Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1869: ??(?д?)o~flame


On the edge of the lake in Shuihuan Village, at the height of a hilly woodland, in the deep and dark environment under the shade of the trees, a man with a hood on his head could not see his face, but his body was very slender. The guy who knew it was a woman was silently watching the road leading to Nimgford.

She is riding a spirit horse with horns under her crotch, and if you look closely, who is Torret, the wildebeest who was once despised by Anne?

And now that Torret is recognized, the true identity of the woman riding on its back is self-evident. Who is not that mysterious witch Melina?

At this time, looking from a distance, on the Tongcheng Avenue, a little girl is sitting on the shoulders of a ferocious plush giant bear, swaying forward, and the direction of progress is the water call village here.


"Toret, that's the king of Eldon you chose..."

"So far, she has mastered Nimgofor and Weeping Peninsula, and two large runes, and is one step closer to the Circle of Eldon."


"I don't know how far she can go, do you want to keep going?"

Looking at the figure of the little girl, remembering what the other party had done, and thinking about the other party's disdain for the Round Table Hall, the witch Melina couldn't help but sighed in a low voice.

The other party found and resurrected the witch. The witch is now taking care of the territory and seems to be doing well. Correspondingly, there is less and less what Melina can do.

So, she doesn't know at the moment, whether she herself can finally be up to the arduous task of successfully guiding the other party to the golden tree?

"Do not…"

"She has to go, Torret, we have no choice."

"Even against the golden law..."

After hesitating for a while, Melina sighed with some firmness, as if she had made up her mind.


"Let's wait and see."

After speaking, she stopped talking.

At this time, a certain little girl sitting on the shoulders of the giant bear finally staggered to the shore of the lake in Shuihuan Village, and began to look at the dilapidated and dilapidated place in the center of the lake, and it was quiet and completely Without any lights or voices, it doesn't look like an inhabited village.



"Tibbers, that should be the Watercalling Village in front of it, right?"


"People thought it was a big village, but it turned out..."


"It turned out to be just a ruin?"

'ο'*))) alas

Standing at the end of the road, standing on the shore of the lake, looking at the Water Calling Village in the lake in front of her, and the said to be beautiful water village surrounded by the lake, Annie also had to sigh.

Sure enough, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

Thankfully, she just arrived here with high spirits, and she wondered if she would be warmly entertained by the villagers, with a big warm house, delicious aquatic food, etc., but she never thought that there is nothing but a broken eaves and broken walls. Besides, there is nothing at all?


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't make any comments, because it's normal, it doesn't think it's a big surprise, after all, it's been discovered for such a long time, this border is full of ruins and dead births However, there are not many normal villages or towns at all, especially those on the main roads, which are worse than the last, even the churches are in ruins, how can there be any good villages like this?)



Annie was not in a hurry to speak again, but just looked ahead a little tangled.

Thinking about it carefully, after the poisoning of that fragmented war, it is estimated that there is really no place in this world that is normal.

She had seen it before, even the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, which was strictly protected by the magic barrier, was in ruins, and since the isolated magic academies were like that, then Not to mention this small village on Tongcheng Avenue.

Come to think of it, the 'Limb' Greck or someone else who was wiped out by her would definitely not let go of such a place easily, otherwise, the land of Nymgef would not have so much desire. The one who took revenge on the transplant king.

"what to do?"


"Should we move on, or stay here for the night?"


After looking at it for a while, and realizing that there were no living people here, Annie began to hesitate.

If you continue to move forward, the sky is already a little late, and the golden tree in the sky has already 'lit' up, but if you don't continue to move forward, the broken village in front of you will be in tatters, and the broken eaves and walls will be broken. There are still all kinds of bones in between, who knows if they will suddenly get up and scary in the middle of the night?

Although Annie wasn't afraid of them, it would be quite troublesome if they got up and disturbed her to sleep.


(● ̄? ̄●)



"The one over there is..."


Suddenly, Annie noticed a little unusual light, and then took a closer look, only to find that on the lake in the village, there seemed to be a person paddling a boat on the lake?

"So it's a ghost?"


But soon, from the faint blue light emitting from the other party, as well as the empty eye sockets and skeleton head staring at her on the ship, Annie just likewise judged what the other party was.


When Annie saw each other, the 'ghost' who was sitting on the chair on the boat, his clothes looked tattered, and there was a soul lamp hanging on the boat also looked at Annie. .

Then, the two sides were like this, one was sitting on the boat, the other was riding on the shoulders of the bear, and they looked at each other across a lake area.

"whispering sound…"


"Look at what?"


"This broken place is either a skeleton or a ghost, it's really troublesome!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

After glaring at the other party, Annie turned her face away, and didn't give any good face to the ghost rowing the ghost ship in the distance, but she also didn't try to embarrass the other party.

After all, the two sides don't know each other, and there is no conflict. People row other people's boats, and she rides her little bear. No one is in the way.



Gu Joe

"Then let's move on!"


