'report! ’

'Mr! The materials and documents you want have been sorted out and have now been sent to your mailbox...’


"Okay, I know."

In the headquarters of the man in black, the head of the headquarters of the man in black, code-named z, or even the leader of this organization, z, after replying to a call from an employee in the communication, interrupted the communication and clicked on the other party. I began to read the information sent.

In his office, he was going to watch carefully the video of a little girl who checked the timing at the headquarters a few days ago, as well as the conversations and transcripts recorded by the other party and his subordinates.

in fact,

To be honest, at the beginning, they really thought that the little girl was just a little human being who had come into contact with aliens or alien objects? Therefore, their organization then naturally sent agents in the organization to deal with it. After they plan to find out the situation, they will use the "amnestic device" to tamper with and clear the other party's memory and retrieve related items.

But what do you think...

The other party is really an alien, not affected by their kind of equipment developed and researched in view of human dna and brain characteristics?

Then, it was that their organization agent was tampered with by the other party to change the memory and talk, and the things that happened after he was sent back that made him laugh...

So far, they have not found any more abnormalities from the agents whose memories have been tampered with, and they have no idea what kind of method or a certain method they used to clear and modify the memories of their agents. Technology of alien races.

and so,

Now z will take advantage of his free time and plan to check the body scan data of the little alien girl they successfully retrieved a few days ago and some information they asked, and turn on the holographic projector in his office by the way. Read the other party's live dialogue video to analyze, see if there is any other useful information?


"Varoland? Runeland? Grey Order? A little princess of a kingdom...really?!"

"Oh, God bless..."

Sure enough, with the increasing contact with aliens over the years, as the leader or leader of the "Men in Black" organization, the more he can understand the smallness and fragility of the earth, and the more he can understand it. The risks that the agents under him usually face and the tremendous pressure on their shoulders!

But sighing is useless, because z knows that no matter what, someone must do that, someone must sacrifice, everything is for their earth and the earth humans living on it! !


"Forget it, let me continue to look at it, while there is nothing worse now?"

After skipping the irrelevant conversations and the arrested images of the **** alien smuggling sensitive goods, z finally fixed the scene at the point of a conversation that seemed a bit interesting to him. on:

"The final content is missing..."

‘Annie, let’s talk about it. Apart from what you said and the Deuterium 8 device, do you have any special features, dangerous goods, or special abilities? ’

This is what k said.

z Know why the subordinate of the other party would ask that, because ah...

Those extraterrestrials who came to Earth do have various special abilities...

For example: aliens who habitually spit harmful liquids and release terrible poisons such as spores (although in the eyes of aliens, they are just farting or spitting out?), and those who like to parasitise and reproduce at a high speed (This is the most terrible one. Once, a certain guy breeds in addition to thousands of similar species, but if they didn’t react in time, they blocked the area and placed it in a military restricted area, and finally successfully repatriated those damned ones. In the case of monsters, I am afraid that things will be big!) Or is it a freak that grows infinitely after getting nourishment, etc.?


For any alien who comes to Earth, their organization must not be taken lightly! Even those that seem to be harmless and surely harmless, will definitely be restricted and monitored in a certain area!

‘Special ability? ’

∑(△`)? !

‘Does magic count? I am a great magician, I can magic, very powerful! ! ’


In the video, the little girl's finger shot out a light.


The little girl said a word that made Z feel a little astonished, and for a while, he couldn't reflect what the other party said and did.

‘Magic doesn’t count, next one! ’


‘In the future, you should watch less of our planet’s cartoons, they are all deceptive! Because there is no magic at all on our planet, we only have science here! ! ’

‘Also, please don’t use your fingers to shine and fool us? ’

K obviously doesn't believe in any magic, so his image directly denied the other party's words at the time, and then he modified and filled out the form.


