Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 763: You want it? ???·??·???

Bang! !

At this time, another gunshot! !

A vicious and fat pier gang member rushing to the front, covered in mud all over his body, and wearing that extremely dirty sailor suit with patches of unidentified filth, saw them in the distance. After the blue-skinned unidentified marine creature was jumping towards them, he did not think too much about it. He just raised his hand and shot it, and then he leaped towards them. The hot, hot projectile spewed out of the smoke and sparks from the muzzle of his long-handled musket, and blasted towards the blue monster who was still tumbling in the sky...


"You don't want to hit me anymore!!"

Even if she was in mid-air, Fitz the little murloc spotted the guy closest to her on the ground at a glance, as well as someone who was shooting at her and flying out of the glowing muzzle flame. A high-speed projectile whizzing up!


choke! !

She hurriedly waved her seastone trident in mid-air, and slapped the hot round projectile with a dull sound of metal and rock!

‘Ah! ! ’

There was a scream...

Fitz, the unusually vengeful little murloc, actually used his seastone trident in mid-air with precision to hit the projectile that was shot at him back, and fired the first one before hitting his head. A small pack of enemies knocked down the gang member of the dock who was currently loading bombs in a pool of blood.

‘! ! ’

The yin puffy dock gang member was shocked...

The smoke from the muzzle of the long-barreled musket he was carrying has not completely dissipated, and the muzzle is still wafting with smoke of gunpowder, but the precise bullet he fired has achieved a completely different result from his previous expectations. ……. So, I discovered that the bullet I had attacked was shot back by the enemy in the air, and a companion who was also a sharpshooter not far behind him was easily knocked down, and the enemy fell in the right direction. It was in front of him. Seeing this bad situation and realizing that it was not good, he was so frightened that he could not care about the strict rules of the gang. He turned around and planned to avoid the opponent's edge, planning to retreat to a distant place and was charging up Behind those companions.

But unfortunately, he still runs slowly...

"Don't you want to run!!"

Although the bottom of my heart is not bad, he can sink ships at will when he is mischievous, and even attract big beasts to attack those sea hunting ships sailing on the sea. Fitz, who has never been merciful when attacking his own enemies. !

Moreover, she herself knew that without being reminded by others, those enemies who were rushing towards them while shouting and killing would definitely not be good people!

Because, they all exude a disgusting smell that makes her feel disgusted?

Naughty blow! !

At the moment of landing, instead of waiting for the bad guys to continue hitting the hot metal **** that made her feel so disgusting and painful, Fitz struck forward with a naughty blow, approached her closest, and was still right. Empty shot, but now the villain who turned to escape rushed over...

‘Wow! ! ’

噗咚! !

In a scream, the vicious and puffy dock gang member who turned to escape screamed, and was slapped severely on his back with a weapon by the little man who rushed from behind him, and then he went to his side. Screaming, while flying up high, before he could understand what was going on, he fell into the scarlet pier water of Bilgewater in the distance with a bang, and there was no sound.

‘! ! ’

'damn it! You guys shoot! Kill that monster! ! ’

I found that the charge had just begun, but I lost two gang members who were good at shooting in an instant. This made a cunning long-bearded and skinny captain who was in charge of command and coordination at the end of the team dressed up. The man felt unusually grief and fear! So, after seeing that little blue-skinned man with big eyes killed the two bravest and most casserole shooters who had killed him, he unconsciously stopped, and at the same time, Those subordinates who basically held long-barreled or short-barreled guns issued new orders.

He intends to kill the little monster directly in the distance, even if it is possible to kill those gangs who have rushed forward with cold weapons in their hands!

Snapped! Snapped!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

No one wants to die easily, especially when facing a monster who is petite, but seems extremely powerful, and can beat his teammates into the sea at least one or two hundred steps away from this street. when!

Therefore, those gunmen with secretive minds and flexible brains, rushing to the end from the beginning, shouting louder than anyone else, but the speed of the charge is slower than anyone else, just like a pardon, stopped one after another. They left the place, regardless of the risk of accidentally injuring the'friends', using the long guns and short cannons they had in their hands that were not good at first, they fired fiercely towards the enemy who was rushing towards them after landing.

‘? ? ’

‘Uh ah! ! ’

Gunpowder weapons that are not rifled, especially those that fire round lead bullets, are obviously not very accurate. After all, not everyone is a sharpshooter, and those who fire have never thought about how accurate they can be.

