Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 783: ? The Earth War that is about to kick off?



Agent Frank in black is waiting patiently...

Now, it’s been many days since this alien dog and a little girl became the agent in Black, and now it is performing a new task with a messy little guy. As a dog, it takes it for granted. The earth is stalking here, and that little girl...

Forget it, that little girl, Frank doesn't want to talk about her, because whether it's language or fist, it can't help that guy. The truth is always in the other's fist, so it's honestly waiting here!

It's already past nine o'clock in the evening...



finally come……

Suddenly, the alien dog agent Frank heard some noise, and then his half-squinted eyes suddenly went wide.

"Woo Wang!!"


Then, in this dirty backdoor street that was a bit remote, a short-tailed pug with a black suit on the upper body and a bare lower body suddenly jumped out from the corner of the street where it was originally squatting and stopped. Ming had just come out of the back door of which hotel or restaurant he didn't know, and the looking fat man approached him, suppressing his vocal cords, and let out a low growl from his throat.


"I'm Frank, the black agent, code-named f, the Allen star, I'm waiting for you!"

"Now, on behalf of the mib black organization, I announce: Allen Stars, you are now arrested! Please come with me immediately? From now on, you have the right to remain silent, but every word you say It will become a court testimony!"


"and also!"

"You can check your earth passport. It has been revoked by our headquarters. Now you have no right to stay on the earth. If you don't want to trouble yourself, you'd better return to the mib special police immediately. The headquarters accepts investigations and inquiries from our black-clothed agents?!"


According to the investigations conducted by the agents in Black, it is suspected that in the past two years of being on Earth, the Allen Star has killed 19 innocent citizens of New York on Earth and committed first-degree murder! Robbed three stores at the same time and committed second-degree robbery; he even stole three warehouses and two company's vaults and committed fourth-degree theft...

In short, the guy in front of you is a guy full of crimes!

Oh! No, because I should say... Currently the other party is just a suspect?

Because the black-clothed agents did not obtain clear evidence, it's just that the clues of those crimes were faintly directed to the guy in front of them. No one knew whether the other party was the suspect or related to the suspect. So now the black-clothed alien dog agent Frank, it This agent f came here, ready to arrest this big guy and take it back to the headquarters for investigation.

It didn't actually come alone. It's Frank's great partner, that boss Anne was eating that kind of ice cream and fruit salad in the still open restaurant in the distance? Therefore, even if it is his own dog to face this big guy, Frank, the doggy alien dog, is not at all afraid!

Anyway, it only knows that if the other party dares to resist or do other irrational behaviors, it will definitely not even have the chance to regret it, it will definitely be like that! !


The Allen star man, who was wearing the skin of the human life of the earth, had to stop in place.

He first glanced contemptuously at the stupid dog standing at his feet and wearing a ridiculous black short coat, looking at the so-called agent Frank in front of him, then raised his wrist and called out Got his own license.

Soon, he discovered:

It really showed the warning message that he was forbidden to stay on the earth and that he had to follow Agent Frank to return to the mib headquarters for interrogation. After a long time, he was a little annoyed to shred the man in black and sent it to it by the mib organization in black. Multifunctional device.

"Woo Wang!!"

"Asshole! Destroying mib's positioning device, this is a very serious crime! Now, the Allen star, in the name of agent Frank, order you to follow me back to the mib headquarters immediately, otherwise you will definitely pay for it! !"


Any alien who dared to destroy the ID card and the locating device distributed by mib violated the ‘foreign-related’ legal convention formulated by the Earth’s Men in Black! Therefore, no matter whether this guy actually committed a crime or not, the other party is about to face the kind of punishment that, even the lightest, will be immediately repatriated after being investigated, and will not be able to step into this earth for life!

This kind of thing is not just a joke!

So, now Frank is ready to use force to arrest this ignorant **** in front of him forcibly! It wants to let the other party know that it is Frank's great!

"Woo Wang~!!!"

"Have you heard? Raise your hands immediately and squat down with your hands on your head!"


