Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 762: Queen Anne came to patrol the mountain Σ? (〃°ω°〃…


"It's boring on land..."

Fitz, who usually likes to go ashore to play and tease the sailors and captains, is the first time she feels the torment of land on her.

The two continued to wander around the bustling streets of Bilgewater for a while, smelling the stinky smell on the street, while listening to the faintly distant guns and guns shouting to kill. Sound...Although Tidal Sealingfitz has always been a little curious about why those people on the land like to fight under conditions other than normal predation, but now she is obviously not thinking about playing, she is gradually His attention was shifted elsewhere.

"Boss Annie..."

"What the **** do their sneaky people do, they have been following us for a long time, and they seem a little uneasy and kind?"

Although he felt uncomfortable all over his body when on the shore, and although his perception ability was not as sensitive and powerful as when he was in the sea, Fitz still easily noticed some unusual situations:

Around and behind the two of them, there are always sneaky guys staring quietly... and several groups of people have been with them for a long time, when they left the wooden ship on the shore In the big ship house, and after sneaking from the inside to the street and swaying casually, those people, they have been hanging far behind them, don't know what they want to do?

"I don't know either..."


For those lingering guys, Annie has already discovered them, but the people in this city of Bilgewater seem to have always looked this strange, and the bad guys are everywhere, too annoying. Annoying, she's already been offended, and she doesn't bother to care about them!

"do not know?"

Fitz didn't understand, why could the little human girl in front of me answer so geographically and boldly without knowing it? Shouldn't the other party pay more attention to this kind of things that are closely related to them, and then think of a way to solve it, or just catch those guys and ask them carefully?



Seeing a certain hateful boss who was unwilling to take more control, Fitz had to stop, then turned to look behind him, and the group of people who had been following them stood still at the same time, except that they did not dare Continuing to approach or encircle outside, still keeping a distance away, not at all to conceal their strong hostility towards the two of them?

Moreover, after coming here, Fitz the little murloc also found that those who were hostile to them and unkind seemed to have become more and more? Those people actually surrounded them faintly?

This kind of thing made Fitz very puzzled, and then she just stood still, intending to see what those guys wanted to do to them.

"You are really troublesome!!"



"This sibling, please tell me, why are you following us all the time? Don't want to cheat, but I saw that you have followed us secretly for several streets!!"


After complaining, Annie turned her head helplessly and looked around. Then her eyes suddenly lit up, and she ran to a docker who was carrying a package of cargo and looked panting. In front of him, he kicked the dirty trouser leg of the opponent with his own little man's shoes and asked.

In this world, no one can deceive the omnipotent Queen Anne, and of course the pretending strange bird in front of him is no exception!


"Go away, the kid from there? I have to deliver the goods to the employer. Don't get in the way. If something is delayed, can you afford it?!"

"roll roll roll!"

"Hurry up!!"

Looking at the little girl who was inexplicably close to her, she saw that the other party dared to kick herself, with a domineering look, which made her sit on the dirty cover-up ground and rest, and there was a big one next to her. He didn't know what the cargo was, but the man with the heavy sacks made his original relaxed expression suddenly become tense and fierce, and waved to drive him away with an impatience.

Then, he stood up cursingly, intending to pick up his own goods and send them to a certain employer's house who lives higher in Bilgewater.



"He seems to be a bit of a bad guy... Fitz the Murloc, do you have a good idea?"


Reluctantly spreading her hands, she found that the other party was refusing to tell the truth and was pretending to be ‘difficult’ picking up the big sack and preparing to leave, so Annie turned her head and looked at the little friend Fitz behind her.

There is no sweat on the other party's body or forehead, so he dare to pretend to be panting? Moreover, she had seen through the contents of the big bag in the other party's hand a long time ago. It was not a very heavy cargo at all. It was a pile of light sawdust and cotton wool stuffed into it. I am afraid that any of them have no strength. You can easily get up with one hand on one of your children?

and also,

Behind the opponent is a short-handled musket with gunpowder and lead bullets pinned to him. Such a guy, he dare to pretend to be a dock worker. He thinks they are two children, it is very easy to deceive. , And have been following them here, are they really fools?

Of course, she doesn't know if a certain murloc who is shorter than her is a child, anyway, she is a child herself! However, her Queen Anne is not an ordinary child, if she is really angry, she is even afraid of it!



Upon hearing this, Fitz, the little fisherman, began to carefully examine the person in front of him.

