Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1866: ?(ψ'?')o Bury the warrior pot



Annie continued to move forward and wandered aimlessly on the road. She didn't have a precise destination. She just walked east along Tongcheng Avenue and planned to go to the Saint Bridge that others said.




Surprisingly, before she reached the bridge of saints across the canyon, there was a whistling sound in the sky, and then a dragon knight suddenly descended from the sky.

Soon, the other party first blew a strong wind and floating dust, and then landed not far in front of her.

"Her Majesty Queen Anne, is that you?"

"Great, I found you!"

"Great victory!"

"The troops in the south just sent back some good news!"

The dragon knight just landed, and then a capable female voice sounded, and then, a guy who knew that it must be a female knight by looking at the style of the armor and the heroic appearance jumped directly from the dragon's back and ran three or two steps. When they arrived, Annie knelt down on her knees and reported loudly.



"You guys are still chasing here..."


It's a pity that Annie was not very happy when she saw the arrival of the other party, and even had a small expression of disgust and helplessness on her face.

It turned out that it wasn't anyone who came, it was the most powerful guy in the large group of 'Fire Eye' knights who had been summoned by her!

And the dragon the other party was riding was the little black dragon that was resurrected by Annie and was caught by 'Limb' Greck and almost got his limbs attached.

However, now that little black dragon has become a red-eyed (fire-eyed) black dragon, and the leader of the 'fire-eyed' knight in front of him has naturally become a red-eyed black dragon knight, who is currently mainly responsible for guarding Stonewell City and ruling 'Fire Eye' Knights Corps.

It is said that under the partner of the red-eyed black dragon, this guy has the combat power far surpassing the big tree guard and the two furnace knights, and even has the powerful strength to catch up with the former demigod 'Limb' Greck?

But what was the specific situation, Annie didn't know very well, didn't care much, and didn't even ask.



"Didn't they say it? If you have something to do, you can just go to that witch sister Serorina. Why do you want to find it?"


Then, of course, Annie asked in an unhappy way.

After all, she came out to play today, and she already said, don't come to her no matter what happens, but in the end, these guys are still found, it's strange that she can be happy!

"His Majesty!"

"I... I have already reported to Serorina, but she said that this good news must be known to you as soon as possible, so..."

"That's why the subordinates hurriedly chased after him."

Seeing the look on Annie's face, the red-eyed black dragon knight didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly lowered his head and added grievance.

"Is that so?"



ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Then tell me quickly, what is the good news?"


Annie didn't hold out much hope, because she felt that unless these guys found something super delicious or super fun, otherwise, it would not be good news for her at all!


(● ̄? ̄●)


"The Weeping Peninsula just sent a message back!"

"It took only half a day for the 'Fire Eye' army led by the tree guards and the furnace knights to successfully quell the rebellion in Moen City, defeating the half-human rebels there and a certain lion-like hybrid monster. Sweep the area around Moen City."

"One month at the latest, and only half a month at the earliest. Nimgford and the whole territory of the Weeping Peninsula will be returned to Stonewell's rule!"

The red-eyed black dragon knight said excitedly, and didn't look at Annie's face at all, just like how important and inspiring that kind of thing is.

"That's it?"




"People know, do you have anything else to do?"

?( ̄??)???

She pouted, although Annie was a little disdainful in her heart, but she didn't want to attack the other party's enthusiasm, so she asked with a small face reluctantly.

"If not, people should continue to play!"


With that said, Annie made a gesture to avoid the other party, and continued along the road to the east, away from Stoneville City.


"Please, please wait!"

"Your Majesty, Serorina-sama has another important matter!"

Startled for a while, then the red-eyed black dragon knight hurriedly chased after him again.

"Is such that!"

"She wanted to ask..."

"Moen City, shall we send someone to take care of it ourselves, or shall we continue to canonize that Edgar and let the other party take care of it?"

Then, she didn't dare to talk too much nonsense, and immediately asked Serorina about the important thing that Serorina asked her to ask.



"Who is that?"


Blinking, Annie expressed some inexplicable.

Because, it seems that she has never heard the name 'Edgar', she definitely doesn't know it, but a guy named 'Khadgar', she knows, he is a guy who is very good at using portals, and is playing Hearthstone. When the time comes, when the opponent is mixed with pirate cards and a plan called Baron Rivendell, let alone how difficult it is.

"Report to Your Majesty!"

"It is said that that person is a certain noble in Moen City, and at the same time is the father of the woman Irina who sent a letter of help to us, Stonewell?"

