Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1996: ???·?·?????? all in the bowl

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In Mi Mi Lake, Nangong Wan woke up leisurely.



Then, when she dared to open her eyes and suddenly remembered something, she sat up with a shudder.

Immediately afterwards, she thought that she would take out her long sword to defend herself, but she was stunned to find that the storage bag on her waist had disappeared at some point, and, ah, the clothes on her body seemed to be gone. Was it replaced by someone?


She was also ashamed to discover that, at some point, her smug clothes and trousers had been replaced by others?

She thought that she was captured by the two juniors of the Hehuan Sect because of exhaustion and had already cultivated double or third. In addition to grief and anger, she planned to get up and find the other party desperately.


"The body seems to be..."

But soon, she discovered something was wrong.

That is: her 'True Reincarnation' does not seem to have been activated, but someone directly treated her with some kind of panacea and recharged the almost depleted spiritual power in her body, and at the same time it seemed that there was still Is there any drug residue?

She was very sure that if she was really captured by those juniors, it would be too late for the other party to torture and humiliate her, and she would definitely not be kind enough to use the kind of medicine pill that could heal her injuries and restore her spiritual power.

What's more, she didn't feel any discomfort in her body, there was no feeling of swelling and pain below, and there were no bruises or scratches on the skin on the outside of her body, and her cultivation level was not used by anyone using the acacia double cultivation method. to take away.

So, knowing her general situation from various signs, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief and gradually relaxed.


Then, after gradually calming down, she began to look at this delicate and luxurious place. At first glance, she knew that it was not an ordinary family, and there was still a strong spiritual energy around it, like a quiet room like a cave.

"here is……"


"How did I get here?"

Nangong Wan still remembered that before she passed out, the covering the moon sect guarding the mountain was broken by the magic way, and then they were ordered to lead some of the disciples to escape, and they were going to separate with the elders in the door to Beiliang and join the Nine Nations League. among.

Unfortunately, on the way to escape, she encountered a monk of the magic path and the magic path demon led by the other party. As a result, the two sides naturally fought between you and me.

In the end, although she was lucky enough to win by a small margin and forced the opponent to retreat, but as a result, she was reduced to the point where her mana was almost exhausted, and she almost didn't really fight with the opponent to the point of perishing.

Fortunately, even though he was seriously injured, he still managed to win and escaped by chance.

As for the disciples of the Moon Covering Sect that she brought out, of course they fled, and now she doesn't know the specific situation of those people.

Later, after fleeing all night, she encountered Wang Chan, the young master of Guiling Sect, and the seven or eight foundation-building juniors from the Hehuan Sect surnamed Tian. At that time, although she tried her best to kill and wound two or three people, her own weakness made her weak. It was still seen through by those four people, so that was the reason for the subsequent pursuit and her exhaustion and coma, and had to use the 'True Reincarnation Technique' to plan to counterattack on the verge of death, seeking that ray of life.

But according to her current situation, it seems that her Nangong Wan did not fall into the hands of the young master of the Ghost Sect, Wang Chan, or the two juniors of the Hehuan Sect?


I sorted out my chaotic thoughts, and re-examined the quiet room I was in. I saw the exquisite floating on the doors and windows, and looked at the various small decorations in the room full of Taoism, and I felt it again. After the strong spiritual energy in the air, Nangong Wan could faintly guess that she was probably rescued by an expert.

But who actually rescued her, she doesn't know for the time being.


Right at this moment, in a very fitting situation, just as Nangong Wan was considering whether to get out of bed and go out to have a look, a girl in a blue-colored dress happily pushed the door and walked away with a washbasin and wet wipes. Come in.


"You finally woke up?"


"I'm going to call Sister Mo right now, just wait!"

When the girl saw that Nangong Wan was sitting on the bed as if she was awake, she hurriedly stepped in, first put the water basin on the sandalwood shelf in the corner of the room, and made such a conversation without end. After that, he cheered, and he ran towards the door happily, disappearing in the blink of an eye.


Opening her mouth, Nangong Wan originally wanted to stop the other party and ask about the situation, but when she saw the cheerful and defenseless look on the other party's face, she thought about it and held back. .

