Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 788: ? One accidentally made me the savior again??...

in case……

If there are really regrets about selling medicines in this world, I am afraid that certain aliens named "Xie Lailong" and their fleet will never choose to try to capture one at such a wrong time and wrong place. The wrong object led to an extremely wrong wrong battle doomed to fail!

However, at this time they regretted it too late.

It may be that you are used to being arrogant and domineering in this galactic universe. You can slap or bully you if you see which race is not pleasing to your eyes. Those who are unscrupulous in doing anything will repay the'Xie Lailong'. The aliens, this is finally the first time they have kicked the iron plate, and their intestines are blue with regret!

Of course, the premise is that there really are organs like ‘intestine’ in their alien bodies that are like parasitic worms and nausea?

right now,

In the dark deep space universe, in the vast expanse of the starry sky between the deep orbits between the earth and Mars♂, the giant't'-shaped battleships from the Heroic Federation Terran in the Kepru District, The huge steel fleet composed of larger aircraft motherships, giant supply ships and other warships is coordinating part of the Protoss' golden fleet detachments, those consisting of Void Radiance Ships, aircraft carriers, and huge temple motherships, etc. The huge golden battleships slowly slid in the back, surrounding the battle scene ahead.

In front of their mixed fleet of human races and Protoss, the battle has started for a while...

At this time, the Leviathan giant biological warships of the Insect Swarm with tens of thousands, and the tens of thousands of Corruptors known as the “miracle of genetic evolution” are more numerous, boundless, at least The large clusters of different dragons, calculated in hundreds of millions, are frantically attacking the front that flees embarrassed in the deep space of the universe, but they have been dragged all the time. They cannot use super-light speed or other flying methods normally, and can only use the shipboard The secondary artillery was struggling to die, and the number of the poor fleets of the'Xie Lailong' was around 10,000 at most.

The “Evil Lailong” aliens who surrounded the earth aggressively before and laid a net in the earth’s orbit, preventing any aircraft from leaving the atmosphere, are now like bereaved dogs, escaping even the formation of chaos. The formation was stretched long, but it was speeding forward frantically, not even the warships that were caught up and besieged by crazy creatures.

They have to do that, because they have no other choice...

The Leviathans of the Insect Swarm are roaring silently, sending out bursts of silent bio-electric waves in the vacuum of the universe, sending out to the Insect Swarm chasing the enemy one by one, only the Insect Swarm can understand Combat instructions.

Subsequently, in the dark and deep starry sky, the "Evil Lai Dragon" battleships were easily destroyed by the Leviathans with a variety of biological and chemical weapons, turning those enemy ships into inertia floating ships. The garbage in the starry sky...

What's more, they just caught up and hugged them, and then under the attack of those crazy giant pipe-like tentacles and drill-like sharp mouths of the Leviathan creature battleships, they attacked the'Xie Lailong' battleship. After the hard metal shell was penetrated smoothly, countless zipper, hydrangeas, eyeworms, explosive insects or powerful cockroaches, etc., began to follow from the Leviathan’s body like a troop carrier madly The Leviathans poured in through the pipes and the bitten holes, and began to fight frantically inside the spaceships and began to devour the flesh and blood genes of the worm-like'Xie Lailong' aliens.

Countless "Evil Lai Dragon" soldiers used their energy weapons to resist in the passage of the battleship. They killed waves after waves of invading Zergs. However, the massive swarms of insects easily overwhelmed them. , And took their weak bodies out of the biological exoskeleton armor, gnawing wildly, digesting their flesh and blood, analyzing their genes, and then sharing them in the biological gene bank of the insect swarm...

In addition to the "Evil Lai Dragon" battleships that are destined to be destroyed by Leviathan at the end, the more Evil Lai Dragon spacecraft are the strong acids, blade insects and spores of those overwhelming Corruptors and Allosaurus. Wait for the weapons to fight hard...From time to time, several spaceships suddenly lose control, and then ram into their own warships at high speed.

Or, it stopped suddenly, lost power in the universe, and was soon overtaken by more insect swarms and drowned in the attacks of countless terrorist creatures.


The battle is still going on. Although the two sides have fought for almost an hour’s standard time on Earth so far, there are still thousands of warships of the aliens of the "Evil Lailong" stubbornly resisting them... The battleships of the Eile Dragon are speeding up frantically again, eager to get rid of the terrifying fleet of creatures from the Hero Federation so that they can escape in a relatively safe state by jumping?

