Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 776: ?The easily concealed truth and the incoming aliens?

"The latest news about aliens..."

‘Look at here, everyone, yes, come and get closer. Regarding this alien incident, our government department has the latest explanation and a reasonable explanation...’

‘Everyone may not know yet, right? In fact, the thing in the daytime today is not an alien at all, and no one was injured or killed by aliens in this incident... That thing was just produced by an unscrupulous film company. It's just a ridiculous prop that came out to fool everyone, so if you can, everyone will forget it tomorrow, right? ’

On this street at night, a black-clothed agent with sunglasses, a black tie and a black suit gathered a large group of people who were noisy because they were trapped in the block and could not go out to his side. He lifted a long strip from his pocket with a little tiredness, and the upper end was still shining a little red, which was very tempting to look at, and he was talking about something messy in his mouth. And poor wording that can't stand scrutiny.

Today, their work is really too busy. In such a large area, so many people need them to use biological search devices to clear their memories one by one, in groups, and keep those people in this area. , But it was really a bit embarrassing for the black-clothed agents at the bottom of them.

'damn it! Who do you lie to? ’

‘Do you think we will believe? ’

'Hey! Look! Another shameless ridiculous lie! They have done so many things today and still want to talk nonsense in front of us witnesses? ’

‘The ridiculous functional department has been wasting our taxpayers’ money...’

‘Are they crazy? Something that big chased us across these long streets. As soon as his claws went down, Pete died directly. Even his intestines were dug out. Now his body is still covered with white cloth over there. You **** still dare to say that the thing is fake? ! ’

‘Unscrupulous federal department, want to cover up the truth at this time? Dream it! ! ’


‘Get out of here, your funny and clumsy excuse is suffocating us! ! ’

‘Wait, we will definitely write to the president jointly. You all wait for me! ’

‘At this time, do you think you can cover up the truth? I bother! Let me tell you, **** black clothes, my phone and my camera are full of photos and videos that I just took! Wait, at the latest tomorrow morning, TV stations in the whole world will broadcast that **** alien, and that **** talking stupid dog, you don’t want to cover it up! Don't think about it! ! ’

‘And that little girl! ! ’


‘But...she shot and saved us...’

‘Then she is also an alien! I saw it. She took out a gun as big as Barrett from her little pocket, and knocked out the head and upper body of the terrible alien with one shot! ! ’

‘And him! ’

‘And these **** black clothes, they must be exposed, they must know something, or want to continue to cover up something! ? ’

'Correct! God can testify that these self-righteous **** will repent for what they did! ’

‘Get down! ’

‘Get down! The dregs of black clothes, God will not forgive you! ! ’

‘ son just died...but, but now they still want to cover up the truth? God... I swear, next time I see them in black clothes, I will slam a bullet into their heads. They are all **** with aliens! They also blocked the intersection, what do they think of us? ! ’

‘Boy in black, we are ashamed of your words and deeds! ! ’

‘He looks great! ’


‘Πσtapδe! Δiβoλe!’

‘I’m going to film your current botched performance. Wait, you’re going to be finished soon. Get ready to accept the anger and questioning of the people all over the world! ! ’

'Nonsence! ’

‘Get down! ! ’

‘Get down! Get out! ! ’

Click! !

Suddenly, when the crowds were raging, the man in black who was standing high and was watching by the angry group of citizens because of being trapped in the block, at this moment, he calmly pressed down his hand. The long strip of gadget held high, and then... a strong light swept across this block in an instant, just like the light and sound of a backward spotlight camera in the 19th century, and Finally succeeded in making everyone quiet instantly.

‘You are all right, but it doesn’t work! ’

‘Remember, nothing happened here today! There are no aliens here, no one is dead or injured, and there is no little girl with a big science fiction gun or a dog who can speak human words? Everything is normal here! ’

"The only thing that makes you a little regretful is that a group of highly efficient engineering teams are working here, and have to delay your day's travel... But fortunately, their work efficiency is very high. One day and one night, these streets were completely restored to their original condition...'

‘So, all of us should thank those hard-working municipal workers from the bottom of our hearts, because of their unremitting efforts, we only wasted one day...’

