Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 765: Strategy Life-like Tomine (Zu ̄3 ̄) ??


As time passed, by the night of the day, Bilgewater Freeport, located at the southernmost point of the Anaconda Islands, is the Bilgewater Freeport. Although the major chaos has gradually ceased, the small-scale chaos continues. It spread to the streets of the entire city...Those people who were ill-conceived or who had grudges in the past, or who had grievances in the past, have also been in the streets and alleys, using all kinds of guns, bombs, swords Wait for the weapons to fight hard.


This is the characteristic of Bilgewater, because here, there are no legal or actual rulers, and there are no police and military departments! !

Although up to this time, the city is still not very peaceful, but...under this chaotic situation, almost most of the people in Bilgewater still know their city, and they know this. Those great news that happened in two days!

First of all,

It was the original pirate king of Bilgewater, the legendary pirate Planck who had actually controlled this free port city. He was planned and killed by a bounty hunter named Sarah Miss Doom. Up? Anyway, many people in Bilgewater have seen it. The pirate king, including his flagship of the Underworld, caught fire and burned in the deep water outside the pier in the light of the fire and the eyes of everyone. And finally it exploded and sank to the bottom...

Of course, there are also rumors that the Planck did not actually die, but escaped by luck? It's just that in that terrible explosion, the opponent is still maimed, so now he has to avoid the limelight and heal his injuries. Didn't you dare to appear again?

But in any case, everyone knows that Planck's majesty has been swept away, and his era is over... However, who is in charge of the future of this city is still a mystery.


Due to the rapid spread of another gossip, almost most people in Bilgewater now know that there are now two more people in their city that they can’t mess with, just like the mighty one in the temple on the top of the city’s hill. The "True One" Illaoi is such a powerful man!

One of them is Fizz, a mysterious creature of the sea clan!

It was near the wharf area. It directly used the magic tsunami to flood ten streets. It not only rushed a group of thugs and most of the other wharf gangs into the sea of ​​Kegu Bay to feed the fish, but also The abandoned boats and wooden houses that brought countless Bilgewater people to the shore with great pains were washed back into the water...

Until now the night falls, the tattered ones, which may have not crossed the sea for decades, are said to be boats, but they may be more like houses. They are still in the scarlet slaughter pier. Floating innocently or stranded in the sea!

And the other one is a mysterious and powerful little girl Flame Mage!

It is said that she was just a horrible magic flame at the time, so Okao and almost all of them were lucky enough to still support the old pirate king Planck’s gang members, and the villains Burned in the raging flames?

This news is basically uncertain now, because many people know that the territory of Okao is occupied by a group of newcomers. It is said that it is the mysterious little girl mage?

There is...

According to the latest and most reliable news: It is said that until now, the huge deep-sea Titan Nottilus, who is still stuck in the slaughter wharf as a statue, can tear a battleship with his bare hands, is actually the mysterious little flame mage and Fitz, the little murloc, was caught together!

Moreover, it seems that even the beard lady can't help them? !

At last,

The remaining message is:

According to eyewitness accounts, the former envoy bombed the "Underworld" and "killed" Planck, the king of pirates, and it is said that it is most likely to replace Planck and control the city of Bilgewater. The woman, Sarah, the amazing Miss Doom, she was really single-handedly and successfully escaped her life under the chase, interception and bombardment of hundreds of gang members and the bounty hunter team. And returned to her own turf?

At this time, she should be brewing plans for revenge and liquidation in her gang, and is preparing for some action that can rule the city of Bilgewater?

Of course, the above are just rumors or distorted rumors spread among the Bilgewater people. Although these things have indeed happened, what is the actual situation, or the truth in it. No one knows if there is any misrepresentation.


Although night has fallen, the chaotic gunfights and shouts of killing in Bilgewater are still going on...

No one knows what those people are fighting for, and no one cares about why they continue to fight, because that kind of situation has long been used to the people who have lived here in Bilgewater for many years. Yes, they have already taken offense!

In this city, if one day you can’t see the hapless corpses on the streets, you can’t see the rotting skeletons in the sea, you can’t smell the rotting corpses, and you can’t hear the screams of guns and guns. Which is the most abnormal?

