Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 766: Everyone, come and help???(???????...


Ooo~! !


Outside the opened wooden framed window with glyphs, in the dark and moonless night sky of Bilgewater, there were bursts of sharp and hurried seabirds' exclamations, making their faces cold and sitting peacefully in white. In the secret safe house of Hong Kong, Miss Doom Sarah, who was checking some lists and documents, couldn't help but raised her head in surprise, and glanced at the night sky outside the window.

Why are there so many seabirds barking at this night?

Finding this abnormal situation, she couldn't help but make her a little curious... However, she didn't think too much in her heart, because she knew that it must be some kind of inattentive guy who went to dig out bird nests and birds all night. The eggs are ready to sell for money, what an annoying group of guys! !

Now Sarah is in White Harbor...

This white port, where some merchant ships berthed on weekdays and has a loading and unloading dock, has always been an important place of interest for the gangs of various docks. In the past, it was the king of pirates Planck and Planck of Bilgewater. No one has the guts to intervene in the traditional site of the pier gangs under them!

But now, the gangsters who were originally entrenched here were either killed or dispersed or driven away by force during the raid on Planck! Since then, no one here dared to intervene in this pier, making this place a new site for Miss Doom Sarah.

after all,

Only the winner is qualified to enjoy the sweetest fruits, and now, her Sarah is obviously the biggest winner among them! !

At least, for now?

Calm down, she didn't plan to worry about the messy sounds coming from outside the window.


Sarah first raised her head and glanced at both sides of her study, and looked at the standing gang leaders who were a little trembling for a long time, and then snorted and made them feel more nervous, before she lowered her head to look at these bastards. The handwriting that the guys just submitted to them was scribbled, and there were even a lot of wrong parchment lists, related materials, and urban intelligence information.


The surroundings and the air here are full of the guano of seabirds, rotten stinky fish, the body odor of the large rats on the dock, and the strong **** smell from the slaughter pier of Kegu Bay...the tastes are mixed Together, Sarah, who was just about to speak, let out a sigh of frown, which made her already upset and irritable even worse.

But no matter how bad it is, some things always need to be dealt with...

"Old smoker..."

"I heard that you and your people are very busy all day long, am I right?"

"Now that you are free, you might as well talk about it. You have made those achievements today. Even the oral message I sent to you specially for you to send someone to respond to my order... can let you Ignore it, ignore it?!"

Miss Doom is angry now! Very angry! !

So, after she glanced at the front of the line of bosses standing on the left with a cigarette in his mouth, seeming to be an honest guy, she involuntarily lowered her eyes to the desktop in front of her. .

at this time,

On her table, there are three guns open in one word: one is "shooting", the other is "ah", and the last one is during the day today. From that poor one, it must have been The'quick gunner' Coleson, who had been out of breath for a long time, took away the precision rapid-fire pistol with mechanical fixed gunpowder in his hand.


Seeing that precision shooting weapon with only two multi-magazine ammunition left, Sarah couldn't help but feel a little stunned, and her thoughts floated away again.

What a pity!

It's a pity that man, that Colson died...

Originally, that guy could almost become her most capable and trustworthy subordinate!

But by the way, that guy was too short-lived and not very lucky. He died when he was dealing with the Olympus at the last minute?

Even if she had just heard about it, a certain little girl mage brazenly shot and burned those **** who chased her, surrendered them, and saved the man... But when a person is dead, he is dead. There is absolutely no possibility of resurrection for anyone whose heart is pierced by a wooden thorn!

Regarding this matter, Sarah is very sure, sure and sure! Therefore, she didn't really believe in the rumors that a certain little girl mage made a move to save that man.

After all, in Sarah’s view, it is possible to resurrect the dead... I am afraid that only the existence of "Ms. Beard" can do it, right?

But after the resurrection, it has a different appearance, such as the plausible deep-sea Titan Nottilus and the ghost Pike of the Blood Harbor in the slaughter pier? A guy like that, even if he can run and move, he can never be considered alive! !


After she sneered and laughed at herself in a self-deprecating way, Sarah quickly calmed her mind and prepared to deal with the group of **** in front of her! !

Today, no matter what, she must find the guy who disappoints her the most, and then kill the chicken and the monkey! Otherwise, she doesn't have to think about taking over the old **** Planck and ruling the Bilgewater Freeport, becoming the queen here.

