Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1918: !? (·''·?)?

The convoy consisting of several carriages, several coachmen and several guards was still swaying on the desert official road in the dusk and hot, and they were at least a day away from their destination Xujing.

However, unlike the previous situation, the number of business travelers encountered by the convoy on the road has gradually increased. Although it is still in the desert, the trees and willows in the distance are also a little more, and the anger has become more intense. enough.



At this time, in the carriage of a carriage that only carried two passengers, his face was pale, his forehead was full of beads of sweat, and even the lady's skirt on his body was sweaty, and the ink ring finally woke up again, and calmed down. Slowly opened his eyes.

She just had that dream again...

However, this time the dream was a little different.

In the dream, it was no longer the white-haired and white-bearded immortal who taught her the supreme immortal method, but a young man wearing a purple-gold crown, a carefree crane cloak, shoes and a ribbon around his waist. , with a face like a beauty, with three beards floating under her chin, the immortal with crows on her temples gave her a face, and finally said some words of encouragement?

But what exactly, she couldn't remember at all when she woke up.

However, one thing has not changed: her eldest brother Han, the other party still did not accept her love after all, he left decisively, and left with a very beautiful and beautiful fairy.


"Brother Han..."

So, subconsciously, there are still some ink rings that can't tell the difference between the dream and the dream, so the crystal tears can't be stopped.





And at this moment, Annie's curious and well-behaved little face with big eyes that seemed to be able to talk suddenly came over to Mo Caihuan, causing Mo Caihuan to subconsciously exclaimed. And was startled, and then shrank into the corner of the carriage.




"Okay, it hurts..."

Then, with a soft moan and a sense of dizziness, the kind of things that happened before she passed out finally began to emerge little by little.

Then, she finally found out that there was an inexplicable extra in her mind called: "Wu Zhuang Immortal Law", the supreme immortal cultivator?

With her contemplative exploration, she 'saw' that they were neatly sorted and placed in her mind at some point, and although she only glanced at it, she still found something good among them. It was found that it contains many categories.

For example, she saw that the immortal method actually included: Zhou Yixue, Xiaoxiang Xianyu, Qiankunxiu, immortal cultivation, Hunyuan Daoguo, Mingxing self-cultivation, and Qixingdun's seven major immortal methods.

And under those different immortal methods, there are dozens of targeted ones with various names and different functions, such as offense, defense, sleepiness, treatment, formation, and demon removal. Fairy magic?

In addition, there are many complicated exercises that are not of the original sect as auxiliary and reference, which made her a little confused for a while.

turn out to be……

Then, it's actually a cultivator... No, it should be said that it is a complete set of cultivating techniques of an immortal sect created by the immortal great immortal?

And now, they are all in her mind?

Although it was only a quick glance, and I couldn't understand it, Mo Caihuan actually found out from some descriptions that the exercise seemed to be able to slowly cultivate to the realm of 'real person in Qiankun', that is, 'truth'. The level of immortals does not need to break through the formation of pills or transcend tribulations as Big Brother Han said before.

And, even more astonishing and disbelieving to her, was that...

As mentioned above, when she obtained the "Wu Zhuang Immortal Law", even if she did not know any spells and did not have any mana, she was already a fairy child of Taoism, and she had entered the fairy tale and was no longer a mortal. Not even a cultivator?

However, she didn't know why she had that kind of meaning, she just felt that her mind suddenly became muddled with those things, and she didn't look like herself anymore.

"How about it?"


"Is it great?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

At this moment, Annie, who found that the other party woke up and knew what the other party was 'watching', leaned over again and asked proudly.


However, to Annie's surprise, the other party just glanced at her, and then... only to see those eyes again, and they fell asleep gorgeously again.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"Why are you dizzy again, are you trying to touch porcelain?!"


Finally, Annie got a little anxious, and hurried forward to check what happened.

The first time the other party was dizzy was because the brain capacity was forcibly stuffed into a whole set of exercises, so it was excusable.

After all, that kind of approach is indeed very dangerous for an ordinary person. If you are not careful, it is still light for your brain to explode into a lake of pulp. However, who is the Great Immortal Anni, she has a way to make the other party's brain It can't explode, so the kind of thing that seems to others to be dead and alive only has some minor sequelae here at most, such as fainting or fainting or something.


Annie was very sure, certain, and certain that she forcibly stuffed the Wuzhuang sect of the grandfather's house, who gave her ginseng fruit to eat, into the other's mind, and she would definitely not make people faint twice!



"So it's because of hunger?"


