Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1868: !? (·''·?)? Black Blade Assassin



"A lot of dead people..."

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Along the way, Annie, who was sitting on the shoulders of her little bear, Tibbs, saw a lot of dead people wandering along the road, that is, skeletons or zombies.

At the same time, Annie could also see that there seemed to be a lot of slash marks on the bodies of the dead, and some parts were still reassembled, which was obviously inseparable from Stonewell's patrols.

She knew that after Her Lady Queen Anne left the flaming furnace in Stoneville, they always liked to collect and clean up the dead, and bring back those who were not completely mad. Stonewell City will be recast and become new 'Fire Eye' knights, and those who will fall into complete madness will be destroyed on the spot!


It's not hard to guess from the deceased who are still wandering on the side of the road. Stonewell's patrols were not very thorough when they cleaned up. Those deceased who were wiped out once before, those skeletons, After a period of time, it stood up again under the influence of some force.

It seems that it is not too easy to kill them completely with ordinary methods?

Annie also knew that there was no way...

Ever since that puppet sister, Lani, stole the death rune and forged it into a black blade for ritual use. In the middle of the night, she organized a group of female assassins to kill Prince Godwin's soul with that black blade. And let Godwin, who lost her soul, become the first dead person in the soul, and then killed and abandoned her own body with the same thing, making her the first dead person in the body, this junction The ground is completely messed up.

The curse of death has polluted all people, a huge crack has appeared in the golden law, the initial death has turned into dead roots, and they have sprung up everywhere at the border through the big roots at the bottom of the golden tree, and that is the border right now. The origin of the 'born of the dead' found everywhere.

Although there is still a kind of guy called 'beast priest' who is collecting and devouring the root of death, it is of no use. There is no way to change the root cause of the problem.

After that, for example, the rune of death was stolen, the black sword Maricus was demoted to a beast by the angry Malika, and the seal of the fateful death was completely defeated, and that kind of thing became Insignificant.

"never mind!"


"Never mind them, let's go, Tibbers, let's move on!"


In the end, Annie still didn't intend to kill those skeletons.

After all, they are quite far away from her, and there are too many dead people in this borderland, especially after the problems with the golden tree and the ring of Eldon, this world with imperfect rules , the line between that cycle of death and rebirth becomes increasingly chaotic and blurred.

So, now she just wants to get to the Saint Bridge early and go to the Gayled area, and doesn't want to spend too much time here messing around with those boring guys.


Surprisingly, when Annie was about to arrive at the Sage Bridge, some people didn't know what was going on, but they didn't want her to do so, and they took the initiative to come to the door.

Is this not?



As Annie hummed a song and let her little bear, Tibbs, go on, behind her, behind the trunk of a big tree by the dimly lit Nimgeford boulevard, a man dressed in one of those The black, blue-light scale armor that doesn't make a sound, wearing an invisibility veil, the guy who hides in the darkness and sneaks out finally quietly turns out.

It can be seen from the appearance of the other party that is occasionally exposed. The other party is tall and slender. Judging from the outline, it is likely to be a woman, but I don't know if it is because of the other party's black dress or the strange veil. In effect, her figure is always invisible, and with her inaudible footsteps, it seems like she is really invisible.

In this case, let alone her back to her, even if she walked in front, if you didn't check carefully, you probably wouldn't be able to see the other party's existence easily.


The man remained silent, and tried to keep his footsteps as light as possible. At the same time, he did not forget to use the dim environment and the weird veil to hide his figure, and approached behind Annie and Tibbers step by step.

Soon, a few minutes passed...

The distance between the two sides has also been pulled from about fifty meters to five meters at the beginning.

However, the other party still did not make a move, still followed slowly and while trying to hide, he also cunningly hid himself in the downwind direction, and tried not to make any sound or reveal other flaws.

There is no doubt that the man was very patient and attentive, otherwise he would not have kept stealth and stalking to this extent.



At this moment, Annie, who was sitting on Tibbs' shoulders, suddenly cheered, and then she supported Tibbers' big hairy head directly on its shoulders, and pointed excitedly at the one in front of her. The bridge cheered.



"Tibbers, here we are, the one in front should be the Saint Bridge!"




At this moment, the female assassin who had been invisible and followed Annie finally started to do it.

It's too late to say it!

The other party first took a step forward and jumped high, and after the short five-meter distance between the two sides was instantly shortened to the limit, she, who was condescending, suddenly raised the strange and almost invisible handle with both hands. The reflective black knife fiercely pierced Annie's back heart from top to bottom.

click! !


Before hitting, the strangely shaped black knife instantly hit a layer of dark red shield, and after making a crisp sound, it was bounced off by the hot shield before it could pierce.




(● ̄? ̄●)

Obviously, some bad little girl seemed to have already discovered the attacking assassin, and, ah, she had already made preparations, and the appearance of standing up and cheering just now seemed to be just a disguise. Just to lure the enemy?

Of course, it is also possible that it is not disguise or lure the enemy at all, but she has never cared about the incoming enemy, and she does not need to take precautions at all?