‘What do you think of my proposal? ’

After finishing all the things in one breath, the black-clothed person put away the long strip of "amnesiar" in his hand, and then he was wearing a black suit, black tie, and black sunglasses. After the companion glanced at each other, both shrugged their shoulders in relief, preparing to jump down from the height of the flowerbed.

These people just wanted to besiege them, it was really naive...

'Oh! I almost forgot, there is another important thing! ’

'Listen well, everyone. All the videos and photos you have taken today, including the conversations we dared to have just taken, please remember to delete them later, because those are fake and no one will believe them. Fabricated things and photos from PS...Leaving them in your mobile phone, camera or other devices will just take up your precious storage capacity, which is totally meaningless! ! ’

'and so! ’

‘Please remember to delete all of them and replace them with your own selfies or photos and videos of family reunion? ’

'In short, forget all the things except today... After the'municipal workers' finish their work, go back to your home quickly and take a good bath and sleep. Tomorrow is Monday. , You still think about your own job...'

‘Because most of you don’t have money if you don’t work, you can’t pay the mortgage if you don’t have money, and you won’t be able to marry a wife if you don’t have money. That’s a serious matter, isn’t it? ’

‘Forget about the aliens, that’s not what you should care about, everyone should work hard and try to make more money...’


Another strong light flashed.


Such a group of guys still want to fight with them in black? Look, it's finally calm down now, right?

at last,

After turning around and finally confessing something and flashing it again, the two agents in black motioned to those who had their memories cleaned to go to the cleaning area on the other side for the final screening... Then, the two of them Together with the other black-clothed agents who surrounded him, they began to move orderly to the last block that had not been cleaned.

There, there are many stubborn guys who are excited and even dared to fight against their memory and cleanse with guns! Because most of them are the aborigines of this neighborhood, and their respective homes obviously have a lot of self-defense weapons, anyway, it is very troublesome...

Of course, it's just trouble, it won't cause them too much trouble...Because, with the help of the advanced technology and equipment of their'foreign' organization, the men in black, it is nothing to directly crush those diehards. It's too difficult.

Wait and see, in a moment, as long as they click, after the flash of the amnestic device, those guys will definitely get down, and honestly accept their arrangements from the men in black and delete all Videos and photos, but also forget everything that happened today that they in black do not want to be mentioned by ordinary people.


When the sun rises tomorrow, everything in Manhattan will return to normal!

All people will continue to work, live, and study peacefully and peacefully... At that time, whether it is an alien who kills and sets fire, or a talking dog, it will be nothing more than a meal. It’s just talking about it, and no one will believe that they exist!

At that time, in people’s impressions,

The earth is still the only living planet discovered in this universe! !

And the people on earth are the only advanced intelligent life discovered in this universe! All people will still be silent in their self-satisfied and peaceful environment, and lead the "excellent" and beautiful life that belongs to the people of the earth, just like an ostrich that just burrows its head into the sand. , Unwilling to believe in the sinister surroundings?

Of course, the people in black will definitely not let the ostriches know. Not only will they not help the other person to pull the'head' out of the sand, but they will pile more sand to let the ostriches 'Our dreams are longer?


At this time, the night is getting deeper and deeper...

The people of Manhattan will never know that when singing and dancing in other places and the colorful lights are shining, in this blockade that seems to be under construction overnight from the outside, there is an amazing scene that no one of them can imagine?

But no matter what, those of them will never know...

Because a black-clothed organization has once again successfully blocked all the news and cleaned up all the insiders and witnesses. No one will reveal what happened here, including what monitoring equipment, All of them have been replaced with new hard disks or directly formatted. No one will know what happened.

As for the news that aliens once appeared on the earth, I am afraid it can only be reduced to the kind of funny stories that will only appear on April Fool's Day... Or, like the air force base in southern Nevada, that Like the Fifty-One District, it is just a ridiculous target that has been speculated and pushed out by the world to accept public doubts? !

Ordinary people on Earth may never think that aliens are actually by their side. Moreover, there are more aliens and huge underground super magnetic levitation subway network channels and cosmic harbors that connect cities throughout the earth. , In fact, right below their prosperous international city?

"Report to Chief K!"

"Now that the clean-up work has come to an end, all personnel in the blocked area have been cleaned by the'amnesiar', and the final screening work has been completed. No omissions or abnormalities have been found. Please indicate! !"

