Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 782: Go out 1 dog, no equipment to pick up (?_?)

"La la la..."




Manhattan, at night, by the exit of this remote alleyway, a man wearing an exquisite black suit, black trousers, small black leather shoes, and a black tie, his golden hair has been tied up. Little girl, she is standing guard here with a pug dog with the upper body in black clothes of the same color.

Of course, it cannot be said to be standing guard, maybe it can be said to be rounding up the enemy?

Because now, their organization, Men in Black, is sending a large number of agents and agents to martial law in this neighborhood, preparing to search and commit crimes in the city several times, killing at least dozens of innocent New York citizens. Star suspect!

Because the impact of this incident is too bad...

So many New Yorkers died tragically under the hands of an unknown alien, and their organization, Men in Black, could do nothing except to clear the memory of the victims’ family members and friends.


Today, the men in black, an organization dedicated to protecting the peace of the earth and isolating ordinary earthlings from danger, resolutely organized this round up of the **** alien!

Because just now, they found a new victim:

A state assemblyman who returned home from a dance party at night, when passing this remote block, was torn the door of the car by the **** alien monster and dragged out of the car. He finally ate his entire upper body in one bite? !

A congressman was killed by an alien, this is actually not too difficult for the man in black, because it is not much different from the death of an ordinary person...

However, the alien who dared to do evil here in Manhattan can never be forgiven! Therefore, they mobilized a large number of manpower, took the opportunity to surround the opponent in this large block, and gradually narrowed the scope of the investigation by the detectives with the instrument, and successfully took the daring to be in the city where the headquarters of the man in black is located. The evil monster inside said that the other party's activity space was compressed into the tiny blocks in front of him.


Little Annie, who is also an agent in black and an honorable police detective in black, and a certain alien dog Frank also arrived at the scene together and was arranged here...

Of course,

In the eyes of others, they are just here to join in the fun!

Because no one took the two newcomers who had just joined the day before to heart, so they were specially arranged to stand on the outermost part of the place where aliens are least likely to be hidden, so as to avoid one person one person. Does the dog run in and make trouble for others?




"What about the alien they had said about the people in black? Why hasn't it come out after waiting so long now?!"


She stays up all night, isn't she running here to stand guard just to beat the alien?

For this reason, Annie even specially prepared her own 20mm caliber, a super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by the flame goddess I ss01, and it was well loaded, just waiting for the one that is said to have eaten a lot of people on earth. The alien monster appears quickly, and then give the opponent a bullet!

But what do you think, standing here on the street and waiting for almost half an hour, after waiting so long, you can't even see the shadow of the alien? Therefore, her Queen Anne is very unhappy now, and if she is unhappy, there will be people, bears or dogs who will be unlucky in the future? !


(● ̄ ̄●)

(Dear little master, do you need Xiao Xiao to search for and indicate its location? Xiao guarantees that within three seconds, he will be able to find it and pull it out for you to play a target?!

Tibbers knew that this bad little lord of his own wanted that kind of mysterious mystery, and didn't want to use her super spirit to perceive and act as that kind of humanoid self-propelled ah, In the case that his master does not want to do that, when there is no danger, Tibbers certainly does not want to do that when it is not necessary!

After all, even a certain master is lazy. If he is a bear pet, if he is a little lazy, no one else will say that he is not! )

"I don't want to abuse magic!!"

Without even thinking about it, Annie immediately rejected the suggestion of her little bear Tibbers.


"If that were the case, it might not be fun!!"


In fact, she is here to experience the exciting life of the people in black, want to protect the world, want to be a great hero...? ?

Well, she joined the man in black just because she wanted to play. The above slogans that are better than those sung, she has never thought about it!

And if you use her power or bear's power to cheat no matter what you do, it really won't make any sense at all! You know, Queen Anne is a gentle, kind, smart, cute, well-behaved, and witty little girl. She has never bothered to play with the weak ones with her own power!


Of course, occasionally when you are in a bad mood or when you have nothing to do, it doesn't seem to be impossible to use a little bit of strength to bully those bad guys or something?


But that is not now! Because, now Annie hasn't reached the level of being very impatient, and she is still in the novel experience of going out on duty. Although standing guard is indeed a bit boring, it is okay to wait and see.

(Then do whatever you like...)

