Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1913: ?(ψ'?')o Invade the stars!


boom! boom!




Outside the city, the bursts of explosions and the faint screams of killing came to the throne of Eldon one after another, causing the Rodel knights in golden armor, holding giant shields and spears to look up from time to time. Look west, north, and east.

The Great War of the King City has broken out for three days and three nights.

And based on the various voices that came from them, it was not difficult for them to guess the ferocity of the battle at the moment, and they were still worried, so much so that even standing guard became a little absent-minded.

Of course, what worries them even more is this: at this time, in the tree hole of the golden tree behind Eldon's throne, their Blessed King still has no idea of ​​coming out and presiding over the defense. People are anxious but helpless.

Right now the king's city is in crisis, but their king insists not to appear, what can they do?


boom! !

While the guards were worried, the sound of the explosion did not take into account their feelings at all, and continued to come one after another.

And this time...

In the stairway behind Eldon's throne, at the innermost end of the dark passageway full of thorns and refusing anyone to enter, a man was wearing a dirty robe that was gray-brown and had not been washed for a long time. Full of ominous horns, but the dozens of horns near the eyes and brows were cut off by Qi Root in order not to block the line of sight, just sat there silently with cross-legged, motionless.

That's right!

This strange man with horns on his head is the legendary great and respected 'Blessed King' Mongot from Rodel in the Royal City!

Of course, it may not be correct to say that he is the 'Blessed King', should he be called the 'Evil Omen King'?

However, the people in the royal city Rodel did not know.

So far, no one has seen his real body, and he has been nesting in the golden tree passage and refused to go out, and outsiders are even more afraid to come in, so I don't worry about being exposed, even now Wangcheng Rodel has been surrounded, and the main gate to the west and the fortress to the east have broken out into a tragic battle.

"Golden tree..."

"After so many years, why do you still reject me?"


"Am I really unworthy to be king?"

Mongot bowed his head and muttered to the golden tree in the dark.

In front of him, the thorns growing out of the golden tree remained unchanged, as usual, rejecting him and making no response.

"but I……"

"What's wrong with me?!"

As he said that, Menggot slowly raised his head and faced the front passage full of thorns. His expression gradually became hideous, and his voice became sad and angry at the same time.

These thorns in front of him, he has also tried to cut them off and destroy them, but unfortunately, they are very tough, and they will break one and quickly grow another one in an instant, so stubborn. Stubbornly stuck there, with barbs and poison on it, every attempt at anger came to an end in the end.

Also, he had thought about burning them, but...

This passage is inside the golden tree, and the passage is very narrow, long and deep. If you want to burn all the thorns, you must use some special flames, but if you really want to do that, you can burn these thorns. The fire of that level will inevitably spread to the entire golden tree. At that time, the serious consequences are not something that Menggot can bear.

Therefore, such a stalemate has been for many years, and until now, he, the so-called King of Rodel, has not been able to advance half a step, and has been rejected at the entrance of the passage.

Of course, this is not the worst, the worst and most shocking and distressing to Mongot is:

The full moon queen Reinara of the royal family of Kalia, the moon princess Rani who participated in the 'Night of the Black Knife', the strongest demigod 'General of the Broken Star' Rattane, and the Valkyrie Marenia, who is said to have defeated corruption As well as Mikaela, one of the twins who were gifted by God, and others, they sent troops together to support the rebellion of Stonewell, who did not know where he came from, and launched a fierce attack on his royal city Rodel, and let him The battle was fought for three days and three nights in the north, west and east of the royal city of Rodel!

To be honest, Menggot still doesn't know, and can't understand, why did they all oppose him, and why did they choose to help the outsider of unknown origin, to help the little girl king?

Now, with the exception of Judge Lakade, who had fallen into a serpent, who disappeared and did not respond, those who should have come and those who should not have come have come, and they are all standing on the opposite side of him, and can't wait to see He is dead!

"A group of disobedient traitors..."

"The guy who eats inside and outside..."

"And those marauders who play with the fire of ambition..."

