Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 2003: ?(*?︶`*)?Li Huayuan vs. old monster Linghu


"Hua Yuan!"

"Great, is it really you?"

The person who flew out was undoubtedly Old Ancestor Linghu himself, and before the other person arrived, they cheered and greeted Li Huayuan.

However, the other party did not come out alone, but accompanied Li Huayuan's junior brother Lei Wanhe and more than a dozen Huangfenggu disciples who Li Huayuan knew or didn't know.

"Brother Li!"

"You're back?"

Seeing this, Lei Wanhe, who was following Old Ancestor Linghu, hurriedly bowed to Li Huayuan and asked happily.


"I've seen Uncle Li!"

"I have seen Master Li!"

"Uncle Li!"

"I have seen Master Li..."

And those Huangfenggu disciples who fell to the ground one after another behind the two did not dare to neglect at this time, and stretched out their hands to bow towards Li Huayuan.


Looking at the old-fashioned ancestor Linghu in front of him, and then looking at Lei Wanhe and those Huangfenggu disciples, Li Huayuan's heart turned a thousand times, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

"Hua Yuan has seen the ancestor!"

In the end, he still had to bow and bow respectfully towards the ancestor of Linghu.

After all, no matter what, he and Ancestor Linghu are each other's master and apprentice. Although there is no such saying in the world of cultivating immortals that 'one day is a teacher and a lifetime is a father', but the necessary etiquette must be indispensable. of.

"Brother Lei."

Then, he turned around again, and bowed his hands with that Junior Brother Lei Wanhe, even if he had met him.

"Good good!"

"Just come back!"

"You don't know, a few days ago, I told you Junior Brother Lei about you..."


"and many more……"

Suddenly, Ancestor Linghu, who was about to continue their chat for a while, suddenly seemed to have discovered something incredible. He narrowed his eyes slightly, then took two steps back and looked up and down towards Li Huayuan.


"You are..."

At this time, Lei Wanhe, who was about to say a few words to Li Huayuan, couldn't help but feel a little strange, and then cast a doubtful look at Old Ancestor Linghu.


"The late Yuan and Yuan Ying?!"

Staring at Li Huayuan for a long time, in the end, Patriarch Linghu finally exclaimed, and those old round eyes almost didn't pop out.


At the moment of confirmation, Ancestor Linghu almost thought that a certain opponent was using some kind of mysterious transformation technique to sneak attack on him, and he almost didn't take out his magic weapon and smashed it hard!

However, after taking a closer look, from various details, he finally determined that the Li Huayuan in front of him was indeed his apprentice Li Huayuan!

Then, he gradually let go of his vigilance.


"It's only been three years, Huayuan, why did you reach the late Nascent Soul?"

It's just that he couldn't understand no matter what, why he didn't see him for three years. His cultivation level has soared from the middle and late stage of forming a pill to the late stage of Nascent Soul and even the level of Nascent Soul's Great Perfection. The Nascent Soul old monster who has been cultivating for nearly a thousand years is even higher?

"Later Nascent Soul?"

"No way?"

"Li, Senior Brother Li, how are you..."

Hearing the words of Ancestor Linghu, Lei Wanhe, who was bewildered, followed him and looked at Li Huayuan with round eyes, his face was full of surprise and disbelief.


"The idea is mastered, and the speed of cultivation will naturally be faster."

He knew that he would be unable to hide Li Huayuan's words with a sigh, and then slowly let go of the restraints on his body, allowing his surging spiritual power, which belonged to the old monster of the Nascent Soul, to oscillate around him.

Anyway, he definitely wouldn't say that it was because he picked up the leftover peaches that someone else ate, so his cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds.


"Really, it's the Yuan Ying period!"

"how come?"

The next second, Lei Wanhe was shocked.



"Uncle Li has really advanced to the Nascent Soul stage!"

"That's great. In this way, we have two ancestors in the Nascent Soul Stage in Huangfenggu."


"Good for what?"

"Uncle Li is no longer from our Yellow Maple Valley."


"Isn't he back now? Could it be that he just came back to visit friends?"

"Not always!"


At this time, the Huangfenggu disciples who saw that Li Huayuan had really become a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage also whispered in shock, ecstasy, amazement, or hesitation and discussed in a low voice.