(● ̄ ̄●)

(After all, the opponent is just a human-eating alien, maybe the power is a little bit stronger? So, considering that the opponent is not an extraordinary existence, and is now surrounded, it is not long before being wiped out? So, mention Perth didn’t bother to take care of it when his little master didn’t plan to use magic to help intervene.)


e=(o`))) alas

"It's so hot out here. In this weather, wearing a black suit and tie really feels really silly..."

( ̄△ ̄;)

After waiting for a while, for about a few minutes, I found that a certain alien still did not appear, and the black-clothed agents did not seem to be able to find each other, and were tossed by the little black-clothed suit on them. Little Annie, who couldn't bear it, quickly cast a cool and constant temperature magic on her clothes, which finally made her feel a little better.

As for what I just said I don't want to abuse magic or something, I am sorry, because she has accidentally forgotten now.




Because the upper body is wrapped in a black suit and the dog on the earth has no sweat glands, Frank, the alien dog who has always relied on his tongue to dissipate heat, finally noticed that someone around him seems to have been there since the beginning. Talking to herself, a little girl who doesn't know what she is doing.


"Hello! Boss Anne, may I ask, who were you talking to just now?"


The alien dog Frank sniffed into the air with his nose, but could not find the smell of other people, and made sure that there was no invisible alien around him after talking to the little girl partner beside him. , It only asked in a puzzled manner.

right now,

Frank became a glorious black-clothed special police officer, and was assigned to the little alien girl Anne next to him as an assistant. In the future, it is likely to cooperate for a long time. It has not dared to be as repulsive or as before. To offend the other party.

Because the other party holds the power of Frank's life and death in his hands, if one day the other party feels that he is unreliable, and then flagrantly expels it, then it really has no reason to go! !


∑(△`)? !

"Of course I'm talking to my little bear Tibbers. What's wrong, Frank the stupid dog, do you have any questions?"


Tibbles, the bear cub carrying her, gestured towards the other party, and Annie didn't mind telling the other party what she was just doing. If there is a chance, in the future, she will definitely introduce her little bear Tibbers to this alien bad dog Frank, so that the other party can see the real form of the little bear?

However, it is obviously not at this time and here.


"Your plush teddy bear? Ha! It's just a toy, it can't speak..."


Wei Wei was a little dumbfounded, and stared at the plush teddy bear he had seen many times in his hand. After watching for a while, Frank shook his head and turned his head away from the other side, not planning to go. Pay attention to a little girl who opened her eyes and told a lie.


A little girl is a little girl, even if she has some abilities, the combat effectiveness is the same?

Anyway, Frank felt that yesterday, K should give it the leadership of the person-dog agent combination to Frank, not to the underage kid next to him!

"My Tibbers can talk!!"


"Wang! The puppet toy definitely can't speak!"


"It will!!!"

o(`)o Humph!

"Wang! Then you can tell it to me?"



(● ̄ ̄●;)

(Don’t say, Tibbers really doesn’t really speak to anyone except its horrible little master... But it will move, as long as its little master is willing, it will always Can you jump out and squash a stupid alien stupid dog, or just eat it in one bite?



"You care about me? I won't let Tibbers talk to you, huh!!"


It is indeed a bit embarrassing for Tibbers to talk to this dog, but if it weren't for the kind of thing that Annie doesn't want others to know that she really can magic, she would definitely give him a good look! However, after thinking about it seriously, thinking of her previous decision, she still had to regret that she had to give up the idea of ​​showing off like Dieu Tibos.


"Hey! Frank the bad dog!"


"I haven't said about you yet, look at you, what kind of sunglasses do you wear this night? Don't think I don't know, the'amnesiars' of those black uncles are actually only for the people on earth. What is it about your stupid alien dog, why do you wear it?!"


The amnestics are indeed a super device developed by the People in Black organization based on their own DNA characteristics of the Earth people themselves. In the past, when all the agents in the Black Clothes were Earth people, they wore them. The protective sunglasses that prevent yourself from being flashed by the light of the'amnestic device' are very necessary!

Over time, that thing has become standard?

However, for Annie or the stupid alien dog Frank next to her, those glasses have no effect at all! So, it made her very puzzled, why did Frank, the stupid dog, wear that stuff, or at this time of the night?

Just now, it caused her to be looked at with strange eyes by many passing pedestrians for a long time...

Although she never mind the strange look of strangers, if the dog following her is too stupid, it might affect her majestic image of Queen Anne's wise and martial arts?


"Because I think it would be cooler!?"


For many years, the alien dog Frank has been greedy for the position of the black agent for a long, long time...

