Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1964: =????(???????)! Big…


"There seems to be someone down there?"

"Go down and see!"

"Don't let the seven sects run away!"

"Walk around there!"


Suddenly, I don't know which demon cultivator found out and shouted. Then, a group of cultivators who seemed to be mainly ghost spirit disciples descended from the sky, and then went straight to Annie, Jin Xiaoli and Chen Qiaoqian for a picnic. The lawn under the tree slowly surrounded it.

Right now, the seven major factions, oh no, should be the five major factions have been defeated like a mountain, so of course, the people from the Six Magic Dao Sects, Tianque Fort and Spirit Beast Mountain sent a large number of personnel to start raging around this Golden Drum Plain battlefield. Encircling and suppressing the monks of the five factions scattered everywhere.

And now, it is not surprising that the dozens of people flying by in the sky found the three people having a picnic below.

After all, at this moment, this area is the final stage of the chaos after the big battle. There are still quite a few monks from the Five Factions remaining in this area. Less.

It's just that the monks of the five factions are either busy running away or hiding and dormant, and like the three people in front of them, they are sitting under the tree carelessly and picnicking blindly, and they seem to be bringing two little girls with them. , that is indeed quite rare in their view.

"Who is staying here?"

"It's weird."



"That person's costume..."


"Who am I supposed to be, it turns out that there is actually a lady from Huangfenggu here?"

And when the people from the Six Sects of the Demonic Path discovered that the woman who stood up in a hurry, that is, that Chen Qiaoqian was wearing the iconic clothes of Huangfenggu, and was indeed their target of sweeping, the disciples of the Ghost Sect all grinned evilly. Surrounded first.

At the same time, there are more monks, who do not know which sect of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way, have also heard the news and descended from the sky one after another, so that the number of people around here has suddenly increased from dozens to more than a hundred.



Chen Qiaoqian took two steps forward and drew his sword in his hand, and yelled angrily at the same time.


"The Great Immortal Flame and Great Immortal Li are here!"

"You wait for the rat, if you want to live, this girl advises you to get out of here?"

Then, she scolded so sternly.

Among the dozens or hundreds of demon disciples who came up in front of her, Chen Qiaoqian had already seen clearly that most of them were at the foundation-building stage or above, and even two or three were at the later stage of foundation-building. The disciples of Huangfenggu in the middle stage of the foundation must not be able to escape.

However, she was not too afraid.

Because she knows what kind of beings are sitting behind her at this time!

Those were Fairy Mo's master Huo Daxian and junior sister Li Fairy. Although she didn't know the specific strengths of the two, she only knew that Mo Fairy was currently around the late stage of forming a pill, and it was said that Li Fairy was more powerful than Mo Fairy. It is much stronger, and Huo Xian is the master of Li and Mo Xian, so she can barely guess the strength of the two behind her.

Therefore, at this time, she was fearless, so naturally she directly raised the tiger skin as a banner, and directly threatened the disciples of the magic way in front of her.





Hearing Chen Qiaoqian's words, the disciples of the Ghost Spirit Sect and the other six demon sects stopped subconsciously, and then looked at each other.


"Sister Chen?"

At this time, Jin Xiaoli behind Chen Qiaoqian spoke up.

"Actually, you said something wrong..."

"Master, she is not from Wuzhuangguan, only Senior Sister Mo is a disciple of Wuzhuangguan!"

"and also!"

"Xiao Li is not a disciple of Wuzhuang Guan, nor is he an official disciple of Master?"

"Senior Sister Mo is the exact opposite!"

"She is both Master's disciple and Wuzhuang Guan's disciple..."

"Also! Also!"

"The head of Wuzhuangguan is Zhenyuanzi Daxian!"

Immediately afterwards, the koi carp who was still holding the food in his hand suddenly made a sound and corrected it with a solemn finger.



Chen Qiaoqian was a little confused.

She thought it was fine if the other party didn't say anything, but as soon as she said it, she directly confused Chen Qiaoqian, who didn't know the specific relationship between the family very well.



"What a **** flame immortal!"

"It's just two stinky little girls, do you really take yourself seriously?"


"This lady of Huangfeng Valley, I'm afraid she has lost her heart, isn't she?"

"In my opinion it is!"

"And those two girls, I'm afraid they're not the little wild breeds born to the concubines of which sect?"


"I think so!"


After being silent for a while, the people from the Six Sects of the Devil's Way naturally sneered and ridiculed recklessly, and they were not in a hurry to take Chen Qiaoqian down.

"It's unbelievable!"

"Such a beautiful girl, she has two babies!"

"Tsk tsk!"

"The seven major factions seem to be sane on the surface, but in private they are all men, thieves and prostitutes!"


"It's the five factions!"

"The guys from Tianque Fort and Spirit Beast Mountain are still somewhat useful, and now they have become their own people, and there are only five of the seven factions left."


"That's right, don't blame Xiongtai."


It can be seen that under the circumstance that they were victorious and the five major factions were defeated and lost, the disciples of the Six Demonic Sects did not take a lonely little monk like Chen Qiaoqian in their eyes.

