Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 777: What about 400 million bugs? ?


‘Um...whoop! Hmm~~ Phew! ! zzzz...’

Agent j is now asleep...

He didn't even take off his handsome outfit, black suit, black tie, black leather shoes and so on. He just lay directly in the rest room of an employee in the headquarters of the'foreign' organization headquarters. The sofa is sideways, holding my arms tightly and squeezing it on the narrow sofa, with his head resting on the armrest on one side, my legs sticking out of the armrest on the other side of the sofa, and the long and heavy mouth is constantly hitting. The snore, the sound is terrifying!

Because he is really tired...

Last night, he and Agent K did not return to the headquarters until more than three in the morning. Then, after having a casual snack and filling their stomachs and chatting, he came up sleepily and looked at the time when it was almost dawn. On this two-seater sofa, I slept till now!

Even during the period, other agents came to this lounge to eat or talk, but they failed to wake him up.

At this time, the small wall clock hung on the wall of the lounge is actually after 8:30 in the morning. Most of the staff and agents here in the headquarters must have gone to perform their tasks or go to work, so now, This lounge here has become a private private room for Agent J alone. Even if he snores loudly, he will not worry about affecting other people or worrying that other people will accuse him. .


Click! Click!

However, his agent sleeps on his own and doesn't want to disturb or interfere with others, but doesn't it mean that others won't wake him up?

Isn't this?

When he was still immersed in his dreams, dreaming that he was brave enough to kill those aliens called "Xie Lailong" crying father and mother with ten thousand enemies, killing them on their knees begging for mercy and vowing again I didn’t dare to come to Earth, I didn’t dare to trouble anyone anymore, and I got the look of a cute little girl who admired him, and kept calling him "Uncle J" in a soft homophony, holding his hand. When acting like a baby...

Click! Click! !

In the dimness, he first heard the crisp and rapid sound of hard-soled leather shoes stepping on the hard headquarters floor from far to near... Then, some cold things slammed onto his face. , Let him, who was dreaming, suddenly turned into a nightmare, and saw a little girl turn around and turned into a big alien worm of "Xie Lai Long", and opened her mouth to turn a large group of disgusting, Slimy liquid spit on his face? !


"Damn alien!?"

Agent J, who was "attacked" by the "Evil Lai Dragon" alien with a liquid weapon, suddenly jumped up from the sofa. While opening his eyes, he did not forget to make fists with both hands. He couldn't stand firm even when he just woke up. With his swaying body, he puts himself in a boxing posture, spreads his feet as wide as his crotch, steps forward half a step with his left foot, lifts his right heel slightly with the force, slightly bends the knee joint, and keeps the center of gravity. Between the legs, at the same time the elbow joint bends up close to the ribs, the fist is parallel to the cheek, and the fist is inward. An attack posture is completed in an instant, and an attacking enemy can be attacked with a violent right uppercut at any time!


Agent J, who opened his eyes and slowly awakened from his sleep, was surprised to find that there didn't seem to be that terrible evil Lailong alien who was spitting out his face, but only his one. Detective K who is a companion, chief and guide? !

of course,

There was no alien horrible corrosive saliva on his face, it was just half of the cold coffee he had left last night... And at this moment, that little coffee cup was there. Agent K, who was silent, with a sullen face, didn't know what he was thinking, slowly put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Obviously, it must have been the other party who woke him up just now by spilling his agent j's own coffee! !

"Oh! Please~!!!"

"Dear Agent K, Boss K... next time you wake up someone, can you be a little gentle? My god, can you see? My white shirt is now dirty by you It's like this...I have only sent two sets of this bulletproof textile in total, and the other set is still rolled in the washing machine and has not been burned!!"

Seeing that there is no such kind of'evil Lailong' alien, no little girl who worships him, and no terrible alien corrosive saliva, but only a full face and splashed upper body embarrassed. After the unbearable half of the dark brown coffee residue, while Agent J relaxed, he grumbled and protested at his companion K.

I'm all right now, my dream has been disturbed by others, not to mention it, and I have to go back and change clothes again!

Originally, he planned to wear this outfit for a few days, and he would change it when it was so dirty that there was no other way...