But it's a pity...

When they abandoned at least two or three thousand battleships behind the palace, seeing that they could soon jump out of the solar system at speeds of light or other ways...Suddenly, they fled in front of the direction, unexpectedly detecting the terrible mass wave again?

After that, the terrifying Leviathan-class biological warships that leaped out with at least thousands of them slammed into the'Xie Lailong' warships who were caught off guard. , Intercepted the aliens of the'Xie Lailong' who were expected to escape!

At this moment, their fleet of "Xie Lailong" was finally completely surrounded and fell into a helpless battle, and never want to escape...


In the command hall of a giant temple mothership of the Protoss, the human admiral Dreyus from the Hero Federation and the high-ranking executive Serandia from the Protoss are silently Watching the battle in the distance side by side.

In Durham Protoss, the figure is already a petite high-ranking executive Serendia. If the armor is included, her height is nearly 2.78 meters, and she is not wearing a cmc armored power combat uniform. Compared with Laius, she is at least two heads taller, so that when standing side by side, the other person must look up at her?

"The enemy has collapsed. This is a battle without any honor..."

at last,

After waiting for a while, I saw that the human battleship not far away fired several main guns at the original starry sky from time to time. Cerandia used the kind of brainwave conversion that was unique to their Protoss. He sighed in a weird tone.

In fact, in the command hall of their Protoss, looking around, except for the Protoss crew members who are operating the optically magnified battle images displayed on the beautiful blue psionic screen and the upper one covered with In addition to the dark blue shield of the mothership, if the naked eye is looking far away, towards the battlefield at the end of the starry sky... They can see the explosion of the'Evil Lai Dragon' spaceship that occasionally shines. Except for the little starlight, I can't see or hear anything!

This silent battle is the main theme of the starry sky battlefield in the interstellar era, silent and cruel!

Although their Protoss is still within the range of the battleships of both sides, the Protoss has not participated in any form of attack until now... Therefore, now, here, except for the images and signs tuned by the combat observers Apart from the complex holographic radars of enemy and our ships and aircraft showing the battle scene, no humans or protoss can see more fire or hear more explosions!

This is a normal thing, because in a high-intensity battle, if a certain warship is not hit by enemy fire from beginning to end, in the vacuum of the universe, they will not only launch on their own warships. In addition to hearing a little noise and feeling the vibration when attacking, they won't feel any more even until the end of the battle.

But now, no one can deny that at this moment, at the end of the dark starry sky where no more situation can be seen, the swarm creature fleet of the Hero Federation is dealing with those hapless, the little head of their Hero Federation. The'Xie Lailong' alien fleet is engaged in a cruel close-range encirclement and annihilation battle!

Originally, only relying on the energy attacks of the human battleship Yamato guns and the Protoss Mothership or the Void Glow Ship could easily eliminate the alien fleets of the'Evil Lai Dragon', but given that the Swarm needs the genes of those aliens , And in order to obtain the genetic group characteristics of those aliens as perfect as possible, as the commander Serendia had to allow the insects to carry out the kind of solitary and brutal close combat with a certain loss.

But even so, there is no doubt that it is still a naked unilateral massacre! Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why Serendia did not let the Protoss warships participate in that kind of super long-range shelling from the beginning? !


"General Dreyus..."

After looking at the situation in the command hall for a while, and then at the deep starry sky in the distance, she felt that she didn’t have a high-level executive officer and fleet commander. She used herself The eyes that radiated blue energy and the face of the horse without a nose and mouth looked at the commander of the human fleet.

"You said... In our Kepulu region, our Hero Federation has been too eager for quick success and quick profit for some time now?"

"I always feel that it might be a bit not good to keep expanding like this..."

Looking at the swarms of insects and countless dragons in the distance, the Corruption didn’t take long to surround and quickly annihilate the enemy’s fleet, watching those blue holographic energy displays that were absorbing and devouring the evil dragons. The alien worm, Protoss' high-ranking executive Serendia could not help but asked such a question aloud with some worry.

Now here, the reason why their Protoss and those human fleets have come so much is actually another mission, and because they don’t need to participate in the battle at the moment, their spaceships can help out in addition to picking up leaks on the periphery and occasionally shooting with main guns from a long distance. Besides, this is how the entire fleet of insects is watching the **** slaying and fighting with the enemies there at the far end of the starry sky.

While watching...

