Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1966: ?|-'·)? Li Huayuan and Hong Fu's plan

A stream of light in the sky disappeared in a flash, and before the disciples of the Six Demon Sects around could see it clearly, it disappeared into the vast mountains.

At this time, in a hidden mountain stream, Li Huayuan rushed into a cave protected and hidden by a formation.


"Very good, Senior Sister, are you all alright?"

And when he saw clearly in the cave and saw that his senior sister Hongfu was also present, and he looked just like him, but his clothes were a little tattered, but there were no more obvious injuries on his body, he couldn't help but relax heavily. tone.



Seeing Li Huayuan's return, his third disciple Liu Jing and sixth disciple Wu Xuan of course hurried up to greet him and bowed.


"How about Wei Niang and the others?"

"You still haven't found them?"

Then, after seeing that Li Huayuan came back alone, Liu Jing, the third disciple of Li Huayuan, couldn't wait to speak out and asked worriedly.



Shaking his head, his face was a little tired, and Li Huayuan, who was even more depressed in his heart, was unwilling to say anything more.

Anyway, he searched for a long time, during which he also helped some other disciples of the other four factions to relieve the siege, and also cleaned up some little devils who didn't know whether to live or die, but, Huang Fenggu disciple, he didn't look at any of them. If you have been there, let alone his disciples, such as Zhong Weiniang and Song Meng.


"Don't worry, when I was washed away that day, I saw Fourth Senior Brother and Junior Sister Zhong together, they will be fine for sure."

"Besides, we all have that life-saving thing, have you forgotten?"

"I think……"

"They must be in Xujing now, so don't worry too much."

Seeing that his master was tired, and seeing that Uncle Hongfu was approaching, Wu Xuan hurried forward and pulled the winless Liu Jing aside, while comfortingly said.


Li Huayuan did not pay attention to his two disciples in the disaster area, but just raised his eyes and swept around the secret cave where there was a formation to hide the fluctuation of spiritual power, and counted secretly.



"I have thousands of disciples in Huangfenggu, and now, there are only so many people left?"

"Just these dozens?!"

Then, seeing those Huang Fenggu disciples in the cave who were sitting or lying on the ground, languid and injured in varying degrees, and seeing that their number was only a few dozen people, Li Huayuan couldn't help crying and trembling. asked.


Hearing this, Hong Fu's expression was of course a bit lonely and sad.

However, she didn't speak in a hurry, she just walked over to stand with her junior brother Li Huayuan, and swept around the many dejected disciples in the cave with those helpless and hesitant eyes.


"There's only so much left."

In fact, if she hadn't been restless before the war and had prepared for the worst in advance, she had found such a safe and secret refuge and assembly point first, and she would have rescued people in time when she was defeated and lost. If the numerous Huangfenggu disciples were guided to gather here one by one, I am afraid that there are not even dozens of people in this area!


Li Huayuan stopped talking, and after taking a deep breath, closed his eyes a little sadly.

He was instructed to lead many disciples of various sects to defend against the invasion of the Six Demon Sects here in Jinguyuan. He fought for several years before and after the war, but the result... In the end, only a few dozen of the thousands of disciples that Huang Fenggu had invested in remained. , he didn't know how to go back and explain.

Moreover, what is even worse is that after Huang Fenggu lost many new generation disciples, his strength has been greatly damaged. He does not know what to do next. It is unknown whether Huang Fenggu can keep it or not. Even more so.

Although as far as he knows, there may be hundreds of disciples in Huangfeng Valley, but, except for those who have just entered the school or are not determined, there are only three hundred disciples who can be used for foundation establishment or above, although there are still a few. The elders and the ancestors of Linghu, but Li Huayuan did not think that they could defend Huangfeng Valley when the Demon Dao triumphed and invaded.

It is impossible to hold on to the dead. In the absence of reinforcements, the result of holding on to the dead will be death in the end. It is only the difference between sooner and later.

"Senior brother."

"You better stop going out to look for it..."

Seeing his junior brother Li Huayuan's expression, Hong Fu felt very uncomfortable.