And now, it has finally joined the organization smoothly, and it is the first night after joining the company, how can it be so good? Whenever I remembered that in the future, I could wear a black suit, black tie, black sunglasses and bite a cigar and ran to do favoritism with his alien friends. It was so excited that he didn't want to go to sleep!

Frank, the alien dog, has been looking forward to this day for a long time. Isn't he just being a black police detective just to show off his power and make some good for himself? Otherwise, it might as well go back and continue selling its newspapers!



"Frank, I think you are more like a stupid dog now, really!!"

A pug wearing a black suit and sunglasses and standing beside him solemnly, isn't it stupid and what? And ah, if you put a bowl in front of the other party and throw it on the pedestrian street with lots of people, you must be able to make a lot of rewards like those beggars, right?

"Boss Annie, I know, you should be jealous of me!"


"I'm still jealous of you? Just like you?!"

∑( ̄□ ̄|||

"Huh! Look, I have it myself, so I won't be jealous of you!!"


Angrily, Annie also directly took out a small sunglasses and put it on the bridge of her nose...not to mention, after wearing the sunglasses, she seemed to feel that she had become a little more imposing?

So, after thinking about it, she didn't take it off, and the question of whether wearing sunglasses is stupid or not has been ignored by her gorgeously now...


A little black suit with dark glasses and a stiff black suit, and a heroic little girl agent in black, plus a pug dog with the same upper body in a suit and sunglasses, continued to stay in this remote street abruptly. Exiting here, let the few passersby who occasionally pass by cast a surprised and puzzled look.

Fortunately, there are many black-clothed adults in the distance, making them mistakenly think that the little girl and the dog might be doing something special in performance art? Otherwise, if those passers-by see such a little girl alone in the middle of the night and still stand in such a place and not go home, I am afraid someone will be kind to help call and call the police, right?


e=(`●))) alas

(Now, Tibbers is not careful about the misbehavior of his disgusting little master, and he has been given crooked behavior by an alien stupid dog, and no longer wants to make any comments...)

When a little girl and a certain alien dog were standing guard and chatting at the exit of the outer street, the arrangement of the black-clothed agents was almost completed in the inner part of the block.

"Report to Chief K!"

"Everything is going well so far. We have successfully deployed a camouflage force field device on the periphery of this street, and it has now been successfully activated!"

"Now our agents and agents are constantly compressing the space of the alien's activity inward, and the agents in the north are also searching and driving south. The other three directions have also been trapped. I believe it will be soon. , We can definitely find that cunning guy!!!"

An agent in black walked quickly to the front of a black, unmarked explosion-proof vehicle, and reported to Agent K, who was standing here waiting.

Almost an hour passed, and under their efficient arrangements and arrangements, ordinary people outside who were passing by or planning to come in, once again saw the industrious'municipal engineering workers' who were still here at night. The construction was carried out overnight, and the surrounding streets of this place were dug into a mess. Those exposed high-voltage wires with sparks and engineering earthwork were everywhere, so that they were completely free from walking or driving. Sighing and detouring elsewhere...

"Very good! Go ahead and perform your tasks, before dawn, you must find that bastard!"

"Remember, try to be alive!"

After hesitating again and again, K thinks it is better to catch the job?

Because they need to interrogate, find out the secret channel through which the other party sneaked into the earth, and break down the illegal chain of interest, and doing so would be more meaningful than killing a criminal alien! After that, it would be a good punishment to put the cannibal **** in the highest prison on the moon, and let him eat the lunar soil for a lifetime in that barren land.


The black agent nodded, readily accepted the order and prepared to turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

"Um... Which of our two new agents, that little Agent Anne and Frank, where are they now?"

Agent K, who was just about to let his heart down, suddenly remembered an important thing, and remembered the other two newcomers...because he remembered that those two guys seemed to have come to the scene as well, they were arranged to experience and watch. How do they work in black?

For newcomers, no matter who they are, k has always been uneasy, such as the assistant j behind him?

However, fortunately, now J has been trained by himself almost, I think I will definitely not make any more low-level mistakes today... But, the other two newcomers, the little girl Annie and Frank’s dog, are just fine. Not necessarily anymore.

For K, those two guys are now two unstable factors! Originally, he didn’t want the other party to come, but in the end, he didn’t know why, he sent someone to bring them here after all. After all, the two guys are newcomers, without the old agent leading them. Next, he is always a little worried, so he wants to take advantage of this big action to show the other person to the world?


