Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 787: report! Jupiter's orbit found the unknown fleet is jumping! …

Squeak! !

On the elevated highway where cars go, the old black vintage car that was overtaking at high speed, at this time, I don’t know why, so Agent K, the driver, slammed the steering wheel and died. Slammed on the brake! Then, after the brake discs were almost completely locked and the tires that were braked in emergency braking made the harsh and violent friction and braking sound when they rubbed on the asphalt ground, it tilted the two tires on one side so dangerously. , Stopped abruptly on the four-lane viaduct of the intercity expressway.


Toot~! Di Da~!

Such a desperate incident of driving the car sideways and stopping when driving on the road naturally caused many vehicles driving in the same direction to change lanes urgently, and slapped their respective steering wheels fiercely. The long and frustrated whistle sound vented the dissatisfaction of the drivers who rushed past the black classic cars.

"Oh! Damn..."

"my Lord!"

When the black classic car stopped, Agent J wailed directly.


"K, you actually chose to park in this kind of place. Are you serious? God... my nose was almost broken. How could you do that?!"

Because of habitual death and did not wear a seat belt, J slammed his face against the bridge just now, and had a close contact with the cover plastic of the bridge. As for now, he can only rub his big red nose vigorously, while complaining very dissatisfiedly and protesting loudly.


"What? Are you really sure?!"

"That's it..."

"Um... OK, OK... I think I understand... Yes, I know now, OK, thank you..."


Agent J, who was complaining loudly, soon discovered: Just now I didn’t know why the brakes were suddenly stopped and the car was parked sideways in the middle of the road. K, who almost didn’t overturn the car or was knocked over by someone else’s car. Bizarrely, he ignored his protest, but held the communicator in his hand with an ugly face, and didn't know who was talking to or what.


Judging from the shocked expression on the opponent's face and the small frowning movements, J himself can guess without thinking about it, that would definitely not be a good thing! !


Drop~oo~drop~oo~drop~oo~! !

At this time, there were bursts of sirens from far and near.

Of course, after causing a lot of chaos, a police helicopter kept hovering over the old black car parked sideways on the viaduct, and countless police cars roaring with sirens also moved from the two. The suspect's vehicle, which had been suspected of speeding and dangerous driving, came to a halt for unknown reasons.


Seeing those policemen who were swiftly getting off the car and surrounding them, Agent J was shocked, and the movements in his hands were also interrupted, because he, Agent J, who had been a police officer, knew better than anyone else. Something happened.

'Raise your hand! ’

‘Asshole! Quickly raise your hand! ! ’

‘Get off now! Hold your head and kneel down! ’

‘You are arrested! Choppy! Get off immediately! ! ’

‘Final warning! Get off the car immediately, leave the steering wheel with both hands, and don't put it where we can't see it! ! ’

‘Get off the bus! ! ’

When this group of police cars with sirens finally intercepted a black classic car that had drove half a city and besieged it round and round, the New York police officers who looked furious and frustrated one after another took out their various long and short weapons. After pulling the gun to load, while pointing their muzzles to the glass positions of the main driver and co-driver's cabins, they shouted vigilantly and surrounded them.

"Oh! It's over!"

"There are several ruthless guys I know...Of course, they definitely don't recognize me now! So, boss K, do you have any good ideas now?"

"God testifies, I definitely don't want to be fattened by them, and then cuffed my hands and stuffed them into the police car. I think you don't think about it that way, do you?"

Faced with the former'colleagues' slowly coming from a distance, Agent J, who knew the police force’s style of acting, could only sigh in both his heart and his mouth, and he was honestly in the co-pilot position. Raised his hands up.

In the face of so many pistols, rifles and shotguns, any uncertain factors or irrational behavior may cause a nervous guy on the other party to fire first, and then under the group effect, those nerves have been In the tight policemen, they will surely beat the two of them into hornet nests! !


"The FBI is performing a special homeland security mission!"

"This is a misunderstanding! My ID is here, who of you can come and have a look?!"

However, what makes J feel incredible is that the boss K next to him did not raise his hand like him, but did not hurriedly risk being shot to death, with so many terrible black holes. Mouth, stretched his hand into his black suit, took out a certificate with a golden eagle badge on it, then opened a little car window, and reached out the car window with the other hand?

That guy, when faced with a group of loaded New York police officers, dare to reach into his clothes? If this situation were changed to when Agent J himself was in the police force, he would have shot! Because he didn't know whether the other party took out a certificate or a weapon, he would not believe in other options except to shoot the other party to death and ensure his own safety!