Then, she soon discovered that the sailor coolie who had followed them all the way on the street in front of her, everything seemed normal, was actually a problematic person? !

"Do you want to watch me perform tricks?!"

When the other party was unprepared, he suddenly stretched out his hand to squeeze the bag that the other party was carrying **** his back, and realized that it was really just a light and soft thing, and Fitz suddenly turned his head. She opened her big mouth at a pretender who was caught off guard, revealing the rows of white and neat teeth inside.

Because she knows that next, she might have that kind of fun fun to play...


"Go to hell! Monster!!"

Realizing that his disguise was easily spotted by the other party, this man who carried a bag of cotton wool could pretend to be panting, his expression became vicious in vain!


After throwing down the big sack behind him, he immediately pulled out the musket that had been loaded with ammunition hidden behind his waist, and quickly turned the muzzle toward that hand and held the gray-blue The sea stone trident, the bald forehead of the blue-skinned green-eyed sea tribe, who seemed the most deterrent, pushed it past.

Just one shot to kill the monster Sea Clan in front of them, and then cooperate with the brothers in their gang to clean up another little girl who knows spells, then their task today is basically completed.


Click! !


The Bilgewater man who had not had time to say a few ruthless words or laugh at the other party, but at this time he found out in shock:

The musket in his hand unexpectedly broke into two diagonal pieces, and half of it fell directly to the ground. Only the other half without the hammer and barrel was still held in his hand. in? !



"Ah uh!!"

In the scream of a certain man, Fitz the little fisherman just used his seastone trident to lightly hit each other's legs and back, and then successfully gave him Knocked to the ground, and then, using her fins still carrying a hint of slime, she stepped directly on the opponent's cheek, and firmly pressed the opponent on the rocky street.

Huh! !


"Go ahead, you guys, why do you keep following us?!"

I put my weapon and the three-pointed blade of the ordinary seastone trident against the opponent’s nose and slammed it into the hard Bilgewater, which was trampled out of the smooth track of the rocky street. , And after successfully seeing the horrified look that made her feel happy in the other's eyes, Fitz the little murloc continued to interrogate with a grin.

Today she is in a very bad mood, but in the usual time, she usually sneaks from the bottom of the sea to the surface, looking for the ships that make her look uncomfortable, whether it is to gouge their bottom or guide the sea beasts. "Scare" or something, anyway, as long as it makes her happy!

Even if the two sides are really for no reason, Fitz also likes to play tricks on the land people who are in the big wooden boat, let alone the villain in front of her who is ill-intentioned! If you change it to the past, the guys who provoke her have already been sunk to the bottom of the sea by her.


"Asshole! Don't be proud of you, just wait... Boss Olympus, he, he will never let you go!!"

What surprised Little Annie and Little Fishman Fitz was that this guy who didn't seem to have any abilities, even if he had been beaten on the ground, was still a somewhat unpredictable character?

"Boss Okao? Do you know who he is?"

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a familiar name, the little fisherman Fitz looked at his little boss Annie again with a puzzled face.



"I remember that……"

"It seems that the bad guys who wanted to catch us who were thrown into the sea to feed the fish by you earlier said?"


Annie seems to have also remembered. There was indeed a group of bad guys before, and it was indeed the name of the person they had heard of once. Anyway, the other party seems to be very powerful in this city of Bilgewater?

But it doesn't matter now, because the other party repeatedly provokes the two of them, and it must be very fast, that very powerful guy called'Okao' will be overwhelmed!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(no Zuo no Die……)

(For these Bilgewater gang members twice and three times, they have provokes two little guys who want to provoke troubles for nothing, and especially like to do whatever they want, Tibbers does not want to make any comments now.)


"You are talking nonsense! Didn't you throw those bad guys into the sea to feed the fish?"

Fitz swears that although she can control the sea water and has a lot of water spells, she really won't be able to directly use spells to throw a living person into the sea! !

"Ha...cough cough..."

" moved our Okao boss, you must be dead!!"

The man who was still immobile by Fitz stepped on the cold and dirty street stone ground with his slimy fins, even if the cheap one on the other side was stamped out by the ground, but he was still very Swearing hard, it seemed that he wouldn't worry at all that he would be stabbed to death by the sea people who was ashamed to anger or thrown into the sea to feed fish?

"Ah! Here again..."

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

At this time, Annie suddenly sighed helplessly, and then reached out to stop the companion who intends to continue punishing the captives, and stopped the little mermaid who seemed to like to base her happiness on the pain of the bad guys. Action here.