After the examination, Annie quickly understood why the other party fainted for the second time.

It turned out that it was because the other party had been crying and hungry for a long time before he came, and then, after he arrived, he only ate a small bite of red bean cake, and then fainted for the whole day.

In this way, the other party has not eaten or drank even a sip of water for two days and one night, and there are too many things in his mind, and the human brain is also a big energy consumer, so , and now the opponent faints due to insufficient energy supply, that is normal.





"Recover quickly!"

☆╰╮o(???c)Clap! Snapped!

Then, Annie directly used a physical awakening spell, stretched out her little hand, and slapped the opponent's smooth face full of sweat and tears.

"Uh um..."


The next second, almost immediately, Mo Caihuan, who had fallen asleep because of weakness, woke up faintly again, and slowly opened her big, misty black eyes.

"Wake up again?"


"very good!"


"Don't ask anything, don't say anything, just eat a peach to make up for it, otherwise, people think you may not live tomorrow!"


Saying that, Annie directly took out two large and small peaches that were fragrant and full of aura, and then looked at them. After comparing, she rudely took out the one that was two sizes too small. Stuffed it into the other party's hand, and then took the big one and ate it for himself.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"You eat it too, it's delicious!"


While Annie nibbled at what she was holding, she motioned for the other party to eat quickly.


I looked at the little peach in my hand, then looked at the big peach in Annie's hand, and then thought about the amazing things in my mind, smelling the mysterious and almost condensed stuff that filled the carriage. 'Aroma', in the end, Mo Caihuan, who swallowed her saliva, still held back all kinds of doubts, did not rush to ask, and did not care why her peach was so small, she just put the peach in her hand on the He took a small bite to his mouth.


The next moment!

Mo Caihuan, who was originally sick, suddenly widened her eyes.

Just now, she discovered that the pulp at the entrance turned into a stream of light in an instant, entering her stomach like a stream of air.


That abundant energy instantly permeated the whole body, and I only felt that my whole person had become a little different.

It was a very strange feeling, it was hard to describe, anyway, she just felt that she had become very energetic and energetic, and her internal organs couldn't help but want to cheer?

And the mind that was originally muddled became even more awake and agile at this time, as if it had just slept in a good sleep.


"What kind of treasure is this?!"

She had learned a lot of medical skills from her deceased father, and read many medical books at home. Mo Caihuan, who is also proficient in pharmacology, doesn't know what she is eating?

"Delicious, right?"


"This is a peach!"


Annie didn't hide it, and gave the other party a big smile.

"Pan, Peach?"

"What is a peach?"

Mo Caihuan didn't stop, but followed her own body's instincts, asking curiously, holding the peach in her hand and eating it in one bite, and even licking her palm from time to time to see how cautious and greedy she was, It's like a precious fruit juice that is afraid of dripping any drop.



"That's a kind of peach grown by the elder sister of the Queen Mother of Heaven!"


Then, Annie explained to each other while eating.

According to legend, there are 3,600 pandan peaches in the peach orchard of the Queen Mother of Heaven. They have three varieties, and each variety has a total of 1,200 plants!

Among them, the first type of peach is ripe in 3,000 years, and people can become immortals after eating it, and the body will be light; while the second type, once cooked in 6,000 years, people will rise to the sky after eating it, and live forever! As for the third type, it is even more incredible. It takes a full nine thousand years to cook once, and when a person eats it, he can live as long as the heavens and the earth, as well as the sun and the moon!

All in all, no matter what it is, it is very, very powerful.


"Is this so amazing?"

As long as you eat a peach, you can become a fairy. That kind of thing makes Mo Caihuan's heart jump wildly in an instant.


"This is what I ate..."

Then, looking at the half-eaten peach she was holding in her hands, her hands naturally couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Three thousand years ago!"


"This one is for nine thousand years!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

After first quenching the opponent's fantasy without hesitation, Annie opened her mouth and nibbled at the big peach in her mouth again.


"Three thousand years..."

Hearing Annie say that what she has in her hand is only three thousand years old, while the other's one is nine thousand years old. It is the kind of good baby who can live a long life with the world and the sun and the moon as long as you eat it. Mo Caixia looked at it. Looking at it, his eyes could not help but straighten.

"Don't even think about it!"


"If you eat this, you will die. You should eat the three thousand years first!"


"Look, when you eat it, most of the spiritual energy escapes. If you eat this, can you bear it?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie ignored the expectant look of the other party, just pouted and continued to eat her own.


"That's it..."