Although Frank doesn't think he can catch this big guy, it doesn't matter. Since the other party has destroyed the device without authorization, then within five minutes, their mib black agent door will definitely arrive here and will be in front of you. This daring **** Allen was captured and returned!

Therefore, it only needs to use the electric shock device on its paws to pounce on the opponent, and make an attack of 100,000 volts to stun the opponent directly.


The seemingly fat and sturdy Allen star didn’t rush to speak, and didn’t care about the other party’s orders. Instead, he looked again at the stupid dog in front of him that could be trampled to death by one foot, and then swept. After finding that there were no more agents on the scene, a proud arc split at the corner of his mouth.


"Hey! What do you want to do? The black-clothed detective who attacked mib is a felony. Do you want to stay in the highest prison on the moon for a hundred years?!"


Seeing that the other party not only grabbed without holding his hands, but walked towards him with a grinning smile, and realized that the situation seemed a bit bad, Frank, the alien dog agent, stepped back a little bit viscerally and asked harshly.

At this time, it suddenly discovered that the difference in body size between the two sides is a bit different, even if he has a 100,000-volt electric shock device on his paws, but it seems that he wants to subdue the enemy he intends to resist without harming himself. difficult?


"Humph... refused to go back with you..."

The Allen star, who disguised himself as a fat earthman, not only used gloomy and weird earth language to reject the dog agent Frank’s arrest order, but also took a violent step forward, before the other party could respond. With one kick, he slammed on the head of the black-clothed agent who didn't have his knee-high!

For these aliens, the black detective is indeed a group of troublesome and tricky guys, but the ridiculous dog detective in front of them is not among them.


A sorrowful cry suddenly sounded!

Caught off guard, although Frank evaded the fatal blow to the head, the big foot of the human biochemical skin of the Allen star still kicked firmly on its belly, causing it to be kicked instantly. He flew high and hit the wall behind him firmly.

Bang! !



The alien dog agent Frank, who was hit **** the wall first and almost never directly broke the bone, fell to the ground severely, and at the same time made a tragic cry.

"Hum hum……"

"You are dead Frank... what I hate most is you traitors who take refuge in the earth!!"

Seeing that the opponent was so useless, he was kicked and collapsed to the ground and couldn't get up. The Allen star continued to grin and walk forward quickly, as if he was about to end his dog's life?

"No one can save you, Frank..."

Because, he himself understands the reaction time of the agents in black!

He can completely solve the trouble in front of him, and then leave here calmly... Those earthlings in black suits must not be able to catch it, just as they had never caught him before? And when they reacted, I'm afraid he has already left the earth for a long time.




"Boss Annie, come and help! Please don't eat anymore! If you eat any more, I really want to confess my life as Frank here!!"

Frank, the alien dog who was thrown dizzy, sore and weak in his legs and feet, when he found that an alien was grinning and threatening him, and now he can't use his equipment to attack and resist, and even After he couldn't even stand up and escape, he could only scream loudly towards a certain restaurant at the end of the street that was still lit.

It knew that no matter how stubborn the little girl was, she would definitely not let Frank die here! After all, after all, it is also a dog of the other party, isn't it?

and many more……

Why does this kind of thinking seem a bit wrong? !


"Annie? This name, why do I sound familiar..."

The Allen star who was about to step on a certain dog and completely end the other's dog's life suddenly stopped at this moment.

Because, he just heard a terrible name from this dog's mouth? Recently, a very powerful foreign aid agent was recruited from the mib black-clothed headquarters of the Earthlings to beat their group of aliens who were engaged in shameful deeds into embarrassment, causing numerous deaths and injuries...Anyway, that black-clothed The name of the little guy is the endorsement of the devil in the eyes of some of them! !

He remembered...

That guy’s code name is a, Detective A? Demon detective a? As for whether the other party's real name is Annie or Anda, or something else, he seems to be a little confused. Only when he sees the other party can he tell the truth.

Whoosh~! !


