Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1870: ?(●'??●)? Tibbers, catch her!

The night sky at the border is dreary, with no stars and no moon.

Except for the huge golden tree and clouds that covered almost half of the sky and only became a little brighter at night, and the large and small golden tree seedlings far and near, nothing could be seen.

And due to various reasons, a bad little girl did not choose to stay overnight in the ruins of the Shuishan Village that she almost burned to the ground, but traveled south along the lake to a random place with the same Malika statue in the church.

"Suck it..."





( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Eat the top-quality soba noodles produced by the natural curry paste blended with herbs and blended in a golden ratio from the well of miracles 'curry well' from the world of gourmet food. With the perfectly baked toffee syrup mint pie fruit, and sipping on yogurt from Yogurt Island, Annie can't say how comfortable it is now.

Anyway, under the comfort of many delicacies, she has basically forgotten all the unpleasantness caused by being attacked by a black knife assassin, and then besieged by the undead who rowed the skeleton.

For Annie, as long as there is something delicious or fun, everything else can be left behind, and everything can be ignored!

And to sum it up: the world is huge, and her Queen Anne is the most to eat, drink, and have fun. Others, no matter how big or small, urgent or not, are not very important!





At this time, the roof was gone, only a few pillars and one or two walls were covered with plants. There was a bonfire burning in the Malika church. Anne, who was eating gourmet camping, suddenly heard a burst of The sound of horses' hooves came near and still from the north.



Then, when she looked up at the place where the sound came from, she found that on the water of the lake, there was a guy riding on the back of a cow and running towards her quickly?



"It was her..."


Annie said she was very familiar with the person who came and the guy who rode the bull.

Because ah, the other party is not the one who mistakenly recognizes himself as a fader, and who is the hateful little sister Melina who wants to deceive himself to be the king of Eldon, and then deceive himself to go to the round table hall?

Pata~! Pata~!

As Annie watched, the horned ox (horse) got closer and closer, and the sound of the other side's hooves stepping on the water became louder and louder. After a while, the pair landed on the shore, and then approached him, on his back. After the hooded Melina turned over and dismounted, she was revoked and gradually disappeared without a trace.



"Why are you here again?"




"How did you know they were here?"


The guy in front of him had followed and peeped at him when he was in the Watercalling Village. Annie knew about that, but why was he still able to come to the door as soon as she teleported to the south of the lake? Some wondered.

"I've been watching you..."

"It's not easy to follow here..."

Melina, who dismounted and squatted down slowly by the bonfire, still had the look of no waves, no surprises and no joy on her face, and she didn't feel embarrassed or embarrassed by what she was chasing.

Of course, she didn't answer Annie's question directly, especially why she could know why Annie came to this Malika Third Church.

"not easy?"


"People think that your cow can run backwards very fast, and it can even run on water!"


Annie already knew that the other party was spying on her from a distance, so she teleported here after burning the village and that annoying boating undead, but who would have thought, the other party still found her and chased from the lake. come over.


Not to mention anything else, the other side's cow, in addition to being a little ugly, is quite good. It's very fast. It doesn't need to eat or drink. It can also run fast on the lake. There are also some battle horses.


"You mean Torret?"


"Annie, if you still want it, I can still give it to you now, and Torrett has always thought so."

With that said, Melina stretched out her hand again and handed the ring to Annie.

Undoubtedly, it was the tool for summoning Lingma Torret, and it was not the first time Anne had seen it, just like the last time.

"don't want!"


But unfortunately, Annie refused again with a look of disgust.

In fact, she was just talking about it casually. No matter how good the other's cow is and how many advantages it has, it is enough to make her look ugly and not fit Annie's aesthetic. Give direct PASS out.


Seeing Annie's refusal, Melina didn't take it seriously, just nodded, and then with some regret, she slowly took back the ring in her hand that had been given twice without success.

"If you need it, you can tell me anytime, or call me anytime."

Then, she slowly said another thing.



It's a pity that Annie didn't answer, she just gave the other a contemptuous little look.

You know, she can't get tired of this guy who follows and follows her all day long and never knows when it will suddenly appear, so how could she summon him?

"Do you want something to eat?"


"Although these things are leftovers from other people's food, they should be enough for you, and they are really delicious, you can't eat them in this world!"