If even her subordinates can't actually control it, it must not be long before her rotting headless corpse of Miss Doom will appear in a stinking ditch in this city or dock, and let those dock rats We gnaw...and then, her head will definitely hang high above the top of Bilgewater's largest bounty list at the same time, bearing the pointing, ridicule and scolding of others all the time?

"Respect, dear Ms. Sarah?"

"Yes, it's like this... Today we have a lot of things... It was already noon when I received the news, because we planned to raid Planck's people early on, and we heard about him I'm a little worried about the news that I'm not dead, so..."

"Old Smoker" said that he was telling the truth! !

Because, once the news of Planck's alive is true, once the other party is relieved, then they will all be unlucky! Therefore, in order to prevent the trouble before it happened, to eliminate the roots, and to prevent himself from being retaliated against by others in the future, he simply did nothing, and brazenly attacked the old guy who was still willing to be loyal to Planck, or was swaying. Uncertain bastards!

They finished the arrangement at midnight yesterday, and the sneak attack launched before the sun rises today...

In short,

The raid they launched was very smooth and very fun!

After all the dust settled, "Old Smoker" realized that his losses were surprisingly small, and, for unknown reasons, the enemy's main force was not in their territory, so that he gained unimaginable The huge return?

So, at that time, they had been beaten mad, how could they manage so much?

So that when he finally received the news from the messenger, it was noon, and when he was in a panic preparing to bring people back to help, everything was long before the end of his own raid on the enemy. The dust settled.

But fortunately, this lucky'Miss Doom', this great Ms. Sara, is lucky enough that she magically broke through the scoundrel of Okao and other people's chase and interception, and killed countless enemies. After successfully escaped?

"Oh? Really, how many more enemies did you manage?"

Sarah is also a little suspicious...because, "Old Smoker" is one of the few people she can reluctantly believe. If even the other party lied to her, then maybe there is no one here today who can be trusted. Up.

If it is really such a bad situation, then she has to plan well earlier...

"a lot of!!"

"I killed none of the Planck people in the Craig area! There is also... the group of gangsters on the boneyard, whether they are Planck people or not, they are all I was thrown into the water cemetery to feed the sharks!!!"

"Today our territory has expanded by at least a third, and Planck's remnants have not much life left!"

When it comes to this matter, the "Old Smoke Gun" has a look of excitement.

Because his actions during the day today only lost less than 20 people, but he defeated at least hundreds of Planck’s accomplices and **** who were suspected of being Planck’s accomplices! Of course, what excites him the most is that they occupied another dock area plus a few streets, one step closer to unifying the entire Bilgewater.


"Yes, I'm sorry, Miss Sarah, I didn't mean it, I was too late when I received the news! I swear, what I just said is true, in the name of'Ms. Beard'!!"

I just wanted to continue to share my happy old smoker with my boss. After seeing that the woman sitting behind the table didn't seem to have a good face, I quickly stopped my voice, and only promised. Backed back, he didn't dare to come out indiscriminately, only dared to sneak a glance at the other person from time to time.

He really can't be blamed for supporting things. Who knew that when he was making other people's ideas, others would also target their incredible young leader?


"It sounds pretty good..."

Sarah reluctantly nodded and expressed a little approval, but she was not really satisfied.


With a sense of feeling, she began to turn her head and look outside the window.

There, on the row of wooden boxes, there is a mouthful of beautifully decorated quaint bronze cannons... It is the spare weapon of the'Ming Yuan', which was ordered by her Sarah to hold the allegiance to her long ago. Byrne the jackknife.

Because, yesterday, he participated in the sneak attack on Planck and sent the Underworld to the bottom of the sea. He died gloriously in order to protect her!

Tomorrow at the latest, Byrne will sink into the water and join the ranks of the hordes of dead... She knows that she owes him a kindness, and she owes him a kindness, and the same is true today. The dead'Quick Gunner' Coleson! !


When it was dark, she had already sent people out to look for the corpse of Coleson, and then, at noon tomorrow at the latest, she would hold a solemn funeral for them so that they could be together in the water cemetery. Buried together in the same best location, and used the best gilded buoy tombstone! !


"I also heard that you also took the opportunity to attack the group of dog gang and the sea king gang at the slaughter pier this morning? You can also talk about it now, what are your gains?"

After speaking, Sarah reached out and picked up the mechanical pistol with fixed ammunition on the table and started playing.