Those New York police officers who had raised their muzzles by a few inches and were about to open fire discovered that the'suspect' in the car had even confidently handed out a certificate they were familiar with with a golden badge, and a group of people looked at each other. After a long time, in the end, a guy who seemed to have a high police rank motioned everyone to lower their guns before walking over vigilantly.


"Sir, next time, please report to us in time when you perform your official duties?"

"Huh! Close the team!!"

The police officer who came to check the truth and falsity looked at the documents for a long time, then looked at the two men in black suits sitting in the driving and co-pilot seats for a few moments. Finally, he finally coughed and gritted his teeth and handed it back in annoyance. After getting the documents, he waved his hand, and the colleagues who were besieging here behind with a dark face signaled that this was indeed a misunderstanding, and said that everyone can now close the team and leave, so as not to continue to block here and affect the traffic.

"What's your face?"

"Okay! Don't guess, this certificate is true!!"

After giving the police officer a smile that was uglier than crying, K raised the ID in his hand to his companion, and then received it in the pocket inside his suit.

Because, when they perform official duties, they don't have to use which kind of ‘amnestic device’ every time. And when it is not necessary, they sometimes use this kind of high-privileged FBI certificate in order to provide relevant convenience for their actions when necessary?

And ah, this is just like what K just said, they are indeed true, even if the other party is not a policeman, but a group of real FBI agents, after reading this certificate of his agent K, they can only obediently Obediently let go.

"You are great!"

"But are you crazy? In that case, you dare to put your hand in your arms. If one of them trembles and fires a gun just now, it wouldn't be surprising that the two of us died!!"

After sighing, J asked the other party again with a bit of resentment.

He thinks it himself, in a situation where both parties are extremely nervous, the best way is to fully cooperate with the other party's law enforcement, wait until the muzzle is no longer facing the two of them, explain it again, and then take out the certificate. Maybe it would be more secure?

"I'm not crazy..."

"Because our car is a bulletproof car, ordinary weapons have no effect on it, at least the individual weapons on the earth are not good..."

K is still sullen and talking slowly, but it seems that the whole person is abysmal?

Since he had just received that call, it seemed that something was wrong... After a while, he started the car slowly after the police cars left most of them one after another. The middle position slowly drove the car to the curb and stopped.

"Alright! Boss K, now you can talk about it, what happened just now?"

J was referring to the incident when the other party suddenly braked and talked with the communicator.

Because according to the plan, they were originally going to the Expo Site to find the two alien UFOs that had been parked there for decades... But now, looking at what Boss K meant, there seemed to be no need to go again. Up?

So, he wanted to know now, besides the alien warships of Aquilon and the ‘Eile Dragon’, what happened to him that he didn’t know? !


K didn't rush to speak, but sighed dejectedly, and then shook his head sadly.

"what happened?"

"Forget it, you take it, I'll see it by myself!!"

J was puzzled. Looking at the other party, it seemed that he didn't intend to waste his energy to explain. He also propped his head on his elbows and looked out the window of the car. After thinking about something, he leaned over his body and grabbed his by a hand. The communicator held by Boss K began to operate and check the content record above.

"Strange? This is..."

Inside, there is a picture of satellite monitoring, which must have been captured by the man in black's geostationary satellite.

At this time, the above is showing:

A giant transforming warplane that drags and blasts into the sky is speeding up to the sky. Seeing that it is about to quickly break through the atmosphere and enter space, the hundreds of warships among the countless spaceships of the "Xie Lai Long" aliens , Just with a volley of close defense secondary artillery, easily shot down the fighter that was trying to rush into the deep space of the universe and leave the earth's gravitational restraint?


"No, no? The above shows...that's the spaceship of that little guy Annie? But...she...wait! How is she now?!"

J was also shocked, and his black face with big lips was also full of shock.

In addition to what he just saw, the message that seemed to be sent to K by the "twins" also showed that the alien warship of the "Xie Lailong" has completely blocked the earth's outer space orbit. Anyone who dares Spaceships that take off will be shot down mercilessly! So, now they don’t have to pass the Expo to check the UFOs of the two aliens, because they must also be unable to fly out of the earth, and a certain **** Zerg must still be trapped on the earth!

As for the Starship Mothership of the Acheronians, let alone...