The red-eyed black dragon knight didn't dare to hide anything, and hurriedly continued to loudly report what she knew.

"Is that so?"


"Then let Serorina decide for herself!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"That's it, do you have anything else to do?"


Hearing all these boring things, Annie finally got a little impatient, and glared at the little black dragon knight a little unhappily, and made it clear to the other party with her eyes.


"For now, no more for now!"

After seeing Annie's silent threat, the man hurriedly lowered his head.

"That's great!"


"It's best not to have it again in the future!"


"That person is going to play, if you're okay, go back quickly!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

Saying that, Annie waved her hand and walked away with her little bear.


And the red-eyed black dragon knight didn't dare to say anything, just stood up angrily, and watched the king of Stonewell City slowly go away until he completely disappeared in the dark shade of Tongcheng Avenue until.

For a long time, until she could no longer hear the shrill footsteps, she had to re-ride her real 'red-eyed' black dragon, and quickly flew up, heading west towards Stoneville City again. They flew back, preparing to go back to convey the will of their Lady Queen Anne.



Of course Annie knew about the other party's departure. Then, after making sure that the other party flew far away and would not catch up again, her hurried footsteps finally slowed down a little.



"Small things are so annoying!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie grumbled with some dissatisfaction.

At the same time, she began to think in her heart, should she also find something to do when she has nothing to do, so that she can get rid of those super troublesome guys?

"That's right!"


"That's it!"


Soon, Annie decided that she wanted to stay home for a while, so that those guys would not bother her with trivial things all day long.



"Where are you going to play?"


However, after the decision, Annie was in trouble again.

Because she found that she didn't know where to play at all, and her knowledge of the world and the borderland was very limited. Currently, it was limited to a small part of Nimgford and Lienia plus Greco's. Memories and memories of Aunt Renara.

Moreover, because the memories of those two people are too complicated, she didn't watch too much at all!

"Tibbers, you say, where are we going to play?"


No way, Annie had to ask for help and picked up the bear in her hand, and looked directly at the ferocious plush puppet.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers didn't answer. After all, it doesn't know more about the world than its poor little master. Since the other party doesn't know where to play, how can it know?)



"Are you going to tell me?"


Annie was a little angry, so she was going to use the cruelest violence on her little bear, such as pulling the bear's legs, arms or neck, and choosing seven hundred and twenty degrees for its head.



(Tibbers still didn't say a word, obviously not intending to give in easily to the violence of his wicked little master.)


∑('△')? !

Fortunately, at this time, Annie seemed to hear a small sound, and then she hurriedly grabbed a bear's neck and listened to it for the first time.

Valley lock



"It was just..."


"Where did it come from?"


Annie didn't pay attention just now, but now at this time, that voice, that vague voice disappeared again, making her a little confused.


'Is there anyone here-? ’

'Here comes someone...'

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the voice to rang again, and let the success make a certain lousy little girl who was looking for something to do when she had nothing to do, which is commonly known as a little girl who was full and had nothing to do, locked the direction and immediately. approximate distance.


(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"Right here!"


After locking the direction and approximate distance based on the sound, Annie cheered directly, and then continued to hold her little bear and jumped out in a certain direction.

'anyone there? ’

'Can anyone help me? ’

'I got stuck...'

'Come on someone...'

As Annie got closer, the voice became clearer and clearer.



"Is there anyone?"

"Come here!"

"I'm here, I hear your footsteps!"

"Please hurry up…"

"I'm not malicious, really!"

At this time, the man's voice became clearer.

Moreover, I don't know if it was because of the movement of Annie's running, the other party's voice became a little more hasty and excited.



Soon, Annie, who ran along a small **** to a highland next to the avenue, saw a gray-brown, red patterned lid and an oddly large one with two long arms at a glance. cylinder.

There is no doubt that it was not someone who just made the cry for help, but the big vat in front of him!

Of course, it can also be called a pot?

In this regard, Annie said that she had seen similar things when she was at the Rhea Lucalia Magic Academy in Lienia, and learned about the existence of such strange things from Aunt Leynera's memory. .

Yes, it's the pot!

They are a common tool on the continent of the Borderlands, and warriors prefer to use them to craft a variety of weapons, whether it's a fissure pot or a ritual pot.

Perhaps it was because of the golden tree's gift of life, or other factors were at work. Anyway, there was a type of pot that grew limbs, and then that inorganic substance was given life!