After all, in this immortal world battle, she endured a lot more than this junior brother. She not only endured the defeat of the battle, but she also lost her own daughter. She didn't know what was going on without a dead body, and she felt much more bitter than this junior brother.

"Those disciples who survived by chance, I am afraid that they have already fled their own lives. Whether they returned to Huangfenggu or went to other places, it is their fate, and they should not come together again here."

"And then..."

"You've been in and out in the past two days, and many disciples have also come here to meet during this time, so there must be a lot of traces left. I'm afraid this place won't be safe for long."

"Let's still think about it, what time should we find and take them to break through and withdraw to Huangfeng Valley?"

"While the Six Sects of the Devil's Way are still cleaning the battlefield, we have to withdraw quickly!"

"Otherwise, when they regroup and set off for the territory of Xu, or when they search here, it will be too late if we want to withdraw."

Then, she persuaded her so carefully, and hoped that the other party would not waste any more energy and risk going out to search for them. It's not always safe.


"That's it!"

"Senior sister, you're right. Up to now, there are not many people left outside."

"If that's the case, then let's evacuate after dark tonight."

"I saw it just now. For some reason, the people in the magic way seem to be mainly searching in the direction of our camp. So can we take this opportunity to leave here in another direction?"

After thinking about it, Li Huayuan also felt that his senior sister was right. In order to avoid long nights, it would be better for them to evacuate the front line of Jinguyuan as soon as possible.

As for those disciples who may still be lurking or hiding in some places, he is helpless at the moment, and he can only hope that they will seek more blessings and escape as soon as possible.

Otherwise, every longer they stay here, it will be more dangerous. If they hesitate again, they will not even be able to keep dozens of disciples in the end.

"It should be so!"

"Then let me make arrangements?"

Having said that, after the plan was settled, Hong Fu turned around and prepared to prepare the disciples, such as packing up their things, doing secret work, and taking care of the seriously injured disciples.


"Senior brother..."

"Just before you came back, a disciple who fled back said an important piece of news, I don't know if it was true or not?"

Suddenly, Hongfu remembered something, and then turned around quickly, frowning, and walked to Li Huayuan.

"What's the matter?"

"Senior sister, but it's okay to say it!"

Anyway, the situation has become like this now, no matter what the news is, it is impossible to make the situation worse, so Li Huayuan waved to his senior sister to continue talking without thinking about it.

"There is a disciple, he said, last night, he was in our Seven Schools..."

"I was overtaken by a group of demon cubs in the south of our camp, but was rescued by a Mo fairy when it was about to be killed?"

"That person seems to have the strength of the late stage of the formation, and he also brought a little girl who looks like his disciple. The two of them killed the more than ten chasing demon cubs and ran away, and then he was able to escape alive. back here?"

"and also!"

"It is said that it is not just that Fairy Mo who came here, but also that Fairy Mo's division elders?"

"And they were actually invited by a disciple named Chen Qiaoqian in our Huangfeng Valley?"

Hong Fu didn't know too much about this, and the disciple who had fled back didn't know much, so she could only tell everything she knew with hesitation.

"Fairy Mo?"

Of course, Li Huayuan had heard about the 'Fairy Mo' or the 'Wu Zhuang Guan'. He even mentioned it to his senior sister a few months ago, before the war started.

However, all he knew was what his disciple Han Li mentioned in his letters and what Liu Jing and others told him after they came back, but at that time, the war was at a critical juncture, and he didn't pay too much attention to it. , Who would have thought that the other party actually came to Jin Guyuan right now?


"Liu Jing! Wu Xuan!"

"What do you have to say about this?"

So, without thinking about it, Li Huayuan turned his head and asked the disciples Liu Jing and Wu Xuan who were listening.



Li Jing and Wu Xuan looked at each other in surprise. If Senior Uncle Hongfu didn't say anything about this matter, they would still be kept in the dark!


"When the disciples were instructed to go to Xujing to help Junior Brother Han, they did recognize Fairy Mo."

"At that time, the opponent seemed to be only about the strength in the early stage of formation, but why, it has only been three or four months, and the opponent has reached the late stage of formation?"