Because, the information on the communication device just sent to J by the twins has already explained that those aliens, their poor mothership, have been counted by thousands or even tens of thousands of "Xie Lai" The Dragon's alien fleet is driven away!

Right now, it is not the alien mothership of the Aquilon Empire that can determine the fate of their earthlings and the earth, but the **** of the ‘Eile Dragon’ clan who are said to be retributable to Javier? Therefore, searching for the alien zerg, and then grabbing the option of ‘the Milky Way’ within an hour, has become an unnecessary task!

"I do not know……"


"Okay! J, please don't bother me again, I don't know anything like you... I just want to be quiet now..."

What I didn’t say, the cute and well-behaved little girl Annie, after she and her spacecraft crashed, must have been more fierce...Moreover, even if they weren’t dead, they would definitely be caught by those "Xie Lailong" aliens. People will take them away and put them in their soup...

Those were the rituals of those damned aliens and the evil means of deterring other alien races, and no matter who it was, it must be impossible to save that little girl now! This can be seen from the powerful deep space warships that have completely besieged the earth from the orbit above the earth!

Before thinking about it,

Just being a battleship of the Aquilon Empire has made them feel deeply desperate for the people in black and the earth, and they have to be exhausted for one thing from the other side... But now it’s good, suddenly ran out to join in the fun Those'Evil Lai Dragon' aliens, they unexpectedly arrived with thousands of spaceships...

They MIB people in black, what can they do besides keeping silent and letting outsiders slaughter them? Because, their earth, their earthlings, in the galaxy universe, in the eyes of those aliens, it is so weak and small, so that others can bully unscrupulously!

Moreover, for the first time, after being a black police detective for so many years, K, this is still the kind of deep despair and helplessness he has never experienced before...

Weak countries have no diplomacy, and so do weak people on Earth!

Without knowing why, K suddenly felt that if he didn't know anything, not a black agent, and didn't know about the existence of aliens, just like most ordinary people on earth now, he would still be happy.' If you live in a peaceful and peaceful city and still live in the illusory and safe environment fictionalized by MIB, how good would it be?


Viking fighters. It was the period when the Kepru region was in the alternation of the Tyranian Federation and the Tyranian Empire of Mengsk. After the Brood War, the weapon developers put forward a bold vision and crazy avant-garde design! It was developed to make up for the serious disadvantages and deficiencies of mankind in air combat, and to maintain a strong and absolute advantage in air combat and air combat.


It is a powerful giant weapon that can be transformed into the sky or on foot to fight on land!

Based on the great success of the deformable siege tank, it is only natural that the Viking fighter is also designed to be the ultimate air and ground support or main combat weapon.

It can act as an attacking infantry robot, bringing powerful deterrence and terror output to the enemy, and it can also transform into a super heavy dual-engine multi-function fighter with great air combat advantages! Because it has an extremely powerful fusion reactor as energy source, and two super particle engines to meet the strategic needs of different battle stages and different battle environments!

The only regret is that to find a super pilot who can adapt to these two combat modes at the same time is a difficult task! Those pilots who finally passed all the tests are all elite soldiers in the human mechanical force, and the hundreds of billions of humans in the entire Kepulu region, among all the Viking fighter pilots, Without any suspense, a little girl was recognized as the driver of the strongest Viking fighter long before the unification of interest, and there was no one! !

After all, the super nickname ‘Fire Eagle’s Never Fallen’ is not just a joke!


It is now here on Earth. It was arbitrarily set fire and shot down by a group of unruly aliens before she ran into the vacuum of the universe. Their attacks were so dense and efficient. , So that there is no room for a certain frustrated driver to resist or evade...

After being shot down and crashing into the sea, although the Viking fighter had already automatically shut down itself in an emergency, to ensure the safety of the personnel in the cockpit... However, it crashed to the bottom of the sea and was kicked off by a certain pilot. After passing the high-strength glass of the cockpit and swimming away, its large nuclear fusion reactor was overloaded and caused an unofficial self-destruction mechanism called "Heimdall", which resulted in a large equivalent. A big explosion like a hydrogen bomb! !


Fortunately, a little girl in the sea knows what that kind of explosion means to a city not far from where the plane crashed. Therefore, at the critical moment, she directly used a powerful force field to restrain the magic, confining the tragic big explosion to a small range, so that the ship owners around the crash site just felt a difference. The fluctuations of ordinary explosions, nothing more than that...