In any case, the chaos in Bilgewater is not a day or two...

After all, since Bilgewater can let an old **** pirate who can only burn, kill, and looting rule here, where can we expect it to be better?


While the guns in the city were still screaming and killing, in front of this rare piece of flat land on the hillside of Bilgewater, there was a huge battleship ‘ashore’ and its The rows of gun doors and large-caliber naval guns on one side of the ship block the mountain road intersection ahead!

This is actually the gorgeous half-mountain armed manor that originally belonged to the gang leader Okao who had been shot to death by a certain earthling. It was the guarantee that he could always maintain his position here in Bilgewater!

But now, when Little Annie and Coleson were beaten to death and burned to death by the bosses, and then they themselves did not want to suffer the same fate of a small number of "surrender" gang members, they directly occupied them. This comfortable manor with excellent terrain and comfort can be regarded as living here temporarily.

As a result, the Bear Shield Coleson, who had just died once, became a mafia boss here in Bilgewater, and became the owner of the fortress building and the gang leader. ?

"It's incredible..."

Colson, who has changed into a clean medieval captain's dress, is constantly touching his left chest at this time. He has no idea what happened to him until now. thing,

"Annie, how did you do it?"

"I'm pretty sure, I already felt that I was dying... My chest was pierced, and the wooden thorn must have penetrated a certain atrium of my heart... Later, my soul flew. When I came out, I saw the way I was leaning on the stakes and my blood. At that time, the whole world was gray..."

"But, how come I'm doing everything right now?!"

In this regard, Coleson really couldn't understand it!

And if it hadn’t been for his own tattered suit and the blood-filled holes on the front and back of the left chest of the white shirt, he would probably have thought he was dreaming...

But that obviously is not!

Because, Coleson is very sure that he himself has indeed died once!

When he and the Doom Miss Sara broke through the encirclement of the enemy, fought together for more than an hour and smashed to the other end of the'Butcher's Bridge', he was blown up by the strange wizard with a spell and hit him. On that broken stake! And so immortal, he was stabbed by that wooden thorn...

Then, although he used his last strength to help Sarah sneak attack and kill the careless wizard, there is no doubt that he Coulson died in the end, and before he died, the Miss Sarah was kind Take away his weapons and all remaining ammunition!



"Uncle Coleson, of course you were dead at that time! It's just that, I brought you back to life in time!"


Annie said that she has at least hundreds of ways to bring people back to life!

At that time, after she noticed something was wrong, she flashed directly at the bridgehead of the'Butcher's Bridge', and then, ah, she burned to death those who were planning to kill Uncle Coulson. After unloading eight pieces of the bad guys who vented their anger, and surrendering the other bad guys in two strokes, she hurriedly used time spells to repair the opponent's body in a small area, and then grabbed back the opponent's soul that had not gone away , Easily rescued the poor guy in front of him who had to go to the world of Runeterra to find himself.

As for why the other party had to come here to find herself, Annie never asked more, and didn't want to ask...because she didn't need to guess to know about it, it would definitely not be fun! !

"Really strange..."

Coleson thought it was the light like the Sally Whiteman on Earth who saved himself, so he didn't ask much.


"Annie, in other worlds, such as when I die on our earth, does the soul also go out of its body and go to other places?"

Coleson felt it. When he just died, he did feel the lightness of himself, without much tactility, and only a little bit of instinctive memory left. It did feel some kind of powerful involvement. Do you want to guide yourself somewhere?

And since there is a soul in this Valoran world, this runeland, and I have just confirmed the existence of that kind of thing, doesn't it mean that there really are places like heaven and **** on earth?

If that's the case, it seems that he doesn't really want to participate in the life project developed (cottage) from the technology of the Hero Federation by the Bear Shield Headquarters, and to extend his life!

After all, if death is only the beginning of another adventure, it doesn't seem to be a too bad thing?



"People have never died, so how can they know where the soul will go if the people on your earth die?!"


However, Annie only knows that no matter what world she is in, if her soul is not strong enough and she does not have the power to protect herself, once she dies, she can't help but want to go somewhere else!