This weapon that she ‘taken’ from Coulson’s hand, she has probably figured it out now. Whether it's the structure inside, or the mechanical principle of ejecting the shell and loading the bullet with the help of the thrust of the gunpowder, it can't trouble her!

after all,

Her Sarah’s mother who was mercilessly tortured by Planck before was a famous gun master! And she, who is also from a famous family, has a unique understanding and superb production skills for the principles of various firearms!

Except for the troublesome Hextech energy firearms and weapons, the exquisite crafts that are completely free of magic and rely on wisdom are not too difficult for her to understand, and now, the only thing She felt a little difficult, maybe it was the standard ammunition that was ordered?

But this is not difficult!

Because, there are still dozens of finished bullets available to her as a standard for imitation! Corresponding instruments and equipment are everywhere in Bilgewater, but there may not be such a small-diameter machining equipment that requires modification of the gears of the lathe and steam engine.


"Report to Miss Sarah!"

The one-eyed man named stood up with a cold face, and began to report in a low voice:

"Except for the big bald head, he seems to be able to control the huge deep-sea titan so that we dare not touch him, the other gangs have been swept away by us!!"

"Including the Gang Dog Gang, the Aquaman Gang, the Shuo Mouse Gang and other gangs who refused to submit to us, I have all cleaned up!!"


Having said this, Raven stopped and looked up a little embarrassedly at the woman in front of him who was sitting in a chair and was playing with a strange gun.

"My gang's men have suffered heavy losses..."

"That little murloc is the one that was spread to the public today, the sea creature Fitz...It launched a tsunami magic attack that affected us, causing more than half of my men to lose..."

After speaking, Levin stopped again, he no longer dared to continue speaking!

Because, he can feel it...maybe everyone can feel it?

The terrible woman in front, the powerful woman who can single-handedly beat the siege among thousands of troops, the woman who brings bad luck to others but can bring good luck to herself, is using that Ruoyouruowu's terrifying murderous aura firmly locked him!

Moreover, he also found that the muzzle of the strange weapon in the woman's hand was aimed at his head as if it were not. In this situation, the cold sweat on his head still kept flowing down, and in this hot night, there was a chilly feeling.

Although he Levin deliberately found things for himself and did not support him, but he really has difficulties! If he wants to go to the Butcher’s Bridge, he has to take people through other people’s territory, including some **** who are standing here right now. If they don’t let go or have an unclear attitude, he can still kill them directly. ? !


Sarah sneered again!

She thinks this kind of thing is really ironic...

People who were loyal to her blocked their guns and died. Someone she felt could be trusted and capable also died in front of her half a day ago on the way to help her break through the siege...and Now, these guys standing here, although they are all the kind of people who say allegiance to themselves, but at critical moments, they will only fight for turf and fight for their own benefit, and even OK. A group of **** who ignore their lives and deaths? !

This is really great!

Therefore, Sarah has firmed up her mind:

Today, someone must die here, and someone who she thinks is the most perfunctory must fall on the ground here and leave that dirty blood! Otherwise, all that she has done so hard, I am afraid that sooner or later, it will be all cheap for these **** in front of her!

That kind of thing, her Miss Doom Sarah would never allow! !




As she made up her mind, Sarah couldn't help but squinted her eyes slightly. At the same time, with a hard hand, she directly shot the magazine of her weapon into the magazine, and didn't say anything, just silently Looking at them, the atmosphere in this study became more and more dull and permeating.



The actions of the leader obviously shocked some people present, making them feel a little bit eager in their hearts, but they didn't dare, so they could only stand on the side and only willingly, you look at me, I look at you, and I don’t know if they are thinking. What's going on.

Bang! !

Suddenly, at this moment, there were rushing footsteps from far and near. Then, the wooden door of this large study was slammed open, and a tall sailor was not notified. Just forcibly broke in?




Of course, when Sarah was about to continue to interrogate those people who were constantly sweating, trembling slightly, and whose eyes were the most flickering, she was suddenly shocked by the incoming person. ! After that, she didn't think much about it, she directly loaded the light and fluttering burst pistol in her hand with a click, and faintly pointed the muzzle at the intruder and those in front of which were nominally affiliated. To the **** under his own hands.

Because of Sarah now, no one can easily believe that!

But tonight, there is really no one who is forced to report to herself here, who can make her feel at ease and trust! !