But no matter what, the Viking fighter of Xiao Annie crashed before it could be put into battle... and her unknown title of "Fire Eagle that never falls" has also been cast. The dust of shame.



"The sea water is so salty, it makes people's clothes soaked, it's really annoying..."


In the sea not far from the crash site of the Viking fighter, the wet little Annie climbed onto his beautiful, creamy-white sailing cruise ship with the help of a kind yacht uncle.

Although she deliberately baked the wet black suit on her body directly to make herself feel better, but seeing that the kind uncle and several beautiful older sisters present were ordinary people, she couldn't bear to scare each other. She thought for a while or gave up that tempting idea.

Think about it, the weather is so hot now, the other beautiful young ladies and elder sisters are all right without clothes soaking in the sea all day, she just took a swim, surely there is no problem. Anyway, she won't get sick or catch a cold because of her wet suit!

"Excuse me..."

"Little girl, did you escape from the strange flying machine that just fell from the sky? What the **** is that big iron bump that is on fire?!"

After seeing this little girl in a black suit gasping for breath, the rich uncle who had been holding a shameless swimsuit party and some of the more shameless big and small sisters approached Annie.

Then, seeing the little girl rejecting the towel handed over by one of his female companions, the owner of this cruise ship, the kind uncle curiously leaned over and asked.



"Huh! I tell you, I'm actually an alien! And now, there are more aliens and alien space battleships on the earth! Just now I opened a Viking fighter to get on board The space went to beat them, but... but who knew that they didn't follow the rules, and they beat me down before I could fly out!!"


Seeing that the wretched ‘well-intentioned’ big fat man ‘saved’ herself in front of her, Annie didn’t conceal the other party, and directly told her bitterly what she knew.

Although this matter is a bit embarrassing, she doesn't mind, because after she has cleaned up the aliens, this wretched big fat man will definitely be found and cleaned by other people in black. Memory! Of course, in addition to the other side, the surrounding big and small sisters are also the same!

They are swimming in the sea without clothes. They are really too hot-eyed, they are really shameless! !


Are there aliens? Have space battleships? There are Viking fighters? !


"Little girl, you can really joke..."

"Lily, you take her to the cabin to change clothes and rest, don't let her come up and hinder our party...When you arrive at the port at night, contact the police to pick her up, go!"

The wretched big fat man subconsciously raised his head and looked at the sky. The sun was shining brightly above, there was no cloud, and there was nothing... Then he looked down at the little girl in a wet suit in front of him, and looked at the other party bulging, With a serious look, he immediately laughed heartily.

Just now, not far from here, there was a large plane or a flying machine that I hadn’t seen crashed into the sea. That’s definitely true, because their ship and many nearby ships have seen it. It’s the same from them. You can know if you involuntarily sail over to save people.


Aliens, warships in appearance, and Viking fighters, etc., must be just a little girl's imagination! So, now he intends to continue his uncovered party here while looking at the excitement in the distance, waiting for the afternoon to pick up the anchor and return to sail, and then hand the imaginative and interesting girl to the police or the search and rescue team. That's it in his hands.

In any case, if the other party is so optimistic about escaping from the crashed plane, it must be great. Then, let the other party take a good rest, and he still shouldn’t bother the other party, let alone be allowed to be. The other side bothered me!


"Believe it or not, believe it or not!"

o(??^`)o hum!

I didn’t want to stay here to watch the fat little Annie of some obscene fat man, so she snorted and followed the young lady named'Lily', dragging her body in the sea water, and walking to the cabin under the yacht. Ready to change clothes.



"Forget it all!!"


Just after entering the cabin and avoiding the sight of everyone, Little Annie gave the young lady a magic without hesitation, modified the other party's memory, made the other party feel that she was asleep, and she didn't want to be disturbed and froze. After she walked out, she immediately caught fire on her body and controlled the temperature to dry her clothes.

"It's really hateful!!"


Just now, if she hadn't used magic to block it at a critical time, and wouldn't make a Viking fighter so defying, I am afraid that one of her Vikings would not be as simple as crashing, but would probably be directly affected by those. The aliens exploded in the air and caused the entire New York city to be razed to the ground due to the martyrdom? !

If that's the case, where would she put the face of Queen Anne? Although, she seems to have no more face left now...





Annie is now ready to make a big move. In her opinion, the broken alien warships outside the earth are just a pile of iron bumps? As long as she wants, she can burn the broken battleships in the universe at will!