But no matter what it was, seeing that her attack couldn't work, and seeing that the little girl was already prepared, the female assassin in black armor felt a thrill in her heart, and then directly leveraged her strength to do a backflip and quickly fell a few meters away. On the ground, and with the help of the invisibility veil, it loomed and quickly ran towards the giant bear around it.





"Big sister, who are you, and why are you attacking someone's house?"


As Tibbers slowly turned around, Annie blinked and asked the strange guy who had been discovered by her long ago but wanted to continue attacking.


Unfortunately, the other party did not answer Annie's question.

Suddenly, the other party accelerated again, and after running around Annie and Tibbs for a short half-circle, before Tibbs didn't turn around, Annie, who was standing on Tibbs' shoulders, could only turn her head to check. , leaped high again.


The next moment, the other party once again used the strangely shaped black blade in his hand to stab Annie's neck and heart!



Seeing that the other party was so unreasonable and dared to launch a second attack, of course it was impossible for Annie to let the other party do what she wanted.




Gu 墁

So, she snorted, and then, an ice barrier, which is the 'refrigerator' spell that the mages in the world of Azeroth like to use, instantly enveloped the opponent, freezing it directly in the air, Frozen in such a crystal clear ice lump, making it unable to attack, move or cast spells.


Just like that, the female assassin who suddenly followed and attacked Annie for some unknown reason was finally frozen in mid-air by Annie with that big lump of ice, and except for the startled eyes that seemed to be able to move faintly, Can't move anything.


ε=('ο'*))) alas

Pat Tibbs on the head and let him take a few steps forward.

"Now, can you speak?"


"who are you?"


Annie asked impatiently after staring at eye level with the attacker who was holding a strange black blade high in an attacking stance and was frozen in mid-air.

Her time is very tight, because she will pass the Saint Bridge later and arrive at the water-calling village before dark, but there is not much time to waste or toss with the other party here, otherwise, she will not When the opponent launched the second attack, he would brazenly seal the opponent.



"Everyone forgot, you don't seem to be able to speak now!"


However, before the other party could speak, Annie suddenly slapped Tibbers on the forehead and exclaimed in annoyance.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(To be honest, Tibbers, who was hit for no reason, really wanted to say loudly to a bad little master: Annoyed or embarrassed, shouldn’t you slap yourself on the forehead? But why now, it happens to be slapped It's Uncle Bear's forehead, what does this mean?)

"so be it!"




Since the other party couldn't speak, and she didn't want to let the other party's Annie think about it, she took advantage of the opportunity that the other party couldn't move, and directly hit the other party's head with a Legilimency.


(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"That's how it is..."


Soon, a lot of information came back, and Annie began to pick up those important ones.

"You came to attack people because of Greck?"


"Oh no!"


"There is also a guy with a white mask, that bad guy, who provided you with some information about others, and then you came out of that cemetery and squatted here, ready to trouble others?"


Using Legilimency, Annie quickly understood the reason, and immediately thought of a bad guy who tried to deceive her over and over again.

That's right, that bad guy is that white mask Fan Lei!

However, why the other party knew her whereabouts and also provided information to this big sister named 'Black Blade Assassin', and even wanted the other party to assassinate her, then she had no clue.

"never mind!"


Since she couldn't figure it out, of course Annie stopped thinking about it.

After all, it's just a little thing and a small person, and it's not worth her Queen Anne's precious time to spend her precious time thinking about it!

Moreover, she has to hurry up and rush to the Red Lion City next, so she has no time to manage those messy conspirators.

"Next time you meet that guy, go to trouble with him!"


After figuring out the other party's intention, Annie quickly lost interest.



"That is……"


But then, Annie's line of sight saw the strange black blade held high in the other's hand, so she didn't even think about it, she stretched out her hand, and the black blade was instantly teleported from the 'refrigerator' to herself. hand.



"Is this the kind of black knife in the night of the black knife conspiracy?"




"The blade is really strange, and it seems that there is indeed some trace of death power..."


After weighing the weird black blade in her hand and looking at it for a while, Annie understood the mystery with just one glance.

However, she wasn't that rare, she turned her head and threw it to the As for you..."

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Then, Annie began to look at the female assassin who was frozen in the 'refrigerator' spell that the mages used to save their lives.

The other party is wearing that kind of fine and fine scale armor, and there is a veil on his head that can give some invisible power. His face is not very clear, but his eyes are full of fierceness and determination. You can see that he is not the kind of guy who is easily persuaded or persuaded to surrender.

"do not care!"


"The patrol is coming soon, leave you to them!"


As she said that, Annie waved her hand and wrote a line of fluorescent magic-haired text notes next to the black blade she discarded before patting Tibbers on the head, signaling the other party to continue moving towards the Saint Bridge in front.

She is going to continue to set off now and head to the Red Lion City. As for the soldiers who patrolled Stoneville City, what should they do when they found the information she left and the frozen female assassin, and how should they give the other party to the city? If it's shipped back, then she doesn't care.

Anyway, the 'refrigerator' she put, the ice barrier can last for several days, and it should be enough for them and Serorina and others to consider how to interrogate or imprison the enemy.

As for other things, I'll wait until she returns from the Red Lion City and Gayleid Wilderness. If she still remembers then?


?(?-?)??Ask for a monthly pass?

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