Not knowing that it was the high-ranking executive Serendia who had thought of something, he suddenly asked about the ‘compact’ human general who was two heads shorter than her.


"Why? Sorry, Excuse me, Executive Officer Serendia, why do you think so?"

Dreyus was stunned for a moment, then turned his head a little puzzled and puzzled, and looked at the high-ranking executive Serendia from the Protoss Dalem clan.

This time the expedition to this earth plane, the reason why the Terran fleet is led by him is because Galen still needs to be responsible for the magical research and theological development of Runeterra...Of course, there are some ulterior things about Galen. Secret?

Anyway, this time Dreyus led the team here. His main purpose is to collect the technology of the various alien races in this world, and then submit it to the Federal Academy of Sciences in the capital Haven, so that those research madmen Conduct relevant research?

Besides him, Zerg and Protoss also have different tasks!

For example, which phase technician Kerax behind Serendia’s high-level executive officer is responsible for building and analyzing the phased portal across the world and the Kepulu region, while the Zerg is responsible for devouring The genes of valuable aliens in this world and the establishment of a certain number of colonized planets in this universe as advance bases and so on.

As for being more specific, I won't repeat them one by one, and Delius didn't bother to pay attention to those trivial things.

"Our main plane Kepulu is now on an expedition to ued (Union Council of the Earth), and taking the entire galaxy can be said to be just around the corner..."

"As for the world of Mass Effect, let's not talk about it. Now the entire galaxy is now ours..."

"Even, our Reaper Legions, they should still be marching towards the Andromeda galaxy at this time. It must not be too difficult to occupy the outer galaxy closest to the Milky Way?"

"If we include other worlds we are currently in contact with, we currently have many forward bases and semi-colonies, but now, without having digested those worlds, we have rushed to expedition to this earth plane. Is this a bit Too poor and militant?"

"I always feel that doing this is very bad..."

The high-ranking female executive Serendia stopped here, and did not dare to continue to say too much.

After all, in addition to the requirements and orders of their little head of state, the dispatch of the fleet to this world is also authorized by the capital's tri-communal assembly. It is an order signed by high-ranking members of the tribes and the temporary head of state. Thrandia has no right to question!

And now that so much, she, as the supreme commander of this expeditionary fleet, has some suspicions of shaking the military's heart.

"Ha! You worry too much!"

"Executive Serandia, I understand what you mean... But, in fact, you can actually think like this: Our stellar area is not expanding outside, we are just trying to catch up with our greatest head Anne. In the footsteps, try not to let our entire Hero Federation fall too far behind, nothing more?!"

In fact, Delaeus also feels a little bit that since this period of time, their Kepru region and the Hero Federation are indeed a bit militant... Seriously, they are now more than just multi-faceted combat! Because, in addition to launching a unified war on the galaxy on the main plane of the Kepulu region, they also launched colonial operations on several planes at the same time, such as this world of planes?

And if it weren’t every time because of their "lucky" little head of Anne, they got amazing gains or got the assistance of those "indigenous" people, and even luckily got an entire galaxy and large enough to make Anyone who is staggering the Reaper Legion, now their star area is probably already unsupported and collapsed, right?

But fortunately, they survived, and now whether it is the Kepulusian area or other fully colonized and semi-colonial worlds, they are all in the midst of vigorous development after the war dividends.

It can be said that their federation has already mastered two galaxies, and now they are beginning to look at the new world with the earth and the galaxy...Speaking of which, does it seem a bit greedy?


"Follow the footsteps of the head of state? Is that really the case?"

Thrandia sighed like a murmur, then turned around again and looked up at the starry sky battlefield in the distance.

Now I can’t hear any sound from the main battlefield, but she doesn’t need to think about it. The battle over there must be very tragic... The greedy swarm is devouring those aliens with cellular intelligence. , Because they are determined to win the ethnic genes of those'eile dragons'!

This is not a battle. This is the overwhelming massacre of the tens of thousands of superior fleets and countless swarms of the Eilai Dragon fleet of less than 10,000. There is no honor at all! Therefore, their templars did not participate from the beginning to the end, and they did not even launch the main gun to assist, but they just kept on guarding behind the human fleet that was fighting in coordination.

Of course, as the supreme commander of the combined fleet, Serendia did not intend to stop the worms. After all, she had foreseen this kind of thing before leading the fleet to jump over... ...Furthermore, the Swarm can easily defeat the enemy, and in her opinion there is nothing wrong with it. It is more cost-effective than using the lives of human warriors and Protoss Templars.

