When the main entrance of the king's city Rodel was destroyed for no reason, when the golden tree was accidentally set on fire by some nasty little girl, when the whole city was completely captured and covered with ashes falling from the sky, when the defenders and their After the legendary 'King of Bad Omen' Menggot put down their weapons and surrendered together, this battle that decided the final fate of the border was basically declared the end.

On the day when the Battle of Rodel in the Royal City came to an end, at the Royal Court of Eldon Throne, under the golden tree burning with shadowy flames, the Council of Ashes, which governed and decided the fate of the world, was officially established at the same time.

At this point, the Knights of Fire Eyes officially settled in the royal city of Rodel and began to take over the defense, and the long-cherished wish of a resurrected witch has finally been fulfilled: even if the guidance has long been broken, a wicked little girl will eventually become Elden's. king!

It is reported that…

The members of the Council of Ashes, which was established on the day the royal city Rodell was captured, were: Anne Hasta, the little girl king of the former Stoneville, Reinara, the queen of the full moon, Rani the princess of the moon, and General Broken Star. There are seven people in total: Ratan, the Valkyrie Marenia, the god-man twin Mikaela, and the 'Evil Omen King' Mongot who surrendered and sacrificed the big rune.

No one knows what was discussed in the 'Ashes Council' that day. Anyway, people in the border area only know that shortly after the capture of the royal city of Rodel and the burning of the golden tree, important messages were sent from Rodel that was circulated.

First of all, the original Ayrden Circle, the Golden Tree and the Golden Law were all abandoned.

Secondly, the beast of Eldon was hunted by the gods in the golden tree, and the rule of the supreme will over the borderland was officially ended.

Third, Radagang and Malika are the same person, and it was found that they had fallen within the golden tree.

Fourth, from now on, all living beings at the border will be equal, and death will return. There will be no blessings, no bad omens, no curses, no dead ones, and no more so-called faded ones. Has the right to live in the borderlands.

Fifth, the Round Table Hall and the Finger Church were classified as cult organizations and were ordered to disband within a time limit.

Sixth, the Ring of Eldon has been repaired, but at the same time, it has also been hidden. Like Rune, it has been hidden into the entire world, and will be displayed in the world in a way that cannot be directly read and owned. in front of.

Naturally, in addition to the above important news, Rodell also delivered a lot of important and explosive information, but I won't go into details here.

Just like that, the shattered war that lasted for countless years and smashed the entire border into pieces, finally came to an official end with the restoration of Eldon's ring and the ascendance of the new king.

"My king!"

"The sun is drying your ass, are you going to get up?"

In the royal city of Rodel, a rare beam of sunlight shone from the window to the edge of the queen's boudoir bed, so a certain witch sternly brought in a basin towel, ready to serve her great master and king to get up.





"Can't you wait any longer?"


Seeing that a beam of sunlight hit the edge of the bed, and seeing that the quilt on her body was lifted, Annie turned around and stuffed her head into the pillow and began to muffled mourning.


"It's time to deal with government affairs."

"You also said that when the sun hits your butt, I came to call you?"

A certain witch said solemnly, indicating that she came as ordered, and did not mean to offend.


"come over."

Then, the witch waved her hand, and the maids gathered around.



Annie protested silently, and let the nasty creatures wait for her to get dressed without saying a word the whole time.

Although, she did say that she would get up when the sun was on her buttocks, but she wanted to sleep until she woke up naturally, rather than being woken up on time as soon as the time came, and then giving her from Picked up in bed, and then asked her to do those super boring things.

For example, dealing with government affairs, holding a meeting, or holding a meeting...

"All right."

"My king, please wait a moment, lunch will be here soon."

"let's go."

Soon, the witch waved her hand again when she finished washing up and getting dressed, and the pretty maids swarmed out to party, leaving only a little girl in a fancy dress and a crown left in this huge bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed with drooping eyelids, he also put on that cute little expression of annoyance and dullness.



"Really, it looks like it's time to leave..."

ε=('ο'*))) alas

After a long time, without waiting for the hateful witch and the maids to bring her lunch, Annie finally made up her mind.

"That's right!"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"Tibbers, it's time for us to play somewhere else!"


"So be it!"



(● ̄? ̄●)

Then, Annie refreshed herself, and then without waiting for lunch, she reached out to her bedside, picked up her little bear, opened a plane portal, and rushed inside, disappearing instantly. gone.