Because now, more trouble is coming, they have to deal with it.


Some people's movements are very big and they have never concealed it. Therefore, without anyone's reminder, Fitz knew exactly where the terrestrial spirit under her feet came from!

Turns out,

At this time, the nasty guys who had been following them before and falling far behind actually took out their various weapons, including muskets, swords, daggers, and ropes. And the axe... They seemed to have seen the movement of a certain leader, and after their accomplices were caught and interrogated by her Fitz, they decided to act in advance and round up the two of them?

‘! ! ’

'this is……'

‘Okao’s people! ’

‘No, go fast, keep away from them everyone! ’

‘Mrs. Beard, this matter has nothing to do with us...’

'what! Someone is going to be unlucky! ’

'Nonsence! Those pickles, they are out again! ’

‘You better shut up! Be careful to be heard by them, let’s leave here first, don’t make your upper body angry...’

Of course, many Bilgewater people in the surrounding area have seen the changes around here, they have also seen the dock gang members who have pulled out their weapons, and they have also seen the two poor little guys hidden in the middle of the street. Of course At the same time, I saw someone who was threatened by the blue-skinned marine creature with a trident, and was stepped on his cheeks and lay on the ground, afraid to resist. There was also a certain Bilge who was easily burned on his hands The Waters recognized the patterned'docker'.

Therefore, the Bilgewater people who probably guessed what happened and what terrible things were about to happen, all of them expressed their gloat, or expressed that they could not see the eye, or gritted their teeth and cursed. Quickly away from this street, they can't even take care of the things they have stuck on the scene, or the stalls and so on...

Because they know that when the members of the gang gang are rushing, about to rush, or someone else is ‘working’, if they don’t want to be accidentally injured and involved in the storm and die innocently, it’s better to stay away?

After all, whether it's bows and arrows, knives, guns, axes, or terrible bullets, they generally don't have eyes, especially when the two sides have red eyes? !

"Wow! Little Fishman Fitz!!!"


"Just look at it, their bad guys are asking for trouble. Now, they leave it to you to deal with it. Come on, I'm very optimistic about you!!"


Annie doesn't want to fight now, even if she knows that none of the guys around them are good people, they are all bad guys, even if she herself can easily use magic to instantly subdue them or throw them into the sea to feed fish, but , Now she doesn't like to use violence!

Because she is a well-behaved, cute, clever, cute little girl who is loved by everyone, and the flowers are in bloom. Where can she often do those evil things?

So, for troublesome things like this, it’s better to leave it to the servant little murloc who was caught by yourself. Anyway, if someone is idle now, he must find something for the other person to do In order to avoid complaining about boredom in her ears all day long, I want to go to the deep sea to sleep in broad daylight! !


"Although I am not afraid of them at all, if I run up to fight with them, what are you going to do now?"

With one shot, he stunned the prisoner who wanted to resist. He didn't care about the life and death of the other party. Fitz, who was just about to take his seastone trident to meet the encircled enemies, suddenly remembered what he would return When I came back, the little girl who jumped onto the lid of a wooden barrel and sat, dangling white legs, asked suspiciously.

Although, she Fitz is not afraid of the Bilgewater land people who may only be dozens or hundreds or so, nor is she afraid of the weapons in their hands, but...why should she let her fight alone? , And this guy just sits in place and doesn't have to do anything?

Even if Fitz is now the other's servant, she can't keep her working so hard, right?

Anyway, she and the other party have an agreement, she doesn't want to be driven by the other party as a thug or an object of entertainment! If you make her angry, maybe next time, she will hide in the deep sea and won't come out, even if she violates the agreement and becomes a puppy! !


Fitz would not believe that he, the legendary and powerful tidal sea spirit of the Bilgewater land people, would turn into a sea dog because he violated the agreement between the two parties!

"what have I done?"

∑(′△`)? !

"Of course I am here to watch you fight!!"


Not even thinking about it, Xiao Annie answered very confidently, and she didn't feel ashamed at all. After all, the guys who rushed in the distance are so hot and so weak. If this little fisherman can't handle this kind of small scene, what else does she want the other party to do?

If she had to do anything, she wouldn't be tired, but she would be annoying!



"Wow! Fitz, be careful, look, the guy in the distance, that's the one over there, he's going to shoot you soon!!!"


Bang! !

However, at this time the gunshot rang, and Xiao Annie's friendship reminded it was a little late and lost it...