"The new agents are at the outermost exit of North Street. It is safe. The street has been searched several times by our agents, so I put them there, mainly to guard against citizens who enter it. "

This skilled black-clothed senior agent certainly understood what Agent K meant, so he quickly explained the other party's location and his own arrangements.

Which two guys, the little girl and the dog, out of the principle of safety and prudence, he arranged them to the street that has been explored many times, and it is absolutely impossible to hide any aliens. At the exit, and now they are searching from the north to the south. If the two newcomers stay there, even until the end of the mission, they will definitely not encounter any unexpected situations!

He promised that it was complete there, and no matter what the other party did would not affect their actions this time.

" did a good job!"

"Go, just follow your previous arrangement and slowly compress the space for the alien's activity, and try to catch that **** soon!!"

K, who was very satisfied with the arrangement of this senior agent, finally couldn’t find anything wrong, so he nodded and said that the other party can continue to arrange and direct the operation. He doesn’t want to interfere too much, he just needs to get him. The result you want is fine.

This time, whether it is the **** who treats the people of the earth as food, or the alien scum who smuggled the other side to the earth, those guys must pay a heavy price! Because this is the earth, the place of their men in black, not a place to let the **** from aliens run wild!

Although the people in black have always treated aliens preferentially, they are only aimed at those alien friends who can help them or are willing to provide technical support, such as the alien dog expert who is willing to provide them with intelligence support. Frank, and the little girl Annie who helped them catch smugglers and fight criminals?

As for the alien **** who violate the law and discipline, they never give any up. In the highest prison on the back of the moon, there are many alien monsters or bastards! Even, many of them were imprisoned by Agent K after his arrest himself?

In the foreseeable future, if there is no time for one hundred and eighty years, those who relied on the name of aliens would dare to run to the earth to do majestic blessings, and dare to ride on the heads of their earthlings. Scum, don't even want to get out of that prison! !


Seeing that there were no more orders, the agent turned around and left.

As for the Agent J next to Chief K, who has been unreliable lately, he didn't take a second look at all. He turned around and went to the north to perform his mission without even saying hello.

"I said... Boss K?"

"This alien, what kind of race it is, do you have any idea now?!"

Aliens who eat humans also know that there are many, such as the unlucky ‘Zelun’ cannibal that was almost completely carbonized by a little girl with a ‘high-temperature weapon’ that I just met recently?

The other party was very lucky. Just when I got off the spacecraft, I accidentally ran into the boring middle-aged girl... Then, before she turned into a violent attack, she was used by the little guy who didn’t know what was thinking in her head The fire was that the man-eater, from beginning to end, could not do anything on earth!

But this time it's not bad, unexpectedly ran out another meat-eating alien, killing a lot of New York citizens, not even the state congressman was accidentally eaten by the other party?

That hapless guy...

I hope God can bless the soul of that dirty politician to successfully fly to heaven, right? Agent j silently drew a cross to the other party in his heart, but his face was not sad at the death of the other party, because he used to be in the police force, of course, he knew which guys in the council were like What kind of scum!

"I don't know what it is..."

"Our detector only found its traces and abnormally radiated heat in this area, but we couldn't find it... That guy is very cunning, probably a natural hunter! It is hidden too well, so we only I can find it little by little, I just hope I can find it before dawn, right?"

For the object they are pursuing, k is also at a loss...

Because, according to the descriptions of ordinary witnesses and citizens of the earth who were lucky enough to see each other's back, that guy seems to be a big guy with great power, a big mouth, and a high jump?


The ‘twins’ in their headquarters checked the relevant database, but found nothing! Maybe the opponent was a race they hadn't seen before. Maybe it was those witnesses who were so frightened that they made some major mistakes when describing their appearance?

"Oh! Damn it!"

"But it's so bad, everyone can only stay here for one night... But look, this weather can kill people, I really want to go to the car and blow on the air conditioner. Look, I'm sweaty. I kind of hate this black suit now..."

Waiting a bit bored, and already maddened by the heat, J also had to sigh and loosen his necktie.

According to the current progress, the investigation in all the blocked areas will definitely be completed tonight. At that time, no matter how well the other party hides, it will definitely be dug by their black-clothed agents under the carpet-like investigation operation. from!

However, wasted time is also a must! Tonight, all the agents here don’t want to rest, including Agent J, and some new guy who just joined the organization?


