Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1919: ?(·???·???) Everything can be made into wine!

In this way, when the carriage of the carriage continued to move forward slowly, in the carriage of the carriage, Mo Caihuan finally obtained the immortal fate she dreamed of, and became the Great Immortal Yuanzi and Great Immortal Huoyan in the ancestral town of Earth Immortals. 's disciples.

Anyway, that's what she thought!

Immediately afterwards, under the nourishment of the three-thousand-year-old peach that can 'become an immortal and keep your body healthy', her face gradually turned rosy, and she became more energetic. Her cheap Mr. Anne started chatting casually.

"Ann, Master Annie!"

"Aren't you the Great Immortal Flame?"


"Why didn't you fly when you were on your way?"

"Big Brother Han will fly!"

Finally, remembering the fact that he had been in this rickety carriage for more than two days, Mo Caihuan suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked something strange.



"Not only can people fly, they can also teleport!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie said that flying was not fun, and she couldn't see the scenery, so she didn't want to do it.

You must know that she, the Great Immortal Flame, came to this world to eat, drink, have fun, and wander around, not to practice or fight, so, without any urgent destination, she likes to travel as she pleases Just go on the road, if you want to ride a carriage, take a carriage, if you want to walk, you can walk, if you want to ride a donkey, you can ride a donkey, if you want to beat Tibbers, you can beat Tibbers, so you don't have to pay attention to other people's opinions!




"Master Anne!"

"Will you fly through the clouds?"

Mo Caihuan didn't know what teleportation was, but since the great immortal master in front of her could fly, it would be easy to handle. She has long been jealous of those immortal cultivators who can fly high with swords and objects. Now, if possible, she would like to learn the kind of skill that only gods can do.

If it really doesn't work, like Big Brother Han's ability to fly, for example, it's okay to make this carriage fly, she doesn't have to find a boat.

"Of course it will!"



"Is that Flying Cloud Boat with Big Brother Han fast?"

Before Mo Caihuan was driven away, she was lucky enough to get on a flying device that only immortal cultivators were qualified to ride. It was really fast and stable, and she had a deep memory.

In her opinion, if you have the ability to fly and escape, you don't need to ride in a carriage like this for several days to go to Xujing.

"Flying Cloud Boat?"


"People don't know how fast the flying cloud boat you are talking about is, but they have the ability to fly through clouds and fog, and they can fly 108,000 miles with just one somersault. Do you think it's fast?"



As she said that, Annie kept glancing at Mo Caihuan's body.

Somersault cloud or something, when she was at Aunt Xu's house, she had seen a certain monkey use it, so of course she would know it, and ah, she is already imagining, if it is time to teach her If this ink color ring 'somersaults the cloud', the other party is wearing a lady's dress, and he has to do a somersault first when he is flying through the clouds. Wouldn't that be a bit funny or irritating?


"Jin, somersault cloud?"

Mo Caihuan doesn't care whether her eyes are hot or not, she has already been attracted by the 'one somersault'. If she really has such a fast way to fly through the clouds, wouldn't she want to go somewhere? Just go where, if you want to see her big brother Han, go to see her big brother Han?

"Can people learn?"

So, she hurried forward and asked anxiously and expectantly.



I didn't expect that the other party was really interested, but as a result, Annie didn't want to teach.

"No need to learn!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"It's just that somersault clouds aren't for everyone!"


Saying that, as soon as she stretched out her hand, a small golden cloud that looked like a cotton candy appeared in the small carriage, and then Annie stretched out her hand and patted it flat. Cloud blanket shape.


Seeing this, of course, Mo Caiyun immediately exclaimed.

"come on!"


"Climb up and try!"


Anyway, idle is idle, so Annie doesn't mind teasing each other once.

So, she was not sure whether the other party could ride, so she jumped up first, and sat in the carriage, sitting on the somersault cloud as big as two or three futons.



Seeing that Annie was already sitting on it, Mo Caihuan hurriedly wanted to climb up and try.



But she threw her head directly onto the deck of the carriage, and bumped her face to the ground, not touching the golden cloud at all.

"It doesn't seem to work!"


Annie laughed heartlessly and loudly, and then the golden clouds slowly dissipated, allowing the carriage to regain its calm.

"This somersault cloud, it is said that only good children can sit on it. You have too many things in your mind, and it must not work."




"You should honestly practice the Wuzhuang Immortal Technique!"


Annie grimaced at the other party playfully, ignoring the matter just discussed.


"But, Master Anne!"

"How do I practice?"

For Mo Caihuan, who has never practiced immortality, although she has now obtained a complete set of methods out of thin air, she must not be very clear about how to practice and where to start.

There is a saying that it is good that the master leads her into the door to practice by herself, but now, no one leads her into the door, and how does she want to practice?



"People don't know..."


Scratching her head, Annie said she couldn't help.