Just as the Alan star was hesitant and thinking hard, suddenly, the sound of something flying at high speed came from behind his head! Regardless of his fat body, but with his unusual agility, he subconsciously tilted his head to avoid the sneak attack from behind.

Huh! !

When he took a closer look, it turned out that it was a bamboo stick, as if it was inserted into the soil, and it was inserted viciously into the hard concrete wall opposite him where the dog had just fallen? !



"Since Frank wants to catch you, you should catch him! You bad guys, why don't you just follow him honestly?!"

At the end of the street, a little blond girl in a black suit, delicate black tie, and black leather shoes was holding another fruit salad skewers crossed with a bamboo stick, just gnawing at her own food. , The one who stared at the distance with bad eyesight reacted quickly, and actually avoided the alien in biochemical disguise that she threw out, warning of the alien in biochemical disguise and walked over.

Originally, she thought that a certain bad dog Frank could easily solve it, because it also carries a lot of equipment. As long as it is a little tougher, smarter, and proactive, then it can definitely be a dog that can catch the outsider. The star suspect!

But how can I think that the other party would be so useless, and he was easily beaten to the ground by the alien suspect, and he called for support in a shameless manner? !


"No! It's really, she?!"

I found out that it was the little black agent in my imagination, the only and most terrifying guy in the mib black organization, after the alien traitor girl who had set off a **** storm since the other party’s employment. , The Allen Star was so frightened that he directly retracted the foot he was about to trample on the alien dog Frank, turned around and ran away directly!

It knows that it must not be able to beat that little girl, because countless people who are better than him have tried it, and without exception, they all failed!

Let’s not talk about the alien suspects who were caught and killed by the other party after serving as the agent in black, nor about the data of the other party’s 100% successful horrible mission. It’s just that the other party once killed more than a thousand with one enemy and one hundred.' The glorious deeds of "Xie Lailong's elite soldiers (in case of misrepresentation...) and exploding a battleship with one shot are enough to make him unable to think of any confrontation.

So he ran and had to run! !

Because, he himself knows that the crimes he committed in the past two years, once caught, must be death or death? So, in the case of definitely not winning, even if I have heard that no one can escape from the little girl detective, under the hand of the hot-handed detective a, but it still moves forward with luck and desperately. Running...

"Huh! The bad guy wants to run?!"

(# ̄~ ̄) o

Seeing that the other party didn't even intend to catch it, after biting the last piece of fruit in her hand, Xiao Annie resolutely threw the bamboo stick toward the other party's head!

Whoosh! !

The bamboo stick passed directly through the opponent's head, directly through the past...


Soon Anne was surprised to find that the other party was still running fast, and there was no intention of stopping or falling to the ground because of fatal injuries. !

"Wang Wu?!"

"Boss Annie! He, he is an Allen star, their heads are around their necks, and that human head is a fake mechanical prosthesis..."

Seeing the strange situation, Frank, who is proficient in interstellar politics and diplomacy, various alien languages, and the affairs of various races in the galaxy, quickly reminded his partner boss of such a sentence.

Although it is also very surprised by the strength of the little girl and the ability to throw a bamboo stick as a bullet, but it is now more worried that it kicked it and almost trampled it to death by Frank. Will the guy run away because of this?

"Wow! Stop it! I'm going to shoot, I really want to shoot!!"

(#O ̄ヘ ̄)o┻┳One!

While warning, Xiao Anni directly drew out her large-caliber weapon, and then as the gunfire sounded directly, the alien suspect in the distance who was about to successfully escape also fell...

At this time, the opponent's upper body had broken into a puddle of mud, no matter where the opponent's head was, he would definitely not live.

"Wang Wu..."

"I knew it would be like this again in the end..."


Seeing that the murderous mission target must have been completely killed, and after falling there motionless, Frank, who was hit hard in his stomach, finally got up from the dirty floor slowly and effortlessly.

Everyone knows that the warnings of Hot Hand Agent a have always been sounded with gunfire...

At the same time the suspects heard the warning, the faster bullets must have arrived at the same time, so it is useless to escape or surrender!


Forget it, Frank is not in charge of this matter!

