Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1906: ?(ψ'^?)? Sun

When Annie was confronting the 'dung-eater' far away on the hill, the trembling masked male iron-headed monster Shuhu Hu behind her also told all the legends he knew about the 'dung-eater' And the information was slowly whispered out.

It turns out...

Before, the masked man was also caught and locked up, and the 'dung eater' in the distance was one of his cellmates!

He originally had another cellmate, but that cellmate was killed and stained by the dung eaters.

Whenever he thinks of that kind of terrifying picture, the masked man will be shocked to sleep and sleep, and when he sees the other party actually appearing before and after him, he is even more frightened and trembled, and his words are a bit unfavorable.

But it's useless to be afraid, because now, the other party has come to you again, and he doesn't even know how the other party escaped from the prison and found them.

In fact, 'dung eater' does not mean that the other party really goes to 'eat dung', but represents the meaning of contamination, cursing, and eating those cursed and filthy things like dung.

And about the "dung eater", we have to talk about it from a distant era, before the golden tree and the golden law appeared...

It is said that the world at the junction actually had the sun in the beginning, not only the sun but also the moon, and the stars were resolutely seen at night. It was then simply functioning as a furnace of life.

At that time, the various life forms formed by the furnace walked freely on the earth, regardless of each other and in different shapes, and the corner of the 'bad omen' was a symbol of the blessing of the furnace, not as it is now , is kept secret by people and avoided like snakes and scorpions.

Unfortunately, one day, a golden meteor and a giant beast fell to the junction, and everything changed.

Since then, the golden tree has grown savagely, and gradually, the golden radiance and the huge canopy cover the sky, obscuring everything, including the stars and the sun and the moon.

Since then, the people here at the border have never seen the sight of the sun, moon and stars in full bloom in the past.

Since the establishment of the Golden Dynasty and the Golden Law, with the passage of time, the blessing of the once-forged life has gradually become the curse of 'bad omen', and people have gradually abandoned that kind of melting pot and no longer regard it as a Blessed.

What is even more terrifying is that once a child with 'bad omens' horns appears among the commoners, the horns will be brutally removed immediately or directly executed, while the children of the golden royal family who have 'bad omens' will not be removed from the horns or executed. , but will also be secretly thrown into the sewers of the king's city and imprisoned, and let it fend for itself in that dark place.


I don't know since when, a cursed monster appeared in the sewers of Wangcheng, and that person was the 'dung eater' in the distance!

The other party claimed to be the one who carried the curse, and kept saying that he could see the unfamiliar things in his dreams, he could see the shining golden fireballs in the sky, and he could see that he had the blessing of being a melting pot. That is, the horn of evil omen?

The other party also said that the brilliance of the sun is warm and will illuminate everyone equally, whether blessed or not.

But, no one believes...

So, the dung eaters who thought the golden law was incomplete and imperfect, began to believe in the sun, and at the same time tattooed the dream scene on the armor of his chest, and even went crazy to chase curses and hunt evil spirits. Son of the Omen, go get the 'Ominous Omen' and try to make his dreams complete.

At the same time, the other party also frantically hunted down the people they saw and used the horns of bad omen to stain and erode the corpse, turning the corpse into a breeding ground for bad omen and nurturing the curse.

And after the cultivation was completed, the other party actually took the initiative to eat those foul-smelling and filthy things that people regarded as a curse!

According to the dung eater, every time he eats it, the other party can see the golden fireball more clearly, feel the temperature of the fireball, and make the dream state that does not exist tend to be complete?

As a result, it began to intensify the hunt for evil omens, to slaughter innocent people and stain the corpses with the horns of evil omens, to cultivate more hotbeds of curses!

Since there is no 'melting furnace' in the laws of the golden tree, the blessings from ancient times will not be accepted by the golden tree, so those who are hunted and stained by the dung eaters, It will also be rejected by the golden tree. After death, it cannot return to the golden tree. It will be eternally cursed, and the soul will wander back in the junction.

That is what makes people taboo and fearful, so that for a long time, people in the king city were panicked, and the legend of the terrible "dung eater" began to spread gradually.

Finally, in a hunt to kill others and preparing for a stain operation, the evil deeds of the dung-eaters were discovered, and soon, surrounded by the elite golden army of the royal city, the dung-eaters were defeated and captured.

As an outlier, the other party was sentenced to hang, and then the body was thrown into the sewer prison.


The sin did not end because of this. With the shattering of Eldon's Ring, Blessing awakened the faded ones again, and the "Dung Eaters" also woke up again in the sewers.