In the distance, a member of a pier gang holding a long flintlock rifle, after aiming at the head of a marine creature that might be the most deterrent in their perception, he resolutely detained him The rod in his hand is a long-barreled weapon with excellent accuracy and range. A hot lead bullet whizzed and rubbed the air, making a sound of infiltration. It was separated by at least a hundred steps from a distance. The distance, towards the smooth and bright head of Fitz the little murloc, was suddenly bombarded on his eye-catching head.

Snapped! !


"Damn it! Wow! I can't spare you!!"

In an emergency, Fitz used the seastone trident in his hand to cut off the flying musket projectile!


After finding that my hands were a little numb, I realized that my head was hit by the projectile, and I hit a small bag sturdily, almost shot to death by the opponent. , Who didn’t care about arguing with a messy little boss, she roared, raised her spirits, carried her own weapon, so that the seastone trident lit up with a blue magic light, a jump, Then rushed towards the enemies in the distance...

She Fitz must let those hateful land people know that even after her Tidal Sea Spirit comes ashore, she will not be weaker than she was in the deep sea! !


Huh! !


With the sound of a crisp gunshot, when a cone-shaped, high-speed rotating alloy bullet with a straight trajectory, a gang member who sneaked behind a pile of linen goods and wanted to shoot After a successful shot overturned to the ground, this harbour street, which had just been noisy and had a fierce gunfight, finally calmed down temporarily.

So far, one of Bilgewater’s new "Quick Gunner" Coleson and his female boss, "Miss Fortune" salad, who was forced to apply for the job, have organized a group in this long street in Bilgewater. Above, the **** battle activity has been going on since rushing out of the door of the tavern until now. It has been going on for more than half an hour...

Now that the two of them have killed how many enemies they have killed, how many times they have rushed to chase and intercept them, Coleson has some confusion, and does not want to count...Anyway, he only knows that he now has this The barrels of the pistols have become a bit hot!

There is no doubt that it must be caused by the heat dissipation metal on the barrel of the pistol not being able to dissipate heat in time after a long shot.


Fortunately, the hot barrel has been normal so far, and it will not have any impact on his subsequent shooting and breakout battles!

In fact, even if he finishes all the magazines he carries, he will definitely not let the pistol easily exceed the design load!

After all, this gun is the best thermal weapon purchased by the Bear Shield in their world regardless of cost. It is a boutique for field agents, not the kind produced in small factories in some small countries on the earth. The metal markings and the specifications of the parts are not up to standard, and the inferior products produced by the small workshops that may get stuck after a few bullets can be compared.

Of course, this doesn't make Coleson feel any sense of pride, because he has been regretting until now, why didn't he wear a ghost suit when he went to investigate the Alien Division of the Bear Shield? If he did that, I'm afraid he doesn't need to worry about being injured by those ordinary musket bullets now.


damn it! !

Those people, are there still endless? !


"Huh! Huh!"

After a long period of life-and-death shooting and physical-consuming high-intensity battles of wits and courage, because of the long time sitting in the office for a long time, it has been a long time since Xiong Shield has carried out this kind of high-intensity field combat mission. Grade-level agent Coleson suddenly discovered that his own physical strength... seems to have gradually been unable to keep up with the agility and agility of the young woman with long legs who can even jump out several meters at once?

Moreover, if it weren't for the powerful enemies around him, and it was possible to shoot a bullet that would kill them from anywhere at any time, he really wanted to open his mouth to suggest a little rest.

"Huh! Huh!"

"Sorry, Miss Sarah, I really don't understand, the two weapons in your hand, are they another type of Gatling gun?!"

The one hundred meters long street that I just ran over Gilgewater, that section of the ground is flowing with bright red and thick enemy blood, the body is full of enemy corpses with various sizes of bullet marks, and various residual limbs and soft tissue fragments. The place, but it has always made Coleson somewhat uncomprehending and surprised!

and so……

Now when the two of them rushed through a group of enemy chases and interceptions, after it was considered safe for the time being, he could finally settle down for a while, and was ready to take advantage of this rare break to ask his new companion and boss. The woman who is also a comrade-in-arms.


By now, Coleson has basically recognized the woman's fighting ability and the opponent's great ability to deal with crises! Moreover, he is still thinking that if he is still in the plane world of their Bear Shield, I am afraid that he will take the initiative to recruit the other party after the fact, so that the other party will become a first-level trainee agent of the Bear Shield. Right?

Of course, his authority is only enough to let the other party skip the assessment period and directly become a field agent. Although, the opponent's ability does not seem to be worse than that of the Black Widow Natasha, and if it were a few years earlier, the opponent would even be almost qualified to join the higher-level Avengers team!

