Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1965: (?????) Yuan Ying old monster?

When the army of the Six Sects of the Magic Way won a great victory in the battle on the front line of Jinguyuan and was spreading out to chase after the remnants of the five factions. In the tent of the Sixth Demonic Sect's camp, there was a man in his twenties, dressed in brocade clothes, white and tender, and unusually handsome, with his hands and feet showing a suave and suave attitude from his bones, but he was enjoying himself. Drinking wine leisurely, watching the singers and dancers play the piano, sing and dance on the exquisite carpet in the tent.

However, although the man looked like a young man in his twenties at first glance, if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that there seems to be some kind of vicissitudes in his eyes, and there are also faint crow's feet in the corners of his eyes. ?

What's even more weird is that when you see him for the first time, it always makes people feel a strange feeling, only to feel that there is an indescribable strange powder on his body, and he looks like a woman.

But there is no doubt that it is not difficult to know from the Adam's apple on the other side's neck and the unremarkable chest that the other side is indeed a man!

As for why, as a man, he still smears it, and his makeup is still so heavy, why he dresses up in such a feminine look, it is unknown.

However, he couldn't be underestimated because of his appearance. If his true identity was revealed, it would be enough to shake the entire Xu country's cultivation world.

Because, he is not who, he is the powerful monk in the middle of the Nascent Soul of the Hehuan Sect, one of the six sects of the devil, the ancestor Yunlu!

The reason why he was in the frontline camp of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way was precisely because he was also one of the Nascent Soul old monsters who led the invasion of the Sixth sect of the Devil's Way.

And this, at the same time, is also the reason why in the tent of the Six Demon Sects' camp, he can still prostitute during the day, sing and dance to drink and have fun with those dancers, but no one dares to care.


The extravagant sound of the piano continued to drift in the tent.

At this time, in this gorgeous, palace-like tent, in addition to the few revealing dancers and showgirls who were showing off their breasts, there were also several beautiful and graceful figures at the same time. The better-looking maid served the three people who were watching the performance by bringing tea and water back and forth.

Yes, it's three people.

In this big tent, in addition to the ancestor of the Acacia sect Yuanying Yunlu, who is sitting on the main seat, there are also Wang Chan, the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect, and the apprentice and daughter of the former Huangfenggu Hongfu. , that Dong Xuan'er, who was searched in many ways but disappeared.

That's right, one of the three people present is the Dong Xuan'er who was searched by the Hong Fu of Huangfeng Valley in all directions and disappeared!

It's just that, unlike the two Ancestor Yunlu and Wang Chan, the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect, who were chatting happily at the time, Dong Xuan'er just sat in her own seat in a sullen mood, occasionally drinking a little wine with her head down. After eating some snacks, I didn't care about the singing and dancing in the big tent at all, and I didn't even look at those women.


"I really didn't expect that the Seven Factions would lose so quickly and miserably this time!"

"It seems…"

"We are not far from the day when the Six Sects of the Devil's Way enter the Xu Kingdom and take over the properties of the Seven Sects in one fell swoop."

"This is really thanks to the ancestors!"

"With the ancestors here, the seven sects..."

"No, it's those old Nascent Soul monsters from the five factions, none of them dare to take the lead. Presumably, they must be intimidated by your ancestor's prestige, and are ready to give up the country of Xu completely."

"This is really gratifying, gratifying!"

After enjoying the singing and dancing for a while, when the song was over, and while the tidbits were intertwined, the Wang Chan of the Ghost Sect put down the wine glass and once again shamelessly did nothing to the one sitting on the main seat, and even did nothing. Ancestor Yunlu, who had never appeared on the front line, spared no effort in flattering and complimenting him.

Although the battle outside, especially the front line of Jinguyuan and the camps of the Seven Sects is not completely over, the disciples of the Six Sects of the Magic Way are still fighting to death with the remaining forces of the Five Sects, but there is no suspense in the war anymore. That won't prevent them from singing and dancing here to eat and drink, and it won't prevent him from singing praises to the ancestor Yunlu and madly brushing his favorability.