Because, he doesn’t want to go to his agent’s private room and spend an hour or two slowly ironing the suits and shirts that he throws in the washing machine to wash and dry. He hates doing that. He hates to wear the same clothes every day and change them every day, so why not change them! After all, this organization of people in black requires them to wear only this kind of black suit uniforms, and if they change only once in a few days, they will probably not find it easily?

"Okay, I will pay attention next time."

Agent K nodded blankly, it seemed that he didn't put the opponent's protest to his heart at all, very perfunctory.

"Should I be sober?"

"Then quickly follow me, we are going to carry out the task!!"

Seeing that the other party was fully awake, K didn't intend to say anything more, but after directly instructing this sentence, he turned around and prepared to walk outside the door of the lounge, and at the same time asked the other party to quickly follow him and execute them together. Task.

It's getting late now, it's almost nine o'clock, and their headquarters is a bit far away from the mission target location, so they must move quickly.

"Perform the task?"

"But... Boss K, I just woke up, I haven't brushed my teeth and washed my face, I haven't eaten breakfast, I haven't shaved my beard, I haven't changed clothes. I have washed everything in the washing machine yesterday morning, and I didn't have it last night. go back……"

"and so……"

"Hey! Wait, I mean... Can you give me an hour to prepare first, and then we meet at the headquarters gate?!"

Hearing that he needed to go on a mission again, Agent J finally didn’t dare to scold him as he did before. Instead, he patted his head with some annoyance and wiped the ones on his face. After thinking about the bitter cold coffee, I decided to go back to wash and change clothes, then eat something to fill my stomach, and finally think about the task.

Once upon a time, Agent J was still excited about his identity as an agent of the man in black who was madly dragging and slamming into the sky. He was stunned for this job that didn't require a clock to go to work... But now it seems that there is no need to clock in. It doesn't seem to be so good?


That means that they also have no fixed off-duty break time and fixed working hours at work? It's like the feeling of being awake roughly in a sleep, and then ready to perform the task when you pull it up, it's really too bad!

After all, the agents in black are also humans anyway, how can they not treat humans like they are now? It's fine if you don't let him rest for a good day, but as soon as he wakes up, he will be dragged to perform tasks. What's the matter?

"I don't have an hour for you!"

"Go now, right now! We must be there within 30 minutes, otherwise it may be too late!!"

Agent K didn't say much, didn't explain, or even paid attention to the complaining partner behind him. Instead, he turned around and walked outside, his footsteps were still very hurried, and his head was not much. Come back.


"My God! Damn it!"

"Hey! Boss! You can't do this to me. We were busy all day and night yesterday, and we only came back in the middle of the night. I slept for less than five hours. Do you want my life? What task is there, that bad old man can't let others do it first?"

"Our headquarters is not just the two of us black agents. Those guys don't need to work all day?!"

Agent J, who was chasing the opponent and rushed out of the lounge, pointed to the black-clothed agents wandering around in the same place and said, successfully attracting waves of dissatisfaction or strange eyes.

Anyway, J is very dissatisfied with the practice of being forced to be strong without a good rest!

The bad treatment of this job, the outrageous things like salary without clear figures, no fixed holidays, no rest days, etc., he all tolerated! However, he absolutely can't stand the continuous high-intensity work in this sleepy state!

In his opinion, at least, should he eat and drink enough to rest before dispatching new tasks?


"The'Twins' have just detected that a spacecraft of the'Evil Lai Dragon' alien has broken into our Earth's atmosphere. Obviously, you know who their target will be, so we have no time to delay! "

"If you don't want to, you don't need to go?"

If you don't hurry up, k feels that they are almost ready to collect the body of the little girl! Therefore, this time he came here early in the morning to find j, and forcibly woke up the opponent in a very impolite way.


Now they must go to the garage of the headquarters immediately, and then drove his car to the seaside villa that the man in black had arranged for the little girl! Their time is really precious, and even K himself doesn't know if it will be too late, but now act quickly and try to arrive one minute earlier. This is always right.

"Evil Lailong..."

"Xie Lailong?!!!"

"Oh! God! Those **** actually came to retaliate, so soon? Hey! Wait for me, I didn't say no, you wait for me..."

