Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 784: Alien monsters invade the earth? You are looking for Ultraman!

The Bridge and Tunnel Administration, the title is the words engraved on the outside of the main entrance wall of the headquarters building of the ib Special Police in Black, a decades-old "foreign-related" organization, and the public name. Of course, everyone in the know knows that the'Bridge and Tunnel Administration' is nothing more than a camouflage shell. Although it is also in charge of building'bridges' for establishing relationships with aliens and being good at being deep in the earth Dig a hole, but it doesn't care about any bridges and tunnels on the ground in this world!

And the ib organization in black has already existed in the underground of 504 Bailey Street through this shell for many years...

Except for a very small number of individuals who are allowed to know and ib's own agents, agents and staff, plus those alien tourists or alien refugees who settle on the earth, no one knows that this is located at 504 Bailey Street No. Here, what does the seemingly monotonous and ancient building mean, or what kind of inner strength does it have?

For countless years, this ‘Bridge and Tunnel Administration’, which occupies an excellent section of the city and covers an extremely large area, has been asked countless times by capitalists to relocate or intend to buy land?

But in the end, none of their people’s background was as strong as the background of the “Bridge and Tunnel Administration”... So, without exception, those who tried to buy the headquarters of the “Bridge and Tunnel Administration” to develop real estate, Or the dark-hearted capitalists who made other plans and prepared to demolish them with black hands, they all died in the end, and had to take the initiative to forget or were forced to forget the acquisition.

Today, many parliamentary officials have gradually forgotten the unit of the'Bridge and Tunnel Administration', and even the funds of this administration have long been disbursed... However, this administration building is still strong The earth stands here, and still shows the name of its unit to the world.

This is a majestic gray-brown building. The entire front of the building is covered with rock-white marble wall tiles. There is not even a window at the front door... and the outside of the wall tiles is in the middle and upper outer walls of the building. On the wall tiles, the huge English letters of'Bridge and Tunnel Administration' were carved. Besides, there were no additional decorations, but they looked solemn and atmospheric!

People who don’t know, think this is still an agency of the federal government?

But they would never think that even a government official could count the existence of this unit with one hand! Moreover, the existence of this institution has long been crossed out from the list of government departments...

This is an organization that has never existed but actually exists among people!

It is now an ‘invisible’ organization that actually exists but does not exist in name at all! It is also very powerful and has a very deep background. It has a lot of extraterrestrial super technology, super suspension subway, and countless large and small cosmic'civilian' spacecraft, etc., all aspects are superior to the kind of transcendent existence of most military and political departments. ! !

Bang! !

Today, however, its door was arbitrarily kicked open...

A little girl in a black suit with cool black sunglasses on her eyes, and a plush toy bear in her hand, followed by a funny pug dog who also wears a black suit and sunglasses behind her. Finally, not long after noon, I came to the slightly mottled and outdated wooden door of the “Bridge and Tunnel Administration”, and kicked it open with a stubborn and grumpy kick before taking it. The dogleg alien behind her walked in.


"Hello! Agent Anne, and Frank, welcome back!"

When Little Annie, wearing a black suit and sunglasses, took her dog-legged Frank to the passage inside the gate and walked to the logo icon surrounded by the planet and satellites in the middle of the granite floor, she sat there on two huge industrial exhaust fans. The bald-headed black uncle in between, holding a newspaper in his hand, amicably stretched out his hand and greeted some lawless little girl who walked in.

I don't know how many times the other party has used that kind of violent means to deal with the poor door, but he has always been a little helpless, there is no good way.

Because that bad-tempered little guy almost never listens to persuasion, and few people dare to persuade.



"It's okay with you, I know the strange man who reads that kind of newspaper all day..."

e=(o`))) alas

Every time I go back to the headquarters of the ib man in black, Xiao Anni can't help but want to vomit the strange uncle in front of her...because ah, the other party really does not keep up with the times, every day. Knowing that you read the news, you know that kind of boring newspaper every day, and you still read it all day...

Although, the treatment of this ib organization is very good. The other party can sit here and eat and wait for death without doing anything all day... But, what age is it now, it’s strange that he still reads the newspaper and can’t read it. Something else? For example, mobile phones, tablet computers, etc. After such things are connected to the Internet, will the information be much richer and more interesting than newspapers?

Isn’t it fun to play games while sitting here, or pretend to be a little brother to hook up with a little sister? Anyway, as far as Annie knew, people on earth now like this kind of thing, and newspapers and so on should actually be eliminated long ago.


Frank, the alien dog following Xiao Annie's feet, also called at this time, even if he had greeted the old black-clothed agent who was guarding the gate.