So, in the first month after the destruction of the Golden Tree, King Eldon disappeared...

The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most important, the most important existence, the one who came from nowhere, defeated the 'extremity' demigod Greck, captured the dragon alive, forced his way into the Magic Academy, healed the Queen of the Full Moon, defeated the most The little girl who strengthened the demigods, spread the holy light to clear corruption, wiped out the blood Mungwen dynasty, captured the royal city of Rodel and burned the golden tree, and finally repaired the ring and became the new king of Eldon, the mysterious New Eldor. The King of Den, Anne Hastur, disappeared for no apparent reason and without explanation a month after the golden tree was burned.

Just as no one knows where she came from, no one knows where she went...

Since then, the borderland has officially entered the era of the Neo-Flaming Dynasty, in which the witches are regents, and the demigods of the Council of Ashes manage and maintain the ring of law.

And not long after that, the unwilling to fail Round Table Hall and Finger Cult intended to make a comeback, but in the end they were ruthlessly annihilated by the Fire Eye Knights!

Since then, there will be no more 'faders' in the borderland!

Soon after, in the snow field in the north, the Valkyrie Marenia and Mikaela took the holy tree and the 'Holy Light Maid' Millison as their roots, created the 'Holy Tree Church' and reorganized the 'Knight of Reverence' and changed its name to ' Knights of the Light', began to guide the traumatized people of the borderlands to believe in the Holy Light and their sacred tree.

And almost at the same time, in the south, in the Galid field, which is still ravaged by the spread of corruption, the Fragmented Star Ratarn of the Red Lion City also took the 'Holy Light' as its foundation and created a project named 'Holy Light'. Church' the big church!

Then, he also selected the most powerful knights in the Red Lions to join the temple, making them powerful 'Templar knights' one by one, and began to teach in the Galid and Nimgford areas.

Since then, there have been two churches in the south and the north that believe in the Holy Light. At the same time, both sides who have had a rift think they are orthodox, and they also accuse and belittle each other as heretics?

In this way, the 'Double Saint Contest' that has lasted for thousands of years at the border has kicked off.

And in the same way, after the ring of law was restored and order was gradually restored in Rodel, the city of ashes, after a certain little girl left without saying goodbye, an important figure in the Council of Ashes, the princess of the moon, Rani, also left. After returning to Wangcheng, he returned to the Rhea Lucaria Magic Academy as the principal, and also created the 'Stars Academy' in the Magic Academy, and began to recruit magic students who were interested in the stars, leading Kalia to become a brilliant man little by little. magic kingdom.

As for the Queen of the Full Moon, Reinara, it is said that she brought her daughters back to the Kalia Fortress, and has rarely appeared in front of the world since then.

As for the original 'Evil Omen King' Menggot, there is no more news...

Some people say that after the ring of law was re-enacted and restored, in the name of the 'Evil Omen', he led countless 'children of ominous omen' to meet death, and in the 'flame furnace' of Stonevale City, he became Ashes, completely eliminate the 'bad omen' body and soul.

However, in fact, they did not die completely, but reincarnated into the borderland in another new form, becoming normal and healthy lives, and at the same time forgetting all the misfortunes of the past .

And that, it is said to be one of the core rules of the new ring of law in the borderland: life will be endless, death is not the end, but the beginning of another new adventure?

But no matter what, the borderland began to develop in an orderly and healthy way, and the missing King Anne, of course, became a topic that everyone liked to explore and study tirelessly.

Years later...

With the expansion of the Fire Dynasty, historians in the border area found a book by a 'Sir Baizhi' Gideon Ofnir in a 'Fader' library outside the border area. A secret history book written by hand.

And there, unexpectedly recorded an amazing secret that many people in the border area were amazed and never heard of!

Among them, this is recorded:

The fallen leaves carry the message, on the other side of the fog, our hometown "the border", the faded did not become the king of Eldon...

French Ring Broken XX Years…

Queen Anne in 'Storm and Fire' with the full support of Star Broken General Ratan, Full Moon Queen Reinara, Moon Princess Rani, Valkyrie Malenia and God Mikaela Hastur captured the royal city of Rodell and became the new King of Eldon.