Hearing that it turned out to be such a worse news, Agent J was so excited that he didn't care about his appearance and clothing and other issues, so he pulled the loose upper of his hind feet and dragged it. Some tired body and sleepy eyes, quickly strode towards the partner in front of him.

He had just dreamed, and dreamed of those "Evil Lailong" aliens, and also dreamed of the wonderful scene of his Agent J killing all around when facing those guys... And now, the opportunity for him to perform is so fast. It's here, why would he be content with others, and where would such a great opportunity be wasted?

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"Boss K, you said...Should we first go to the arsenal to pick some powerful weapons, pick some more powerful ones, and pick the big guy who can overturn those alien spaceships in one go?!"

Dreaming is dreaming, but J has not lost his heart or swelled his self-confidence to dare to use his assigned small pistol to deal with the unknown number of "Evil Lailong" aliens, and the more terrifying ship The extent of a spaceship of unknown size!

He felt that at least they all need to be fully armed, with all kinds of weapons and protections hung up all over their bodies, and then go to trouble those aliens, let them know that they are not easy to provoke, and let them never Don't dare to go to the earth indiscriminately to do majesty and run wild?

"The weapon is in the trunk of my car..."

K still walked quickly to the front corridor. He didn't plan to waste more time here with his companion.

"Are you ready? That's good, I thought..."

"and many more!?"

Agent J, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly froze again, and then he quickly raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, his complexion suddenly became a little complicated, and he quickly stepped forward. , Caught up with his companion k.

"Hi! K!!!"

"At this point in time, it seems to be the peak time for work, and it is still Monday. Are you sure you really want to drive your broken car?!"

Although in my heart J has to admit that the car modified by the other party is a good car, it is enough to make him envy and hate... However, he originally served as a police officer in this city for several years, but Clear the bad traffic situation in this city better than anyone else.

Therefore, he felt that driving to the place of Little Annie now is definitely not a good idea!

Although K’s car can be deformed and accelerated with a super-fast twin-turbo engine, it can’t fly after all, it’s not a flying machine! Therefore, if it wants to drive the two of them to their destination in a busy city street at the moment, it will definitely not be a good idea, because it may not be more expensive than riding two bicycles. Faster?

"of course!"

"Otherwise, do you have any good choices?"

K of course knows that it is not a good idea to drive to the destination at this time, but they have no choice but to bite the bullet and do it.

"Hey guy!!"

"Now we are carrying out the official duties arranged by the headquarters, can't you let the headquarters dispatch us an aircraft or other more efficient means of transportation?"

"I know that there are many good things hidden in our headquarters garage or the hangar above, although I don't recognize them..."

It is impossible for such a large ‘foreign-related’ organization of people in black without spacecraft, nor other forms of transportation! So J feels that it is necessary for them to change to other means of transportation, even if it is impossible to deploy a spacecraft that can easily cause onlookers during the day, but it is always possible to deploy a normal helicopter, right?

Agent J doesn't believe him. Wouldn't such a large organization that manages aliens and maintains the peace and stability of the earth even can't afford a helicopter? That thing, let alone them in black, I am afraid that even some companies and rich people can afford it! !


"J! We are actually on standby now, with no official duties, and no missions!!"

After a little hesitation, Agent K, who was walking out with a black face, finally confessed this delicate fact to his companion honestly after a few seconds of silence.


"No official duties? What do you mean? K! Isn't this the old man who asked us to deal with...or'monitoring' the invading aliens?!"

Based on J's understanding of a certain bad old man Z, he also felt that the other party would send them to deal with aliens is a bit unrealistic... But, at least, that old man should always want to send them to monitor. ? In that case, applying for an efficient means of transportation, applying for a helicopter ‘swish’ is a reasonable thing!

Otherwise, maybe you don't have to wait for the two of them to arrive, and everything is over, so what else to monitor?

"of course not!"

That’s right, although the leader of the man in black and the boss z in this headquarters did know about this matter, the other party must have learned of the'Xie Lai Long' spaceship breaking into the earth one step earlier... , The other party did not make any response, just let the group of capable black-clothed agents continue to monitor closely?

