Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1905: |??ω?`)?Holy Way? and Curse

After a long journey of more than a month, Millison, one of the former 'corrupt girls' and now the 'Holy Light girl', finally bypassed the Yatan Plateau with many obstacles and escaped from the ice-cold snowfield. All the way to the north, I came to the town of Holy Tree, which is located in the northernmost part of the border, and came to the bottom of the huge 'Holy Tree'.

This long pilgrimage was actually not very smooth at the beginning.

Because, she has encountered many difficulties and met many people with different purposes, such as those gradually corrupted knights, mysterious black knife assassins, ferocious demihumans, and some people who are malicious to her. existence, etc., and made her have to argue, negotiate or fight with them.

Fortunately, because of the Valkyrie's righteous hand and those powerful combat skills that seemed to be inherited from her bloodline, she defeated those who came to block her or tried to attack her again and again.

However, in most cases, she will finally summon the Holy Light to heal and purify them in the stunned eyes of those people, of course, including the curse and corruption on those people.

Some people didn't understand her behavior and practices, and they would continue to abuse, ridicule, and even try to attack her, but, no matter what, Millison still didn't argue, she just stubbornly continued to rebuke her. Defeat them once, then heal them before continuing on the road.

Just like that, she moved forward with bumps and bumps until she arrived at Sacred Tree Town, met Loretta the 'Sacred Tree Knight' on the Sacred Tree Stage, and explained her intentions to the other party. That bad situation and situation finally has a fundamental change.

Under the **** of the righteous and honorable 'Holy Tree Knight' Loretta and those demi-human warriors, children of platinum, and academy mages who also cherished justice and ideals, were astonished by her holy light, and agreed with her. Finally, she was able to reach the end of her pilgrimage unimpeded all the way.


At the end of the long palace-like passage in front of her, looking at the descending stairs in front of her, Loretta the Knight of the Holy Tree raised her hand and signaled everyone behind her to stop.


"Ms. Millison!"

Then, she turned around slowly, looked at Millison and said.

"Ahead, it should be the destination you are looking for."

"Feel sorry."

"We can only take you here. The person you are looking for should still be asleep inside, but I don't know what you will face when you go in, so..."

'Holy Tree Knight' Loretta frowned and said carefully, all sincerity and concern came from the helmet.

"Please be careful!"

She still remembers the battle in Ionia in the middle of the Gayleid field back then, and the battle was so dark that the sun and the moon were dark!

And with the fall of the golden needle, the huge flower of corruption that came on the face turned that war into a war without a winner. At that time, the Knights of Honor and Corruption that went to Galid were almost wiped out, and only the remaining Finlay returned to the Sacred Tree with the unconscious Valkyrie Malenia and remained there until now.

Right now, Malenia is inside, so what Millison will face after entering, Loretta Knight and others really don't know, and they don't dare to imagine.

"Thank you, Knight Loretta!"

"And everyone..."

"Thank you for bringing me here."

Millison didn't complain, just thanked those who were worried about her for the first time.


"Actually, that's what I've always wanted to ask."

"Knight Loretta, I paid attention to your armor. There seems to be the emblem of the Kalia royal family on it. What's the matter?"

After thanking her, before turning back and walking down the stairs, Millison turned her head again and asked Loretta, the 'Holy Tree Knight' who escorted her all the way here, with a smile.

After all, in the far north of the snowfield, it seems to be really rare that a Kalia knight of Nielia appears here in Sacred Tree Town.

"This is..."


"It's too long to say."

Unexpectedly, Millison even noticed the inscriptions and pictures on his armor, which made Loretta sigh with a wry smile.


"From ancient times, from the time when Nielia was still a wild land."

However, in the end, Loretta did not hide it, and told her story directly and slowly.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe that our Kalia royal family, at the very beginning, moved to the surface from an underground place called the Eternal City."

"Our ancestors were actually night people!"

Thinking of it, Loretta couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because in that distant era, as a talented night man, he should have had a more brilliant civilization.


They have been searching for the secrets of the stars too much, but because they actively exposed themselves to the stars, they were targeted by the 'darkness' in the stars, which then triggered the terrifying outer gods, namely Esther, the star-falling monsters, and the white kings and other aliens. invasion.

Then, in the ancient times, the unknown eternal battle that took place under the ground broke out.

It was a chaotic and **** time...

From the nameless Eternal City to Nok Stella, the night people have experienced a series of wars and accidents, especially after the invasion of the terrible scarlet goddess of corruption, the night people were again forced to prepare to give up the second one At the time of the Eternal City, the night people who believed in the moon began to split and went to the ground. They built a moonlight altar at the highest point in the Naryenia region, and began to integrate and communicate with human beings. 'Artificial life' research.

It was also during that period that the Kalia dynasty began to slowly rise.