She burned the golden tree, annihilated the Beast of Eldon and expelled the 'Supreme Will', opened up the sky of the junction so that the sun could rise during the day, the stars and the moon would come at night, and Death and new life appear equally, allowing all kinds of life to walk freely on the earth, making the law more complete, and making eternity truly possible for the first time.

Shortly after that, Star Broken General Ratan accidentally gained the power of 'flame' and became the 'God of the Sky'. From then on, he was responsible for guarding the sky at the junction, preventing the invasion of the outer gods and the stars. Foreign objects entering the borderland must undergo the double baptism of flame and holy light.

Those substances that are harmful to the boundary area will be incinerated and purified after entering the atmosphere. Even if they occasionally break in, the degree of harm will be reduced to a level that the earth can bear.

Immediately after, the full moon queen Reinara also became the goddess of the bright moon and life, in charge of the monthly full moon and the birth of life at the border.

And Rani, the princess of the moon, became the **** of the stars...

It is reported that he is responsible for ruling and weaving the stars, supervising the pyroxene mages, and also in charge of the fate of the stars, so that those harmful stars will no longer appear in the night sky of the junction.

And it is said that…

The Valkyrie Malenia also obtained a certain priesthood and achieved eternity. The other party's achievements seem to be related to war and martial arts, but the specific priesthood is temporarily unknown.

As for the supposedly greatest King Ayrden in history, he disappeared shortly after the golden tree was burnt down, completely gone.

Some people say that she has returned to the starry sky...

It is also said that she is the incarnation of fire and storm, who has reintegrated into the junction and has become the will of the world.

Some people say that they have seen each other's figure in the ancient underground world, in the eternal city?

But no one knows exactly what happened…

Even the Fire-Eyed Knights in the Holy Land Stonewell City were very secretive about this, and never disclosed or discussed the origin or whereabouts of their great king.

So, after obtaining the book that recorded a lot of secret information, historians in the borderlands began to explore with joy.

After all, to find and explore the specific origin of this king who is full of hope, freedom, respect, equality and love for life, and has an infinite new era, is undoubtedly the pursuit that they have to dedicate their entire lives!

So, with the passage of time, with the in-depth excavation of the identity and origin of the little girl King Elden, historians gradually found more evidence and secrets.

They even found such a description in the book, saying that...

In the underground world of southern Lyenia, in the place where 'Dark Abandoned Son' Estee was once imprisoned, is there a huge and brilliant golden city?

And in the city, there is a powerful and mysterious race called Protoss. They seem to know more secrets of the new King Elden?

It's a pity that the Celestial Spirit family never made contact with the people at the border, and waited for more people to find and go to the underground world, to visit and explore the golden city, but the other party first broke the earth one night. And went to the starry sky, just like their mysterious King Eldon, completely disappeared in the world of the junction.

At this point, the identity of King Eldon, that mysterious little girl, has gradually become an unsolved mystery.


Only the Moon Princess Rani, the Full Moon Queen Reinara, can possibly know some clues, right?

It's a pity that the two legendary beings have long ceased to appear in the border area, and even if someone wants to explore and inquire, there is no way to know.


(?ω?) The old man will be divided into volumes, ask for a monthly pass.

For more exciting stories, please see what the genuine author says

------off topic-----

It happened one day before Anne left.


"Shu Mi, who are you?"


Inside the burnt golden tree trunk, Annie found a strange man in armor with the shadow of a lion lying behind him.


"Who I am, it doesn't matter anymore..."

The other party paused, then turned to look at Annie, and he didn't speak for a long time.



"I heard about it…"

"You did a good job, better than me."


"If I could make up my mind sooner?"

Having said that, the weirdo suddenly stopped talking.

"Shi Mi..."


"What the **** are you trying to say?"


"Do not!"

"it's all over…"

With that said, the eccentric stretched out his hand and tore off the phantom of the lion on his body with a roar and a cry of pain, even if it turned into a **** appearance.


!? (?''??)?

Of course, Annie was taken aback.

"do not worry…"

"I'm not here to make trouble. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"I'm just…"

After speaking, regardless of the blood dripping from his body, the strange person actually knelt down halfway and stared at the human-shaped coke on the ground for a while.

"I'm leaving, thank you for everything you did for Mongot and those kids."


"Would you be a good Eldon King?"

After speaking, the other party actually got up and strode forward.



"A weirdo..."


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