Therefore, the at least 30 dock gang members who were charging, before they could successfully greet the enemy with the various cold weapons in their hands, suffered from the projectiles from their own people in advance. The baptism of...

‘Asshole! ! ’

‘Damn it! Where are they going to fight? ’

‘Everyone, get out of here! ! ’

When the gunshots behind him still didn't mean to stop, and when several of his surrounding teammates were knocked down in a pool of blood or died or injured, the remaining ones were all embarrassed by the exclamations or curses of the states. The ground made birds and beasts scattered, hiding behind various obstacles on both sides of this fairly spacious street, and refused to rush forward.


Fitz shrank his head easily, and easily avoided a huge projectile that was tumbling over.


She waved her seastone trident again, shot another round lead bullet, and let it smash a small wooden pillar on the street, directly hitting it into two broken halves.


However, at this time, more projectiles were constantly shooting towards her under the random shooting of the musketeers who had at least thirty or fifty people in the distance, with various ballistics, violently The ground rolled and rotated and rubbed the air and shot over, leaving traces of hot air and smoke trails behind...


Seeing that the enemy’s firepower is fierce, Fitz, the little murloc, was waving his seastone trident, sending several pellets to Dafei, but accidentally ate a pellet and let it lie on his smooth After rubbing a stinging and scorched scratch on the stratum corneum cheek, she was so frightened that she finally did not dare to go head-to-head with the enemy on land like this. Instead, she directly supported her weapon and dodged the enemy's fire. He jumped directly to the back of a pile of thick solid wood heads on the side of the street where I don't know who it was.


"Damn it! It hurts!!"

Fitz, the little murloc who finally had to avoid the enemy’s shooting for a while, only reached out to touch her cheek after hiding behind the obstacle. After finding some faint tingling and blood stains on it, she was still a bit playful. He quickly became a little angry.


Those road enemies are really all bad guys!

So, now Fitz has decided. She will take a break here for a while and wait until the guys have finished hitting the nasty metal projectiles in their hands, or are no longer as dense as they are now, she is jumping out to give They are a good-looking one! !



"Huh? Tibbers...what is this thing?!"


Seeing that the little murloc Fitz in the distance is still at ease, and seems to be able to easily eliminate the incoming Bilgewater villains without using magic, Annie thought for a while, and then ignored it. other side.

So, she turned her head around and looked around randomly, and soon found a strange thing:

It seems to be a thick ship plank carved with sea snakes, octopus legs and scimitar knives. It was erected against the other side of the cargo pile on her side, and there are many long and short wooden signs on it. Some weird parchment notes?

What's more, what makes Annie feel a little strange is... On the top, there seems to be some words diagonally?

Seeing this kind of thing that was obviously more interesting than Fitz's fight with the bad guy for the time being, little Annie couldn't wait to stand up with her hands on the lid of the wooden barrel she was sitting on, and tiptoe, jump. He took a few steps lightly on the messy cargo of the other party, and arrived in front of the strange big ship board.


"Miss Doom, two, three, four, five... five zeros, one hundred thousand gold sea monster coins?!"

o(|||??д??)o? !

Biting her little finger, Little Annie, who was not too concerned about the fighting and shouting in the distance behind her, just counted, and quickly recognized the most written on the wooden boat board. The name above and the numbers after the name.

Then she quickly understood:

That seems to be the closest thing to law and order in Bilgewater, that is, the legendary uncle Harpooner and when he first came to this port, the fake witch who cheated her money once told her That bounty list!

And the names written on it now must be those villains with the highest rewards offered by Bilgewater! It seems... they are sorted according to the bounty price of each head, and the first one at the top is definitely the worst and worst.

Anne also heard that Planck, the king of pirates, was originally the first one, and that he would regularly add a silver sea snake to his bounty amount in order to openly challenge the entire city?

It’s just that the hapless and sad guy now seems to have been blown up alive... and the person who blows him up is obviously the one now ranked first and worth 100,000 gold sea monsters, ranking the most. Miss Doom Sarah in the most eye-catching position at the top is no doubt.



"The infamous Blood Harbor Ghost Shadow Parker...1523 Golden Sea-Monsters?"


"The third place..."


"fourth place……"


"Huh? Coleson turned out to be the fourth place? A hundred gold siren as a bounty?!"