So, she had to beware of some things in advance...

‘Asshole! ’

‘Looking for death? ’

‘Who are you? ! ’

‘! ! ’

"Which bastard? ! ’

‘Hmm! ’

As if relieved, after seeing someone break in, although there was only one person on the other side, and they didn’t have any weapons in their hands, the gang leaders or Sarah’s adjutants, gang members, and leaders who joined , Also took out the swords and muskets in their hands, and shouted loudly.

Well, they can blatantly take out their weapons. Maybe, this will make the Miss Doom sitting in the first place a little bit of restraint, and will not keep the terrible muzzle of the strange musket in her hand from time to time. To innocent people like them?


"Every, every, sir!!"

"Big, big, big things are bad! Undead! Those monsters...yes, it's the night of the soul eclipse! It's the **** black mist, they, they're out of the dock now!!"

Finally, the sturdy sailor who broke in saw that the leaders of the meeting here all took out their weapons, and watched the music against his black muzzle for a long time before he ignored it. , With a nervous and stammering tone, a face weeping, and at the same time, his hands and feet trembling in a low voice and said.

This stout sailor, he was actually more afraid of not the fierce eyes, cannibalistic expressions of the big guys in this study, or the dazzling swords and black hole gun muzzles... He was afraid, yes. Those soul-eating souls outside! ! !


"Eclipse, eclipse soul night?!!!"

Sarah’s original fierce eyes were also taken aback for a moment. Then she stood up suddenly from her seat, turned around and ran to the window, staring her eyes wide, looking towards her. Outside the window, I looked to the direction southeast of the pier sea.


Also, it's really the Night of Soul Eclipse...

Opening her mouth, staring round her eyes, the pupils inside enlarged at the moment the eyeballs rounded... Obviously, Miss Doom Sarah saw something outside from the window that made her feel a little weird. Things.

'what? ! ’

'damn it! ! ’

‘Let let me see! ’

Almost at the same time, the gang leaders who were still raging just now, could not care too much, and rushed to their nominal co-leader Miss Doom Sarah, and stared at their pairs or Cunning, calm, muddy, or one-eyed, looking towards the night outside the window.

‘! ! ’

‘Mother! Really those terrible things...’

'bad! Now it seems too late to go to the temple on the top of the mountain to take refuge. They have spread over! ! ’

'So fast? ! ’

"It's over, it's over, this time is really dead..."


It didn't take two seconds for them to confirm that the subordinate who ran in to report was not deceiving them!

Because they did see the black fog that was spreading at a very fast speed from the entrance to the port facing the pier in the distance, and at the same time, they also saw the black fog that can make people tremble from the depths of the soul. The shadows and ghosts in the black mist, the ghosts and ghosts of howling ghosts and howling wolf, also saw those panicked, from the cliffs at the entrance to the sea and the nests on the mountains, hurriedly screamed and screamed in the dark to evacuate from the flying sea. Birds.


Sarah opened her small mouth slightly, and her distorted expression was full of that unbelievable look...but soon, her expression became cold and she made a decision in an instant.

"Go away!!"

Turning around, pushing away the **** who are still watching the situation outside the window with round eyes. Sarah walked directly to her table with a dark face, and she reached out and picked up the table and placed it on the table. Yes, the two guns on which I became famous.

‘! ! ’

'head! What shall we do? ’

‘What else can I do? Maybe all of us will be finished together this time! ’

‘Or, old smoker, let’s run now, right? ’

'run? Ugh! It’s too late...’

‘That’s better than waiting to die here! ! ’

‘Then you run and watch? ’

‘Think of a solution! ! ’


‘Miss Sarah? What should we do now, what are your good ideas? ! ’

After seeing the terrible sight in the distance and finally regaining his senses, the leaders of the gangsters argued with fear and fear for a while before they had to turn their heads to look at the person who was currently picking up their weapons. Is it the leader who has made up his mind, or is there a good way, and asked tremblingly at Miss Doom.


"What can I do? Close the windows, doors, lights, take up the weapons in your hands, and then please close your dog mouths!!!"

At this critical moment of life and death, Miss Doom Sarah doesn't want to give her **** half face!

After speaking, she thought for a while, then leaned over and took out a heavy package directly from under the table she had just now.

It was a large bag of metal bullets, a special product she used to'buy' with her own double guns from a certain vendor. It is said that the magicians of the Lieyang sect on the giant mountain used the light of God. The blessed evil spirit enchanting projectile?

