Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1890: (*/?*) encounter a blind witch

The border between Nimgeford and Lienia area is the cliff mountain where Stoneville City is located. In addition to facing the sea on one side, the other side is the cliff and mountain adjacent to Lienia area. The castle was built on the top of the mountain.

After going down the cliff mountain with a thousand-meter wall, the place where you go is the Lienya Lake District, and the castle is built on the mountain, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and firmly guards Lienia into Nimge. Channels in the Fu area.

Obviously, in the past, whether it was the Storm King before the Golden Age or the Golden Dynasty before and after the Shattered War, they must have used Stonewell City to monitor and defend this land passage into the Nimgford area. The meaning of the expansion of the royal family of Leah to the south of Nimgef.

However, that kind of thing is no longer important. The current relationship between Stonewell and the Kalia royal family is very good. The two sides are preparing to carry out cooperation and exchanges in various aspects. Therefore, the one in Stonewell City is guarding the Lienia area. function, it will definitely not play a role.

Is this not?

Today, the well-fed Anne, the King of Stonewell, has rarely gone anywhere, just wandering around under her castle palace, and preparing to go through the palace and passages under the castle to the back of the cliff mountain. Hang out and enjoy the view in the lakeside area.



Stonewell Castle, where she lives now, is right at the junction of the two areas. If you go down the hill and go back along the palace passage below, you can see the lake view of the Lienia area directly, but if you go directly east Out of the city, it is the wilderness of Nimgford, so no matter where she wants to go to play or see the scenery, it is very, very convenient.

As for the three guys caught by the knights yesterday, the kobold uncle Brian left Stonewell City in the afternoon of the same day, and he didn't know where he went. Anyway, Annie didn't stop the other party.

As for the pumpkin-headed uncle and the pyroxene magician Se Lian, after being detained for a day and interrogated, they really didn't ask anything, and they were sure that they were not spies. She has settled in Nimgford, and in view of the friendly relationship between Stonewell and the Kalia royal family, Serorina, the regent witch who does not intend to easily have a bad relationship with the Magic Academy, sees that the other party is a pyroxene mage. They were also acquitted early the next morning.

As for whether the two of them returned to the ruins of the Post Street, or whether they went to other places, it is not known for the time being. Annie certainly did not ask, and Serorina and the others He didn't even mean to bother her with such trivial matters.



"La la la~?"


Walking around, Annie naturally walked from the small gate under her fort to the lakeside.

That small door is obviously a special escape route prepared by a certain king who built Stonewell Castle. It opens directly on the edge of the cliff and is very hidden!

However, when the fire-eye knights cleaned the inside and outside of the castle, they were still discovered, so now Anne came here through the passage in the castle, and was going to take a stroll on the shore of Lake Lienia, the lake behind the cliff of her own castle. , take a look at the scenery and eat and drink by the way.



At this time, it was surprising that she was just hanging out in the 'back garden' on the hillside of the cliff and looking down at the scenery of the Lienia Lake District for a while. Strange looking lady?

"which one……"


Annie didn't know who the other party was. Anyway, she hadn't seen it or knew it!

At this time, the other party was standing quietly on the edge of the pile of rocks, and the location was very remote. If it wasn't for Annie's sharp eyes, it is estimated that even she would not have been able to find it easily.



Then, driven by curiosity, and when she was full and had nothing to do, Annie jumped directly towards the other party.



"Is anyone there?"

As Annie approached, the little sister with her eyes covered with a cloth towel suddenly turned her head to the side, and while listening in the direction of Annie with her ears, she asked cautiously and softly.

"you're good too!"


"Miss, who are you and why are you here?"


Came to the other party and looked at the other party's face covered with the cloth towel again, and after confirming that the other party seemed to be really blind, Annie asked in astonishment.

You know, this is a lakeside cliff, a very high place, and it is also a half-mountain passage used by a former owner of the former Eastville City to escape, but now, a blind man on the other side has climbed to such a high place, That was really shocking, unbelievable, and incredible.

Anyway, Annie definitely doesn't believe that the other party came down from the palace and passage in the castle just like her, because she doesn't know the other party, and her subordinates will definitely not let the other party easily enter her family's castle, so ah , I didn't say, the other party must have climbed up from the Lienia area below!


"You, hello!"

After confirming that it was really someone, not a beast or a monster, and it sounded like a little girl, the strange woman who was blindfolded with a cloth towel over her eyes finally breathed a sigh of relief and became a little calmer. a little.

"……first meet."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Heda, and I'm traveling to find the lights on the other side."

Then, the woman who claimed to be Heda took the lead in introducing herself to Annie so slowly.



"It's like this!"


"It's called Annie, and it's a pleasure to meet you!"


Annie heard it, and the other party didn't seem to be lying.



Then, Annie walked to the edge of the cliff behind the other party, and carefully looked outside, towards the shore of Lake Lienia below, towards the lake area covered with thick fog, and she could only see the canopy of big trees. Only then did he retreat back with a smacking tongue.

"How did you get up from such a high place?"




"Your eyes don't seem to be able to see, do you?"


To be honest, Annie was really shocked when she thought about it carefully.

You know, in this kind of place, let alone a blind man like the other party, even a normal person, it's not easy to climb up, but now it's better, the other party is so blind that he really climbed up. Going out is afraid that no one will believe it, right?

However, Annie kept this matter in her heart, and planned to go back and tell the evil and annoying witch Serorina and the others, so that they had better send some people to patrol here, otherwise, they might come up at some point. It's not such a weird blind lady.

