Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 775: Good alien dog Frank??-`??-??

'Oh! God... these **** bastards! ’

‘Why this road was only repaired a few days ago, and it was repaired today. That's how those **** bureaucrats are wasting the money of taxpayers like us? ! ’

'Nonsence! Damn it! ’

‘Guest, see for yourself, this is not a deliberate detour! ’

'This originally good avenue has just been paved with asphalt and new slabs for a few days, and it has been dug up by their bastards... Now it must be hard to get through. We need to make a big circle to Harlem. Never complain to me, complaints are useless! ! ’

Looking at the taxi driving to the boulevard of Xicheng District, when he was about to go south, he saw a big piece on the street in front of him: ‘Construction ahead, vehicles and pedestrians detour! '’S construction sign, and, farther away, there seems to be a large group of workers in reflective clothing busy digging the originally good roads, drains, water pipes and sidewalks, let alone driving through, I’m afraid Pedestrians can't climb over!

Therefore, when there was really no way, the scolding taxi driver turned his head to explain the situation to the two passengers behind who also saw the construction sign, and then began to turn the front of the car away from the muck in front. The stones and slabs piled up on the road are ready to go around a big circle to send two hapless guests to their destination in Xicheng District.


What the citizens of the troubled Manhattan don’t know is that some of their neighborhoods in the downtown area of ​​the West Side have been given to them by a group of agents wearing black suits and sunglasses due to some alien incidents. Siege, and shielded with related super-tech equipment.

No matter who it was, when he came to this place, all he saw were the busy construction site, the mound piles and stones that completely blocked the road, and of course, the messy water pipes and wires? Anyway, whether it is a pedestrian or a car, it must be difficult to get through. You can only shake your head and sigh, turn the front of the car or turn around to go from another road, avoiding the chaotic construction site...

And if anyone does not believe in evil and insists on walking across the muddy and difficult construction site, climbing over those muck piles and rocks that do not exist at all, they will find that there is another world ahead, and there is no such thing. They saw engineering equipment and a large number of workers wearing reflective clothing, but only a group of black clothes, black ties, sunglasses, unidentified people with grim faces and strange black vehicles without any signs were blocking the intersection here. ?

Of course, there are only a handful of people who dare to do that, and without exception, they were all controlled by the ‘government personnel’ in black suits for the first time and enjoyed a peculiar flash of flashes?



"Hey Hey hey!"

"K! Are you blind? There is construction ahead. Stop and install it, my God, no!!!"

When other pedestrians and vehicles circumvented the construction site and prepared to detour to their destination, a sad scream sounded from the passenger seat of a black classic car. Then, that car The black classic car took advantage of the chance that others were not paying attention, accelerated directly, and slammed into a muck pile on the construction site, and disappeared instantly...


"Huh? K, you really scared me..."

The temporary worker in a black suit who was holding his hands in front of his head regretting that he did not wear a seatbelt in his heart felt the lingering fear after seeing the real situation inside and seeing the vehicle stopped steadily without hitting anything. He murmured such a sentence to a partner who got off the car with a stinky face.

He really can't blame him for this situation, because, j swears, no one has ever told him about this kind of thing, he really has experienced it for the first time! !

"Report to Chief K!"

"We have successfully established a cordon around these avenues in the Xicheng District where the target is located. The camouflage work has been completed at all intersections. The visual interference device is currently operating at full power. All data is normal! "

"Sir, please rest assured."

"After successfully capturing the enemy, we can immediately carry out large-scale memory cleaning and dredging work for ordinary citizens in the blockade area to ensure that there will be no mistakes!!!"

At this time, an agent dressed in a black suit, a white shirt, a black tie and sunglasses, dressed in a standard black dress, hurried over after a black classic car finally arrived at the scene late. After saluting the agent K who got off the car, he reported loudly.

As for the new agent j next to the other party, the temporary worker who has only been employed only a few days now and does not know whether he can successfully become a regular employee, and the guy who is not optimistic by most headquarters agents and agents, is He ignored it gorgeously, and didn't even look at it.

Now, as he said, when they tracked down the **** alien smuggler, the **** of the alien race of the'Evil Lai Dragon' came here, they quickly laid a net and spread the whole city streets. They are all blocked, and even a visual deception jamming device is used, in order to prepare to be in this area later, to catch the **** who ran to the earth for no reason, and send it out in one fell swoop. Their **** aliens know how powerful they are on Earth!


"How about the casualties of the citizens now?"

As for the alien **** who invaded the earth, K doesn't care much now, because the other party has been blocked here and he can't escape, so he is obviously more concerned about the casualties of ordinary citizens inside.

And when he thinks that it is very possible that a certain family has lost their relatives, and they have to make people in black come to clean their memories, and clean the memories of all relatives, friends, classmates, colleagues, etc. of the deceased, he can't help but feel a little headache... .

Because he knew that it was a cruel and arduous job, and it was also very unfair to those who died in the hands of aliens, because they didn’t even have a tombstone or cemetery... But no matter what, they still couldn’t. Do not forcibly erase the existence of the unlucky people from the memory of others, or disguise those people in a reasonable traffic accident to rationalize their deaths?