So, after thinking about it, K still decided to take his partner j to the scene to see the situation. Although I am not sure if they can help... But, k, who is not worried, still feels They have to do something, especially now that their black-clothed "foreign-related" organization does not intend to interfere, he should do something more than just watch.

"I didn't actually receive any orders. I wanted to help."

Maybe, the older he gets, the softer he gets?


Is he, like his partner j, who has a good feeling for the innocent little girl from the alien, and can't bear the terrible and tragic fate of the other party? Think about it, no matter what the other party said, it was a lot of help to the people in black at the time. Although some of the methods were a bit too fierce, they still helped them after all. This is a fact that no one can deny.


"Boss K, you have refreshed my view of you this time! You are not that kind of cruel old man, but a kind old guy? However, I still think driving is not a good choice, or... let's Now go steal an airplane or a spaceship?"

j But you know that in the closed hangar on the top floor of the headquarters, there are quite a few novelties, and there are probably helicopters parked? Maybe the guards above don't mind letting them drive one of them away?

If they could fly over, he promised that they would definitely arrive in a few minutes, which would be countless times faster than driving, because there would be no traffic jams in the sky, no complicated traffic lights and traffic controls, and No fines for violations! !


"Will you fly those spaceships or planes?"

Agent K, who continued to walk forward quickly, glanced sideways at his companion. Obviously, he was a little moved... Because, with his authority, it seemed that he could indeed drive away directly. Is it stealing?

However, without the authorization of boss z, there must be no driver willing to help him.

"of course not……"

J spread his hands innocently and shook his head helplessly.

When he was fighting in their police force, their necessary skills were only required to have a driver’s license and to be able to drive all kinds of motor vehicles. As for the flying driver’s license, he had thought about it, but he didn’t have the money to learn it. , And then dragged on until now?

"It's a coincidence! I won't either!!"

Since neither of them can fly a spaceship or fly a plane, there is nothing to say, now they have no other choice except to drive and rush to the destination secretly with their boss z, and pray that they can arrive soon.

"Damn it!"

"K, you wait! In the future, I will definitely learn those skills of flying ships and planes seriously!!"

Anyway, if you want to learn all kinds of skills in the people in black organization, you can train them for free, so after being upset, I secretly made up my mind. I must learn more in the future, so as not to use it when I need it. ?

"Let's go, our time is running out..."

K did not continue to talk nonsense with the other party, and continued to walk forward quickly, because their time was really urgent, and there was no guarantee that they would be able to catch up with the ship and have already made a breakthrough on which large section of the busy road to drive Alien spacecraft into the atmosphere!

When the two well-intentioned people at the headquarters of the People in Black ‘Foreign-related’ organization planned to drive off, at their destination, a lawless little girl could actually see the approaching aliens with the naked eye!


"Hey! Bad dog Frank, their bad guys "Evil Lailong" aliens look down on people so much, don't they? Look, how did they send such a small little spaceship this time? On top of it, How many big bugs can you hold?!"


At this time, the sky was slowly descending. A boat was not big or small, about the size of two of the small three-story house where Annie now lives? And like that kind of small broken spacecraft, it's definitely impossible to hold how many large alien bugs, which makes her a little regretful?

It was said that four billion, sure enough, all of them are deceptive...

Let’s take a look now, their aliens look down on people so much, but they only sent so few bugs and a spaceship, which simply doesn’t treat her Queen Anne as the most powerful kind. Did the boss look at it in the end? !

"Huh? Huh?!"


As soon as she turned her head, Little Annie found out that the bad alien dog, the guy named Frank, who was still here just begging her, didn’t even know when she ran completely out of sight. Doesn't even care about its sweet cat?

That guy, how can it be so timid? !


(● ̄ ̄●)

"OK then!"

"Evil big alien bugs, now, let's play a happy shooting game?!"


After a blue ray of light circulated on her body, Annie completed her dress-up in an instant, and she put on her beautiful red and white ghost agent suit, and put on the self-adaptive suit in the hostile environment. Tight combat uniform!

At the same time, she also took out her 20mm caliber, a super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by the flame goddess I ss01!

Then, after seeing those aliens in the distance were ready to land, the light on her body began to be distorted. Soon, her delicate figure was under the distortion of light and shadow, in less than a second. It disappeared and disappeared.