Thanks to the night people's superb magic and artificial life technology, and the union of the magic circle Selia, their night people quickly gained a firm foothold on the land of Lienia and gradually drove them out. The other forces became the ultimate winners, began to dominate the vast area of ​​Lienia, established the Magic Academy, created the Kalia Dynasty and the Kalia Magic System, and even followed the later most The golden tree dynasty of the glorious period is fighting against each other.

And the son of platinum is the product of that era, and it is also a victim, especially the first-generation son of platinum with great defects!

Due to the short lifespan and the paralysis of the legs with age, the first generation of artificial life platinum sons were gradually abandoned by the Kalia dynasty at that time to a cliff in the south of Lienia. As more and more children of the generation of platinum were abandoned, those poor artificial beings gradually formed a village spontaneously, which is the current platinum village.

Originally, the Kalia royal family also wanted to deal with the follow-up issues of the White Gold Village and salvage some mistakes.

But what do you think...

The subsequent series of changes in the royal family directly brought the entire royal family and dynasty to the brink of collapse.

At that time, the situation of the Kalia royal family was already very bad.

For example: Queen Leinara is asleep, there is civil strife in the Magic Academy, Star Shattered Ratan is in madness, Archon Lakad degenerates into a serpent, Princess Rani of the Moon, and the future Queen of Kalia is even more profound. Participated in 'Night of the Black Knife' and had to kill and flee...

Various circumstances made the entire royal family lose their masters in an instant and led to the chaos of the entire royal family's fortress.

So, with the passage of time and the decline of the Kalia royal family, gradually, many things were buried in the ruins of time, including the White Gold Village, and their failures were completely forgotten and sacrificed.

However, not everyone has forgotten about the White Gold Village, for example, the righteous and honorable Loretta Knight?

She used to be a knight of the Kalia royal family, and still is!

Therefore, Loretta, who has always been anxious about this matter, after cheating her death and leaving her soul avatar on the royal moon viewing platform in Kalia Castle, in order to rescue and find the abandoned children of platinum A new way out, and in order to correct that mistake for the royal family and ancestors of the night people who are loyal to her, she finally pinned her hopes on the future of the holy tree, and came here alone and became a guardian of the holy tree.


The holy tree is ugly, and the beautiful holy tree and hope may be just a dream after all?

But they never gave up and stayed here, chasing the last shred of hope until Millison arrived.

Although these people did not wait for the sacred tree to bloom beautifully and bless all beings in the end, but they welcomed a girl of holy light, that is, Millison in front of them.

And this is the real reason why these people have been guarding each other at this moment, looking at each other with admiration and admiration, and at the same time escorting each other safely here.


In the past, the existence in front of them, the golden holy light, that looks very similar to the Valkyrie, and also has the same righteous hand's 'Holy Light Girl', is exactly what they have been waiting for and looking forward to?

"So it is."

"Loretta Knight, you are such a noble person!"

After listening to Loretta's words, and knowing why the other party was guarding the holy tree as a kalia of Kalia, Millison couldn't help but cast an admiring look at the other party in awe.


"I'm really sorry, I may have disappointed you."

"As far as I know, the Holy Light can only cure curses, diseases, corruption and normal injuries, but it is very likely that it can't cure some natural defects, I'm afraid I can't help you..."

Millison said quietly.

It's not that she doesn't want to help, but her holy light is indeed not omnipotent, otherwise, she would not have installed the righteous hand of Lord Malenia.


But soon, Millison remembered a small figure.

Then, after looking at the mark of the Holy Light in her hand, she quickly decided that after finishing the matter in front of her, she must take care of the righteous and righteous Loretta knight in front of her. Take care of the White Gold Village issue.

"However, I know someone, maybe she has a way, maybe not?"

"When I'm done, I'll take you to find her!"

After speaking, he raised his intact hand and waved to everyone present and said goodbye. Without hesitation, Millison turned around and walked down the stairs, with a hint of apprehension in his firm expression, and moved towards. At the end of the passage, walk slowly towards the depths of the sacred tree.



"Everything, just wait until you come out!"

"Please be careful!"

Loretta didn't say much, just gave a loud command from behind, and watched the slender body move forward step by step until it completely disappeared from their sight.

At this time, when Millison walked towards the depths under the 'Holy Tree' with a pilgrimage-like expression, a little girl who was up and down finally came to the river outside the walls of the royal city Rodel. churning.

Then, when she was worrying about whether to enter the city to play or to find the "three fingers" first, she made another very unexpected discovery.



"Shi Mi, what are you doing..."


That's right, Annie saw the uncle of the fader with an iron mask again, the one she met in the Nielia Lake District before.

Moreover, she also saw that the other party seemed to be cooking something fragrant, and let her smell the incomparably wonderful fragrance from a long distance, so she naturally pointed it out with three fingers. 'I left it behind and followed the scent to find it.


"You're looking for..."


The faded man with the iron mask just wanted to pick up the weapon he put on the ground to threaten or intimidate, but when he turned his head, he found that it was the one who brutally killed the prawn in the Lienia area and killed him. After dragging the terrifying little girl beside his hut to beg for firewood, he was so frightened that he froze on the spot, and his throat seemed to be strangled, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Yes, is it you?!"

