Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1892: !!! ∑ (? Д? ノ) ノ Grape-like truth

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There is no doubt that Lienia Avenue is really spacious and flat.

But at the same time, it is also very desolate...

Walking on this road, Annie could see nothing but weeds, devastation and the desolation of the 'withered vines and old trees and crows'.

There are no pedestrians, no business trips, no villages, and no small bridges and rivers. There are only a couple of pale bones that occasionally show up in the grass, wandering dead birthers, and rusted weapons and armor. That nameless beast that wandered aimlessly in the wasteland foraging.



"There's really no one there..."


"Do you still want to move on?"


Looking left and right, she found that the neighborhood of Lienia Avenue was deserted, and Annie couldn't help but hesitate, not knowing whether she should continue to move forward.

In this case, you don’t need to guess much to know, due to the years of war in the previous Broken War, the closure of the Rhea Lucaria School of Magic, the deep sleep of the Queen of the Royal Family of Kalia, and the destruction of the bridge passage to Nimgef For reasons such as the loss, the Lienia area, including the vicinity of this supposedly prosperous Lienia Avenue, has all turned into this desolate and apocalyptic scene.

Even now the full moon queen Reinara has woken up, even now the Rhea Lucalia Magic Academy is about to lift the seal, and even now the Kalia royal family is planning to rectify the Lyenia area, but there is no one who wants people, no money for money. If they want to rectify this area and restore order in a short period of time, it is definitely not that easy.

Anyway, Annie has not seen any normal people on the road. As for the Kalia royal knights and soldiers that Aunt Reinara said before, they will be dispatched to patrol and clean up, Not even a shadow could be seen.



"never mind!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"There seems to be a town ahead, let's go there and see..."


Although the journey was not very pleasant, Annie was not very discouraged, just sat on the shoulders of Tibbs the bear and continued to sway forward.

Anyway, it's not her who is on the road, and she doesn't need to be distracted to 'drive'. Her little bear has the kind of automatic navigation function, she only needs to say the destination, and she doesn't need to worry about the trouble. of.



(Tibbers ignored it, and just continued to sway forward, walking towards the so-called 'town' as his poor little master said.)


Soon, Annie discovered that it was indeed not a town, but a ruin.

However, unlike the usual messy ruins, the ruins seem to have been purified, and there are not too many messy monsters or dead people, but there are still some signs of inhabited activities?



"Those are……"


So, following some traces and a certain path that someone walked out, soon, Annie saw two squat and thin guys in the distance, they were trembling and sneaking towards Go to a dilapidated temple outside the ruins.

"It looks mysterious, what are you trying to do?"


Seeing this, Annie was of course a little curious, so she let Tibbs follow him from a distance.

Not long after, she saw that in front of the broken eaves and broken walls in the distance, a young lady with a towel covering her eyes was standing there to accept a few squat and thin guys who gathered there. While worshipping, both of them were still chanting something.



"Isn't that Miss Haida?"


"But why is she here?"


In this regard, Annie expressed some doubts.

She knew that the other party left Stonewell City a few days before her Queen Anne went home, and according to the Fire Eye Knights who reported back, the other party was going east, but why is the other party in Stoneville now north of here?



"not good!!"


Suddenly, when Annie saw in the distance, one of them was stooped and thin. At first glance, he knew that he was sick, and the guy with thin arms like a dead man reached out and cut out an eyeball from his face. Tremblingly, she put it into the hands of Miss Heida. Then, Miss Heida was completely unaware, and she really planned to put it into her mouth under the fervent gaze of the one-eyed patient and her companions. With a jolt, a teleportation flashed past.



With a stern face, Annie shouted loudly, and almost stopped Heida, who was about to put the disgusting eyeball in her mouth.


"and who are you?"

"Where's the kid from, get out of here!"

"Go away!"

"Quick! Drive her away!!"

Suddenly, they turned their heads in unison. After realizing that the person was a little girl, the skinny and rotten patients stood up one after another, grabbed wooden sticks and stones, etc., and prepared to shout, planning to go up. The forerunners drove Anne away so that she would not disturb their worship and rituals.



It's a pity that Annie just waved her hand, and instantly froze those croaking guys like the dead into ice sculptures, making them shut up all at once.


"Who's over there?"

After hearing the mixed voices subside at once, Heida asked in surprise.

"I think I heard a voice..."

"Is it Annie?"

"Yes or no?"

Then, Heida asked carefully.

Although she was already blind, she was very sensitive to voices, and she immediately heard that the choking sound just now was made by Annie.

Therefore, after recognizing that the person who came was probably Heida, the kind little girl who entertained her in Stonewell a few days ago and returned her grapes in the food world, she did not rush to take the 'grape' in her hand. Put it in his mouth, but turned his head and asked again where Annie had just made a sound.


( )

Annie didn't answer, but stepped forward and came to the lady Heida. She frowned at the thing she was holding, and then asked hesitantly:

"Miss Haida, what you have in your hand is..."


Although she had already guessed some things, and at the same time, nausea and some kind of nameless fire began to rise in her heart, but Annie still did not rush to attack, but wanted to confirm it first.


"It's really Annie!"

After turning her head to the side and clearly hearing the crisp and pleasant childish voice that belonged to Annie, Heda was sure that the person who came was indeed the little girl king she knew in Stoneville City.

"It's the 'Chapoli grape'!"

"Would you like to try it?"


