Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1867: (*·??·?)?Target: Galid’s…

Fortunately, in the end, some bad little girl didn't really bury the hapless warrior pot and pile it into a grave.

Because ah, under Annie's threats and inducements (the most important thing is coercion), as a last resort, the so-called mighty warrior pot Alexander gave in decisively, for fear that he would really be buried by someone, Had to hurriedly wept and told his story.

turn out to be……

The warrior pot is different from other small pots. Because of the corpse of the royal city warrior in Alexander's body, he is more powerful than other pots from the beginning. He is also called "Iron Fist Alexander" by the pot people.

At the beginning, Alexander lived a very leisurely life in Hu Village, basking in the sun, picking flowers, looking for corpses and helping each other maintain the tank. The neighbors lived in harmony, not to mention how pleasant it was. .

Then, after some leisurely time, Alexander decided to leave his village and travel!

Because, warrior pot Alexander has a dream, a dream of becoming a hero!

"My hometown is for longing, a very distant existence..."

"If you want to be a hero, you have to give up the idea of ​​homesickness..."

"I'm going to be the strongest warrior pot!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha……"

In those days, Alexander said and said goodbye to his companions in Hu Village like that.

Then, with bold words and firm steps, the warrior pot Alexander left the village of pots, and left the cliffs of Lyenia under the gaze of the other pots in the village who worshipped him.

Afterwards, not long after, Alexander accidentally heard that someone in the Gayled area, which was full of scarlet corruption, held a huge battle celebration in the once prosperous and rich Red Lion City, and was calling the heroes of the world to prepare to go. A decisive battle with the most powerful demigod, General Ratann?

That kind of battle festival that only exists in fairy tales is naturally what Alexander, who aspires to be the strongest warrior pot, does not want to and cannot miss it.


He passed through Storm City from the path, which is the current Stonewell City, and came to the vicinity of the Saint's Bridge. He was just about to move on. However, he didn't know which heartless guy dug the hole here. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into it.

Because of his excessive weight, he fell directly into the pit.

Moreover, the size of the pit is as big as the radius of his cylinder, and his short feet are just hanging in the air and can't touch the bottom of the pit, so he can't use his strength at all, so he is trying to use After struggling with his hands a few times and finding that his strength was not enough to free himself from the trap of the card master, Alexander of course could only raise his loud voice and start calling for help.

And the next thing, Anne naturally knows, that is:

She just happened to be bored, she was just hungry and had nothing to do to hang around here, so she just heard and heard the sound and looked for him, and found him such a hapless **** who was trapped.

"That's how it is..."


After listening to what happened, Annie nodded contentedly, indicating that she had a basic understanding.

"Yes, that's it."


"Little guy, I have made it clear why I am here, where I am going, and what I want to do as you said. Can you find a way to get me out?"

"Although, with your little arms and calves, maybe you don't have much strength?"

With a sigh, the warrior pot Alexander pretended not to see the little girl in front of him who was showing that hippie smile and schadenfreude recklessly, and just pleaded again.

Because he needs to avoid crowds and doesn't want others to see him so as not to cause some unnecessary trouble, he has always taken small roads and stayed away from the main avenues, which also makes it difficult to touch again in such inaccessible places To the second person, so, if possible, he still hopes that the little girl in front of him can help him think of something.

"What happened to the small arms and thin legs?"


"People can still dig you out as an idiot, do you believe it?"


"You wait!"


Soon, the competitive Annie did not use magic or her great power, but looked left and right, and soon she saw a long log in the distance, and then she ran over and dragged it over.

"Come out!"


Then, she shoved the long log directly behind the warrior pot Alexander's **** (if the other party had a butt), and then pryed it hard. With the force and struggle of the other party's hands, she was easily pulled out by her.


"What a smart girl!"

The warrior pot, who had regained his freedom, cheered. After he rolled not far away, he stood still on his short legs again, and started to look up and down at Annie with his hands in his arms.

"I thought I'd be stuck in it forever..."

As he said that, he still had some lingering fears and looked at the dirt hole dug by whom he didn't know who, and took a step back subconsciously, intending to stay further away from it.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha!"

"In a word!"

"Thanks to your help, my warrior pot Alexander is free again!"


"Little guy, what do you like? I think it's necessary for me to give you a little thank you, although the threat you just made was not so pleasant?"

And then, I don't know how long I was trapped, and now the warrior pot Alexander, who was finally able to clear the clouds and see the sun, asked in a relaxed way.

"what do you like?"


"Of course people like to eat and play!"