So this is ah……

Z, who was watching the holographic image, finally nodded clearly, and finally understood why the little alien girl said that just now. Think about it carefully, before their "Men in Black" organization successfully invited the other party to their headquarters for registration and monitoring, the other party had indeed smuggled onto the earth and stayed for several days... So, it might be the other party. After watching more of those TVs and cartoons in the world of ordinary people, they were imaged by the people on Earth and believed it to be true, and then imitated them like children?

Think about it, isn't the other party just a child?

Anyway, Z himself would never believe in the other party's magic. He felt that at best, the other party was carrying some small and exquisite items and was unwilling to hand over high-tech items? It's like the kind of special memory-clearing fluctuations that they have seen when the other party dealt with their agents, and the small one that the other party handed over, but almost exploded the Deuterium 8 explosive device at the headquarters of the man in black. , That **** nuclear grenade?

once Upon a time……

z I have always felt that it’s crazy enough that the people on Earth have developed nuclear bombs that have a radiation killing range higher than the range...Who ever thought, the people in the world of that alien little girl, They are even crazier than the earthlings, even the nuclear grenades for throwing dared to develop and install them, and dare to bring them out for a little guy to wander around?

Those aliens, are they not afraid that she will blow up others or herself?

"Well, go on..."

z shook his head and sighed...

He also feels that it is meaningless to think about that kind of thing now, so he should continue to watch this video and look at the little guy who looks like an earthling and whose body data is also like an earthling. What else is theirs? What Agent K did not notice at the time?

If not, then the matter is over.

'hateful! ! ’


‘People really know magic. Believe it or not, I won’t show it to you anyway! ! ’


"Heh! This little guy..."

Not to mention, not only did K at the time not believe it, but also Z, who is now carefully observing the holographic video.

He still felt that the little guy was at best pretending to be magic with some kind of object! After all, whether it is lightning, fireball, freezing or other energy attack methods, they have a variety of weapons in the Men in Black organization that can be easily achieved, and that is nothing remarkable.

Moreover, the numerous experiments conducted by the'foreign-related' organization of the men in black have long proved that it is obviously difficult or almost impossible to interfere with nature by means of the power of biological ontology... However, technology can easily do it. To!

Now whether it's going to the sky, burning the sky and boiling the sea, or turning a stone into gold, directly changing the substance into another substance, their technology in black can easily do it! And "magic" or something, let the inexplicable things continue to stay on the TV, to entertain the children of ordinary people on the earth they guard?

Where is there any magic in this world? Even those aliens who can release lasers and lightning are nothing more than creatures like fireflies and electric eels in Z's eyes, nothing great!

'correct! One more thing here...’

'Annie, your kind of amnesiac, that'forget it all' can't be used casually, but since you hide it so well that we can't even find it out, then forget it, we will not confiscated it for now... ...'

‘But you must take good care of it, you can’t use it indiscriminately, or throw it anywhere! ! ’

This is still K's voice. After the other party sighed, he continued to fill in the holographic report on that computer, which is the one currently being checked by Z, the leader.

For what his subordinates are good at advocating, z does not intend to pursue...

Because, anyway, the little girl finally helped them in black clothes by helping them find loopholes in the customs inspection equipment, and also let them successfully catch a group of smuggled arms and dangerous goods outside the earth. Star people, let them crack a super big case, severely cracked down on the arrogance of those alien smuggling groups blatantly smuggling under the noses of their customs officers, and confiscated countless property and stolen goods, and avoided future illegality. Less trouble.

So, given that the little girl has not shown too dangerous aggression so far, K's presumption of incomplete confiscation of the other party’s property can be barely understood? In short, now their organization knows the existence of each other, as long as their equipment monitors the little girl 24 hours a day, then there will be no terrible things beyond their control, just like they do to others. Like aliens living on earth.



'Hey! Even if you want to confiscate, you will definitely not be able to confiscate it! ! ’

"Heh! Interesting!"

Seeing the proud performance of the little girl, which kind of sly face like a little fox and the expression of despising K, she was holding her arms and checking the information again and again, looking at the image again and again, Z didn't shake his head and laughed, and went smoothly He picked up his coffee from his table.

z Firmly believe that if they insist on confiscation of all the dangerous goods in the hands of the other party, there is always a way to do it... But they can't bear to use violence against the little girl, and feel that it is not necessary for the time being. That's it.