Because at that time, the existence of those gods and the like, or the messy things such as demons and liches, would all come out to grab those tight ‘sources’!

Therefore, if you can live well and work hard to eat, drink and have fun, then that is the best, but don't think about the kind of death all day long! !


"That... don't you even know Annie?"

In Coulson's memory, this little guy was omnipotent, and he could even save himself when he died just now, so he thought the other party knew something about this kind of thing! After all, the opponent is the kind of omnipotent powerful mage. It is said that even the Thor of Asgard and the passing Odin have always praised and existed?


Coleson only knew that as long as there was this little guy in front of him, whether it was the invasion of the evil **** Loki, the conspiracy of the universe king Thanos, or the big-headed monster Igo who wanted to swallow the entire universe. They are not afraid of action! Because, this little guy, she always has a way to make them survive all kinds of difficulties safely and without danger.

And because of this, he came here again this time, planning to ask this little guy back to help them bear the shield when the time is right (when the other party is in a good mood?)? In any case, she is still a director of the Bear Shield, and the Avengers’ ‘carry the handle’, can’t be saved! !



"Why should I know that kind of dying thing?!"


Annie is definitely not going to die, and no one can let her die, so she will definitely not think about things like that after death!

Besides, in the world of Runeterra, she is only eight years old this year, she is still young, to die or something, like that kind of troublesome things, let someone else think about it, anyway, she doesn’t know how and is not interested. To study that kind of field! Now that the **** of death saw her, she had to walk around, so she would definitely not pay attention to such boring things.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"It seems so?"

After scratching his head, after thinking about it, Coleson felt that it seemed to be the same. After all, Annie, this little guy, is still small, and it is said that he will never grow up. It is still the kind of extraordinary existence with eternal life. Therefore, he The things I just asked are indeed out of place.

Therefore, he intends to shift the conversation, ready to continue to have a good chat with each other.


However, when Coleson was about to continue looking for something to talk to the little guy who hadn’t met for half a year, and had just saved his life, he continued to chat and talk, suddenly, a little blue figure came from A window on the second floor of this rare white rock villa built in Bilgewater turned in, and suddenly jumped into their hall?

Upon discovering this situation, he subconsciously reached out to his waist, and then felt for a moment before suddenly remembering that his pistol seemed to have been'robbed' by the doom lady Sarah. At this time, his The position of the holster at the waist was empty, there was nothing.



The blue-skinned big head, there are several pairs of little weirdos with things like bunny ears hanging on it. After looking at each other curiously with Coleson in amazement, he curled his lips and turned his head to look towards To another little girl who was sitting comfortably on that gorgeous sea animal skin sofa.


"Hello Little Boss Annie, I'm back again!!"

Yes, now the little murloc Fitz is back again, back to her nominal boss!

In addition to her, those who followed together were the legendary harpoon Lars who went to sea before! It's just that the opponent is still patiently explaining to the gang members who are guarding the door outside, and she is not able to jump over the wall and jump in as easily as she does.


Coleson was finally relieved when he found that the other party seemed to know Xiao Anni... To be honest, he was really afraid that the little monster suddenly used the cold-shining weapon in the opponent's hand to give himself a look. If that's the case, maybe he might have to die again?

After all, he is now unarmed, and after he has no guns, his combat power is probably the same. It is very likely that even an ordinary pirate sailor outside can't beat him!



"But, your bad water monster that has just flooded the small half of the city below, haven't you already gone back to sleep in the sea? Why are you coming ashore now?"


In this regard, Annie said she was very curious...

Because this morning, the other party had been complaining and wanted to go back to the bottom of the sea to sleep, but now, at night, she obviously didn’t call the other party, but this guy just ran into her new house. , The clean floor is full of wet and sticky footprints, what do you want to make?


"Have you set a few streets on fire?!"

Why do you want to fight, don't the other party know?

So, seeing the little girl lying on the sofa comfortably in front of her ridiculed herself, Fitz, the little murloc, jumped onto another soft sea animal leather sofa, while the seawater and mucus on her body made the sofa into After being embarrassed, he retorted angrily.



"I didn't put those fires, I just burned some bad guys who wanted to bully Uncle Coulson!!"