"Of course!"

"Executive Officer Serendia, facts have proven that our great Lord Anne has been leading our Federation and the people of the three races to victory and to the glory of the supreme glory... Therefore, the will of the head of state belongs to our soldiers. mission!"

"On this point, no one can question!!"

Dreyus said with a decisive tone, making a fist viciously.

The reason why the Kepulu region and the Federation of Heroes have been able to develop into today’s superpower alliance that spans several worlds and occupies a huge galaxy, there is no doubt that it is almost all thanks to the gift of their Lord Anne. !

Although, that is not necessarily the intention of the other party... But in any case, always follow behind the great head Anne, chase the other side's footsteps and explore or conquer mysterious or unmysterious worlds. It is the soldiers of their federation. The glorious mission that no one can refuse! !

"Heh! Interesting!"

"General Dreyus, I suddenly felt...I shouldn't be leading the army this time. It should be Maras or Aranak, right?"

"You know..."

"After the depraved Sarnagar Emon they believed in was destroyed, they began to worship our Lord Anne I think if their fleet comes over, they will definitely Doesn't it fit you well?"

Rarely, after seeing the frenetic expression of the Admiral Dreyus next to him, Thrandia thought for a while, and then teased the opponent a little bit.

In the past, in the dark temple where the little girl combined with Sarnagar, Kerrigan and Nerazim, Zelato smashed them with a handful of Durham Protoss, and instantly controlled them. After all their members of the Durham Protoss clan, from the very beginning, Serendia hated a little girl from the bottom of his heart, but they couldn't resist it?


Today, I don't know why, but she thinks it seems that this is also quite good. At least, compared with all the countless options possible at the time, this is indeed an ideal perfect choice?

"Tadalim Protoss..."

Hearing Thrandia talking about those guys, Dreyus couldn't help frowning.

"Sorry! I'm not familiar with them..."

"Speaking of, you may not believe Ms. Serendia, our human generals, in addition to your Durham Protoss, we may be more willing to interact with Zeratul and Volazun and the fellows of the Dark Order. Cooperation?"

After spreading his hands, Delius laughed and laughed at himself.

Although the Tadalim Protoss are very powerful in combat, the fanatics of the heads of state are not good characters...Anyway, even if he is also the great head of Anne, Delaius himself, he certainly does not. Willing to be like those lunatics, mingling with those who worship the heads as gods!


"The battle is about to end, Dreyus, do you want to go to the earth with me later and meet the leaders of the men in black?"

There is no suspense at all in the battle in the distance, and she does not need to blindly command, so Serandia began to prepare to meet the leader of the mib organization in black in this world.


After reading the relevant information of the people in black who had been "secretly" obtained from the other party's database, she suddenly felt that those guys were compared with the Bear Shield in another earth plane world that closely cooperates with the Federation. , Seems to be much worse? !

"Of course, no problem!"

"But then wait until the battle in the distance is completely over?"

Before arranging the related matters of the fleet, Dreyus definitely did not have time to go to the earth to meet the people on earth.



I don’t know when, a naughty little girl in a black suit, black tie, black sunglasses, and black leather boots actually climbed onto the mast of this yacht. He hummed some kind of unknown song on top of himself, did not drop the little-dressed big and small sisters on the deck at all, and the obscene fat shipowner put it in his eyes?


What makes the ugly men and women below feel even more puzzled is: That little girl, still looks up at the sky from time to time? They don't know at all, what on earth can make that little guy be like that on the cloudless blue sky? !

Of course, although I don't understand, there are some things, as an adult and a certain wretched fat man as a captain, you still need to ask.

"Hey! Little guy!"

"Aren't you going to sleep in the cabin? You dare to climb that high, I warn you, if you accidentally fall down, I can't call an ambulance here!!"

No one knows when that little guy climbed up there. Anyway, when a wretched fat guy is ready to enjoy his party, he is ready to "hiring" with those high-paid models to spend a wonderful afternoon with him. When they were'playing', they looked up and found the weird little girl who had been fished out of the sea before.

The opponent climbed so high, they had already climbed to the horizontal rail above the mast of this yacht with dual power of propellers and automatic sails, and did not know what they were doing! Anyway, they only knew that once the opponent fell down, if they did not fall into the sea but fell onto the deck, they would definitely not be able to escape!