Annie pointed to the pile of 'leftovers' placed by the bonfire in front of her, and motioned to Miss Melina in front of her not to be polite to her.

"Do not…"


"I don't need to eat."

Melina shook her head, then began to look at the church.

"This is the third church in Malika, it's all broken down like this..."

"Annie, how did you come up with the idea of ​​coming here?"

Immediately afterwards, I first looked around this third church, where the statue of Malika was basically intact, although only the broken eaves and walls were left, and the surrounding area was full of weeds and bushes, and then Melina suddenly asked in a soft voice. .



"Of course to hide from you!"


Annie didn't hide the slightest bit, and directly told one of the reasons why she was sent here.


"Has my existence troubled you?"

Wei Wei tilted her head and looked at Annie in surprise, but in the end, Melina didn't have any apology or wanted to apologize, she just nodded.


"Annie, there are proverbs in this Malika Third Church, left by Queen Malika who disappeared a long time ago. Do you want to hear it?"

"I can help you convey..."

Suddenly, Melina talked about another thing as if she was deliberately setting aside the topic.


∑('△')? !

"What proverb?"


After grabbing her little bear and wiping her hands, Annie was a little more interested and asked curiously.

"…I know."

"Now, I'll just repeat Malika's proverbs..."

'My king, the king's warriors, I will rob you of your blessings. ’

'When your eyes dim and fade, I will banish you beyond the border—'

‘Fight, live, and die beyond the border. ’

Melina raised her head suddenly, her eyes and expression became hollow and serious, and then she recited the few 'Proverbs' in a weird tone that she didn't know where she saw it.


"I'm more or less able to replace the witch's guidance, can't I?"

"I know, your witch, that Serorina, seems to have a little problem, she doesn't seem to be able to guide you correctly, right?"

Then, after speaking, she slowly relaxed and looked at Annie with a serious face.



"It's the same as the truth. I don't know if you made it up, or if you have anything to do with that Malika..."

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie turned her head away and didn't answer the other party's question.

But anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne didn't find anything in this dilapidated church, and she didn't even see the "Proverbs" left by Malika!

Gu Qiu

Furthermore, whether it's Melina who ran up to her and wanted to be her witch, or the one in Stoneville who forgot most of the things, she'd just try to make herself that ruffian. Serorina of King Eldon, she's all annoying!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"This is indeed the motto left by Queen Malika..."

"What do you think about this?"

After hearing what Annie said, Melina suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Annie, but in the end, she still didn't explain, she just asked in those calm words.





"How can people have an idea for a boring story?"

 ̄? ̄)????

Annie pouted.

Although she understood some things from the few sentences the other party recited just now, such as: Malika deliberately destroyed the Ring of Eldon and deliberately created faders, and as for the other party's real purpose, that Anne I don't know for now.

However, that kind of thing had nothing to do with her, and she didn't want to know, let alone guess, what happened to her love!

"Are you bored?"



"Annie, I saw you walking eastward after you came out of Stoneville City. Where are you going?"

Finally, it was rare that after some chats and exchanges, Melina, who seemed to be holding back for a long time, could be regarded as asking something important.

"Of course, to the Red Lion City!"


Annie didn't hide it, and answered carelessly.

"Red Lion City?"

Melina sat up looking expectantly.

She knew that Anne had two big runes now, one was Greck's big rune, and the other was the one from the full moon queen Reinara from the Rhea Lucaria School of Magic. The Rune'!

And now, the other party is planning to go to the Red Lion City again, and he must be planning to get the third big rune, get the ring fragment from Ratan, and follow Nimgef, Weeping Peninsula and Lieni. Outside of the sub-region, and then take the Gayleid field into your hands?


"Annie, you are ready at this time. You plan to obtain the big rune of Ratan, and prepare to repair the Ring of Eldon and ascend to the King of Eldon."

"Am i right?"

If she guessed correctly, by then, almost half of the border will be in Annie's hands.

And then, the other party only needs to lead a heavy army to the king city, defeat the king of bad omens Mongert and become the king of Eldon, which is a matter of course.

That kind of approach is much more reliable than those faded leaders who can only be lone rangers and fight and kill, or hide in the round table hall all day long with high conspiracy and intrigue and investigate the truth.


