Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1915: ?(???)???Ash Council


In an instant, Menggot only saw that the little girl's neck was really swiped by his fierce blow?

Unfortunately, before he was happy, he was shocked to find that the other party's 'corpse' turned dark and disappeared little by little?

It turned out that it was just an afterimage.


After his series of attacks failed, Mongot the King of Bad Omens was not too upset, but turned around slowly and looked in a certain direction behind him.

Then, he really discovered that at this moment, the little girl was not far away, staring at him across the Ayrden throne from that place.



After the other party launched a series of fierce attacks on her, Annie, who had a little bit of guilt and guilt because of the burning of the tree, was naturally angry.

"People are angry!"


Then, the anger grew from her heart to the courage, and she planned to let her little bear take action, preparing to burn the other party too.



(And Tibbers was also ready at this time, and said that once its poor little master let go of its restraints and took care of such a horned monster, if it took more than three seconds, it would be considered a loss. .)





However, at this time, Annie had to stop and look in another direction.

Because, she found out that someone seemed to be teleporting?


And so did the Mongot.

While he was on guard for a bad little girl who was hard to hit, he also grabbed a golden long sword with the other hand and was alert in the same direction.

Swish! Swish!

In the next second, with the fluctuations of the two magics, the petite little Rani wearing the iconic Snow Witch suit and the tall and handsome full moon queen Reinara, full of **** style, came to this royal court one after another. where.



"It's Aunt Renala, and Miss Rani, how are you!"


As a last resort, seeing the arrival of the two, Annie had to reluctantly suppress the idea of ​​​​preparing to eliminate the bad guys, and instead put on a smiley face and greeted the two of them.

Especially the little Rani, she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It's a pity that the other party is wearing that wide and wide Snow Witch pointed hat, and the wide brim directly covers the other party's entire face, so that she can't see the face hidden under the hat brim to the end. What an expression.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"You're all right, that's great!"

Seeing that it was Anne who was here, and that Anne was indeed intact after looking at it, the full moon queen Reinara didn't even care about the 'Evil Omen King' Mongot, who was vigilant with swords in both hands. Cheers.

In fact, if there were still outsiders here, she would have walked up to him long ago and gave the little guy who had worried her for a long time a heavy hug.


"You burned it?"

At this time, the little witch Rani finally raised her head. She first glanced at the 'Evil Omen King' Mungert with the cold eyes under the wide hat, and let the other party take a step back subconsciously and dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to attack. After that, he turned to Annie and looked at Annie angrily.

"Is that so?"


Scratching her head, Annie really has nothing to say about this matter.

After all, the whole golden tree is now on fire, and it is still full of her iconic shadow flames. Even if she wants to open her eyes and talk nonsense, it is estimated that others will not believe it.



Rani was puzzled by this and continued to ask.

Because, in her impression, Annie did not seem to have said disgust or had that kind of thought, and now, after disappearing for a month, the tree will be burned suddenly, and it is still after they have been helped and can calmly At this time when the city was invaded, this was indeed quite unexpected.



"If someone told you that it was just an accident, would you believe it?"


Anne said it really wasn't her intention, at least not when she set the fire.

After all, she did not expect that the roots of the golden tree under the king's city were so well developed that if you burn any prison, you could burn it to the tree. Moreover, the golden tree was so easy to burn?

In short, at that time, she really didn't mean it, and her little bear Tibbs could testify to her!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"I believe!"

"Do not believe!"

The first sentence was said by the Queen of the Full Moon, Reinara, who had unconditional trust and doting on Annie; and the second sentence, of course, was Rani, because a bad little girl had all kinds of bad deeds And the former, like, deliberately making her mother give her this small body?

"Don't believe pull it down!"


"It wasn't intentional anyway!"


Annie was a little annoyed, and gave the little Lani an angry look.

Anyway, whether the other party believes it or not, she won't explain so much! What's more, she has secretly decided that when she goes back, she must find an opportunity for Tibbers to catch him and spank him hard!

And that will be the highest priority, and it must be put into practice!