Anyway, regardless of whether it is true or not, Sarah now just wants to use them to directly fill the ammunition and animal skin bags in her waist. Even if it doesn't work, it will definitely not be better than what she has now. worse! !

‘! ! ’

'Correct! Correct! Correct! Be quiet! ! ’

‘Hurry up! Close the door and the window, then who? idiot! What are you doing standing stupidly? Hurry up and lock the door! ! ’

'fast! Go and blow out those candles. It is said that the undead will follow the light to find them! ! ’


‘There are also voices, they will hear the voice of us talking...’


Concerning their own lives, the leaders of those gangs did not dare to neglect at all, they directly used their fastest speed to close all the doors and windows in the study, and immediately blown out the desk of Miss Doom except for their leader. All the candles except the wind-proof lantern made this huge bright study room dim in an instant.


"I still have some evil-breaking bullets that are said to be able to deal with the undead and demons. Does anyone want it?"

Although this precious bullet does not want to be wasted by the bastards, several of her own sea animal skin ammunition packs are already full. Sarah, taking into account the help of more people and a higher survival rate, Reluctantly carrying half of the bag, at least thousands of burlap bags left, threw them to the ground and said to the **** who were a little at a loss.

‘! ! ’

'I! I! I! I want two hundred! ! ’

'I also want! ! ’

'Hey! Don't grab it, let me grab two more! ! ’

"Asshole, save me some~? ! ’

‘You’re all full, what else are you grabbing? ! ’

'what! Don’t step on...’

‘Brothers, who has too much gunpowder and even me a little bit? ’

'gunpowder? There are several barrels outside. Go out and get them if you have the ability! ! ’

'you! ! ’

‘That...Miss Doom, do you have Hextech’s evil bullets? I might need something as thick as a half-finger...’


"No! Get out!"

Soon, when the gang leaders and chiefs who knew what the evil bullets meant, they dumped all the lead bullets they carried with them and replaced them with a new type of undead that is said to be able to attack the anti-corrosion soul in the night. After the monsters’ evil bullets, the last oil lamp in this big room was finally extinguished by Sha’s stretched hand, leaving only a dozen people’s rapid breathing and a few people in this dark room. Both eyes widened in the dark.

‘! ? ’

‘Wow! ! ’





At this time, the black fog outside seems to have finally spread to the dock. There are many sailors, seamen, sea hunters, captains, and the cargo piles of the docks who have to stay on their ships because they have no money to go ashore to have fun. The screaming hard workers finally made a scream, but soon their screams stopped abruptly.

And those sparkling firelights that could have been reflected from the window began to gradually become less at this time...

‘Guru! ’

I don’t know who swallowed secretly, the sound, let everyone present know: the terrible black mist, the night of the soul, and those hidden in the night of the soul hit together , The terrifying monsters from Shadow Island, they finally arrived!

Immediately afterwards,

The light outside the window became less and less, until a large piece of black cloth-like thing shrouded Miss Doom, Sarah and her large study room at the pier, plus her leaders. In the darkness...


Halfway up the mountainside of Bilgewater, on the ‘Butcher’s Bridge’ website or the gang leader and temple area of ​​the rich and big gangs, it looks very lively! The Bilgewater people, who saw the arrival of the Night of Soul Erosion earlier, and now have a little reaction time, are screaming and cooperating on the street, igniting a group of people, it is said to be able to resist the undead and the dark Bonfire In The Fog.

For people who are unable to protect themselves and have no time to run to the temple to seek refuge, this kind of flaming bonfire that can disperse the darkness and burn some undead is a guarantee that they can survive until tomorrow morning!


"Those...then, are those the undead of Soul Eating Night?!"

With naked eyesight vision 1.5, he is usually rich in nutrition, has no night blindness, and has received professional investigative training, a Bear Shield tenth-level agent Coleson. At this moment, he is in this luxurious house on the hillside of Bilgewater. By the window, watching the piece at the foot of the mountain gradually spread to the dock area, the black mist that extinguished the flames below exclaimed and asked.

At this moment, the one on his left is said to be very powerful, the Tide Hailingfitz that has always been famous in the legends of Bilgewater?