‘Finally, Annie, besides your ‘magic’, do you have any other special abilities that we don’t know? ’

K obviously didn't intend to ask too much about the other party using some well-hidden things to pretend to be magic, and directly asked about what they still don't know.

'special power? Which one do you want to ask? ’


‘! ! ’

‘How many special abilities do you have, an alien who looks like us? ’

At this time, k who crossed the registration investigation was the first to ask, it was a newcomer j who made z always feel unreliable...

To the little thornhead who was transferred from the police force to the black man, Z, to be honest, doesn't like and is very satisfied...Because the opponent's personality that despises authority is not the kind of character that a good subordinate should have?

However, since it was K's choice, he naturally didn't ask too much, because he chose to trust which of his capable men.

‘You’re an alien! ’


Obviously, which little girl Annie doesn’t like to be treated as aliens, it’s like they don’t like to be treated as inferior races by some aliens and call them “earth people” with a certain tone. What is the look of your eyes?

After all, the term ‘alien’ is more or less ostracizing and discriminatory, even if the people on Earth don’t have that kind of confidence most of the time?

‘J, please, please be quiet! ’

‘Little Annie, please don’t mind, he is a newcomer and he doesn’t know the rules a bit? ’

K in the holographic video turned his head and warned his companion with his eyes, and then continued to show an unnatural smile to the little girl and comforted him.


It's so fun!

At this time, z, who was watching the holographic video, couldn’t help but show an arc at the corner of his mouth...because he had rarely seen himself that unsmiling, a bitter-faced subordinate all day with a smile like k of.

Although, when the other party laughs, it may be a little uglier than crying, it is all pretended?

‘I can see that he is really unflattering! ’


The little girl had a disgusting look, she said it in front of the kid, somehow, it made Z who was watching the movie feel very relieved? Because, that **** is really unpleasant... Besides, that guy had the face that day to find himself ready to discuss treatment?

'what? Thank you! ’

The dark-skinned j opened his hands, as if he was not going to continue to care about too much with a little girl.

‘Okay, let’s continue...’

‘Where did you go? Oh, right! Annie, do you have any special abilities? Let me talk about the most powerful, easy to cause harm to others? ’

Being so interrupted by his assistant, K almost didn't forget what he should ask.

‘The best? ’

‘I can eat it! ! ’





Seeing this, not only the j and k in the holographic picture were dumbfounded, but even z, who was currently reviewing the information to assess the threat of the other party, almost failed to squirt out the coffee that he drank in his mouth!

He doesn't understand, when is ‘especially edible’ also one of the special abilities of ‘the most powerful and easy to cause harm to others’?


‘What is your favorite thing to do? ’

k continued to ask, and then z could see that his subordinate was filling in the little girl's information indiscriminately at this time, skipping the column of special abilities, which seemed very perfunctory... But he After thinking about it, after all, I still don't plan to care too much about this matter, because it is really not important, so save it if you can.

‘What’s your favorite thing to do? Of course it is delicious! ’





"Forget it, don't watch it, so be it!!"

z stretched out his hand and paddled on the holographic report, and finally signed his name on the report submitted by his subordinate k, and gave the little girl's relevant information and instructions to the alien in their black clothes In the archives room, at the same time, after giving an evaluation of'extremely low' threat level, Z turned off the image and the other party's holographic archives.

right now,

He only hopes that the little girl's family will come to Earth from a certain alien planet to find talent... Otherwise, maybe he will send someone to serve as a nanny for that little guy, or provide relevant defense forces? Otherwise, letting an alien little guy or an alien who seems to be a child in their minds jump on their earth, is it not a problem?


"K, what's wrong, is there anything?"

Not long after z turned off the video and turned in the information, he discovered that his subordinate k and the newcomer j had pushed open the door of his office together and hurried in?