"Although it is very important to me, if it is you, I can give it to you."

Saying that, Heida laughed uncommonly.

At the same time, she took the yellow and rotten eyeball of the patient in her hand, and saw that the outer layer was about to fall off, and the inner layer was thick and soft, similar to a large ripe grape, which had nothing to do with beauty and deliciousness, even just It was something that could make people sick just by looking at it, and carefully followed the sound and handed it to Annie.



Of course Annie couldn't accept the other party's kindness, and she even took a big step back quietly.



"I used to eat grapes, this is it?"


Annie frowned and asked, and at the same time, her expression of looking at the patients who had been temporarily frozen by her also became indifferent and dangerous.


"What's the matter, what's the problem?"

Heda was a little strange. She obviously didn't know the problem, and she didn't know why Annie asked that.


( )

Annie was silent, and at the same time, her blue eyes gradually became colder and more dangerous.

Because ah, she suddenly felt that that finger, it seemed that it was really impossible to keep!

So, she was going to teleport directly to Kalia Castle later, and send the hunting finger knife that the puppet sister Lani needed. No matter what, she should go and get the 'finger' as soon as possible. die again?

"What's wrong?"


"Don't you want to try it?"

After a long time, Heda, who didn't hear Anne's reaction, asked again suspiciously.

Of course, what made her even more puzzled was that the people who gave her grapes who were still noisy just now didn't know why, but now they all stopped talking, and they didn't know what was going on.



"Good, good!"


After thinking about it and struggling for a while, Annie did not refuse in the end, but she did not come forward and touch it, but a mage's hand stretched out, and then separated the 'grape' from the palm of the other's hand Sora picked it up, and with a flick of his hand, it was instantly thrown away and burned to ashes.



"Sister Haida..."


"It's not a solution for you to wander around like this. Otherwise, you should go to someone's castle!"


"How about someone looking for someone to help you heal your eyes?"


With that said, Annie opened a portal to Stonewell City without waiting for the other party to agree.

She was going to send the other party back first, and then go to Miss Lani, send the knife that hunted the finger, and then kill the finger directly, and then this lady Haida would no longer have to worry about being bewitched.

Similarly, Annie didn't plan to tell the other party about the previous grape, so the other party thought it was really normal grapes.



"Annie, I have something to do..."

"I'm going to a village in the north, where should I still have the Chapoli grapes I need..."

Heida just wanted to say something, but she was pushed into the portal without doubt by Annie, and disappeared instantly.



After sending away that Miss Heda, Annie turned her head and looked at the guys who were frozen by her, and released their frozen state, causing them to fall to the ground in an instant slump, and stood up. Can't stand up.



"What the **** is going on here? Come on, or else people will burn you!"


Annie didn't talk nonsense, she grabbed a splintering fire in her hand, and immediately began to ask questions with force.





Surprisingly, hearing that Annie was going to burn them, those people, those ugly patients looked at each other, and all of a sudden they all burst into laughter.

"Burn it!"

"Burn us all, preferably the whole world!"


"Burn us!"

Those people all crawled towards Annie, as if they were really not afraid of the shattering fire in her hand.



Annie frowned, but she didn't really go to burn them, but she didn't back away, she just confronted those people like that.



"And the curse!"

"This world gives us only sin and pain!"

"We've had enough!"

At this moment, the man who was crawling on the ground first began to growl hysterically.

They have just seen and felt that the little girl in front of them is indeed a powerful mage, but they are not afraid at all!

In fact, they are not even afraid of death now, how could they be afraid of mere death threats?

"all of these!"

"It's all because of the 'wrong', because of the mistake of the 'Supreme Will'!"

"Burn it!"

"Burn us, and then burn the world, melt everything in the world with flames, and let everything return to its original point!"

"We didn't come to this world voluntarily. What's wrong with us, why should we suffer this pain?"

"come on!"

"Burn us, burn everything!"

"In front of the flame, all people will no longer be distinguished, no longer born, no more pain and curse, no more oppression and power..."

"Come on, burn it!!"

Just like that, those few people roared hysterically, crawling towards Annie desperately, trying to grab her feet and let her really burn them.



Annie didn't speak, and took a step back in silence, avoiding the hysterical guys.



"It seems that we still have to deal with that bad guy's finger first!"


Nodding and shaking her head again, Annie didn't entangle with those people in the end, and directly grabbed the fireball in her hand.

She probably understood that whether it was the Round Table Hall or the Neferi, or the Heda who had just been sent away, or the crazy patients in front of her, in the final analysis, these things all pointed to that What is the bad guy called 'finger', so now that she goes to deliver the knife, there must be nothing wrong with it.

"Let's go!"


"Tibbers, let's find that puppet lady!"

( )

After seeing her little bear approaching, Annie ignored the guys who were lying on the ground and still wanted to crawl towards her. Instead, she flashed and appeared on the shoulders of Tibbers the bear in the distance.

Now, she's going to deliver the knife...

As for whether the little knife can kill that 'finger', Annie doesn't know, but she will keep an eye on it. If the little sister Lani can't kill the 'finger', she should not mind to help .


(● ̄ ̄●)


"Come and burn us!!"




"Burn it! Let the flames burn!!"


"Ha ha ha ha……" As Tibbers turned and left, one person and one bear gradually disappeared among the few who were still resting, laughing and cursing miserably, just like the dead ones. In the sight of the patients who were screaming like crazy.


(t▽t) Monthly pass~


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