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Tibbers, who was ruthlessly abandoned by his little master on the stone table in the yard, sighed with emotion, and sighed that now it is really unpopular... the bad little master of his family actually gave it to Leave it here?)

However, soon, perhaps after hearing the broken thoughts of a certain bear, a small hand suddenly stretched out from the empty air, and after grabbing the bear’s neck, he quickly retracted back to make this place. There was nothing related or unrelated to her Queen Anne in an instant.


"Is that refracting light or invisible force field? What does she want to do?!"


At this moment, a certain dog suddenly showed its head from a bush in the distance. It raised its head and used its nose to sniff the residual smell in the air for a while before it became a little tangled. He stared at a certain little female cat in the distance, who was relaxing in the garden in the warm morning sun.

After a long time,

It finally made up its mind, intending to continue to stay here to see what happened, not to leave in a hurry!

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to rush over and take away the little female cat now! Because, the "Xie Lai Long" human-shaped monster spacecraft in the sky has slowly landed and stopped at a height of about 100 meters above the sea. If it runs to the building that is being seen now If you are in the garden of the target house, you will be spotted and may be listed as a target!

At that time,

Maybe Frank not only could not save his heart cat, but he would be mistaken for the little girl’s accomplices by those unreasonable guys, and then he would be hit together with him? And if that were the case, it would be miserable!

So, it’s better to continue to stay here and observe the situation! After all, those ‘Evil Lailong’ aliens are not easy to deal with, and there is still a small battleship here. The little girl is definitely not pleased without a helper...

Maybe, with that kind of stealth strange equipment, she might be able to escape this time? However, that is of no use, because the Xielai Dragon aliens will not give up, and their troublesome guys will continue to hunt down until the opponent is completely wiped out! !

'Look! ! ’

'what is that? ’

‘That’s... that’s ufo? ! ’

‘It’s really! It, it has landed, what a big one...’

‘That, that, that’s a spaceship? God...There are really aliens in this world. Have they come to our earth? ! ’


‘Stop! Faster! Pass me the phone, let's take it down quickly! ! ’

‘? ? ? ’

'what's the situation? ’


‘Why is it missing? Such a big one, which was still there just now, is that an illusion? Or a mirage? ! ’


'captain! Is that stuff missing? ’

‘How could it be a mirage? I have seen the mirage many times, hurry up and sail! Turn! Let's go over there to see what happens! ! ’

‘Yes! captain! ! ’

Although, the agents arranged by the people in black to report the situation as soon as they discovered the situation, and at the same time activated the disguised devices that had been deployed around them, directly covering this large area with that kind of disguise The method of shielding and reworked the trick to block this area, so as not to be discovered by ordinary people who are coming aliens?


It's a pity that their movements are still a little bit slower...After all, such a big thing falls from the sky, even if it is to disguise, it is impossible to cover the sky so high.

Therefore, many car owners, pedestrians, or crew members who drove by nearby found something wrong at the beginning, and some even took pictures of the alien spacecraft landing and disappearing? As a result, except for a small number of witnesses who continued to stop to watch and discuss, other curious and daring people sailed or drove towards the sea near the spacecraft!


"Quick! Send a message to the headquarters! A hundred ‘Eile Dragon’ alien militants have landed on our planet, and there are still many witnesses on the scene. We are short of manpower and need a lot of support!!"

When the monster spacecraft suspended above the sea used strange light to arm a strong monster alien, armed with a hideous "sunworm"-like biological exoskeleton, and holding a large-caliber energy weapon. The guys who were suspected of being elite soldiers of the'Evil Lai Dragon' race were put on the beach and unscrupulously opened fire on the ordinary people who accidentally strayed into the coverage of the camouflage device and were watching and shooting. After the innocent people were dispersed, and seeing that there were more people gathered outside, the leader of the capable team of people in black, who felt that the situation might get out of control in this situation, hurriedly gave orders to his men. Tao.

Right now things are beyond their abilities. Under the current circumstances, they can't control the situation by relying on their words alone. They really need a clear division of labor like yesterday's blockade of Manhattan West. The team of men in black who "handled the accident" is not just their team of under-equipped surveillance players! !