After all, she has never practiced herself, and she can learn magic at a glance, and flame magic does not need to be learned, so let her teach others, especially the little Mo Caihuan who has no foundation at all. If my sister went to cultivate immortals, it would really embarrass her.


"Don't you even know Master?"

Mo Caihuan was shocked!

"Although people will!"


"But people really don't know how to teach, so you can only watch the practice slowly by yourself?"


Annie explained honestly.

The magic of the Wuzhuang sect is very simple. She can use it like a gourd at a glance. The power can be large or small, but it is indeed a little embarrassing for her to teach her.

In fact, when Little Bear took it privately to teach a certain little sister who was tearful, panting slightly, resting like a beautiful flower in the water, and acting like a weak Liu Fufeng, they mostly used their own understanding to teach themselves, so , Annie is now ready to let this Miss Mo Caihuan learn by herself.

It's just that she gave the other party a peach. Although 90% of the spiritual energy she ate might be wasted, but even if there is only one layer of efficacy left, the three thousand years of peach's function is enough for the other party to play that kind of boring immortal cultivation. trick up.


"Where is Wuzhuang Temple?"

Learning by herself, Mo Caihuan had no confidence, so she had to settle for the next best thing, planning to ask where the Wuzhuangguan sect was.

She felt that if she could, she had better go to the door, and then gradually cultivate slowly under the guidance of the elders of the teacher's sect?



"It's outside the Tang Dynasty in another world, you can't go there, just die!"


In fact, it's useless to go, Annie knows, the five villages in that world are probably already empty.

"another world?"

"Is it a legendary existence like the demon world and fairy world that Big Brother Han said?"

Mo Caihuan instantly admired, because she heard her brother Han say that there are other worlds outside this world. Only when one has reached a certain level of cultivation can they soar, and even Brother Han himself is still building In the middle of the period, the soaring is still far away.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie pouted, not planning to explain that kind of thing, because the other party must not understand.

"What about Master Zhen Yuanzi?"

"Where are people going to find him?"


"Fang Cai, in my dream, I seem to have seen him!"

Then, Mo Caihuan hurriedly spoke out the image of the old immortal she had just seen when she was in a coma.

It was an old immortal with a purple-gold crown on his head, a carefree crane cloak, shoes on his feet, and a ribbon around his waist. She wanted to come, it should be her Master Zhen Yuanzi.

It's a pity that she forgot what the other party said at that time.

"it's useless!"


"That's just a spiritual thought that guy left in the immortal method, that is, something similar to the spiritual imprint, which is used to inherit the cultivation method. All those who have obtained the Wuzhuang Guanxian method will have the opportunity to meet him. The spiritual side of it."


Without waiting for the other party to say anything, Annie explained it directly.

Of course, with the exception of what a certain bear taught him privately, that guy would definitely not get Zhen Yuanzi's spiritual imprint and some hints if he did that.


(● ̄?? ̄●)


"God, divine sense?"

Mo Caihuan didn't understand it very well.

However, she vaguely knew one thing, that is: whether it is the Master Huoxian Daxian in front of her, or the Master Zhenyuanzi Daxian in that name, it seems that these two Daxian can't be counted on?

"Do not worry!"


"Practice slowly, it will always happen!"


Seeing that the other party was a little disappointed, Annie hurriedly began to comfort her carefully.


"Master Annie, which immortal method should my disciple start from?"

"It has a lot of..."

"There are Zhou Yixue, Xiaoxiang Xianyu, Qiankun Xiu, Immortal Cultivation Technique, Hunyuan Daoguo, Mingxing Self-cultivation, and Qixingdun's seven major immortal methods!"

While 'reading' the secret exercises in his mind, Mo Caihuan tangled his fingers, not knowing where to start.

"Of course, start with the simplest practice!"



"Is it Qiankun sleeve, or Hunyuan Daoguo?"

Mo Caihuan asked again.

"Hun, Hunyuan Daoguo?"


"That thing, although people can understand it, but your words...maybe it will take a while?"


Hunyuan Daoguo or something, just by listening to the name, you know that it is definitely not for beginners, so Annie reminded implicitly.



"How long will it be?"

Mo Caihuan, who was lucky, asked again.

"If it's fast, it's hundreds or thousands of years. If it's slow, I don't know."


Annie didn't choose to hide it, and honestly told her opinion directly.


"Yes, has it been that long?"

Exclaimed, Mo Caihuan stood up, but soon, she covered her head with a bitter face and sat down again.

It's not that she makes a fuss, but she herself knows whether she can live for so long or not, even if she has obtained the method of cultivating immortals now!

"Of course there is!"


"When you can understand the Primordial Dao Fruit, you will almost reach the realm of the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top, that is the level of Jinxian, how can you do without a few hundred years of Daoism?"