"Report sir!"

"Although there are not too many casualties at present, it is estimated that there should be at least a dozen people..."

"The target is still in our lockdown zone. Our agents are constantly compressing its area of ​​activity. However, we can't guarantee that there will be more and more casualties in the meantime... We just tried it. Those non-lethal weapons are very difficult to control successfully, we need to drive them to our encirclement first!"


"It also wears a set of exoskeleton armor with strong protection ability. Those weapons of ours are temporarily powerless?"

Although I have seen the expression of the officer K who was sent to take charge and coordination of this terrible task a bit unpleasant, but this black-clothed agent who has been on the scene in charge of commanding and dispatching, he still keeps the current situation. All the circumstances and casualties were reported.

This kind of sudden incident, the death of people is definitely unavoidable... But now, they can block the news and surround the enemy and set up an ambush in the first time, which proves that he has done his best.

"You did very well!"

"I know, I will continue to process according to the process, compress its active area, and then capture it as soon as possible!!"

After receiving the transparent tablet terminal device handed over by the other party, and seeing the gradually compressed street area and the eye-catching red dot above that was locked by their satellite, K was relieved and nodded clearly. Expressed his recognition of the work of the black-clothed agent commanding the scene.

After all, in this case, even if it is replaced by himself, he can only do it in this way at best, and he certainly cannot expect others to do better.


"and many more!"

"Hey! Dude, wait a moment..."

A black hand suddenly stretched out and took K's arm, interrupting the other party's order that he was about to give.

"God testify!"

"Boss K! I heard you right? That **** alien called the dragon alien, who arbitrarily ransacked on our earth, and it did nonsense, and killed so many innocent citizens, you now Is it only planning to use a non-lethal weapon? Still planning to slowly compress its range of motion, ready to catch alive?!"

"This, this situation..."

"Aren't we supposed to kill it directly?!"

"You heard it too. It killed at least a dozen of us on Earth, and killed so many ordinary innocent Manhattan citizens. You are only planning to get alive?!"

The tone of interrogation began to become stronger...

"Boss K!"

"I tell you, you are not doing this right!"

"Very wrong!!"

"Because, if it were to happen to our police force, we would have shot dozens of shots on it!"

"Don’t lie to me that you don’t have that powerful individual weapon, the kind of large-caliber energy weapon that can sink a Ford-class aircraft carrier in the past. I saw it in the headquarters’ weapons room. , Its use instructions have a description of lethality, don't you want to lie to me again!!!

At this time,

Without waiting for K and the black-clothed agent to continue to say something, the j at the side rushed out after he understood a little bit of the matter, and yelled out a lot of his stuff like a gun. View.

In short, what he meant was:

The alien who broke into the earth, no matter who it was, no matter what race it was, no matter what alien country it was or what it looked like, killed a lot of innocent people on earth with the help of the other side, then they are men in black. It should be reasonable and reasonable to use violence against the opponent or directly kill! !

Rather than acting like I do now, not only to block the streets and avenues, but also to constantly compress the opponent's space, and also want to try to catch them alive, straighten out and dare not use the deadly Weapons, what international joke is this? !


When they were dealing with aliens in black, did they just bend their knees?

Is it possible that they have to regard those **** from aliens as superior citizens and aliens who dare not offend? Then, they are the people of the earth, the citizens of their own federation, but they are second- and third-class citizens who are mermaid, and they dare not let go of them even if they are killed or injured? !

This kind of thing...

If he were to change the time when Agent J was mixing with the New York Police Force, he would encounter that kind of bastard, no matter what it was, he would have been hitting him with a random shot, no matter where he was. Aliens or gangsters from which country?

To punish criminals and fight evil, he must have done both with peace of mind and at the same time, and he even owes a report to his superiors.


At this moment, the agent in black who had been in charge of on-site coordination heard J's words and opened his mouth, and then looked at the temporary agent who seemed to want to make long talks with a foolish look. Finally, he closed his mouth again and didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at the current Agent K, who is the highest officer on the scene, with innocent and inexplicable ridicule, waiting for the other party's response.

To be honest, the agent in black really didn't understand, how did the guy in front of him and Agent J apply for their ‘person in black’ ‘foreign’ organization?

Why does he always feel that the other party doesn't even understand some basic common sense?

Could it be...

That guy usually only knows about eating, drinking and having fun, and he doesn't take time to do his homework, to read the information about various aliens and some ‘foreign’ legal provisions or matters needing attention? At least, no matter how you should look at the manuscripts written by the older generations about how to deal with various alien incidents, right? !

"Okay, j, don't say anything!"

"If it were an ordinary alien, we must have killed it long ago... But now this alien is not good, we must be more careful to avoid causing more trouble..."

"Forget it, this matter is unclear, wait until everything is over, shall we?"

After sighing, he glanced at the map of the device on his hand and the area where the red dot above was located. After writing down the approximate driving route, K passed it back to the agent responsible for on-site command at the scene. Signal j to get into the car quickly with yourself.