Although, Annie herself is not afraid of any intruders, but others are not necessarily so.

"Yes, as you can see, I really can't see..."

"But, just because I can't see it, the whole world in my eyes has no distinction between highs and lows and ups and downs. According to the guidance of the lights, I came here easily."


"I've been here for a long time, and I heard the chirping of insects and birds twice. It's been almost two days, right?"

That Haida didn't hide it, and directly told her that she came here unimpeded according to the guidelines, and she didn't worry about falling down and shattering her bones.

"If you can't see it, there is no difference between highs and lows?"


"Why does it sound like it's really a little crooked?"


Piece of lips, Annie still didn't agree with the other party's words, but, thinking about it carefully, she didn't seem to have any reason to refute.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"are you still there?"

For a long time, without hearing Annie's voice, the woman turned her head sideways again, and asked again carefully.



"Do you have anything else to do?"


Annie leaned over and asked.

If the other party wants to climb over this mountain, then she certainly doesn't mind opening a portal for the other party and sending the other party directly to the wilderness of Nimgford.


"Here, I have an unkind request..."

"If you find that 'Chapoli grape', could you please give it to me?"

Hesitantly thought for a while, and finally, Haida, whose eyes were covered with a towel, couldn't help but speak. After all, that was what she came here and was looking for.



"Chapoli grapes? What are those grapes, what do they look like, and where are they?"


It turned out that the other party came to find something to eat, which was quite in line with Annie's wishes, so while she asked, she did not forget to look left and right to search.

It's a pity that she didn't see any grape vines growing near the cliff at all, and she didn't even see a shadow of the kind of 'Chapoli grape' that the other party said.

"I do not know……"

"My eyes are inconvenient since I was born, and I can't see where to go, but as long as I eat those grapes, I can feel the lights on the other side from the depths of my eyes."

"And marching towards the lights and becoming the witch of the finger, that is my mission."

Haida didn't hide it, and directly explained her intentions and what she was going to do, including her own identity and mission.



"The witch of the finger?"


Blinking, Annie couldn't help but glance at each other one more time.



"That chaboli grape, does it taste good?"


But in the end, Annie didn't bother much about the identity of the other party, and just hurriedly asked about the thing she was more interested in.


"how to say?"

"Although I have eaten a lot, but I can't see it. I just know that it is a very strange taste. It is sticky and soft to bite, sweet and a little hot..."

"I think it must be a very beautiful fruit, right?"

Haida tried her best to recall, and said what she knew and the taste she thought was wonderful.


"Before, the lights on the other side guided me, saying that there was a Chapoli grape in front of me, but when I came here, I couldn't find the way in, and at the same time, the grape seemed to be gone, can you help me find it? look for it?"

"It was in there before."

Then, the blind witch Heida pointed in the direction of the rock wall and asked with some expectation.



"And one?"


Hearing what the other party said, and then looking at the direction the other party pointed to the inside of the rock wall of her fortress, Annie suddenly felt that the kind of grapes that the other party was looking for was called 'Chapoli grapes'. Not your average grape.

"People don't know where it is..."


"However, the inside of the castle has been cleaned several times. The undead, the dead, the garbage or the grapes, if there are, it is estimated that they have already been thrown away, right?"


In this regard, Annie also said that there was nothing she could do. After all, it was impossible for her to find a grape she had never seen before.

Besides, if there are really delicious grapes in her castle, and she ate them one by one earlier, where would she wait for the other party to come to the door?


"Can you really find it?"

Hearing Annie's words, Haida's face suddenly became depressed and her tone was very low.


"Coming here, I don't seem to feel its existence..."

Then, as she spoke, her head dropped, looking very sad.



"never mind!"

ε=('ο'*))) alas



"Although they don't have that kind of Chaboli grapes, they have a bunch of these grapes here. For you, they are fruits from the gourmet world, and they are very delicious!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Saying that, Annie stretched out her hand, grabbed a bunch of them from the void and stuffed it into the other's hand, and at the same time, she tore off one and ate it first.

“The food world’s…”


In doubt, he took the heavy and cold bunch of grapes that Annie handed over, held and stroked them gently, felt the different touch of them from the 'Chapoli grapes' he had eaten before, and smelled them The fragrant and sweet smell exuded, finally, Haida couldn't bear it anymore, so she gently picked one, and then lightly opened her red lips and stuffed it into her mouth.


"So fragrant! So sweet!"


next second!

Hada, who had tasted this completely different grape from the 'Chapoli grape' for the first time, hurriedly picked another grape and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Delicious, right?"




"I'll give you two more strings!"


Seeing that the other party liked it, Annie hurriedly picked two large bunches of ripe grapes of different varieties from Uncle Alu's food world and stuffed them into the other party's arms.

After all, the other party is blind and runs around, looks pitiful, and likes to eat grapes so much, so she will help a little by the way!


"Although after eating it, I can't feel any lights from the other side in the depths of my eyes, but it is really delicious!"


"Annie, thank you!"

In this way, Heda temporarily forgot to look for the 'Chapoli Grape', and directly under Annie's gaze, she began to devour those wonderful fruits that she had never eaten in her life.

"Eat slowly!"


" In other people's castle, there seems to be a witch with a finger... But she has lost her memory recently. Later, people can take you to see her, and you can also live here. Let's go in two days."


In this way, Annie, who was walking here after tea and dinner, and Miss Heda, who was blind and running around, knew this so-called finger witch. Then, the two of them began to meet each other on the cliff by the lake. We chatted and ate all kinds of grapes Annie brought out from the food world.


(?????)? Remember the monthly pass?

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