Finally, when the big and round moon was hanging high in the sky, the work of countless black-clothed agents or agents busy in this blockade was finally completed... …They began to enter the finishing touches in an orderly manner, and no matter how much the former citizens resisted their actions, under the effect of the “amnestics” that ordinary people could not resist, the most stubborn ones People have also become honest, and have accepted the uniform and awkward wording made up by them in black!

That is:

In fact, nothing happened here, only a group of super-efficient municipal engineering workers wasted most of people's time during the day and one night! Except for the citizens living here, or the shop assistants and white-collar workers who still needed to stay here to work at the time, it feels not so perfect, there is nothing else!

However, given that the workers worked diligently and quickly repaired the ‘pipe’ and the ‘street pavement’, people were still very satisfied after all, and were considerate of those ‘industrious municipal workers’?

"Finally finished?"

"Very well, leave some people nearby to observe for a few days, and others are going to close the team!!"

After tossing for a whole day, coupled with the worry and fear at the beginning, I am now in a kind of inexplicable worry... Therefore, dragging my tired body and sleepy head, I have become older and older. , Agent K, who was about to reach retirement age, sighed deeply.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand to indicate that the black-clothed agent directly followed their usual rules and procedures, and didn't need to inform him about such small things.

Anyway, without knowing what's going on, K suddenly felt that he was getting more and more powerless, and more and more powerless about certain things... He must hurry up and train his own successors according to their traditions of people in black. Row!

It's like that old guy who had to retire not long ago, his former partner and agent d, the guide?

He and that were so old that they couldn’t hold the gun securely, and finally had to be forced to retire. He used the'amnestic device' to wash away all the information and memories about the'foreign' organization called'Men in Black' Later, the guy who was sent back for retirement was different, but K was absolutely unwilling to be like that old friend...

He will never retire until he is old enough. He will choose to retire when his successor grows up and can take the initiative to retire. Then, while he is still a little young, he will go with his girlfriend and himself. The one who has always made him feel extremely regretful and guilty in his heart. The ex-wife has a comfortable life, and spends the rest of his life to make up for the other party, instead of waiting until he is about to grow old, then choose to go back and live with the other party?



Seeing someone stunned and dozing off on the hood of his car in front of him, K had to sigh deeply again as he looked at the useless Agent J.

Because he knows that in a short period of time, he will definitely not be able to retire early... He still has to train the guy in front of him who has potential but not enough personality! Otherwise, it is very likely that not long after retiring, I will receive an inexplicable copy, I will never remember who it will be, and I will most likely be mistaken for sending the wrong address and throwing it in the trash. The death notice of the'stranger' in here?

If that were the case, it would be really too bad...

He didn't want to retire and go home on his own initiative. After he was cleansed of his memory, he still had to receive news that was related or unrelated to the current affairs that would make him sad or emotional inexplicably. !

"J! Man?!"

"Wake up, we are going back now!!"

After waking up the opponent with a cold face, K turned his face black and directly bent over and got into the driving seat of his car. Because there is no more things they can do here, he is going to go back to the headquarters to rest now. As for other things, he can wait until Ming.

after all,

No matter how powerful they are, they are just a group of specially trained people on Earth. If they stay awake or have a messy work and rest for a long time, it will have a bad effect on their health or the various tasks they will perform.


Bang! !

Suddenly, a dull sound of a hard object hitting the metal hood sounded.

'Oh! My God, it's so hard...’

A staggered, dozing in a daze due to waiting impatiently, after being awakened, he suddenly fell directly and hit the black metal hood firmly, and after a hit, Just scream!

Fortunately, there are no sharp objects or pebbles on the hood of a classic car, so his black head is not broken and red, but it is definitely inevitable to get a small bag more or less.

"Boss K!"

"The next time you wake me up, can you please be lighter or gentler, not so hard? Look, my head is swollen! Also, the iron cover of your car is too thick. Now, this is really painful!!"

The hoods of other cars are just a thin layer of perfunctory iron sheet, but the other side's shabby old car is full of thick bullet-proof steel plates? This is almost the same as armored vehicles, so if his head hits it, it must be nothing good.

But no matter what, he just turned around and opened the co-pilot's door, got in, and fastened his seat belt for the first time. Because, he didn't want to fly again later, and was severely cut his own face, although it was a bit dark, but at last it was a handsome face and the car window glass to have an intimate contact!