"You are content, at least this is not the Sahara Desert?"

Not long ago, K, who once took the other party to the driest and hottest desert in the world to perform a mission, is really lingering when thinking of what happened at that time...

In that big desert, during the day, the surface temperature can almost reach 70c~80c (158~176 degrees Fahrenheit), let alone the eggs buried in the sand, I am afraid that people will be cooked alive after standing for a long time! In contrast, the recent period of time has been dealing with alien affairs here in New York, which is really a little too happy.

Of course, those who were killed by aliens and the citizens who lived here obviously wouldn’t feel too happy, but fortunately, those people didn’t know it. K believes that people in black will feel anything that shouldn’t be taken by ordinary people. The truth is buried.

"Oh, my god!"

"Please, please! Next time, please don't take the initiative to take on that kind of **** mission...If you go around the **** desert a few times, you won't find me if you don't turn on the lights at night! !"

For this matter, Agent J has always been brooding!

Because, his original skin color was brown-black, but now, after returning from that **** desert, he has been tanned even more... It is said that now when he is standing in front of ordinary surveillance cameras, those pixels Can't ordinary equipment capture his face? In case, in the future, if he can't get involved in the organization of Men in Black and has to run out to do some illegal activities, it is likely that he doesn't even need to wear a headgear anymore?

Anyway, he is so dark now, the camera just can't take his face, he can do whatever he wants, he is the invisible knight of the night? !


"Next time, if alien sandworms smuggle to the earth, I will take you again..."

Obviously, K didn't take the other party's words to heart, and even more ignored the other party's work attitude and grievances.

"Oh, God……"

"K! Please, please don't do this please?"

Although it was a joke, I felt that my companion might really do that, so he bitterly picked up a stone by his feet and moved towards the fountain filled with water in front of them. Smashed past.

The pebble was obviously inside, but I didn't know which kid took it out and didn't put it back, so J had to use it to vent his anger.


The sound of the stone falling into the water rang!


Without waiting for the two of j or k to say something, a sudden change suddenly appeared...

Wow! !

‘Roar! ! ’

There was a sound of water and roar, a huge and sturdy body with fleshy pillars, and then a monster with a big mouth full of teeth and two thick hind legs, and it slammed out of the pool. Jumped inside! !

"No! Get out of the way!!"

The quick-eyed k, at the moment he took out his weapon, pushed his companion j away without taking care of the insurance.

Bang! !

After the big monster jumped out of the pool, it slammed directly from the sky towards the place where the two of them were. In an instant, it knocked them off and squashed the front of the black armored vehicle. After that, it jumped vigorously again, and quickly fled directly to the north.

Obviously, it was originally well hidden, but it was accidentally surprised by J's stone, thinking it was discovered by the earthlings, there must be no other choice other than to riot and escape.


"K! What is that stuff?!"

J also got up from the ground embarrassed for the first time, and quickly took out his own energy impact pistol, and then looked at his companion K with a look of shock.

He didn't understand, he just threw a stone casually back to the fountain in the center of the street, why did he even smash such a big guy out? !

"I do not know!"

"But j, you have done a great job, chase after it! It's going to escape to the north!!"

K doesn't know what that thing is, but he only knows that the other party is very threatening, and his wisdom is certainly not low! Moreover, the other party must have heard their conversation just now, otherwise, how could that guy not run away, but just run north?

You know, except for the north, southeast and west! !

‘? ? ’

‘What’s that in heaven? not good! It's an alien! ! ’

'Roar! ! ’

'what! ! ’

‘Find the goal! ! ’

‘Fire! Hurry up! ! ’

boom! !

Whoosh! Whoosh!

clatter! clatter! clatter!

"Ahhh~! ! ! ’

"Roar~! ! ’

‘Sir, sir! It, it ran away! ! ’

‘Damn, you, you, and you! You stay and take care of them, and the others follow me! ! ’

Before the two k and j speed up to run, in the distance, in the north, there have been fierce and short firefights. Then, after they ran for a certain distance, they only saw one place. The black-clothed agents and several agents who were at a loss and were planning to help the wounded... and the others were now brandishing their various weapons and chasing them to the north street.

Without any suspense, the line of defense of the team that the men in black searched from the north to the south was directly broken by the monster with amazing jumping ability and infinite power! !

"This is terrible..."

k sighed in his heart.

They didn’t have much arrangement in the north. After the team of dozens of agents was breached, there were basically no people in the north... After all, they originally intended to drive the enemy in three directions, southeast and west. Drive the opponent to their ambush and arrest!