Without thinking about it, Annie blurted out directly.



"Have it!"

Hearing Annie's words, the warrior pot thought for a while, then turned his hand away and started to dig it out.


"To you, this is my thanks, please accept it with a smile?"

Soon, the other party took out a large piece of meat with bones and handed it to Annie seriously.



"what is this?"


Annie didn't pick it up directly, she just tiptoed and glanced at it, then she took two steps back without a trace, and looked suspiciously at the suspicious red meat that the opponent and the opponent took out from nowhere and handed to her. Patrol around.

"This is the meat of the brave!"

"Very rare!"

"It is a piece of meat soaked in spices and potions. It has a magical effect. After eating it, in addition to satisfying one's hunger, it can also temporarily increase the strength and speed of making moves. It is regarded as the highest level of food in the wild. Qualified to eat!"

"I've been keeping it very carefully."

After finishing speaking, the warrior pot Alexander took a step forward as if offering a treasure, intending to stuff it into Annie's arms.

"Yong, the meat of the brave?!"

!? (?\'\'??)?

"Take it away!"


"People don't want your bratty piece of brave meat!"


Seeing this, Annie of course hurriedly dodged, jumped aside, and unabashedly cast a disgusting expression on the other side.


"But why?"

"Didn't you just say that you like to eat delicious food?"

"This is delicious!"


The warrior pot was puzzled and could only explain it patiently once again.



"It's not wrong that people like to eat good food, but, where did you get it from?"


Annie pursed her lips and said with a hateful expression.


"Of course it's in my body..."

Warrior Pot Alexander said as a matter of course.

He is not like human beings, there are pockets or wraps for stuff, they don't need it at all, because they come with a huge tank, don't care what it is, just open the lid and put it inside. .

"Isn't it over?"


"Your body contains a corpse, and you even put the food with the corpse. Do you think people will touch the disgusting piece of meat you took out of your body?"


It is true that Her Lady Queen Anne likes to eat delicious food, but she will not be so hungry that she asks for food from an 'urn' or 'corpse urn' and accepts the dubious potion or corpse water from the other party. The point of marinated meat!

"Go away!"


"Take it away!!"


With that said, Annie took another step back.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"What does that say?"

"We pot people have always been like this..."

Warrior Kettle scratched his cylinder head, completely unable to understand Annie's statement.

You know, he got that piece of meat when he traveled in the wild, and then carefully kept it in the tank inside his body, never willing to eat it, but now, the other party still dislikes it?

So, even if he didn't understand it in his heart, he still put it away embarrassingly.

"Of course!"


Annie said that that kind of thing is very serious, and now Her Lady Queen Anne has warned her that if the other party dares to take it out again, she may be so embarrassed that she will directly burn the other party into lava or something. .

"Is that so..."

"Then there is no way, I really don't have a better gift for you."

Seeing that the other party disliked the collection that he kept in the tank so much, Warrior Pot Alexander had no choice but to spread his hands.

"People don't care about your thank you!"


Seeing that the other party finally put away that disgusting thing, Annie finally breathed a sigh of relief.



"Uncle Pot, what you just said, the Red Lion City in the Galid Fields is now holding a battle celebration. Is that true?"


Then, she excitedly asked about the interesting thing that the other party said just now.


"what do you want to do?"

After a pause, seeing the excited look on the little girl's face, the warrior pot Alexander couldn't help being a little wary and hesitant.

"Of course I'm going to the festival!"


Anne answered with certainty and certainty.

Gu Ju

You know, just now, she was still worried about where to go to play, but now that she is full, she has nothing to do when she is full, and she suddenly found her new goal.

"You also want to go to the Red Lion City?"

"Do not!"

"No! No!"

"Absolutely not!!"

However, in the next second, the warrior pot Alexander hurriedly waved his hand, looking flustered.



"You stupid guy can go, why can't others?!"


Annie asked angrily with great dissatisfaction.

You know, what Her Lady Queen Anne decided, but no one can stop her, she said she must go!

"do not you know?"

"The field of Galid is too dangerous for you, it is full of terrible scarlet corruption, and a little girl like you, once you set foot on that land, will definitely be infected. !"

"That's no joke!"

"Listen to my advice, just go home when you've had enough. Nimgef is not very safe here, so don't wander around."

As a last resort, warrior pot Alexander had to explain it so patiently and articulate what was at stake.

"Scarlet corruption?"


"What's that?"


Annie blinked and asked curiously.

She remembered that there seemed to be descriptions of the scarlet corruption in that Greck's memory and Aunt Reinara's memory, but she didn't look at it at the time, and just skipped it.