Because now they are going to the front line to meet the alien **** of the "Xie Lai Long" clan who is making trouble!


It is not the first time that some bold aliens sneaked to the earth and wreaked havoc and caused casualties in their terrestrial cities, or caused other more troublesome things, this is not the first time I have seen it!

Even more serious than this, a major crisis that almost threatens the survival of the world, Agent K has encountered it many times!

Therefore, he didn't care about the things in front of him...

Because this is the work of their ‘Men in Black’ agents and agents, he has already been a little numb! In this situation, grief, anger and morale have no effect. People like them must calm down and use the best and most reasonable means to deal with the incident! Otherwise, in the end, it will only complicate things or evolve into a worse and more serious event?

"That **** alien came to our earth’s city to cause trouble and caused such a large casualty. Is it wrong for us to kill it directly? Don’t the relatives of those aliens dare to come to us? Trouble? Is there any truth in this universe? What do they think of our earth? They have committed crimes in our country, so do we have to take care of their bastards?!"

"In short, Boss K, I think the most important thing we people in black should do right now is to take action immediately and kill it directly, instead of being shackled like we do now!"

"Otherwise, there won't necessarily be only a dozen dead in the future!!"

j growled in a low voice in grief.

Although I don't understand why these guys are so afraid of the alien called what dragon or dragon, but Agent J doesn't care so much! He always does whatever he thinks of, and now he just wants to quickly copy the guy, using some powerful individual weapons, in the shortest possible time to give the **** who dared to run into their terrestrial city and make a mess Kill it!

Come directly to "kill the chicken and kill the orangutan"? Or is it called ‘follow the monkey’? !

j Remember, that idiom from the east seems to say that, right? Anyway, it probably means that. It sounds very domineering and philosophical!

In short, the wisdom of the ancients definitely makes sense!

If they follow the admonitions and philosophies of the ancients, they can’t be wrong. Otherwise, the aliens really think they are really bullies, and they might come to make noise every day, and even harass them. Treated as the next three indiscriminate cosmic garbage?

Once the earthlings have formed such an impression in the minds of aliens, it will be difficult to change it again!

At that time, even if their earthlings finally become stronger, but in the end, it is very likely that their integrity will be lost! And a huge earth, a huge race of tens of billions of people, if there is no integrity and no bones... what will be left in the end?

"Oh, God!"

"J! Listen to me, I want to kill that guy more than you, really! But, not now, really not!"

After k stared at his companion’s face and reiterated this point, after all, he did not say much, but directly opened the door of his black classic car, and when he was about to get on the car, he suddenly stopped again. Turning his head to look at the black agent who commanded and dispatched the scene:

"Right! I want to ask, are there any other aliens in our encircled area?"

K has already figured it out along the way. The alien of the ‘Xie Lai Dragon’ clan seems to want to find something from an alien, and perhaps the earthlings attacked by the other are just incidental?

So, if there are other aliens in the blockade, then, they had better inform those in danger to evacuate quickly? Or... Use them to lure that gangster into their encirclement?

"Of course there is!"

"At present, we have detected two aliens in the blocked area. One is Frank, the pug dog you know very well! The other is a little princess from the Kingdom of Grey Order who just arrived on Earth a few days ago. Which little girl Anne Hasta you took over?"

"Half an hour ago..."

"We tried to contact them and persuade them to leave, but I'm sorry and don't know why. Both of them have not responded to our contact, and now it seems to be a little late? So... sorry sir, we really Do your best."

The agent in black looked at the relevant files on the device he was holding, and after searching it for a while, he directly called up the map. On the edge of the park above, it showed two files in the same location. The green dot, and a striking red dot approaching quickly.

They had tried to contact the two guys many times before, but the other party kept refusing to answer, or did they not bring the communication equipment with them at all? Anyway, they worked hard, and now it's too late, can only wish God bless them two guys good luck?


Their two aliens have weapons that can deal with the damned "Evil Lai Dragon", and then, later, they can just clean up the mess...? And if that's the case, then it's really time to thank God for blessing!

To be honest, no one who knows the black agents of that troublesome alien race would want to deal with those bastards! Of course, except for the unlearned temporary worker J over there?

"Little Annie and Frank?!"

When k heard the words of the agent in black, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh! Oops..."

"Hurry up, we have to be faster, and we must arrive at the lawn on the west side of Central Park in five minutes!!!"

K, who was worried about the danger of the two, got into his car for the first time and started the engine, and then hurriedly shouted at someone who was still a little confused.

"No problem! Boss K!!"

"Let me tell you, although that little guy always annoys me, never gives me a face, and likes to give me a nickname, but...I still seem to like her?"

"So, I still insist on what I just said, if what kind of alien dragon? If it dares to hurt the little guy Annie, I will definitely put this thing in it and detonate it!"

"I swear to God!!"

At this moment, Agent J, who was chattering while getting in the car, suddenly took out a chubby gadget from his pocket, which made K feel very familiar, and gritted his teeth threateningly and cursing.