Those street fires that have not been completely extinguished so far, of course Annie knows, but she swears, it really wasn’t the fire she set, it was really just those bad guys who accidentally burned up during a fight, and When she teleported them up, they were already on fire, so how could it be her business?

Besides, if she really set fire to the city, I am afraid that it would not be possible for the Bilgewater people to put out the fire so easily.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Fitz, you haven't said yet. Why are you sleeping in the mud of your house, but you have to come to my house?"


Seeing the sea animal skin sofa opposite to her that had become squishy, ​​Xiao Annie was so angry that she almost didn't call a group of clear water to flush it toward her!

However, after thinking that the guy on the opposite side is a **** who loves water, she finally resisted the urge.

"I didn't sleep in the mud on the bottom of the sea, I slept in the seaweed!!!"

Although it's very comfortable to sleep directly in the mud on the bottom of the sea, Fitz prefers to sleep in a darker seaweed, because there will not be too many big fish or sea beasts to harass her, although she is not afraid of them. ?



Annie didn't speak. She was waiting for the other party's explanation, wanting to know why the other party chose to come to the new home she found in Bilgewater at this time.

"Is such that!"

"Now there are more interesting things here, just southeast of Bilgewater, they are here, so I'll be back again!"

Fitz would not tell the other party, in fact, it was because of the terrible Night of Soul Eclipse...

And she herself was obviously guilty of those all-pervasive undead, and she did not want to run north and was looked down upon by others, so she simply ran here and found the little girl in front of her, so as not to really follow her. When the monsters fought, didn't they even have a reliable helper?


Coleson said he was puzzled. He didn't understand what the two little guys were talking about. He just looked curiously at the weird guy who looked like a big frog.

"They're here? Who are they here?"


Little Annie scratched her head, still she didn't know what fun thing this strange little fisherman was talking about, and she rushed to find herself?

'Hey! What are you doing? ’

'stop! ! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Get out of the way, Master Anne and I are acquaintances, I am her new captain! ! ’

At this time, there was a burst of noise outside the manor. When everyone looked curiously towards the slammed door, they only saw a man with a scum beard sweating in a few gangs. The members pulled in and rushed in.

"Master Anne!!!"

"Yes, it's the Night of Soul Eater! No, it's the Night of Soul Eater? Anyway, that's the same thing! Those dark mists and monsters of Shadow Island, they, they are here!!"

The person who rushed in was obviously the lucky legendary Harpoon Lars who was sent off the ship and sea beasts before!

And now, the reason why the other party found his old customer at this time, and found the little girl in front of him, was obviously not only to report, he also came to seek asylum! Because he felt that the little girl in front of him who was able to grasp the Tidal Sea Spirit with her bare hands and the Deep Sea Titan was obviously safer than the temple of the lady with the beard, which was gradually crowded?


Coulson was still full of question marks. He didn't understand the least of those Soul Eating Night, Soul Eater, Shadow Island, Black Mist, monsters, etc., but vaguely knew that there seemed to be something terrible. Is happening?

"Hunhunye, what's that?"


Annie seemed to have heard of that strange thing, but for a while, she couldn't remember it again.

"Huh? Huh?!"


Got it! Now, without the other person needing to explain, Annie finally felt what was going on, and then she turned her head and looked out the window with some curiosity...

Because now she seems to have also discovered:

To the southeast of Bilgewater, there is a large piece of black fog, which is mixed with countless terrible undead and various monsters, and it is spreading towards the python islands of Bilgewater! It must not be rain clouds, but monsters from Shadow Island and those terrible black mists! !

o( ̄□ ̄;)o

No wonder...

No wonder a little murloc who said he was going to the bottom of the sea to sleep in is going to come to himself at this time, is it that the harpoon Rales blames Uncle Lars for coming to him after he has benefited, no wonder the bad guys of the dock gangs They surrendered so simply after knowing that they were a powerful mage. It turned out that they were all thieves, and they all used her Queen Anne as a protective umbrella...

However, she still hasn't figured out whether she should be the umbrella of these gangsters.



‘! ! ’



At this time, it seems that the Bilgewater people in this city have also realized something. The original gunfights and explosions spontaneously and slowly stopped, and soon fell silent...