"What exactly is scarlet corruption, I don't know much, I just know that ordinary people like you must not touch it!"

"But we pot people are different!"

"We are not like you, fragile creatures who are infected by scarlet corruption, we are not afraid of them at all!"

"In fact, whether it's corruption, toxins, or flooding, we pot people are not afraid of it!"

Unusually, not long after he was rescued, the warrior pot, who had gradually regained his confidence, began to speak in that very proud tone.

"But you're afraid of pits!"


Annie refuted it with no face at all, and pointed to the small dirt pit not far away from her, where there were fresh traces of the other party's previous struggles.




This time, the warrior pot Alexander was speechless, because, that seems to be the truth?

"Don't say it, don't say it!"


"Isn't it scarlet corruption?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Taking advantage of the embarrassment and overwhelm of the other party, Annie hurriedly took the time to search for the memory of that Aunt Reinara.

Because she knew, with the knowledge reserve of the 'Queen of the Full Moon', the other party must know what scarlet corruption is.

as predicted!

Annie quickly searched for something she was interested in in that memory.

It turned out that the scarlet corruption was actually the result of the erosion of the borderland by an outer god, and it was the same existence as the 'supreme will', which was some kind of penetrating power cast by another outer **** on the borderland?

But unlike the invasion of the outer gods, the reason why the Galidian field is now full of scarlet corruption has to start with the Valkyrie Malenia's expedition to the Red Lion City...

Galid, that used to be the most fertile area on the continent of the Borderlands, the most fertile field. Unlike Nimgford, which is full of hills and highlands, the Galid field is well-organized in the Star Broken General Ratan. Under the governance, it was once the most prosperous place in the border area, no one!


All that was rewritten after the arrival of Malenia and her Legion of Honor.

During the Fragment War, the most fertile part of the borderland became the main battlefield of Malenia's Knights of Honor and the Red Lions.

In the central area of ​​Gayled, the Red Lions, under the command of veteran O'Neill, fought countless battles with the Valkyrie's most powerful and invincible Knights of Corruption. It is unimaginable that to this day, in the depths of the swamp, one can still see the figure of the veteran O'Neill, who had a damaged gold needle and was corrupted by scarlet corruption.

Of course, that doesn't matter!

Important: Due to the long war, the crimson corruption leaked by the knights and samurai warriors brought destruction to this beautiful and fertile land and completely polluted this beautiful continent.

If you use that magical telescope to look down on this land, it is not difficult to find that the scarlet and corrupt colors have completely stained this beautiful field, and those wild dogs, mice and other animals infected with corruption and mutation stray around. Preying on innocent people, even birds such as crows are corrupted and become huge and dirty...

At the end of the war, especially after the Valkyrie Malenia confronted Ratan on the beach across the sea below the Red Lion City, the scarlet corruption pollution became even more serious.

It is said that that battle was the last battle of the Valkyrie, and it was also the most tragic in her life!

At the beginning of the battle, her proud and graceful sword dance was stubbornly suppressed by Ratan's gravity magic, and when Malenia's prosthetic hand was blown away by Ratan, she was about to lose. At a critical moment, she made up her mind to use her own forbidden power - scarlet corruption.

It turned out that in the Valkyrie's body, there is a pure gold needle, which is an ancient secret technique from the Eternal City, which can temporarily suppress the breeding of scarlet corruption, and when Malenia was selected by the scarlet corruption goddess, she began to the fight against corruption.

She never dared to abuse the power of corruption, because she understood that: after the flower of corruption blooms three times, she herself will no longer be herself, but will become the legendary goddess of corruption!

But fortunately, with the help of her brother Mikaela, Malenia learned to use the golden needle to stabilize corruption.

However, in the battle of the Red Lion City, in order to save her brother, Malenia had to give it a shot in order to defeat the strongest demigod - Ratan!

So, she brazenly pulled out the golden needle and leaped to Ratan with all her might...

At that moment, the corruption spread rapidly, and a huge flower of scarlet corruption bloomed above Ratan's head in an instant!

So, even if he was as tyrannical as Ratan, he was caught off guard and was unexpectedly eroded and polluted by the blooming scarlet corruption of the Valkyrie...

Then, the two sides naturally fought in the dark, and the smell of corruption gradually filled the entire beach...

At the end of that terrifying demigod duel, people only knew that the Valkyrie fell into an endless coma. At the time of her defeat, she was protected by Finlay, the most powerful female knight in the Knights of Reverence. After breaking through the siege, and after going through all kinds of difficulties, he finally returned to the holy tree, and placed her at the root of the holy tree, and began to silently wait for the return of her brother Mikaela.