He himself still strongly hopes to use deadly force on the alien who ran to the earth to make chaos and ran into their Manhattan city to commit crimes, to give him a good look! And now, if they drove directly over, Agent J would definitely have a chance to kill the gangster alien!

"my God!!"

"So, isn't that the nuclear grenade with Deuterium 8 device?"

"Damn j! When did you steal it from the warehouse again? I warn you, you'd better hold it steady, I don't want to be blown up in my own car!!!"

Now the situation is urgent, they must speed up quickly and dare to reach that destination. Therefore, for their brave new assistant, he is so bold and daring to steal the nuclear grenade sealed by the magnetic field from the weapon room. Agent K couldn't bother to question and reprimand.

Because, whether it's Frank or the little girl Annie, if any of the two aliens has a problem, he is not willing to see it! Now that time is pressing, he doesn't want to continue wasting time on other things.

"no problem!"

"Boss K, don't worry!"

"Annie taught me how to use it safely, although it is said to be a bit unstable? But don't worry, as long as I don't turn on the insurance, it will definitely not explode!!"

j Why did they steal this ‘deuterium 8 blasting device’ and this nuclear grenade from the weapons room of their black-clothed, it came out ‘easy,’ even he didn’t know...

Maybe it was because he thought this was a gift from a little girl. What a pity it was confiscated? Or, is it a strong protest against the deduction of wages and forced labor without holidays?


He stole it out and kept it with him, and he has not been discovered by anyone until now! And the partner next to him, the boss K, would certainly not confess himself easily. He understands the other party and understands that this boring gourd is a kind person, so that's it.

"Sit down!"

"Fasten my seat belt, I'm going to speed up!!"

As K directly pressed the red button on the car's handbrake, their dilapidated black classic car soon turned into a shiny and cool-looking car with several sci-fi-shaped rear wings. A super sci-fi sports car with a double-T that has lowered the chassis and raised two jet turbo engines?

"Oh roar!"

"Old man, your car is so cool~! Do you have to borrow me to drive next time?!"

Suddenly speeding up several times the speed of the car not only didn't make Agent J feel panicked, but it made him excited! Then, after blowing his whistle, he looked around excitedly, wanting to take a closer look at this deformed supercar with a turbojet device?

"Fasten your seat belt!!"

At this time, K roared and slammed the steering wheel. With the help of the driving assistance super alien technology, he completed a ninety-degree drifting turn in less than 0.1 second, and at the same time gave a strong inertia. He pressed a guy who didn’t wear a seat belt to the right window...



"Huh? Woo~Wang!!"


Frank, the alien dog who was talking with a little girl who is annoying about the dog, suddenly stopped, then turned his head and raised his not very bright ears towards the other side of the lawn. , Looked towards the straight avenue and subconsciously opened his mouth and barked.

Maybe it's because the time spent on the primitive and backward planet is too long, or is it that he originally called it? Anyway, he really thinks of himself as a real dog now.



At this time, Annie, who was annoying the dog, seemed to have discovered something wrong, and turned her head and looked in the same direction.

"Huh? What's wrong with them? Is there any terrible monster rushing over?!"

o(,,,,)o? ?

Annie herself never liked the kind of super perception that could easily scan the world when she was driving herself all the time, just like some guys named Krypton didn't like super vision and super hearing? Because, that kind of feeling or peeping at others all the time is really too bad and too annoying, she doesn't like to do it like that!

She only likes to do her own things, she will not care about others or talk about it!

And her little bear Tibbers is a lazy guy who has become more and more lazy recently. Before he is sure that the other party is a serious threat, he will definitely not remind himself in advance! Therefore, until now, until a certain pug with sensitive ears first sensed that something was wrong, Annie herself saw the rioting crowds and things that were not right from the distance of Long Street.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers said that because it saw that two pets like slave laborers had long vacations, but his uncle Tibbers bear himself did, there was a serious imbalance in his heart. It's protesting with its own silence... It doesn't want to pay attention to a nasty little master, even if there is an ugly and disgusting little alien who is killing it in the distance?

Anyway, it will not take the initiative to remind the other party in advance! no way! ! )

‘Help! ’

‘Acridine! ! ’

‘Monster, run away everyone! ! ’

‘God...what the **** is that dig? ! ’

‘Where are our federal police now? Who, who will call the police... Yeah? Help! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘No! Open the door, please! Please let me in? ? ’

‘My God, dear, stop shooting, run! Let's run first! ! ’


At the turn of the end of the long street, a large group of chaotic citizens suddenly rushed out, crying and screaming about madly fleeing... and the one who was chasing after them seemed to have a golden shell and red tangles. Muscular multi-legged monster?

Judging from the opponent's hideous fangs, bright red pupils, terrifying and powerful multi-leg limbs, as well as the blood and broken fragments of the human body hanging above, no matter how stupid the earthlings are, they will know:

That monster must be cruel, bloodthirsty and hard to bully! !

Therefore, most people who saw it rushed and called for help, or took refuge in shops, office buildings, apartments, or a certain company building on both sides of the street, or continued to rush forward. Besides, they can't do anything else...