Then, for some unknown reason, the 'dung eater' who escaped from the prison began to wander around the king's city, continuing to do his crazy and ugly deeds to brutally kill every single person found by the other party. and mercilessly smear corpses with curses to satisfy that sickening hobby.

"That's how it is..."


"But isn't he a lunatic, what are you afraid of?"


After listening to the description and story of the masked male iron-headed monster Shu Mi, Annie nodded and said that she already basically knew who a 'dung eater' was. Just a fanatic of the law and anti-human tendencies.

From Annie's point of view, there is nothing wrong with having faith. What is wrong is that the other party uses the name of faith to do crazy, ugly, and evil things that harm others!

That is the most hateful and most unforgivable!

And like things like this, Annie has seen it many times.

Back then, she was still in the Caribbean Sea and beat some bad guys who used the name of faith to burn witches pitifully, and it seemed that those bad guys ended up destroying the country and the religion, and even regretted it. There is no chance, let alone how miserable it is!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"You're right."

"That guy is indeed a lunatic, but what's even more terrifying is that the strength of that lunatic is still very strong, that is the most..."


"He he he..."

"He's down!!"

At this time, before the words were finished, seeing the 'dung eater' and seeing the madman suddenly roaring and filial piety and rushing down towards the river where the two were, the masked man, Shu Mi, was frightened. With a shudder, he hurriedly stepped back while holding the small knife in his hand and waited.


"Let me eat!"

"Let me stain!"

"Eat all of you!"

"Stain your future!"

"I'm a 'dung eater'!"

"The curse of all of you!!"

Finally, seeing that there were only Annie and the masked man, the 'dung eater' weighed it and felt that the target of today's contamination could be determined. The weapon rushed down.



As the other party got closer, Annie saw:

The other party was wearing strange, ugly and disgusting armor, which looked like it was made from the skin of some kind of creature with its horns cut off.

The dense white and red colors made Annie feel goosebumps. She, who had no intensive phobia, couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust and disgust in her heart.

"I'm going to kill you..."

"I will also stain you carefully!"

"Born under a curse!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"


However, the opponent had just approached, and the sword he had just raised had spikes on the left and right sides, sharp and thin, like an asymmetrical serrated knife, and a terrifying great sword full of ominous aura. He waved towards Annie who was in the lead, and suddenly froze.



When the 'Dung Eater' slowly stopped and lowered his alien helmet made of the Son of Bad Omen with the reference horn cut off, he was surprised to discover:

At this time, the sun badge in the middle of his armor was actually pierced by a huge crab claws, and at this time, the crab claws were inserted there abruptly, inserted into his chest and abdomen, and let him play in the play. In the pain, felt the hot temperature on the crab claws?


I never imagined that before I had time to stain the bodies of the two in front of me, to open up the belly of the two, to plant a curse, to enjoy the pleading and crying of the two, I was actually one step ahead of the other. Wounded?

Moreover, what made the 'dung eater' even more unacceptable was that he didn't even see how the other party shot?


Finally, under the severe pain, he knelt down slowly, and at the same time, the weapon in his hand dropped into the turbid sewage in the river.


"You are…"

Then, it seemed that he was a little unbelievable, and then he slowly raised his head and looked at the little girl who stretched out another big crab claws from the steaming cauldron and ate it by herself. go.


"Cocophagus, dung eater, you didn't expect it, did you?"

"She's an amazing being!"

"She is the new king of Stonewell. She has defeated 'Limb' Greck, and even defeated the strongest demigod Ratan. Even a small character like you, dare to show off your power in front of this lord?"

"Look, are you dead?"

"I bother!"

"You still want to kill me, and you want to stain me, are you worthy?!"

Seeing that the menacing and famous 'dung eater' was instantly taken down by the little girl king in front of him with such a crab claw, and it was still the kind of lightning speed, the masked man Only then did I completely let go of my heart, and hurriedly jumped out for the first time to brush up my presence and mocked and showed off.


"Yes, it's her..."

Obviously, the 'Dung Eater' had also vaguely heard about the situation in Stoneville City, and knew that there was a magical and powerful little girl king, so his tone of shock and disbelief finally added a trace of it. Understand.

"my sun…"

However, compared to the passing of his own life, what he cares more about at this time is obviously the sun badge on his chest that is more important than his own life, which is the guide he has seen, and now , his guidance was pierced.

You know, that was the supreme being that he had seen in his dream, that appeared at the end of the guide and looked like a Dharma ring.


"Little, little girl..."

"Have you ever seen the sun?"