And in the new white house of Little Annie, more than a hundred new gang members began to flood in. All of them were full of horrified and uneasy expressions, and they looked forward to sitting in the same place with expectant eyes. The little girl mage in the middle of the hall and another little murloc, Fitz, who seems to be able to magic.




Annie can see that there is no fool in this world. In this city of Bilgewater, he can live well until now, even more so!

‘! ! ’

‘The Night of Soul Erosion is here! Run everyone! ! ’

'fast! Run to the top of the mountain! ! ’

‘It’s too late, turn off the lights! Turn off the lights! ! ’

"Ms. Beard bless..."

‘Acridine! ! ’




Later, more and more people in Bilgewater realized that something was about to happen. After a while, they soon became quiet again...because they all know that those hiding in that kind The undead in the terrible black mist will definitely be the first to find the one who makes the most noise!

And if you don’t have time to run to the temple, you can only stay in their respective homes, quietly hiding in cabinets, bed bottoms, wooden barrels, boxes, and any other hidden places, before the sun rises tomorrow. When the black mist receded!


Almost at the same time, the sea beast priest Illaoi, the true and blessed person of the true **** Nagakaboros, of course, also saw the evil that was spreading from the seas in the southeast towards Bilgewater. Black mist.

Since she had just ordered the opening of the temple’s door to allow the rushing Begilwaters to take refuge in the temple, she has been standing by the window of the main hall of the temple of Nagakaboros, staring blankly. The terrifying shadow in the southeast was darker than the night.


"what should we do?"

Finally, Qi Qi walked behind the truth so that the Snake Caller did not mention the retreat, because they knew that it was too late to retreat now. They had nothing to do except grit their teeth to get through the difficulties. Something better.


"I didn't expect them to come back so soon this time..."

Originally, she had a plan. She wanted to gather Planck who passed the test of the gods, the Miss Doom who is about to be tested by the gods, and more Bilgewater heroes, so as to gather them together at the right time. Give the undead who came with the black mist of the night of Eclipse, especially the leaders of the undead, to kill on the spot, and completely end the horrible reincarnation!

But how can I think that now the other party is coming back so soon? This made her plan still have to die before her plan was implemented, and she had to face the terrible situation in front of her in embarrassment!

I don't know whether part of the power of the great true **** Nagakaboros can protect this decadent and ignorant city?


At the same time, in the Demacia Kingdom, in the home of the defending family, Laxana’s title defender was working with her brother, the newly promoted general of the Demacia Kingdom, Garen’s title defender, and the kingdom’s marshal Tia Na?? The crown guard whispered something.

"Brother! Aunt!"

"It's like this. Believe it or not, I'm sure it is the truth, the truth of the things you have been looking for all this time!!!"

After making everything clear, Lacus exhaled, and slowly stepped back, standing in front of the two of them happily, waiting patiently for their response.



However, after hearing the shocking things about her, Galen and her aunt Tiana just frowned and remained silent, without any response.


"Lux, are you sure you are telling the truth?!"

This matter is a bit serious, so Demacia’s Kingdom Marshal Tiana, the title defender, had to open his mouth again and look at the eyes of his little niece again.

"of course it's true!!"

"I have confirmed with Sona Sister before! At that time, Annie seemed to have done that thing in front of us, in front of us! She was, as if she was using a forbidden magic stone ??"

At that time, Lux only felt waves of magical fluctuations sweeping towards the surroundings, and then she was stunned by an electric mouse "Pika Pika", so that she had no chance to think too much. , Was kicked out.

But now that I think about it, things are clear at a glance!

The Cataclysm of the Demacia Kingdom must have been brought out by that naughty little girl at that time, under the nose of her Lakshana crown defender, but she stupidly divided Not sure?


"Gallen, what do you think?"

With a sigh, some Tiana, who felt uncomfortable, turned to look at her nephew of the general, hoping that the other party could give themselves a good suggestion.

"Sorry, aunt..."

"I don't know, this kind of thing is simply appalling, unimaginable..."

Galen really never expected that Demacia spent a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate the truth of things that hadn’t been clear for a long time. It turned out to be a little girl playing around in front of her sister. In the capital of Demacia, it was done in Bouville Manor? !

