Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1891: (^_^)/Wandering Neferi Lu

In this way, this time, Anne stayed in her home town of Stoneville for several days, during which she accidentally met a blind finger witch named Heda, and she even invited him to live in her castle. for two days.

But it is a pity that Serorina, the finger witch in her family who has lost her memory, has forgotten many other things except that she is determined to make Annie the king of Eldon. Therefore, their **** The witches did not have a common language, so that the blind witch Heida left after barely staying for two days.

In this regard, Annie did not try to retain her, but just sent a knight to give the other party a ride.

After all, the other party has their own pursuits, and Annie also has Annie's own pleasures. Of course she can't, and she's not very good at forcing others to do things they don't like.

Moreover, she herself is planning to leave the house again, preparing to leave Stonewell City again and go to play and wander somewhere else, how could she, the castle owner who can't stay by herself, do that kind of retention. guest thing?



"They didn't find out, did they?"




"Good chance! Hurry up!!"


Is this not?

Today, walking out of Stonewell Castle, she first sneaked around and looked around, and found that no one cared about her, no one followed, and after that evil witch Serorina who stared at her every day was not there, she hurriedly gave up He ran out and rushed directly to the streets of Stoneville City, which had gradually regained its popularity.

That's right, of course Annie is about to leave home again...


?( ̄??)???

After leaving the castle and no longer having to listen to a boring report from some evil guy, Annie just felt that the air of freedom was back.

It's just that she hasn't figured out where to go now, so she's going to walk around the city first, and then think about it after she's done shopping.

Her next destination might be the Rimeng City in the north, the Yatan Plateau, the Mountain of Giants, or the legendary Sacred Tree Town that is full of corruption?

But anyway, it's definitely not Nimgef's side.

After all, she has visited the Nimgford area, the Galid wilderness, the shores of Lake Lienia, and the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy, and even the underground eternal cities of Nokron and Munger. She has been to places where ordinary people can't go, such as the Ling Temple of the Wen Dynasty, so this time the Qiao family will undoubtedly go north.

And it just so happened that she found the 'hunting finger knife' in the eternal city of Nokronen before. Perhaps, she could drop by the Kalia fortress while walking north, and then give the Miss Lani sent it over?

"That's right!"


"It's decided, go north, go directly to Kalia Castle from that Lienia Avenue!"


"It's just, I don't know if Aunt Reinara has gone back to their royal family's territory?"


Annie knows that if that Aunt Reinara is not in the Kalia royal family territory or in the Kalia Walled City, she is visiting the stupid son of the other party's family in the Red Lion City, or simply continuing to stay in Rhea Lukali. The sub-magic academy went to rectify the pyroxene magicians who were doing petty tricks all day and took care of the large group of daughters.

"Forget it! Leave her alone!"


"Anyway, this time I'm looking for that puppet lady, not her mother!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Soon, Annie, who had made up her mind, stopped tangled, and then took a big stride and started to move forward, preparing to leave the city, and then go north along the main road, from Lienia Avenue to Kalia.

Although the sea-crossing bridge connecting Lienia Avenue to the Nimgef area has been destroyed during the Broken War and is now being repaired, the damaged bridge can only stop ordinary people, and it must not stop her. The omnipotent Queen Anne!

Therefore, Annie continued to walk outside the city and quickly planned a route.

"It's getting so lively here..."


"There are so many people!"


It can be seen that under the governance of Queen Anne, who appeared in her so-called 'Storm and Fire', Stoneville City has now regained its vitality, and its residents have soared from less than 1,000 to 20,000. It can be called a prosperous city.

In fact, due to the changes in the Nimgford area, in addition to the residents of Stonewell City who had fled, the residents of the surrounding Lake Lienia and the Galid Fields also began to spontaneously go to Stonewell. migrating.

After all, Lienia is still a little chaotic now. Although the full moon queen Reina has returned, the Kalia royal family's attempt to rectify the academy and the dilapidated lakeside area cannot be accomplished in an instant.

As for the Galidian Wilderness, not to mention, the scarlet corruption can never be managed in a short time, so after the mad 'extremity' king Greek was eliminated, it is more livable and safe to see Nimgford. There are also sufficient guarantees. Based on the biological instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, countless people who still yearn for life and have hope have flocked here.

Although no major changes have been seen for the time being, it is believed that in the near future, Nimgford and Stonewell will surely become the most prosperous places in the entire borderland!

"Tibbers, look!"


"There seems to be someone selling food over there!"


"Unfortunately, you can smell it and know that it may not be too delicious..."