The little girl Annie in front of her is the most qualified and most likely Melina has seen over the years to ascend to the existence of the King of Eldon in a short period of time and within a certain period of time she can foresee!



"People just came across an urn and heard him talk about it, they thought it was fun, and then they just wanted to go and have a look when they had nothing to do!"


Annie said arrogantly.

At the same time, she suddenly remembered the warrior pot Alexander, and she didn't know how the other party was doing now, and she didn't know whether the other party would reach the Galid Field and the Red Lion City one step ahead of her.

"Just to see?"


"Annie, go east from Malika Third Church, but you can't get to Gailide. You should continue along the main road from Shuihuan Village, and then enter from the Smokey Church."


"You can also go north around the lake. If you can find the Gale Mine, continue to the east and you will find the road to the Red Lion City."

"But be careful."

"There are a large number of soldiers of the Red Lion Legion inside and outside the mine. They are all brave and good at fighting. If you want to enter the Red Lion City Cake to participate in the battle festival, it is best not to conflict with them?"

Whether Annie was duplicitous or outspoken, Melina didn't mind, she just pointed the right path for Annie seriously.

"Of course people know!"


"But people can travel through mountains and mountains, and they can also teleport. It's not the same where they go?"


Annie said indifferently, and didn't take that kind of trivial things to heart. Anyway, as long as she kept going east, she could reach the Galid Field, and then go south, and she would be able to reach the Red Lion. In the city, Her Lady Queen Anne is not a lunatic, at most she just walks a little bit occasionally.



"makes sense…"

"Ah! That's right."

"Annie, I almost forgot one thing, in the south of this Malika Third Church, there is a magical deep well, it's called Shivra River Well, through it, you can reach a mysterious underground world, if you are interested ,You can go check it out?"

At this time, Melina talked about another important thing.

In her opinion, since Annie intends to become the King of Eldon, and the other party is the most potential 'fader' she has seen over the years, then, she feels that, after becoming the King of Eldon and repairing the ring of law Before, it was necessary to go to that underground world?

Naturally, to go or not to go is entirely up to the other party's own wishes, she just said it casually and left a 'seed' in the other party's heart.

"Underground world?"


"Not interested in!"


"People just want to go to the Red Lion City first!"

( ̄^ ̄)

Saying that, Annie turned her head away arrogantly.

She knew that the other party must be trying to deceive herself to go somewhere, but even if she had secretly memorized it, she would not go, at least not now, especially in front of the other party. .


"It's better to go to the Red Lion City first."

"I heard that many powerhouses are rushing away now, and the big rune of Ratan can really not let others get there first."

Nodding her head, Melina agreed with Annie's choice, and also believed that things in the Red Lion City were more urgent.



"and many more!"


"People seem to remember something!"


At this time, Annie didn't know what she was thinking of, but she suddenly exclaimed.


Melina was puzzled.



"Tibbers, grab her for me and hit her ten times... no, a hundred spanks!!"


Finally, Annie remembered something that was very important to her.

You know, she said it before that if she encounters this Melina again, she must let Tibbs spank the other party's ass, so that the other party knows to trick her into going to the round table hall, Queen Anne She didn't get the fate of King Prawn!

But now, the retribution finally came, the other party ran to her, and UU reading reminded her of that incident, so she must put her ideas into practice.

'Roar~! ’

: Ow!

Naturally, a bear couldn't refuse that kind of thing, so he just howled and jumped on it.

Can result...



Surprisingly, before Tibbers could touch and press Melina on the bear's leg and take off her pants to spank, the hateful witch turned blue when she stood up and took a half step back. A little bit of magic dust and disappeared instantly.



As a last resort, Tibbers could only look back innocently at the miserable little master of his house.



"Tibbers, you actually let her run away?!"


"You stupid!"


Seeing that the enemy successfully escaped, Annie, who was a little exasperated, kicked a stupid bear that was more than successful.

She didn't think it was her fault. Anyway, although she really didn't remember to imprison the other party first or use a magic-forbidden spell first, but, no matter what, if she couldn't catch that guy, it was true A certain bear's pot!

She said that it was the other party's fault, that is, yes, no!


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