"As it should be."

The old ancestor Yunlu received the shameless compliment from Wang Chan with a face, as if it was really his credit, and then he spoke slowly and said lightly:

"My six sects have been planning for many years. This time, even this seat is here to supervise the war. Tianque Fort and Spirit Beast Mountain have also abandoned the shadows and turned to the light. If we can't win this battle, what's the use of those trash outside?"

"However, then again..."

"Wang Chan, you haven't served in the front-line army, but you have been drinking and having fun with me all this time, is it really okay?"

After sneering and judging the current results, the ancestor Yunlu suddenly looked at Wang Chan, who complimented and flattered him, and asked in a mocking manner.

The other party is the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect. His cultivation base is average and his personality is average. Linggen is quite good, but that is not the reason why Ancestor Yunlu treats him differently. If it wasn't for the other party who found his biological daughter Dong Xuan'er, he would have driven the other party away long ago, and he didn't want to take a second look. How could he let the other party come to him every day?

Thinking about it, Ancestor Yunlu couldn't help but sit at the lower head on his right with a touch of tenderness on his face. He was looking down at the woman in the red dress and palace dress who was thinking about something.

That is Dong Xuan'er. The other party is not only the disciple and daughter of Elder Huang Fenggu Hongfu, but also the biological daughter of his ancestor Yunlu. He is naturally charming like him, and is very suitable for practicing the exercises of the Hehuan Sect.

A year ago, it was Wang Chan who found the other party and sent it back, and then, in view of this, he reluctantly ignored that Wang Chan did not go to the front line to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds, and acquiesced to him every day for excuses to mix in with him. account for the facts here.

"That's natural!"

"Being nurtured by the ancestors here is much better than fighting with a few little monks from the five major factions!"

"In the next few days, it has benefited a lot!"

Wang Chan continued with a flattering smile and looked at Dong Xuan'er who was sitting across from him.

It's a pity that the Dong Xuan'er on the opposite side didn't give him a good face, but gave him a look of disgust and can't stand it, and then turned his head away.

"whispering sound!"


With a smile, Ancestor Yunlu was noncommittal.

Although he was very useful, he didn't really take the other party's words seriously, and he didn't take it to heart.


"Last time…"

"This seat once said that for the sake of sending Xuan'er back, I would allow you to open your mouth once, right?"


"what do you want?"

"It's a technique..."

"Or pills?"

Finally, after pondering for a while, Ancestor Yunlu looked at Wang Chan who was hesitant to speak, and then thought about the last banquet before the war, he suddenly sat up slowly, and Glancing at each other and asking.


"Sure enough, this little thought can't be hidden from the ancestors..."


"Junior does have something to ask for!"

"Actually, the junior wants to..."

While speaking hesitantly, that Wang Chan subconsciously turned her head and glanced at the opposite Dong Xuan'er, and hesitated in her heart, as if she didn't know whether to say it or not.


Suddenly, there was a loud shout from outside the tent, and then, a strong man rushed in.


It wasn't anyone who came, but it was Zhong Wu, the little follower of Wang Chan, the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect!


Hearing the exclamation, Wang Chan turned her head angrily, staring at the guy who was running in and interrupting him again with murderous eyes.

It's that Zhong Wu again!


That's right! This is the second time!

Twice he was going to take advantage of Ancestor Yunlu's good mood to mention his unreasonable request, but as a result, he was interrupted twice by the winless Zhong Wu, so he was already thinking about it at this time. Do you want to find an opportunity to kill the opponent directly?



"Something is bad!"

"Something happened."

The cultivator named Zhong Wu rushed in, completely unaware that he had been hated by his own young master, and he was still ignorant and innocently saluting his young master with a flattering smile.


"Tell me..."

"What's so alarming about it?"

However, although that Zhong Wu had already said that, the ancestor Yunlu didn't take it too seriously. He just took a sip of the wine as if nothing had happened and signaled to the maid beside him to add more before asking with a half-smiling smile. .


