own strength, but also teach the two bad scumbags who underestimate her a lesson.

"watch out!"


After making the decision, Annie just stretched out her hand, and a red heat ray instantly hit the steel halberd held by the two of them, and then...

In the next second, the two halberds held in the opponent's hand quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly turned into molten iron and dripped directly to the ground.

Of course, some of it flowed directly to the gloves and arms of the two of them, which must be indispensable.





Immediately afterwards, of course, the two Red Lion City guards who were holding a halberd exclaimed one after another, hurriedly swung or covered their iron-burned hands, rolled aside, and hurriedly tried to take off. He screamed loudly while his gloved glove was on fire.


"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"



Hearing the screams on the side of the city gate, many soldiers from the Red Lion City soon surrounded them.



Although they wear iron gloves on their hands, it is likely that there is a thick layer of non-slip leather in some places, but it is not a joke to be poured on their hands by hot molten iron and smoke and catch fire. In that case, A few big blisters from being scalded are still good.

"Now, can you prove how powerful they are?"

Gu Hu

o('^') o Humph!

As she said that, Annie didn't pay any attention to them, and didn't pay attention to the pointing of the soldiers who surrounded her. Instead, she lifted her chin arrogantly and moved towards the city gate, towards the festival inside. The place where it was held took great strides into it.


"please wait!"


When the two guys who were guarding the gate were dealt with, and many people cast surprised glances at her, before Annie entered the festival venue with a lot of people and a lot of tables and food, there was another one. A Red Lion City soldier who was sitting next to him stood up and stopped her.



"Uncle, what do you want to do?"


"Do you also want people to prove it to you?"


"Then tell me, do you want your leg armor to be burned, or your helmet to be burned?!"


Annie, who was already a little impatient, tightened her little face and glanced at her brother's body with bad intentions.

She has made up her mind, as long as the other party nods and agrees, she will definitely cast a certain armor part on the other party's body directly!


"No no no!"

"I didn't want you to prove anything..."

"I'm the secretary here, I'm just in charge of registering the names of the visiting heroes and powerhouses..."


Hearing Annie's words, the man hurriedly waved his hand, and immediately picked up the parchment on the table that seemed to have recorded many names and the quill in the other hand.

If Annie was just an ordinary little girl, that didn't matter, he would have asked someone to take the other party out. However, after seeing the end of the two unlucky **** over there who were crying and covering their hands with wet towels, He felt that he had better not talk too much?



"So you still have to register?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Blinking, seeing that the other party was indeed registering some information, Annie gave up the plan to burn a certain part of the other party's body, and walked to the other party's table instead.


'ο'*))) alas

"Then tell me, what exactly do you want to register?"


As long as the other party is a reasonable request, as long as it is not deliberately making things difficult, then there is no reason for Annie to refuse. After all, she is a guest and came here to participate in that fun festival, not to mess around and deliberately make trouble.

Of course, making trouble must be making trouble. How could Her Lady Queen Anne not get involved? However, the trouble is not now, and it does not need to be too deliberate, as long as it is random.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Mainly counting names and origins."

"You should know that the battle ceremony is very dangerous. If something unexpected happens, maybe we can send a letter to your family?"

"Of course, the premise is that you are sure you want to participate in that dangerous festival?"

He explained it subtly and explained how powerful it was, and then dipped it in ink. Then, after seeing that Annie didn't want to back down, the clerk signaled that she could sign up for her own number.

Here, in addition to the basic registration, there is also the meaning of making a will.

After all, which of their current broken star generals has been tortured by scarlet corruption to the point of madness, anyone, whether they are friends or foes, men or women, young or old, as long as they appear on that beach, they are in danger of losing their lives at any time. No kidding! At that time, they may not even dare to collect the corpse. At most, they will just pass a letter of notification to the other's family or organization at a convenient time.



"My name is Annie!"


Blinking her eyes, looking at the parchment, and even seeing a familiar name on it, Annie no longer hesitated and said her name directly and generously.



"Then, where are you from?"

With a big wave of his hand, he wrote Annie's name in beautiful calligraphy, and the secretary raised his head again and asked.

