Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1968: ?(ψ'?')o Fairy Mo's beautiful body


At night, although the moon is very bright, it is also a chilling night.

Only three or four hours have passed since Mo Caihuan, Xiao Cui'er and Chen Qiaoqian were arrested when they were rescued, when Jin Xiaoli and her bad master Huan Daxian came to kill them together. And after instantly knocking down more than a dozen cultivators of the Six Demon Sects guarding the gate, without waiting for the Six Demon Sects camp in front of her to respond, she directly raised her voice on her hips and howled:

"The people inside listen to me!"

"Li Daxian is here!"

"Now, you are surrounded by us!"

"Hurry up and hand over my senior sister Mo, my stupid apprentice, and Chen Qiaoqian's idiot!"

"Otherwise, we'll break down your camp later, and then all of you will be, if one counts as one, don't even think about living today!"

"Did you hear me?"

"I'll give you one..."

"Do not!"

"I only give you a quarter of an hour, if you don't hand over people, you will die!"

"I'm not kidding!"

In front of the main camp of the Sixth Demonic Sect, Jin Xiaoli shouted angrily.

Then, I don't know what spell she used, but her milky childish voice instantly spread throughout the frontline camp of the Six Demon Sects, and she also successfully made many Yujian fly out. The magic monks who had acted on her were so frightened that their expressions changed greatly and they shrank back instantly.



"Is she the Great Immortal Li?"

"It should be."

"Fellow Daoists, that's an old monster from the Nascent Soul period, what should I do with it?"

"Still deal with it?"

"Did you see, by the door, the fellow Daoist at the early stage of the formation of the magic flame gate, he is already lying there."



"It really is……"


"Nuan Ying cultivator, so terrifying!"

After a period of tossing around in Jinguyuan, the name of the old monster Li Daxian of Wuzhuangguan Yuanying seems to have been spread. Therefore, when the monks of the Six Sects of the Magic Path flew out aggressively, when they saw the camp The high and low-level disciples who fell to the ground in front of the gate, when they heard that the person who came seemed to be the old Nascent Soul monster who had been rumored recently, they could only watch from a distance, no matter how far they went, they would disappear in an instant. I heard the confidence when someone attacked the camp and rushed out.

"Forget it, fellow Daoists, there is no other way at the moment. I'll wait, so I'll just wait here and make plans after the ancestor of Yunlu comes out?"


"Ok, deal."


Then, they quickly made a tacit decision. Hundreds of thousands of people just cowered and hid behind the protective formation in the camp, not daring to go out to seek bad luck without saying anything.

Although they also saw that there were only two people on the other side, they didn't dare to rush up to talk to that kind of Yuan if they lent them some courage without their ancestor Yunlu of the Acacia Sect. Baby old monsters desperately.

In fact, the ignorant Demon Flame Sect daoists lying in front of the gate of the camp at this time are enough to explain some situations, then they are not going to work hard at all, but going to die, facing that kind of Nascent Soul old monster , if they go out, I'm afraid they won't even have a chance to fight!

"Look at what?"

"Why don't you hurry up and release my senior sister Mo and the others?"

"If you dare to hurt them, you guys, wash your neck and wait to die!"

Jin Xiaoli continued to threaten angrily, ignoring the hundreds of thousands of magic monks.

Because, behind her at this time, is Master Annie sitting on the shoulders of the bear, that is, the Great Immortal Flame, and it is also her confidence!

Otherwise, if she is the only one, how can she dare to come here to challenge a large number of monks from the Six Demon Sects and the other party's Nascent Soul old monster?




Unfortunately, in the face of the anger and threats of Jin Xiaoli, the disciples of the Six Demon Sects were angry, but they did not dare to react.

Yes, at this moment, no one dared to speak out to contradict or swear, they just stood on their flying swords or all kinds of strange flying instruments without saying a word and were far away from each other. The camp's shields stood guard.

"It will be a quarter of an hour soon!"

"You better hurry up!"



After speaking, he finally raised his fist and threatened those cowards with a nasal voice, before Koi hurriedly turned around and trotted to the feet of her master's bear and raised her head to look at her master Annie. go.

"Heaven Comes"

"Master! Master!"

"Later, if they really hand over Senior Sister Mo and the others, what are we going to do?"

"Can you just kill them all?"

In this way, standing in front of Tibbers, Koi raised his head, and said the most cruel words in the world with such a cute expression and a milky tone, without thinking about it at all. The feelings of the demon disciples in the demon camp here.

"is it okay?"

Before waiting for Master Anne to answer, Jin Xiaoli asked again.

After all, one of their tasks, 'to pacify the war in the world of Xu's immortals', requires joining one party to destroy the other. Although it was possible to destroy both parties directly, since she and Sister Mo both chose to help Huang Fenggu's party Well, there is no way, she Li Daxian had to take the next step, barely destroying or driving away the Six Demon Sects.

"Still not?"


"It looks pathetic..."


"As long as they hand them over and you go and chase them away."

ε=('ο'*))) alas

Annie thought about it and felt that these people didn't seem to offend her too much, so she didn't really want to do that cruel thing.