After shaking his head that was dizzy and smashed, it took a while before the alien dog Frank recovered. He didn't intend to comment on this kind of thing...because it is now perfectly completed. It's my task, it's definitely no problem to go back for business, that's it!

'what! ! ’

Suddenly, before Frank was ready to say something, there was an exclamation not far away!

It turned out that at this moment, at the back door where the Allen star came out just now, there were some ordinary people who came out laughing and talking? But now they can’t laugh, because, ah, they saw the fat figure lying on the ground not far away, and only half of the body was left. The upper body seemed to be torn or enlarged by violence. How has the truck been crushed?

‘? ? ’

'what is that? dead? ’

"Kill, kill?!"

'fast! Hurry up and call the police! ! ’

‘Everyone... I suggest we return first? I just seemed to hear the dog talking, things here seem a bit weird...’


The pedestrians who came out of which back door struggled for a while, looking at the dead body not far away, the little girl in a black suit, and a talking dog, and finally chose to obey the one. The opinions of people who speak a little trembling, are you going to go back and leave this weird backstreet? Of course, one of them took out his cell phone, as if he was preparing to call the police or something.


"Forget everything..."


Although I am not afraid of being known about what happened here, after thinking about it, Annie was still preparing to cast a spell, using her forgetfulness to tamper with the memories of the few witnesses, so as to save more trouble and affect Her brilliant image of Detective Anne, the wise and powerful?


Click! !

Before Little Annie’s magic had time to perform, a strange sound and a strong light flashed suddenly, and those who were planning to slowly return to the house while planning to call the police were stunned. .


"Hello, I am Flanders, an alien talking dog! Of course, this kind of thing is not important, because you will all forget about it later!"

"Remember, you didn't see anything!"

"After you came out, you felt that you didn't drink enough tonight, so you have to go back and get drunk, because..."



However, before Frank had had time to finish, he realized that he seemed to be picked up by the collar around his neck?

Then, a gloomy and pretty little face leaned in front of it, and the blue pupils were full of ice-cold breath, which made a certain alien dog tremble and wanted to go easily. Feeling...because it knows that it may soon be unlucky!

"Bad Dog Frank! You flashed to me again!!"


Annie continued to carry the other person in front of her, and was thinking about how to punish the other person.

"Wang! Quickly let me down!"

"What can I do if it flashes? Anyway, you are not an earthling, and it won't work for you!!"


"But if you are flashed in your eyes, it will still be uncomfortable..."


Annie looked up and down, and then soon she found a good way to punish a certain bad dog!

"and many more!"

"Stop it! I haven't made up a better false memory for them, wait a moment, help!!!"

A certain dog was thrown directly into the sky by a small hand, and then very precisely, the rusty iron rod located at a high place, just under the dim street lamp, forked and passed through the instrument at its neck. The collar, hung it directly on the top.



"You just stay up there for one night! I'm going home with Tibbers to sleep!!"

(w) Goodbye!

Xiao Anni smiled, looked at the stupid dog she had thrown on top, and then at the few dumb passers-by, then she turned her head on her own big gun and left without thinking.

Of course, there is also Tibbles the bear in her hand...

Because she knows that a lot of agents in black are coming here, they will naturally solve the problem here, including those two uncle K and Blackface who have been surreptitiously staring at her from a distance and have not followed anything. Strange Shu j.



"You can't just leave me here..."



Frank, who couldn't reach his neck no matter how hard he struggled, roared angrily... a dog like it was hung on it. I'm afraid that apart from the help of the agents who came to clear the scene, it would definitely be it when it came down. impossible things!



'Hey? Hello...Sorry, we just made the wrong call. There is no warning here, we may be drinking too much...because we saw a talking dog, that must be an illusion...’

For a while, when a little girl has disappeared on the corner of the street, when there is only one pug hanging on the street lamp, the few ordinary people who were flashed by the'amnesiar' just now , Only then slowly recovered, and turned off their call to the police, silently turned around and walked back to the house that seemed to be the back door of the bar.