"Hua Yuan..."

"You are..."

"I got a chance in that Cuipingshan Fire Sect, right?"

Different from the direction of discussion among the disciples, after the initial shock, Old Ancestor Linghu, who slowly calmed down, asked with a frown.

Obviously, Linghu, who is an old man and a ghost, doesn't believe the 'ideal mastery' that Li Huayuan said!

After all, that kind of nonsense, such as 'ideal mastery', was what Linghu himself used to teach these disciples, and even he himself just said it casually.


"You could say the same!"

After pondering for a while, he nodded, Li Huayuan did not hide it.

Anyway, he had a lot of opportunities in the Cuiping Mountain Fire God Sect, but it wasn't as simple as the Pantao that allowed him to quickly advance to the late Nascent Soul and even the Great Perfection!


"Where's Hong Fu?"

After a while, Linghu's face was a little ugly, but after hesitating for a while, he still asked about the disciple Hong Fu who he used as a bargaining chip and ruthlessly abandoned, and asked about the current situation of the elder Huang Fenggu. .


"Senior Sister Hongfu is also in the late Nascent Soul."

"However, it is slightly worse than Hua Yuan. After all, her vitality was hurt at the beginning, and her cultivation will inevitably be hindered."

Having said that, Li Huayuan's aura finally burst out again, scaring the surrounding low-level Huangfenggu disciples back several meters.

Because, he remembered that old demon Yunlu...

It is a pity that the other party, Yuan Ying, did not know where he went after he escaped. Although he had been to the Hehuan Sect of Tianluo Kingdom to find trouble, he could not find the other party.

In the end, he had no choice but to let it go because he didn't want to make too much noise.

Otherwise, due to the fact that the other party hurt his senior sister Hongfu in the first place, he Li Huayuan would have to take out the body and soul of the other party after he took the body, and burn his bones to ashes to vent his hatred!


"Even Hongfu is in the late Nascent Soul?!"

Ancestor Linghu's eyes narrowed, and then he muttered to himself like a sigh.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly stopped talking, and the cloudy eyes gradually became dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Brother Li!"

"No, no?"

"Even Senior Sister Hongfu is in the late Nascent Soul?"


At this time, Lei Wanhe also seemed to be a little unacceptable. He was so shocked that he took a few steps back, and his face was full of that dejected expression. Obviously, it was difficult to accept this reality.

After all, his previous cultivation base and aptitude were similar to those of Li Huayuan and Hong Fu, two brothers and sisters, and he used to join Patriarch Linghu at the same time. It was still in the middle stage of the formation of pills, when the opponent was not able to advance an inch, but the other party rose a few steps in a row, and he was about to become a land fairy in the breakthrough stage of spiritual transformation, but he still lingered in the same place. This kind of gap gradually opened and became more and more obvious. , so that he could not easily accept it.



"Junior Brother Lei..."

"Senior Sister Hongfu and I have become Taoist companions now."

After a long time, after seeing the two of them recovering gradually, Li Huayuan shook out such a shocking statement without being surprised.

In fact, what he didn't say was: if it wasn't for the fact that he had to wait for Senior Sister Hongfu to make a breakthrough in double cultivation, I'm afraid that Li Huayuan would have already advanced to the stage of spiritual transformation, and he would become a person other than the gift of Xiangzhi under the sect of the Fire God Sect of Cuiping Mountain. The second cultivator of the Divine Transformation stage.



However, compared to the shocking news that Li Huayuan and Hongfu both reached the late Nascent Soul, there is nothing strange about the two becoming Dao Companions. At least, Patriarch Linghu and Lei Wanhe are just faces. The expression on his face moved slightly, but he was not too surprised, but more of a sense of understanding and naturalness.

After all, everyone knows that Li Huayuan resolutely returned to the fallen Yellow Maple Valley for the sake of Hongfu. That decision was absolutely admired and recognized by all of them. Therefore, the two of them were able to form a Taoist couple after reading about the catastrophe. That kind of thing Of course everyone likes it.


"Fortune makes people!"

After being silent for a while, Ancestor Linghu sighed heavily and looked at Li Huayuan again with cloudy eyes, then shook his head in a sigh and said:

"Hua Yuan!"