In the same way, they didn't take what Chen Qiaoqian and Jin Xiaoli just said to heart, and even directly sneered at the five major factions, and at the same time, they directly took the so-called 'Flaming Fairy' and 'Little Carp' behind Chen Qiaoqian to heart. Daxian' two people were included together, and the words they said were very vicious and unpleasant.




This time, a certain bad little girl, that is, the flame fairy who was just mocked, instantly lost the intention to continue the picnic.



At the same time as she put down the food in her hand, the anger gauge was also rising.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(In this regard, Tibbers is not surprised. After all, no matter which world it is, there are always some stupid guys who have to come to the door to find something, and in its view, the only difference is: its That bad little master, what means will he use to take revenge this time?)


"You guys..."

Listening to those unpleasant words, watching those demonic thieves go wild with their ambitions, Chen Qiaoqian blushed with anger and her sword-wielding hand trembled a little.

However, she, who knew her own skills, was still not dazzled by anger and ignored her steps forward, but turned around and looked at the two great immortals behind her for the first time.


Jin Xiaoli blinked, she didn't feel anything about being scolded and laughed at.

After all, she has only been transformed for a year, and she still doesn't have too many thoughts of etiquette, righteousness and shame, she just feels that those individuals are a little annoying.


However, with so many people surrounding them with bad intentions, they will always have to be dealt with, but as for how to deal with them, you have to ask her Master Huo Xian for the opinion first.



"People don't want to see them, clean them up!"


Annie, who had just eaten enough, didn't want to take action now, so she raised her face and gestured to the koi, indicating that if the other party wanted to do something, he could act now.


"Master, take a good look at it!"

"Xiao Li can't spare them!"

Jin Xiaoli didn't want to move very much at first, but when a temporary task suddenly appeared on her fiery red jade bracelet, she jumped up immediately.


Demonstration mission: The disciples of the Six Sects of the Magic Dao made rude words and insulted their teachers, and ordered the koi to teach him a lesson immediately as a punishment!

Mission reward: 100 sect contribution points.


Although, it's only a hundred points, but it's just a small thing to do, and the koi carp definitely doesn't mind shooting.

Therefore, she immediately ran to the front under the watchful eyes of the hundreds of demon disciples, a few steps in front of Chen Qiaoqian, and rolled up her cuffs, revealing her tender white and greasy arms and Fist, indicating that she is now ready.


"What is she going to do?"

"do not know…"

"whispering sound!"


"Don't be long-winded, everyone, I will go to other places to search and patrol later, first kill the woman in Huangfenggu, and then the two little ones, who look pretty good, take them to the Hehuan Sect, They should be rewarded."


"good idea!"


"There is only one girl in the middle stage of foundation building, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Come on together, catch the live ones!"

"Yeah, it's a pity to kill such a beautiful woman, why don't you just play?"


"It doesn't matter if you kill it, you can play even if you die!"


"You guys from the Ghost Sect..."

Finally, after laughing and watching the excitement, the disciples of the Six Sects of the Demonic Path began to press closer, planning to kill Chen Qiaoqian.

At the same time, it is not difficult to judge from their words, they seem to have decided not only to kill Chen Qiaoqian, but also to arrest the two little girls, the so-called 'Flaming Daxian' and 'Li Daxian' Take it to the Acacia Sect for disposal.



At this time, just as the two sides were about to start a fight, a golden jade card flew from the sky abruptly, causing the disciples of the Six Sects of the Demonic Path who were ready to try to stop subconsciously, and looked towards the sky in unison. Let one of the leading late foundation-building cultivators jump up and catch it.

Then, the man looked at it, and after seeing what seemed to be an announcement, he activated it with spiritual power.

'Attention to the disciples of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way! ’

'Now I found that a mysterious sect 'Wu Zhuang Guan' broke into the battlefield of Jinguyuan, and the 'Fairy Mo' under her sect has injured three of my magic Dao cultivators in a row, so be sure to be vigilant! ’

'Other! ’

'It is reported that Wuzhuangguan is suspected to have a cultivator of the Yuan Ying period or above named 'Flaming Daxian' and 'Li Daxian' who arrived at Jinguyuan. ’

‘Remember! Remember! ’

At the moment of activation, in the jade card, a loud sound transmission secret technique made a sound and spread to the whole place hundreds of meters nearby.

Moreover, the echo was like rolling thunder, shaking everyone's eardrums.

Of course, the oscillating eardrum is relatively light, because the content of it is not only as simple as deafening, but it directly makes everyone's heart jump out.

"Yuan, Yuan Ying period and above?"


"Nuan Ying old monster?!"

"No way…"

"No, it's impossible..."


After the jade card no longer made any sound, of course, the more than 100 disciples of the Six Sects of the Demon Dao were all stunned, and turned their heads with a very ugly face, and refocused their attention on them. The three surrounded.

The foundation-building cultivator in Huangfeng Valley is not a problem. The other party must be a middle-stage foundation-building cultivator. There is nothing wrong, and they have not paid attention to it.