(● ̄? ̄●)

At this time, without waiting for Annie and the nasty little Lani to say anything, unexpectedly, another person slowly appeared in the waves of blue magic stars.


"You sure didn't disappoint me..."

"Very good."

That's right!

At this time, the expressionless Melina appeared, and said the same words of relief to Annie with the same expressionless expression,

However, at this time, she seemed to have forgotten that before, she didn't trust Annie at all, and kept persuading her to stay away from epilepsy?



And seeing that it was the weird witch Melina who was hateful and didn't trust her, of course Annie didn't give her a good face.

So, she didn't even want to ask him why he was here.


"You are…"

However, the full moon queen Reinara frowned slightly, and looked at Melina several times with those uncertain eyes.


Melina didn't answer, she just stood aside and looked at Annie, she didn't intend to speak again for the time being. Of course, she didn't rush to explain her intention.



Unlike the full moon queen's expression, little Rani just raised her head slightly, blinked with her blue eyes, stared at Melina without saying a word, and then quickly turned again. With a cold snort, she lowered her head, letting the wide brim of the Snow Witch's hat completely hide her expression.


Seeing that there are two powerful enemies, Reinara, the Queen of the Full Moon, and Rani, the Princess of the Moon, here in the royal court, there is another witch who can't see through, and the three of them are all from the little girl. , 'The King of Bad Omens' Menggot no longer had any thoughts of continuing the fight, but slowly backed away and kept the same distance from the four present.

Finally, he retreated to the throne of Eldon, and planned to rely on the throne that symbolized the king of Eldon as a cover in order to guard against the possible attack next.


"It's very lively here!"

At this time, with a soprano voice, another uninvited guest arrived.

It was a woman with flowing red hair, a golden helmet with flying wings that covered half of her face, a red cloak behind her, a prosthetic limb in her right hand, and a golden blade.



Annie didn't know the person who came, so she naturally cast a suspicious look at him.



Fortunately, Rani let out a sigh at this time, letting Annie finally know who the person was.

"Hello everyone!"

First, he nodded to the three women present, to the expressionless witch Melina, the sullen-faced Queen of the Full Moon, and the indistinct-faced Moon Princess Rani as a greeting, and the Valkyrie Marlene nodded. Nia looked at the other two.


"Are you that Mongot?"

Seeing the 'bad omen' on Mongot's body, Malenia didn't mean to be disgusted, and nodded towards the other party.

Because she herself was born disabled and parasitized by corruption, so she felt that she did not have much ill will towards Menggot, and the reason why she also participated in the attack on the royal city this time was just because some people had to Just a reason to come.

"And you..."

"It's the respected and powerful King Anne, right?"

Finally, after seeing the strange little Annie who was wearing a red dress and blond hair, the Valkyrie Malenia finally straightened her face, put away her weapon, and walked towards Annie in a proper manner. A gift.

She knew that although the little girl in front of her looked inconspicuous, the other party defeated Ratan, at the same time destroyed Munger and rescued her brother, and indirectly cured her corruption, Therefore, she must greet each other and salute.



Annie was a little puzzled. She didn't know why this big sister would salute herself alone, because she didn't seem to know each other.

"Of course she is!"

Soon, another voice came.

"Speaking of..."

"She saved my life!"

And when everyone followed the voice, they found that: the person who came, seemed to be a man with blond hair and a few delicate braids on it, looking like a peerless beauty who charmed all beings, but wearing open clothes Flat-chested little boy in a cardigan?

At this time, the other party was behind the Valkyrie Marenia, and walked step by step towards the royal court where everyone was, and at the same time said with a light smile in a childish voice that clearly belonged to a little boy.


∑('△')? !

"Who is this guy? When did they save you?"

ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

Annie is even more inexplicable, because the two guys in front of her, whether it's the Valkyrie or the little brother in front of her, she doesn't know each other, and it's the first time they've met!

"Why not?"

"That line..."

"'Queen Anne is here', isn't it?"

However, the little Zhengtai, who charmed all beings, did not explain, but smiled and teased Annie while saluting to everyone.


