Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 761: Flames from the muzzleつ︻?????????─…


"Oh, God……"

Although there was a hundred reluctance in his heart and ten thousand could not figure it out, when Coleson shot the opponent directly into the sky, he was reluctant to believe the opponent once, and finally he was under the eyes of the opponent. , Biting his head, holding the gun in his hand, rushed to the hiding place of the few Bilgewater gang members and bounty hunters.


Very surprised, he actually saw batches of large and small projectiles falling from the sky, and actually caused huge chaos and decent damage to the enemies hiding behind?


! ! !

I blasted all the bullets in my hand in one breath, and successfully killed the stubborn thugs who even wanted to lose after being injured, and kicked to the throat of a dock gang member who just got up. , After kicking it hard and falling to the ground, Coleson hurriedly jumped into a cargo barrier made up of wooden cargo boxes to avoid the bullets from a distance.

"Huh! Huh!"

"This is really incredible, Ms. Sarah, how did you do it?!"

Although Coleson, who has studied physics, also knows that after a bullet is shot into the sky and dropped, as long as the terminal speed exceeds 61 meters per second, it can still cause effective damage to people!

He who has read relevant professional books also knows that from 1985 to 1992 on the earth, doctors at a certain hospital medical center in Los Angeles treated at least more than one hundred wounded people who were injured by bullets falling from the sky. And more than one-third of them died because of this... But what he didn't understand was that Miss Sansa, how did she control the approximate area where the bullets fired toward the sky fell, and also knew her hands Can the bullet barrage fired by those two backward pyrotechnic guns cause terminal damage after landing?

In this regard, Coulson did not understand!

Anyway, in his opinion, even if he was given a heavy machine gun with a stable firing state, without the aid of computer calculations, he would definitely not have any effective method to calculate the accurate drop position of the bullet he fired! What's more, those bullets still have to randomly change their landing position under the influence of air and wind, so there is no way to calculate and predict?

"Because I know what I am doing! Because I can!!!"

Bang! !

He stretched out his hand and killed a wounded enemy who had just fallen in a pool of blood, but now he was struggling and groaning. After he fumbled for a musket and pointed the muzzle at his two enemy wounded, Salad didn't mind. The novice who had the ability to face the people around him was fairly decent and had a solid basic skills replied.

‘! ! ’

‘Go! Brothers rush together! There is only one helper beside that bitch! ! ’

‘Come on! We are crowded, charge! ! ’

‘She’s dead, go ahead! Her head is worth one hundred thousand golden sea monsters! ! ’

! !

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Snapped! Snapped!

When Coleson was just about to take a look at the situation, suddenly, the opposite was splashing rain. There were bursts of musket bullets with different sounds, calibers, powers, and speeds. Of course, those intensive bows and arrows were indispensable. The arrows of the crossbow!

The terrifying attack made him shudder, and before he could see much of the situation, he simply retracted.



"No, they are too crowded, Ms. Sarah, do you know any safe passages in this street?"

The wooden boxes and barrels behind them began to shatter under the impact of those bullets and made a oozing noise... Numerous bullets and arrows shot into the air, and they flew directly from the heads of the two people without money. Coulson felt that they must not continue to fight the desperadoes here anymore, they must evacuate in time.

That's why he replaced his empty pistol with a full twenty-round extended magazine, and immediately asked the lady beside him who still looked calm.


"Of course there is! It's behind their group!!"

It seems that they have also discovered the current bad situation of the two of them. After Sarah smiled at Coleson on the side, she took out two large paper shells like grenade and stuffed them directly into her caliber. In the scary double gun.


Coulson was a little frightened...

He saw that if the safe passage was really behind that group of enemies with at least hundreds of people, wouldn't it be a joke? The guy in the opponent's hand is not a fire stick, they have so many people, there may be more behind them, and in such a street where you can see their heads, where can they hide? !

The situation is now very serious. If they don't leave here soon, they will be more ill-fortuned. After all, Coleson doesn't want to die in this chaotic other world!

"Please help me take care of my left side, baby... the enemy on the front, just leave it to me!!"