'Humph! Damn alien monster, go to death for me! ! ’


Of course,

There was also a brave shopkeeper with a gun certificate who saw that there was no National Guard or police to deal with it, and saw that the monster was still driving the citizens and still trying to attack, he resolutely copied it from their counter He hid the Remington shotgun for self-defense, and directly loaded it, rushed out of the store to face the huge monster passing by, almost as high as two people, and many people couldn’t hold each other. Just pull the trigger fiercely!

! ! !

Two popping noises sounded!

Next second...

The kind-looking, but very brave and stout shopkeeper, his two shots of No. 12 00 deer shotgun ammunition, suddenly came from his muzzle towards him. The insect-like monster alien squirted out!

In an instant, a full sixteen or so 8.38-diameter lead pellets roared, one after the other, in two fan-shaped barrage scattered, and they slammed into the monster! !

The 00 deer bullets on the 12th are generally used to hunt large animals like wild boars or wild deer in this country...

Of course, this is also the one used to guard the house!

Because the caliber of its projectile is large enough, and the area of ​​damage is large enough, it does not require too much precision. It only needs to aim at a certain distance and shoot out. As long as it is not the kind of eyes that are particularly crooked, Most of them can hit most of the enemy's projectiles!

and so,

Usually, when the federal police and special forces make surprise attacks, there are also special personnel who use this kind of practical weapon that only requires a close shot to get a wild boar or a big man.


The arm that had just fired a shot was tattooed with devil and angel tattoos. He was very sturdy and seemed to be the shopkeeper of a retired soldier or officer. At this time, he was surprised to find:

The two shots he fired at the monster’s upper body and the head with squalid fangs, the terrible projectiles with at least sixteen large-caliber lead bullets, turned out to be just the cuticle-like armor and There are only small white spots on my head?

He didn't understand that at close range, under the violent bombardment of two 12th 00 deer bullets, the opponent could still be unscathed? What exactly is the opponent's carapace? !

‘Uh ah! ! ’


The brave shopkeeper could no longer make a sound or continue to fire at the aliens...

Because, he was shot flying by the alien monster with a claw, and he also directly smashed the glass of his fast food restaurant, directly rammed into it, causing a lot of customers and female employees to be pointed. After yelling, he fell silent very quickly. I don't know if he was killed or fainted.

Fortunately, the alien monster did not continue to chase him into the shop, nor did he intend to kill him completely. Instead, he turned his head and ran forward towards some screaming citizens. Towards the park lawn at the end of the street?



"It turned out to be a nasty big bug?"

(ˉ ̄~) Cut~~

After seeing the original situation clearly, and seeing that what looked like an exoskeleton biochemical armor hidden inside was a disgusting, and continued to be a big slimy bug made of protein, Annie curled her lips. Do not hide the contempt on his face.

She doesn't like that kind of squishy big bugs, because the other person looks a little too disgusting, and she dared to fangs and claws towards her, hurting a lot of people? She also saw that the brave uncle was knocked out by it just now, and judging from the blood and pieces of meat on the opponent's body, it seemed that the opponent might have killed someone before?

So, Annie decided:

After the other party comes over, see if she can't kill it! After seeing their kind of monsters, dare you come out to bully good people and be bumped by her? !



"That one……"

"Little guy, those are not bugs, they are very troublesome...Anyway, I'm leaving first, because I think it's probably coming to me...Anyway, I would advise you to leave here as soon as possible. So, goodbye?"


After a reminder with a strange little girl who was still watching the excitement and was not afraid of death, Frank the alien dog Pug quickly turned around and moved his four funny little short legs, ready to be in that "Xie Lailong" Before the big guy of the clan arrives, leave here temporarily.

Anyway, it knows that the people in black will arrive here soon, which can be seen from the special fluctuations emitted by the instruments that block the streets in the distance! In any case, the people on Earth will definitely not let that monster continue to wreak havoc here, so it's better to leave here quickly, not in this muddy water that has little to do with it!



strange? ?

What's going on, why can't you run...

The alien dog was scratching its limbs vigorously, trying to'run', and in a dog-climbing swimming posture, moving its four legs quickly in vain... However, it quickly discovered that the scenery around it was a little bit different. It didn't change, but the panicked earthlings screamed and quickly passed it, and told to run forward?

This unscientific……

How could a human being on earth run faster than this dog? Although it looks like a pug with short legs and fat and fat, it swears that this four-legged alien dog can definitely run past a two-legged terrestrial man!


"Hey! So it's you! What the **** are you, you, you doing? Bastard! Just let me go, it's too late!?"


I felt that the fur on my neck was a little tight. After a long time, this alien dog, which looked like a pug, finally looked up and turned around, and found that the troublesome little girl was holding her neck with her hand. After the fur, it couldn't help snarling and cursing in angrily, and quickly and futilely continued to swing its four short legs frantically.

Now the guy in the original place is getting closer and closer, and he just came to the earth for vacation, and he did not carry the kind of weapon suitable for use at this, once he was damned by the back If the'Xie Lai Dragon' aliens catch up, then it is very likely to die in vain!