She wants to let those hateful ‘Eile Dragon’ aliens know that they dare to bully her Queen Anne’s terrible end! !



Suddenly, thinking of some little Annie, she had to stop again and extinguish the flame in her hand.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

Because, now she suddenly felt that if she was using that kind of super magic to bully others, it seemed a bit bad? Also, it's not enough to vent your breath?

Think about it, now, even if she burns the thousands of "Eile Dragon" alien space battleships in one go, she goes out all over the street and says it was her Queen Anne’s handwriting, believe those The stupid earthlings or the people in black will not believe that she did it, right?

At that time, those so-called experts and professors would definitely open their eyes and talk nonsense again, saying that it was actually a strange "torrent of cosmic rays" or "strange radiation nebula" and other messy things. The collective destruction of those hapless'Xie Lailong' alien fleets?

And those aliens from the "Evil Lai Dragon" just did the wrong things at the wrong time and in the wrong place? !

So, this time, little Annie, who was a little angry, decided outright that she must let everyone know that it was her omnipotent Queen Anne who wiped out the hateful evil Lailong aliens. Experts and professors who give some commanders full of nonsense, the commander will lie to ordinary people, have the slightest chance to speak nonsense!

"Crack? Is anyone there?"

(??ω??d) beep~~

After thinking and thinking, Little Annie, who temporarily gave up using magic to avenge those aliens, outrageously took out a communicator and dialed one of the communication devices that could communicate with superplanes under her magic.

"Gailen, it's you? Great, come and help..."




"Um, Galen, are you still in Runeterra? But, how did you stay with Miss Lacus?"


After connecting to the contactor and seeing the big pie face of a guy who was giggling for the first time, Little Annie, who was about to call for support, saw a familiar young lady behind him at a glance.


"Annie Yuan, the head of state?!"

Realizing that it was the little head of the federation who contacted him, Galen, who was busy with something, had to be a little surprised.

"That... Master Führer, do you have anything to order?"

Obviously, certain Galen must have something to cover up... he doesn't seem to want a little guy to see some unsuitable images for children? Or, he doesn't want to be seen by a woman behind him seeing the surprised little girl in his communicator?



"That's it, I'm being bullied by a group of aliens on another plane now, I need support now! Immediately! Immediately!!"


Little Annie, who didn't intend to care about other things too much, waved her small fist, confidently and confidently to her subordinates, to the big guy in Galen, who wanted to say to the general of the Hero Federation.

Now she, the head of Anne, is very angry. She must let those "Evil Lailong" aliens know how good she is, and teach those guys a profound lesson. See if they dare to come to her casually in the future. Up?


"It's really unreasonable. The head Anne, who dared to bully our heads, is really tired of them! Head head, how many troops do you need?"

"Despite your instructions, the young one must arrange it for you as soon as possible, so as to ensure that you won't be wronged by one more second!!"

"Right! How many aliens are there?"

Perhaps, it is anxious to get rid of the entanglement of a little guy, so that he can do other more meaningful things for Galen? Or maybe it was because Master Anne’s orders were above all else, so he didn’t even ask about the specific reasons, and made the decision to send troops and attack aliens in a hasty way?

"Their fleet seems to have another four billion?!"


Of course, Annie was talking about the number of the opponent’s personnel, not the number of the fleet. Anyway, she was beaten down by the enemy just now, and now she is very angry, so she will not care about the number of the opponent. She just wants to teach those who dare to beat her. , The bad guys who dare to block the earth!

She wants to let the **** know that in the future, this earth, it is her head Anne, who has the final say, whoever dares to come here to go wild, she will definitely make someone look good! !


"There are four billion, there will be so many..."

The number of enemies was a little bit beyond Galen's expectations, so he had to sink his face and began to urgently think about countermeasures.

"Hmm... Master Führer, do you want the Swarm? Or do you want the Reaper Fleet?!"

Hearing that the number of so-called "aliens" was four billion, and Galen had misunderstood that it was the number of the enemy's fleet, he couldn't help being surprised!

He thinks, if their omnipotent head of state who often wanders on various planes really provokes the kind of four billion enemies, it may be the zerg and the cycle that have cut countless reincarnations, with infinite In addition to the Reapers of the Endless Fleet, the human race in their Kepru region is still a protoss, or the new castle council in the mass effect world, it seems unlikely that it will be able to shoot the terrible enemy that can compete with the four billion fleet. ?