Besides, the guy in front of him has killed and injured a lot of people along the way. Although the other party claims to be from the magic way, they don't have much conflict with their own side. As long as the other party is obedient, the ink color Huan and Xiao Cui'er handed it over to those idiots, then basically there is no big problem.


"Just run away?"


Koi Koi frowned, obviously not satisfied with the solution Master said.

You know, they have two tasks. The progress of the first task is less than half, and the second task is even more than 108,000 miles away. In her opinion, if they can destroy each other today If this camp is razed to the ground, the first mission will definitely increase the progress bar by a large amount, and the second mission may also have some subtle changes because of the things here?

"That is……"



However, when Jin Xiaoli saw that the camp of the Six Demon Sects was built along the river, she instantly had an idea again.

"it is good!"

"Master, Xiao Li knows what to do!"

After cheering abruptly, Jin Xiaoli once again spread her feet and ran to the front of the other party's camp, and made up her mind. When the time was up, if the other party didn't make friends, she immediately turned her face and used her The power of water control will level the opponent's entire camp.

At that time, at least half of the demon disciples in the opponent's camp will be wiped out by her. That way, she will be able to complete the first mission of Li Daxian.

Of course, even if the other party is honest, she will flood the water. After all, her master said that the other party should be chased away. The flood of the other party will directly destroy the camp of the other party's family. At that time, if the other party loses even their home, then they will definitely roll up the bed and get out.



"Little Lord!"

"What shall we do?"

At this time, among the crowd of disciples of the Six Sects of the Demon Dao who came to hear the news, it was natural that Wang Chan, the young master of Ghost Spirit Sect, and his little follower, Zhong Wu, were indispensable.

"To shut up!"

"Look at the situation first."

Shaking her head, that Wang Chan was not in a hurry to express her opinion. After all, the ancestor of Yunlu is in charge here, and since the old Nascent Soul is attacking the door, it is natural for them to deal with the old Nascent Soul monster. , how can it not be his turn to come forward as a young monk who is worthy of the middle and late stage of foundation building.


"Zhong Wu, how many of our people are in the camp right now?"

"Young Master!"

"There are not many of our people left in the camp. Most of the others have already set off to chase the remnants of the five factions. As for the brigade, they must be on their way to Huangfeng Valley now, right?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"very good!"

"You go and let our people prepare."

"Later, if the situation is not good, let's sneak out first!"


"But, young master, you don't think that the ancestor Yunlu can't beat those two little girls?"

"They're just two little ones. We still have Ancestor Yunlu and a lot of masters at the Core Formation Stage. Would we be afraid of them?"

"If you want to prepare, hurry up and prepare, where is there so much nonsense?"


"Yes Yes Yes……"

"I'm going, I'm going right now?"

In this way, when the disciples of the Six Sects of Demon Dao were waiting for the ancestor of Yunlu to come forward and clean up the enemies who came to make trouble, what they didn't know was that the disciples of the Ghost Sect in the camp had already arranged for the young master Wang Chan. And under the order, secretly made preparations for evacuation at any time.


"That voice is..."

And almost at the same time, Dong Xuan'er, who was bathing Fairy Mo in an exquisite tent near the big account of Ancestor Yunlu, was preparing to change clothes and arranged for her to meet Ancestor Yunlu. Of course, Dong Xuan'er heard those words. The child's voice resounded throughout the magic camp.

"That's the voice of my junior sister Xiaoli!"


"Since my junior sister is here, then my master Annie must be here too!"

At this time, the spiritual mana of the whole body was sealed by the old demon Yunlu. At this time, Mo Caihuan, who was similar to a mortal, was soaking naked in the bathtub with red petals after hearing the familiar voice. She was bathing in the room, and she stood up in exclamation and exclaimed with joy on her face.

In addition to the surprise, she seemed to have forgotten that she was naked at this time, so that her beautiful ketone body was directly exposed to the misty air, only the smooth, white and firm skin The thighs and below were still soaked in the warm water with floating red petals.

But fortunately, there are only Dong Xuan'er and the other two servants of the Hehuan Sect serving in this tent, and the old demon Yunlu and or other men are not here, so she doesn't have to worry about being seen by others. go.


"That is to say..."

"Is it the Li Daxian and the Flame Daxian?"

Hearing Fairy Mo's exclamation, Dong Xuan'er couldn't help but turn her head in surprise, and then asked curiously.

At the same time, she also waved her hand and motioned for the maid next to her to step forward and help her come out of the tub to clean and change clothes.

After all, now that the other party's teachers have come to the door, no matter what the final result is, there will definitely be nothing wrong for her to make relevant preparations earlier.


"Li Daxian is my junior sister, and she has the strength of Nascent Soul Stage or above."

Mo Caihuan still remembered that at the beginning, her junior sister almost chopped off the fish head by her, but after stealing the two peach pits she was soaking in, the other party was instantly transformed. The strength of the shape is also known to have been in Taoism for more than two years.

It's a pity that when she ate the peaches by herself three years ago, she was only a mortal person, and she didn't know how to practice. It will just be a cultivator equivalent to the middle and late stage of forming a pill.

"As for my master..."