But this is just a thought of Coleson himself, even if it is really on their earth plane now, it is obviously a little unlikely that the other party wants to join the Avengers!

In fact, so far, there are not many people who can join the Avengers as ordinary people! After all, that is the most elite department on the planet and under Bear Shield. The current screening process is very strict. In addition to the routine assessment recommendation of Bear Shield, only one of the Avengers’ invitations and After most of the other Avengers agree, can they formally join the extremely honorable department and contribute to the planet.

And he Coulson, until now, is still not a member of the Avengers, because he is just an ordinary person...If he does not have that kind of ghost suit or CMC armor, his current ability is not necessarily Will be stronger than a first-level or second-level field agent who has been fighting on the front line!

Therefore, he definitely has no way to send that kind of invitation to anyone. Moreover, the current situation is not suitable for any invitation.


"Coelson, what were you talking about? What is a Gatling gun? Is that something new from Hextech or Piazza?!"

When the barrel of the gun was seriously red because of the high-intensity barrage shooting, Sarah, who was urgently immersing it in a bucket of sewage bucket on the side of the street and cooling it down, heard Cole After Sen's strange question, he couldn't help but curiously leaned over her pretty face full of sweat and black ashes, and asked the other person with some confusion.

Of course she had heard of machine guns, Sarah, it was the stuff of the free trade port leather city west of the sea, but she is not rare! Because that conflicts with her family’s ancestral skills, and the power of that weapon is too average. If you want to burst shooting or perform other kinds of shooting, such as your own instantaneous defeat of more than a hundred people's barrage time, then It must be impossible!

Anyway, she still likes the two weapons that she has inherited from the mother of the gun master, because they have extraordinary meaning to her!

It was this gun that allowed her to successfully complete her revenge, and let her enemy, the pirate king Planck, together with his legendary flagship "Underworld" in that terrible explosion. In the middle, sank to the bottom of Bilgewater Bay!

"Ha! It should be almost..."

Soon, Sarah lifted the double guns that she had soaked in the bucket again, looked at the hot barrels that were still steaming, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although Sarah herself knows that if the red barrel is directly immersed in this extremely corrosive and dirty seawater to forcibly dissipate heat, it will be a great test for the performance and life of the weapon!

But now,

In the presence of a group of enemies, she who didn't believe that a quick gunner around her could resist those enemies alone, she still resolutely dipped her beloved weapon in, and took it back for a while. Came out and was ready to continue reloading.

If today, she can live back alive, she will definitely take good care of her two love guns left by her mother and do a good job of rust prevention and maintenance!


"Well, what was I asking you just now?"

Seeing the hot barrel quickly evaporate the water stains, Miss Doom Sara, who was about to put gunpowder and projectiles on her weapon, suddenly seemed to remember something, and once again turned her head and asked her companion next to her.

Just accidentally, she thought of other things, so she suddenly couldn't remember what she had said. Maybe it was because she was too focused on fighting and automatically ignored irrelevant things. Up?


Click! !

"No, it's nothing, just assume that I didn't say anything just now..."

He reloaded the pistol in his hand and pulled on the trigger. After the bullet was loaded and ready to shoot at any time, Coleson exhaled and shook his head. He was not ready and just asked himself. The kind of trivial small issues talked too much.

Now, he must guard his companion vigilantly, guarding his side, for this new boss who is giving the two unreasonable but some unconventional outdated gunpowder weapons on the ammunition warns the street from the rear , Or any hostile situation that may appear at any time on the small road ahead.


Only God knows why the two backward medieval weapons that the opponent is holding, except for the slightly larger caliber, have the barrage effect that a heavy machine gun can have. Right?

Anyway, that kind of unscientific thing, if Coleson hadn't seen it in person, he would never believe it! !

after all,

The terrible thing that used a single gunpowder weapon to continuously stimulate and successfully produced a barrage effect, and swept away dozens of hundreds of enemies, is really too incredible!

And if they were replaced by the field agents of their Bear Shield, with the conventional advanced weapons of the earth, I am afraid that only when a team of field agents use shotguns to shoot continuously, will there be barrage shooting from the other side. Isn't it the kind of horror effect?


"I'm ready now, how about you? If there is no problem, then we have to continue. The road ahead is quite long, and we are ready to accelerate!"

Although I don’t know what happened to the quick shooter Coleson next to him, the whole person is still shocked from time to time... But Sarah, who has been working with him for a long time, is not going to waste such small things. Their precious time!

