Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1917: |??ω?`) ink color ring

The ancient road at dusk, the lonely smoke in the desert, and the sunset on the long river are the most realistic portrayals of the surrounding desert environment.

However, even here, a convoy of several horse-drawn carriages is still slowly driving on this dim desert official road, rushing towards Xujing, the capital of Xu Kingdom.


And in a carriage in the middle, Mo Caihuan was crying silently.

Just now, her eldest brother Han Li sent her to the convoy of carriages heading for the capital, and then flew away without looking back.

And this parting, I am afraid that the two will never meet again in this life.

Although she had already revealed her intentions before getting in the car, she had said all what a girl should and should not say, and she said it very bluntly, saying that she just wanted to stay by his side. , even if it's just a little maid, that way, she will be able to accompany the other party every day, and she will be satisfied.


She has no spiritual roots, and people and immortals have different paths and immortals, and her brother Han really loves cultivating immortals too much, so he did not accept her love in the end, nor did he respond to her love.

And the reason why she is crying now, she doesn't blame him, let alone his cruelty, she just blames herself, why she doesn't have spiritual roots, why can't she cultivate immortals?

"Brother Han..."

Tears dripped quietly, rolled onto the wooden board of the carriage, and then splashed out in an instant.

Fortunately, there were no other outsiders in this compartment.

Because, the car was wrapped up, and before leaving, her big brother Han also deliberately revealed the methods of immortal cultivators, so that the boss of the car dealership did not dare to neglect, let alone let those indifferent guys approach or come. Carpooling allowed her to silently and secretly hurt and lick her wounds alone.

"Brother Han..."

Except for a word of care and a bottle of medicine pill, he didn't leave anything behind, and he didn't even give her a chance to think.

Could it be that he doesn't know that what she wants is not those external things?

All she wants is to stay by his side...


Is it really that good?

Even if she does not have spiritual roots and cannot cultivate immortals, is it possible that she can stay by her side and be a maid serving tea and water?


Continuing to sob in a low voice, Mo Caihuan couldn't let go easily.


Can't let go, what can I do?

he's gone…

From now on, the world is different, the immortals are different, and I am afraid that there will be no time to see each other in this life, and her full of love, other than the endless tears of love, what else can she do?

Gala~! Gala~!

The vehicle continued to move staggeringly on the official road, occasionally making the sound of the axles rubbing.


At this time, Mo Caihuan seemed to have lost his soul.

Since she hadn't eaten for a long time, and she had just encountered the Yanjiabao accident, at this moment, she was really tired and tired.

"Brother Han..."


So, after murmuring and whimpering softly at last, she couldn't bear it any longer, she slowly leaned against the cold wooden carriage board, just leaned there, hugged her legs and curled up there, like a small Like a cat, he gently closed his teary eyes and fell asleep.

The road ahead is long, and the team does not know where to go.

She doesn't mind or care, because her heart will never return from now on!



I don't know how long it took...

Benedict! Benedict!


Benedict! Benedict!


Finally, Mo Caihuan, who had been in a coma for several hours, was suddenly awakened by the knocks on the door.

"What, what?"

"Have you arrived in the capital yet?"

Feeling that the convoy had stopped, Mo Caihuan hurriedly wiped the wet marks on her face while asking a certain driver who was knocking on the door across the carriage.

"No no."

"Miss Mo, there are still two days to go!"

"I waited until I had just finished resting my horse before I said I was going to go!"

At this time, the driver outside the carriage responded quickly.

"What's that?"

Mo Caihuan continued to wipe the wetness on her face, she didn't know whether it was before or during sleep.


She had a dream just now.

In a dream, a fairy with white hair and white beard taught her the supreme immortal method. After she completed her studies, she excitedly went to her big brother Han, but the result...

Her elder brother Han told her that his qualifications are limited and he is not ready to continue cultivating immortals?

At the same time, he has also transformed into a mortal, and immortals are different, so she and he still can't be together?

Although, in the dream, she continued to beg and said that she was willing to be a mortal with him, but he still refused, ignoring her cry, and turned her head away with a beautiful rich lady. Went away without going back.

And it wasn't until she was awakened by a knock on the door that she realized that it was still a dream?

The things in the dream seemed to be completely opposite to the reality, but even so, even if she cultivated immortality in the dream, she and he still could not get together after all.

Whether in a dream or outside of a dream, a sentence of 'Immortals are different' and 'humans and immortals have different paths' is enough to make her and him drift away.

The sea of ​​suffering is endless, and there is love and hate...

All kinds of things in the world are always unavoidable to be fooled by fate. She and Big Brother Han should have a blind date, but in the end, they are inaccessible after all...

Maybe she should accept her fate...

Perhaps, that should be the so-called fate?


"Miss Mo, it's actually like this..."