"Okay, I will pay attention next time."

Although K said so, his expression was still that cold and silent, and obviously he didn't put this kind of thing on his own heart.

Booming magnetism, Oh~!

K twisted the key, and finally nodded with the agent in black outside the car. He stepped on the accelerator and made the car make a big turn of 180 degrees before making a sharp turn. Accelerate, speeding towards the outside of this blocked street.


"Right! K, what's going on with Annie?"

After grinning and rubbing his short hair and black head for a while, Agent J suddenly remembered an important thing, and then he quickly asked.

Soon after the alien monster named "Evil Lailong" was shot to death by the little guy, the little girl left the blockade block, and they have been in the place where the incident happened. He was busy here, helping to coordinate and deal with all the messy things. In the end, tired and hungry, he almost didn't fall asleep...

and so,

Now he suddenly remembered the little guy who made people love and feel good! But no matter what, he always didn't want the little clever ghost who helped them on Earth to be retaliated by the aliens and accidentally happened.

"Not very good, but I have reported it to the headquarters..."

k The expression in the wrinkled eyes suddenly became a little ecstatic, and then soon he became resolute and continued to concentrate on driving his car, obviously not planning to pay too much attention to things outside of work. many.

In his opinion, after the little guy rejected his kindness and rejected his suggestion to deploy a fast spacecraft to send the other party out of the earth and go home for the first time, her fate was already doomed!

Now, no one can help her, nor dare to help her again...

Therefore, at this time, he sighed and didn't intend to pay more attention to him. He couldn't do anything. They had no choice but to be cruel, nothing more.

"Reported to the headquarters? Then, what do they say, how did boss z arrange?"

Debriefing must be for reporting. Since a mischievous alien **** Earth killed another alien who seems to be more troublesome, then it is reasonable, they are men in black.' It is not surprising that foreign-related organizations must pay attention to check and establish relevant files.

Of course, the subsequent protection work is also very important, so J really wants to know how the people in black reacted to this incident, and where did they stand? Or, did you do more for the little guy Annie?


"Our boss said that we need to observe closely first... In addition, he also dispatched a team of agents in black, which is a capable team of about 20 people, saying that he is going to stare at him 24 hours a day. The little girl Annie..."

K, who drove silently on a quiet and quiet road in the middle of the night, for a long time, the colleague who involuntarily reduced the speed, looked at the neon lights of the high-rise buildings outside, the beautiful night scenes and the passing traffic. , While talking leisurely.

"He actually sent someone?"

"Ha! Not bad, not bad! Boss z finally found it with his conscience and made a correct decision! K, do you know? I never thought that he would actually send someone to protect the little guy Annie Yes, I thought he would ignore it, as if he didn't know it?"

j slapped himself with excitement, and the sleepiness just disappeared!

Of course, his stomach is still hungry now, although he really wants to let Boss K find a restaurant nearby to enjoy the supper kind of food as a celebration... But looking at the current time, I think there may be no ideal place nearby. , I had to give up that tempting idea and plan to go back to the cafeteria in the headquarters to eat something for free.


He also felt that if there were no other tasks recently, he was very willing to volunteer and go with the agents to perform the challenging task of protecting the little girl! However, the premise is that the headquarters must equip him with a powerful individual weapon, preferably the kind of super energy weapon that can blast off a Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier?

If that's the case, don't talk about an alien from the "Evil Lailong", even if there are a hundred and eighty more, he will definitely not be too concerned, and he can definitely protect the little guy properly until the other party Leave the earth and go home safely! !


K's eyelids picked up and opened his mouth. He was a little bit hesitant, and couldn't help laughing and turning his head to look at the assistant who was on the co-pilot next to him who was grinning and happy...


Finally, K hesitated again and again, and sighed slowly.

"What's wrong? Boss, is there any problem with this? Why are you sighing?"

After seeing the other's face, j suddenly became a little puzzled...

Could it be that those Xie Lailong aliens are really so powerful, and even if boss Z dispatched a team of capable agents in black to protect them 24 hours a day, they couldn't ensure the safety of that little guy?

If it is really that bad, then he must go back and have a good half-night rest, and then hurry up tomorrow to apply for dispatch to the team that protects the little girl!