"Annie, you are late again today..."

"Boss Z and Agent K have been waiting for you in the office for a long time. They just sent a message saying that if they see you arriving, please go to their office as soon as possible, and the sooner the better. Don't stay and play in other departments?"

The gatekeeper'reading the newspaper' black bald uncle ignored the little guy's vomiting, he just raised his hand and looked at his wrist watch, and found that the time had already passed twelve o'clock, and this one is gaining momentum recently. 'S little girl hasn't come to work until now...

This is too much, right? What is it like?

It’s already the afternoon, and he believes that now both boss z and chief k must be a little impatient. If they change individuals, they might have been wiped out with the'amnestic device' to clear their memories and go out. Right?

"I want you to control?!"

"Also, Uncle Bald, I am not'late again'! I...I am actually late every day!!"


After mischievously making a playful face for the big bald uncle who was sitting on the side, Xiao Annie happily continued to carry her little bear, hopped and walked to the front of the elevator, directly stretched out her hand hard I took a picture of the device that recognizes people based on fingerprints and facial features.

Anyway, I found out today, she was late, what can they do with her?

After all, she is still a child. It is necessary to get enough rest. Moreover, she was ordered to'arrest' the Alien from Allen star last night, so she had lost a lot of energy to'subdued'. The other party, she is very tired, so of course she has to sleep more today!

In short, this is a normal thing, there is no need to make a fuss!


(● ̄ ̄●)

(A shot was fired before and after, and the whole process was eating, drinking, and having fun... Anyway, Tibbers didn’t think that would be any tiring, it was because some bad guy was playing too hard and eating. Too full, which led to sleeping too late, so that I overslept, and even a certain stupid dog barked outside the door for a long time and pretended not to hear it, and has been dragged until now?)


After a clear elevator sound, the elevator's telescopic door opened.


"But Agent Annie, please be sure to kick the door again next time... Our ib wooden door has a history of several decades, and it has been like this since I joined ib. I also hope it will last until I retire!"

Competent people can certainly have certain privileges, and Detective A is undoubtedly the most capable of all ib agents and agents at present! Therefore, just let it go a little bit more reluctantly, plus the other party's age is indeed too young, so a little tolerance is definitely fine.

It is also because of this that in normal times, the other party will always be spoiled by other agents and agents on certain minor issues. As for the minor issues such as kicking and being late, let alone such minor issues. , There is definitely no problem, and will never be blamed for this!

Of course, privileges belong to privileges, but for some principled issues, he, a dedicated old employee who guards the gate, still has to protest and preach a little bit.



"Uncle Bald, I promise, I will kick lighter next time?!"


Annie thinks, the broken door looks so old when installed there, isn't it just for kicks? If you don’t smash it quickly, how can you report to the headquarters for funds for replacement? Without replacement or repair, how can you deduct oil and water from it?

In short,

Annie felt that the gatekeeper didn't know how to be an official. The corrupt officials and the logistics companies that specialize in fishing for oil and water in the TV and movies were all digging the country and digging the corners of the company. Therefore, the other party deserves to guard the door for a lifetime and read the newspaper for a day!

However, Annie doesn't care what the other party thinks, because now she is going to work.

She is going to take the elevator to the headquarters below to show her face. If there is nothing particularly important, she can leave early and go back to the manor castle on the outskirts of the city to play her own hunting game. In such a boring place!

"Next time?!"


The bald black uncle who didn’t wait to read the newspaper was going to say something more. The lawless little girl agent Anne and the alien dog Frank had already walked into the elevator, closed the elevator door, and disappeared together. Out of his sight.


After shaking his head and sighing, the bald-headed black doorkeeper continued to make preparations on his simple computer chair, first leaning against the back of the chair, then tilting his legs, shaking his head and looking at the newspaper in his hand... ...Different from the little girl who just came to work, he has been guarding the gate for a long time here, and will continue to guard for a long time before it's time for him to change the guard and get off work...and he has this You have to read the newspaper slowly, or else you can't stick to it then?

The news that Agent Anne had arrived at the headquarters had already been reported up with his own communication equipment. Whether the other party will go to boss z's office as soon as possible later, it is beyond his control.

"Boss Annie!"

"We are only here now, later than usual. Is this a bit too much?"


Seeing the numbers on the elevator drop rapidly and waiting for the elevator to descend to the underground headquarters area, Frank, the alien dog, suddenly a bit bored, asked anxiously.

After all, according to ib's rules and regulations, it is now regarded as a serious violation of discipline. If it is accidentally expelled, is it a bit too wrong? It was Frank who had finally gotten into the position of the official agent now, but he didn't want to lose this good job so easily.