While shopping, of course, Annie did not forget to run on the street and look at all kinds of rarities, and pointed loudly to the vendors selling food and various things along the street. Comment up.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



It didn't take long for Annie to leave the city and start walking down the road to the north along the Tongcheng Tunnel.



Although the soldiers guarding the city gate and many 'Fire Eye' knights saw her, they did not dare to block or interfere with their lowly rank, plus their Queen Anne's own strength is Super strong beings, and they often run out on their own, so they just pay attention and keep it in their hearts so that they can report to their superiors at any time. Queen's business.



"Isn't it a bit silly to use it directly like this?"


Soon, it took less than ten minutes to leave the gate of Stonewell City and walk north along the road. When Stonewell was already hidden behind the canopy of the woodland, Annie was tangled again.

"never mind!"


"Let's teleport directly north for a distance!"


With that said, Annie opened a teleportation door directly, and then prepared to teleport to Lienia Avenue in the north, so as to save time on the road.


"please wait!"

At this time, when she saw that Annie had opened a blue light door and was about to leave, finally, a woman's voice suddenly sounded behind Annie.





"Big sister, people think you really can't hold back!"


Hearing this, when Annie stopped, of course she was the first to turn towards the one behind her who was finally willing to dawdle out from behind a big tree, wearing a simple animal skin and a pair of steel on her left shoulder. The eldest sister, with shoulder armor, an axe behind her back, and large patinas of bronzed skin on her arms, belly, and shoulders, joked and made a playful face at the other party.

That's right!

In fact, Annie had known for a long time that the other party was following her furtively, since she found out when she was walking around the city.

And after discovering it, of course she walked all the way, and walked for so long, in order to create opportunities for the other party!

But what do you think...

It wasn't until she was about to teleport away that the other party finally couldn't help it, hesitantly spoke out, and seemed to come out so reluctantly?


The person who came didn't speak in a hurry, just frowned and grimaced, walked a few steps in front of Annie under Annie's gaze, and stopped silently.



"Big sister, people seem to have seen you before. Your name seems to be that Nirvana... Nirvana..."


"What's up with Nirvana?"


Annie said that she had seen this big sister who had bronze skin and looked very strong, and it was very likely that she could kill a pig with one punch, but she didn't seem to remember the name clearly.

She just remembered that when she first came to Stoneville City and was about to find trouble with that 'joint' Greck, she had met him. At that time, the other side seemed to have killed a lost knight, and also Said he wanted to help her, but unfortunately she refused.

After that, she never saw each other again, and she didn't know where he went.

But now...

The other party actually followed her secretly, and also took the initiative to come to the door, which made Annie feel quite rare.


"Warrior, Neferi Lu!"

The person who came, that is, Neferi didn't hide much. After seeing that Annie couldn't pronounce her name, she said her own name again.



"So, big sister Neferi, you are secretly following people like this today, are you looking for something?"


The name or something doesn't matter, so Annie didn't say much, just blinked and asked curiously.

Anyway, Annie knew that the other party must have something to do, otherwise, he wouldn't do this kind of thing that only those strange uncles would do.


Neferi didn't speak in a hurry, just stared at Annie's ignorant face in silence for a while, then turned her head to look in Stonewell's direction.


"never mind……"

Then, she suddenly sighed strangely, then walked straight to a stone by the side of the road, and sat there.



This made Annie a little puzzled, but she didn't ask, and continued to stare at each other.

"Queen Anne..."

"Actually, the reason why I followed you just now was because..."

"Someone asked me to assassinate you!"

Just sitting on the stone with her fingers crossed and supporting her knees, Neferi, who looked very depressed and tangled, was silent for a while, and then, under Annie's curious and impatient gaze, she suddenly said her the real intention.


!? (?\'\'??)?

Of course, Annie was taken aback by this!

After all, this is the first time she has encountered such a strange guy who wants to do bad things, but takes the initiative to say it, and doesn't seem to be ready to put it into practice.



"and then?"


"Big sister, are you ready to continue now?"


Then, after waiting for a while, seeing that the other party was still sitting there, still not intending to do anything, Annie thought for a while, then she blinked, leaned over and asked carefully.

Of course, Annie is not afraid of the other party, nor is she worried that the other party will suddenly jump up and chop herself with an axe, she is just a little surprised and curious, wanting to know if the other party wants it, or if the other party dares Dare to do that.


Neferi was suddenly stunned, she nodded first, but quickly shook her head contradictly, not knowing what she was trying to express.

"Do not……"

"I won't, I don't want to..."

After that, she hurriedly rejected it, and the expression on the depressed face began to become exciting.