Seeing that the other person's face looked a little uncomfortable, Z, who knew something might happen, couldn't help but ask directly with some curiosity.


"The big thing is not good! It's Xie Lailong! The twins said, they seem to have detected that one of them passed our Customs Administration last night and sneaked into our earth secretly. In Manhattan! Several innocent aliens were also attacked!!"

After walking to stand in front of the other party, K said with a ugly expression.

And the j beside him still looks like a blessing or excitement, as if he doesn't know what kind of alien his partner is talking about?


"There is a situation? Or the alien from the Xie Lai Dragon clan? Oh, my God!!"

Hearing such bad news, the leader of the man in black couldn't help scratching his head a little, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"I do not understand……"

"Those troublesome fellows of Xie Lailong, how did they smuggle to our earth? Why do we only know now?"

"Also, who can tell me, what are they doing for the trouble with those aliens?!"

While recalling the information of the troublesome alien clan in his mind, z began to think urgently, trying to figure out the key.

To be honest, he doesn’t care about the life or death of aliens, he just doesn’t want those aliens to die on the earth and cause them all kinds of troubles... It’s like every tourist resort on the earth. Want any tourist to be attacked and die in the scenic spot?

If you think about it seriously, in a sense, isn't their backward earth a tourist resort center that provides services to aliens and allows them to experience life on the primitive planet? Although the people in black have been working hard, but they want to raise the level of civilization on the earth, that is not something that can be achieved in one or two hundred years.

"Boss Z, there are so many things we don't know! Have you forgotten that the few aliens had been smuggling contraband for a long time before we discovered it?"

Suddenly, J, who was idle on the side, opened his mouth and slapped his boss Z in the face mercilessly, just as he often did when he was in the police force.



The two old subordinates, k and z, suddenly fell silent, and then each used their two silent and cold faces to stare at a guy with big lips and dark skin.


"Two, you continue, as if I didn't say anything?"

J suddenly remembered that he is still a temporary worker, and the two in front of him, one is his own partner, guide trainer and evaluator, and the other is even more remarkable. They are the largest official in their headquarters. If he can, he better not offend easily?

"so be it!"

"No matter what they want to do, but since you are all here...then, you will take this matter to you and take him to investigate the **** evil Lailong! Be sure to get that guy out as soon as possible, Then they were captured alive while arranging for the fastest spacecraft to expel them from the earth!!"

Z reached out to a newcomer j, and he planned to let his capable subordinate k take him to deal with this tricky thing.

"Yes! I understand!"

K didn't say much, just nodded and accepted the task.


"Etc., etc……"

"Boss Z, we just completed a ‘difficult’ task a few days ago, shouldn’t you give us a good vacation?"

Although j is usually very carefree, but the dragon thing is definitely not right, because he can see that after hearing their alien names, many staff, agents, even k and the boss z They all have a bad complexion, so of course, he didn't plan to touch the thankless thing before he figured it out.

So now he plans to find some excuses to avoid this potentially dangerous task! At least, before he understands some of the taboos of the man in black, who is a tall professional, he is not going to touch it?

It's like when he was in the police force, no matter how he despised authority, but some gangsters in downtown New York he didn't dare to touch. Otherwise, he might be in his sleep or at work. I was shot on the road!


z didn't speak, his short black cheeks trembled now, indicating that he might be in a bad mood now?

"Alright alright!"

"Today may not be for the time being, but when can you give me a vacation?"

J is a newcomer, and the boss of Z does not seem to have much prestige in his eyes... In fact, when they were in the police force, their inspectors, sheriffs, and even sub-commissioners were also Never been put in his eyes!

Because he is willing, able, and capable, so no matter what case he handles, he almost always does it according to his own preferences, and he is not afraid of being suppressed or punished...Although he is often commended for his outstanding work, but Obviously, promotion or something is almost because of his personality so that he has never had his share?

Up to now, although the original New York Police Force has been replaced by a high-end, high-grade, low-key, luxurious and connotative "foreign-related" organization, the thorn head is the thorn head, and it is a thorn head wherever it goes head!