But those two little girls...

If they heard it correctly, it seems that just now, before the jade card came to communicate, the female cultivator of Huangfeng Valley did introduce the two little girls behind her at the beginning. , is Wuzhuangguan, and one is called 'Flaming Daxian' and the other is the 'Li Daxian'?

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became awkward and mysterious.


Then, on the edge of the battlefield of the Golden Drum Plain, where needles could be heard, and in the gentle night wind, some people even heard the faint sound of someone swallowing saliva with difficulty.




To be honest, these disciples of the Six Demon Sects never imagined that they would go out to patrol and meet them, and then they would offend them with unkind words. It was actually two deadly Nascent Soul monsters?


"You guys, don't run, right?"

At this moment, the little girl who was standing at the forefront and had already been prepared for a long time, that is, the 'Li Daxian', she first asked Mengmeng, and then, there was no one who was waiting for the Six Sects of the Devil's Way. Running away, she suddenly jumped up.



In an instant, she turned into a huge golden-red koi weighing at least several hundred kilograms?

Then, she twisted her body in the sky, and with the spiritual power on her body, she moved crazily, and as the beautiful golden red scales all over her body opened and closed, very suddenly, the river well in the big river not far away rose flat on the ground. , instantly formed a tsunami hundreds of meters high, and before everyone could react, it directly swept and roared towards this place.



"Do not!!"


"Help, help!"


Finally, the people from the Six Sects of the Devil's Way reacted, and they no longer dared to mention the matter of playing with the female monk in Huangfenggu and catching the two little girls alive, but they all scattered, screaming and flying in different directions.

Unfortunately, they were still a little late.

Rumble boom!

At this moment, in the earth-shattering roar, the huge waves had already rolled over, and they had no chance.

I only saw that most of the people from the Six Sects of the Devil's Path had just taken off, and before they had time to speed up and fly out, the huge wave roared in an instant, roaring down like a collapsed mountain, and drowned in an instant. At the same time as this place, all the people, including Jin Xiaoli, Chen Qiaoqian and some inexplicable flame immortal, were all involved in the roaring waves.

Fortunately, the huge wave came suddenly and violently, but it went faster!

Soon, when it slowly flowed towards the low-lying place, or reunited in the big river not far away, here, apart from the mud and mess, the more than one hundred disciples of the Six Sects of the Demonic Path. And Chen Qiaoqian, a disciple of Huangfeng Valley, all disappeared.



Of course, Daxian Annie was not swept away or hurt by the mere small waves, but she and the bear in her hand were already wet by now.

"Little Koi!"


"You must have done it on purpose, right?"


Annie Daxian was angry.

Then, a dark red raging flame burned directly on her body. While drying her clothes and hair and the bear in her hand in an instant, she did not forget to use those terrifying little eyes to look at someone who was walking from mid-air. Look at the initiator who jumped down and changed back to human form.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers thinks that the big carp just now is quite fat, and it will definitely be delicious! If the little master of his family ordered it, the uncle bear would definitely not mind to clean it up and open it directly. The belly is broken, the scales are removed, and the bones are removed, then steamed or braised.)


"Master, Master!"

Seeing the situation at the scene, Koi Koi, who had changed back into human form, was heartbroken, and then she, who had caused trouble on her own, hurriedly explained loudly and hysterically.



"I did not do it on purpose!"

"It really wasn't intentional!"

Saying that, she hurriedly jumped dozens of meters away, trying to stay away from her master Annie.

After all, the anger on the other party's body at this moment has already condensed into reality. If she passes the test, Senior Sister Mo Caihuan may not have to prepare her dinner in the future.


"I'm going to find that Chen Qiaoqian now!"

"I'm going right now!"

As she said that, she suddenly thought of something, so she naturally went straight to the ground and fled.

Because ah, she sensed that in the distance, about a few kilometers away, on the tree branch by the river bank, that Chen Qiaoqian was in a coma with a crooked neck and a tree with a crooked neck.

The clothes on the other party's body were rolled up by the flood, and only the belly pocket was left at this time. The white flowers on UU reading showed what should be exposed and what should not be exposed, so she had to Hurry up to deal with it.

Furthermore, if the other party dies again, maybe she will have to spend a lot of contribution points in exchange for that kind of life-saving medicine pill, then she will lose a lot.

Of course, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most important is: to stay, then she must be beaten by the master, that is the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most. The most feared thing!

Although, when I go back in the future, it is estimated that I will definitely suffer such a meal, but if I can escape for a while now, it must be good. Maybe one day Master will forget about this when he is happy?



Annie just kept her face straight, she really didn't stop the guy who was running away.



"It seems like we haven't hit that guy for almost half a year, right?"


At the same time as she asked, Annie was already thinking, she thought, after a while, after the fun here, she must find a good opportunity to beat those guys for a while. .

Of course, not only to beat, but also to beat, and it's still the kind of flesh that can be heard every time, and you can hear the screaming and crying?


(● ̄? ̄●)


ヾ(●゜5゜)? Remember the monthly pass~?


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