With that said, Annie patted Tibbers on the head, intending to let him go around the lake area and move on.


Annie didn't want to embarrass the other party, but it didn't mean that the other party didn't want to embarrass her!

Is this not?



∑('△')? !

As the melodious sound of the horn sounded, when Annie turned around in surprise, she was stunned to find:

The ghost ferry, which was still far away, unexpectedly teleported to the lake just 100 meters away from her. The skeleton actually held a weapon and slowly stood up from the lake?

And then...

There was actually a huge terrifying skeleton that looked like that kind of giant, the big guy who was probably tens of meters tall, and also climbed up on the lake, and opened a giant skeleton towards her. mouth, and there is some kind of soul energy brewing crazy in it.



"What is it doing, does it want to fight?"


"When did they provoke him to mess with them?!"


Seeing this, Annie couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You know, she has seen a lot of arrogant people, but it was the first time she saw the guy who was so arrogant, just because he glared at him and said nothing, and summoned the undead army to make an appointment.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(And after discovering that he couldn't leave, Tibbers also slowly turned back at this time, facing the skeleton soldiers who were densely looking at the past and the huge pale giant skeleton, wanting to see what the other party wanted to do again. something.)


!? (?''??)?

next second!


Following Annie's exclamation and an explosion, an energy shock like a torrent of soul suddenly shot towards Annie from the mouth of the huge giant skeleton, and instantly drowned where she was standing.



But fortunately, Annie easily avoided it with a flash, and she and her little bear, Tibbers, appeared directly in a ruin dozens of meters away.

However, although she dodged with her own bear, the huge skeleton and those densely packed skeleton soldiers who were constantly summoned by the boating ghost did not intend to let her go easily.



After searching for Annie's place for the first time, they stubbornly and firmly surrounded her with various weapons in their hands.


Very suddenly, not far away, a skeleton holding a crossbow raised his hand and shot a rusty iron arrow at Annie suddenly.

However, I don't know if it was because of rust or the launcher's lack of eyes, the crossbow didn't hit as expected. In the gap of the stone pillar, and firmly nailed to it, there was a crisp sound and some wet moss debris splashed out.



"Do you really want to fight?!"


Look at the hundreds of undead skeletons and the giant giant skeleton, and look at the ferry ghost in the distance raising its long, oar-like horn again and ready to continue blowing , Annie knew that the other party didn't plan to be kind in today's matter.

"People are not afraid of you!"


Now the facts are clear. Here, this Water Calling Village has been cleaned up by the soldiers of Stoneville City, but right now, the other party can still exist here and run out and sway at this time, and even dare to take the initiative to attack She, it is certainly not without any reason!

But now Annie didn't have time to think about that.

After all, those guys had bullied her, so she would definitely need to deal with it first. As for the others, it would only be discussed later.


Somewhat angry, she grabbed a ball of flame, and at the same time, she did not forget to stare fiercely at the large and small undead skeletons that were surrounding her.

Of course, in the borderlands, they are not called undead, but 'born of the dead', because the rules of this world are still in chaos, not even the basic rules of death, plus the ring of Eldon They are broken, so it is definitely inappropriate to call them undead.

"People won't leave today!"


Originally, Annie planned to rest in a different place, but after they made such a fuss, she resolutely decided that she had to stay in the ruins of the Water Call Village for a while tonight, and she was going to occupy this place!

However, that can't actually be considered occupation, that kind of wording is inaccurate!

After all, this place was originally her own home. She is the new king of Stoneville City. The Nimgford area and the Wrong Weeping Peninsula are her inherent territories. Now, she, the lord, has come here, and has come to her own territory. , but was besieged by a group of dead birthers who occupied this place, is there any reason for it?



So, Annie, who felt that it was necessary to clean up her village, made up her mind. UU reading directly charged the fireball in her hand towards the one who was leading the team, and even wanted to shoot herself with a huge skeleton arm. The head of the giant Birth of the Dead smashed ruthlessly towards the pale and terrifying huge skeleton!

boom! !

A huge fireball began to explode in the air of the Watercalling Village, and at the same time, the skull head of the giant dead man was like a splendid firework, and the flames bloomed in the dark night...

Immediately afterwards, the two sides came and went, and under the flurry of fireballs and arrows, they fought directly in the ruins of this Water Calling Village.

boom! boom!

More explosions and more fireballs began to explode in the ruins. Gradually, the entire Shuihuan Village fell into a sea of ​​terrifying flames, so much so that even the soldiers on the castle walls of Stoneville City were faintly hidden. I saw the soaring fire here.

That night, no one knew what happened in Shuihuan Village.

In short, when the soldiers of Stoneville City on patrol rushed to the scene in a hurry, they only found:

The entire Shuihuan Village is full of traces of fire, and the ruins of the villages that were originally broken eaves and walls were burned into magma, and even flowed into the lake.

And those massive dead people and a certain ghost that made them terrified and never had time to deal with, that is, the 'Tibia's sound-calling ship' disappeared forever.


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