"It's a little bit early. We should wait until the end of get off work. We can go home directly when we show our face?"

(o ̄w ̄)○

Now she is a little tired of fighting aliens or catching aliens every day...

And if there is no such fun thing anymore, it may be unsure, how can one care if it is too much or not too much?

Anyway, her Queen Anne never expected the little salary that the man in black ib headquarters gave her to live, but if the other party had not helped herself a lot, she had not only provided a big house for herself, but also free of charge. Serve all kinds of delicious food... If she has been a little bit embarrassed and has to come and help each other a little bit, maybe she would have given up long ago!

Because during this period of time, she has probably figured out what professions the agents in black are doing, it seems that it is really not as fun as she imagined? So, now she has long lost the enthusiasm she had at the beginning, so it is normal.

After all, it seems that it's not as fun as when she was in the Avengers!

At that time, as long as it is not a matter that endangers the safety of the world, or endangers the survival of the earth, there is no need for her Queen Anne to go out! Because, those ordinary S.H.I.E.L.D. or Bear Shield agents will naturally solve all problems.

And when they really can’t solve it, there are Uncle Tony Stark, the Hulk, Uncle Hammer without a hammer, and other messy mutants and superheroes. Don’t mention how relaxed she is. ! !



Since the other party has already said that, what else can Frank say?

Anyway, Frank, this alien dog is just the other’s assistant partner, and all arrangements are based on this messy little girl. As long as boss Z and they don’t plan to punish this little girl, it must be impossible to punish him. Yes, that's it, other things, it doesn't want to worry about too much, it's fun!


Before Frank and Little Annie could talk a few more words, soon, the elevator, which had fallen deep underground, finally rang and opened the retractable door...

Outside, is the bright ib headquarters hall. Various men, women or alien agents are busy here, and many of the staff agents who heard the sound of the elevator opened them curiously. The elevator door looked over.


"Hello! Agent a!"

"Hello! Sir! Welcome back to work'on time'!!"

"Oh! Little Annie, you are finally here, how are you, are you in a good mood today?"

"Hi! Baby Annie, sister, I made some delicious snacks for you, and they put them in the refrigerator in the special lounge for female staff on the second floor. They were frozen in the second layer of freezing. It's a hot day. If you are greedy, go eat some?"

I saw a certain ib newcomer who came down the elevator, and it was the terrific little demon Agent Anne. Many men and women who were surprised, ridiculed, pleased, or liked each other's male and female agents, agents or staff , They began to welcome a little guy who was leading a dog out of the elevator door with a cool look.

This kind of high-standard treatment, I am afraid that even the z boss of the ib headquarters does not have...


"Sir Anne, I heard that you shot such a **** Allen star? This is really great. We just got accurate evidence. Last time, the big tragedy in downtown Manhattan where several students died was the **** thing. The alien did it! You shot it to death, it's really cheap!!"

A black-clothed agent holding some documents in his hand approached the little girl, bent over and said with a flattering smile.

The "hot-handed police" Anne has always been a true case, and the aliens who were killed have really never been wronged... This kind of thing is in the eyes of their special agents who specialize in investigations. Here, that is simply a miracle-like existence!

"I see, mud play!"


Annie stretched out her hand and pushed away the documents that the other party had handed over. She just came back here to show her face and enjoy the various gazes of these people, she didn't really come back to work! Anyway, she would definitely not check those documents.

When they were free, they went to Frank that stupid dog, he was the most passionate about those things, and signed on it with his dog paw!

"Hi! Little Annie, why are you here so early today?"

A clerk who seemed to be jealous that the little girl didn't have to go to work on time, when Annie was passing by, asked with a joke on the side with a bitter irony.

"You need to control!!"


Little Annie snorted coldly, and by the way, she reached out and walked the biscuits on the other side's table, preparing to feed the dog later.

"A sir!"

"This is the report I wrote to you. Can you see if there are any problems? If not, you can sign it later..."

A female clerk who seemed to be begging for the little girl hurried to catch up and handed a report written on several A4 papers.

"You print it out by yourself and give it to the old man Z, just say that I wrote it!!"


Annie never writes reports or anything, and of course, she never reads it!

‘Hello, agent a! ’

‘Hello, sir! ’


Along the way, when Annie and the alien dog partner Frank walked to the staff area in the headquarters of the man in black, a large number of agents, men and women, paid attention to her, regardless of whether they were familiar or not. Familiar, very friendly or smiling, greeted the clever and cute little girl agent warmly.

Because, in the organization of Men in Black, as long as you have the ability, you can gain the respect of others!