"You are all raccoon dogs..."

"It's all!"

Listening to the scuffles, slaughter, and thunderous roars outside the city, Monggot, sitting cross-legged, cursed, cursed and roared in a low voice like an old man with broken thoughts.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head, reached out and stroked the wooden staff that was lying in front of him.


"What's wrong with that?"

"Could it be..."

"Just because of the 'bad omen' on me?"

As he spoke, Menggot slowly reached out and stroked the horns on his head.

That is the sign of 'bad omens'. In the era before the golden tree, they were blessings and the signs of the melting pot. However, there is no such thing as the "signs of the melting pot" in the current golden tree law. Therefore, they are It is no longer a blessing, but a 'bad omen' that everyone dislikes, fears and avoids!

It is precisely because of this that he has been hiding in the golden tree passage and dare not show up. Even if the king's city is now in danger of being attacked by three sides, he still has no intention of going out and presiding over the situation.


After the roaring filial piety, gradually, Menggot returned to calm.

This time, he actually knew that the King City Rodel was only afraid that it would be less fortunate...

And this is the real reason why he still doesn't want to go out, just wants to stay here and wait for the last moment.

Because, this time the enemy is fierce, and almost the entire border has turned to the arms of the Stonewell City. He, the 'Last King', has been betrayed and separated, and he can't control the golden tree internally, and he can't find it. Or if he caught the little girl, he could not get any form of assistance to the outside world. He was already in the dilemma of internal and external difficulties. He really couldn't think of any way to break the situation.



"I'll let their traitors see the last dignity of the last king, Monggot..."

After speaking, he didn't know what Menggot did. The wooden staff he placed in front of him slowly floated up, then cracked inch by inch, and then turned into a machete with colorful streamers.


"Most definitely……"

Immediately afterwards, he slowly stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the machete, and then placed it on top of his legs, and then slowly closed his eyes and fell silent again.

He didn't even want to pay attention to the restless Rodel knights who were on guard in the royal court outside, and he didn't want to pay attention to the various explosions that came in from time to time, as if it had nothing to do with him whether the royal city Rodel could hold on.

At this point, the battle is still going on...

And at the main gate of the royal city, the battle was undoubtedly the most tragic!

The attacking and defending sides have been testing and fighting here for three days and three nights. Both sides have left countless corpses, and even the huge statues on both sides of the city gate have been beaten to pieces. The crossbow flying and even the dragon roaring filial piety, Stonewell's coalition forces still did not make much progress.

There is no doubt that King City Rodel's defensive ability is beyond doubt. Whether it is physical or magical, it is wishful thinking for the coalition to break through in a short time!

However, given that Rodel is now surrounded by groups and is still attacked from three sides, the overall situation of the battle is still relatively favorable for the coalition forces.

Although there may be a lot of losses in the end, as long as you continue to persevere, ten days if you can't do it in three days, half a month if you can't do it in ten days, and a month if you can't do it in half a month. There is a day when it is breached!

And this can be seen from the city walls and city gates that have been beaten to pieces.


What the high-level coalition forces who were commanding the army to attack the city did not know that at this moment, when they were fighting fiercely with Rodel's defenders, far away on the high platform of Windmill Village, a group of invisible Protoss They are watching their every move closely.


"Executive Tassadar, they have been fighting for three days. Do we need to send someone to intervene and help them take down that small castle directly?"

After observing for a long time, finally, a Templar of the Protoss became impatient, and walked directly to their executive officer and asked for the battle.

In his opinion, if their Protoss went out in person, even if the defenders had some mysterious abilities, towering city walls and various fortifications and equipment, the ridiculous one they took down was protected by a stone city wall. The stone castle will never exceed two minutes, and, at the same time, it can also ensure that there will be no losses for oneself!

"Do not……"

However, to the surprise and dismay of the Protoss Templar, their Templar savior, the Lord Tassadar, slowly shook his head and rejected him.

"Here, since it is the playground of President Anne, then we shouldn't interfere too much."