And the strongest demigod, the son of Radagan and the full moon queen Reinara, the star-shattering general Rataan, gradually lost his mind because he was infected with scarlet corruption and fell into madness, like a beast. Beneath the Red Lion City, on that sandy beach, it howled and galloped day and night like a wild beast.

Finally, it was the information that Anne had learned from the conversation of the warrior pot Alexander: there was a sad song in the Red Lion City, a mysterious bearded old man posted a hero post, and began to call the heroes of the whole border to participate in the battle. Battle against the most powerful demigods in the legend.

Annie didn't know how many people went. Anyway, she knew that the demigod General of the Broken Star was still alive, and guys like Warrior Pot Alexander were still rushing out, which proves that those who went early They must have not completed the feat of 'Slaughtering the God'.

"Scarlet corruption..."


"It looks like a lot of fun!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

After reading the memory, Annie already basically knew what scarlet corruption was.

Anyway, it is probably the same as poisoning. After getting the Scarlet Corruption state, you will continue to suffer damage, but unlike poisoning, the damage sustained by Scarlet Corruption will be much more serious than that of poisoning. Even demigods cannot be spared and cannot be detoxified. ?

However, that toxin Annie did not pay attention to.

In fact, let alone the scarlet corruption put down by those Outer Gods, even if the scarlet corrupt Outer God came in person, Her Lady Queen Anne could easily strangle the other party with **** or simply burn the other party directly. Where else would you take the other party's boring toxins that pollute life into your eyes?


(● ̄? ̄●)

"What did you say?"


"You actually said it was funny?"

"Are you crazy?"

"I advise you better not to go, otherwise, you may really not be able to come back!"

Warrior Pot once again persuaded bitterly.

He knew that now, in the land of Galid, the lake, land, trees, animals and swamps are full of scarlet corruption, especially those lakes, stagnant waters and swamps, where the concentration of scarlet corruption is the highest , once the surface of the body is contaminated with that high concentration of corrupt venom, it will definitely be infected by scarlet corruption!

And the little girl in front of her is a physical life, and she will die at that time. The other party will not be like them, who can completely ignore the pollution.



"Uncle Hu, do you know who they are?"


Annie ignored the other party's advice, but suddenly asked playfully.


"do not know!"

"By the way, who are you? Why do you dare to run around in such a place alone?"

Warrior Pot Alexander suddenly remembered and asked curiously.

"It's called Anne, Anne Hastur!"


"Tell you, people are the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, and most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most powerful The Arcane Archmage is!"


Annie made a playful face at the other party and introduced it carelessly.

However, what she just said is not wrong. Her Lady Queen Anne is indeed such a super powerful archmage, and she is also incomparably powerful!

Therefore, the things that the other party was worried about were completely ignored by her.



"It seems that he is still the new king of Stonewell City!"




"People accidentally killed that demigod 'Limb' Greck!"

?( ̄??)???

After speaking, Annie didn't pay attention to the other party again, and without waiting for the other party to say anything, she flashed and appeared on the avenue in the distance.

Now that she has made up her mind and knows where she is going to play next, there is no doubt that it is: Go to to join in the fun at the Red Lion City!

Moreover, she also knew the route from those two memories, as long as she went east along the road of Nimgford, crossed the Bridge of Saints, passed the Water Calling Village, and then reached the boundary of Galid. .

Then, continue along the road to the southeast, on an island, you will definitely find the huge red lion city, it will definitely not get lost, and there is no need to follow the stupid, the body is still hidden Cadaver's urn Alexander!


"Shi, the king of Stonewell?"

Hearing this, the warrior pot Alexander couldn't help but startled.

After a while, he finally remembered that the current Stonewell City seems to have indeed changed its owner, and it seems that the Nymgef area has been rectified well?


Before, because he was afraid of being misunderstood or arrested, he didn't dare to get too close to that Stonewell city, and he didn't dare to learn more. He just took a detour.

But who would have thought that the little girl who just stood in front of him was the powerful being who defeated the demigod and replaced him?



"People, people?"

However, when the warrior pot Alexander came back to his senses and wanted to say something, where could he see the figure of that bad little girl?



"If she really is the guy who defeated Greck, I have to go to the Red Lion City quickly!"

"Can't let her take the lead!"

While exclaiming, the warrior pot Alexander hurriedly took up his short legs and ran towards the east with a slightly clumsy and comical look.


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