Obviously, they were going to do what a talking dog said just now. They didn't see anything, let alone a talking dog... They are now going to go back and continue to drink and get drunk. Hugh? !


"But Boss K, I still don't understand. What is the point of you letting the two of them perform this task? Look, the little guy Annie, she killed the alien again!!"

"How many aliens have she killed in this period of time?"

"The nickname of Hot Hand Agent A is already well-known here on Earth. After a while, I think maybe even your name as Agent K will soon be suppressed by that little guy!"

I watched the arrest, escape, and death of the Allen star throughout the entire process. Although J felt that a little guy’s approach was not wrong, he was still very puzzled. He didn’t know why K insisted on letting those two special meetings provoke. Troublesome guy to perform the kind of task that might be done better by changing the individual?

Because everyone knows that any alien suspect who confronts the hot-handed agent a who dares to resist or escape will have a mortality rate of 100%!

Those who dare not resist or run away will also honestly explain the crime after being arrested. !

In short,

When faced with that little girl, no alien or stowaways could get it right! Those who had no major crimes were arrested without exception, either repatriated or thrown into the prison on the moon! And the blood of the earthlings on their hands but they were stubbornly resisting, they have all been buried in the alien cemetery outside the highest prison on the back of the moon to warn the prisoners.

It's okay now, that little guy didn't even ask more questions, and as expected, he shot the Allen star to death! That kind of reckless and irritable approach was far worse when Agent J was still in the police force?


"Did you know? After our investigation, all the evidence points to the Ellen star! But unfortunately... he is too cunning. We have not had any strong evidence until now, and this is why we passed it. It took us two full years to barely suspect the cause!"

"We suspect that the group of students who were killed not long ago was caused by him..."

"But there is no way. Even if we catch him, he will be deported in the end? Because we don't have any clear evidence, we just suspect..."

Having said that, K sighed and remembered the crime scene he had seen a few days ago... He didn't understand why there are such vicious aliens who take pleasure in torturing and slaughtering people on earth? Why did the other party do that?

"But it's different now!"

"Have you seen that too? He is guilty. He attacked Frank and ran away in the face of Little Annie, so we can basically infer that guy, he is the murderer!!"

K said lightly, this is not just his inference, including boss Z and other organizational think tanks and "twins", etc., think so!

Therefore, they sent the little guy who was somewhat lawless, unorganized and undisciplined when performing the task! Now, let’s see that the results are quite satisfactory. If the suspect is dead, the matter can be over.

As for whether the other party did it or not, after waiting for the investigative department to search the other party's home, they will naturally know the truth! Anyway, K's intuition told him that the matter is not far from ten, there will certainly not be too much suspense, and their inference must not be wrong!


"Etc., etc!"

"Boss K! I still don't understand your thinking. It just didn't seem to admit anything other than attacking our agents and escaping. Why would you dare to say that it was the murderer of the serial murder?!"

J, who looked confused, was a little puzzled. He didn't understand what a logical process was, because it seemed a bit different from the process of handling cases when he was in the police force.

Although he doesn't have any other emotions about the death of the alien suspect, there are certain things that must be understood. He doesn't want to make mistakes every day like before, and then be laughed at by others! !

"Because it's guilty..."

"Those who dared to resist or run away when faced with Detective Anne, must know that even if they were arrested, they would not survive, or would be better off living? Therefore, resisting and running away are their only choices!"

While speaking, K shook his head and laughed.

Some things don’t actually need a complete chain of evidence, because the suspects in the serial cases that can make them find the murderer in black for two years all point to the same alien. That’s enough to prove whether the other party is the murderer or not. As for handling the case It doesn't matter what the means of time are!

Because they are special police in black, not federal police!

Sometimes, if they were more decisive and cruel when performing their tasks, they could actually gain the respect and fear of those aliens. Otherwise, they would be like the Alan star who was just killed. In more than two years , Unscrupulous murder, robbery and theft, they didn't put them in black clothes at all. If things go on like this, can it pay off? !

"Oh, God……"

"K, are we not doing this well?"