At this time, Dong Xuan'er, who was originally in a sullen mood, could not help but look at that Zhong Wu curiously. She also seemed to want to know what the big event was in the other's mouth.

"There's something wrong with the front line!"

"It is said that a monk in Huangfeng Valley seems to be called Chen Qiaoqian?"

"The other party has found a few great helpers from a sect called 'Wu Zhuang Guan'. So far, we have injured three of our cultivators at the core stage and hundreds of disciples!"


"Ancestor Rong Qi, it is said that..."

"That 'Wu Zhuang Guan' also has powerful monks in the Yuan Ying period, and they have already taken action!"

Although it was a little strange why his young master looked at him angrily, Zhong Wu didn't think much about it, just lowered his head and explained continuously.


"Five Village Views?"

"Cultivator of Nascent Soul?"

After listening, Ancestor Yunlu frowned instantly.


"Do you know that Wuzhuang Temple has and origins?"

After thinking about it, Patriarch Yunlu, who had never heard of the 'Five Village Views', turned his head and asked Dong Xuan'er.

Since the rescuers were invited by people from Huangfeng Valley, then he thinks, he was also born in Huangfeng Valley, and he was also a direct disciple of Hongfu, so Xuan'er, who can be regarded as the core inner door of Huangfeng Valley, should also know some inside information.


Dong Xuan'er thought about it, and then began to tell everything she knew.

"I've never heard of that sect called 'Wu Zhuang Guan', and I've never heard about it from Master."


"I know that Junior Sister Chen Qiaoqian, but I haven't heard of her having contact with that sect called 'Wu Zhuang Guan'."

Dong Xuaner said that she not only knew that Chen Qiaoqian, but also specially investigated.

Because the other party started at the same time as that guy Han Li, and the two of them often exchanged eyebrows, but she kept it in her mind, and she had long thought that the other party was not pleasing to the eye.


This time, even she didn't expect that the other party was not only not affected by the war, but even found help for the seven... five factions?

It's just, what's the use of finding help at this time?

Although the 'Wu Zhuang Guan' also came to the Yuan Ying period old monsters, but the five factions have been defeated and lost. Not only have they lost the front line and camp of Jinguyuan, but also countless casualties, and they must not be able to organize new ones. The defense line and the strength of the troops, even if one or two old Nascent Soul monsters take action, they will not be able to recover. After all, there are many old Nascent Soul monsters here in the Six Demon Sects.


"It seems that some people still want to use their arms as a car..."

Since even his own daughter Xuan'er had never heard of the so-called 'Five Village Views', the old ancestor Yunlu nodded, then shook his head and sneered.

He hadn't heard of it himself, and his daughter Xuan'er didn't know either, so there was only one situation: that Wuzhuang Temple was just a small sect in a certain marginal area, and then, there happened to be one or two in the sect. A cultivator in the Nascent Soul period, but this time, he was deceived by Huang Fenggu, who was desperately ill and went to the doctor, and plunged into the front line of Jinguyuan?

"Zhong Wu!"

"I'll ask you!"

"How many people came to the 'Wu Zhuang Guan'?"

After roughly estimating the strength of the 'Wu Zhuang Guan' in his own mind, Ancestor Yunlu, who felt that the other party was inferior, asked again.


"Not much, just three... oh no, four!"

"There are only four found so far!"

That Zhong Wu didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly smiled and stretched out four fingers.


What are you kidding?


"you sure?"

Ancestor Yunlu couldn't believe it, and then asked another question. He didn't understand, what gave the Wuzhuang Guan Yuanying cultivator confidence, how could the other party dare to ignore the army of the Six Sects of Demon Dao and directly break into the battlefield?


"Ancestor, indeed only four were found."


"It is said that one of them is in the early stage of foundation building, but it knows those strange spells, and as soon as it is shot, it throws out hundreds of spells, and uses falling thunder to conjure Elder Han and the 'Red Pink Skull' in the later stage of Spirit Beast Mountain. A senior in the middle stage of forming a pill was injured."