After a long time, the 'dung eater' slowly raised his head with a miserable smile, and asked the little girl who was nibbling on another big crab claws.

"Of course I have!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!


"Yes, what is it like?!"

Ignoring the blood gushing out from the chest and abdomen, the 'dung eater' asked in a trembling voice.



Annie didn't answer.

She didn't want to talk nonsense with this strange weirdo, so she just slowly stretched out her free other hand and spread it out to aim at the other person.

next second!


In an instant, amidst the screams, a large group of blazing flames burst out from the body of the 'dung eater' and burned wildly.

The high temperature and the fierceness of the fire directly turned the 'dung eater' into a fiery white fireball instantly, causing the river where the opponent was located to be instantly roasted by the high temperature and steamed and vaporized. , the high temperature and strong light that dissipated and radiated also made the masked man behind Annie whimper and roll directly into the river that became a little hot and scalding almost instantly.

"I saw…"


In the end, in the flames, before it was about to be completely turned to ashes, the 'dung eater' shouted out in ecstasy with the last of his strength.

Then, there was no sound from the other party.

After a while, the mad 'dung eater' was instantly turned to ashes in the 'sun' worshipped by the other party and disappeared completely, then Annie slowly put down her hand and let the fireball like the sun Go out slowly.

"The sun..."


Frowning, looking at the incomplete rune left by the other party, and then looking at the sky, looking at the huge golden tree canopy that covered the sky, Annie suddenly felt that the tree was indeed a little big. Too much.


!? (?''??)?



However, Anne soon regretted it.

Because, as soon as she turned her head, she found that the big pot of crabs that she had just eaten two turned into a pot of coke directly under the close-range baking of the incandescent fireball she just released?

And there is…

The strong light from here seems to have alarmed Rodel, the royal city. She seemed to hear a lot of hooves and people talking in the distance. At this time, they should be approaching and surrounding here?


'ο'*))) alas

"Let's do the right thing first!"


As a last resort, seeing that there was no more to eat, and seeing that this place would soon be surrounded, Annie had to hurriedly flashed and disappeared without a trace. Don't know where to go.


"Cough! Cough!"

I don't know how long it took for the masked iron-headed man to wake up from the running water that was gradually cooling down.




Then, as soon as he looked up, he saw a tall and majestic figure with a ferocious dragon claw battle axe cut from a large ancient dragon claw on his right shoulder, and a dragon claw also made of a large ancient dragon claw on his left and right. Shield, wearing a special-shaped Longkai composed of dragon ribs and covered with dragons, wearing the same special-shaped dragon helmet on his head, and even the war horses are similar costumes, it looks like The extremely terrifying dragon-suited tree guard was surrounding him with a group of golden-armored Rodel knights, and he didn't know what he was doing.


"There seems to be a trace of some kind of magic erupting here!"


"We found this twisted sword in the river!"

Then, without waiting for the horrified masked iron-headed man to say anything, a golden Rodel knight in golden armor ran over, handed a 'serrated' great sword that had been burned beyond recognition, and confronted him. The dragon-suited tree guard on the dragon-armored warhorse reported in this way.


"This is…"

"A weapon of the dung eaters?"

Although the weapon was burnt out of shape, it was easily recognized by the dragon-suited tree guard just by glancing at it.

"Come on!"

"Take him back and ask him carefully!"

"I think he must know something!"

Look at the surrounding river that is still drenched in mist, look at the small round pit that was burned out not far away and the river inside is still like a hot spring, and then look at the river bed around the round pit because it was too close. As for the carbonized flowers and trees and the big pot of crabs, in the end, the dragon-suited tree guard didn't say much, just waved his hand and let the masked man who just woke up in front of his horse be brought back. Interrogate slowly.


With that said, those elite golden knights who belonged to the royal city Rodel didn't talk too much, they rushed forward to two, and then sandwiched the iron who just woke up, still confused and didn't know what happened. The masked man then dragged him directly towards a city gate in front of the city wall.


"I I I..."

"I do not know anything!"

"I didn't do it!"

"Let go, let me go!!"

"Do not!!"

Seeing that he was caught inexplicably, UU read and that the golden knight and the dragon-suited tree guard were the ones who caught him, the masked man begged for mercy and screamed in horror.

However, the Rodel knights ignored him, and just dragged him to the bank of the river as ordered, then quickly tied it up, and then knocked it out with a stick, and then threw it sideways on the back of an unmanned warhorse.


?(*?)? In the double monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass~?

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?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*. There are double monthly passes on May 17th, don't hide it, throw it over now


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