After lowering his head to confirm that there was no problem with the weapon in his hand, the smile finally began to gradually change from Miss Doom. From this yesterday, the king of pirates was killed, and the Lord of Bilgewater was killed. The woman's face disappeared, and then, replaced by a cold and cruel face.

Now, she intends to teach those enemies a profound lesson, let them know the terrible thing about her Miss Doom!

"you sure?"

Seeing the opponent's appearance, Coleson couldn't help but take a halt, and then subconsciously pointed his muzzle in the direction of the opponent's left side street to prevent any enemies that might emerge from that place.

"The muzzle is blowing flames..."

"Bilgewater's little boy door, come to your salad queen if you have the guts..."

After confirming that she had no worries on her port side, Sarah slammed against the rain of bullets above her head and stood up directly, letting them knock off her hat and shatter her hair... In time, after completely revealing her upper body from behind the wooden box, she suddenly pointed the black hole muzzle of her double gun that was ready to fire and aimed it at the hands of dozens of hundreds of people rushing across the long street. Enemies with various weapons.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

That is like endless terrible gunfire, amidst bursts of crazy and evil soprano laughter, began to pop up continuously from the muzzle of Miss Doom Salad's double gun...


Like endless hot projectiles, it was in the shape of a huge fan, and while firing on the opposite side of the long street, while yelling hysterically, it was covered with enemies charging, and it sprayed like a violent storm! !



"Hey! Uncles and aunts..."


"I remember that my former Teacher Mayne told us a long time ago... She said that betting on gold is wrong!"

"It will cause your property to be lost, it will bring you enemies and hatred for no reason, it will make you playful, it will destroy your family, it will damage your body and soul, and it will make your whole person sick. It will make you think about stealing and robbery all day long? Then, ah, it will push you into the abyss..."


"In short, these games here are wrong. You should never come here again. Anyway, you don't have any gold coins anymore. There is nothing wrong with listening to me!!"


In the VIP area on the third floor of this huge Bilgewater Freeport entertainment ship, which was converted from a giant multi-layer abandoned wooden battleship that was towed ashore, Annie stood righteously. Zhang was converted into a huge gambling table from a thick ship board, facing the evil gamblers with a small face and serious teaching them.

Before, she spent about less than half an hour with her servant, the little murloc, Fitz, and succeeded in getting these people around in this VIP area without using any force. The gamblers, completely calmed down from the hustle and bustle.

Because ah, their golden sea monsters and silver sea monsters have been put under their feet by them, and they won't be able to calm down.


(● ̄ ̄●)


‘It’s the same as the truth! ’

‘Little bastard, what you said is nice, then you should give us back the money you just won from us? ’

‘Yes! Yes! ! ’

‘Extremely! Give us back the money, we will quit right away, and maybe we won’t come again in the future if we get back to the righteousness? ’

‘Hey...yes, this brother is right! ’


A certain little girl had just finished speaking, and the gamblers who had lost their eyes all around were looking at the two on the stage, who were making a lot of golden siren, silver siren, pearls, and gems. , Colorful corals, gold-inlaid weapons, gold teeth, nose rings, and various other precious implements and treasures. The two standing on top of them, the little man who didn't have a painful waist yelled and shouted.

Obviously, none of them take that little girl's words seriously now, and it is impossible to take it seriously! !

‘Hey! So much gold...’

"Little ancestor, please return the money to me quickly. I have an 80-year-old mother and a three-year-old daughter to raise..."

‘? ? ’

‘Come on, Grandet! Don't think we don't know, your wife and daughter have already been sold by you for money! Also, you are eighty-three years old this year, where do you have an eighty-year-old mother? ! ’

‘Maybe his stepmother? ’

'Nonsence! His one-eyed old captain had fed the sea beasts in the deep sea decades ago! At that time I was his seaman, only thirteen years old, that old **** owed me seven silver sea snakes' wages, and I hate his family forever! ! ’

'puff! ’

‘Hahaha! ! ’

Gamblers, villains, robbers, sailors, and Bilgewater's **** gathered here soon found their fun and began to laugh unscrupulously.

"Is it so funny? I don't care about you, we are leaving now!!"