"Naturally, this is not necessary, you can also not write..."

It is true that this information can be written or not, but if it is written, it will be convenient for them to issue a notification letter and deliver it smoothly.

Of course, that must have happened after the duel with their star-shattering general Ratan. It was an extremely glorious and great thing, even if it was killed on that beach, in the strongest In the hands of a demigod, if you say it, you can also make your family and your family proud.

"Stonewell City!"


"They live in Stonewell's castle!"


Seeing that many people wrote it on that piece of paper, Annie thought for a while, but she still didn't choose to hide it, and directly revealed her 'origin' impatiently.

"Shi, Stonewell Castle?"


"Then you are..."

Hearing the name and address, the clerk sitting behind the desk was about to write, but when he regained his senses, he suddenly exclaimed.

Obviously, as the clerk, he seems to have a lot of knowledge about the changes in the Nimgford area bordering Galid and the situation in Stoneville City. 'Grek's death and Godslayer being the new king or something.

"He is the new king of Stoneville City!"


With that look in the other's eyes, Annie naturally could see what the other party wanted to ask at a glance without having to guess, so she winked at the other party playfully and said another thing directly.



"Which 'Storm and Fire' Queen Anne Hastur who defeated the demigod 'Limb' Greck?"

In the next second, when he heard the secretary who was exactly the same as he had guessed, he exclaimed and stood up with the desk.

Although, the demigod 'Limb' Gerek is known as the weakest demigod. Back then, he was so frightened by their General Broken Star that he even put on makeup as a female family member, fled the city overnight, and was beaten by the Valkyrie. The defeated army knelt down and begged for mercy, and even knelt down and licked the boots of the Valkyrie, begging for a chance to live, but, no matter what, the other party was also a genuine demigod, a descendant of the Golden Family!

But not long ago, their Red Lion City received news that the demigod was said to have been defeated, and the Stonewell and Nimgford areas also changed owners, but he never thought that defeat The demigod Greg, turned out to be such a little girl in front of him?

"That's right!"


"Can people go in now?"


Annie did not refute, and asked directly Mengmeng.

Although, that 'Limb' Greck was not defeated by her own hands, but was hacked to death by the countless 'Magma Casters' she summoned, but it is definitely not on her head. Just wrong.

Anyway, there is no need to explain too much about that kind of detail.


"Yes, of course!"

"Come in quickly!"

No one else will say it, but if it is the new king of Stoneville City who defeated the demigod 'Limb' Greck, and the Queen Anne of 'Storm and Fire' who came to challenge General Broken Star, it is undoubtedly a piece of cake. It was something that the soldiers of the Red Lion Legion also felt very proud of, so of course he had no reason to refuse.


With the clerk's welcome and the amazement, admiration, or disbelief watching and whispering discussions of many Red Lion soldiers around, Annie was finally able to make a big stride towards the main venue of the battle festival inside. walked in.


"The new king of Stonewell City, the queen of 'Storm and Fire', Her Majesty Anne Hastur is here!!"

Then, the secretary, who felt that it seemed to be an honorable thing, roared out loudly towards the inside of the venue, where all the guests and heroes were gathered, and succeeded. It made the countless guests and strong people in the venue aware of Annie's arrival.


"is her…"


"Grek was killed by her? No way?"



"There's a good show here!"


Soon, UU reading www.uukanshu. com With the shouting of the secretary, the heroes, the strong, the faders, the pyroxene mages, or some other guys of unknown origin in the venue all turned towards a little girl who was not stage fright at all. Cast one by one with surprise, or admiration, or jealousy, and doubt or that kind of vicious hatred.

"Hey! Uncles and sisters, how are you!"


However, Annie didn't care what they thought, she just waved to the uncles and sisters who were all staring at her and officially announced her arrival.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


And when the secretary called out Annie's name for the first time, when Annie entered the festival venue, and when everyone looked at Annie with different looks, at the front of the battle festival venue, there Above the city wall, there is a peaked hood made of worn-out cloth pieces, and under the hood there is a mask of an old man with a beard. He is also holding arrows with both hands and locking Annie firmly, and is also moving towards Annie. Annie cast a fiery look.


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