In the face of that number of enemies, there is no need to pay attention to any strategy or tactics. There is no better way except for the two sides to send an equal number of fleets to shoot each other in the deep space of the universe! And it is possible to do that, except for Kerrigan's insect swarms left in the star zone, it seems that there are only those Reaper fleets in the mass effect world that even Galen doesn't know the specific number of!

God knows how many family assets and battleships have been saved by the "catalyst" in countless rebirths, in countless "fifty thousand years" harvest? Moreover, what is even more frightening is that those fleets are all terrifying ‘death’ troops that do not need to eat or drink, but can act with energy! !

"Well, let me think about it first..."


Little Annie felt that she still took a little bit of effort to count the number of ‘Evil Lai Dragon’ aliens on Earth and space, and then decided how many troops to send?

Anyway, more than ten times the number of fleets must be indispensable! And now, all she needs to do is to determine whether the "Evil Lai Dragon" battleship in space is a few thousand or 10,000!


Then nothing happened to her. She believed that those guys in the Hero Federation who were idle for a day without fighting would definitely help her vent her anger! !


At this time, in MIB's headquarters in black, in the strong and secret fortress deep underground in Manhattan, New York City, the leader of the headquarters in black, Z, is grieving with a staff of agents. Sitting in their respective posts with a look.

The situation here is now bleak...

Because almost everyone of them knows that the fate of the people on earth and the earth is now in the hands of the evil ‘eile dragon’ aliens! In this situation, in the face of those terrifying space fleets, no alien race will stand up to help them on the earth, even the previous Acheronian motherships have run far and far. .


‘Sir! What should we do now? ’

After waiting for a long time, after the alien employee ‘twin’ on the main console hesitated for a while, he asked a certain black-clothed leader who was paralyzed in his seat.


"What can we do now, and what can we do?!"

Self-deprecating, Z looked at the dense fleet of ‘Eile Dragon’ on the big screen. After opening his mouth, he finally sighed and shook his head helplessly.

He just tried to ask the Council of the Interstellar United Kingdom to help them mediate a little bit for the Earthlings, and see if he can communicate with the "Evil Lailong" aliens, let them spare the Earthlings, or not cause too much damage?

However, without exception, the diplomats of various alien races who usually have a good ‘relation’ with their earthlings all avoided him...



Hearing this kind of frustrating remarks from their chief, the black-clothed staff and detectives around couldn't help but droop their heads deeply...because they also knew that their chief Z was telling the truth! Now, the fate of the earth and the people on the earth lies in the thoughts of the aliens of the "Xie Lailong"!

And in view of the deeds of those cruel and cold-blooded aliens, they must be more ill-fortuned on Earth...



"Found abnormal fluctuations in the inner space of the solar system!"

"Report! Our probe has found a large-scale mass response in Jupiter's orbit! The mass probe data is still rising..."

"A large number of massive spacecraft or fleets are about to reach Jupiter orbit?!"

At this moment, the ‘twin’ alien employee suddenly exclaimed in a shocking tone, attracting the attention of many agents or staff, including the head of the headquarters Z.

"Oh! Check out the optical instruments of Ganymede's detection base and have a look!"

The situation wouldn't be too bad anyway, so Z, who was paralyzed in his seat, waved his hand indifferently and signaled the "twins" to do what he wanted.

'Yes! ’

An employee in black who appeared to be in charge of the outer space probe responded to Z's order.

In the next second, the huge screen at the headquarters quickly switched to Jupiter's orbit where they found a massive mass response.


Everyone in the MIB headquarters of Men in Black can only see the countless huge spaceships, the T-shaped steel battleship, the golden giant battle carrier, and the triangular platform-style giant space station shining with blue and white energy. ? And countless huge and hideous creature battleship groups, etc., they actually began to quickly jump out of a huge light gate, and in a very short time, they covered a large area of ​​Jupiter's orbit.

Of course, the universe is vast and vast!

And that huge fleet of more than one hundred thousand ships is likely to be a large fleet. Here in the solar system, it is nothing more than a small ‘dust’ in Jupiter’s orbit.


"What's that again? Is it the follow-up fleet of the'Xie Lailong' people?!"

At this moment, Z had to stand up from his seat in surprise.

Now he doesn't understand...

Is it possible that those evil dragons are really so hard-hearted, after sending thousands of warships to surround the earth, they are not finished, and they have sent more fleets? Is it possible... they really intend to send all their troops to the earth, and send all their four billion people here and show off their power? !