But who ever thought, that **** alien, it was so cunning? Therefore, the escape of the alien is basically a foregone conclusion...

And the thought of half a night’s hard work was defeated, which made K feel a deep sense of powerlessness and that annoying guilt...

"Hurry up, boss K, it's useless to sigh now!!"

For Agent J, who chased an extraterrestrial Sabor fugitive for more than a dozen blocks when he was in the police force, and finally forced the other party to jump off the building to commit suicide, although the guy who bounced extremely fast is not good Chase, but he will definitely not give up easily!

Therefore, he directly pulled his companion K by the arm and ran to their black classic car parked in the distance. Everyone knows that their two legs will definitely not catch up with the big guy who jumps up high, but if it's a four-wheeled car, that's not necessarily the case.


Σ( ̄д ̄;)


"Oops! Didn't the device that disguised the force field just opened, why are there still earthlings here that can break in?!"


The little special policeman in black, Anne, and the alien dog Frank, who were chatting, wore dark glasses, with big eyes and dog eyes, focusing on a black man who looked a little skinny and came in from outside the street. Guy.

There is no doubt that both Anne and Frank can see that the other party is neither a man in black nor an alien in disguise, so one person and one dog are not affected by the camouflage device and why they broke in. I feel very puzzled.


"What's this, this, this...??"

"God... what about the workers who were just under construction? And... why are those wires and piles of stones gone?!"

The other party stood there talking to himself, a little at a loss...

He was originally a black addict who had lived through today and no tomorrow. Just now, he was thinking about sneaking through this construction site in the dark to steal some valuable things, such as bundles of unopened wires or unintelligible ones. Construction equipment or something?

But then, after entering, what he saw was not what he saw when he was outside? There is nothing here, just a strange little girl in a black suit and a stranger and talking pug, also wearing a black suit and glasses? !


"Ha...Haha! I understand...I want to understand! This, this might be the kind of supernatural or mysterious event mentioned in the movie?!"

"And you, are the kind of fairies or monsters hiding in the fairyland?!"

Suddenly, the black man became excited!

He has seen many fairy tales and magical blockbuster movies, so he quickly made up for it by himself and put the things he saw now into the things he imagined. Then, he felt that it was time for him to come and operate... Soon, he got an adventure and became no longer ordinary, so he was richer and more powerful than anyone in the outside world?

He believes that soon, he will be able to live in the kind of mansion that he has envied for a long time, hug countless beauties on the left and right, drive tens of millions of super luxury cars, have parties every day, and change female companions every day. , From then on to the peak of life?



Annie didn't understand, what's the matter with that dark weird cockroach alone there?

Even if the opponent accidentally rushes in and sees through the man in black's camouflage field, what can be done, do you need to convulse so happily? After all, that thing is just an optical camouflage device similar to 3D imaging, not the Muggle expulsion spell, and it is not impossible to be broken in occasionally.

"Wang! Intruder?"

"Aha! I finally don't have to wait for it. I remember that my "amnestic device" is in this pocket, where is it..."

"found it!!"


Frank was also excited at this time, so it simply stood up, and used dog paws in several pockets of his jacket, and quickly grabbed a long strip of objects...except that its dog paws seemed It's a bit unwieldy. I can't control it for a long time, and I can't even press the switch.



"Forget it all!!"


Seeing that the dog teammate next to her was so weak, she couldn't find the switch of the'amnesiar' for a long time. Some of the little Annie who couldn't see it simply stretched her finger directly. After the magic light hits, she still doesn't know why The black man who was convulsing on one side fainted suddenly and lay directly on the bench on the side of the street.

At that moment, Annie had modified his memory to make sure that the other party would not remember anything after waking up. All she knew was that he drank too much last night, and who was accidentally on the chair, and did something strange. dream?

"Get it!!"

With such a simple thing as this, where does it need to be so troublesome for a long time like Frank did? !


"I protest, you used illegal unregistered equipment!!!"




"That's magic!"


After cleaning up the intruders, little Annie, who had nothing to do for the time being, started teasing a certain upright alien stupid dog again.

"You think Frank will believe me?"


Thanks to it, Frank just thought about how to make up an interesting memory for the man who strayed into the earth, but how could he think that he was preempted by this unreasonable little girl next to him?


"Huh? Boss Annie, what's that?!"