Mo Caihuan, who knew a little about the medicinal properties and knew that even ginseng and ganoderma lucidum could not be eaten too much, nodded. Then, she stopped thinking about it and quickly gave a few 3,000-year-old peach in her hand. After nibbling it clean, after thinking about it, I carefully put away the peach pit.

Although she still doesn't quite understand what it means to become an immortal after eating, and to keep fit and healthy, but she only knows that it must be a very special thing, and it is a great opportunity for her, so the peach core also Don't let it go, whether you keep it back to make wine or keep it for planting, it has its uses!

Immediately after...

"Master is up!"

"Please accept the color ring for a bow!!"

After collecting the peach pits, she simply walked up to Annie and bowed to Annie in the solemn disciple ceremony.

That peach is her opportunity, of course she knows it, but she is even more aware that this little girl who is likely to be an immortal in front of her is her biggest opportunity, her last hope for immortality, and she must not miss it!



"Stop! Don't even think about it!"


Annie stopped quickly and jumped aside.


Seeing Annie's reaction, Mo Caihuan was stunned, but she just became a little bad, and tears began to gather in her eyes. She thought that Annie would not accept her or let her go. She followed Xiuxian.



"Don't worry, people didn't accept you because they just passed on you the complete set of "Five Village Immortal Laws", and now you are already a disciple of Yuan Daxianmen in Wuzhuangguan Town!"


Seeing that the other party was so big and ready to cry, Annie quickly explained it out loud.

"Wuzhuangguan Town Yuan Daxian?"

"Who is that?"

Mo Caihuan said that she seems to have never heard the name of that sect and immortal. In fact, she has never heard of many sects and immortals in the cultivation world.

"A bull-nosed old man, very powerful!"


"He seems to be the ancestor of the earth immortal, the Taoist name is Zhen Yuanzi, also known as the same prince with the world?"


"It's amazing anyway!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie scratched her head and told roughly what she knew.

"Zhen Yuanzi Daxian?"


"You, how about you?"

"Who is more powerful than yours?"

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Caihuan suddenly asked such a question.



"Of course it's people!"


"They are the Great Immortals of Flame, and they are the most powerful!"


In this regard, Annie did her part and laughed, without any modesty. Anyway, her Lady Queen Anne is so powerful!

"Flame Immortal?"


"Master, please accept your apprentice, the apprentice is willing to learn the immortal art of the Huo Xian with you!"

After thinking about it, Mo Caihuan bowed to Annie again.

She doesn't know who Zhenyuan Daxian is, nor has she seen it before, but she only knows that the little girl immortal in front of her has given her all the things she needs, and it's still in front of her, so she can really touch it. Immortals are much better than the audible and intangible existence.


!? (?\'\'??)?

"Why do you admit death like this? Didn't they say that you are already a disciple of Wuzhuangguan?"




"Although he is the Great Flame Immortal, he has no immortal methods. If you want to take him as your teacher, you will not be able to become an immortal!"


That's right, Annie did not lie about this matter.

Because, the name of her flame immortal was just made up by herself when she was in Chentangguan, and there is no related cultivation method!

And the other party kept saying that she wanted to cultivate immortals. She looked at the other party's pity, and then directly copied a set of immortal methods from Wuzhuangguan to the other party. Anyway, it was something she didn't need. Nothing to lose.

Therefore, she was indeed apprenticing a certain bad old man just now. Although this Miss Mo Caihuan still has a big cause and effect with her, as long as she accepts the inheritance of Wuzhuang View, the other party is already Wuzhuang in name. A disciple of Guan, but he didn't run away.



Hearing what Annie said, Mo Caihuan began to hesitate again.

After all, one is Zhenyuan Daxian, the other is Huoxian Daxian, one can be seen and touched, while the other is illusory, plus one can cultivate immortals while the other cannot. Just choose.


"Master, please accept the disciple's worship!"

"You are also the master of the disciple!!"

In the end, Mo Caihuan gritted her teeth and had an idea, and directly knocked down at Annie for the third time, even if she had completed the three-kowtow disciple salute.

In her opinion, since she has no choice, she simply worships two masters directly. Daxian Zhenyuan is her sect master, and Daxian Huohua is her own master. No matter what, she will never suffer a loss.



"Can it still be like this?"


The stubbornness and stubbornness of the other party was indeed somewhat unexpected by Forget it, do whatever you want! "

ε=('ο'*))) alas

However, since the other party insists on that, she doesn't seem to have a very good way to do it herself?


(● ̄? ̄●)


ヽ(⌒ω⌒)? Ask for a monthly pass

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