And sitting on the window sill to his right is the one from their Bear Shield, who has always given the impression of being the omnipotent and boundless arcane archmage Little Annie!

and so,

In addition to feeling a little frightened and a little bit emotional now, he actually doesn't have much fear, because ah, the little guy sitting on the window sill next to him has no expression of fear at all until now, then he Coulson himself certainly has nothing to worry about.

There is a certain oriental philosophy that says very well. As the saying goes, “When the sky is falling, there is a high support.” He Coulson is now a civilian without any arms and resistance, like the kind of turning the tide and saving the world from danger. The matter, then temporarily leave it to the awesome little guys around him to handle it!

after all,

He is getting older and older, and he is about to retire in more than ten years, which is a bit useless...


"That's a bunch of boring and annoying monsters!!"

Fitz stood on tiptoe and glanced at the foot of the mountain outside the window, then retracted somewhat unnaturally, and holding her seastone trident, he took a deep breath and seemed to be ready. Some kind of related pre-war preparations?

Of course, it could be something else...


"Fitz, are you afraid of them?"

Coulson could see that the blue-skinned alien ocean man who was about the same height as Little Annie seemed to have a nervous expression on his face?

Could it be that the monsters that followed the black mist were really powerful?

If that is the case, then, he must be more careful later, he must never leave the little Annie in his house for half a step, he must not die again! !

"Do not!!"

"I'm not afraid of those undead monsters. I can stab one to death with a fork! But...they are too many, I don't want to play with them, because it's not fun at all!!"

Yes, facing the ordinary undead, Fitz firmly believes that after her seastone trident is filled with the magic of the ocean, she can definitely die one in a bucket, one piece in one wave!

But it's a pity that the number of those undead is too much...


In those black mists, there are still many undead creatures whose individual strength is not lost or stronger than her Fitz, such as Lich or Undead Knight? Although she is not afraid of one of them..., but with two fists hard to beat four hands, she wouldn't go shopping with their endless monsters!

and so,

In the past, when the former Bilgewater was attacked by the Night of Soul Erosion, she left this sea area in time and far away! It’s a pity, not now... Because of the existence of the magic contract, she cannot take the initiative to leave a stubborn little human girl too far, so she can only be forced to run back at this time, through some clumsy An excuse not to leave?

"Are you so good?"

"God bless! That's great, I will rely on you for my safety later!!"

In the face of a large group of terrifying undead, Coelson, who basically has no ability to resist, except to find himself a strong bodyguard that looks more reliable, he must have no better way than this. of.


"Don't worry, at that time, I will definitely not care about your life and death except myself!!"

Blinking his big green eyes, he glanced at the flattering light-headed landman in front of him, then turned his head to look at the crowded crowd behind him, also looking forward to and flattering gangsters. , The little fisherman Fitz made a very ruthless voice, directly shattering the unrealistic fantasy of their people.

What's a joke, now even her Fitz herself has to come here, preparing to seek the asylum of a powerful little girl mage, where would she take care of the other land people?

If it's really dangerous, don't talk about protecting them. Fitz herself will definitely run faster than anyone else!


"Annie? You should be fine, right?"

Okay now, the legendary Tidal Sea Spirit of the Bilgewater seems a little unreliable? Therefore, Coleson had to turn his help-seeking gaze to a little girl who was sitting on the window and screaming.



"People are very sleepy now, so I don't want to waste my sleep time to fight with their messy things!!"


That's right, Annie is really sleepy now. She wants to sleep very much. It's definitely not a temporary excuse!

Under normal circumstances, if she can't eat enough, she must have no energy to save the world! And once you eat too much, the whole person will easily fall into sleepy nap, and sleepy nap will also have no energy to save the world...

So, she plans to have a good night's sleep in this big, fairly clean house. No matter what happens, she can wait until tomorrow morning.

Maybe, after dawn tomorrow, those black mists will dissipate under the shining of the sun. There is no need for her to be nosy or save the world?

‘! ! ’


‘? ? ’


Hearing the irresponsible words of a certain little girl, whether it was Coleson, Fitz the Murloc, and other members of the gangster who came in to seek asylum, and relatives of Bilgewater, they were all confused. , Helpless, puzzled and horrified eyes stared at her.

This kind of thing is not a joke, they won't mind if other people die, but if this little girl really doesn't plan to help, they are likely to die! You know, in previous years, every night of eclipse souls, the entire Bilgewater will lose at least one-third of the population, which is much more serious than they usually fight each other!

"Alright alright!"