Little Annie, who was happily watching this Bilgewater bounty list, suddenly scratched her head when she saw the name of ‘Colson’ abruptly.

"Huh? Tibbers, this must be the same name, right? Otherwise, how could Uncle Coulson's name appear on this list?"


You don’t need to think too much about Anne knowing that Uncle Coleson must be on the earth of another plane world, and may also be busy saving the world or protecting the earth in the Bear Shield, so the other party must not It will be in her runeland world and in this seaport city of Bilgewater.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Of course Tibbers knows that things are not like that, but now it doesn’t want to remind its disgusting little master about this kind of thing. , I don’t know what kind of bad things will happen!!)



Soon, Annie saw her name on the wooden bounty list above. It was nailed to it with a dirty parchment paper, and it was pitifully nailed to the corner. She didn't know who it was. Give her a reward.


"Why is my bounty so small?!"


Anne expressed her dissatisfaction that her name could not be listed in the top five prominent positions! Maybe she should do something big to make the bad guys hate herself more, and then she can make her name more advanced?



"Huh hey?"

What is this?

While Little Annie was busy watching the'Internet' bounty list of Bilgewater, Fitz, the little murloc, who was shopping with the members of the dock gang in the distance, was hitting the ground again. After the villain in front of her who wanted to hack him, she curiously picked up a black gadget that had fallen to her side and was still braving with sparks...

This kind of billowing black thing, when in the sea, Fitz can not see less! However, it was the first time she saw someone who was still sizzling and braving like this, so she was very curious and couldn't help but pick it up and watch it carefully.



"Hey! Fitz! That's a bomb!!!"


At this time, Annie, who was watching Liulu and listening to all directions, suddenly turned back and yelled at some dying guy in the distance!

Although Annie has never been afraid of that backward gunpowder weapon, but no matter how she did, she would definitely not be like the other party, holding a home-made bomb with a burning match string and leaning in front of her to check it carefully. ,because……

It's really too stupid and a bit too two to do that! !

"what are you saying?!"

The distance is a little far away, and the badass wharf gang members in the distance are still shooting at him randomly. Therefore, Fitz could not hear the little girl in the distance clearly, so he could only hold the thing in his hand while Inquired curiously towards the distance.


"That's a bomb! You quickly throw it away for me!!"


Annie yelled again from a distance, but her voice was soon drowned in the sound of the musket firing.


"You want? Do you want me to throw it to you now?"

Although some are reluctant to return the things that have not had time to study clearly, Fitz looks at it and feels that there is nothing fun in the black ball in his hand, and then intends to throw it to someone The bad girl who wants to grab toys from herself at this time.



"Forget it! I don't care about you, just do it with you!!!"


I kindly remind the other party, but the other party still wants to throw the bomb that is about to explode to himself?


Like the kind of unscrupulous guy, Annie didn't want to care about the other party at all, or let the guy who was dying by herself be blown up once. Will she dare to see next time? !


"Hey! I am going to lose it now?"

Without hearing the other party's words clearly, Fitz confirmed to ask again. At this time, the black ball in her hand has burned to the dare to throw it over and try it? ! "


Annie vowed that if the other party really dared to throw it over, she would want that guy to look good! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"I'm going to lose it, you catch it!!"

Finally, the little murloc Fitz, who thought the other party really wanted it, lifted the thing in her hand to the height... However, when she was about to throw it out hard, the gunpowder rope was already burning The end...


in danger? !

In that extremely critical moment, Fitz also seemed to feel that something was wrong!

Then, she hurriedly used the powerful power in her body subconsciously, bursting out the blue water magic power directly, and protecting it outside her body.

boom! !

A violent explosion suddenly exploded, and flames, thick smoke, and broken metal fragments directly engulfed the hidden pile of wood behind the little murloc Fitz, and the huge air wave directly lifted several times. A thick plank, and at the same time blasted wood chips and gravel all over the floor.

'a ha ha ha! ’

‘Brothers, that monster was blown to death, and there is only one left, so keep going! ! ’

After the explosion sounded, I waited for a while, did not see the blue-skinned monster running out of the black smoke, the commander or leader of the gang gang, and in ecstasy, he arrogantly dealt with his subordinates, and Those in front who dared to be angry and did not dare to speak once again gave orders to charge all.

Now, as long as the little girl who knows magic in the distance is caught or killed, their mission is successfully completed!


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