Besides, now this wretched fat captain is also a little impatient...

With such a little girl like a light bulb sitting on a mast, how can they hold that kind of shameless and unobstructed convention? !

If he knew that was the case, he shouldn't have fished the opponent out of the sea before, or when he saw other rescue ships coming over from patrol, he just transferred the opponent directly?

have a look,

Now his wonderful afternoon, he finally took the time to prepare for this sea party, it is very likely that such an inexplicable kid will really be upset! There is such a little girl sitting on top, no matter it is him or the little models who have been invited at a high price, it must be unavoidable...

"Oh! You continue to play with yours, don't care about me!"


"I'm waiting for someone to pick me up now. It won't be long. You should play your own kind of unashamed game without clothes!!"


Little Annie is now looking at the sky, ‘watching’ the war between the insect swarms and the ‘Evil Lailong’s between the Earth and Mars’ orbits, and she has no time to pay attention to the disgusting fat and obscure fat man below!

Moreover, she didn't understand why those beautiful big and small sisters would like that fat man. Is there anything special about him? However, she just took a few glances. In addition to making her feel more annoying, it seems that the other party really doesn't have anything to make her feel good about it?

"Damn it!!"

Such a big ‘little light bulb’ is sitting on it, unless he and the models are really crazy, otherwise, how could they still play that kind of hilarious party game?

"Hey! Little guy, who is coming to pick you up? Is it your family or the police?!"

He thought it was the obscene fat shipowner who had just dialed the satellite phone under the cabin. He felt a little annoyed about his fat head and his fat belly, before moving towards the mast very dissatisfied. The little girl asked.

Now, he just wants to coax the other party down quickly, and then find someone to accompany her in the cabin with her. Before their party is over, he will definitely not let the other party out to be an eyesore! !



"Oh, don't ask, you will know later, you fat guy is really annoying!!"


Annie is getting a little impatient. She will continue to'watch' the battle in the sky, and enjoy the sun and the cool sea breeze in the afternoon, where is there time to explain so much?

"You, you, this..."

The wretched fat shipowner was choked and didn't know what to say... He didn't understand, it was obviously his own yacht, and he had just rescued the other party, why can't he even ask? Yes, is there any reason for this? !


∑(△`)? !

"Ah! They came first..."


Little Annie didn't care about the fat man on the deck who was not angry and was about to explode. Instead, she turned her head and saw the sea in the distance.

There, a beautiful small yacht, the other side is fully turning on its motor, whizzing and making the sound of ‘sudden’, and it is coming here at high speed...

Obviously, it was not the group of guys who were fighting in the sky that Little Annie thought, but two familiar strangers in black suits and sunglasses! !



"What? Are they crazy? God, no!!!"

"Ahhh~! ! ’

'Hey! ! ’

The obscene fat ship owner seemed to have seen the ship that was slightly smaller than his own double-engine power yacht rushing at high speed from a distance, and then something incredible happened to him:

The other party didn’t even intend to slow down at all, but kept rushing over at high speed. While he and the young models were squeezing over him and the young models on the deck like a huge wave, they were still there Amidst the exclaims of those models, the yacht anchored on the sea slammed into him desperately! !

Bang! !

After a loud noise, the yacht with its mast and automatic sails shook violently, and before they saw a little girl sitting on the mast being thrown off by the violent shaking, it was a wretched fat ship owner. I fell down and rolled into a ball with the models...


"Damn it, who asked you to lean in, who gave you the rights? Do you know how much my yacht cost, and now you dare to crash it like this, you..."

When the fat ship owner, who was not injured much because of his body fat, groaned angrily and got up from the deck, he only saw the two men in black who drove the boat and hit him and jumped onto his deck. Come on, this made him roar in anger, and at the same time he was ready to turn back and ran into the cabin, took out his shotgun, and gave these two guys a good look! !


Click! !

Before he waited for the obscene big fat man to continue to say or do something, he just ran into someone else’s luxury yacht, and now a smiling man in black with big lips and black face pressed down the long strip in his hand. The switch of the shaped instrument caused a strong light to instantly sweep all the people on the deck of the yacht.

At this moment, the angry fat captain and the super-bodied models who were sitting on the deck moaning and crying were silent at the same time.

"All right!"

"Everyone, the weather is so good now, why don't you hurry up to rest in the cabin and have a good night's sleep? Go ahead, wait until the sun goes below the sea level, and quickly sail back to the port where you started. ..."