And it just so happened that in the days when a little girl entered the job, she accomplished at least dozens of tasks brilliantly, and also eliminated at least several alien smuggling gangs and black markets, and also let the entire planet alien With a change of appearance, public security has improved a lot.

"I really envy..."

"Boss Anne, tell me, when will Frank be able to do this to you, and when I enter the door, there are a lot of agents and agents who show my courtesy?"


Frank is a little sour...

It always feels, why this alien dog Frank and Annie boss are partners, they are in the same group, but those guys don't look at it too much? Could it be because it is too short or not as cute as any little girl?


It's time for Frank to change her skin. Can she make the biochemical skin of a cute little girl and disguise herself as the kind of little loli that the party likes?



"Who told you to be so useless? If you completed the task by yourself last night and were not nearly trampled to death by that alien, they would definitely greet you enthusiastically!!"


A certain bad dog is useless every time, too stupid, always letting herself go to clean up the mess, her Queen Anne is actually a bit impatient long ago.

And if it wasn't for someone else who didn't seem to be as fun and bullying as this stupid dog, maybe she kicked the other person away a long time ago, where would she find such a useless partner? !


"Please, I didn't think it turned out to be a murderer..."


If you think about it seriously, Frank is indeed a bit wronged.

Originally, it thought that when it said that, the other party would honestly follow it. After all, it didn't say more things, and there was no more evidence... But how can I think that the other party was really real? Just violently hurt the dog, and almost killed it?

"Huh! Useless is useless, but I still find some boring excuses!!"

(ˉ ̄~) Cut~~




"Report! A sir, just now the Antarctic squad sent a message for help. They encountered a guy who was not easy to deal with. Would you like to take a look at it?"

After seeing a little girl passing by, a black-clothed employee who didn't know whom to assign the help message to, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to greet.

He thinks, if the other party is willing to take a trip to the Antarctic, it must be easier for the team to deal with those aliens hiding under the ice? At least, that little girl's marksmanship is accurate and can provide strong long-range military support?


"I don't want to go to a place so cold in Antarctica!!"

┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

Although it is the hottest summer of the year, it is definitely not necessary to go as far as Antarctica to escape the heat. There are only clumsy penguins, and they are not tasty at all! !



Frank also doesn't like going to Antarctica, so he doesn't want to talk now!

"Report, report a sir! The Egyptian pyramids found aliens stealing Pharaoh's DNA. Are you interested in investigating it?"

Another black-clothed employee in charge of coordinating also got up from her seat and suggested to a little guy passing by.

"It's too hot, don't go!!"


"Miss Sister, what's so fun about those dead people's tombs? They just give them the extraterrestrials if they want, I won't go!!"

o( ̄ ̄|||)o

It's getting hot. She is an arcanist and has no interest in digging other people's graves and studying dead people!


"Report, report!"

"Report sir! A large alien monster was found in the island country. Boss z said, let you take a few days to visit?!"

Another black-clothed employee stood up from her seat and said, pointing to a monster in a city on an island country that was demolition and cannibalism.



"Don't go, don't they have Ultraman in their island country? Why don't they let those Ultraman help them? Anyway, I won't be nosy!!"

( ̄△ ̄;)

Seeing that kind of big stuff, Little Annie was a little interested, but soon, thinking of something, she resolutely shook her head and refused.

There are monsters. Of course, I'm looking for Ultraman. What are you going to do with Queen Anne? So, if you don't go or don't go, she doesn't like to join other people's homes! !


"But... what is Ultraman?"

The staff who stood up and reported with a stunned look, looked at the staff in black who were also puzzled around, because they had no idea what the little girl was talking about.



"That... sorry, I seem to forget, Ultraman seems to be a bunch of bad guys in another world..."



(● ̄ ̄●)



In this way, when a group of black-clothed employees were serious or playful and prepared to continue teasing a little girl, they thought that the black-faced agent with big lips stood in front of the little guy and reached out to signal other people not to make trouble?


"Little Annie, come with me!"

"Boss Z and Boss K are a bit impatient to wait. Now there are some important tasks that need to be assigned to you... Hey! Don't even want to run. Those are the kind that you can't refuse. If you don't finish it, the earth may be gone! "

j reached out without hesitation and blocked the other side's way to the other side. said with a smile without questioning. He had to come, because everyone knew that if he wasn't tougher, this little guy would definitely turn around and run away. At that time, I'm afraid they can only wait for tomorrow or come directly.



"You guys really trouble me, you are all grown-ups, do you have to trouble me as a child with your own affairs?!"


If she had known this a long time ago, she wouldn't have worked so hard before. It hasn't been many days. These shameless adults have all learned to rely on her as a child. This is really unreasonable! !

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