"Looking at you useless guys being so pitiful, then my Queen Anne will be very compassionate now, and I can barely think of some effort-saving way to help you this time?!"


You must help, but you must sleep when you sleep...

Because, Annie doesn't want to save the world, nor does she want to be a hero, let alone save this Bilgewater who has few good people! What she wants most now is indeed to quickly find a clean big bed, and then go to sleep beautifully! !

And if it wasn’t for the diligent eyes of the two guys in front of her that made her feel a little uncomfortable to refuse, if it wasn’t for Uncle Coleson’s old acquaintance, if it wasn’t for that little fishman Fitz hadn’t played enough, or She really didn't want to listen to a group of undeads screaming and screaming while she was sleeping. Do you think she cares about the lives of these guys? !



Little Annie is considering that she is going to find some helper to help herself fight the undead... But she needs to think about what kind of helper she is calling in order to deal with the undead more reliably without any trouble. The death situation?

First of all,


Uncle Coleson’s earth world is definitely not good. That guy ran across planes here wanting to find his own help. It’s definitely not good to go to the Bear Shield, and they are not good at it. Gods and ghosts, so just pass it off!

o(??^`)o hum!

As for Hogwarts?


Um... the curse of calling the gods seems to work just fine... but, it seems that she is not familiar with the wizards who hold the rod... Besides, like Dumbledore's thieves The old man, if he heard that they were calling them to deal with a large group of horrible undead, the old man would definitely rely on the old man, pretending to be deaf and unable to hear what he said, and then decisively choked off the magic communication!

It must be like that! !


Then... continue to move to the Kepulu region to move rescuers?

∑(??△`)? !

Those guys who fought super-large interstellar wars, bombed planets, burned glass beads, or bombarded gods and other things, but they were pretty easy to play, but if they were to fight the undead, they would have to let them at least be After we have caught one or two ends and studied for several days, can we come up with a targeted weapon?

Anyway, time is definitely too late, so just pass it off!


And the Middle-earth that she has been to?


A group of useless aboriginals, eating them a flower deer will die, too stingy, and those people are not very good, let alone very familiar, and pass! !


As for the shelter world?


But she doesn't seem to want to go back to that world to face those nasty guys for the time being, because that's too annoying, the old woman of Kasha, how can they be hot? !

. ??????(つд`??)??????

Maybe... Sister Zixia can be found?

(*??????*)?? ㄘゅ?


forget it!

If Aunt Xu Jiaorong knows that she has the ability to clean up those cannibal undead monsters, but she has always wanted to sleep lazily, and has not been ready to help herself, then she will definitely be scolded... although it is not that she does not want to help. , But there are various other reasons.

ε=(??ο`*))) Alas!

Is it possible to find the fire elemental creatures in those flame kingdoms?


It seems okay but okay...

However, this Bilgewater is surrounded by the sea, and the sea is full of water. She really can't bear it... So, just think about it.

(~*??д`)~Oh! It's hard!

"Wait! There seems to be a way!!"


at last,

After thinking about it for a long time, Little Annie thought of a group of more reliable helpers!

Those guys, she knows, they are especially jealous, they are especially kind and kind, they can't sleep if they don't do good things one day, and they are especially good at dealing with all kinds of undead! Moreover, the most important thing is that those guys are still her Queen Anne's own subordinates. There is no need to trouble or ask others, she just needs to directly issue orders!

"That one……"


"Come out, Knights of the Silver Hand! The peace of the world depends on you. Come out and destroy those nasty undeads!!"

(∩^o^)??━☆??.*???? Summon the Holy Beast!

Oh, no, it's the summoning of the Paladin! !


Little Annie, who thought of a good way, quietly contacted a certain queen of a certain plane in her heart. After receiving a clear answer from the other party, she hurriedly started to cast the spell and directly opened a long-lasting portal across the plane.

Next second...

There was a dazzling golden light, and a big man with a golden armor riding a horse with a golden armor also rushed out of the blue portal that was about the height of a few people. He almost went blind and caught off guard. The eyes of Colson, Fitz, the little murloc who doesn’t adapt to strong light, and those gangsters! !

"Humble, honest..."

"Compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, spirit..."

"I am waiting for the holy light, willing to protect the weak with my sword and shield, and vowed to use the holy light to drive away all evil in the world!!"