If he is dedicated to his work and feels sleepy without taking a day’s rest, at best, if Agent J who dozes off occasionally, he thinks that the chances of successfully keeping that little guy’s life safe will definitely be great. Of the increase!


"You think it's bad... Our boss Z sent them to prepare to clean up the memories of witnesses and clean up the mess at any time, not to be a bodyguard for that little girl..."

"They have been issued a strict order not to act on any ‘Eile Dragon’ aliens that appear, they can only watch and report the situation at any time?"

Although this order is a bit cruel, Agent K still ruthlessly shattered the unrealistic fantasy of a newcomer who took it for granted. Agent J...Although he himself felt that it was a bit unhumane and inhumane to do so. , And a bit cold... but no one can deny that there is no way. pBecause they are people on earth, they in black are really too weak...

When confronted with the cruel, bloodthirsty and extremely vengeful alien race of "Evil Lailong", apart from sending people to watch the show and being ready to finish, they really did all the extra things. No more! Only in that way will things not be magnified.



"My God! That old man, is there a ball of **** in that z's head? How could he do that?!"

J suddenly yelled loudly in the car, causing K on the side to tremble, and the car shook suddenly, almost hitting a certain kind of large and long container pulling on the highway at night Large trucks, and let them see in the rearview mirror that the driver of a large truck passing by was protruding a big **** toward them from the window.

"No way!!"

"This will definitely not work! K, we must not sit idly by, we must do something!!"

Now J has become more energetic again. After knowing that the situation turned out to be such a bad situation, he was like a chicken blood, and began to yell angrily at the air outside the window and his companions around him.

It’s just like he couldn’t understand the behavior of the fat-eared **** in the New York police force at the beginning, and now he also couldn’t understand the head of their headquarters in black, and he couldn’t understand the death Bad behavior not saved!

From his point of view, this is simply unimaginable... They, how dare they do that in black, how can they be so cruel to watch an alien girl who helped them on Earth face it alone? What kind of cruel thing?

This is really too bad, he will never allow it! !


"Okay! j, believe me, we really can't do anything..."

Of course k knows why j has such a big reaction, but that is useless, reality is reality, and no one can easily change it! And now, their reality here is: their earthlings are very fragile, and under the pressure of those powerful aliens, there is no other way but to watch.

Therefore, he didn't plan to argue too much about this matter. After the companion next to him slowly understood everything, he would definitely want to understand.

"Damn it!"

Bang! !

J reached out and smashed the console in front of the co-pilot, and smashed the soft leather platform into a fist-shaped mark. Then he had made up his mind: Maybe, after returning to the headquarters , I said I can’t go to the Armed Forces room again to see if I can steal a powerful weapon that is not easy to be discovered, so that I can do something for the little girl within my power?


Since k and some bad old man z are afraid of making troubles, afraid of those aliens, then he will go alone! Because he is not afraid of those monsters! He is not afraid of any aliens, even if they are four billion? !

and many more……

Four billion? !

This... If it is really four billion, it seems to be a bit too much? However, it shouldn't be so... Are those ‘Eile Dragon’ aliens really so reluctant, just because a citizen died on the earth and caress about them?


"Stop it again, my car is very expensive, more expensive than that kind of angel car..."

Glancing at a partner beside him who was still in anger and didn't know what he was thinking about randomly, and then looked at the small pit that the other party had smashed into, K whispered a distressed warning.

Seriously, he has been driving this car for many years... From the time he joined the men in black to the present, it has not only condensed a lot of advanced technology that they have mastered in black, but also almost He poured his emotions for most of his, he didn't want such a good car to be smashed by the opponent casually, or hit some key lines.

"Boss K!"

"Can't you think of other ways? We just watched and did nothing?!"

Little things like whether the car is expensive or not, I don’t care now, because he has no money to pay for it!

Because he is still a little bit angry now, he always feels that their black clothes should not be so indifferent, nor should they be so ruthless, whether they are dealing with their earthlings themselves, or when dealing with the little alien girl. It's the same, that's bad!

In short, he just couldn't understand the cold-blooded practices of the organization he is currently in! !

"I do not know what to do."

"If you think of it, you can tell me..."

In fact, K himself had secretly told the twins to think of a solution before the boss Z, but so far he has not received any response from the twins... Obviously, the one who rotates work 24 hours a day' The twins of "one compatriot" and "one double personality" must have never thought of any effective method.