"Fangcai, at the resting place on the road, I met a little girl who was alone. She said that she was separated from her family and wanted to go to Xujing together. Look, we can arrange her in your carriage. in?"

"You think, after all, she's a little girl, and I'm not very good at taking care of rough people..."


"When I get to Xujing, I will definitely refund you another car payment. What do you think?"

At this time, without waiting for Mo Caihuan to continue to be sad, the driver outside the car hurriedly explained aloud, and at the same time gave a compensation plan that he thought was feasible.

Originally, he didn't want to trouble this girl Mo. After all, the other party was entrusted by a cultivator's 'immortal chief' in his motorcade, and he also chartered a car and gave the car money. Now he will arrange an outsider to the other party. In the car, it is really not suitable.


Seeing such a seven- or eight-year-old girl living here, he couldn't bear it after all, and he didn't want to stuff her into other vehicles to be slaughtered with the peddlers, so he insisted. Scalp came to ask.

"Little girl?"


"Let her come up, don't mention the car money again!"

"No problem."

After speaking, Mo Caihuan hurriedly took out a handkerchief and wiped his face, so as not to be seen by outsiders and made a joke later.


After a while, she made sure to wipe away all the tears on her face and took a deep breath to calm herself before she moved her position, just sat down on her knees and moved to the door in front of the carriage, reaching out to open it. He took off the locked crossbar and pushed open the small wooden door of the carriage.



"Miss, hello!"


"People are coming in!"


next second!

A full head of black hair, with a double flat bun, decorated with a golden headband and a playful white animal hairpin, wearing a bright red festive dress, purple trousers, holding a puppet in his hand, a long The cute seven- or eight-year-old girl couldn't wait to get in from the car and made a big face at Mo Caihuan.


"You, you are okay too..."

Looking at the other party's carefree and unrestrained appearance, it took a while for Mo Caihuan to react, and hurriedly forced a smile to greet the other party.

I don't know why, she always felt that the other party was a little weird...

Because ah, the other party's temperament is completely different from the little girls next door that she has seen on weekdays, and it doesn't seem like she is lost with her family at all.

And then...

She didn't know why, but she also found that the little girl in front of her had thin skin and tender flesh, her skin was very white and white, and there was a hint of gold in her eyes, which was always a little different from their Tiannan people?

"My name is Annie!"

?( ̄??)???

"Miss, what's your name?"


Immediately afterwards, after the door of the carriage was closed, Annie introduced herself without seeing the outside world, and asked the other person's name.


"Ink color ring..."

Mo Caihuan was stunned by the question, and after a while, she quietly said her name.

"Ink color ring?"


"Then people will call you Sister Caihuan in the future!"


Nodding, Annie said that they knew each other from now on, anyway, she would definitely not see the outside world.



"Miss Caihuan, are these snacks... yours?"


Soon, Annie immediately turned her attention to the plate of snacks placed on the wooden table in the carriage.

In fact, she smelled that sweet smell when she just came in, and when she was in the royal city of Rodel, she just woke up, and she didn't have time to eat breakfast and lunch. hungry.


"Yes, it is."

Nodding, Mo Caihuan said that it was indeed hers.

She remembered that it was sent by the head coach when she just got in the car, but she was in a bad mood now. Although she was tired and hungry, how could she be in the mood to eat them?



"Can people eat some?"


Annie hurriedly cast a hopeful look at the other party pitifully, and then she pretended to be cute again.

"Everyone has been hungry for a day!"


Of course, she certainly wouldn't say to the other person at the same time: The reason why she was hungry all day was entirely because she slept until the afternoon and woke up until the sun was shining.





"Then will you eat some?"

Although he was very hungry, Mo Caihuan reached out for the first time, took the plate of pastries, and carefully handed it to the other party's arms.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"It's mung bean cake!"

(╯▽╰) So fragrant~~

"good to eat!"

o(??~??)o Chew!



"There are also red beans!"






In this way, under Mo Caihuan's stunned mouth, a certain poor little girl didn't even need tea, so she just took one bite of the pastry that was originally her daily ration, and within half a quarter of an hour, It was almost wiped out, she was stunned, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.



"Miss Caihuan, are you hungry too? But this is all that's left, now!"


"Red bean, for you!"


After a while, when she found out that she had eaten all the dim sum, and only the piece left in her hand, Annie blinked, then smiled embarrassedly, and made a face in embarrassment. , and then handed the last pitiful piece in his hand to the other's palm.


"Thank you, thank you..."

Although I don't know why I have to thank myself for eating my own food, Mo Caihuan took it subconsciously, and lightly opened her red lips and took a small bite, letting the fragrant, sweet and soft red bean cake enter the room that had been empty for a long time. in the mouth.

Red beans are born in the southern country, and a few branches will be sent in spring...