From the expression and movements of the 14- or 15-year-old girl just now, it is not difficult for her to guess that the other party should not have any malice towards her. If so, it is better to wait until the teacher of the other party's family comes. Ask questions and express your gratitude.

"That cultivation base..."

"It should be around the middle stage of foundation building, right?"

"Looking at the dress, it doesn't look like the seven major factions of the Xu Kingdom or the magic way..."

"Where would this be?"

Then, she couldn't help but think about it, wondering how long she had been in a coma, and where this place was.

"Never mind!"

After a pause, Nangong Wan, who finally couldn't understand the reason, suddenly got off the bed, put on her shoes and walked to the shelf.


She first looked at the clothes on her body and felt that there was nothing wrong, and then hurriedly started to wash and wipe.

The little girl has just gone to call someone. She believes that the owner of the place will come to meet her in a short time. Therefore, she must clean up first, and she can't let herself go to see people in such a disheveled way. of.


When Nangong Wan finished washing up and came to the small hall outside the room, and sat at the table to wait, less than half an hour later, finally, there were a series of soft footsteps from far to near.

Immediately afterwards, there were waves of aura rolling, and then, a man wearing a golden crown and purple flame crown, wearing a colorful phoenix-winged coat, walking with gold threads on his feet, wearing a pan-dragon and phoenix belt on his waist, and a purple gold hanging on the belt. The tall and beautiful fairy in tourmaline wears a veil and walks in through the threshold.


"Elder Nangong, are you alright?"

When entering the door, the other party greeted him with a smile, which made Nangong Wan feel like a spring breeze. At the same time, she was slightly startled, and began to recall in her mind where she had seen the other party.



For a while, Nangong Wan couldn't figure it out.

However, no matter how the other party revealed his identity, just the fact that the other party saved her plus the strength of the other party's half-step Nascent Soul in the late stage of the formation of the pill was enough to make her treat her differently.

"Nangong Wan has seen senior!"

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, Senior, Nangong Wan is very grateful!


Therefore, she did not dare to neglect, and almost immediately stood up and greeted the other party as soon as they entered the door. At the same time, she bowed her waist and gave the other party a deep bow with a junior salute.


"do not……"

"Elder Nangong, you misunderstood."

Seeing Nangong Wan's movements, the person who came hurriedly stepped forward and supported her wrist, adding with a smile:

"It wasn't me who saved you."

"In fact..."

"It's the tutor who saved you. I can't be this great gift from Elder Nangong."

Then, without waiting for Nangong Wan to ask, the person who came hurriedly explained again with a smile.

"This is the head teacher of my family."

"Sister Nangong, you are now in the guest room of our Cuiping Mountain Fire God Sect, which is the original Huangfeng Valley."

"The one who rescued you was the Great Immortal Huoyan, my patriarch."


"My name is Xiao Cui'er, and I'm the chief disciple here!"

At this time, without waiting for the doubtful Nangong Wan to speak, the outspoken and outspoken Xiao Cui'er opened her mouth to introduce her in advance, and finally she smugly propped up her small breasts, as if she cared a lot about her. identity of.



"It turned out to be Fairy Mo, the high disciple of the Great Immortal Flame?"

"Nangong Wan has seen Fairy Mo!"

Hearing Xiao Cui'er's explanation, Nangong Wan was surprised at the same time, but she finally relaxed completely. Then, she hurriedly greeted the Mo Fairy and Mo Sect Master in front of her respectfully again.

You know, she has long admired the name of Fairy Mo for a long time!

Back then, when Jinguyuan was defeated, Fairy Mo and Xiao Cui'er in front of her had rescued many disciples of the five major factions, and among them, many of them were from the Moon Sect.

Immediately afterwards, the other party made a big fuss with the Great Immortal Flame and Great Immortal Li in the Jinguyuan Demon Dao Camp, and scared the old demon Yunlu to flee, which made her admiration and admiration.

Later, various things that happened in Huangfeng Valley and Xu Kingdom, such as the destruction of Sandan with one sword, the fall of three Yuan Ying old monsters, the thousands of miles to help Qingxumen and the great army of Xu Kingdom's magic road, etc., made the other party even more so. The prestige of Mo Xianzi began to spread widely in Xu country and the surrounding world of immortality.

And now, she who was finally able to see the 'Fairy Mo' deity, of course she needed to be greeted.