"Obviously, sir! I'll contact you immediately!!"

In the distance, the one-hundred "Xie Lai Long" alien militants arbitrarily ignored the interstellar laws, shot them away, and wounded many people on Earth who wanted to watch them. Divided into several teams, they furiously surrounded the single-family house by the sea with lawn and small garden in a fan-shaped half-enclosed manner.

'go ahead! ! ’(Alien)

The guy who looked like an alien commander continued to shoot twice at the original earthlings at random, and after blowing up several earthlings near the beach, he waved his huge worm arm. The soldiers behind him gave orders.

Obviously, they know exactly where their target is, and they also know that the other party hides in secret when they arrive? But that kind of thing is meaningless! Because they are the elite decapitation special forces of the ‘Eile Dragon’ clan, it’s not too difficult for them to break into the planet to kill or capture hostile targets!

Besides, the head of each of them was the one that shot the little girl's face, body shape and smell, and the head of the same race that the other party took out at that time. The weapons and large-caliber bullets were printed on their brains. All the "Evil Lai Dragons" are clearly remembered. She must not escape, she is still here...

No one can live well after violating the majesty of their "Xie Lailong" clan, not one!

Before long, their evil dragons will use the weapons in their hands and their bravery to tell the guy who dared to kill their clan, and let the little girl who caused them suffer the pain to know: Some things must be done. At a price, no matter how much you hide it, it won't help! !

Because Xie Lailong must avenge his grudges! !

! !

Suddenly, a gunshot sounded, and the guy who ran to the forefront and dared to shoot away the pedestrians just now, and also caused many innocent people on Earth to be blown up and wounded by the alien leader of the'Xie Lailong', directly A large transparent hole was shot in the chest by a bullet from a 20mm super strong electromagnetic rifle, and then that light green body fluid (or blood?) shot out from the hole behind him, directly shooting A large stretch of sand and most of the ninety-nine Xie Lailong soldiers behind him were splashed with that pale green slime! !

Its kind of hideous and powerful exoskeleton with multiple arthropods did not provide enough protection for it, so that the moment its armor was pierced, together with the relatively fragile body of the'Evil Lai Dragon' family inside. Torn to pieces, it must be impossible to survive.

‘! ! ’

'spread! She was in that forest, firing! Destroy her! Or catch her and put her in our soup! ! ’(Alien)

Realizing that his leader died as soon as he left the house, this made the other adjutant mad and shouted loudly. At the same time, he did not forget to let the remaining soldiers spread out, and then opened their respective ones. The barrier of defensive energy or kinetic energy weapons finally began to violently fire on the forest in the distance that was used for wind protection by the sea, causing the fire and billowing black smoke to instantly flood the large area.

"Wang Woo~!!!"

"Damn it! That guy must be deliberate, must it be deliberate? Ouch!"

Frank, the alien dog who was originally hiding in the bushes here, ready to observe and watch the good show, is now wailed by the explosion. After being lifted by the air wave and declining heavily to the ground, it ignores it. I quickly turned around and got up from the ground quickly, then spread my four short legs, and ran farther away...

If it weren't for the troublesome thing before, how could it rush to this extremely dangerous place and wait and see? Anyway, it doesn't want to die now, it must leave here quickly, the sooner the better!

Otherwise, God knows if a certain invisible girl will deliberately run to her side and open fire, and then attract those "Xie Lailong" crazy attacks and revenge? !

After all, this place is so big, if the other party said that he didn't intentionally go to the place where he was hiding and shoot, I am afraid that he would not even believe it! !

! !

Another gunshot sounded, and the sneaky man hiding behind the soldiers, shouted the most ferociously, but rushed the slowest, the ugly head of the biological exoskeleton of the adjutant'Xie Lailong' directly exploded and transformed into There was a pool of mud, and after its huge body shook, it fell to the beach just like its former commander...

‘! ! ’

'over there! charge! ! ’

The second member of the "Xie Lailong" tribe fell under the enemy’s guns. By all accounts, three members of the tribe have already died on the earth, in the hands of the same little girl, and there are also two noble members. Commander? (Similar to the drones in the bee colony?) So, under the trend of anger, all the "Evil Lai Dragon" soldiers did not wait for the order of the new battlefield commander. They possessed this cellular intelligence, and they opened fire one after another. , While rushing towards the place where the enemy just fired at high speed!