Counting the days, from when they arrived in Xujing, then eradicated the Black Demon Sect, repaired it for more than a month, and then returned to the front line of Jinguyuan to return to life, and then to the present, it will take a few months at most. It was like this in the early three or four months, but it was too appalling to cultivate from the initial stage of the formation of the pill to the late stage of the formation of the pill in more than three or four months.

In short, this was something Liu Jing couldn't understand.

In his opinion, let alone the stage of foundation establishment, even if it is the stage of foundation building, give him four months or even half a year, and then all kinds of medicinal herbs are enough, I am afraid that he will not be able to break through from the middle stage of foundation building to the later stage of foundation building!


As a pill-forming elder, Li Huayuan certainly doesn't believe that he can break through from the initial stage to the later stage in just three or four months. In comparison, he is more inclined to be his own apprentice or the rescued Huang Fenggu disciple who misunderstood. The opponent's cultivation base is strong.

"Let's not mention what kind of cultivation she is, let's talk about the teacher behind her and the two teachers!"

"Tell your uncle well!"

But those are not important, so Li Huayuan waved his hand in annoyance, indicating to the other party to continue.

Although he knew a little about it, he also said it when the other party came back to resume his life, but now that it has appeared again, it is just right to tell Senior Sister Hongfu together, so that everyone can have a bottom line in each other's hearts.


"Master! Master!"

"It was like this at the time..."

Seeing that the uncle seemed to be very interested, and the master also had the idea of ​​listening carefully, Liu Jing did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly brought them to Xujing, and then rendezvoused with junior brother Han, and then together with Fairy Namo to eradicate Heisha Teaching and supporting the new emperor's enthronement and stabilizing the order of the Xu Kingdom, plus Junior Sister Zhong Weiniang and Junior Sister Chen Qiaoqian each obtained a 'Buddha Light Relic' and were able to come back to life and benefit from misfortune in the middle stage of Advanced Foundation Establishment and so on. come out.

Of course, before they left, each of them was given a life-saving flying charm, and the fact that they could reach Xu Jing when activated at a critical time was also revealed, and they even took out the charm to their own Master and uncle show.


"This is……"

"Flying charm?"

"What a mysterious formation!"

"Good baby!"

After taking a look at the 'Flying Talisman' from Liu Jing's hand, Li Huayuan immediately exclaimed.

As a cultivator at the Core Formation Stage, his vision is obviously much more brilliant than his own disciples, so with just one glance, he can see that the 'Flying Talisman' in front of him is the kind of wise man who understands Qimen Dunjia and the Five Elements Gossip. Application, and it is still something that Huang Fenggu is currently unable to master, and even the entire seven major factions have not been able to master some kind of amazing secret technique application.

As for the elixir that saved Zhong Weiniang and Chen Qiaoqian, he was noncommittal. After all, he had never seen it before, but it was only his apprentice's one-sided remarks, so he could not judge.

Anyway, he, Li Huayuan, didn't quite believe that others would easily give away the magical medicine that could bring the dead back to life. He prefers that Zhong Weiniang and Chen Qiaoqian just faked their deaths, but if they really died, it would be difficult for the immortals to come back to life.


"You see?"

Then, while he was amazed, Li Huayuan handed the flying talisman to his senior sister Hongfu.


"It really is mysterious and extraordinary!"

"With this treasure, when encountering a strong enemy, you can save your life!"

Nodding his head, Hong Fu glanced at him and was full of praise.


"How many of this stuff do you have?"

Seeing that his senior sister also agreed with him, Li Huayuan thought about it and asked his disciple with a strange expression.

His meaning is actually very obvious, that is: If there are more of this kind of good stuff, why don't you quickly take two out to honor his master and uncle?


"When I left at the time, only Fairy Mengnamo was given one, and Junior Brother Wu Xuan can testify that this is the only one this disciple really has."


"Master, since Junior Sister Chen Qiaoqian was with that Fairy Mo and invited help, presumably, her flying talisman must have been used up."

Counting the time, Liu Jing quickly figured out why Fairy Mo and Sister Chen Qiaoqian appeared on the front line of Jinguyuan. Fly to Xujing in an instant?