"We have all regarded Annie as a touchstone for criminals? This is not good. Legally speaking, it is very inhumane for criminals, because we are not sure if it really committed a crime..."

After knowing that this is the case, j's whole person is a little messy...

He always feels that this is not good, and also very wrong! In his opinion, even the most murderous suspects should be caught and interrogated. After obtaining enough evidence to prove the crime committed by the other party, they should go to trial or decide the other party's fate?


"J, I think you still don’t understand...Annie is one month later than you joined the man in black, but she understands the truth before you...Of course, Frank is the same, it understands much faster than you Up!"

K sighed again and shook his head.

This partner of my own has been trained and experienced for so long by myself, but unfortunately, he has not fully grown up until now. This makes his early retirement plan start to be indefinitely, and it will inevitably make him feel a little more worried. Some regrets.

If the other party is as ignorant as the little guy Annie, how relieved he should be? Quietly, there is a little girl in the house. It has only been a few days before the name of Agent A has been beaten out! When those foreign suspects and vicious fanatics faced her, who would dare to say no more? That kind of prestige and fame, let alone the partner by his side, even if it is him or their boss z!


"Ha! It's really interesting! Then tell me, why don't I understand?!"

? ? ?

The extremely angry j grinned, and the eyes that looked at his partner were full of question marks.

To be honest, Agent J has been working hard for this period of time. He can't be better than K. He recognizes it, and he is no better than that talented little girl Annie. He also recognizes...

However, this boss actually said that Agent J was no better than Frank's dog who is still hung on the telephone pole. He couldn't bear this!

"it's actually really easy!"

"Think about it... If the Alan alien just now, if he really didn't commit a crime, then why did he run?!"

Now that all the aliens have known the deeds of Hot Hand Agent A, then, that guy dared to run away, it is enough to prove that guy has a guilty conscience and has done something! Moreover, all the suspicions investigated by their black-clothed agents point to the other party, it is certainly not without any reason! !


J grows his mouth, he still doesn't understand, it wasn't that guy who did it, why couldn't he run?

After all, the criminal psychology he studied in the police force doesn’t say that. When facing the police, it’s not just the suspects who are guilty, but also those with poor psychological quality or lack of confidence. The majestic police officer acted irrationally or said things that shouldn't be said! !

"Let's go!"

"Boss Z just sent a message saying that it is a member of the royal family of the Aquilonites. The prince of that country was attacked here on earth. We must go over and see what happened immediately..."

K knows, maybe, this time their earth talents are really going to be in big trouble!

Think about it, if that guy really died on earth, in any case, they earthlings will always have to bear some unavoidable blame! Even if people declare war directly on the earth and then directly blow the earth to pieces, they will not make sense.

Of course, not only do they have no place to reason, but they also have no ability to resist...

Because the people on Earth are really too backward, let alone the fleet, even the men in black organization mib is a public security organization established with the help of those alien refugees. What they can do, In addition to maintaining the law and order of the earth and making it safer for aliens to travel here on vacation, what else can they do?

"Ah? Is it that serious? Then let's hurry to the scene!"

Hearing that an alien royal family of the Acheron tribe was assassinated here, J was also panicked, because he knew that if he really died, that would be a bad thing! At that time, no one can predict how the opposing country's country will react to the earth when it becomes angry! !


"What about that stupid dog, Frank? Annie just hung him on a telephone pole...and the alien who was killed by her just now... the criminal?"

Speeding up the pace and following his partner to walk out quickly, after suddenly thinking of some hapless guy, J quickly asked.

"Don't worry about them!"

"Later, our agents who come to clear the scene will take care of everything! First, let's take a look at Prince Aquilon's affairs. I just hope that guy will not die. He is my old friend..."

After speaking, K sighed and did not intend to say more.

However, he knew better than anyone that the earth would not be too peaceful soon...think about it, a member of the royal family of a powerful alien race had something wrong with the earth, and they could still count on others to give them the men in black Mib or the earth will not send the pennant? 2k reading network

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