At first she was dazed, then a little firm, but soon became frightened and frightened, and finally gradually returned to numbness and pain, and only then did she speak again and said with a wry smile:

"During this time, I saw the changes in Stoneville City. Compared with the previous Greck period, it is much better here..."

"You don't know, do you?"

"I've been here many times, and I've seen it change every day with my own eyes. It's amazing!"



"I also saw the smiles gradually appearing on the faces of the people and their expectations for the future. This is very rare in the entire border area, and it is not found in other places. It is incredible!"

"I saw..."

"The people are no longer insensitive, no longer hopeless and helpless, their faces are beginning to fill with smiles, that is a kind of power called hope..."

As if talking to herself, Neferi sat on the stone and said stupidly, and subconsciously turned her head again to look in the direction of Stonewell City. While speaking, the expression on her face also changed. Gradually he became more and more confused and helpless.



Scratching her head, Annie didn't understand why the other party said this suddenly, so she didn't rush to interrupt the other party, but just blinked her beautiful big blue eyes, trying to see what the other party wanted to say.


"My adoptive father, he asked me to kill you, and gave me an anti-magic round shield, and let me try to capture the three big runes on you."


"I always thought it was unrighteous, and I couldn't convince myself to do it."

Nephri said quietly.



And it wasn't until this time that Annie discovered that behind the other party, there really seemed to be a prototype magic shield?

However, it was useless, Annie wouldn't believe that a ridiculous magic shield like that could withstand her own magic.

In fact, let alone just one broken shield, it is useless to find a hundred for the other party, even wearing that kind of spellbreaker suit all over the body, her Queen Anne's power is not for those stupid guys. imagination.


"As I just said, I am indeed the killer who was ordered to assassinate you..."

"Queen Anne, if you want, kill me now, and take my head back."

"In that case, perhaps, I can also explain to my adoptive father?"


As soon as she finished speaking, Neferi reached out and untied the double axe and the magic shield behind her, and threw them aside, saying that she would not perform that task, and then looked at her face with frustration and a wry smile. To Annie, waiting for Annie's response.



"Your foster father?"


"who is he?"


Anne suddenly asked strangely.

Thinking about it carefully, Her Lady Queen Anne doesn't think she has any big grudges with anyone, because, ah, she basically burns down those who have grudges.

For example, the white-masked Fan Lei, and the blood king Munger and 'Limb' Greck, all those guys were wiped out by her, and it was impossible to send someone to look for her. troublesome.


"You should know it too. You have been to the Round Table Hall, haven't you?"


"It's Gideon Offneil "Sir Baizhi"..."

After just hesitating for a while, in the end, Neferi did not choose to hide it, and sold her foster father directly.

After all, now she is disheartened and doesn't want to do that kind of unrighteous thing, so she simply said everything she knew:

For example, Sir Pak thinks that Annie is not the fader, and is not in the same league with them, and then asks her to wait for the opportunity to assassinate and take away the big rune, trying to interrupt the development of Stonewell, so as to accept the next step, for their faders Guiding and calling the king make all kinds of preparations and so on.

In a word, the current situation is that the faders in the Round Table Hall are led by Sir Pak Wit, and Stonewell's blow to the faders, the two sides have completely broken.

However, Neferi has doubts about this. She does not agree with her adoptive father's actions, and instead agrees with Stonewell's current achievements.

So, this scene happened in front of me...

She didn't want to be hostile to Annie, and she didn't want to destroy everything in front of her. She thought she was the first place after the Broken War to have hope and happiness. At the same time, he chose self-redemption.



"That guy who looks a lot like Sauron, he is so bad!"


After listening to the other party's statement, Annie could not help but let out a small exclamation.



"People didn't look at him like a good thing at first, so they didn't pay much attention to him. Now, it seems that he is right!"


Annie still remembered that back then, in the round table hall, the guy with the helmet tried to stop her several times, and wanted her to see some boring fingers, but she refused at that time.

If she had known that the other party was that kind of person, perhaps she should have directly set fire to the other party in the first place.


"I do not know……"

"I can't tell the line between good and bad..."

"Ashamed to say, I'm in a mess right now. Maybe, Queen Anne, if you kill me, I'll be relieved?"

With a wry smile, Neferi did not comment on her adoptive father's comments to the little girl in front of her, but suddenly put her hands behind her back, and then stared blankly at the still dim and turbid sky. Know what's on your mind.

"Why do they want to kill you?"


"Since you didn't do anything, and you took the initiative to say it, then of course they have no reason to kill you!"


Annie turned her head away, obviously, she didn't want to do that.