However, eating and eating, thinking that this is a red bean, although this 'red bean' is not the other 'red bean', but thinking of a figure who left unfeeling and refused to look back, thinking of the fact that the two are separated from each other from now on, Mo Caihuan. I couldn't help but burst out a little bit of tears again, just let the tears and the red bean cake, let the sweetness accompanied by the bitterness, melt a little bit and enter my throat.





"Miss Caihuan, what's wrong with you?"


"Did the weird people eat all your stuff?"


Seeing the other party crying while eating, Annie was of course frightened, so she had to hurriedly approached and asked.


Unfortunately, Mo Caihuan didn't answer, just shook his head, and then looked at the red bean cake in her hand that she had bitten a small bite into in her hand.

Although it was delicious and sweet, and although her stomach was indeed very hungry, she no longer had the desire to open her mouth.





"Is something sad?"


Staring at the other party's tearful eyes and pitiful expression for a while, and seeing the other party's tears gradually stop, Annie asked again cautiously and apprehensively.

"The words spoken..."


"Maybe it will be better?"


Then, Annie tentatively suggested.

Although Her Lady Queen Anne has always been heartless and no one can make her sad, she has absolutely no experience with this, but she still has a little way of comforting people, anyway, TV and the Internet are all She acted like that, so she thought it was useful!


(● ̄? ̄●)


Mo Caihuan raised her eyes, looked at the little girl in front of her for a while, and then slowly lowered it again.


However, maybe it is because the other party is right, maybe it is more sad than death, maybe it is because I really want to talk to someone, and I also think this little girl in front of me will be a good person to talk to?



In short, after a while, Mo Caihuan finally spoke, and slowly explained the reasons why she met her eldest brother Han and the reasons for their separation, and why they might never meet again in this life. came out.

After half an hour...

It wasn't until a certain bad little girl was about to fall asleep that Mo Caihuan explained the basics intermittently.

"That is to say..."


"Do you want to cultivate immortals?"


Then, of course, Annie found a certain key word from the other party's messy words, and knew that all the other party's misfortunes and sorrows actually came from the word "cultivation".


"I've always dreamed of..."

Without refuting, Mo Caihuan sighed softly.

"That's easy!"


"People can do it!"


安妮将自己的小胸脯拍得啪啪地响,表示她这个最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最最Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most powerful arcane The Archmage has that kind of ability, she is omnipotent!

In short, the small problem of cultivating immortals is not a problem to her at all, just wrap it up on her body.


"You're not lying to me, are you?"

Mo Caihuan obviously didn't believe it.

However, after talking to the other party for so long, and seeing the serious and cute little expression of the other party, she is indeed in a much better mood now.

"People really can!"


Seeing that the other party dared to look down on her, Annie was of course a little unhappy.

"it's useless…"

"I don't have spiritual roots, so I can't cultivate immortals..."


"Unless you are an immortal, otherwise, you can't help me."

Although she really wanted to say something, Mo Caihuan, who was in a bad mood, didn't say much in the end, she just shook her head bitterly, only taking the other party's words to comfort her, and not being serious.



"They are indeed not immortals!"


"However, people are much more powerful than gods."

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Yes, Annie is indeed more powerful than the gods and so on!

And just now, the guy the other party said is just some immortal cultivator, not even an immortal, not to mention her super tired arcane magician who doesn't even care about immortals!

Also, Annie has decided that she wants to prove it to the other party!


(● ̄? ̄●)


"what are you going to do?"

Just as Mo Caihuan wanted to say something, she found that the little girl in front of her stood up directly in the carriage, and then walked straight to her angrily. Then, the other party suddenly stretched out her hand, and rudely opened her palm and pressed it. on top of her head.



next second!

Mo Caihuan was just about to reach out and take the opponent's hand away, but suddenly realized that there was a secret mysterious method called 'Wu Zhuang Xianfa' that had been stuffed into her head?

In the dark, Mo Caihuan seems to feel that there is a man wearing a purple-gold crown, a carefree crane cloak, shoes, and a ribbon around his waist. Next, the immortal with the crow ling on the temples was looking at her from a distant place and nodded to her?

The White Jade Capital in the sky, UU reading 12th floor and 5th city.

Immortals caress my top and endure longevity.

At the same time, it seemed to her ears that she heard the extravagant fairy sounds recited by some fairy boys and girls.

Then, maybe it was because the amount of information about those immortals was too large, or it could be other reasons, she gradually couldn't bear it, and then, as soon as her eyes turned white, she fainted gorgeously, and she didn't know anything. .

Outside the carriage, the convoy was still moving slowly. Whether it was the driver who drove the carriage or the boss of the convoy, they also didn't know what was going on in the best carriage in the middle of the convoy.


(?ω?) The mortal volume starts, is there a monthly pass?

------off topic-----

(?ω?) Ask for a monthly pass

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