What is the use of sending so many fleets to the earth?

After all, the earth’s weakness is obvious to all. Whether they dispatch one, ten thousand or one hundred thousand warships to the "Evil Lai Dragon" aliens, there is no big difference for them on Earth! This can be seen from the fact that the aliens of the Aquilon Empire can threaten and force them in black to help them find the "Milky Way" with just one battleship. come out.


"Chief Z... we think that it doesn't seem to be the spaceship battleship of the'Evil Lailong' people, please take a look at this?

At this time, the'twins' brought up a closer picture.

Above, on the bow of that T-shaped giant metal battleship, there seems to be an equally huge, metal punk-style bear head badge printed on it? Obviously, that is not the race or army mark of the ‘Eile Dragon’ alien!


Z suddenly felt a little stunned... because he remembered, where did he seem to have seen that strange pattern just now?

‘Report sir! ’

‘The unidentified fleet sends out a clear message...that seems to an earth language that can be compiled and read without translation? ! ’

‘Please have a look! ! ’

Soon, the'twin' operated on its console for a while, and then the message sent by the unknown fleet was completely received and played on the huge holographic screen so that everyone present could be the first time. See the text and language information.

?? The First Guard Fleet of the Heroic Federal Capital Military Region is notified as follows! ??

?? It has been confirmed by our Heroes Federal Intelligence Department and the Office of the Head of State that, in view of the fact that the battleships of the "Xie Lailong" family attacked and destroyed one of our heavy "invincible" Viking fighters on the neutral planet Earth without authorization, we now declare here: The Great Federation of Heroes officially declared war on the "Evil Lailong" clan at 19:39:37 on August 1, 20XX, AD 20XX! ??

?? This notification will take effect immediately! ! ??

After the announcement was over, not long after, the huge combined battleship group of about 100,000, which was observed by the Earthman's Europa Observatory Base, began to slowly approach the direction of the earth.

"Who can tell me what the **** is going on?!"

There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and there is another village in the dark...

This kind of ups and downs about the fate of the earth makes Z completely confused! He didn’t know what was going on, why? After the Aquilonians came to threaten the earth, the evil Lai dragons drove away the Aquilonians, and then sealed off the earth... I ran out of this'hero federation' that I hadn't even heard of before, and as soon as the opponent came out, he declared war against those'evil Lailong' people, and approached aggressively from Jupiter's orbit to the Earth's orbit?

‘Sir! ’

"Please look at this first..."

At this time, the ‘twins’ with extraordinary memory showed a picture to their chief Z. It was a picture of a ‘spaceship’ being destroyed soaring into the sky. There were not many features!

It's just that, on the huge back hood behind the cockpit of that spacecraft, it seems that it is the familiar and conspicuous badge of the bear head? !


"that is……."

Got it! Old man Z, the leader of the Headquarters of the Man in Black, suddenly remembered where he had just seen the familiar sign that made him feel familiar.


"Is Agent A still dead?!"

At this time, Z finally cared about the lawless little alien girl agent on the crashed spaceship... He understood a little bit now. If the matter concerns the little alien girl, then obviously, those The fleet must be the rescuer that the other side found! !

'of course not! ’

'of course not! ’

The twins’ two alien one-eyed heads said in unison, because they had detected the wet figure of the little girl climbing on a yacht from the sea area where the Viking fighter crashed. The other party should be in that ship now. The cabin of a sailing yacht.

But because that kind of thing is not important compared to the earth, it didn't explain it to anyone.

'report! ’

‘The fleet of the Hero Federation is undergoing a certain time-space jump, and their large fleet has cut into the orbit of our earth. The number is...138,636 warships of various types! ’

‘It is estimated that they will catch up with the Xile Dragon fleet that is retreating urgently in 30 seconds. Their battlefield is the deep rain space between Earth and Mars! ’

‘Hero Federation has issued a war announcement. Any spacecraft entering the war zone will be regarded as a hostile target by them and will be shot down ruthlessly! ! ’

The “twin” alien employee who has now turned to control the observations of countless satellites and detectors near the earth became a narrator with some excitement and began to serve all those who are looking forward The staff and agents explained the ongoing and upcoming battle of the super battleship formations in the deep space of the universe not far from the earth!

"Oh, God……"

"That little girl, is she really a little princess from an alliance country?!"

Old man Z never expected that their people in black would actually accidentally hug a thick thigh this time, so that when it was a critical moment, they saved the earth once?


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