This kind of thing...

If it weren’t for his sister Lacus’s words to herself and vowed to herself, maybe even Galen would never believe it, that kind of terrifying, miraculous cataclysm, how could it be a small The girl mage just made it out?


"I have seen a lot of mages, more than you think! But if anyone can easily do all this now happening in the Kingdom of Demacia, as Lacus just said, Then I can speed you up very responsibly: no one can do all of this with personal strength, no one can do it!!!"

Tiana, the title defender, is very sure!

Because in their original conception, apart from some accidental coincidences, the only people who did this kind of thing were the super-large, hostile Mages organization of the Demacia Kingdom under the long-term layout. With the preparation of the mages and huge spells, all this can be done!

For example, the Noxian Empire that has been hostile to their kingdom for countless years?


The Noxian Empire is now falling apart and fighting endlessly, and they are overwhelmed with self-care. It is definitely impossible for them to launch such a big conspiracy against their Demacia Kingdom! !



Galen and Laxana looked at each other and yelled at each other, and then began to bow their heads and fell silent, because now they both really didn't know how to deal with this matter right now.


"Lax, you just told us about this now. You must have some good idea. Let's talk about it. What are you going to do?"

After a while, the two’s aunt Tiana, the title defender, suddenly turned her head and looked at the pretty standing Lacus on the side, because she suddenly discovered that her little niece seemed to have Some kind of own opinion?

So, she plans to listen to it and see if it can be useful?

"Brother! And aunt!"

"That's right, I plan to go a long way to find the little girl Annie, let her restore everything to its original condition, and then save our country and the people of Demacia!!!"

"For Demacia!!!"

Lacus raised her head and said confidently!

This kind of saving the kingdom that can only happen in fairy tales, saving the people is about to happen to her Lakshana, defending herself, and I believe that she will soon become the great hero of the entire Demacia , And it won’t take long before she can be appointed as a magistrate, be enshrined as a master of magic, be a court mage of the Kingdom of Demacia, marry the crown prince of the kingdom, and reach the pinnacle of life... This kind of thing, just think about it Make her a little bit excited!

Of course, marrying Prince Jarvan or something, that kind of thing can be temporarily deleted, but for other things, she, Laxana, who is about to become great, will definitely not refuse! !



After hearing what Lacus said, Tiana, the crown defender and Galen looked at each other inexplicably in surprise.

"Lax, are you sure, do you know that little girl mage, know that guy... where is the one named Annie now?"

After a while, after almost able to understand the other party's true intentions, Galen suddenly asked, somewhat puzzled.

Because he always feels...

His baby sister, Lux, seems to think things too simple?

"I don't know..."

"But, I want to go to the land of voodoo first, and to her home, that is, the gray order! I think there will be some gains in that time!!"

Although I don't know the truth of'you can run to the monk, you can't run to the temple', but Laks knows that a little girl will definitely not run around, as long as she gets to the land of voodoo, to the wizard organization of the Gray Order, You can definitely find that little guy!

In this regard, she is very convinced! !


"Lax, believe me, that's not a good idea! After all, what you said just now, you may just be ordinary friends..."


"No matter what her purpose is, I don't believe that she will easily do what you ask!!"

Kerosene Lamp’s own nephew Galen spoke, and Tiana, who had seen more things, also persuaded the crown defender and sighed and shook his head at his niece.

From just now to now, she still couldn't understand why the little girl did this, why did she want to subvert their Demacia kingdom? Is it possible... That gray orderly heart is so big that they want to deal with Noxus and their Demacia at the same time, are their hearts really that big?

If that's the case, it would be crazy!

Moreover, if that were the case, Lux would be even more unable to find that little girl Annie, absolutely not! !

"Aunty! Brother!"

"Although I know it's difficult, I always have to try it. To save the Demacia Kingdom, to save our people, isn't it?"

Lacus still insisted on her own ideas, because she could see from previous contacts that the little guy she knew, the little Mage Annie, was not a bad person, which can be confirmed from Sona's description and judgment.

Therefore, she must go to that voodoo land anyway! !