"Our goal……"

"It should be outside the stars!"

Saying that, the executive Tassadar slowly raised his head and looked at the sky that was mostly covered by the canopy of the golden tree.

This junction is too small, and the Protoss can't use their hands and feet, so he doesn't pay attention to it. However, there are many, many worlds and many, many mysteries beyond the stars, and that is their Protoss. goals and missions.

Therefore, at this junction, he intends to keep it as it is, without any dryness, and leave it to the Head of State Anne to toss.

After all, this is just a small planet. Rather than staying here, their star spirits might as well take the initiative to attack the stars in the sky and get the things they need from the stars.


This time, the mission of their celestial spirits has been determined, and it is indeed to invade the stars, give the vast universe and starry sky, the worlds with high-energy matter and the so-called 'supreme will' to the Complete control of the Protoss is what interests them the most.


"Your Excellency Executive Tassadar, let's just watch and do nothing?"

"You saw it!"

"If we don't do anything, they want to attack, I'm afraid it won't be easy, right?"

Although His Excellency the Executive clearly refused, the Templar was still a little unwilling.

After all, those coalition forces were the subordinates of the great Head of State Anne. Although he knew that it was not good to intervene rashly, he was always a little unbearable to see those heroic warriors falling there one by one.


Tassadar did not speak, but continued to look in the direction of the royal city Rodel with his blue eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"That's it!"


"Let the Void Ray Ship..."

After a long time, Tassadar finally spoke.

"No, let the stalkers shoot a cannon at that city gate and help them open a hole!"


Originally, he wanted to subconsciously let the Void Rays and the Protoss flagships currently in outer space launch orbital bombardment in order to destroy the sturdy defensive buildings.

However, when he thought that the Void Ray was used to fight against the heavily armored battleships and the sturdy defense of the interstellar super-metal buildings, and the distant royal city Rodel was just a stone building in the feudal era. If the Void Ray ship is bombarded...under the scattering of the prism beam and the atmospheric environment, I am afraid that the entire castle in the distance and both the offensive and defensive sides will be instantly burnt to ashes and the entire army will be annihilated!

So, he hurriedly changed his words at the end, and then gestured at the templar with twinkling eyes.



After receiving the order, although the Protoss still could not play directly, the Templar finally breathed a sigh of relief and went to arrange it excitedly.

It didn't take long for a huge protoss stalker to appear behind the group of protoss. Then, it stood up slightly, and the crystal on its head began to light up.


Soon, after calculating the trajectory and locking the target, the two particle fragmentation cannons moved towards the distance and blasted far away towards the main entrance of the king city Rodel, which was locked by it.

boom! ! !

Almost instantly, those two thick and deadly void energies, the kind that can fundamentally subvert matter with each shot, and eventually disintegrate the matter into an atomic state, are used to deal with substances with a high hardness index, such as chitinous carapace or The particle fragmentation cannon, which was particularly effective in heavy armor, slammed onto Rodel's main entrance, and with a loud explosion, the majestic and thick stone city gate was instantly bombarded and disintegrated into pieces. Countless splashes of dust.


Its power seems to be a little too great, not only instantly destroying the huge and towering city gate, but the strong shock wave also instantly blew up and disperses the soldiers of the surrounding enemy and allies.

As a result, the original tragic siege battle, the original screaming and killing, came to an abrupt end in the huge explosion!

But when the chaotic offensive and defensive sides gradually recovered and looked towards the explosion location where the dust was scattered, they only saw:

The main entrance of the original royal city Rodel has completely Even the bridge was blown up in half, and correspondingly, a large pit was left in place.

Immediately afterwards, the lake water in the city poured turbulently into the big pit, and soon the city gate became a small flat lake.




Then, from somewhere in the city came the rapid, desolate and distant sound of copper bells.

It is not difficult to guess from the desolate sound of the bell alone. At this time, some bell ringers in the royal city must also know that the most dangerous moment for Rodel in the royal city is finally coming.


?(?ω?)? Monthly pass, crab!

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