"Fellow Daoist Nangong doesn't have to do this great gift!"

"It's better than..."

"How about I directly call myself a fellow Daoist or a sister?"

After returning the other party's salute, Mo Caihuan hurriedly stepped forward to help the other party up again, and then took the other party's arm and sat together on the soft slump beside him, and began to talk.


"Fellow Daoist Mo, I don't know where the Great Immortal Flame is?"

Nangong Wan was even more surprised after learning that her life was saved by the Huo Xian, and said that she would like to meet the legendary existence immediately, so as to express her gratitude or act. A few big gifts or something.



"Master travels around Tiannan all day, and I don't know where she is now..."

Mo Caihuan's face was a little embarrassed, but in the end, that was all she could say.

In fact, she wouldn't say to the other party: Master Anne of her family, the Great Immortal Flame is probably sleeping in the palace-like white flying boat in the garden behind the Izumo Palace right now!

Before the sun slanted west, no matter who it was or what happened, it would be easy to see.

Of course, there is a high probability that you will not see it after the sun has slanted westward.

Because none of them knew whether the other party would run out and hang out by himself after waking up. For example, last night, the other party brought this Nangong Wan back in the middle of the night, and then threw it to them directly to let them go together. Inexplicable and busy for a small half night.

"Is that so?"

"it's a pity."

"In this case, we can only go to see you another day."

Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, Nangong Wan didn't force or ask any further questions, but just nodded, indicating that she had taken this matter to heart.




In this way, in the ardent reception of Mo Caihuan, with Nangong Wan's grateful echo, and in a relaxed atmosphere where Xiao Cui'er occasionally interjected, the three of them began to live in this suite of guest rooms. There was a casual chat.

And this chat lasted for about half an hour, until a female cultivator descended from the sky outside the main entrance of the small hall of this guest room.


"It's fellow Daoist Hongfu!"


"Why are you here too?"

When the two sides knew enough about each other, and when they saw that the person who came was Hongfu, the former Huang Fenggu Jiedan stage elder that they knew well, Nangong Wan hurriedly got up and saluted and asked in astonishment.



"You have already broken through Nascent Soul?!"

After the ceremony was over, when the two sides approached, and when they noticed the fluctuations of spiritual power on Hong Fu's body that were very different from those in the Core Formation stage, and determined that the other party was undoubtedly a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, Nangong Wan couldn't help but stare. With round eyes, he exclaimed and asked.

"Yuan Ying..."


Hongfu didn't hold back, just smiled and nodded.



"That's not right!"

"I remember……"

"During the battle of Jinguyuan, fellow Daoist Hongfu, you should still be in the middle stage of forming a pill like me. Why did you break through to Nascent Soul after only one year of absence?"

That's right, this is what surprised and incomprehensible to Nangong Wan!

The last time, it should have been more than a year ago, when she was in the camp of the seven major sects in Jinguyuan, she also met Daoist Li Huayuan and this Daoist Hongfu in front of her. , she still took that Han Li with her when she left.

The result can be...

It's only been over a year, and the other party has broken through the Nascent Soul Stage, which is something she can't accept or understand.

"It's easy!"

"Because Hua Yuan and I both joined the Cuiping Mountain Flame Religion."

"You know, the seven major factions of the Xu Kingdom have come to an end like a flash in the pan, and my ancestor Linghu from Huangfeng Valley also took people to the country of Beiliang. In addition, there is nowhere to go, so I simply stay here."


"Last month, Hua Yuan and I got a chance in the door. With the help of the Great Immortal Huo, we all broke through directly from the middle stage of the formation of the pill to the Nascent Soul."

"Even we were a little surprised..."

Talking and talking, after thinking of certain things, Hong Fu rarely showed a trace of redness on his face.

However, she concealed it well, and Nangong Wan was still shocked by other things, so she was not worried about being discovered.


"last month?"

"That is to say..."

"You and Li Huayuan, both of you have broken through the Nascent Soul from the middle stage of forming a pill?!"

It's okay not to say this, when Nangong Wan heard some key information, she was so startled that she almost jumped up, and her eyes were so wide that they almost popped out.

Then, while asking, she stepped back again and again, as if she couldn't accept it.



Seeing this, Hong Fu then and Mo Caihuan looked at each other tacitly, and then exchanged a vague look.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong."