Galen and Laxana's title defender looked at each other again, Qi Qi saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.

Because they all know that the right of the kingdom and the royal family and their nobles is to be rescued, but the people are living well now, and they haven’t paid taxes for a long time. They have long been familiar with magical creatures. Someone must really be saved! !

Of course, such words Galen and Laxana would certainly not explain to the naive eldest lady in front of them.

"Lax, if you really insist on going, maybe I can't go with you..."

"Even, we can't send too many people to follow you... You know, the situation in the kingdom is not very optimistic now. His Majesty King Jarvan III has ordered the reduction of troops, including Jarvan’s crown guard, they are all from the border Return to the capital..."

"If you go out at this time, it will be very unsafe?"

Galen agrees very much with His Majesty’s decision. Now, with insufficient troops, is it a wise choice to draw troops from the border?

After all, the Noxian Empire is also messed up. The warlords in that huge empire have begun to fight with warlords, and they are no better than their Demacia Kingdom. Under such circumstances, whoever stabilizes first will maintain Advantage! !

Moreover, he also felt that if the dragon blood Wu Ji Shivana came back, there would be a woman who could transform into a giant dragon, plus the justice giant Galio who was invited by Lacus to protect it, presumably that The insurgent Silas was definitely unable to cause any turmoil here in the capital...At that time, other places may be hard to say, but the Demacia country is here, and it will definitely settle down and radiate the entire kingdom soon.

At that time, they can finally organize the kingdom slowly, and then think about other good ways to solve the problem once and for all?

"Brother Galen!"

"I think, I can go alone, my magic is very powerful now!!"

Lacus is now a powerful light magician herself, so she is pretty sure that she can reach her destination safely! If someone wants to disadvantage her in the middle, her magic will surely surprise them!

Besides, she still has her partner!

Her horse and her cat, they are also very powerful!

It’s just that she doesn’t know if they are willing to follow her to leave Demacia... After all, she does know that, according to the Kingdom’s investigations, those magical animals like to settle in Demacia, and they almost never find out. They showed signs of leaving the borders of the Demacian Kingdom and going deep in the outer continent.

"No way!"

"Lax, do you know what the voodoo land is? Do you know where it is? And, how are you going to go?!"

Before the other party could say more, Galen, the elder brother, categorically rejected the innocent idea of ​​the other party, and directly asked a series of rhetorical questions, trying to dispel the unrealistic idea of ​​his sister. .

After all, what exactly is the land of voodoo? I am afraid that even Galen is not sure about it. How can he dare to let his only sister go to risk?


"I think I can copy a map..."

Indeed, she really didn't know anything, and even the voodoo land was blackened in her eyes... However, there must be a relevant map in the library of the Demacia Kingdom, right?


"You don't know can you let me rest assured?!"

Galen waved his hand arbitrarily, indicating that this matter does not need to be mentioned again and there is no room for negotiation.


Lacus pursed her lips, staring at her pesky brother aggrievedly! !

"Oh! Alright, alright!"

"You two don't have to fight anymore. Let's do that for today!"

"Remember, don't publicize everything first... Especially you, Lux, don't tell anyone that you have any relationship with that little girl, and don't treat anyone except me and Galen. Anyone who says the ins and outs of this matter, do you understand?!"

Although I know the truth of the matter now, there is still a mess of Tiana in my heart?? The crown defender sighed with a headache, and spoke to the reluctant niece Lacus in front of him. Tao.

How to deal with this matter, she hasn't figured it out yet, anyway, it must not be easily publicized!

after all,

Once outsiders know that the eldest lady of their crown guard family and the initiator of everything are friends, and they have witnessed and participated in the'catastrophe', then their crown guard family will really jump to the sea of ​​conquerors. Can't wash clean.

Maybe, this matter will be forever and completely rotten in the hearts of the three of them now?


"Aunt Tiana..."

Lacus agreed with that aggrieved, melancholy voice.

Although she now had to bow her head to meet under the majesty of her brother and aunt, in fact, Lux, who had always liked rebellion in her heart, gritted her teeth and secretly made a certain determination.


??(??﹏??、)???? There are too few tickets, ask for a ticket??


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