Little Annie can’t understand why those weird uncles laugh so presumptuously for what they want, but she also doesn’t want to understand, because now she plans to go out and play elsewhere, so she won’t be with these The smelly guys stayed together.


‘Boy! Don't be proud, we haven't conceded yet, wait, let's continue! This time, I pressed my hand! ! ’

‘And me, too! ! ’

‘My fake eye is a magic item, worth at least twenty golden sea monsters, I will have one more! ! ’

‘And this gun of mine. It has killed thirty-two people. It should be worth thirty gold sea monsters, right? ! ’

‘Wait, there is me, wait for me to break this tooth...’

'I! I! ’

'Give way! I also want to come...’

‘Bless the great lady with beard, I hope I can make a profit this time! ’

‘You old **** don’t pay taxes every time, Mrs. Beard won’t bless you! ! ’


Soon, without waiting for the two little people on the table standing on the top of the "Golden Mountain and Silver Mountain" to speak again, the frenzied gamblers who had already lost the red eye around the surroundings began to roar again, preparing to proceed with them. The last game, and confidently convinced that they will definitely get the final victory? !



"What do I want your broken eyeballs and hands and feet to do? If you don't have that kind of Golden Sea Monster and Silver Sea Monster, then we are leaving now!!"

Annie is not short of money. No matter what she is in front of her, she doesn't need all the gold coins, gems and ingots piled up in the half plane in her space bag!

What's more, she still has several planes that can be directly or indirectly controlled. She has all kinds of resources, and she does not lack them, and she will not need boring things like gold and silver.


"You are so boring..."

Seeing the ugly faces of the people on the land, Fitz, who was sitting on the pile of gold coins, couldn't help but curl his lips.

Fitz, the little fisherman, is not short of money, because she can breathe freely on the bottom of the sea, walk and swim freely and find anything of value, and everything for food, clothing, housing and transportation can be easily obtained from the sea, and Can you still use that kind of natural water magic to control the sea at will, and those giant beasts in the depths of the sea, etc.?

Therefore, wealth does not mean much to Fitz...

However, for these two little people, if it is fun and interesting, it is much more important than anything!

Of course, the two of them are now leading these Bilgewater villains on the right path. They feel that as long as the gold and silver Kraken coins in their pockets are gone, they will definitely work hard. It's much better than wasting time in such a smoky place.

Although, for some Bilgewater people who like to relax and dislike work, it is obviously impossible to work hard?

"Shut up all to me!!"

At this time, just when the gamblers were going to continue to clamor, forcing some two who didn’t know why they had been winning, just as the little guy who won all of their panties, let them bet on the last game of the ruined game. , An indifferent loud shout suddenly sounded outside the crowd at this long gaming table.

"If you can't afford to lose, don't come afterwards!!!"

One wears a captain's hat with a black card on the brim, and wears an exquisite and gorgeous golden sea animal skin robe, as well as long black hair and a beard, in Yingyingzhuozhuo's low-rise cabin. In the dull VIP area, the poorly visible man, at this moment, after stopping the gamblers with a loud drink, he slowly squeezed the crowd away and stood on the opposite side of the two villains.

‘! ! ’

‘Who is that kid? He is tired of life, dare to yell here? ’

'do not know……'

'Humph! I may know! He is the card master, the choppy Drizzt! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Is the freak who has always been a thousand people but never gets caught? ! ’

'it's him! ! ’


‘I have fun to watch now. ’

'Hey! interesting……'

The Bilgewater sailors, villains, and gamblers who were onlookers soon became quiet after learning about the origin of each other from the whispers of people around.

It seems that they are going to see what the other party wants to do?


"What the little girl just said is not bad. Gambling is indeed the first of all evil... But anyway, you people are not good things. In fact, none of us are good things..."

"So, let me play this last one with her now!?"

After speaking, the cold-hearted man put a deck of cards on the table, spread it directly, and showed the red, yellow and blue pre-cards to everyone before looking at the little girl opposite. .

"Are you first?"

"Or... Me first?"

Drizzt, who has stunts and always believes that the Eye of Destiny has always been on his side, as if he had a winning ticket, first dropped a heavy bag of some kind of precious metal. Behind the table, she asked the little girl who was blinking big blue eyes in front of her curiously.