"Remember! You didn't see anything, there were no crashed flying machines, no weird little girls, and no us! You only remember that you had a happy uncovered party on the sea?"

"At last……"

"Fatty man, remember to pay double the price to these models! You crashed the ship on the right. You have to pay for the repair yourself, understand?!"

Seeing a certain fat man who would enjoy it so much, and there are so many models who accompany the party without cover, Agent J couldn't help but muttered a few words in his heart with a bit of envy, and then at the same time in an aggrieved tone. Finished up that perfunctory story.

Then, after taking a few deep glances at the models who were standing up under the influence of the'amnestic device' and staggering into the cabin dumbly, J let out a sigh of relief.

To be honest, j has been envious of such a decadent life for a long time...

He is really imbalanced, why are they working hard for the safety of the earth, but the other party can enjoy the sun, wine and so many beauties here? And if it weren’t for the strict discipline of their black-clothed special police officers who couldn’t use the'amnestic device' to do any'illegal' things, he would really want to use that interesting gadget that would give off a strong light. , Turn the models just now into his temporary lover of Agent J!


"Annie! Thank you for everything you do for the earth..."

After watching the miscellaneous people who have been driven by his assistant J to obediently walk into the cabin, K will smile heartily, raise his head, and look at the little girl sitting on the mast and say.

Now everything is solved!

The Zerg in appearance that attacked the Aquilonians and robbed the'Milky Way' has been killed by them. Now, whether it is the Aquilon battleship that threatens the safety of the earth or the fleet of'Evil Lai Dragons', they have also been killed. Driven or being wiped out... So, it can be said that they can finally let go of their hearts now.

It is also because of this that just after completing the task with his assistant, K will be the first time according to the positioning of the'twin', set sail and come here, and successfully found the one in front of him, which can be said to have saved the earth. , The little girl who has saved tens of billions of people on Earth.


!? (\'

"That... did I do anything?"

∑(△`)? !

Annie is a little puzzled, because ah, she seems to have really done nothing, so why does Uncle K come to thank herself so strangely?


(● ̄ ̄●)


Seeing the cute expression of the little girl and the little expression that seemed to be really curious, K stopped talking a little awkwardly, unable to express his gratitude. For a while, I didn’t seem to know what to do. How can I say it.

However, there is no doubt that he did not make a mistake just now. It is indeed this little guy who saved the earth and saved them. That's it!

"Hey! Little Annie..."

"K means, thank you for finding so many rescuers to save our earth from the battleships of the Acheronians and the fleet of the ‘Eile Dragon’?"

"God testifies, you did a great job, you really are a great girl!!"

Seeing that your companions are not good at expressing them, or are they a little ‘hypocritical’? Therefore, Agent J, who has big lips and dark skin and has never been shameless, expressed his gratitude loudly on behalf of the other party, and extended his equally black thumb.

Although J felt that the guys from Xie Lailong were provoked by this little girl, but I have to say that in the end the little girls still saved their planet once?



"Oh okay….."

"Actually, you don't need to be so polite! I didn't think about saving the earth or anything. I was just angry that those aliens wanted to bully me because of the number of people and spaceships. Then I was a little angry?"

That's right, the truth is like this!

Anyway, everything is the fault of the aliens of the "Evil Lai Dragon", who made their bad guys dare to do it twice or three times after she killed the guy who ran to the earth to kill and set fire. Send soldiers and warships to deal with yourself?

What's more, the more important thing is that those guys turned out to be ridiculous. They didn't even wait for the start of the game to shoot down her Viking fighter. She didn't know the rules at all, so she was angry and called for support directly. Give those "Xie Lailong" aliens a color to look at!

As for saving the earth...


Then I'm sorry, because no matter it was then or now, she really didn't think about that kind of serious boring thing... At that time, she seemed to just think about how to make herself happy?

But Whatever these people say, she won't care about the kind of problem that she saved the earth and the people on earth once by the way! Because when she wandered through other messy worlds, she had accidentally been the savior many times, not many times, she was used to it!


(● ̄ ̄●)



K and J looked at each other with some dumbfounding, and then they shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders helplessly. They didn't plan to argue with each other on this issue, because they came to pick up this little guy back to headquarters, and Z said Now, it must be before the senior officials of the terrible fleet of the opposing country officially visit the headquarters of the men in black?

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