Because, those aliens from the "Evil Lai Dragon", they never accept negotiations, even if they want to negotiate with each other, they can't find a way...



Finally, one was silent, and the other was an angry two people, so no one continued to speak.

Just like that, they rode in the old, unremarkable black car with a shabby appearance, and accompanied by two straight night lights that shot far away, they drove to the one heading towards the headquarters of the man in black in the middle of the night. On the straight road that looked unusually dark and deep...

And behind their car, there were only quiet streets and rows of dim street lights that were blocked by lush trees.

The next day,

Early in the morning, on the lawn of this beautiful detached seaside holiday house in East Harlem, near the sea, which was specially provided by the Headquarters of People in Black for the little girls to live in and monitor for the time being. Frank, the alien dog who had come here a long time ago, confronted him again!

Dramatically, after staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a while, after all, a certain impatient alien dog was the first to be able to resist and defeated.

"I beg you..."


"Master Anne, my little ancestor... can you stay away from me? I don't want to be troubled with you..."

"I beg you, please, please raise your hands high and go around me quickly!!"


Frank, an alien dog, was lying on all fours, crying, making a gesture of being thrown to the ground, and then stuck out his tongue, the dog spit out human words, he was sitting on a small stone stool in the garden, and he was holding a The little girl with a shorthair cat with pointed ears pleaded sadly.

In fact, it’s not just Frank, the alien dog expert, but no alien at all is willing to stay with or live with this broom star marked by the shameless and cruel alien race of the “Evil Lai Dragon”. Nearby!


The broom star is actually what people on earth say, that kind of star is actually just an ordinary comet. Apart from dragging a long tail that will drop various asteroids and meteorites, it is really nothing remarkable. That thing will not bring that kind of nonsensical doom.


Comets will not bring bad luck, but the little girl in front of them will, and it is very terrible! !

"Frank, you are so strange!"


"People didn't tie you with a dog leash or a dog pen. You can go anytime you want to go, and you can come whenever you want. You are obviously a free puppy, but why do you beg me like this? People who don't know, still Thought I really bullied your stupid dog!"

"I don't want to be besieged by those dog lovers, they are said to be terrible!!"


Annie continued to hold the female cat in her arms, and she stretched out her fingers to tease the other side's soft fur, causing the opponent's throat to make comfortable exhales like'snoring and purring'. Lazily lying on her lap, closed his eyes and enjoyed her touch.

This is her newly bought cat. Although she doesn't like it very much, but at least it is not very annoying...In short, apart from the fact that the other party always sheds hair and does not like to take a bath by herself, she needs some'forced' means to deter and force Except for launching, everything else is fine and perfect!



(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn’t want to comment on the behavior of a nasty little master who has a deep nasty taste! Because it knows that when the other party is interested, everything can be done, and so is persuasion. Bai persuades, it is better not to persuade, let her go foolish...)



The alien dog Frank jumped up from the ground suddenly, and looked up with the big dog eyes with grief and indignation at the little girl who was looking innocent and wronged, and the one who was enjoying her caress on her little lap. On the familiar female cat...


Frank did not receive any mandatory imprisonment or other threats from the other party, not even verbal!


It couldn't help but the other party really paid for the one-year-old little earth female cat that it was fond of...

Frank has been in a relationship with the other party for a long time. It has been with the other party since he was very young, and it took him a long time to teach the other party some basic things... But who ever thought, but It happened to be bought by this dangerous little girl with money?

So, can Frank the alien dog not worry now, can he not worry?

In fact, after finding the little female cat last night, she didn’t close her eyes all night and used some special means to finally find out from the cat owner’s house that their pet was actually A little girl in a red dress bought it?


Frank came here early this morning, and only then will the confrontation between the two sides and the inexplicable nonsensical dialogue that is happening now take place.



"You were originally worried about this cat? Don't worry, I will definitely not eat it, because it is thin and doesn't have much meat on it..."


Annie continued to pet the female cat lying on her lap, teasing her opponent's bar and cheeks, and pinching her beard from time to time, without the grief and indignation of a certain alien dog. Give it to heart.

Speaking of...

Is she too lonely to live in this big house alone?