Of course, except for Anni, the flame fairy, because she has seen it a long time ago, and she can understand it at a glance.


"Then which should I learn first?"

"Qiankun sleeves?"

After tangled for a while, Mo Caihuan had to give up the 'Hunyuan Daoguo' that was a great immortal art known just by looking at the name.

"Do not!"


"You'd better study the two sword techniques, exorcism, exorcism and other spells in 'Zhou Yi Xue' and 'Xiaoxiang Xianyu' first!"


After thinking about it, Annie rarely gave a suggestion that she thought was more correct.

As for the reason, she didn't know, anyway, that's what she thought. Besides, back then, Tibbers the bear was like that when she went to teach others, so she would definitely not have any problems if she copied it now.



"Zhou Yi is difficult..."

Mo Caihuan knows what the "Book of Changes" is. That kind of ancient scripture is divided into two parts: the first chapter is thirty hexagrams, the second chapter is thirty-four hexagrams, a total of 64 hexagrams, and each hexagram has six lines, a total of 380 hexagrams. Si Yao is very obscure and difficult to understand, especially when no one is pointing it out, it is really embarrassing for her, a young medical woman, to study that kind of thing.

"Cultivation is not difficult!"



After thinking hard for a while, finally, Mo Caihuan suddenly and pitifully approached Annie.

"What are you doing?"


Of course Annie was a little wary, and even moved back directly.


"Can't I give my disciple a 9,000-year-old peach, and let my disciple become an immortal?"

After the two sides chatted and got to know each other for a long time, Mo Caihuan suddenly realized that cultivating immortals or something is really too difficult!

Therefore, she felt that she might not be able to wait for hundreds of years. She wanted to take shortcuts now, and now she would directly become an immortal or immortal cultivator, and she was the kind that deserved her name.



"No! No more!"


In fact, there are, but seeing that the other party actually wanted to make such a crooked idea, Annie straightened her face and decided not to take it out in this world again.

She said that if there is no, there is no, and there is no, anyway, she absolutely can't take out the kind of food that eats one less.


"Is it really gone?"

Mo Caihuan's face suddenly collapsed.



"Almost forgot!"

Then, she exclaimed, went straight forward, climbed to Annie's side, and reached out and groped in the carriage to find it.


∑(??△`)? !

"What are you doing?"


Annie, who didn't know what the other party was wandering around looking for, directly ignored the other party's exclamations and protests, and pushed the other party's big **** away.


"found it!"

Soon, Mo Caihuan cheered and carefully picked up a large, round and full thing.

"Peach core?"

"What are you taking it for?"

Annie asked strangely.

Because the pulp on the top has been eaten clean by her, and there is nothing left. If the other party wants to deduct a little bit from the top and eat it to become immortal, it must be wishful thinking!

"it works!"

"It's a 9,000-year-old peach, even if it's a peach pit, it must be something amazing!"

"If my disciples use it to make wine and make alchemy..."

"Or if you plant it, it should be of great use, right?"

Mo Caihuan said excitedly, took out her handkerchief, and carefully wrapped it with the other one she had eaten before.

"Is that so?"


At this time, Annie remembered that the peach trees planted in a certain station she had stayed in were secretly picked by Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu to sell them for money!

"It's definitely possible..."


"However, people don't know if they can make alchemy with wine..."

(= ̄ω ̄=)

"However, if you plant it, it may take many years for it to bear fruit, and it needs a place full of spiritual energy."


Annie nodded and then shook her head again, but in the end she didn't stop the other party's behavior.

Anyway, as long as she didn't come crying and begging her to take out another nine thousand years for the other party to eat and become immortal, then she would definitely not be meddling.

"Then take one and plant it!"

“The other keeps the sparkling wine!!”

Mo Caihuan was still very excited.

She is proficient in pharmacology, but she knows that everything in the world can be used as medicine, those that are not poisonous can be eaten directly, those that are poisonous can be eaten with a high probability of being cooked, and those that are highly poisonous are still edible!

And now, this kind of peach is so good, although the peach core may not have all the effects of the nine thousand-year-old peach, but let's try it with bubble wine, maybe it can have one-two of the effects?

No matter how bad it is, even if she can have one or two in a hundred, she can almost be satisfied.



What else could Annie say? Could it be that she still has a lot of peaches. In fact, she picked up the entire peach orchard, so she could take out a few more for the other party to eat?

That kind of thing, she can't bear it!


(● ̄?? ̄●)

Benedict! Benedict!

Fortunately, at this time, the carriage gradually slowed down, and then the voice of the boss of the car dealership came from outside:

"Miss Mo!"

"In half an hour, we will arrive at the inn outside Xujing."

"You have to collect taxes when you enter the city, and I'm waiting for the cars and horses in the car dealership, which never enter the city. Look, did you pack up and salute in advance?"


??(??????)?????? Ask for a monthly pass??


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