"It stands to reason that the relationship between Junior Sister Chen Qiaoqian and Fairy Mo should not be good enough to ask them to help..."

Then, of course Liu Jing expressed his doubts.

In his opinion, the relationship between Junior Brother Han Li and that Fairy Mo was better. At first, they went to Xujing because of Junior Brother Han. They had only met the Fairy Mo twice. It was just a nodding acquaintance, and he even owed the other party a lot of personal favors, so he couldn't understand why Junior Sister Chen Qiaoqian could invite the other party.

And what he didn't understand even more was why the Great Immortal Flame and Great Immortal Li also followed?

It is absolutely impossible for Junior Sister Chen Qiaoqian to have such a big face, let alone the other party to ask for help. In his opinion, even if the other party is going to sell himself, he feels that it is unlikely that he will be able to invite those two great powers to come to the Golden Drum. The original here and this pool of muddy water.


"what are you thinking?"

After listening, after pondering for a while, Li Huayuan looked at his senior sister, wanting to hear the other party's judgment.


It's a pity that Hong Fu doesn't seem to understand.

So, she just shook her head and stretched out her hand, returning the flying talisman in her hand that could save her life at a critical moment to Liu Jing, who was staring at her nephew.


"If the Great Immortal Huoyan and Great Immortal Li are really great at the Nascent Soul Stage, that's a good thing!"


"What's the use of inviting it now that it's just like this?"

After speaking, Li Huayuan sighed heavily again.

Now their five factions have been defeated and lost, and their disciples are not even one in ten. Even if they survived, they must have been scared and fled long ago. If you want to organize an army that can resist the devil, you can't even think about it. !

Therefore, he felt that, with just two Nascent Soul monks and one late stage of forming a pill, although they could stir up trouble in Jinguyuan for a while, it would still be useless in the end, and no matter what, they could not change them The five factions were defeated and lost.


Li Huayuan would never believe that the Wuzhuangguan was really invited by a disciple Chen Qiaoqian. He felt that there must be something that the Wuzhuangguan was looking for.

But no matter what the other party wants or why they come here, if they leave in the chaos, return to Huangfeng Valley and report to the elder Taishang, then there must be nothing wrong.



"Tonight is really our best chance to get out of the Golden Drum Plain?"

After pondering for a while, Li Huayuan suddenly looked excitedly at his senior sister Hongfu and suggested.

In fact, the two of them can run at any time if they want to. In the case that the Nascent Soul Old Monster can't take action, it is not easy for the devils to keep the two of them. However, how many disciples can be taken away, but It's an unknown.

However, things are different now.

After the Yuanying old monster and the 'Fairy Mo' plunged into the battlefield of Jinguyuan at the Wuzhuangguan, things became complicated and subtle, and the other party began to attract more eyes and troops of the devil's cubs~www. In this way, in the case of one and the other, when they evacuated and broke through, it must have become easier.

As for others who came to help but they tried to escape, whether that kind of thing was good or not, he couldn't control that much.

After all, the other party is at most nothing more than a helper invited by an unimportant low-level disciple under Huang Fenggu's door under his personal name, so what does it matter to them Huang Fenggu?


"It's not too late!"

"I'm going to ask the disciples to prepare. As soon as it gets dark, we'll break through!"

Of course, Hong Fu wasn't stupid enough to worry about that 'Fairy Mo'.

After all, the other party is guarded by the old monster of Nascent Soul, so he is much safer than them. Therefore, seeing the rare opportunity, she also nodded quickly and agreed with her junior brother Li Huayuan's proposal.


At this time, the Liu Jing on the side heard that his master and uncle had made a decision. He was about to say something, but was pulled aside by his younger brother Wu Xuan.

"Senior Brother Liu!"

"You can rest assured."

"Junior Sister Zhong will definitely be fine, please stop talking nonsense and stop letting Master go out on adventures!"

"If something happens to the master, but the younger sister and the others are doing well, how will you be?"

"Let's go!"

"Go and pack up, let's get out of here at night!"

"If you're still worried, then, after leaving Jinguyuan, you and I will go directly to Xujing to see it."



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