Frank, who was about to protest seriously and was looking for a chance to give a small report to boss Z, suddenly saw a figure jumping from the south side of the street with sharp eyes... The opponent ran very fast, jumping up to five or six floors. , Hundreds of meters away, I will run to the exit of this street.

If you go out again, it will be outside the range of the camouflage device and the night market streets where people come and go...

"Ha! It's an alien!!"

d(д)! !



Little Annie, who reacted for the first time, took out her own space bag directly from the so-called "compression space device" understood by aliens such as the man in black and Frank, and she was already ready. For a long time, a super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by the flame goddess I ss01 with a full 20mm caliber!

"Don't run! I'll shoot when I run!"

(○`3′○)┻┳One! !

Although she verbally said that she would shoot again when she ran, a certain wretched little girl shot it in the first time and jumped past her and Frank in a few strokes, and she was about to run out of the camouflage range. The tentacles on the alien's head were knocked down.

boom! !

After piercing the pair of tentacles on the enemy's head that I don't know what they are used for, the bullet blasted off the roof of a building outside without any reduction!

Wow~ bang! !

In the distance, chunks of huge building fragments slid down from the height of a dozen-storey building and hit an unmanned lawn, which attracted the attention of many pedestrians and vehicles around, and received bursts of surprise. Scream.


At this time, the alien stopped, because it seemed to feel the threat of death? !

"Immediately hold your head and squat down, I count three times, or I will shoot!!"


After seeing the opponent stop, Xiao Annie continued to threaten her with a gun.



Frank suddenly felt that the power of the weapon in his boss Anne's hand was a little too much?

Take a look, it’s normal for the alien’s tentacles to be broken after a shot. After all, the opponent is also made of meat, far away, the top of such a large building can be shot down, and The bullets don’t know where they flew, so the damage is too great, right? Such a weapon can easily cause accidental injury on the battlefield!





(○`3′○)┻┳One! !

I have counted to three. Although the enemy has stopped, but since the opponent did not hold his head and squatted down, thinking that the opponent might be the little Annie who wanted to escape or was stubbornly resisting, she shot the cannibalistically. The upper body of the alien monster was completely shattered, leaving only the tail of the lower body and those strong and powerful thighs!

But this time she had a good bullet direction, so that it was just an airstrike across several buildings. After shattering a lot of windows, she flew away towards the sea...

Next second,

After the strange half of the alien shook, he fell helplessly to the ground. The colorful slime flowed all over the place, and it must be impossible to survive!



"Boss Anne!"

"Didn't you say that you have to count to three before shooting?"


The alien that could be easily captured alive was killed by the other party, which made Frank very shocked... and the other party clearly said that it would be counted three times... Now it's okay, boss K asked to capture the alien alive. It's dead, the big credit this day was lost by the opponent's shot, right?

"Didn't I just count to three?!"


Annie looked at a stupid dog partner in a strange way. In fact, she had said before that she didn’t need a partner because she already had Tibbers in her house, so she didn’t want this stupid dog who talked about tuberculosis and singing. Too! But there was no way, that Uncle K still forcibly assigned this stupid dog to his team.

"You only counted one and three, you didn't count two!!"



∑(△`)? !

"Is there really such a thing? But, I clearly remembered it, and then it refused to surrender, so I just..."

( ̄w ̄)

Queen Anne said that although she didn't remember whether she counted or not, she knew it, she must have counted to three, so she didn't say anything but counted! !

"Wang Wu..."

"Boss Anne... the alien from the planet Kandebo has only feet and a big mouth, but no hands at all. How can you let it squat down with its head?"

Frank expressed a moment of silence to the alien who died tragically on the planet Candebo who was under the control of Agent Anne of a lawless little girl... It can be understood that this partner of his own, the other party must be deliberate, and he never thought about it. Let's catch it! !


Σ( ̄д ̄;)

"It seems... it really doesn't have hands..."


Recalling for a moment, Annie remembered the appearance of the monster, which seemed to be a big cylindrical meat ball with a long tail and a pair of thighs?

So I was anxious just now, is it really difficult to let the other person hold his head?

But it doesn't matter, that kind of cannibal monster will be killed if killed, it deserves it!

Now, on the first night of her first day as Queen Anne officially took office as a special police officer in black, she made a great contribution! Sure enough, she is the most powerful. Those uncles in black finally completed this task smoothly with her help. Otherwise, it would have gone if someone else was here! !



(● ̄ ̄●)


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