"Now that I think about it, even if I don't take the initiative to say that, I don't think I can really successfully assassinate you..."

"That's right, I was abandoned by my foster father..."

"Before, my adoptive father, Sir Gideon, has always been my beacon. Before, I never thought so much. I thought that as long as he could become the king of Eldon, I would do anything."

"But, now..."


"I still betrayed him."

"Maybe he also noticed it, so he sent me to perform this impossible mission?"

After speaking, Neferi closed her eyes in pain.

"I can't trust him at all, and I don't agree with what he is going to do..."

"Stonewell is getting better under your management, and it's getting better and better, but adoptive father wants to destroy all of this, that's not right."

"For personal desires, in order to become the king of Eldon, but to destroy this land where order and hope have finally been restored, how can there be justice?"

Speaking in a self-deprecating manner, Neferi suddenly sat up straight and looked at Annie with dull eyes.


"If an existence like you, Queen Anne, becomes the King of Eldon, that is the well-being of the people, right?"

Neferi discovered that, just like the first time she saw each other, the little girl in front of her was still the innocent, cute, romantic and innocent little guy.

And a little girl like this is obviously impossible to have any selfish desires...

Power, money or anything else has no meaning in the eyes of the other party. At the same time, it also holds an ignorant kindness to all people and things, and can give the people hope and future, and this is Nirvana. Feili felt the most suitable candidate for King Eldon.

As for the others, whether it was her adoptive father, Sir Paige, or someone else who had faded, they were all missing something vital.

Right now, the changes in Stoneville City and the Nimgford area are proofs. In Neferi's opinion, if the little girl in front of her can really become the King of Eldon, then the border may really welcome you. A new era of brilliance and hope?

"don't want!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! !

It's a pity that some nasty little girl didn't even think about it, and flatly rejected Neferi's boring request, saying that she was not interested in the other party's proposal at all!

"People don't want to be the king of Eldon!"


"It's not fun to hear it!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

You know, being a Stonewell King is so annoying to her, and if she goes to be that Rosh King Elden again, she might be so annoying!

"And then what?"


"Sister Neferi, what are you going to do next?"


Since the other party didn't want to assassinate her, and she took the initiative to confess the situation, Annie would definitely not hurt the other party.

So, she asked worriedly:



"Do you want to go back to the Round Table Hall?"


That Sir is definitely not a good person, and sooner or later, Her Lady Queen Anne is going to clean up each other!

However, that is the future. Now Anne's schedule is full. She has to play first, and then walk from Lienia Avenue to the Kalia Walled City and give the knife to the doll. Miss Lani, that is already agreed.

And then, she may have to go to the north, so that death knight Gideon or something, she will only deal with it when she is free and remembered, it is not too urgent.

"I do not know……"

"I'm so confused right now..."

"Perhaps, this is what my adoptive father told me, the will of the ignorant is a cancer, so vicious that even the horns of bad omen seem inferior?"


"I've never been able to recognize his actions..."

"Some things, if it's not right, it's not right..."


As she spoke, Neferi's voice gradually lowered again, looking very tired, as if she didn't intend to continue speaking.

"Is that so?"




"If it really doesn't work, then you can continue to stay here in Stoneville City, the bad adoptive father of your family, and those lunatics in the round table hall, and those who have faded, they must not dare to come. If you mess up here, don't worry!"


Annie reluctantly reassured and suggested.

She doesn't think there is any danger in staying in the city. You must know that there are more than 20,000 'Fire Eye' knights in Stoneville City, as well as thousands of soldiers of various ethnic groups, plus the two giant dragons. Give those faders ten courage, they dare not approach Nimgford.

Therefore, the round table hall with three or two cats, big and small, must not dare to come here to give people their heads.

As for those two fingers...

Next, she will send a knife to the puppet sister La Ni, and arrange for the other party to go on the road as soon as possible. When the time comes, after the **** burp, presumably, those who can no longer gain strength and guidance will fade away. A lot of restraint and serenity.


Neferi didn't answer, just sat there dumbfoundedly looking at Annie, didn't say no, but didn't say yes either.

"That's it!"


"Anyway, big sister, go to the city for a few days, and then go elsewhere after you think about it?"



ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)bye~bye~

After speaking It seems that there is nothing to do here, and I am not very familiar with the other party, and I have only met twice before and after, so Annie is not willing to waste too much time on the other party. , directly waved his hand and said that last sentence, and then carried her little bear directly to the blue portal that had been open before.


(● ̄? ̄●)


└(^o^)┘ Remember the monthly pass!

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