Although the people in black arranged for an aunt to clean up and cook her meals every day, it would be better if she could be accompanied by this kitten besides Tibbers. ? So, yesterday evening, she resolutely took the shot and bought it from a kind cat owner for a big price.




"Let's talk! What do you want? Except for the "Xie Lailong" thing, as long as I can help, I can satisfy you!!"

u, u

My favorite little cat is in the hands of this evil alien little girl, and if she is not careful, she might be thrown into the pot and boiled by the other party... So, forced to help her heart. The cat, the alien dog Frank, an expert on interstellar diplomacy, can only bitterly compromise and prepare to sign a series of unequal bereavement and humiliating treaties with the little girl, and then take advantage of the arrival of the "evil Lailong" aliens. Is your girlfriend rescued from this raging fire pit?

Anyway, as long as the conditions are not too outrageous, even if the earth is sold, it will definitely not wrinkle its head! !

"I didn't want to do anything!"


"I just think it's fun, look at it, I took a bath with difficulty yesterday, is it very clean now?"

Annie picked up an innocent female cat in her hands, ignoring the other's protest, and directly showed her to an alien dog the smooth fur that was washed white by her.


(Tibbers would not say to a certain alien dog Frank: That female cat was forcibly suppressed by the messy little lord of her family and pressed into the water to wash it violently... that The poor little guy, almost never drowned!

After being fished, he was ‘roasted’ with magic flame by someone, and almost never burned to death!

Otherwise, the other party would be so honest now, in the hands of a stranger who has only known each other for a day, he would not even dare to make a sound of resistance or protest? )



Frank, the alien dog, is nowhere to be seen...

Because it can be seen, the other party has deliberately teased it like this. The other party has already used it as an entertainment item, and the poor little female cat that it fell in love with was only used by the other party to deal with it. And the tools to tease yourself...

However, even if it knows, it has absolutely no way!


First of all, it is not the opponent of this little girl, it dare not use violence with each other!

Secondly, no one knows when the retaliatory power of those aliens "Xie Lailong" will come, so unless it doesn't want the female cat anymore, just let the other side stay here and be killed together. Or be played to death by a little girl!

Otherwise, it will definitely not be able to bypass this hurdle.




"Tell me, why don’t those aliens called Xie Lailong come to me? Is it possible that you lied to me? Look, it’s been twenty-four hours, now The next day, where are their pregnant bugs now?!"


Actually, Annie made trouble purely because she was bored...

Anyway, she is very strange now. The kind of evil Lailong that was said to be good is very strong and strong, and the good ones will be repaid, and the good ones are dead and a tendon... But look now, this is all the past day. Why are they not coming now?

After wasting a whole day and waiting so long, she was really disappointed...

Originally, she thought that when she got up early today, she could play with the badass aliens like gophers, but it was still calm, which really disappointed her! If she knew this was the case, she might as well continue to sleep in her own bed!


Now she has nothing to do after eating. Before the horrible and evil aliens arrive, she continues to tease her newly bought cat and a certain alien dog who speaks the earth. It seems to be true. But there is nothing particularly important.


(● ̄ ̄●)


"Ah! You, you don't have to wait! Because they are already here!!"



The alien dog Frank's ears and tail suddenly stood up!

Then, it looked around and looked around. After smelling it again, the hair on its body finally exploded, and immediately reminded a little girl who was'holding' its sweet cat, and then directly He ran wildly, rushed to the distant flowers and disappeared completely...

All those freedoms, skins, loves, and other things are no longer important when compared to Frank's life! Therefore, after feeling the dangerous aura around it, and smelling the stench coming from the distant aliens from the "Xie Lai Dragon", it couldn't take care of anything.

He can't do anything other than run away with his four dog legs, let alone do it!

Now, its heart cat still in the hands of the little girl, it can only pray in its heart that the other party’s luck is good enough to be able to persist until the little girl is beaten to death or caught by the evil dragons. After leaving, let Frank find it again?


∑(△`)? !

"Are they really here? Where are they? Where are they?!"


After throwing away a stupid cat that had been shed all day long, UU Read Xiao Anni ignored the bad dog that had run far, and jumped off the cylindrical stone stool. And began to search around in this own garden with excitement...

Sure enough, those aliens still didn't disappoint her Queen Anne, and they came straight to the door at this time when she was most boring?


(Oh stupid alien)

(● ̄ ̄●)

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