And those pots with consciousness, in order to avoid the malicious poaching of some hateful guys, such as the pyroxene mage of the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy or some perfumers, they have to leave the crowd and hide. Beneath the cliffs of Lienia, a leisurely paradise, Hu Village, was established.

And the fun pots Annie encountered at the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy looked exactly the same as the one in front of her, but the one in front of her seemed to be bigger, thicker and heavier?


"A little girl..."

Seeing that the person who came was actually a little girl with small arms and calves, there was some regret and loss in the voice of the 'pot'.


"I mean…"

"Great, you came just in time!"

"Don't just watch, can you help?"

"You see, I got stuck and can't get out..."

However, soon, Mr. Pot adjusted his state, and he still used that kind of happy and thick male voice, that is, the kind of strange uncle-like voice, and pleaded with Annie.

As for it obviously has no mouth, but where the sound came from, it is temporarily unknown.

"You guys can still talk like this?"


"It's so strange!"


Yes, Annie always thought that they were just magical creatures or constructs or something, but who would have thought that they still had intelligence and could speak human words?

clang! clang!

After saying that, while surprised, Annie took two steps forward, and while studying, she stretched out her fingers and tapped the other party's cylinder body twice, and planned to reach out to uncover the other party's red pattern cylinder head.


"and many more!"

"do not!"

"Little guy, I advise you better not to do that!"

At this time, seeing Annie's small movements, the 'pot' hurriedly made a sound and waved his long arms to stop it.



"If you don't let them open, they will!"


With that said, Annie ran behind the other party and planned to take action.

"do not!"

"don't want!"

"There are soldiers' corpses in my body, you definitely don't want to see those things!"


"I swear! I didn't lie to you!"

Seeing that he couldn't stop him, Mr. Pot had no choice but to persuade and protest loudly.



Sure enough, when she heard the other party's words, Annie's outstretched hand really stopped in front of the other party's cylinder head, and had to glance up and down at the other party with those suspicious eyes again.


"I am Warrior Pot, "Tekken Alexander"! "

"I have the corpse of a warrior in the king's city in my body. It is because of that that I am more powerful than other pots. Therefore, in the name of a warrior pot, I promise that I have not lied to you!"

Seeing that Anne had stopped her reckless and rude behavior, the warrior pot Alexander was relieved and introduced himself proudly.

"Warrior pot?"




Annie frowned and walked up to the other party again, staring at the other party several times in surprise with those weird eyes.

"That's right!"

"I am the most powerful warrior pot!"

Warrior Pot Alexander continued to speak triumphantly.



"Since you are strong, why are you stuck here?"


In this regard, Annie is obviously very suspicious of what the other party said, and thinks that this may be a strange pot who likes to talk big!


"That's a sad story..."

"It takes a long time to talk. As you can see, I'm stuck now, and I don't know which heartless person dug the hole here, so can you help me out of this predicament first?"

As for why he was trapped here, the warrior pot Alexander didn't want to remember, he just wailed and begged.

"don't want!"


Without thinking about it, Annie rejected the other party directly.



"What did you say?"

The warrior pot Alexander, who was just about to express his gratitude, almost didn't flash his tongue. If he had something like a tongue... So, he had to ask in surprise as if he didn't hear clearly.

"People said they don't want to help!"

o('^') o Humph!

Annie repeated it. UU Reading


"Is that so..."

"It's... so sad for the pot..."

Warrior Pot Alexander said in a low voice in frustration, and if he could make an expression, it must be a jaw-dropping and extremely disappointed expression now, right?

"But it's fine!"

"Sorry, please don't worry..."

"I am also a strong warrior among the warrior pots, and there will always be a way to get out of trouble..."

"There will be..."

Then, as if it was the last stubbornness, the warrior pot, Alexander, muttered hard and softly at a volume just enough for others to hear, as if he was afraid that Annie wouldn't be able to hear it.




ε=('ο'*))) alas

"Actually, it's not that people can't help you, it's just..."


"You have to tell why you are here, where you are going, and what you want to do, you have to make it clear!"


Annie ignored the other party's stubbornness, just like a little devil, she approached the warrior pot Alexander and threatened in a low voice.

"Otherwise, they might bury you in mud later?"


At the same time, Annie also said that she would really do the kind of things that make her happy (luò), heard (jǐng), happy (xià) and seen (shí), and would really bury the urn with the soldiers' corpses in the ground. inside, then pile on a big bun and jump on it!




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