After such a long period of time, and having communicated with a lot of faders, he already knew who the little girl in front of him was, and he also knew that the other party killed 'Limb' Greck, made a scene at the Magic Academy, and defeated the most powerful The strong demigod Ratan, as well as the great achievements of catching dragons alive and killing prawns, etc.

In short, he knew that the little girl in front of him was definitely not someone he could provoke!

Even, let alone him, even all the faders who came to the junction, including Sir Baizhi and the Round Table Hall combined, would not dare to wrestle with each other and their forces!



"This is!"

(╯▽╰) So fragrant~~

"Millet, you didn't cook prawns, but you came here to cook crabs?!"


Annie didn't pay much attention to the other party. She just got close to the cauldron that the other party was burning and took a deep breath, and then the lazi couldn't help but flow down.


"Yes, it is…"

The masked man didn't dare to touch his weapon at this time, he just stayed where he was, nodding and bowing in response.



"People eat a little crab from your family, you should have no opinion, right?"


"People can give you money!"


Last time, the prawns cooked by the other party were delicious. She almost finished the big pot. Therefore, this time, when she saw the other party cooking crabs, she would definitely not want to miss it.


"No no no... I don't dare to have an opinion!"


"The little one dares to ask for your money. You can eat as much as you can. If it's not enough, there are a lot more. Can the little one grab a little more?"

With that said, the faded man with the iron mask hurriedly pointed to the river ground next to him.

Then Annie saw that there were indeed a lot of big crabs over there, and they weren't afraid of people, so they just swirled around and played with bubbles. They were quite big, and the crab legs and claws looked huge. It's fat, and it's really easy to catch if it's not enough.

"Is that so?"


"That's it!" ^-^)o~'

After saying that, Annie stretched out her hand, not afraid of being scalded, and picked up a crab claws from the steaming cauldron, and took a big bite on the white and tender crab meat.


(?~?) Chew!



This daringly cooked crab meat is smooth, juicy and delicious, and the salt is just right, neither salty nor dank, which perfectly matches the fragrance of the crab meat. In short, it is delicious!


"Ha ha…"

"You, if you like it..."

The masked man didn't dare to say more, just continued to nod and bow in agreement, and was considering whether to wait for an opportunity to find a chance to escape from here.

'Oh wow~! ’

Suddenly, before the masked man made a decision, he suddenly heard a strange roar not far away.



"What's that sound, little animal?"


Annie heard it too, then turned her head curiously, and glanced in the direction where the voice came from.


"Yes... it's a dung eater!"

However, unlike Annie's reaction, the masked man hurriedly picked up his weapon and stood up immediately after hearing the sound, with his legs trembling and staring vigilantly at the direction the sound came from. I don't know what to be afraid of.

Although he also knows that the little girl in front of him is likely to be more powerful, the other party is at least just eating, and will not kill him, but the dung eater is very different. The other party not only kills, but also does that Some very scary and appalling things.

"Dung eaters?"




"So disgusting! People are eating!"


Annie glared at the strange **** wearing a mask with some dissatisfaction.



Right now, she's eating delicious crab legs, and she's having a good time, she doesn't want to imagine or discuss that kind of guy who just hears the name and feels super disgusting!


Some things can't be avoided by her willingness to imagine or discuss it!

Is this not?


The first crab claws in Annie's hand had not yet been eaten. On the hillside not far away, a guy in a strange armor suddenly appeared above, and was still staring at the low-lying area of ​​the river. Little Annie and the masked man who was trembling with fear.


"Guo, it really is a dung eater!!"

Seeing this, the masked man was so frightened of course that he almost ran away.

However, he was still eye-catching. After knowing that he might not be able to escape, he gritted his teeth, and immediately crawled around behind Annie and knelt down and pleaded:

"Please. Please..."

"Dear Lord Stonewell, you must save me this time..."


"I'm not afraid of death!"

"But I don't want to be cursed..."


"In the future, I will be an upright person, really, I swear!"

Just like that, with that trembling cry, the masked man kneeled down behind Annie and begged.


∑('△')? !


'ο'*))) alas

Although Annie didn't know why the other party suddenly became so strange, she knew that it must have something to do with the strange person not far away!

"Do not worry!"


"Since people eat the crabs you boiled, they will definitely not let them hurt you!"


More than just eating crabs, the last time Annie ate the other party's prawns!

"Who is he?"


After finishing speaking, Annie frowned and looked at the weird man who was standing at a high place overlooking the two of them. At the same time, she did not forget to ask the spineless masked weird uncle behind her.


(????-) On the first day of the beginning of the month, if you have a monthly pass, you must also give it!

------off topic-----

(?ω?) Ahem! Happy holiday everyone!

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*. Happy holidays and anything are false, and holidays are real.

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