"Could it be that being a teacher is wrong after all?"

It was rare that Patriarch Linghu expressed such guilt and apology in front of people for the first time.


However, Li Huayuan didn't know how to answer.

Because he doesn't know if the other party is wrong, but he also has to admit that if there is no variable like the Great Immortal Flame, perhaps the choice of Ancestor Linghu is the best, right?

Of course, the choice of the ancestor, he does not agree with it.

And then...

Where in the world are there so many ifs?

Some things happen, they happen, and they can't be changed. If you think about them more, you'll just be mediocre!

"Hua Yuan!"

"As a teacher..."

"There may have been a lot of things wrong in the past, those things... let's go in the past!"


"What are you doing here?"

Finally, after getting to know each other for a while and sighing, Patriarch Linghu finally began to ask the doubts in his heart.


Li Huayuan did not answer.

After all, he can't be allowed to say: 'I actually received a mission. I heard that you, the old monster Linghu, slandered my teacher's sect, and was specially ordered to come and beat you up and complete that mission with a high contribution point'?



"You and Hongfu, do you want to re-enter my Yellow Maple Valley?"

Seeing the tangled and hesitant expression on Li Huayuan's face, Ancestor Linghu's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked expectantly.

Although, he thinks that kind of thing is unlikely to happen, and he would not give up his great future and return to Huangfeng Valley, but he still asked anxiously and hopefully.

"Do not!"


This time, Li Huayuan had to speak.

"The opposite is true!"

"Old Ancestor, and Junior Brother Lei..."

Slowly raised his head, and finally, Li Huayuan, who had been thinking over and over again, said with a sincere expression and sincerity:

"The Yellow Maple Valley has been reduced to slavery, so what's the point of continuing to hold on?"

"Why don't you just disband it, bring all the disciples who are willing to go with me, and go to the Divine Sect with me!"

Li Huayuan, who had seen the power of the Flame Lord God and knew what a great opportunity it was, gritted his teeth and directly said this perhaps a bit excessive request.

"Disperse, disperse Yellow Maple Valley?!"


Seeing Li Huayuan's changes now, and hearing that Senior Sister Hongfu is also in the late Nascent Soul, if Lei Wanhe is not heartbroken, it is definitely impossible!

However, since Ancestor Linghu was on the side at this time, and he was not the one who could make the decision because of the large scale of the matter, he was just embarrassed and did not dare to respond or make decisions privately.



"It's simply absurd in the world!!"

"Li Huayuan!"

"I, Huangfenggu, have been established for hundreds of years, how can I just say that I will leave?"


"The Fire God Sect has also seized the foundation of my Huangfeng Valley, and I haven't paid it back yet. How can I be the company of such a well-known and decent family?!"

Li Huayuan didn't say anything. As soon as he said that, Patriarch Linghu's face instantly changed, and he refuted loudly and indignantly.

Of course, he knows the power of Huo Xian, and he also knows that the other party has eliminated the three demons of the Nascent Soul, and even more that he is scared of the demons and fled and dared not approach Xu Guo for half a step. However, the flame gods of Cuiping Mountain occupied He also used many means to intimidate and coerce the seven sects of Xu Kingdom to leave, and then tricked the disciples of the seven sects. The other party did such a lowly thing, how could he easily bear that breath?

Those things, although the other party is very secretive, but as long as a discerning person thinks about it a little, he can figure it out. He Linghu is not a fool, how could he not know what means the other party used?

Besides, a while ago, he publicly scolded the Cuiping Mountain Fire God Sect and the utterly conscientious Mo Xianzi and Huo Xian Da Xian, but now he wants to bring people to seek refuge, how could his old face get down on the stage?

And even if he gets down, isn't Linghu afraid that Fairy Mo and Fairy Huohua will wear small shoes and settle accounts in the autumn?


"Can't you think about Huang Fenggu and many disciples?"

"There is still a chance now, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it's really too late to miss it!"


While talking, Li Huayuan, while persuading earnestly, finally called out that Master, hoping that Patriarch Linghu could change his mind in time.

After all, the number of disciples of the Fire God Cult in Cuiping Mountain is still relatively small, and it is relatively easy to get started, and they don’t need to look at their spiritual roots. They only need to pass the review of the main **** and get the approval of Sect Master Mo.