Although, they still haven’t been able to spot the hideous enemy in hiding, but they don’t mind, because they are sure that as long as they get close, they will be able to catch the enemy and throw her into the cauldron on their spaceship. , Stewed into soup, in order to comfort those of the same race who died under the opponent and their injured hearts?

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A round of white energy weapons bombarded the beach on this side, and shot a cloud of splashing sand on it and melted into glass-like pits because of the huge energy absorbed instantly... Those 98 remaining Because of the spiritual connection between the "Xie Lailong" aliens, they did not need to command, and they succeeded in hitting evenly distributed impact points on that large stretch of beach. The entire beach looked like a nice beach. It is covered with countless molten red pits, it looks so impervious! !

Unfortunately, until they rushed to the area covered by their attack and surrounded them within five seconds, they still could not see any figure hit by their dense coverage bombardment or the enemy fled in panic. Time's footprints?



At this moment, they have surrounded this place, but the aliens of the "Xie Lai Long" who have not been found can only look at each other face to face. They can still smell the enemy, and the **** little girl is scattered around. The smell in the air, but they just don’t know where the other party is!


Click! !

Just as the hesitant Xielailong aliens were about to figure out other ways to search the beach surrounded by them, in order to find an enemy hiding here, suddenly, something appeared under the beach. The movement, and the number seems to be a lot?


Just as the soldiers of the "Evil Lai Dragon" hesitated and did not know what was creeping under the beach, they were all dark, with spider-like limbs, a hexagonal body and a huge pan The mechanical creation of the electronic eye probe with red light suddenly jumped out of it, and with all its limbs, it jumped towards the'Xie Lailong' who surrounded the beach!

‘There is an ambush! attack! ! ’(Alien)

There is no doubt that the level of force of these Xie Lailong aliens who came to earth to promote force is beyond doubt! Even under the hasty attack, they still magically hit most of the metal creations of the four mechanical legs of the elders!


What surprised them was:

Regardless of the weapons in their hands, whether the energy beams hit the metal creations or not, the metal bumps that emerged from the beach burst almost instantly, causing those terrible explosions, flames, and metals. The storm pellets swept across this large stretch of beach directly, and included all the'Eile Dragon' soldiers in their entire team in the self-detonation of those metal creations...

"Eh heh heh..."


"Well, the spider mines that people just secretly planted are fun? Are they very powerful?!"


When the large group of menacing "Xie Lai Long" alien soldiers were engulfed by the metal storm, fire, smoke and air waves caused by the explosion, in the same place, a certain one was sitting between a tree branch. The little girl of, was there with a sly smile, while jokingly at the enemies who had been ambushed by a large wave of spider mines.

Just now she rushed to the beach while the aliens were besieging the woods and launching a charge, and then she took out the spider geography from her space pocket, and quickly The ground made them lurking there by digging a hole under the sea in the chaos.

And then,

She fired a shot over there and successfully attracted the attention of the enemy, then waded and quickly detoured to this side... and those foolish aliens, under the cover of her careful use of the waves, I couldn't find her, even if she didn't use magic to cheat at all!

Because, her Queen Anne is the most powerful ghost agent in the Kepru region, and her ability to stealth combat, even if magic is not applied, the big sister Nova will not be her opponent! !


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Spider mine: one of the practical military equipment technologies of the former Tyronnian Federation. It consists of a spider-shaped mechanical limb chassis capable of high-speed maneuverability, intelligent control and identification of friend or foe system, and a high-explosive high-fragment bomb backpack (with high-temperature explosions and exploding thousands of high-speed The capacity of steel ball), miniature battery pack and high-speed ground drilling system. Although it is expensive to build, it is extremely practical. In the pre-Tyronian Federation period, it played a very strong role in the pest charge against the swarm!

In view of the slightly higher cost of spider mines, in order to sell this weapon to the military of the former Tyrannian Federation, manufacturers also made a promotional activity called ‘buy spider mines and get vulture chariots for mine-laying’?