Before all the people present could see the faces of the coming people clearly, the sacred sounds, like sacred hymns and chanting poems, sounded first in everyone’s ears, frightening the unbelievers and the gangsters behind. The Bilgewater, who ran in to seek refuge, knelt down on the spot to greet the golden envoy who was summoned by the little mage to help them defeat the evil.


The visitor quickly saw a small figure on the scene, and then he directly reduced the golden light on his body, jumped off the tall war horse, clenched his fist and slammed it on the plate of his left chest. Kneeling down in front of the opponent:

"The noble queen of the Flame Kingdom, the lord of the great Flame Alliance, the honorable Anne of the Azeroth United Empire?? Queen Hasta, I, the Ashbringer from the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the head of the Silver Knights , Alexandros?? Mograine, now respond to your call and come across the barriers of the plane!!"

"The three thousand most elite paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand of the Azeroth Empire are now ready to come and fight the evil undead at any time!!"

This old man wearing a golden General Marshal's plate armor suit and carrying an ashes envoy shining with surging golden flames on his back, loudly reported to the little girl Annie who was screaming and was not very energetic. With.

From the dusk of the rise of Lordaeron...then the battle to return to Lordaeron's the war between the North and South of the Eastern Kingdoms...the destruction of the ancient gods...the last is Northen The German war against the Burning Legion... and until the world that led to the alliance of Azeroth and successfully protected them, no one knows the greatness of this little girl better than him, Alexandros?? Mograine Place!

Therefore, he expressed a higher respect for the little girl in front of him than their Queen Menethil of Lordaeron. There is nothing wrong with that! !


"It's okay with you, Uncle Mograine, I'm glad to meet you too!!"



After paying a respectful military salute to the little girl in front of him again, Alexandros Mograine slowly stood up, turned his head and began to look around, seeming to be searching in the surrounding crowd. What are you holding?


"Hey! What are you looking for? The undead is outside, don't you hurry up and summon your Knights of the Silver Hand? You don't know, opening the plane portal is very tiring!!"


Is it tiring to open a portal through the world of planes? Just look at the difficulty of the Dark Portal in the same world but on a different planet in the world of Azeroth! You know, it was Sargeras, Medivh, Gul'dan and others who were all involved. It took a lot of time and materials to finally successfully establish a legion-level portal across the stars!

But now, Annie easily opened a stable portal that travels through the world on different planes by herself! If you try another person, even the gods in Runeterra will definitely not be able to do such a thing.

Of course, whether it is really tired or fake tired, I am afraid that only she herself knows.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Don't worry about the undead, the Holy Light will only save those who are worth saving!!"

However, now a certain gleaming **** was not in a hurry, because he immediately smelled the aura that disgusted him from the Bilgewater people in front.

"Your Majesty Queen Anne, may I ask... my son and daughter, where are their two evil barriers now?"

That's right!

Alexandros?? Mograine was so active this time, he automatically invited Ying and was willing to lead the Knights of the Silver Hand to help, because he missed his son and daughter a little bit! A little afraid of his two children being bullied in another world, this time he would dress neatly and rush to this weird place through the However, until now, he also I didn't see the two **** in his house in the crowd! !



This guy is here to find someone?

Little Annie was dumbfounded, and subconsciously turned her head to look at the uncle Coleson who was aside.

The situation of the Paladin Renault?? Mograine and the priest Sally?? Whitemane, she really didn’t know... But she knew that the other party must be on Earth, and it must be in Coulson. In the plane world where the uncle is, and it seems to be living well?



"Your Excellency Mograine, the Ashbringer, shall we fight the undead first? Look, their black mist has spread, and the cities below are all shrouded in it. If you don't hurry up..."

Those two dog men and women...

No, it is the two noble light messengers, of course they are on the earth!

However, this kind of thing Kelsenke doesn’t plan to have a bad temper with the one in front of him now. He wears thick and heavy armor and looks golden. It’s all the surging power of the Holy Light. Asgard's Thor is even more terrifying, and more severe men talk about the kind of shabby things that may cause the other party to anger him.

Besides, the relationship between Coleson and the Holy Light Church in their earth world is quite good. Regarding the elopement of Alexandros Mograine's son and adopted daughter in front of him, he I've heard it already! What's more, it's a bit troublesome to explain that kind of thing, and it's a waste of time. It's not a good idea to state it now!


(??ω??)?? Ask a ticket?? (??ω??)

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