In the future, if you want to get started again, it will really not be that easy. If you miss this village, you won't have this store.

"To shut up!"

"Not consider!"

"I, Linghu, and that flame boy are at odds with each other!"

"Her yellow mouth child, who has occupied my foundation for hundreds of years, and now wants to make money from my disciples, I tell you, she is just wishful thinking!"

"You don't need to say more!"

After speaking, Ancestor Linghu snorted coldly and turned his head arrogantly, with a look of exasperation, so frightened that Lei Wanhe and the disciples of the Huangfenggu disciples behind him turned pale, and did not dare to say a word.


"Good good!"

Li Huayuan, who did not expect the other party to be so stubborn, finally laughed in anger.

To be honest, he was still having a headache just now about how to teach the other party a lesson, but now, the other party insulted his teacher and the patriarch Annie Daxian again in front of him. It may be possible to turn a blind eye to the deaf.

So, I just took the opportunity to do something with the other party. For one thing, I can complete the task and let him get that huge reward; second, maybe I can make the other party change his mind and give it to the many disciples of Huangfeng Valley. A chance to choose?

"That master!"


"I'll do it later!"

"That's not right or wrong!"

"If Hua Yuan was lucky enough to win a trick and a half, the ancestors should not be able to speak rudely in the future, nor should they say that the divine religion robbed the foundation of Huangfeng Valley, how?"

While Li Huayuan invited to fight, he planned to use this to settle the grievances and entanglements of interests between Huangfenggu and Cuipingshan, so as to save time to regenerate waves.

After all, the Lord God seems to know everything in the world. As soon as the old ancestor Linghu finished scolding, the Lord God gave him Li Huayuan a task. In the future, if the ancestor made unkind words again, Huang Fenggu would have to follow him. Like the Six Sects of the Demonic Way, the disciples of the Cuipingshan Divine Sect were crusades and protested every day.

And then...

Today, Li Huayuan is the one who came to the door, but it’s okay to say, but in the future, after many disciples advance to Nascent Soul, it is not certain who will come, and it is even more uncertain whether the other party will talk as well as him, so, in view of the master and disciple One, some things he must take precautions against.


"Master, Senior Brother?!"

Lei Wanhe, who was next to him, was stunned again, and he didn't expect that, well, things would turn out like this.


"What if you lose?"

Squinting slightly, a sly look flashed in Ancestor Linghu's eyes, and then he asked with a cold snort.


"If Hua Yuan loses..."

"If you want to kill or cut, let the ancestors handle it!"

Li Huayuan did not hesitate, directly bowed his hands and promised.

"it is good!"

"Then you and I have done one!"

"But I'm not embarrassing you, Old Ancestor..."

"If you even if you and Hongfu don't return to my Huangfenggu family, in the future, you must protect my Huangfenggu for five hundred years!"

"Do you dare to promise?"

Originally, when he saw Li Huayuan's advanced Nascent Soul just now, Patriarch Linghu wanted to try to make the other party return to Huangfeng Valley, but after talking with each other, he knew that it was impossible, so he had to retreat like this. Say it next.

"What's wrong with that?"


"Hua Yuan hereby promises that no matter what the outcome is today, if Huangfenggu is in trouble in the future, Senior Sister Hongfu and I will definitely not stand by and watch!"

Li Huayuan was originally born in Huangfeng Valley. Even if Patriarch Linghu didn't say anything about this kind of thing, if Huang Fenggu came to the door in the future, Li Huayuan would not be able to say that he would not be saved. Therefore, after making a promise, he It slowly ascended into the sky.

"Then it's a deal!"

"Just right!"

"Li Huayuan, I will let go of my hands and feet as a teacher today and teach you a good lesson!"

"Let you know what it is!"

I was overjoyed, and I thought that the opponent's advanced speed was too fast, the foundation might be unstable, and the ancestor Linghu, who was probably not his opponent, also flew into the sky, and then the two confronted each other.




The one below Lei Wanhe slapped his thigh and sighed helplessly. In the end, he had no choice but to stand beside the mountain gate stone monument with many disciples, and then looked up at the sky, waiting for the two old Nascent Soul monsters to fight and split. To win or lose.


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