By the time of the Tyronn Empire when Arcturus Mengsk was in power, although the tasteless vulture chariot had been replaced by the fire chariot, the spider mines were still retained, and an upgraded version of the power was introduced. Strong'widow thunder'!

And in the period of the Great Unification of the Heroic Federation, when Little Annie’s party members covered the sky, as there were no massive enemies like the Insect Swarm to fight against, and the Federal Army had a more advanced and more powerful automated "widow mine", those The spider mine was sealed, and I don’t know when it was sent to her space baby by a lawless little girl head of state...




Little Annie, who had already been blown up by the villain "Xie Lai Long" aliens who had invaded the earth and wanted to make trouble for herself, saw that the place where the flames and smoke filled the original place suddenly suddenly An energy beam hit her, and hit her plasma shield firmly?

Whoosh! !

Another gunshot sounded, and then another energy beam hit the head towards Little Annie!

But it is a pity that the protection and energy of the ghost suit on her body is a special head-level equipment, which is not comparable to ordinary mass-produced armor. Therefore, the two energy attacks just did not succeed. Overload the plasma shield on Annie! The circle of light blue polygonal energy field still flickered tenaciously, fully protecting its owner, and protecting a messy little head of the federation.

! !

"The hundredth!!"


When the smoke gradually dissipated, when it became clear that there was only one "Xie Lai Long" alien with a broken arm and a broken leg in the messy explosion site, still stubbornly raising the muzzle, preparing to continue shooting at him Afterwards, Annie thought for a while, and finally raised her hand with a shot and directly hit the stubborn enemy in the original place to the ground, becoming the hundredth invader fallen on the earth today.

Who allowed them to kill people on Earth with alien bugs? Moreover, as soon as those guys came out, they wounded and stunned a lot of innocent audiences, and if she hadn't attracted the attention of the other party here, it might not have been as simple as stunned dozens of people.

So, what I didn't say, those bugs are definitely not good bugs, and there must be no problem with killing them!


∑(△`)? !

"Wow! Can't fight me, you still want to cheat?!"


Just as Xiao Anni was successfully letting the four billion aliens from the "Xie Lai Long" clan who had struck knew her power and was about to celebrate her victory, she saw the one in the distance. An alien spaceship, without knowing when its muzzle has been opened, stretched out a big plasma cannon. It seems that it is ready to use that powerful cannon when the individual cannot beat her and become angry. Wash the floor? !

Estimating the energy that the other party is gathering, under that energy intensity, if it is really shot down, it will definitely destroy the entire city! !

"Don't think about it!!"


While the other party was still gathering energy, Little Annie hurriedly took out a large weapon launcher from her space bag. After the metal lid flew off in an instant, it revealed that everyone was almost as tall as Little Annie. A special anti-ship flying mine for the nzer Viking fighter with a metallic warhead!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh~!

The sound of six missile launches rang out. Soon, six Lanzel flying thunders with shining tail flames slammed into the enemy’s hurry before the enemy’s spacecraft could launch weapons or evade. The opened kinetic energy and energy double defense force field protective shield, and in the sky above Manhattan, a seaside city, created a large blazing white light energy group!

Rumbling rumbling...

The explosion sounded violently, the earth was shaking, the waves were tumbling and roaring, the clouds were instantly shaken under the blast wave, and the violent shock wave swept across Manhattan and even more than half of New York! !

"Oh oh..."


"It seems to have accidentally hit too much..."


All of a sudden, six Lanzel flying mines, enough to overturn a small battleship, were shot out. There were indeed a little more...

But, fortunately, they are not the big Her Queen Anne didn’t take out the wrong weapon in a hurry, otherwise, it would not just send out a bright light and destroy the city. Part of the glass is as simple as causing chaos, but the whole earth was blown to pieces. It must be like that?

After all, if there are a full six tens of billions of super-large Ivans exploding on the surface of the earth, the destruction that the crazy energy and explosive power can cause is definitely not what ordinary people can imagine!

Of course, now her Lady Anne is the vanguard of protecting the earth and the hero who fights against alien invaders, how could she do such frenzied things? At most, the next time she picks out something, she just needs to read the instructions clearly.



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