And it really does not want to die here on earth at this time, not at all, not at all! !



"But... except that that guy is a bit ugly, he doesn't seem to have anything great, then why are you running with others?"

∑(△`)? !

Annie was still clutching the fur around the opponent's neck, making the opponent struggle in vain, and watched the monster covered in earthen blood get closer and closer...

Annie is not afraid of the aliens running towards them, so even if all the people around her now run away, she did not run, still holding a certain little alien dog by the neck, and standing stunned. At the same place, waiting for the alien worm in the same place to rush over.


"Because they are evil Lailong!!"

The alien dog Frank roared back.

He never thought that because he went out without a weapon, he might fall into the hands of a little alien girl who didn't understand anything, and then be eaten by a **** evil dragon? !



"Just like them, return the dragon?"


"Hahahaha! Puppy...Don't want to lie to me because I am young. It is obviously an ugly big reptile. Have you guys ever seen a real dragon?!"


Annie felt that these aliens were really weird for the first time. She had never thought that the kind of big bugs hidden in the carapace would be regarded as a kind of "Xie Lailong" by them. Long?

And, just such a guy, scared this alien dog like this? Although the opponent’s biological exoskeleton armor is indeed a bit ‘invulnerable’, and is not afraid of the individual weapons of ordinary earthlings, it is not enough to scare this guy into this way!

"Let go of me!"


When the alien dog Frank turned his head and opened his mouth, he was about to bite at the little girl's tender little hand, and finally broke free when the other party took the initiative to let go.

"No matter what they are, in short, even if I am an expert who is proficient in the galaxy, even if I am a person (dog?) who is very experienced in interstellar politics, I am definitely not willing to interact with the guys called'Eile Dragon' Dealing with it!"



After speaking, Frank the alien dog ran into the grass in the park, regardless of the life and death of a little girl who was still standing still.



"That kind of guy scares you like that? I tell you, Puppy, I'm not afraid of him!!"


Annie doesn't understand, is the alien on this earth so strange? In this broad daylight, you are still afraid of that kind of alien insects that look so ordinary? !

and so……


Seeing the monster getting closer and closer, Annie unceremoniously pulled out her special weapon for the Head of State Diamond from her space bag, the 20mm Flame Goddess I SS01. A specially made super electromagnetic sniper rifle!

He loaded it with a ‘click’, and at the same time pointed the huge muzzle at the unconscious monster insect that rushed towards him with his teeth and claws.

"Go to hell, you disgusting bad bug!!"

(*o ̄ ̄)o┻┳一……☆! !

"Hey, don't do it..."

However, the head of the funny pug dog of Frank, a certain alien dog sticking his head out of the grass, made the stop sound a little slower...


With the sound of the gun, the bullets ejected from the exaggerated large-caliber electromagnetic rifle instantly exploded the body and head of the'Xie Lailong', becoming a pool of splashes that splashed across the road. Disgusting green scum, and after shaking her lower body, she fell slumped in front of the little girl who was holding a long rifle.

"Look! What a simple thing, puppies, what are you afraid of?!"


A small bug that can be solved with a single bullet, Annie has no idea what's so scary about that alien dog! She thinks, even if she doesn't need her to do it, those people in black can definitely get rid of it easily, right? It's just... She also doesn't understand, why they are just around, but they are not willing to do it?

But no matter what, she Queen Anne is not afraid of the appearance of insects, no matter what kind of background the other party has, as long as she dares to bully her, or make her look blind, she will be shot over. Where does it take care of so much? !


(● ̄ ̄●)

"Well, miniature compressed space portable technology and efficient military electromagnetic Gauss rifle?"


"They are all pretty good technologies..."

"But little girl, please believe me, I'm afraid they are not because I can't beat it, but something else...I don't have a weapon like you in your hand, but..."

"Hey! Forget it, don't say it!"


An alien dog that had been hidden in the grass walked out with a sigh and shook his head, took a look at the little girl, and then at the dead "Xie Lai Long" lying on the asphalt road of the earthlings. After a while, the aliens drooped their ears, shook their heads and walked to the little girl Annie's side with a sigh, and stared at each other with regretful eyes.

Frank, this different alien dog, recognized at a glance the kind of weapon used by the little girl, and the kind of space technology that the other party took out the weapon! (It obviously misidentified magic as a portable space technology that only advanced civilizations have?) This made it a little curious about the origin of this little girl.

Because even it, a master of interstellar politics and diplomacy, or an expert who is proficient in the affairs of various races in the galaxy, can't seem to remember which advanced civilization on the planet has a race that looks similar to the humans on Earth?

Anyway, it can’t tell the origin of this little girl, so it feels a little regretful about her fate at this time...Of course, that’s all, if you want it to Frank to help each other, it’s obviously not Possibly, it doesn't want to provoke the super troublesome'evil dragon' race! !

Squeak~ch~! !