"I heard that the Covering Moon Sect was captured, and your faction has decided to withdraw to Beiliang to join the Nine Nations Alliance, right?"

"That's not the case."

"Fellow Daoist, fellow Daoist Hongfu and others, also entered my Cuiping Mountain Fire God Sect. My Xuanwu in the four halls is still empty, and I just gave it to Daoist Nangong to preside over it. How about it?"

Seeing that the timing was right, and seeing the appearance of Hongfu really gave the other party a great shock, Mo Caihuan thought about it, and then hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, told her what she had always thought, and just threw it out. her olive branch.


"Fellow Daoist Nangong, this is a great opportunity, with all kinds of benefits, fellow Daoist can't make mistakes?"


"Fellow Daoist Fu Yunzi of Qingxu Sect, he is now like us, accepting the kindness of Sect Master Mo."

At this time, Hong Fu also hurried to help, and also shook out the fact that Fu Yunzi of Qingxu Sect also joined the Cuiping Mountain Flame God Sect and became a sect master.

"Fellow Daoist Fu Yunzi is there too?"



Nangong Wan was a little stunned.

She originally planned to go to Beiliang Kingdom to join the division after she fully recovered in a few days, but after hearing the invitation from Hongfu and this Fairy Mo, and thinking about the remaining Hongfu and Li Huayuan, they both succeeded in a short period of time. After breaking through from the mid-formation stage to the Nascent Soul stage, and Fu Yunzi from the Qingxu Sect joined in, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

However, she didn't answer immediately, she just frowned and thought.


for a long time.

She finally raised her head and looked at the eager eyes of the two in front of her. She was a little unsure about what to do.

"Sect Master Mo..."

"Fellow Daoist Hongfu..."

"I'm a little confused, and I don't know how to choose."

"If not..."

"Let me hold off for a few days before I think about it?"

In the end, Nangong Wan, who was so confused and unable to cope, still did not dare to answer directly in person, but replied in such a tactful manner.



Hearing this, Mo Caihuan and Hong Fu glanced at each other, and exchanged glances tacitly.


"Then Daoist Nangong first have a good rest, and take a stroll in my new Cuiping Mountain. After you figure it out, let Cui'er come to me?"

Saying that, Mo Caihuan, who knew that it was too much, replied with a smile like this.

At the same time, she also thoughtfully signaled that Xiao Cui'er had been following the other party as a guide for the past few days, and then she made another look at Hong Fu, and then they both left together.


After getting up to greet the two of them, Nangong Wan was confused and didn't know what to do.


"Miss Cui'er, where is my storage bag?"

After a while, Nangong Wan shook her head. Then she remembered something else and asked Xiao Cui'er beside her.

"Storage bags?"

"I didn't see it!"

"When the master brought you you were all in rags, and I was the one who helped you take it off and change it!"

"I didn't see any storage bags..."

Xiao Cui'er blinked, and then she waved her hands in a daze, saying that she really didn't see it.

"Did it fall where you fought before?"

Nangong Wan, who thought that she had a fierce fight with those four people at that time, was exhausted and fainted, and even Nangong Wan, who didn't even know how she came back, couldn't help but understand.

"never mind."

"Tui'er, don't worry, I don't mean to blame you."

"Drop it, drop it!"

"I'll look for it another day when I'm free. I really can't find it, so I can only do it. It's not an important thing anyway."

Then, Nangong Wan reassured her like this.

In fact, that storage bag is very important, and there are a lot of things in it, but Nangong Wan emptied all her property and stuffed it in there before she evacuated the gate of the Zhuangyuezong Mountain, and even, She also took some of the materials from the division and filled them up. Now that she lost it, she just felt that her heart was dripping with blood!

However, she didn't show it.

Moreover, she did not doubt the meaning of the flame fairy. After all, it was the other party who saved her. Besides, the other party was the kind of supreme existence who could destroy the Nascent Soul old monster at will. There was only a storage bag and the one inside. A little something, presumably depending on the identity of the other party, may not be able to see it.

The only thing she's worried about right now is that she doesn't know if the thing fell on the hill or the four guys who are cheap. If the former is fine, she might be able to find it again. If the latter, then she will lose a lot. .


?('?')??Monthly Pass?

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