Anyway, his thorny ‘head’ doesn’t become blunt in a while.

"No holiday……"

The beard on the chin trembled and trembling, and finally, it took a long time for z to suffocate such a short and affirmative sentence.

"Not today? When will there be?"

"If you want to change time, that's okay. Maybe I can save it for a few months, and then use them together at Christmas?"

I plan to make a fake show and discuss it with the salary a few days ago. It’s almost August now, but I have just joined the job. Although I have made a small contribution, I am anxious. It may not be realistic to take a vacation, so he feels that the vacation does not seem to be very urgent.


"No holidays! No Christmas!"

"Boy, let me tell you that, we people in black don't have any vacation! Anything!!!"

z Going forward two steps, staring blackly at the guy who has just been at work for two days, and after completing a task that is not a task, he has been clamoring about taking a vacation and asking for a raise!

He didn't understand, what kind of organization did the other party think they were the men in black? It was the kind of federal police force that was sloppy and fattened? !

"In fact, we seem to have only one kind of vacation, and that is sick leave!"

"If you were injured by an alien but survived by chance, then there is no doubt that you will enjoy the best quality medical services and sick leave...Other times, all agents must be twenty-four Stand by for hours until the day you die or when you are too old to work anymore?"

z grinned unabashedly, ruthlessly hit the black face with big lips in front of him, and was ready to enjoy the other person's expression that might make him feel relaxed and happy.


"God... how can you guys?!"

J was stunned. For the first time, he felt that he seemed to have accidentally entered into an evil lineup like an MLM organization?

Let’s take a look, the job of the man in black is not only unclear salary, no holidays, working hours are still an outrageous twenty-four hour system, but also allowed to enter and not to leave. Is there any human rights in this world? !


At this time, without waiting for J to continue to say something, K on the side was darkened, took a step forward and hugged his assistant's shoulders, and directly dragged him out of the boss's office.

"Don't waste time, we should go out and perform tasks now..."

After nodding to his boss Z, K almost dragged his new assistant out of the office almost half way and half way...

"Hey! K, you let me go!"

"Let me talk to that **** old man... he is deceiving too much... let him wait, I will go to the union to report him, he waits to receive the lawyer's letter, he..."

J still yelled angrily again, and because of this, he gained a lot of curiosity and incomprehensible gazes from the past staff and agents of the Man in Black Organization.

"Okay! Save it!"

"J, I have to remind you that our organization is not under the control of any federal department, and the court will definitely not find us, because we are a group of people who do not exist in this world. No one knows our existence except us. !"

"And, unfortunately, there is no union of any kind in our organization..."

K sighed. He didn't know if he had hired the stabbing policeman to be his assistant, his partner, and his successor after retirement. Is it a wise choice?

However, thinking that that kind of thing is useless now, it is important that they continue to perform the task!

Moreover, maybe one of them didn't know when he died. Then, he might not need to think about the troublesome things like the successor.

"No union? How can that be?!"

J expressed his surprise that such a large organization does not have the kind of union that seeks benefits for workers, staff, agents and agents?


"Boss K, how about let's organize one? I'll be the president of the union, you're a clerk, you know this well, and then you invite others to join, then we can negotiate directly with that bad old man z!"

A certain newly promoted man in black began to think about it...

"In view of the dangers of our work, I think he has to give us at least three to four days off a week and double the salary. What do you think?"

In J's view, the danger of the profession of the man in black agent is certainly not as bad as going to Iraq or Syria to work as a mercenary in places like Africa and Syria, so it is even worse, so high salary, high benefits, and excellent living conditions and holidays. It is definitely essential!

"You think too much!"

"Come here right away, we have to hurry up to perform the task, Xie Lailong is not a good deal!"

k doesn't intend to say too much, because the guy in front of me has just applied for the job from the undisciplined New York Police Force only a few days later. After a while, wait for a few more tasks to let this guy see the job. After seeing the danger and necessity of people like them, the other party will definitely feel relieved and will work hard until retirement!