At this time, a sharp brake sounded violently, and a black twin-engine turbojet super sports car stopped dangerously on the dead alien after rubbing out two deep black brake wheel tracks. In front of the half body of the person, then, two agents in black finally got out of the car for the first time and arrived at the scene somewhat late.


"Sent to the headquarters and said that the incident was resolved. Let them continue to block the streets and prepare to clear the memories of all witnesses!"

K, who got out of the car, opened his mouth in astonishment. After looking at the corpse of the alien of the'Xie Lai Long' race on the ground for a while, he lowered his face and turned to the slightly confused assistant behind him. Ordered.

"Okay, boss K!"

J didn’t ask much. Of course, he saw the dead alien’s body, so he immediately paid attention to the reaction of his partners while using his communication tool to explain the situation to the headquarters and let them take pictures of the surrounding area. The self-righteous agent in black commanded the team to come in and finish.

It's all right now, they keep saying that the "Xie Lailong" alien who is going to be captured alive doesn't know who killed it. It makes Agent J's psychology very happy! !

"What's the matter, Frank, you killed it?!"

k looked at the empty streets around, looked at the citizens who were hiding in buildings and shops and slowly walking out to watch, they showed a little bit of headache to a little girl first. After a smile more ugly than crying, he asked a certain dog.

Now he is not afraid of his actions being seen by ordinary people, because now this block has been completely shielded, including communication signals, etc., soon, their black-clothed agents will be there and deal with those Witnesses’ memories, and let them delete all kinds of photos and videos on their phones themselves. They have done this kind of thing very well, and there will definitely be no problems.


"No, no, I don't dare to kill those troublesome guys!"


"She did it, so don't wrong me..."


Frank, an alien dog with no ethics, shook his head violently for a while to get rid of the relationship, then thiefly stretched out one of his dog's paws, and spoke very humanely while pointing at a little girl.

Its movements and the human words spoken by the dog's mouth caused more and more people in Manhattan who were onlookers around to make a noise, and began to whisper and discuss loudly... Obviously, today's Things are really a bit too overwhelming. First, the aliens who kill people indiscriminately, and then the dog who talks about human beings, and the little girl who suddenly took out the gun and killed the aliens, etc., are greatly touched. Up their heartstrings!

They had never thought about it, and they had no idea that their world would be so wonderful? Therefore, they took out their mobile phones or other shooting tools one after another at this time, ready to take photos of everything they saw now.

Soon, someone found out that their cell phone signal did not have any? However, even so, it can't stop their enthusiasm for taking pictures of the best scene before them! Because even if there is no signal, it can't hinder the basic camera and shooting functions of the mobile phone in their hands.


Hearing that it turned out to be a good thing done by the cute and harmless little girl Annie, K could not help but look at each other with a little surprise and a little unbearable. The current K no longer wants to investigate what kind of weapon she still hides, and does what it is like to blow up the entire upper body of an "Evil Lai Dragon" alien...

Because, now he only knows, things are big! In front of this damn, whether it is the outer biological exoskeleton or the inner body, there are only half-body aliens left. They can't kill the people in black, but they really can't kill!

Otherwise, why would the ‘foreign’ organization like the people in black waste time waiting until now, allowing so many innocent citizens to suffer in vain and making such a big disturbance? !

"It wants to eat me, so I hit it!!"

An alien disgusting bug that was doing evil in the city, it was hit if it was hit. Annie didn't think there was anything great. Who made it kill people and set fire in the city just now? !


"Annie, you should go home quickly, stop staying on the earth, go back and let your family protect you, the sooner the better!!"

After being silent for a while, I watched that the other side on the ground was indeed too dead to die, half of the slimy corpse that was drooping inside the biological exoskeleton, and looked at the large exploded biological tissue on the surrounding ground. After the liquid, Agent K hesitated again and again, still persuading the little girl.

If it were to leave the earth and go back now, might it be too late?


∑( ̄□ ̄;)

Little Annie suddenly didn't understand. She was just defending and helping the earthlings to kill the man-eating monster. Isn't this all right? In this world, whether it is reasonable or not, is it necessary to be held accountable for legitimate defense? ?

Is it possible that if such a cute little girl like her is eaten by the other party, they will be satisfied? If she had known that was the case, she just stopped doing it. They deserved to be bullied by such a useless worm! !

o(^`)o hum!


"Yes, boss K, didn't you just kill a **** alien bug? Why dare Annie go?!"

At this time, Agent J, who had already reported to his head, first glanced at the onlookers around him, then quickly walked over to his partner, and asked his boss K.

To be honest, if they get here early, I am afraid that the little guy Annie will not need to do it. The handsome black-clothed elite, Agent J, will act resolutely by himself to get rid of the kind of people who dare to come to them on the earth to make trouble. Alien gangsters!

He was absolutely cruel, and if he could directly kill him, he would definitely not go to catch alive! !


"K! Is this the dumb partner you just found?!"


At this moment, Frank the alien dog suddenly spoke, and as soon as he spoke, he mocked a certain dark-faced agent with big lips.

"Dare you try it again?"

j took a step forward in a bad tone, staring fiercely at a pug that was not as tall as his legs.