He didn't plan to make a move, but after meeting this funny little girl in front of him, he felt that he could get the golden light-emitting things under him?



"Ha! Drizzt, are you finally here? But I don't want to play this boring game now, so I won't deliberately lose to you! Here, this is how you just taught me to cheat. Gold and silver Kraken coins, now they are all yours!"

"Fizz, the little fisherman, these things are given to him, let's go to play elsewhere now?!"


After tossing in this smoky place for half an hour, Annie was already tired.

So, after her big blue eyes whirled around for a while, she suddenly set up the inexplicable card master Drizzt across the table and said two plausible words, no When the other party reacted, she grabbed a boring little murloc and jumped off the table, got into the crowd numbly, and after a few turns, she quickly disappeared.

As for the things they just got, she is not uncommon, so she simply gave it to the funny and cold guy who just came across the street ‘generally’!

"Oh no!"

His head was a little circled, and then he subconsciously glanced at the pile of blinded gold and silver across the table. Drizzt suddenly felt that although the result was the same as his previous plan, the process seemed to be the same as he imagined. Is a bit wrong?

In short, as a notorious card player and habitual fraudster, Drizztfield suddenly noticed something not so good from the sudden change of the scene.

There is...

Did he really know that strange little girl? Why, the ‘uncle’ that the other party just called made him so kind?

‘! ! ’

‘Are they in a group with Drizzt? ’

‘Are we all cheated? ! ’

'and many more! Drizzt, don't you want to leave! ! ’

A big, powerful hand grabbed the arm of a man who wanted to leave with his own things, and locked him tightly.

‘No one is allowed to leave until things are clear! ’

'stop! The gold is mine, no one is allowed to grab it! ! ’

'I bother! What you say is yours is yours? ! ’

‘! ! ’

'shot! Kill them for me! ! ’

! !

‘Bastard! Where are you fighting? I **** you to death! ! ’

Bang! ! !

'Wow! ! ’

‘Brothers, smoke guys, **** them! ! ’

! !

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Chaos began to spread in the crowd, especially after someone grabbed a handful of Golden Sea monsters and was shot to the ground from behind.

'brothers! Give you a gun, catch it! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

Bang! !

Snapped! Snapped! ! !

The sound of gunfire began to become chaotic in the large wooden building converted from this sailing ship.

‘Uh! ’



‘I can’t forgive you...’

A gambler who accidentally got a shot, after losing his red eyes and being shot for no reason, dragged his injured body, crawled to a candlestick that was crooked to the ground, and gritted his teeth from his arms. He took out a chubby thing about the size of a fist, then lit the fuse above, and threw it grinningly into the crowd who were shooting and fighting with each other in the direction where the bullet came.

boom! ! !

As a result, these Bilgewater people, who had taken care of many things on their own, finally started to be in this small cabin hall, under the astonished gaze of the surrounding managers and a guy wearing a bag. has launched a fierce **** melee!

Countless swords, screams, money grabs, gunshots, explosions, the crisp sound of gold and silver Kraken coins falling to the floor, and the billowing smoke began in this largest casino in Bilgewater Broke out...

Then, the gunfire here, mixed with the fierce gunfire on a certain street in the distance, made this Bilgewater Free Port, which has no laws to speak of, even more chaotic!



"Fitz, and Tibbers, look at it, those bad guys really started fighting by themselves!!"


In the distance, the place where the gamblers, villains, moneylenders, and other villains of Bilgewater gathered, the big house converted from a huge wooden battleship, at this time, came out from inside. The billowing smoke, flames, countless guns and shouting and killing...

This situation made Little Annie feel that she had done a great deal to purify the environment of Bilgewater!

"It's just a bunch of villains, do you need so much trouble?"

Fitz didn't understand. If she was facing those villains at sea, she might not be so troublesome at all! Because she can use many methods to easily sink the boats those guys are riding into the deep sea, and at the same time make them unable to float again!


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers is silently mourning for a bald man who suddenly ran from the earth to this chaotic Bilgewater, who is now shopping with, it is not in a hurry to pay attention to it. The bad guy at home, just take care of the little master who is playing.)

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