Of course, it is also possible that you cannot retire, but you don’t know which day you are not careful and you die halfway through.

"Oh, God……"

"Boss K, how did you endure it all these years? Don't you think about protesting?!"

A job without vacations lasts for 30 to 40 years, and I haven't complained, which makes j very puzzled.


"You will understand later..."


"But I want to understand now, I don't think I can wait for the future!"

"It's not clear now."

"How did you know that you didn't say it clearly?"



"Stop talking nonsense, get in the car!!"

Quickly walked out of the elevator in the headquarters of the man in black, and nodded to the doorman in black suit who was sitting in a chair reading the newspaper and eating fast food, K opened the door and walked out, pointing to the one that stopped outside. The black classic car in the parking space talked to a non-stop complaining assistant beside him.

In fact, K just wanted to tell the other party about the clerk at the gate. Compared with him, the clerk at the gate is much greater...Which staff has been alone in their headquarters building? The entrance is still like a day for decades, the work is not only boring, there is not even a person to talk to, and the passage is very boring, depressing and narrow...

It is said that the hemorrhoids seems to have been cut several times due to prolonged sitting?

But after thinking about it, K didn't make a joke about other people's things in the end. He just got in the driving seat of his car and urged someone who still didn't know what he was talking about to get in the car and get ready to go.



Little Annie is now ‘chewing, chewing’ eating the big bag of freshly fried doughnuts in her hand while staring at a cat and a dog!

Then, of course, the dog was also staring at her. The two sides stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and no one was in a hurry to speak or'bark' or something.


"Hi! Hello, my name is Annie!"


"That...I'm very surprised, aren't you a dog? But why do you like a big cat with short hair and pointed ears?!"


The two sides looked at each other for a while, and finally, as a little girl, Annie was a little too patient, so she couldn't help but ask first. Because in the past, the cats and dogs she saw usually fought after they met. How could they get together like they do now? Besides, the cat and dog didn't seem to have known each other for long.

She has been wandering around the city in the past few days, and of course she accidentally noticed a small newsstand and a fake robot selling sundries and a weird pug dog on the street, so she is idle now. , She went up to the other party and stared at the weird dog.



The dog didn't speak, but stared at a little girl with innocent and inexplicable ‘animal’ eyes, and waved his tail twice as appropriate.

"Hey! You are not talking, be careful I cook you!"


Annie now doesn't care if anyone around will hear her, anyway, she is really dissatisfied when she sees the dog in front of her dare to fool herself very impolitely.


"Wow! Wow!"


"I am really going to be angry!!"



"But you have said that I am a dog, so why do you want me to speak human words?"


As a last resort, in view of a certain little girl's increasingly strict gaze to eat a "dog", finally, this pug could not withstand the pressure and had to speak with emotion.

"But you are not! You are an alien...no, it's an alien dog, am I right?"


"It's still the question just now. Why do you like a cat? I found out. You have been pestering it just now, and you have been paying attention to it!!"

"Since you said that I am not an ordinary dog, why can't I like a short-haired Siamese cat on earth?"

The alien dog cross-examined.

Now that cat was scared away by the nosy little girl, which made him very annoyed, so he became a little slouched... and as for the people on earth who heard him, he no longer wanted to Let's take care of it, anyway, there will be someone in black to clean up the mess later, and he doesn't worry that he will be exposed.

"Huh? It seems so!"


"Okay! Then let me know your name. We will be friends from now on. I really like your bad dog!"



"But I don't like you at all!"


After speaking, the pug turned his head and drooped his tail and ears, and then planned to leave.


"Hey! How can you be so rude, be careful, I really cooked you!!"


"up to you……"


"Damn it!!"


Anne certainly wouldn't do it like that~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But she was a bit unwilling.

"Then I... Then I'll buy that cat later?!"


Annie doesn't believe it, can't he cure that pregnant dog?


"Hello! Little girl, my name is Frank!!"



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