"I just said'You are an idiot'!!!"



"You wait, I promise I will find time to send you to the stray dog ​​rescue center, so that you can stay in the smallest cage and eat the most inferior moldy dog ​​food!!"

When J just wanted to reach out to catch a certain alien dog who dared to disobey him, he was pulled aside by his partner and could only threaten him severely.


"The four billion evil Lailong aliens remember you, you are really dangerous here..."

After stopping Hu's assistant, K slowly introduced the specific origin of the alien race "Xie Lailong" to a little girl who was ignorant!


Those alien races of ‘Eile Dragon’ possess cellular intelligence, and all the individuals in their entire population are spiritually connected together. This is the most difficult part of them!

Once they see the appearance of someone who killed their individual, the entire race will remember each other thoroughly and forever, which is equivalent to putting an indelible mark on the opponent's body and deeply. Engraved in the collective spirit of their ethnic group? !

Then, all the'evil dragons' of the entire ethnic group will want to find the people or creatures that killed them. They will firmly lock the enemy's DNA and smell, and then the nearby'evil dragons' or more Yes, that terrifying cosmic monster with a total of four billion, they will try their best to retaliate until the enemies engraved in their minds and memories are killed or eaten? !

It is precisely because of this cruel characteristic, their extraordinary strength and advanced civilization technology that the alien race'Evil Lailong' has a very bad reputation in the universe and no one dares to provoke it! Because they have wiped out and wiped out many advanced civilizations because of this, and it made many aliens feel frightened and helpless...

"So it looks like this..."


It turned out to be like this. The reason why no one dared to provoke those ‘Evil Lai Dragon’ is because of their racial characteristics and their super revenge? And thinking of the terrible situation of the billions of terrifying alien worms sweeping the earth, Annie also understood a little bit, why the people in black just surrounded it and did not wipe it out, and wanted to catch them alive. Will it look like this?

"K head!"

"Do you have a good way?!"

Hearing this, some surprised j finally became a little anxious, and quickly asked aloud for a little girl.


K shook his head, and then he looked at some interstellar expert.


"Don't look at me, I can't help it, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of running away just now!"


The alien dog Frank said that this dog is also very desperate... Besides, it is really just a dog, definitely not the omnipotent God in the myths and legends of the earth people, absolutely not!

Therefore, if there are problems that cannot be solved, the idea of ​​looking for an extraterrestrial expert Frank is absolutely necessary. It is not that great. In addition to a little more knowledge, it is really just a pug dog on earth. Just a pet dog?


"I will let the headquarters arrange the fastest spaceship to take you away. Of course, we need you to provide the coordinates of your home planet. Don't worry, we people on earth will keep it secret for you!!"

K still insists that what she just thought of is not the way, that is: let her little girl escape, and escape back to the ‘gray order’ of her country! In that case, maybe the other party, relying on the power of the other country's power, could still escape the catastrophe and hurt those ‘Evil Lailong’ aliens, so that they would not dare to pursue and kill the little girl’s lifespan before it came to an end?

This is what he thought of, the only effective way...

"Hey! Little guy!"

"I thought about it, and I think boss K's suggestion is good, would you think about it?"

J thought about it very seriously, and then he also felt that it was really not a good idea to fight an unreasonable alien race with a population of four billion here on Earth?

Besides, their terrestrial people can't fight against that kind of powerful alien race. They certainly won't help this poor little guy... So, even if he was always fearless and fearless, after thinking about it again and again, after all Do you think your partner K’s suggestion is more reliable, or is it more feasible to let the little girl run back to their own planet as soon as possible, and let her country called the “gray order” protect her?


"Perhaps it is possible, provided that her planet is willing to protect her and can beat the'Evil Lai Dragon'? But I didn't break your cold water. As far as I know, no planet or race is willing to provoke them!"


Although this kind of remark was a bit shocking, the alien expert dog Frank still ruthlessly told the conclusion he had concluded based on the information he knew.



"Don't worry, I'm not afraid! But there are only four billion bugs. They dare to provoke me to try?!"

You can't burn it! !

This is really not bragging about Annie!

In her opinion, just how powerful those ‘Evil Lai Dragons’ are, let alone four billion, even if they are worth another 40 billion! And once she really provokes her, maybe she directly summons the zerg army in the Kepulu region, and casually summons a sea of ​​100 billion worms to come and level them easily! When the time comes, they won't be able to drown them, do they dare to turn the sky over?

Besides, she is a legitimate defense, and she is righteous and strong when she tells God! If the sue does not win, she would even dare to fight the Judge Universe! !


(● ̄ ̄●)


k opened her I don’t know where the little girl’s confidence is...



The alien dog Frank is obviously full of the little girl’s vitality...Oh, no, I don’t believe it if I’m full of confidence... But anyway, this matter has nothing to do with it, it’s not familiar with the little girl, so I don’t want to Worry about these shit!

After all, it, Frank, this alien dog, came to the earth for vacation. If things go wrong then, it will run away from the earth, and they will not come to chase and kill this innocent outsider. Good star dog!

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