!? (?''??)?

"You're the ugly nativity in that egg!?"


This time, Annie finally remembered who this stunningly beautiful little brother in front of her was, and at the same time exclaimed.

"What's so ugly?"

"Don't mention that."


"That was just an accident..."

Mikaela didn't want to recall or discuss about the kind of Barbara things that Munger and himself were captured and done by Munger.


"You all stop!"

But just when everyone was about to get to know each other and greet each other, abruptly, a violent and angry voice suddenly came from the passage like a city wall in front of the royal court.

"Leave Mongot to me!"

"I'm going to kill him myself!!"

Soon, under the vigilance and vigilance of 'The King of Bad Omens', a red-haired figure with a huge body and an extremely ferocious appearance smashed through a large group of soldiers in Roald City who were blocking the way, and took the lead. He rode the little skinny horse of his family, and charged towards this side with a majestic and unmatched fierce attitude.



"You are…"


"You bitch!"


"Fight to the death!!"

However, when he saw that the Valkyrie Malenia was also present, Starshatter Rataan changed his mind in an instant.

Obviously, he felt that he seemed to be able to kill the Valkyrie Marenia first, and then, kill Mongot, who had once copied his own path, and put all those old and new hatreds to an end today?

"what are you saying?"


Hearing Starshatter Ratan's words, Malenia was also annoyed, and slowly raised the sharp blade in her hand.

Although, in the absence of scarlet corruption, she would not necessarily be the opponent of the big man known as the 'strongest demigod', but...

As a Valkyrie, she is never afraid of anyone!

Besides, she is not alone now, her Mikaela is by her side, so as Mikaela's blade, she will be fearless!

"You all stop for a while!"

"This is not the place for you to fight!"

At this time, little Rani spoke up, and directly reprimanded Ratan and the tit-for-tat Valkyrie who were ready to do it.


"You see, your era is over today."

"Hand over the big rune and get out of that position!"

Right now, there are so many gods and demigods present, and they are all in the state of alliance, so there is no chance that the 'bad omens' Monggot will gather together. The basis for persuading to surrender.

In fact, not to mention that there are so many people here, even if she picks one at random, Rani doesn't think that Mongot will be sure to win.


"Annie, how long do you want the tree to burn?"

Then, looking at the golden tree canopy where the sky had turned into a sea of ​​fire, little Lani once again looked at a certain initiator.

"Keep burning it!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

"It's all burned anyway, so let's burn it!"


Annie didn't want to answer that question.

Because it is definitely too late to put out the fire now, and Annie doesn't like the look of the golden tree covering the sky, so if you burn it, burn it, she has decided not to do it.


"Then burn it!"

Rani didn't think there was anything good about the golden tree that blocked the starry sky, so she didn't persuade her, and directly agreed with Annie's decision.

"Next is..."

"Since people with normal brains are here, let's talk about what happened after the ring of speech was broken!"

"It's to fix..."

"Or another opinion?"

Then, Little Rani said with a smile, and at the same time she waved her hand, and a row of seats appeared in this royal court, in front of and surrounding the throne of Eldon, while still on this horse. In the royal court, which was about to become ashes, she proposed that she hold a throne meeting there.


"However, little Rani, before that, do you want to invite the new King Eldon to take a seat?"

At this moment, Full Moon Queen Reinara spoke up.

She looked directly at Mongot, the King of Bad Omens, with an unquestionable gaze, and motioned for the other party to make way for Annie quickly.





"Is this a meeting?"


Seeing the actions of these people, of course, Annie exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

"But, UU reading people haven't slept all night, so they can't have a meeting or something?"


In the eyes of these people, more than a month may have passed, but in Annie's eyes, it was only a few minutes, and ah, she really didn't have time to sleep 'today', she was in the Wangcheng The underground has been busy for a long time, and it was difficult to catch the 'three fingers' and destroy the other party. So, what is the matter, can't we wait for her to find a place to rest for a day or two, and then talk about it after she is in a good mood?


(● ̄? ̄●)


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