Therefore, after completing the loading action in a very short period of time, she took a breath and held up the double guns in her hands, preparing to continue their unfinished great career today-breaking through the group as soon as possible. I don’t know where it is. Containment by a staff sent by the gang! !

She herself knew that if she continued to stay here, she would only make more and more enemies!

Because, with the passage of time, whether it is the gang members or bounty hunters who are ordered to besie her, or the ordinary greedy Bilgewaters, when they see that this place is profitable, they must I won't let go of the two heavy bounties on the heads of Sarah and the quick shooter next to her!

and so,

She must quickly defeat the enemies who are so bold enough to besie her Miss Doom Sarah, rush out of the enemy's heavy encirclement, and return to her own territory! Then, as soon as possible the ones who called her were not very reliable, and those **** wall-riders who were probably still swinging and watching.


"I'm ready, madam, I will follow you!!"

Although Coleson wanted to continue taking a break, he also knew that the other party's current arrangements were extremely correct! In any case, they must leave this dangerous street as soon as possible, because he has faintly heard the kind of hysterical noise coming from a distance, clamoring to capture or kill the two of them alive.

The enemy is becoming more and more, and they must prepare for it early.




At this time, I don’t know which mad guy was. When the two were about to charge forward, he threw a round guy from a hidden corner. It hit the house behind them. The wooden wall of the ship's board frightened the two of them, and then the bullet fell under the feet of the two of them, and there was also sparks.


this is……

Grenade? God, what a joke about this! !


Seeing this ball-shaped ‘grenade’ with a smoky lead was thrown at his feet by the enemy, Coleson’s frightened, Mediterranean-style big-back hair almost exploded!


He was shocked, and he didn't think much about it. He hurriedly stepped forward and squatted down. At the risk of being burned by the sparks of the burning lead, he slapped his eyes and hands quickly and made "crack" and "zizi" The ringing gunpowder cord that was about to burn to a round'primitive grenade' was pulled out with force! !


"Thank God……"

After successfully pulling out the match cord from the small hole and discovering that the terrifying'grenade' did not explode, Coleson threw away the burning cord, while chanting God’s The name, he exhaled heavily.


Explosive weapons in this backward world need to be ignited by a fire rope, and if it is replaced by Coleson's world of the earth plane, replaced by the modern grenade-style grenade on the earth, even if he borrows a hundred courage He didn't dare to easily lean over to touch the terrible explosive thrown by the enemy, he would have already rolled as far as he could! !


"Mr. Colson, you are such a dexterous fellow!!"

I just found the grenade that was thrown by the enemy. She was originally planning to jump away from Sarah to avoid the explosion. At this time, after seeing the amazing and bold actions of her companion, she was stunned and then suddenly grinned. Showed a breathtaking smile to the other party.

"Now it's all right, we finally have a way to show the guys in the house hiding in front a good look!!"

After speaking, Miss Doom smiled, stepped forward, picked up the "grenade" without a lead from Coleson's feet, and took out one of the ammunition bags she carried with her. A finger that long lead was stuffed into the small hole that seemed to be a Zizi...'

"Let them taste our departure!!"

After igniting the cannonball in her hand from a small pile of fires caused by fierce fighting, Miss Doom Sarah accurately dropped the bomb that was thrown by the enemy without waiting for the sound of her companions. They were thrown back into the window of the small house where they were about to charge, which had a thick shipboard wall that had blocked them for a long time.

‘! ! ’

'what! bomb! ! ’

‘Run! ! ! ’

Rumble! ! !

At the moment when the exclamation and scream sounded, a cloud of flames and billowing smoke suddenly exploded in the wooden house, causing the small house that was hiding at least several gang militants to be lifted instantly. Flew the wooden boards on the roof and started a fire...


"Quickly keep up! Quick Gunner Mr. Colson!!"

After discovering that the difficult ‘fortress’ was finally broken by myself, and the enemy hadn’t been found for the time being, Sarah greeted her companion behind her, and rushed out in the first place!


Just a gunpowder cannonball, is it really that powerful?

Coleson, who followed the opponent and charged forward at a high speed, glanced inwardly when he passed the burning wooden house, and then, the horrible situation there made him feel a little panic.


He just stopped its explosion in time, otherwise...

However, this is not the time to think about that kind of thing, because they are not safe yet, and they have not broken through the enemy's encirclement of unknown number! !



? Ask for all kinds?

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