"Then, that early Foundation Establishment cooperating with the late Pill Formation Fairy Mo directly beat the injured Elder Han to the point where the Jin Dan collapsed and he was seriously injured and passed out, not to mention how miserable it is!"

"As for those two cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage..."

"They seem to be staying with the middle-stage cultivator of Huangfeng Valley, that is, Chen Qiaoqian. One of them is called 'Flaming Daxian' and the other is called 'Li Daxian'. They both look like little girls. , It's easy to recognize, but I heard that the attack is ruthless!"

"Just last night..."

"We have a patrol and search team of more than 100 people, most of which are built on the foundation, and they were cleaned up by that Li Daxian with an overwhelming water attribute spell, which is the roar of thunder. , it wasn't thunder, it was she who pumped all the water in a large section of the big river, and then photographed the heads of more than 100 people."

"In the end, less than ten survived!"

"Then, they attacked a small camp, and the situation..."

"Don't say how miserable it is!"

As if afraid that the ancestor of Yunlu would not know, that Zhong Wu began to describe it vividly, and as he spoke, his face could not help but become a little ugly.

Thinking about it, three people, one in the late stage of the formation of elixir, and two old Nascent Soul monsters, such a combination is spinning around on the battlefield of Jinguyuan, can he not worry?


"That's it..."

For the three cultivators and hundreds of disciples who were attacked by his side, the ancestor Yunlu didn't take it too seriously. He just sneered and thought about it carefully. At the same time, he didn't mention whether he wanted to shoot. interference.



"How should I wait?"

First, he glared at Zhong Wu, the guy who ruined his good deeds. Then, Wang Chan, the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect, turned his head and asked softly towards the old ancestor who was sitting on the main seat in deep thought.

"Not urgent…"

"How to deal with it, we will discuss it after discussing it with the fellow Taoists of the Six Sects."

Ancestor Yunlu was noncommittal, and reached out his hand to stop Wang Chan and continued to ask.

Then, he waved his hand in no hurry. Then, the dancers of the Hehuan Sect, those dancers and singers with scantily clad and bare breasts, came up one after another, and began to dance in the courtyard of the tent. Dance and perform hard.

They are all female cultivators with beautiful faces and perfect bodies, and, at a cursory glance, they are all above the foundation-building stage.

And the Hehuan Sect can treat female monks above the foundation stage as dancing female singers, which is enough to explain the heritage and strength of this sect, UU read www. It is absolutely not without reason that can be called the head of the Six Sects of the Devil's Way.

In this way, under the circumstance that the ancestor of Yuan Ying was not in a hurry to express his position, the sound of singing and dancing, and the sound of wine and meat forest continued to sound here.

As for the fact that the front line of Jinguyuan had been disrupted by the sect called Wuzhuangguan and the monks in the Yuan Ying period, he did not take it to heart.


Looking at the female cultivators of the Acacia Sect dancing again, and at her cheap biological father, Dong Xuan'er couldn't help frowning again.

Now, although she was captured by that Wang Chan, the old demon Yunlu of the Hehuan Sect is her biological father, and the master Hongfu of Huangfenggu is her biological mother, so she doesn't know which side she should hope for. can win.


Thinking about it, it should be that the chance of winning the Six Sects of the Magic Path is a little higher?

After all, the reinforcements that Chen Qiaoqian invited came a little too late. If they had arrived seven days earlier, before the five major factions were defeated and lost, the situation might have been very different.

Naturally, it's too late to say anything now, and as a foundation-building cultivator who is still imprisoned by the old demon Yunlu, even if she has her own thoughts, she will definitely not be able to control the situation, so she can only wait and see how it changes. .


And Wang Chan, the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect, seemed to want to say something at this time, but seeing that the expression of the ancestor Yunlu was not quite right, he finally did not dare to speak, just glared at him fiercely again. The little follower, Zhong Wu, who stepped aside, glanced at him.


??*. ??(ˊωˋ*)????*.

?? Remember the monthly pass??



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