"She's stronger!"

"Miss Dong, I advise you to give up the dark to the bright as soon as possible?"

Mo Caihuan did not refuse the service of the two maids, she just let them play with them and turned her head to persuade Dong Xuaner warmly.

After all, she can't resist if she wants to resist now. All three of them have cultivation bases above the foundation stage. Now that she has been sealed with spiritual power and mana, it is impossible for her to resist. In addition, they are also the same. She was a woman, so she could only let them gently wipe her body and put on the powder that she didn't like and had a strong fragrance.

"Abandon the darkness and cast the light?"

"I want it too……"


Shaking her head with a wry smile, Dong Xuan'er didn't say much in the end.

Her father is the old demon Yunlu, and her mother is Master Hongfu from Huangfenggu. Both sides are her relatives. There is no distinction between light and dark at all. As a child, what can she do?

In fact, she sometimes can't help but think that she will be like this in the future, just stay by the strange and terrifying biological father of the old demon Yunlu, and then go to practice the seduction of the acacia sect and get the acacia With the support of Zong's massive resources, would this be the best choice for her naturally charming existence?

Furthermore, now that Huang Fenggu has suffered a big defeat and a loss, she may be driven out of the Xu country. At that time, I am afraid that she will not even have a place to live. If she goes back again, the treatment and situation will not be better than now, only I'm afraid it's far worse than when I was under Master Hongfu before, right?


Seeing that Dong Xuan'er's face was bitter, Mo Caihuan faintly felt that there was a door, because she already knew that Dong Xuan'er was originally a disciple of the elder Huang Fenggu Hongfu. After being captured by the demons, she was sent to the Hehuan Sect. Not even a year.

However, since there were two other maids of the Acacia sect next to her, she didn't say much, just let them put on her trousers and bellybands, and then put on Dong Xuan'er's bright red palace attire.




"Fairy Mo, you are so beautiful, I feel pity..."

Seeing that Mo Caihuan had finished bathing and dressing, and seeing the other party's gorgeous appearance, even Dong Xuan'er couldn't help but step forward, and then stood in front of her and looked at it carefully and admired.


"But I'd rather wear my original plain skirt."

Shaking his head, the cold-faced ink color ring is not a fake color, and he is not very appreciative.

That is to say, her sister Xiaoli and Master Annie came in time, otherwise, she would not know what she would face next!

She knew that the Hehuan Sect was good at double cultivation, and if that old demon Yunlu took a fancy to her cultivation and spiritual power and planned to do something to her, she would not even have the chance to seek death.

"That won't do!"

"Your flowing cloud dress is a great defensive treasure. I don't dare to return it to you without authorization."

"Besides, if it gets dirty, it must be washed first, right?"

Gently pursing her lips and smiling, Dong Xuan'er politely refused.

"What about my bracelet?"

The unwilling Mo Caihuan asked again.

"That's not OK!"

"That should be some sort of storage bag treasure, right?"

"I don't even dare to give it to you."

Dong Xuan'er refused again, and signaled with her eyes to tell the "Fairy Mo" in front of her to stop thinking about those boring thoughts.


"Can you give me a veil?"

As a last resort, Mo Caihuan, who was annoyed in her heart, had no choice but to ask again.

The duration of her transformation card is approaching. She doesn't want her true appearance to be seen by too many people. Although the only person who knows her appearance is Mo Caihuan, Brother Han, even if it is seen by others, you don't have to worry too much. Knowing that her Mo Caihuan was Fairy Mo and caused the long-term mission to fail, she still did not intend to show her true colors easily.


"this is okay."

Dong Xuan'er naturally didn't want to embarrass the other party about such trivial matters, so she turned around and went to her closet to rummage, and quickly found an opaque silk scarf for Mo Caihuan.



"However, Miss Dong, in my opinion, the old demon Yunlu will definitely not be able to stop my master. It's better for you to make plans earlier?"

Seeing that the two maids had picked up their things and walked out, and seeing that the other party didn't seem to want to push him out of the tent immediately, Mo Caihuan thought about it, and then spoke again.


"Fairy Mo, is your master very powerful?"

"You're so sure..."

"Can she beat Old Demon Yunlu?"

Dong Xuan'er was noncommittal, just turned around and asked with a smile.


She opened her mouth, but in the end, Mo Caihuan found that even she didn't seem to know the specific strength of her master Annie, because the other party seemed to have never made a move in front of them, and never really said anything. The specific cultivation realm?


"My master is amazing!"

In the end, Mo Caihuan, who really couldn't tell the reason, had to say so annoyed, and took the silk scarf handed over by the other party and hung it by his ears, so that the area below his eyes Completely covered up.


"You, what are you looking at?"

After putting on the veil, Mo Caihuan couldn't help being a little wary when he found that the other party was still holding him.

At the beginning, when she was in Yanjiabao, she had a relationship with this Dong Xuan'er in front of Although the two didn't communicate much and didn't know each other's names at the time, she was still a little uncomfortable. rest assured.

"Nothing to see."

"Just looking around..."

"I always feel like you're a guy, and you're more like when you put on a veil..."

"Maybe I think too much?"



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